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Alba Ruth Velandia Granados

1. Tema:
Temas vistos en el primer periodo académico:
 Descripción física
 Tipos de familia
 Relaciones familiares
 Significado de la familia en la vida de un adolescente

 Describe la apariencia física utilizando el vocabulario y estructura de presente simple.
 Identifica los tipos de familia utilizando vocabulario estructura del presente simple.
 Expresa relaciones familiares usando las formas afirmativa y negativa del tiempo presente
 Reconoce la importancia de la familia en su vida usando estructura del presente simple.


Los estudiantes deben realizar actividades de comprensión de lectura en Inglés y resolver preguntas que
atienden a la interpretación de los textos y al manejo de las estructuras gramaticales del tiempo presente
Responde en hoja de respuesta al final de la actividad.
Para realizar oraciones afirmativas y negativa en Inglés:

Para usas verbos en las terceras personas del singular

Para realizar preguntas con DO Y DOES

Es una nota que va en la casilla del SABER HACER.
Se debe responder en la hoja de respuestas que está al final del cuestionario.

27 de marzo de 2020
Contestar en la hoja de respuestas que está al final del cuestionario. Escriba su nombre completo y
curso en la hoja de respuestas.
Enviar solamente, hoja de respuestas al correo

A. Read the following text

Photo: Gustavo Martínez. Revista Cromos, No. 4856,

21 de diciembre de 2012.
Falcao García, jugador de futbol.
He is Radamel Falcao García, he was born in Santa Marta, he is Colombian, he is 27 years old and he is
Christian. He has a wonderful family, his mother is Carmenza and his father is Radamel. He has two sisters,
they are Melanie and Michelle; Melanie is 16 years old and Michelle is 14 years old. Falcao is married, his wife
is Lorelei Tarón, she is an Argentinian singer, she is very pretty and she has blond hair; now she is pregnant
and they live in Spain. Falcao is an important and famous soccer player, now, he plays with Monaco team, and
he is known as “The tiger”. He was champion of the European League with the Porto team, in this occasion, he
showed proudly a t-shirt that said “With Jesus you’ll never be alone”. He began his playing career in the lower
divisions of Millionaires. Then, he played with the Argentinian club River Plate team, after that, he was with the
Porto in Portugal and, after leaving scorer in the European League with 17 goals he became the top scorer in a
season in the history of the competition. Radamel Falcao García Zárate is the Colombian player with the most
goals in Europe.
Radamel Falcao is a shy person, humble, very respectful. In his free time, he likes to listen to music; he likes to
listen to Coldplay, U2, and Oasis. He reads the Bible every day and he kisses his wife before going practicing
soccer. In the photograph, Falcao wears casual clothes; in this case, he wears a white t-shirt, a black jacket,
blue jeans and a pair of black sneakers. He has pale complexion, his hair is black, straight and long. He has
black and big eyes.
According to the reading about Radamel Falcao García answer the following questions:
1. What does he do?
a. He is a soccer player
b. He is a priest
c. He is a goal keeper
2. What does his wife do?
a. She is a housewife
b. She is independent
c. She is a singer
3. Who does he play with?
a. He play with Monaco
b. He plays with Monaco.
c. He playing With Monaco
4. What does Falcao look like?
a. he has nigger complexion, he has black, straight and long hair, he has brown and small eyes.
b. he has brunette complexion, he has black, curly and short hair, he has brown and small eyes.
c.He has pale complexion, he has black, straight and long hair, he
has black and big eyes.
5. What does Falcao’s wife look like?
a. She is a little chubby and she is reddish hair, she has some freckles and a mole on her face.
b. She is very elegant and she is twenty five years old, now she takes care her children.
c.She is very pretty and she has blond hair; now she is
6. What does he do in his free time?
a. He likes to listen to music; he likes to listen to Coldplay, U2,and Oasis.
b. He likes to listen to music; he likes to listen to Maroon 5, The Strokes, Sam Smith and Avicci.
c. He likes riding on horse every weekends.
7. Who reads the Bible every day ?
a. Lorelei
b. Radamel´s parents
c. Radamel
8. How many sisters does he have?
a. He has an adopted brother.
b. He has two sisters.
C. He has two brothers
9. Where does he live?
a. He live in Spain
b. He lives in Italy
c.He lives in Spain.
10. how old are Melanie and Michelle ?
a. Michelle is 16 years old and Melanie is 14 years old
b. Michelle is 14 years old and Melanie is 16 years old
c. Michelle has 14 years old and Melanie has 16 years old

B.Complete the following text according to conversation between Anna and Sue.

Sue is a beautiful girl, she is a student, she has (11)_____, curly and long hair, she wears a (12)____
sweater,and she wears a dark blue (13).____ and (14) _______sneakers. Her favorite color is blue, she loves
(15) _______ but
she hates dark. Sue has a friend, she is Ann.
Ann(16) ____ a green sweater, a blue skirt and black tennis. Her favorite colors (17)___ red and black. She
(18)______ like green or pink.

11.a. wavy b. straight c. blond

12.a. loose b. red c. tight
13.a. tie b. jean c.scarf
14.a. White b. heels c. slippers
15. a. blue b. green c. dark
16. a. has b. wears c.uses
17. a. is b. are c.isn´t
18. a. doesn´t b. don´t c. isn´t

C. Complete the sentences with a correct adjective.

19. My Mother is so ______ because I don’t eat vegetables.
a. furious b. happy c. nervous
20. The teacher is ______ about my grades.
a. happy b. worried c. nervous

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El 27 de marzo de 2020

PLAN DE REFUERZO Asignatura: Inglés Grado:

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


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