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This chapter describes finding and discussion. In this chapter the researcher
presents the answer of research question that contained in the first chapter. The research
questions are: 1) How is students’ English vocabulary mastery by listening English songs?
2)What are obstacles encountered by the students?

4.1 Findings

This finding is gained through questionnaires for answering the two reseach

4.1.1 Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery By Listening English Songs

A. Data From Questionnaires

Do you like listening to English songs?


90% Sometimes

Chart 1

The chart 1 above shows the students interest toward listening English songs to
increase their vocabulary mastery. The majority of the students wich is 90% of students like
to listen to English songs. 10% do not really listen to English songs. Based on these data it
can be concluded that the song can be one of the media to increase students' vocabulary
mastery. Acccording to Fimela, (2016) “Music or song is one of the entertainment that can
make us feel calmer, more comfortable and happy. But, music can also make us feel more
disappointed, sad and upset. Researchers have found that music is actually one of the things
that can have a profound effect on a person's psychology. therefore, many people like to
listen to songs. However, not everyone likes to listen to the songs. Researchers reveal that
people who don't like the sound of music are likely to experience something quite
problematic in the nerves of their brain”.

What is your purpose in listening English songs?

To Entertain
Add Vocabulary

To Know How to Pronounce a

35% Word

Chart 2

The data shows the purpose of students listening to English songs. Most of them
listen to the songs only for entertainment, including 40% of 100%. While 35% of students
listen to English songs to add their vocabulary. 25% of 100% they listen to English songs to
find out the pronunciation of the words they hear. Thus, the researcher conclude that the
purpose of students listening to the songs was for entertainment and to add to their
vocabulary, as well as to find out how to pronounce a correct word. According to Cecep, S.
(2019). English songs are great language packs that combine culture, vocabulary, listening,
grammar and a host of other language skills in just a few verses. In addition, Pras, A.
(2019) states that “Songs teach good pronunciation. This will happen if the students listen
to the song properly and correctly. In their daily activities, those who like to listen to songs
will never be separated from singing while taking a bath, eating, going to school and so on.
This is what will continue to hone your pronunciation skills better by listening to songs.”
How often do you listen to English songs?

45% Once in two days

25% Never

Chart 3

Based on the data above, the majority of the students listen to the songs every day.
45% of students listen to a song every day, 30% of students do not necessarily whenever
they listen to the song, and 15% of students listen to the song once in two days. Therefore,
listening to English songs can improve students' vocabulary mastery. According to
Anggriani, A. P. (2018) “Research shows that 86% of participants listen to their favorite
songs once a week. Uniquely, almost half of the research participants listen to the songs
every day”.

Does vocabulary learning through listening to

the songs increase your interest in learning

15% Yes
85% Maybe

Chart 4
From the chart above learning vocabulary by the songs can attract students to learn
English. The majority of the students’ wich is 85% of students' interest in learning English
increases when songs are used as media in their learning. 15% of students are not too sure if
vocabulary learning through songs can increase students' interest in learning English. Based
on these data it can be concluded that vocabulary learning through songs can increase
student interest in English. According to Educenter (2019) “Many ways you can do to make
the moment of learning English fun. Learning can be done anywhere and at any time, it
does not have to always be formal, but can be through light and simple things, such as:
learning through entertaining media, such as listening to the songs, watching the video,
youtube, or even communicating through chattroom media or other social media”.

Is listening to English songs increase your


35% Yes
65% It can be happen

Chart 5

The data shows listening to English songs can increase students’ vocabulary.
Most of students’ which is 65% of students can add new vocabulary from listening to
English songs. While 35% of students are less aware that when they listen to English songs
their vocabulary increases. It can be concluded that when students listen to a song they get
a new vocabulary. Fitni, N. D. (2019) states that one of the easy way to study English is
listening to English songs. many people like music, therefore this can be used as a trick in
speaking English especially for those who are still beginners. With their habits of listening
to English songs, they can directly add their vocabulary so that it will facilitate them in
using English.

How do you get the meaning from the songs that you
Translate through online
25% Searching through the internet

Asking to the other people

Guessing the meaning

Chart 6

Based on the data above, 55% of students understand the song they listen to by
searching the meaning of the song on the internet, while 25% of students translate the song
through an online dictionary. 20% of students guess the meaning of the song through
videos on the song. From these data, it can be concluded that the majority of students
search the meaning of the song through the internet to find out the meaning of the song that
they listen. According to Taya, B. (2017) “In this technological era, it is certainly easy to
download English songs. The students can studying while listening to music is very fun for
them. At this stage, they do not just listen to the song. They have to listen carefully to the
lyrics and then write them down in your notebook or gadget. After that, write the song
lyrics, check the lyrics on the internet. Is it all right or is there something wrong”.
Is listening to the songs effective to improve your

25% Yes
75% No

Chart 7

Based on data above, listening to English songs is effective in increasing students'

vocabulary mastery. 75% of students agree with that statement, because it is easier to
remember, and can add vocabulary indirectly. Whereas 25% think that listening to English
song might be effective for learning, because sometimes some people do not care about the
meaning. The researcher conclude that listening to English songs is effective to improve
students' vocabulary, and effectively for the learning process. Sugandi, B. (2014) states that
“the use of English song as medium to learn vocabulary is one of the ways to improve
students’ vocabulary mastery. It is expected that English songs as the medium to learn
vocabulary can help the students increase their vocabulary. By learning English song, the
learner can enlarge their vocabulary, improve their pronunciation, accuracy, and fluency in
speaking”. In addition, according to Nurhayati. (2009) “the song is a multipurpose media
for language learning. All the features in the song support the learning process. All
language skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) can be taught using songs. Songs
are alternative media to facilitate language learning, especially the sentence structure. The
song has a number of advantages. Expert as well as practitioners in the field of language”.
4.1.2 The Obstacles Encountered By The Students In Vocabulary Mastery by Listening
English Songs

A. Data From Questionnaires

What are the obstacles in listening to songs

as a medium for improving your
Do not know the meaning
50% Unclear pronunciation
There is no obstacle

Chart 8

The chart 8 shows the obstacles felt by students in listening to songs as a medium to
improve students' vocabulary mastery. 50% of students get into trouble when they don't
know the meaning of the song. while 45% of students feel unable to understand a song
because of its unclear pronunciation. 5% of students don't get acquaintances when listening
to English songs. therefore, to overcome these obstacles, teachers should choose songs
according to the level of students to be taught.

4.2 Discussion

This part describes some important points, based on the findings above. One
important point is the implication, based on the explanation in the previous part, the
researcher catch that students' English vocabulary mastery by listening English songs
effectively used in learning process, because listening to the songs can make it easier for
students to remember vocabulary and not make the situation in the classroom boring.
However, there are difficulties in listening to a song, because there are differences in
pronunciation and writing contained in the lyrics of the song.

Furthemore, the researcher proves to explain some of the strengths and weaknesses
of this research. This research helps teachers to find out the problems get by the students
when they listen to the English song as a learning medium so that the teachers can adjust
the songs that are right for their students. They can make other research with this research
as a source or reference. The weakness of this study is that the researcher did not determine
the respondents from the questionnaire made by the researcher.


Based on the data in the previous chapter (findings and discussion), it can be
concluded that listening to English songs can help students improve their English
vocabulary mastery because, when students listen to English songs they will know some
words that they have never heard or even know before either consciously or unconsciously.
However, there are some obstacles in listening to an English song that is when the students
just enjoy the song without regard to the meaning of the song. To find out more about
mastering English vocabulary, the authors suggest a journal written by Cecep Setiawan
with the title joutnal is "Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Listening Song

Saleh, F.R., Pudjobroto, A.H., Asrori, M. (2013). Improving Vocabulary Mastery by Field
Trip and Drilling, 45-51.

Setiawan, C. (2019). Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Listening Song,


Anggraini, A. P. (2018). Alasan Mengapa Kita Tak Bosan Mendengar Lagu Favorit
Berulang Kali.

Fimela.(2016). Inilah Alasan Kenapa Beberapa Orang Tak Suka Mendengarkan Musik.

Pras, A. (2019). Tips Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Mendengarkan Lagu.

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