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Semana 1

Skill actual: menos de 20 push-ups estándar *

Objetivo: 20 push-ups estándar

2 días / semana
10 push-ups ininterrupidas en el minuto durante 10 minutos

* Cuerpo completamente recto, sin rotura de la línea media, pecho al suelo en la parte
inferior con las caderas del piso, manos debajo de los hombros, rotacion interna en la
extension, rotacion externa en la flexion, pies juntos.

Semana 2
Stamina & Strength
Dia 1 Dia 2
Volumen Strength/stamina
3 sets:
10 L-seated dumbbell
Push-ups: tantas repeticiones como sea posible 5 wall walks (lo mas
en 3 minutos, trabajando hacia 60 vertical posible).

Semana 3
Skill Actual: 20 Kick up to handstand and hold con Buena postura
Objetivo: 5 strict handstand push up (sin AbMat)
Dia 1 Dia 2 Dia 3 Dia 4
Volume Specific strength General strength Specific strength
3×5 toes on box
pike push ups
2 x 12 decline push

2 x 12 L-seated
Acumular 40 toes on 10×1 negativas en dumbbell presses 10×1 negativas en
box pike push ups vertical sin abmat vertical en deficit
Semana 4
Skill Actual: 1 strict handstand push up & 5+ kipping handstand push ups
(unbroken, sin AbMat)
Objetivo: 5 strict handstand push ups & 10+ kipping handstand push ups
(unbroken, sin abmat)
Dia 1 Dia 2 Dia 3 Dia 4
Strength Kipping stamina Strict volume Kipping volume
10×1 deficit negative
HSPU 6 strict HSPU every
5×5 toes on box pike 3 x max kipping HSPU minute on the minute for 3-minute AMRAP
push ups max altura w/ 2:00 rest entre sets 10:00 kipping HSPU

Semana 5
Skill Actual: 5 strict handstand push ups & 10 kipping handstand push ups
(unbroken, sin AbMat)
Objetivo: 10 strict handstand push ups & 20 kipping handstand push ups
(unbroken, sin abmat)
Dia 4
Dia 1 Dia 2 Dia 3 Strict/kipping
Strength Strict volume Kipping speed stamina
4 sets:
5×5 dead stop strict 5 strict HSPU
HSPU Rest :20”
5×5 kipping deficit 8 strict HSPU every minute on 40 kipping HSPU Max set kipping
HSPU max deficit the minute for 10:00 for time HSPU

Semana 6
Skill Actual: 10 strict handstand push ups & 20+ kipping handstand push ups
(unbroken, sin AbMat)
Objetivo: 15 strict handstand push ups & 30+ kipping handstand push ups
(unbroken, sin AbMat)
Dia 1 Dia 2 Dia 3 Dia 4
4 sets:
5 deficit strict
Rest :20
5 x max set 40 kipping HSPU 8 ub strict HSPU every minute on Max set deficit
strict HSPU for time the minute for 10:00 kipping HSPU

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