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This article originally appeared

in the May 2008 issue of

The journal of
high-performance business

On the Edge

Computing in the clouds

By Kishore S. Swaminathan, Chief Scientist, Accenture

Geeks are not generally known for colorful know or care which cloud a given raindrop
metaphors. But “cloud computing,” a comes from. Within this rather broad definition,
metaphor that captures the imagination there are at least three discernible categories
as well as the essence of an emerging of cloud computing.
computing paradigm, may be one of those
rare exceptions. Hardware cloud. This is a very large and very
sophisticated data center that lets you use
Among other things, cloud computing its hardware—servers, storage, network—for
promises sourcing flexibil-ity for hardware a use-based charge. You can, among other
and software, variable (as opposed to fixed) things, run your enterprise applications, store
costs for IT, continuous (as opposed to step) your data or execute e-commerce transactions.
upgrades for mission-critical enterprise soft-
ware, centralized management of user soft- Need more processing power, storage or
ware, and arguably better security against bandwidth during crunch time? No problem.
malicious attacks and data theft. Although The hardware cloud infrastructure expands
the phrase “cloud computing” is somewhat or contracts to accom-modate your need,
new, many of the underlying technologies and you pay only for what you use. Exactly
are relatively mature and available. how the provider does this or precisely
where the computing takes place, you don’t
Cloud computing refers to the sourcing of know and, theoretically, you don’t care.
some capability—hardware, software, execu- Amazon’s Elastic Computer Cloud, or EC2,
tion of a business process—from somewhere is an example of a hardware cloud.
“out there.” The users of the capability don’t
know and don’t care exactly where it comes Software cloud. Also known as Software as
Outlook 2008
from or how it’s put together, much the same a Service, or SaaS, this is specialized software
Number 2 way a grateful farmer in a drought doesn’t (say, for customer relationship management)
that runs on a hardware cloud some- against malicious attacks, and
where, typically (although not always) performance requirements—may well
someplace other than your own data determine the direction in which
center. Your employees use a web cloud computing evolves and its
browser to access it; typically, you very success.
pay by the number of users, or seats.
The provider manages the hardware If you have just one SaaS provider—
and software capacity needed to say,, for customer
support the required number of relationship management—the theory
seats and the service level you is that you’d locate your CRM data
want. Exactly where the hardware with In practice,
resides or how the software is however, you’ll probably have some
configured, the users don’t know proprietary applications running in
and again, theoretically, don’t care. your own data center that use the is an example of same CRM data.
a software cloud.
Furthermore, if you use one provider
Desktop cloud. This runs the desk- for CRM, another for human
top applications you’d normally resources and yet another for enter-
install on your home or office prise resource planning, there’s likely
computer (such as word processing to be considerable overlap across
or spreadsheets) from a hardware the data used by the three providers
cloud via the Internet, yet provides and the proprietary applications that
you the same experience as if the run in your own data center.
application ran locally. A complex
caching mechanism distributes the So where do you locate the data?
computation across your computer,
the Internet itself and remote data The platform scenario. Some SaaS
centers so that you literally cannot providers are morphing from providers
know exactly what computation of a single vertical capability (such
takes place where.1 Google Docs, as CRM) into providers of SaaS
Yahoo’s Zimbra and Microsoft Live “platforms” that bundle their vertical
are examples of desktop clouds. capability with a development environ-
ment and an integration environment.
Although each of these categories The theory is that while you may use
is mature enough for early adopters— multiple SaaS providers and proprietary
for example, Amazon boasts more applications, one of the providers
than 10 billion objects on its storage will be the first among equals, hosting
cloud; reported all your data and providing you with
more than $740 million in revenues a development environment where
for its 2008 fiscal year; and Google you can integrate your data with all
counts General Electric and Procter the applications (including other
& Gamble among the users of its SaaS) that use the data.
desktop cloud—there are some
important enterprise-grade issues Database-as-a-service scenario. One
that have yet to be addressed. provider—which could be your own
data center—only hosts the data and
Three issues—where data resides, provides “database as a service” to
the security of software and data all the applications. Although this

It may seem like you need continuous connectivity to the Internet to use your desktop applications.
2 But desktop clouds are evolving toward intermittent connectivity rather than continuous connectivity,
Outlook 2008 through caching and a technology called RIA, or rich Internet applications (see “Rich Internet applications:
Number 2 Enabling the next-generation Web,” Outlook, September 2006).
model has yet to emerge, it’s a distinct Performance
possibility and would have the While the Internet is fast enough
advantage of not tying you to a to transmit data to a user from a
single SaaS provider for all your remote server, it’s not fast enough
data and integration needs. to handle large transaction volume
with stringent performance needs
Security if the applications have to access
When it comes to using third-party their databases through the Internet.
hardware and software, security
is perhaps the single biggest issue Ecosystem clouds. To solve the
for most companies. While this is performance problem, yet another
likely to be a significant near-term type of computing cloud is likely to
concern, one could argue that a emerge—a full ecosystem of enter-
large SaaS provider whose entire prise SaaS (for ERP, HR, CRM, supply
business is predicated on securing chain management) plus database as
its clients’ data and applications a service, all within a single hard-
Although individual would be in a better position to ware cloud.
aspects of cloud do so than the IT organization of
a single company. In fact, besides performance, an
computing are relatively ecosystem cloud has the added
mature and usable In fact, Citigroup recently purchased advantage of better integration across
30,000 seats from the different providers that are part
today, how they will for its CRM needs after extensive of the same ecosystem. Much the
evaluation of the latter’s security same way that today’s enterprise
all come together is infrastructure. With respect to desk- software falls into distinct ecosystems
far from clear. top clouds, it’s noteworthy that (Microsoft, Oracle, SAP), in the long
last year Google acquired Postini, run, cloud computing may well
a company specializing in enterprise organize itself into distinct ecosys-
security and regulatory compliance. tems, each consisting of a hardware
The point is that all the providers cloud and a set of complementary
are endeavoring to improve their (non-competing) SaaS providers and
offerings to meet clients’ enterprise- a database-as-a-service provider.
grade security needs.
Experimentation—for now
But for some companies, particularly For small and large companies alike,
in sectors such as defense, aerospace cloud computing provides several
and brokerage, security and compli- potential benefits, including lower
ance requirements (including the IT costs, faster deployment of new
physical location of data) may make IT capabilities, an elastic IT infra-
public clouds—hardware or software— structure that can expand or contract
unacceptable. as needed and, most important, a
CIO freed from the more mundane
Gated-community clouds. In much aspects of managing the IT infra-
the same way that gated communities structure. In fact, industry analyst
are designed to keep out the riffraff, Gartner estimates that by 2012, one
highly selective private clouds or in every three dollars spent on
consortia are likely to emerge with enterprise software will be a service
dedicated networks that connect only subscription rather than a product
their members. Unlike a single com- license, and that early adopters will
pany’s data center, a private cloud purchase as much as 40 percent of
can consolidate the hardware and their hardware infrastructure as a
software needs of multiple companies, service rather than as equipment.
provide load balancing and economies
Outlook 2008
of scale, and still alleviate many of However, although individual aspects
Number 2 the security concerns. of cloud computing are relatively
mature and usable today, how they Outlook is published by Accenture.
will all come together and which of © 2008 Accenture.
the scenarios discussed will play out All rights reserved.
is far from clear.
The views and opinions in this article should
not be viewed as professional advice with
Consequently, companies that take respect to your business.
a tactical approach of experimenta-
tion—moving aging, non-strategic Accenture, its logo, and
applications to a hardware cloud; High Performance Delivered
using SaaS for processes that don’t are trademarks of Accenture.
have a significant data overlap with The use herein of trademarks that may
other critical processes; experimenting be owned by others is not an assertion of
with network-based desktop for small, ownership of such trademarks by Accenture
nor intended to imply an association between
deskbound workforces—can gain Accenture and the lawful owners of such
valuable experience and insight into trademarks.
how to take advantage of cloud
computing as it matures. For more information about Accenture,
please visit
As this paradigm evolves and
matures (to solve the data, security
and performance issues), there will
be ample time to develop a long-
term strategy. For CIOs, that may be
the silver lining in cloud computing.

Kishore S. Swaminathan is based

in Chicago.

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