Está en la página 1de 329


Understanding Asf!"Cts of. CDv~·t Intera.ction

With Ali~ CUl·tur,e, Techfiolori, And .. Planetary Power S·t...~ures

'ICn.f. J..i!l

V'~ l....;:i-- .... ·- Val ''!!iii''!. . a",,!II:Ii.U:1C:-L. . . . I. er 1 YU

COpYrigh,t 1 '988,


Th.iS, project is: the di,stillat,ion of over fifteen

years of' research" CU,t ,of those fifteeny,e,ars; the las't

y,ear has beert nost sl9lliflea1nt" ~st af 'the controve.rsia~

.~,....,+o ... ~'!!> ' "Oli~~' p."'"', ..... l' t, 'Alth-'··~ f- ,

'UI;;!,..Q nas .~~'WW an 6.!,= ·as . :i,ear ~_, -,)ou~,~ SQ1'e 0= l,t may

:50 ,many ,sources that it is .00 longer a question of co,i,ncidefi,cs: .. ,

I, ~ --, ,,-~ ~:;.., ... ,t ·p.Ib ... 'f."ll "-.' \0. ..... ~+-.- .;I.' ..

am c:onv oW, ~~ u J,Q,' -, u~, , 0', w..'sl.C ~ ~L~ are ~rue ,"'

o lhe <Government has captured alien 'technolcqy and has interacted 'With them to ensure a similar

,...;l-..-.,l rrwmt f -"'.... ....-....;~, .... -l~ .. 10~ th",6 ,;:;-~~ l' "'-s

1;...tCV~' ,o~r~ 0. ~ c~ u,tI;"iI ____:~.;: a.L: .... j _')ru; ,~u~_l. .. ~,·"

0, t'T'Ib,...._ t""'---""''I!te:~,t -~;. ........ """ ~ .... 5' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,;~ f:~""'l.· 11.' ti,' .. ~ .LIIC ~-v~"'4.II1RW.I.1. i!1I~"~,,5. W~_~ .. v·~ ....... I 1 ....... ~".: _ '~I

of ~ich are jointly o:cupied by alien entities.

o Oif ferent ali'en species are: interact.i.nq with htwan ,be.1nqs~ Scme of the alien spi:e.ies maintain unde:rground .f acili ties i .Burmns are. eeing rrani pulated in these fac-il.i ties .'

0' Manipulation of the human species extends to ve'ry deep Levels; levels, of alien mani.pul.a,ticn affect.

1 "1-· t- - -t'- ~'1 -"fo.~~,. - .',

numan evQ",U_ lOflj genell.CS; ana p,ane~,l ~

s .... _,· ..... t" ",_eo l~~.I~~!1

o Varia,us, oot'ities that have, a non-terrestri,al oriqin walk freely ,among' US~

o MJ -1 2/PI-4. 0/54,- ,.2 organizations do { ,and did) exist ..

:1\ .... ..: ......... 1' .o'l 'h' t ' 1- t.1- - - - iI.-. ; fiw"! -_.,::o~

o na..y.:a.LQ any,:L.INln m'U" 1 ai, r OIlS are ~ ..... ~ ~ J;.. J;, H~ ..

0- Atduction, ,of human beings occurs on a regular basis"

o Alien inter,action with ti1-:be hl.lJlBn oammUty 'w,ili s-oon have increased .:iJr;:act on socrety.

0. A num un u m ,of 70 species: are ~nteractin9 W"l th our planet i four or f.i ve alie..11! seeeaes are (bing the' ros t l..,l'I'lt..eraction •

o Star fdars 1 SDI; and the, ,!! $~ce pro;ram~ I are s'l..IperIi C ial public oonstructs that are ttfrontsH for ,fun:di:n,g ctner ~'i'black pro'j ects,11 ..


' ... ·-1.,....1

J- t I

o The - .n.i. t.ed S ta SInd ~~e sov ~e t Union are not adverSaI'.ies at a.ll, es:p; in t.e_~ of lnteracti-on wlth alien species ..

o The ;] ect 1 oose 1 y 11;U ternat ive Three 1111 .i.s .at least 60% true.

c J.\l iens ha ve at f eC't-ed t.'1e buman rel i.g.iou.s systems .•

o of the IrOst oucspokan l.1F'(:iI..()3IS'I'S 'W()rk for and wi th the G.')ve:rr:tmEm t.

o The public is being' a.ocl,Ura·ted th .. ~ugh the: ~a to the fol1CMing ~nfoI1Iliation!

'j; "0""'.1" nfo rc =1'I'lioi:Io1- t .- f'- th~ Hi""'!.r; '.f,;.. Ld" '. t

. .nc', _ .. _. " ' .. 'i;'!.~~1f"[ 0. . I,..; V.I. JiE2. rNr· ne,ep· ...

'1t' Alioo~ do exist and are anong us ... *' Alien rnoti vas :may not be pleasant +

*' iii. . '+0.............. . f: tho d'eh' . . - t,~ f···· .

. l"i'ccep t...Q.i!. ~.e 0'· . e· ~- _. I .l..on 0 , man .• ,

o Mind control is actively be,ing used bY' alien entiti·es insor,ar as 'their ability to :rnanipulate the human roind is ·bein.g used to' ,sul::due hunan beings for til:rtir own p.1.l!'FOses ...

o The ~. and otLiler Governrnen:t. agencies have used. Mind COntrol Techniques t-o perform. ass:a_s ina.ti005 and to

furth· .r. er' n~-:a'tl· v.e. ~ . .,.,. ;1",1- _ !n.e; 4;.iI-.· ... t; ar' N'P,t·· rprodi '·~l· ""f .

I. ~. . '_:~g .. : ··ow ..... ~ a 1/..., ·O!!-.a:..:..· 'Y w:l._ '.''e .;... ...:w. ... e.' :·.L!.:,;:.~,~,,_,\..rC, v'8

to hUfl'lat'l progr,e,5s ~

O T.'I'..- Id .~, -I· t' -- .. - -. .. t _ ., - ,,_. th·· 1; - . nvr ,.'. _loon ·groups. are am ~ven W1.. " a ~a~.

........... *"' r - 1 t'If'l!"\i"'iU-- Th _. Ill- 11""'';; n.91t.··· a 'l~"""~""""" reo r.....,. ·f.II'~C oj 1-

........... rr~ a . ~'-,!,o;';" ,ps.. ....~ 'e .... _ oA.I.~IO.LL.~ 1. t .'J.. "';"'"G,.Io. ~ '~e . ,.:::I!, ....uu!..~, ...

on Foreign .Re;latl,onst Trilateral Cctmlis$,ioo; CIA, .fBI,.

N'C'~ 'NRO' th- . - . '~::;;j~_L" ..... _A· a1 ~.-" - , .. _..;:;II "".h, ..

·.I~ft t , . @ m.J. 1,........w" 11 T . ri@SErv-e ~ ~ O~.Ii&

'gT"O'UPS have areas wit.;.un them that have conspired to rul'e th..ri; ~~ld under a d.:.mina.ti1oo based sYs,ten. Thi,s

. .

system is. carmit:ted to the dehumanizat.ion of iM.I1 and the ~~cne WeJr.'id'·1 concept .. Sociiety is maintainro in a stati C' stat:e of disarray" fostered by ego--orientoo

."..~ -' . t' . that; f . . . .. .: t . ti - -, 11' .. 'i!"'"

.;w;_1,.,,~ Vl.. ne.s Ulld.. OO.lS· on secur i -y, sensa on il' ana porrve ......

The!'ie are rrany m::>r,e areas to cover, and I am S:ur'E t.~t you will reach $OfIe: conclusions yoursel.f + These conclusions may not be comfortable, but they will appear. You will think. very hard

after reviewing t.bis book .. , That lS the .~se of it~ To stimulate thought and change within t.he conscaousness of those 'who rea-a it ..

~'I:e "re all a.fter· peace. .:_ n our 1.i ves • 'We .all 'WMlt and need '~'_e .$aroo~ ltina of thi.ngs. out of L~. f 9.: ( in the end ) + Someda:y, we nay see a 1:et.ter wro:rld ~d a better life for all beings, no rratte.r

,···';"'·er· th··· es . . .. 'f- '-:- """- '- ~l~ .~. ' ·t,· - A........;! t·· ~ 1""'I,~......t- of 'th·;:!!;.·

'!'l,Ll e - ey C'Cme: ', JI..1'!'~S ~J<.. 1$ ,In· en~, -0 ~ ,~I". '. ~ ""'

start of t.i1at process~ Read it." reflect on it,! and do a littl'9! che.ckincr on vour cJWn,. You 111 be nlad YOU did.~

'~ I ~ ~


Not.,ice:. All inf'QlrmatiofJ. ,am. data for this ~rk 'f~e. ootained b'ttough vari-ous sources in the publ i.e d:tnain ~


This, rep.x1:. is. a a:NF!DfNTIAL ~rk. t.l:Lat 1.s wt.ended for revi,e,.J by' the serr ic:u.s researcher.f and as Sl.m'eS a ba.s..ic f ami 1 iar i. t Y' '\o.d til the g~

I!!!" ,I;..,)-.""'_""'" ~~·tt;ea,'t'" ';;n thl . .". £':1' ,sl'; d' -It· ~-~ e 'iF'w""·t ....... ~ -,...,.__A S~l' f..j; -. 'ly' f' 0 ·th·,.J!!I.

.... J~ ~ ... , ~II!~ .. ~ • I ;~ _ .~.:__'_:.. • , ... ~ II~ - ~J.L~U~~ . ,,~~.:_:_~~~ ... : 1 ';~

general p.1bl.iC ..



l.'1a:ny 't.l1.ariks 00 to ·tfl.e' r,e:searchers who have trade a real. -

• . . .. ".1 _ _ . _ I ...... "!""" .IIIII;;;III iII~ _ _ _ .. I . . __.' ' _ _ _

. ' ........ .;; '10-.. "tio' -: ·IF..... ·th-'·-· .. t" "I"'\@ of' 'L----~·1..M· .... · . '~.~ '1... .... ,.y. - -. ~ ,.... th- . ~e.o. ,0""'"1 "jp..._,)" ~,,..,. ..

~,'-IL WI;.!. . n 'bV ~ ,e 51.040' ' , N,l"-""'!!·~e .w;; ~,IiI:·e ~II,.. .. .'~ ,;I1"IiII,.,o' =.....~,~


Gray Barker Ralph ~scn

~~'H k .. _._ 9".i.A.J .' op~ ~

Jozaa John Keel

Jdln Lear Wendell,e. S·tevens

Bruce cathie Alsen, Fry

Ted. Holiday .Bttry Gr,~ GeCJ.r;:lH2~ .Andr~

_. ~

~ 't'!....;;a ... '"

.l~d..L ~rtS

l.ei-t Ta...ry .Joopeh ca t,u Shakti Ga..wain, Clifford Stone Lya.ll Wa t.son Rho Sigma,

D:ia1 Wi Lson Wilhelm ,Reich Ray Stanford

o .. Scott Rcqo 01 err ie HL""j)Ue

'Linda ~ ton Howe leonard Stringfield "Whi tiey Strieter Ja,cques V:all~

I\1'a1l ,~50n

'Tr'~''l:jII;'''I;¥ JI """"-'-~""'I"'ll e " =I""~ • ~~~J ..

'Wi.lliam Steiman Rilley IJ;o C:ra,oo,

D,~ Ha tm1e.t' Olildres,s ,Mi c.h.a.el Std th I.a;~'Tenoe. F'aweett John Andr~.

Tan ~·rden.

Ni:kOla. Tes la.

C. W' ~,I.eadbe.a.t'er William 1.1:ore Melena ,

J ~. lock.. :F1dler Aileen Edwards

J:ahn ~ray

'CIo."~1'~ e ~ ..... ' ...... n"" ~ t-4.' w'~l~

J.:=.~ ~..-~'-...4~ ~;L

Andri j a PI..lharich MaI:ge Blakely

~ ~
[!I' 'i
I I' [


. .

Tan Adams., f.or p.ermi.ssioo to qu:ote iiGRI:.D:iE 13: ~ CR PDI,l'T'Y"?I'm frcrn

r Stigmata No •. 141 ..



1be author ~shes to thank, the follC'w'irlq aut:.h?rs for p;rmi.ssion to c:h:dl\lrl fran tlieir ~rks. ,fo·r ,incl'!J..Sion in. 'IltE: ~:

'j.,....._'h,_" u.-.....=.lI f~' . . . ... - --:........ .. .......... f It,..~ O~ "'T1a"'~' ~'fi.lo..,.. ur.;::"E"".::"I'~'

..... 'Ul.!.!i.~ ........ ~, or pemuSS.loo. ~ quo,~ .. rem !.J.,"~ .:'.ir'~, ..j ,.L~I"i.L,"1 ,:;rr.....~.Jl:. ,~

t -l' 'X··i!l '.1[' '~ ';I:.' ·.t ." '.1;: :~ :;;- .~ • .t,:. ';t,: ·,to: ~ c· O"'T'~ "j r~E· ~T A" T .....

• _;. 11 ... , _ U' _ ~.. .....,.,.


The Media Conn~ct1ou

. As ,au,thor and p,ubll,she'r ROOe,rt C. G-ir'ard pO:1'nts, out i.n his 'wCI'rk I·'~ p'b:enc_~na Con5p1,raG'Y~'!', the,!"'e 15 ~ sign,if ic,an,t pr-oc,lem with our sociQ;t,y "th~ .. t lends:'!'lf to :malnt.a1n1n,g the state cf confusiOu as far as the public 1s coneerae4,

The work b'1 1(r. Girard 1,6 ,an ,attemDt t~ p,oint ou't :some

... ,

of 'the e,Qnstants 1n, oUt'" 5:eH;ie,ty~ 4.'nd I 'will take the t,i,me

tQ e,laboI""a. te' on ~;ome of those pcrints..,

One, c£' t,he Da"in pOin.ts <that Ml:. 'G!.rard brings out 1:5 tc.e,'t media -pl.ay. s ~rn import4n,t T"U!'.rt, in, OQr i5'OC 1,et'y".' as &.

~ ~ ~~ .

Ii llorm.al1:z,1n,g ,a !,'en t "Ii '1 ,aln'd. 1,t d~@s th1's by' < 1) Re1,niorc1'ng

mass CQudi't t cn t ng 1':0. repcrt1ng pheno,me:,na by uSin,g buzz wordls 5u'cn as uVJF,Q BU'ffs~111 ~ ,:~ l1tt,le a:r~en :men"'~ ~ 9,tC+ "e,:c.,d,

(2) 'Re lyin.g ,on, s,o, .... ca,lled. n'e"xp'eI"'"t:sl.'ti w'b,e, ~re gener.a.lly u,ni t,ed 1:n the 11"" ferce:1otl5 drl ve tQ !~ ~rrl!'t tbe thr,ae-d,1me:nei'i,cna 1

~. - - ,

f'raaework 't,lle'y req U ire, t Q' pr~':serve the, 1:r ill '!.lsi on, c:f .human

5'QP,er1or1 t,y" .

r,hese ar'e ,good :po1n,ts. An,t.hrc:po:"'I"'J,,'hlc1,ty ! olr' Y'1'e,win,g tb.e 'Un,:1verse in. te,rms of buman. perceptt'cn ,and symbo1s.~ 1,5 one at the big ego-uriented barr1er5 th~~ are to be Gonquered bef'Qr,e ,an lnd.i''!'J'1du.~1 c.n h.ope to have ,a ;;lear m.i!l,d. tc be able to see wbat 1s directly 1a frent of his faceT

Mr,. Girard. f'u,r-tb.l~'r points out 'that t,b,e 'n 'media.. Cl"",e.~ . .'te"8 and u.h:'e!s ,~va11.ab,:~ a net'work of' e'pi,n,iQu salDplin,g' as. a :mea:ns 'of reinforcing the psychological conditioning e£ the gener~l pop'ulaee~~" ,M.aiDte:c.anoe o:f a, real.1 ty 1'9 1,mrp'or't,ant and 'y'O\1 can re,ad.11y ,Be,s why ".'1. 1 t,ems such, as, DSX- I I! II,na've

• ~~I1-~ "' ~ ..... -;;::a

~r1sen to Qomba.:t va"rl,a"ncre :"":0 pareept'10n,,, Ag'i!l1 fl, , tracie:rnar,t:.s,

of a .6uppres:s1'J'e 5CH: 1,ety ,_, d,an,sercus s1,g'nals t,hat we s,b,Quld

all 'be a'war'e af ,;, .

F"urth'6f"' d.iscus;!!'lg 'the' D,e~ :med.1.a j Mr. G 1 I"'i!lrd. h{a,s a ,mo'st 1nt,e'r@'s"t,:1'o'g ,(lei 1 n,1,t 1,011 of '~n.ewsl'. He d"e,f ines ne'ws ,i!!,S l. c:are'-

f'ully staged, or man.i,pu,l a,ted. ,ill us 1 ODS m&1 nta-,int'rig a c.o:n~,tant {o'ous On in-era,-huIDall, t.o·pies ~ wh1e:h lends 1 tsel! as, "=,he: veh 1 c 16 by wb le:O ~ t" 19J1 t th1 nki,'ng'~' 1'$ re.:1 n,f orc.~dll .

A :few pages· a.go, I d:,1seussed the: e oIl'ce'pt Q,f "r 1 g'b. t, t.b i ':l,k~ 1 n,g"! in terms ci ,..;'na t 1,5 Qr is p,ot; tbe !,~ cAsea'u;, r,e.memoer.? If you take toe t,iM' t,o rela,te tbes,e' two' c'O'lleepts "to e,ach ot"Der ~ yell w'1.l.l 'be ,a,Daze,d that anyone, at all can Qrea.k

a W21 y 1'" rQm "t 11 ,: s 1 mpO':S6 d rEte :c:ta 1 e clnd.!, t i O'D, i ng' ~ bu t. ore a,it e, wa Y' the')" do, a:nd. becAuse of t,hi,s t,ne hUman being a'ce:s evc,l've.

Se you se'@" th,er-eicI'""lS, tha:t the med1a, :supp1orts ,all image 0. t !"' e ,a 11 t Y t jb,a:t 1 s' :my op i c a:cd. narr 0 wm.1 nd ed , and" 'w'h:y. t h,e y

do not go out 0 f t.he 1 r wa:y t (;) pu.'b11,C 1,%'e 1 nf'orfDD t, 1 o,n, dea 11 ng w"i,th tli,e p-:F,es,e'nce of a I len,s on - crur pl," !'he l1!ie,d1a 1s ~ hQweverl, an effect . .1v,e' t.ccl i,or psycholc'g1ca 1 aeo11mc.,t len

:c :f;~*::t.~******~:(:J'*' ,*. COBF I DE'IfT I A"L ~


;:t ,:t: ~ oX: * :i:: *"* ~;t :.t * * *- :t :t ~ CONP-OENTIAL *


of t he '(rub 11 e ,


As. you 14;1, 11 real.1 z e l~ t.e r' , t h'e' gove,rnmen,t has :made a 1 ct,

c f 'use 0 f tie 1. evt 5:1 'on t n a"ll: e: f f or','t to ,IOlCC 11 ma'te~ t lle pu bl i e to the, idee: o:f a ,ten pregenee .. Pregrams like the 1.1 V'~"t. series introduced the idea of invaSicn~ aliens witb habits 1;;ha t. c:oul,dJ_ o,e r,e'pw.·:5,1 v,~ ,to some, peop l e , "t·he 1,dea 'c,f a resis'tqnc.e move'lDen't that eoven'tua}, 1y t:r1 umpb,s', stot"ag'e ,of b.u~n bod1 es tOT' food" and graphic i"mages cf all t,J::tese

t hi n,gs, T'h~ ",", n.vaJ,de rn se,r:1,es, 1 n trod, uee'o the i.dea ot a 1,1 'e fiS t,b"a.,t; leok just, .1 Lke US1 e,xri; .' ept r or- SIEla 11 Ya,rla,nees,. aDd

~ha t tbey came :1 n disks ,and we'r'e d.ema't.erla,.l1.,:ed, w:O'en, 't.hey were, killed. The "Star Tre'l:,r ser1 es in t rOQ,UcE!!'S t,he conc€pts, of space W'~r-s" go,cd a.nd evil raeeS'M mora 1 ,and!. 'ethlca.l issues. and. b1g.bly 1n:telllg,ent ap,praac.n,e,'s to d..ea.l ing 'w'1 tb. a.berrant bein,gs a"nd $loele,tie's". The re'c'ent me,vie i'Somet.hing '!S Out Tbere~~', wb,1c,b, w1,11 pres,u:mably be made ,1,ntoc a s'erl,es", '1.ntroduced the ide'a of alie.n/hu:man clon1n,gl 'crc1ss-bree,ds" a,no b uman,$i for food, Aga..1 til t 'the i,des. of act.! ve res:! s't,,ce to them 1s presen~ed.

Sub11m1n~1 Messages to the PubliC

If in fact KJ-12 is using these for a vehlcle~ and the cnance's of to,at. are 9,9% trom wha't we can d"etermine tbe'n 1't Wlo'uld In,dlcate and s:upport what. we ,a,l.ready k'fiOW -- aliens, ~re already here, ~lnd have 'taken o,ver porti,cn.s of our

~Li'C 1e'ty. 'we alread.y know there are 'h,'o:1as be're ~ e'tc,~ as I me n t 1o'ned be f erE.! , I t makes s·e'n,se. T:bey cou,l d. 'be try,1 fl,g

~:: g,et subl1 mtnal me'ssag,es tt) se,c1ety. r"ea11zing tha,t tb.'ey' ::!in d.o noth1,n,g ab1c)ut e;,ny' ali'en t'1,met,able, ler olper!lt1o'n's. We ,~~:r-ead.y know th's'y'roe in tro'uhle i and -eha t they .for-mul ~ t'ed

e 20'- month olan, fell" ,accl1mat 1o'n b'ut fee·l tha.t t,b.ere 1stlt


-: d1}e to carry '1 "t, crlilt. 1 ntell1ge'n,ce in the la'st ,fe,w mcn,ths " 1,

/ : ::-~j,lcate's that cer"ta.1~, aL1e'D, groups p l an '~o mak'e some _, over.t )

. ::::::'·.le~. Exact 11' what; 't,he'y ,ar'li re~.1n's 'to D,t! $'een, and" we /'

" ·,.r~, 11 SIS! e 1.'t very 5,AQrt, 1.y. '


Cnce e. be'ing re,allze·s tc.a,t there i,$ ,mere t,llan. hies O'Wl'l ~:~'n51on t,e reality, 1.'t ir.,e"es him from that $.pe'e1f':Il,e set ... ~ oe.rc6otua,1 se·lf-11m1,tat1c'n.s. The 'whcIle d15c'U5sicn of

~ .. ~..._ .. · .... h~!' e. d.o th'eycoJrtE: - from:' rel,1es on, the :per$.C-D~ percept,ion

'~.1 his 5,elt-l.1l1'l1tat1©ns,. ,1:£ 1 ,am e'l:cU'te-ly aware of other

• {":11 : t,y sys,te'II'lS, and. fre'quenc1e:'5, and. yc#u sl,t ,ar01u.n,d. dri nk1 ng' -G~~ ~nd philosophize about getting la1d~ dont bcther to

'. ,,~~ to me about wher-e Y'c,u th:1,n.k tbey CC'Ine from .. , 1 b"a:ye

" .. ": t e r t b..1. ngs t.o do. Do n,ot pass ,go a,nd co ll.'ec't 200 ,a 1 :1 ens ·

******'**~***~** * CO'NF 1 DEN'T' 1 AL 1:



'", *-" * *:.t:~ * ... "* ... 't:t:.:t *."*, * CONFIDENTIAL * ,*1:*,~**·*:**::t;::~C*l:1l::*

Now. after that interesting rev1ew of today's society.letrs g'e.'t do'wu to c.1scu.ss1ns: .alle'ns .. why not .. t.b~'ts ·wb.ft.t w,e:1 roe h'e:re t [e[l" 1 $,n I· t 1.·t ?

Living here haen~t be~n easy, It~s a higb activity area fer a lot of strange things. D1~ks and alien beings s~en to fit in very nlcely. Since I have been here, I have

r-u '0. :1, nt 0 a :1 'o·t Q f 1 n,t e r'e s·t ;1 ng pe·o'p 1 e .

So·me O''! the·s.e pE!!·opl'e h.i!lv'e bee'n a'bd.,uet'e'Q I ·some a,s ea.r 1y ,as

f our or f i v'e yeat""e ot' ,age. Some. of ·thes,e' peopl e lie. v'e CAt 1 lire n tba.t ,are ct"'lossbre,ea.s" 'T}H~:re ,are nu:mer'O'US ma,:gnet i.e and gr,~.'vit,a.t10'nal \torte,x: are'as 'There is ,b.'!:a~_M1e:__

~S't ::lvi,t'., • Tber,e 8"re pe'opl'e.: h~re: whe ha'Q'e had intera.ot ion

wi t,h ,1:.1 :le,n.s fer a,lmost 50i ye,ar"s.'e are numer"cus UF'Qarl[En:lted. gTL';IUPS,. T'her'a are C LA oper,it'i"t; 1 ves,e~, both e x+ Cl,A ,a:nd thorse wtH!!I' a,re sti.ll wi t.h H the· cr.::unpatty<'" ,. T'oe .irE 1 an,d. [ot, her' gcV" t agene .i'e's ,ar'e ,act 1 ve ,b.·e're. The re are pl en.t y c,t G 1 ght i ngs. Wha''t ,mo r-e 'cou ld a r~'ee.a rcber ,ask :f Or"?

I'ot m,uch, A:fte:'r" al,mo:st 12 yea%'"5 of re'searcb, t, l::uu;. t"a.ken me a,11 ove r the, wor ld 1 ean st 1,11 say 'th.a t I ba "Ie r,eta1ne'd, my of ,humour ,and. Gt111 .play wi t,n a full deek. So what gives with all this? Well~ ] intend to give ~{'ou a smatter:l'ng' 01 some of 'the more 1 nte,relst ing a.'spec.'ts, of this wh.ole thing ,_ !some of the inte:r-'e:s:t :t.llg coune,ct ton,s and observations that I and otbers have ms~e - and put it all together in one place S~ you will h~ve it a~ haud when ycu have, t,ha;t, 10='po1nt, e.xperi,€'ne,e ' .... : . .'.! you ,navefit. .had '1 t already ... ~ .

T,n'e.:re ,are a, lot of' bumano,1d..s ber[e. llumAno,1ds,? Be·lnR:5 'who

- -

look: mQ,re er les,s like! t,err'e'strial b:uma,ns exc-ept tbey,j r@

not. Just the other nlgbt~ I bad a conversation witb a lady who has h~d interactiQn with ETe for over 50 years~ ,and 5,ne' :related an 1'tlc·1d.e~nt wll,ere sh.e w,ae 'cov'@ring ,an e'Jent d.own t O'W'D. ,afi,d. ,sbe spo't t>ed c,ne of ·t.hem. Ho,t,.{ co.,ul d. she te 11-:

'lIlelll :pr'e!:sumably a.,fti~r 50 ye!u"s, e:xper1'e'n~"~ a.,b.e e ou l c. Sbe sa:1,d - t_ha,t tb~_re' was~ s[o~~th1 n·' d1ff'~_re_p,t 3bo'~L th~~r ~y!es. ~ asked_ her _ what_ t,h,~t '~_e;," c.:ndhe s,;o,1d tha~t, t,he pa.r't .of

ee fa rt. .Q.~~t a. wa y 'f r"li:)m the n,0-5,e W,a 5 ,i!! 1, '1: ,t -: wi de 17' ,t b.a.'Il

wculd. be normallLe~Eected_. She e'v1,r,i'erntl y wen.t rigb:t up cc him s.nd asked b,im I. wh,st are' YOU d~1o.,g bere?~"!; He r-epl ted

"I 1 ear:o.1 n! ,. . t he s~,me, ,as yo u" .

It fr-i'E!'nd. [of ,mi,n[e ,and four of his fri"ehd's elf'per'1IDe'fl,ted w::ttb. c.rys'tall'ine. s."tr"C'·ture~ !!_ yea.r [or two ,age~, an,d! they :f.1_ur',ed out __ 't,o [~u't th-em alcrns: __ c~rt;ai n lA,nes SO .~~!!ey could ~etual1y see tbe aura or energy field around people.

Th.a t ~ s. 'w,b'en ,th,ey d lsc:ov'ered, that all p'ec'P1 e ar-e n t p,e cp 1 e . or t,ne peopl,e t.b.e'y thought they 'Were". 1 t a:p'pe',&r'"'$ ·the. t ,some ET hav'E!' a d..ark bl u,e OV'Qidl aura. it sa h.a.'ppel"'.J.$

___ - _ - __ - • __ , .. III ,i!.,ll the peopl'e th'ey checked t, me't tb,is criteria *:(:*::t;«:*:$: *:$:~ ;$:::1:,*,***

): CO !iF 1 DE:E!11,AI.. *


'':f 'k 'j(' -.:t :j;' .~ ",. T ~..,. :t; To ~ '.i,' l:' ~f ~ CONFID~!TIAL * *::t '*~.*.* ~ :tTX *- ~::t **~

a 1 50 'war,e!: da. r. k g 1 ,8 $;:5 e·:s and rna d,e ~\l.e,.;;-..y-a. t...t.e~p.t-t.o a. c "t- l~1-~ th.eY' r~·al.l y WaD1>e:d nothing to do \oil'" t1ao pe~i..Ft-. ge·nEitral.

They followed one of thes~ people out lnto the de5ert ·wh.e·re he. ·e,v·ld·~·nt ly ha.dl a tra After wa,1 t ing' u'nt 11 d'Usk~, '"4.bey 'm1!I,de A of ne'e, .he lp ,and kno,ck,ed. cn the door. After a short wh11e~ the light went on and the· ·r.can came 't 0 th,e door. He looked nC·I":rnal ~ exc,le pt t b.a t hie; pU'Pi.~s were ver"t1_qal s11t.~n'$,tea.d. of c1:role'5. It works. The only trouble 1e that it e~sts ~2t000 to put

a pa 1 r of t b..e·s,e g 1 as·se·s t CI'ge the·!"' .

Wbat i.I you. ha,d a. pe 1.r of glasse'$ 1 ike ·tb.1.s·? Mo'w w,o-uld, you react, 1 t your fr1'E!n.d..s e·xh.1b1.ted. t.h.e sign.s of be'? 'M·ow wou.l.d.. you' 0.1 ter. your' life once you :tl,ad c·onf·.1rmat1o.n of t.hi'~? Vbli1t would Y'ou d.o? \lho 'w'ould you tell',? S~·e· th,e problem.?

V·~1.l. le~:S turn now to tb..e·ct ,a.t ·b.a.l1d, w'b,1cc. 15 th~ UFO problem and related subjects.

Q. 1





#~*~*a.*~~**a*** :t: COlfF 1 DENT 1 AL, 1':


On·e· must. st.a.r·"t sOlltewhere .1 n s.ort in,g' this mess cwe . ! believe t.he bes·t 'plAce to st",rt would be with what· w·e know a.'t th1st 1me of tb.e .reacti·Oh of the Un.i ted $ to the d1,sccvery of the p·resen,ce· ot: alien 11!aforms on the pl .. a.'net,

1 t 1$ qUite, ~lear at tn,is t1,me t.b.a t when the f'1f'st disks 5·tarted co.m1n,g dO'Wfi around the 'world that people not. r,eAll.y know now to ha.ndle .it, g·oV'ern.mental ·peeple.. Some·where in e,very government, there are' p-e!'eJpl e wbo are con \7"1 nee·a bey<Qind a sh.dow of a d.oubt tba t t be·y know

wha t is best for everyene, and;1 r conc<e·rn '1 n t:b, 1 $ C& se ~ a't least 1n..lt1e.lly, was, (1)' to fill-d. Q\jt wba.'t th.ese· things' were· !l'D.Q where- tb,ey from" (2)- 10 prev'etlt Any '!'erm - ot panic 'wi to ·t.b.e :maGS, populac.e and, eubeeque'nt d"est&ci l1za,t ,ion af the world sociological ~nd economic structure.

Now before I 80 any further~ I m~st restate ~be fact t hD. t a'o,ve'rumen ta 1 .st.ruct ure5 are very eo.mpartme '1l ta 1...1 %ed."

and a 150 tha·t t.h·e·,re' are severa.l para llel p'Qwer gr<oups in co·ntr1ol (OIl 'the human side),. 'W'orld power doml,nat1on grcJ'u·p~. s.uc:h as the Illum1nat1, t'ne Bl1d,e,rburg'er group, and. 'th.e Club of Rome 'Were jU$'t e;$ coneerne·d, es· aCH:"ut (2) ,~.oove.

.. .

Tb.e mil1 tary' 1,ndustr1al e10mplex we-.s worr.ied. about (1,,),

ahd alsc about destab1i1zatlon of the croeeS5 of contr611ed


re lease· of' tecl:l1l,ollcgy for max:lm1za·tlon of prof.:! "t.



At 'tb.e end.. of WWll ~ Ges·tapa illtel1.1g"ence pe'Tsonnel W',ere 'br<o'ug'ht t·o the 'Un! ted Sta te$ und·e.r t.b.'e' gU.1ciance of' .Allen Dullea· and '£('ei'nhard Ge.b..l'elil~ given e·1t.izeoshlp." and helped create the structure for the Central Intelligence Agency. .All this was d'one w'i thout th'e !rti.owle, or consent of Amer1cil''fi c1.t.1;t:ens~ primary funot1on of th.e CIA~ a.s soon as all t.his UFO bus 1 'cess began i. was, UFO R&D and 5:eCUI" 1 t Y . T.l:u~·y 5't ill. ; to this da'Y'~ fIlelinta.ln that stance, altl1,ough -e:b.e MJ-·1.2 group main.t.a.1as genera.l control over gen,eral polley a.nd.. public: 1:ntegre:t 1 on ,e,nd.. aco11mat 1 'on. pr·<ocedures.

The Saga Begins ...

1 'Our'! ug the 'Peri od. frf!)DIi 1941 to 105'2 i' w'b'en. our na t 'ions

·capital was overflown. by d.leks:t '1:.he 'MJ-1Z' gro,up w·as formed..

l'.f' you wish a of the~ or1g·1'.nal ~mbersJ cbeck ·the

~ -MJ .... 12 ~t, near the. eM of the l:x:ok,.. Fo,r new', le't us

say tha·t mOist ,of the members ha.d. high .l'eve.1 f'll:netioIU3 in were, ex ... d;,1.r'e~tors of the C I A Ctf'" other 1nte'1 and scientific groups. In general, the group was formed from stable. logical groups of people that apparently could handle the situation.

:$: ** *.~*.*~* **:t.*~*:t:. 1': COHF I D.E .. NT 1 AL ~



·t: '~ .:t;. ... 1:' 'l -k: l- *' ~*' '_j: T .;. l· ........ '* CO N.F.· DEN'!' I A L .:t ~X~X&%***~~~*~**

. ~

In De~@mber ~9471 Project Sign W~$ 1n1tial~zed to ge~ .;1$, much 1 nfoF.mat ... on at$; p,cs,s,1 'Ole a bout, t.oe d,1$H:-5, and. t,b,e ir oe e u .. pant.s;. Plans weT~ :t.clld·e at ·t,b.a.'t time t·o creat'e pu·cl,:i.e

H f ~cn.t U prQj ects I wh 1,'~h eve n't u.~ 11 y mat urea. 1 n.t 0' ~rOj ec t O'zItl'a,~ SET I ~ and tlu~!, ,:r,a'ci1o'a~,t.ronomy ,!i.·ntenna ~.t J\ :1 n la te,[" y·ear~;. The put."'PQ$,e for -the· front proj ,eet.s, W·el:S to

aidi in deteet:ton ef 11fefer-~ and;, seoondly' to convitu::·e

the· p'l(J.bl1Q't. (1'" noth1 ng out lof crd.inary· was b.appe·:n.1 ng, a'nd C2) 8'1 v"e th.e 1,mpres5.,:1'on tha't tbere was

a r"ea - sear'c~ tar 1 i.fe in Ii Qut,er sp·e,ce!!. Th,e f.r-oo.t proJ ~cts also provided funding which! like tbe spaca pr~gra~-of today. can be diverted to clas51fied technical pr~jects.

1 n .or'der ,to. pre's'erve s@curi·tYi a't lea:st at a lower le"~.:q:~'l, 11.a150n 'between Prcj ec't Sign and M.J ~12 w,as 1 iiUi 'ted to two Individuals witbin the intelligence division of the Air Kater,1.'~ 1 CO!Mla'fld... l't 'was t.he 1r I"'ol,e' tg pass, along' certa in. 'type·s; o:f 1 nf o'rm,t 1 c;:,n a ud in t e 111 g,e nee throucgh channels to MJ-12 .

Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge about one y·ea r l,a t er i i n Dee,e,~~er 1.948. By th 1. s t 1 me I 't.he· g'ove.rn ...... rnent he.d d1sGov.'ered "t,hat there was s.Q·mething· to be. -l can.cerned a'bcU.t" The invest,:1ga,t ion, af' Th,Ol"lla5 Mantells 1947 death while chasing a UFO had been completed~ and

! 't:: was decid'ed t, a serie's o'! d1s1,nformat.1c;nl programs were 'needed. There 'w'@re 1.4 reports: t:o come o'ut 0,1 Proj e:ct. ·j'rlJ.dg@ . Hu:mber 1·:; wa.:s nCI't d 1,55e:m,1 na ted due to 1 ts DC, t UFe • and. +c t.bis d,ay thel""e ·are arguments over 1 ts 'Y'ertl'e'1 ty. As·

; me n t i cHl@a before, 'we have had 'W(u"'Q. a,s o·f Ka.:y 1958 t hi!l.'t. :be underground copy (facsimile) of tbe Grudge 13 report ~ccu.ri!;.'te 1y' ref lect.s t.he· or:1g1lu~.1 material,. ,Fer deta.115 ~bout the contents of the report1 c~nsult the A~pendiX

. ~ -

~eries at the end ot this report.

Froj ~ct Grudge j. wb,1.eb. wae· ~a'$1'CA11y an int'ern.a·':_ '~:'"oj ec't I h.aQ 1,ts c 1 v111,an. publ ic ceunterp,!!;.rt, in P"~"l~lj ec-t =iuebookJ with wbic.b. we ,~ll ver-y f.~milLi!.,I"',. Only

~ :"j.nOc'UQ>US· or Hisafei~ repoI"'ts were pass'e'd, to 81 ueboc':k: for -:0 15s·e'ID,i n,at :ton.

In 1949, 'MJ=12 evolved an. 1.n,1tia.l cCFrI:t1ng'ency plan :Jilled. .MJ-'194'9-04P/?8· that was· des,igned. to mal::,e· ,a.llo,wanee : ;:; r ~ »r e n.t:. Ub 1 pu b 1 i e r e 1 ease 0 t da t a ,~ I t wa.,:s vil:::1:ually

':'".:. r',apped 'wi t,nin a, month ,a.i'ter its Cr~H't'1 an ..

M,e j est i.e 'Twe 1 ve was or'i,g 1 ne, 11'1 i;lrga D,,1z'e.,d by Genera 1 .'-::-c,rg~ C. Mar'shall 1.0, July 1'947 t.c ,stu.dy d.,at~ :f~om tbe

~ :. 45we 11 -,'MAgd.'e 1 e na d ret,r i,e val ope,ra t 1 on" ,and the, da,ta :~=m this and other retrieval oper~t1ons preduced a

:.s.~ 1 i ng ~'f extreme pa . .I"'ll!.no'1a~. a.nd. pr·ompte.a an 1n'ternal

~ :"·.qu 1 ry IOn hew th,e publie .. "ra's per-ce.·l v1n.g t·!:H=:' con,cept.

: :) 1 : en 1 t !'eicrms and ve:hi~llas. ,A.dmiral H111'Elin.k:c,ett,e·r. w'bo

-~~ 1-~ector of tbe CIA from May 1, 1947 until September

;t ***::t***.*** * :t"**,,*

* CON:'F t DENTl ,A.L *

:t **~:t:.~* ~ *'*~;¥*:$*,*

1950 j dl'e"c i:de d t ,c:l., a c ,t 1 va t e t,,]l,@, R,o be r t SCI n P a neI ~ w'b. i, e h 'Wa,e des,:1guedto mQn1.t.~'r- e1,v'il :Lan UFO st,udy grollps t,Ut we,re a"p'pea.,r1 ng ua,t i,Qnlol'i de. He' a 1 so j 0,1 n.ed '1'1 CA.P 1. IIi, 1.956 aud was' ehos@":c. ,a's a, :mmber of 1 t,5 bi4a,r'd, o:f d1r~,cto,rs. It w;a,5 from, th1,$ pos1,tioOlIl tb.a,t he W,~S ,!!;.bl~ t~ .act a,s tbiE! !U"= 12

'I me 1 e' j! ,- alOng-' 'wi:th, hi,s; '1; e',a:m, 0 f 'Q't ,he r' c' O'V'~, r t, e xpe r t s , T ~'et!l"l

wer~, ab 1. e' to at'eel'" lti:r CAP :1 n. a,n.y d 1 T"ec-t 1 on 'the'y ,""an te:d.. i 1: t.o go,.

rit t:b. t ,h,e '~f 1.:y 1 ng sa uC'~ r" pro gram :s,e'emintg 1, y un,der 't,n,e, cam,p lete c~'nt:r,o.1 of J(j'-'-'12 and wi t,b" the p,b..y:sical ev1,de'nc~ hi d:C1'G: n a wa,-y ~ Ge D,e ra 1 M.a.r:s,h~ 11 'f e, 1 t me r e~ a t ,e.a~,e wo'i t h t, h,e sit u,;a t.1'on II,

1i1 t:b.i.n ~1~ mcJ,n,ths of t.h.e He,e,well crash ~n 2: July 194,1 dn,d, ,t he di ;_ sse 'ove ry '0 f a nlLl ,t ,he r cr ashe do UFO ~ t &.:0. A ug'u:s"t 1 'fi'e

flats, near !(a,gciel,en4;t N'ew M:exi,co on. :3 Ju,ly' 1947 i' ,~ gr-ea.,t

de~l of r-e.or,g,an1z:'at ion 'of ag'ene1.'es 'tQ'ok, plac'€L Th;e main t.:hru5:'t 'b~,b.1n,d 'the, Qrtgi, ~18ec:uri,'ty 11di" 'j an.d the v',e"t"y

r-e a,son for' 1 t. S C o'n;$ t. r uct i ern '~ W,9.S ,t :h@ ,i!Jl na 1 Y51 S ,a nd. at t e in,p t, ed d up 11c& t:1 on !'J't d,.,::L::s,k:: techno 1-ogy., C,Q,;w,pa'f"'t,lJ!len,t.a.l '1 ,%'a"t, ion, af _, t,h1'5 e:£"f'CJrt we 'nt, t,o, the, R.e:'se:,arcb. ,a:cd Deve lcpe;nt, Bc~rdi

Ai!" F e r e e R,e!d;;I,e a.r'o h. a"n.d D~:v,e, 1 o'P~' n t ~ 't h,e Of f 1 c'e' 0 f N eo V~, 1

~,e, se: a rc,:b. ~, t, h.e·' C:l ,A (j'f f 1 c,e' ta:f So 1 en t t :f 1, pO I 'rrt 'e 111 ,ge nee ~, ,a,'fi.d

t h,e: N,S.A 0 t t 1 c ~ CI i Sc:1 e 'n't 1 fie I fi t eJ. 1. i ge ne e .' --rb.,@·55,!; I -~~. ~ .. _-~""""'------'II

might add. was created intially to pro~ect the 5e~rat of l

the recovered d1sks~ and iu the Dr~cess ~ttal~ed oontrol \

~ 1

crt ~,l.l't 1. Olil!$ Ln 'the Uni ·ted Sta't e5, :i'n,G lud i ng' t b.'e \

US ~:1.l., !

The, H,S:!, ca'D, mani ;!l,ny 1 in m,i,'llute ,d'e,tail,. It br'i'D,gs, t'Q mtnd a !$,tcry an, ·~'x'-.agent;y fello,w' had. to te,ll

a be (1ft t, he II ~s 1 ng'i n;5' r-oe k~,j. I 't; wa,~5 d 1 se C!v@,r'ed t :ha t '90 una W,aV@;f5 (voices, e't,c) 'be al'De d at a rock. c~-uld 'be rEM'=flverecl miuutes la.ter a".fte:r" ·t:he, 9~iJJn,d ha'd. s'topped. That w,as mare

t 2'0 ye I!!"r:s ago. Tod,a'j' , th,e st a te g,:f t,ec,hnc,l e gy 15 su<:.b.

t .bat a :~ Q ~b> 1;:\ t 'e: a'~d, t Q a nd., v 1 d.e ~ r e'o f)ir.",a 0,1 y~~ ca n, be ~ d_i8 l'DOr'e than. t'wo we'e'E:S a, you 'were at ,a.'ny' lOc,it,-1CHl.I ,a'nd_ al=l t,ni,s i,s by,_~111 te.

At an.y r"a"t e' , wi tn,e5~,e$ 't'o ~;n'Y ~,spee'"t of tb.e p:r'o',g:ram

ha v"e' th~ i I'" :1:1 vee, moult ore,d" 1 n ,e've r'1 ,de,t;,a, t, 1. , t,cr' ,e,,~,eb. D,a,s:

signed a 68cur1ty oath. For those w~rklng in th~ programi 'brea,ki'ng t.b..a,t ca,to. ecru,ld, have any of the i'oIlo'wing d.1,r~c:t

c ,(j'Ilse,que:D,ce~, ;

1 '" ~ Ii. v'erbal warn i ng !toccmpani.e'd, by a r'@'v'1'e!:W" Cl:f ,t,lle ~ecu.r1 t,y·.. ~at,h, ..


,2. A s:t.rOtl,gE!:t" w,arni ngl SOIDe't iDleS, accompanied by

or o'wbe a t :1 ug ;!L,nd :1 '0. t t m:i .d",a't 1, en .

3. :Psych~1.~'g1ca.,ll.y werk1,':c.g on ,a,n, 1n"civ1d'Ual t.o brt'ng c'n d"e'Or,e'$S: ion t,b,a twill 1 e"ad. t (;) 5:\],1.0; id.e ~

4, • M'urde:!- :0 f the 1'nd 1v"i'clua 1 t b.a t b.1 s ~:de t.o appe,aI'" as

4n accldent~ suicid@, or heart att~ok ( a favQr1te


* COHF' 1. DEBT' 1 AL '*



;: ~ :x ~ :r .:I: ..( ~ ;f: ;;: :;:( X .t:,~ ,_,( ~ >f:: c ON'F t no - "J'T' 'I A- L. *

_ ,,I, ~',t:,~ , .

;( *' * *::'::::l :t::t,:t' * ,:t ::t *;;f: '*.*






~ -:;':"~ . .:t . .., 'J:" T '*' '.f ".J: 'M; Y "Z .~ T ~ :t:: C,~·~·'~'" D·-If ..... T AL- ::$::

._ ..... J.~.[" .;1" ol:.. !...,.


method used by th'e C I.A) ,

5. S't r.I!!Dge· ,and sudden ace 1 den·t; $"" a 1 way's fa ~

e. 'Total me·mor-y 1055 . NASA bas a metallic hOloa-like de-vlcle· for this.. ill 1 ten gr10'ups have ether devices that accomplisb thti~

7'. Cenf ineme:at 1 fl, s·pe:c1al d..e'tent.1CIil} Olen'te:rs,

8, Coni. l:n.emen.t i u Iii n.san.e Asyl ums~'~' wher,e: tbey a,re

1'1< tr.eated..~'~ 'by mind~control and r:ie-pI'""QSf"'a.mm1n.g ·te·cb.n1c·ues. ._ IlQ.i vid.ual:!;, are· releas·ed 'wi t.b, ~hanged perSlonal i t1e5~ ide·ut 11:1'9:5, and. al t·er·ed. memor-1es i Alien groups do this too, but I will explain tha~ par·t later.

9" B·ring·ins ·t.ll.e· person. in.tGI ·the ii'1.·rU3.1d.ell·e ae.' 1s

'e m.p 1 oy@d. ~n.d., 1iIic·r·ks fer II t b.em~~, a,nd where b"e can be

WZ\·t eb·~d" Th 1 s is uen:J!a.ll y :1,.-n c l.osed, ffte i 11 t w1 tb 1.i.ttl'': ·or 'no ae'ce's5 t·o the cuts1d.e. worl·d .. U·,gro1und. fac.111.ties are. v'er-y often. us,eQ. fer this meth.c1d..









1 \

\ \



Any 1 nd1.v1 d:'lu!.l W.b.OD tb.e:y pe r ee :1 va t Q be II teo C: 1 else to

t·be t ru.t..b'" Will be ·trea ted in the: same ma.·nner. Yeu mt go t reme,mber Q,ary Stol.l:ma..Il. 'w.nlj;J po·1.nted! ·i!..n empty B·B gu.n ,at

Da~ld Horowitz on KNBe Ch~nn~l 4 in Los Angel~s in 19B7. He r ha.d cnJi t·e a ta le to ·tell in the sta t·e.le·n.t h-e wanted David J" to r~ad. W~'ll disCU$5 tbat later, but Gary 1s now residing

ina. ~'co mp.!l n.y nut, :t:lil:rU5,e~j. , :

Tbere 1 $ one t b.1 og t:.b.a t ,t co,k MJ -12. by surF-·r 1 se (t.b,e .

fir-s't . a n a Long .1.1:st c'! th:1.:ngs that w·c·uld do. tbat), and tha't, wfie·n con:tact was finally made wi t.b an a11 .: en g:rcu.p. Y-e

dr-'e nat. e!:x·act ly sur-e when ·t,ha t was ~ b\J't we do k:n~w tha t· dtsk crashes in 1947 w,ere c,a,l.,J,$,e·d 'by out" :radar i'llter:i'e.r 1'Il:,g w1.t.h equ:....p'!lent. aboard the, disk·s. A geod guess w,Quld b@ tn th~ early 1950~s~ but 1s generally pl~ced 1n the gEneral period .from ~947 to 1971, There is plenty of evidence to ~uggest t,hat. Pr'9:sid>p.n'tEi:sec.howe·r Was pr-·e·sent 'for a de'me

clf a Ld.e n te·cb.noio'gy ·ill t Eaw.ard:e; A.P'·S, in tb.a 1'950 ~ s.

Now. goverUDeuts being wh~t they are. there W~5 a proposal to them that they give U5 advanced techftology~ and evidently that requ~$t was refused. That request was ~a·ter- reoea:ted with other rac'e:; ·that were cc·ntac'ted.. A~. L .~efU:5ed. .: e,x:ee.:pt on.e - ·t.b.e Gr~ys "

"The be 1 figs kn.o,wn a.s the Gore·ye. are a'bout 3 1/2 "to

~ 1/2 fee,·t big·b.! wi t.h g!"@y to gre·y'15b.:- brown 5ki.'fi, ,and big' ~TaP""'·at01J.r..rrl e.yes ,. Tb.ey ar'@ the one.s· P 1 ct.ured .1 'n 'Wh1 t 1 ~ y Stri,eter ~ 9, bL)o·k: u CbiEUtl.un.1Ionu. The re 16 a s,epar,a\ 't e cha pteI'" ,n tbe Greys in a different area in tbis rep~rt.

These b~1ng5 ~re the ones wbQ pe~form most of the

d cd ue It 10 os, .1 mp.l an t .. a t.1 lo,ns ( or- 1 ne u 1 ca t :1 OIlS t as .t; b.~ Grey6 :a 1 i t.he·m) ,. and an 'mut 1.1at 1 cns •

* :t***:t.****.**~*** * CQN'FI DEBT I At :«



. .

At this p:)lnt, 1 might say that the main reason for this r:ef:Qrt is that CNe.r the years. I beca:i'e tired of seeing people get hurt unnecessarily Md. su:f'fer because, sene others· wer,e· withholOing' 'technology .for· t..~eir own purp:;ses· + Ttle.n! is. ,a 'solution, and it. is· ,aixut ' that .. ·.it was· ~len-ented.

People always do 'What they' feel ·they· have to do, I. am sure ~1'lat

the ones W"ho .made the desJ "With the Greys felt that they had to ,do what they

'Io..;o;;d .. ~ ...:; ..... ~ 'rt- ';:'-.e _--.Is :i...f"T.~~~..,.. ._ ..... 3"e 1·'..... .. " ~,t

I,JIC!! '-"J 'I"M.,.I" . ~......,L Nil;.. I ",,i~ ""=.Ii., .~~QJl\;. _ . .L.. .r,l~,.. ~

Pri.Jn.:tty Erergy. TeChnology is one. of the, big: areas wher,e SIllpPression, also

'iP"'er c =:";I1'n'i'-~ I'""'!."'~'te- a f·eII.:r ~l'e. ha'l~ ,...__~ ... ~ri2-·.,"""""';1 .;""" "'l-.~ l!:'! ~'lin"",""",.t ~

.... J.gnS ... ~ .... '~"Ei,. ':!.t;1;"U". " . ; "<;r" .~.t'" _'I.iO' "''''-'''';~'!' ~;~u.~ ~~ ~.w..;'" ......... ~~'-.i ;._or

their discoveries. Arrj' II Ra.ll of Fame i~ \OJld have to include Dr.

Wilhelm Reich" Ruth Orawn, John }.Dray, and a host. of o,'thers~ The effort to

, , . f -", al' - iI...-. h l..._ • \0. .• ~ ~ 1

mEUnt.:au"l. a state O,~. 1",,;'t..U.:tiIJr-· scasas ,seems to .u::' t.u~ pr'lJre ouJ~~ -- to ;3._ 011

~~se in ~ to that way I ·and "to dardJ.'late the rest of SOCiety for

... 10...... _"":I... .... o' 'f .~..,.. ....... .; ~I ~ . ',' ~~ .r;UA..l ':fI_l~.

Prem, one point of view, the ~le who l~t:tde a deal with the· Greys ~e,

. _ .. +-t:::.,T"'i . ' .... .,...... - . \", ..... .-1,11 . -,;p."",,,,- ~"""-. ld .4" ...... _' '" "1 ...... l-._. \..,_, - ,

par&~s,. j~t;,. as .;l"jQ~ as "-!,wse wuv. ,S()', us au\- ~LT)g ,i;U." ~~ 'W'QrS \o.Je nave

been ''''involved'' w. They .sold out the united State.s of' Merica for greed and, ~r.. Alri person 'W'b:> views this coun~~,f with suCh distain warrants

~"-I!~' ~ '~,1

in,ve·stigation or. .for the United s'tates t even though it has its faw.'ts" 1,$ one of the last places "~e any' investiaations like this can take pkace. To nave

- ,- .

people suppress others is unacceptable cO 1'0 have pecple at:tra~~ to overthrew

. '!'hi' til· f~' I

~ goverment .lSI: lJl)ao:eptable ' .. '2S is. _c:e Otil!!l. reason. '- or tl1isreport. - -

do not, agree With the situat.ion, and I YtOUld. like to see it stop before e_ve,..-y ·fJe;.stige of freedan and e·vol vertent. is pur.gecI fran our' 'midst '.

" "

, ..

*' 1" .... ~: l' '~ :1: ~:;" 'il' If 'i:; It'' C i.' ..

~ CONFIDENTIAL * :t:;:f *.:t::::t:~ 1:: 1;: *:;( :J::lt'*:::t;::t~




Warren S~1th 1s a journalist who eV1den~_y has a ~umber of inside connec~10n5 to the CIA, as well ~5 other sourceS tbat have rev~aled ec~e interesting data about

- b e· a 11 ~ n's and t h·e 1 t.'. 1.·~ t·e r ae t :1 on·s wi t b. b. uma.·;a be 1· Tb.·e fol1ow:1n.g d.a.ta l·s ext.r,act.e-d ir"om o'Ubl:1c ..

- ~

"Oe 1 fig' c:1 r'cula;ted a.bout tIJ,@,:s,e matt~.r5 tb..a.t had t:he ir or"ig:1 n

wi:h Varren Smith.


. , r


1. D· the 1'947 UPly.1ng S.aucer Flapi!I'I' ·the CIA k:n·e:w that Rus51a did not have the kbcwledge or the technology to prod \J.ce a we a.pon . that wou.l d. be as advanced. as t.he 'f' 1 y1 n.g d! 3.ks .. The y d.1.d f. howe \feT .h.a ve a nagg i n.g susp:1 e.1 iOU t.b.a t

~ia'z 1 sc l'~n.t 1$t~~ a.nd German1.C .kr.H!iwl·edgie m.1.,ght b.av·e bee'n

?u·t t.c work be·hin·a th,e ! ron Cut"te:1·n.. The WQr 1d. was just ,en.tie·ring t·be j ,~t as,e an.d .h1gh·-speed'·able craft

wOU ... c1 g17e the J!·\ls-s1an.$ V',ast $Up~·r1 o·r-.1 tY' i'n the a t r .


I t tber~'!or'e beealile imper;a t 1'!I'J"e t.o.a t 't.h·e 'Un1 ted St~.te5


f:nd out about flying ~aucers. As covert act1vltle~ require ::·~ney. t·.h.e 1nte 111g·ence COI'llmufi1 t. y turned tiC the 1.r w~al thy' ~~ 1 ends.. Th,e-re has: alw~ys 1bee·n an "~Old Boy~' net.WQ·:rk

a~ong spies and tbeir various agencies from the start. The :!A has been an agency heavily loaded with people from Ivy :,,'i! colleges a.nd t be eastern eeta"bl iSAme'nt.

-:, Accordi ng to my 1. niOTl'.Oat io·nj• a meet.i·ng w·a.s hela. ,'!~er the Arnold sighting ( 1947~ Xt. Rainier) at the ~~estlg1cus Erooks C-ub in New Yo~k. Funds were obtained

r~ ~auncb an official check-aut on what flying sauc@rs

:-:. ~ ~tJt. 'be a·nd. where 'toey' or:1g1nat-ed. At t·:h.e same t 1me" 'the

:A ~a$ cbeck1ng out US military 'and foreign 50urces to '~::ld c,ut ,about 'to'e· U.FOs .. Al.l reports came b~.c;k n.ega.t1ve"

~ :-- ': 1 ..... d i ng a. st.a t'e men t fr om T.ruma. n. t b..a t he d i d.n't .know of ~~~~b1ng like that en the line in the military industrial

;:: :::d ex,

,~ ·-tat. :.._·eit the Cl A with the thought that UFOs 'wer~ of . -!s1on or1g1nl but there were doubts about RUGsia as a ~ .r e e. "The d ""Sft:s ,d1dtft. react Ln a predict.e ble pe.-t·;;;,e·r!J.$ ": ~,"!. 0,'$ the t 1 a.p 'bu 11 t up ~ 1 t. became a ppa,ren 't t,ll~.'t so·me. ~,: r, E 1J n.1:.l.$utl..l wa.s ba.p'pen i'ns I' Fe op 1 e i n ~ 11 pa.r·t 5: of the


:t. CO·NFl DENT! A.L. *


'9".: ~.

• - ~".J:.¢".r~l:'.t.;r~~

;t" CONF'~ DEN- I At.. * Xi: *;t;f',t.:(. ~ t. '* ~CX'~ ';t';f.

c,Quntry were $,ee'111g' tb.e.s·e disk.s. Th.ey were Clef1nlte'iy macb 1'nfUS of unkn.own or t g '1 n ,


5. The CIA recognized thAt a balf-dozen of these disks

could.. t.hrow· t.he c.1 t. i.zens of ·the Us. ·1.'n't"o a panic. Th.e, d..15k.s ~ppea1""ed to bave toe c.e;pa.b1'l1 ty t·o extremely

r .. etp'1d mob!11 t:y and could fly C04S't-to .... co.ast 1 n ;!. v·e.'.ry e.hcrt 't '1M. 1 f 'pa n.1 c arose ~ 1 t we:s proj ected t ha t ·t he· phc;:nle, and · cOlU%Dun,lca.t ion, syst.ems 'lI'Iould bre.a.ic d,O'Wfi"

6. The ',~ext meeting took place ~,'t the ·N~s:~y_'G'u'\9.:_C.lub on t.he. Camp'us 01 Prince·ton Unlve'f'.si.t_y .. (ft W,'!ilS deC1Qed7

to ·siari-.a·n .. 1m:med1ate debunJ~1ng c.! - 5.1gCbt1'fiSS. Psyeh '

'V:o,.rfare a.nd !'ropaga.nda branches of tbe OSI 'w,Qula be us,e'd, t.o dev'elop hoax,e's, falst(! .si.g·bt.1ngs a nd w.11d ~ __ ~~ report,s,.. Stories ,r1.d1cu'l. in'g' UFOs and tbe s1ghters co~!ld be pla:I"~·ted 1 fi ·the news'papers and. IMIgaz.ine:s.


F - I b -

7., Vb.en.. r,ank' Scullys-ook iil'Beb.1.nd. tb"e Flying

Saucers· was d.e,'b'unk,ed., tb,e' rumor·s seelIted to st.op. rUFOs w,e·re to becol1Je the ,exel us1v·e pr1ope,rty cf t·:he· ~ ell., ,a srC)~p :ha..t. ·~as. e,ffect 1 vely C'cntr,olle'Q the

L'f ~_l ~ s:1 ~=-e:. ]~~~4.? ., .

8. In 19531 the A1r Force 1$ said to hAve deve~ope4

I r,ad"ar t .. racklng ,eq1J1 pment . On. tll'1rteen occasions that year~ the Air Force p1cke~ up blipS ott huge s·paee.sh1ps that we're o,r'b1 t.1.n.g around. tb.e earth at altitudes fram 100 to 500 miles. It was

, found that the·se $,h1 ps, 'prefer,red an equatorial orb! t~


I 9. 'Th is 1 nf lor:ma. t 10''0. was ru"sbed to nero and t be CIA.

T·h.e a .. ppe·ar.anee of tbe ships was so unnerving that a trac.klng s,ta,t i on was set up a.t· \ih'j_ te Sand.s· u.nder tbe d1.r·e'ct 1o·.n of tn-, C.lyde Tombs. ugb , "t. he n,ot. ed ast onome r 'who discovered. PI'ute . .Accord1n,g to my 1n.j·or.mau'lt, t.oe has't.11.y const.rue'ted. sys.te,m waG to lTJal.'ltl'ta 1 n ,a eo·.m:ple'te record of the orbiting UFOs.

l0. Since tha.t tn'fa aget:u:;.y ba.s mainta1,ned a "d\Jck. beb and weaveU stance on these ET vis1tation·s. Th.e ,agency has ·complled A va5t amount ot data on tbe ErG. tbe1r tecbnology an~ paint of origin.

11 ~ T'he, agency mA1 nta1ns a w.orld-.w1de su,rveUlane:e on UFO da'ta.

**************** * CONfIDENTIAL ~


4' ....







12. UFOs are r~al and tbey represent an advanced technology from ano,th,er 'Plane''t,~ ~b,ellf" bo:mce 1$ $1.m1,lar 'to ,earth they have, all at:mo'spber'e somewbat like our$,.

~3. The problem is tha~ tbeir sun 1s dying. -heir plane~ has started to coel and has b~gun to enter an ice age.

14. T,ne a 11 ens b.a ve dee 1 d,e d t: he Ion 1 Y' way t Q surv 1 ve was to 8"0 to E,arth, which wa,s se 1 ected. {,or the purp0$.e" 'Tbe 'proble,tII liQ!," tma,'ak1nd i6 that w,e' are 11.'V1ng' here.

15. We obta.1ned. d.ata t.:l:tat, reveals they ,are conductl,n.g' a sys'te~t '1e proj El,et of surve 111,elllce. The f'lrs,'t. p,b"ae,e Q,tt their mission on earth involved long distance sur-

vei __ lance by dr-oD,e aircraft. Tb,en a high. level 'bas,e w,es es'ta,ed Qn, the moon ~ A cart og'r-aph1c5 surve y was,

La unc he d and toe n,ew da ta t.ransM1 tted t.o ba,s,e was compared. 't,c d.a,ta f 1 n the cOl'lputer from earlier 't.imes',


~6. The llext phase wes to s.ur-v,@" to, check C,Q'ot,1,ne'ntal drlft '~ polar mi s.a,11g'nment! and. grtd-,p1.n ,ml'5:place'IIU~ult 'from tbet last ca.t"Astroph,e. All re:tD:ain1ng pin,s 'were located. alld their coordl,nates wer,e plotted~, computed. and ree:or,cled 1 n pe rmane'!'l t d.a ta storage'"

17. During the carrying out of tbis mission, other te'.ams: fro,ID t'he Con.federacy were bust doing biological surveys and, co 11 e'ot, 1 ug' spec 1 me'n.s, and G,ll,~ck 1 Il,g' Ion

the feaSibility of 1nterracl~1 compatab11ity at the protoplasmic and genetic levels .

.. 8- - Upon co mpl e t, 11011 of tD'e sa proj ect 5" vast C o,mm,

re lay stat 110':0..'5, wer'e set up t.Q mo-ni t,or t,be cul'tur'es e'x;1st in:! ,an,d future media ne,twcrrk:s ~,nd all military proj ect.s. The \rita,toher.s are' operat :,..,onal.. Every aspect ~f our civ1lization is recorded by the would-be

1 n vad.e reL

~,* **'** ********** ;( CONF 1 D,E!!I A.L *

,***~,*~*,~** **~j:**






:[, ..... ~ .c: :II: J, ~ :t . ..,:. .:It;, % ~ ;:r' 1:. ~ :(.

~ CONF I.DENT ~ AL ;(. t::t **~*;.~c~ * *:t * ~* *:;J:

J.ttut ,1.1 0. t:1 on of L 1 f ~ farms an.a 1 ts· A:ppar'e n t Rel~t1on5h1p to Alien ActiVity



In th~ m1~dle of 1963~ a ser1es of livestock at~~cks lo,eeur·!"·ed. i:n. Haskell CCUD,ty, ·'I"e.x,a.:s. 1 ~ ·a ·typical 'ca.,S'1S: '.. an Angll's bu,11 was found. w'i th 1 ts 'throat slashed and. a. large raund w'cund in 11ts 5tomach... The c1,t:lz·eury att,rl bu·ted the ,a.'t;:t:ac·ks to. a wild be,,a;st Cl,t $,cme sort~, or ,"_ II van.ish1·ng v·,"', As, ,1, 1:, con.t t nued its fUrt'lv'e forays thl"t!! .Eia.ske 11 C oun t y Clutbac.k ,~ t· he 'b.1 0 ad 1 US t e r :as·s ume d so'm@ wh,a ,t mer e myt h 1 c. pro port 1 an s· a n.d a De 'W' a r-ose 'wh, 1 c h wa 6; destined to endure: The H~$kell Rascal.

throughout the following decade. there wcu14 be a~

C 0,;0.1; i n uc,us se I'" i. f3J 5, o:f re p or·tHe Q.f ,$.1 m11 a r- a. t t ~,c k:s en. 11 v·e·st.,ock, !he·~e att.a.cks, 'wou.ld. ''be 'e:v·' d·eser1 bed a:$

" m.ut il,a t 1on,s", bI.r" II m,u.t~sH. Tbe most promin.ent of t hess reports was ·the mut.i la't'icn. d[ea'th of ,'I' Snl.ppy~· t.he hors·e in '!3Qutheru C.olor~<1Q in 19,67, accom~!lan.ied. 'by area UFO $!,gbt-· in.gss tb.@ trumped.-u'p Co.nd.on. Coxm1·tt.e.e I DV@s·tig,at ion an:d worldwide press cQv~ra~e.

In 1,973] the modern era Q['f b101og1ce.l mu' can 'be said to b.bve beg\J.n. in earn.~s·t. That ye·aT 1$ S"e' thought cf as the year of the last concerted UFO flap,

al th,ough. tber,e lmay be rea.son to q.u:est.1ol'l tha t c,onten.t ion .. g i V'EH1 t be' ·ev'en te, Qf' t wt.1 ye',are; la.'te·f,".

1 n 19'7 .3 ~ nd 1974- I ·t o:e maj or i t Y oft he II c. .1 a.$,S i c ~ I

m.ut·i 1,5.t iQt:I.. rep·orts or1g·1na:t[ed. in, t,ne central 'Uni't.ed. ,sta t,es, In, 1975, 4,11 UIl'tl,ret;;ed.'en ted ,oD.sla'Ug·ll t 0'£ mut i 1 at :1. ens


5'pread across t·be w'e·st·~·r~ two-thirds c:f 'the Uni ted Sta t·es,

M:'u t 1. 1 a t i ~ n. r e por t s p'e'a, ke d t ,h".!i, t :y'eJ a,!" i a C'C' Q,mpa n t 'e'd, by ae.oou.uts· c,f 'UFOs __ no' lhl,i-C:EH:lt1f ie·a FieliCQ·pters.

In l'g·7'S., 'th .. e attaoks; 1,ti;.cr·eased. By 1979! Il1J.Itl@rOU~

11 ve'st·· mut1.1 2i.ti an,s· wer'e!i' oeeuI"'rl:a,g in Ca'D"ad,a, ~ pr1ma.r11y .i n A~.berta. and Sa.ska'tchewan. At t,ack.s :1 n. t,b.e Uni ted St,a t'es b·@'g.,an t·o _ev'el elf!.

I n 19.80:.~ 'there was an, 1ni~r.ea$,e in a.ct 1 vi''ty in tn-@

Un 1 t ed. St,i!l, te.s. th'e"$,e aut 11a t 1 ens ha've' bee n RE'?ORTED less fre'q ue nt ly e.i'nCi:! tua.t year ~ thi.s, ml\!.y be d:.t.Jre i n p~r--:, t© an,asd. ·t~,eli.lctm:nce ·t·o r.e:port. mut.l1ati..QIl's· O<ll t!::i.e pa.:-"'::. [of ranch'ere an.d ':farmer's. Th.e mu-e!·_ t ions· st ill con e 1u·ue.

SO'lil@ whe r'e 'be t we en 6000 ,a;n,[ci 1 '0 ~ '0't,HZ~ a. n 1. ma 1 s (a. nd 50 me humans) hay-'@' dte'd in the United Stat,es~ al'thoug-h. it :!s

a we·rl dW'1 de :pro it) 1 em ..

***~~*****~***x~ :t. CO.H'F! DElfT I AL *


Ac.y· 1n.V'es·t 19at ion whie.h. i·n.ten.ds ·to .probe· -che systemat 1c occu.r.e·nee 'of th,€!; mu't 1, ;"'At 1QQ a ttacks 'Upon, 1.,1 ve's'tock :mus·t

i.:nc 1 udE! 'wi t h.i, n 1 ts purv':! ew cer.ta1 n f a.c t: c;;J!r:9 W:b.i co IIIi.!ly or may :e1o·t be d,l re.ct 1 y r' t ed t c ,t,he acts 'C'! mut 11a:t 1 o.n t'h,em-

se l.ves.·e mut i 1at iOI1:S - the s'laugbter and :re'mo'J',al of

'e x"!.e r'n,a 1 c r ,1. r.:t E: rna. 1 bod y pa,rt s - ,b..a 've 'be e 'no d.1 r ec'te!:'d, .a t.

i i.-t er'a 11 y 1: b.Cu.sand.s of aD i ;ma,ls (.pr·l .. me.r i 1 Y lives 'tcc}f)- s i nc,e ./ t.he 19 e 0 r S ~ a 1 t. houg·ll. mot 11 at ,il;l'l'Ji.S b.a ve occurr'e d as ·e ar 1..y

'1 as: 1860,

The surgical procedures that appear to have been conducted have been done so witk uncanny preoision. $uS'!es;:-ti:o.g tone use at" h,ighl.y ·$,op.nistica-ee.d lmple·.ments and te· Th'e D.umbin.g a .. nd pers1$·tent. regula.rlty o,t 'the mut·1 :"a t _ Q'IJ;,S, a.ud tbe see!:lli D.gly ,casual ci1. spo·5.a 1 of t De use~ le'55 caroasses All hint at coni 1d.en:oe - even.

arrog·aI1.'ce ,_ 0: to:e· perpe'tr~ .. t~.r·~,. 1 t 1.5. an arr'c~ane'e

" - _. Z2L~-~ • ..._~~~ ,

a ppe a.r $; to be j U's"t 1, fled 'by t :c.'a: :f r- e,eoti~ ~ a n·d 1 ~un 1 t Y 'W':1. t h

·w]fi~b. thes;e act·s have bee'll. carri~·d cu:t,. -- - .--. - ~~--,. - .. ,-- -,

··-'---th·e ':certine·:tlce of a - s):'e'ei£'it; element. - of ·the ~robl@m is

- ~ !~-

s.Dcrt:::" y re'\1"e·a l·ad 1 D. 1: ll~ c,c'Qr"s:e cf ~ny thQ,rc.ugh, re5earch

or inve,~t1gation i.nto the tD'IU't11ation.s. 1 re:f'ei mainly' to th,e' ·app.ear,anc:e at uIlWli_r.k'ed aDd,·w' u1l1d.e:o;tif led,

he ... 1eotrte,F:s wi th_n a s.:pa t 1A1 ~ .: nd temDQT:"al. 1"'!Iro:x'imi ty·· ·to' 'the

~ .. ~ r:- 1

mut i 1,l!.t iC'n $1 tes, !'3l.e Qccu.renoe cf' ·the 'C'wo been al ways.

per$~$~ent encu.h tc suoercede coincidence.

~ C e

T'b,ese mys- e!"'y he .11. GOpter5; are almost; a 1 w.ay.s wit ho'ut

1d,e.nt i!y1ng marki.ngs, or me'rk.1og'5 t.ha.t are there· appea.r to ha.'ve bee D. 1"0. in.t.ed. ov,er OI'" ccv-,ered wi t b. some·t·h iIl,g'; The hie 11.cOp't.ers. are· frequen.t 1y' rep1crted. f.1Ying· at abno,rmal! u·nsaf~· or illegal alti.tude.s., T'b,ey :me]" sby away if'$.$,s$ or' law' officers try to approach.

T'h,e'I""a a.r.eo :sever,i!!.l ac.cel"1;J'!lt,s fl.f' aggressiv''9 b'en,av'ior on the pa.rt o,.f t,ne he 11'copter o~eup\o.n.t S 'II wi tn. wi t·ll.eS·$·e·s be'1 ng c.ha6E:d~, II buz:zed.·;' '1' b..Qvered-QV"er Q.r" even tJ'Pcn. At· t ill!le5


tllese c..b.ct:r'D@r'scallpu'ns1nt.@nci.·ed)apo-e:rvery...·nearth.e

A ~ a ~ .

m.ut: i la. t i en sit@'$. even b.rYY"~re 'i ng Cl" a. .past ut"'E1!: w-c .. e re .e.

mut·11.ated care.,ass is· l.a:te·r fOrlJ·nd.. they may be observed 5·bort: 1y ·boef'ore· c,r af·t·er mut11a.t.ioos oceu.r - or wi tn.ill d.ays Qf a mut.1.1,at.1en. 'Th,e 1,nt.ent ton her·e· 1$ merely to st·%"EH;S th'e !ae1:. tha t the 'I'~'tays·tery hel .. 1eopt~rl.i element is a. par;;. of t;,:Ce· issue w'h1eh d.eserves. serut iny.

T.he Gonce'pt of my·s.tery he 1 i.cop.ters did not. de"V',~ lo·p o,on,cu.rre· th,e an.imal .mutlat1ons themse'lves. Such be11e:clp·t·er'$ - unmarked, .. flY'i:ng at l·ow leve·15.~ scundl.'ess ('01'" soundi'ng ... lira: be,1 tcop,ter's) - been. repc!"t'ed f,oT

Y'e'ar$~ aDd .have 'been 1 illked t,o an eV-'ii!'n mc;a-e 'wides.pre,!!"d


* CO:lF .l'D.EllT. 1. AL ~





I } ,

~ x ~;i. ~ ** ;t ..... * i.:t:..t: *'* *~ CONP'lDEliTIAL *


p.hene~non - the· i~phantom·i Cflxed-'w·ln.g> a1:rc.r-,a.ft.. These a1rcr·a·ft a:p·pear !'Hld d1s,i!.ppe.~r w'hi le 1 n t 1 19h"t~, .and.. 'even c :bange sb.a pe ..

!be re·l,e.-e iODSh.1 p.. betwe·en be11copt,ers and UFOs is on A wor ldw1d.e basis,. 1 n s,ome of the more· interesting aeCcuDts~ the mystery helicopters were seen aeco,mpanyin.g' UFOs,- or very shlo:rt 1y after trFOs we·re s.,ighted".

_- T,h,e' most apt case I t.ll.1n,k; of, but eerta1,nly b,ot

t:b .. e most iSlo late-d, 15. a c.ase desert 'bed by ViT'a;i 1 Ar:ms.c.rong in his leetul"'e on !~what NASA d,:t.dri1t te'll 'us iIlbout 't,be Moon":;',

In ~h1s lecture~ he discusses the s~bject of the ,, relat1onsbi'p 'be·tween UFOs· a:n.c1 Q .. e·11co:pte·rs+ He·

d.'9:scr'l, "Des e. iri,enci of his wh,Q. had. i'n-v.e'n'ted. ~

c,amer,i:l ar-re.'nge,ment w'i tn t,he idea ·th~t 1't would increa:se t,ne ¢l::i.,a:nce s· of g'E! 't t t ng good. pi ct ures ,of ~rpo$.. T'.he camera was tllOunt'ed 0'1:1 a ,gufl,st1ock wi tb a lasar. r:he idea was t,IO f i t"'9 t·ne laser ,~t tbe· UFO" i"f one appear-edt ia'n.d hopefully t.h·e UFO wo·uld come to la halt, witl.1-:l \ q_"IJ!!l,11 'ty pictu,res eeing,

1J'ot. tit)IO' long after they w~re. set up in. the· deSE·rt. a UFO ,d"i,d, in fact a;ppear., a.nd they :fired 'tb .. e l.aser a..:nd. the di:sk s,topped. .in ~. boveri'ng :mod,e' ,. Sh.ortly t·h.ere:af~,e'r, the d,i 15k f , .... ew .s'w-a:y. Wi t h.i n m1 n ut'e"$ ~ t hey heard. the, SOU'D,<l '0 f b:e.l1cop·ters com1n.g th'e'ir wa.y" T'ne helicopters lande-d..

stra teg 1 ea, 11 y around t be ir g:rc'up., a.hd out of tb.e· enoppe r"S came a, grQup of blacK'·ts f. wh.ich aTle 5trat1eg1c A.i.r

F'crrce secur1 ty ;fcrc'E:s·. What appeared to be ·tb:e CClmIlJand,er of t·ne berets wa 1 lit.ed. up t,o 't,ne group and s·a 1 d, ~, w'ha t ar-·e you ,doing here·"?u. IiObv1ously, we ar"e photc,graphin.g' flying

obj ee·ts·~a:c:d we j u:st· saw' a ! ly1,llg saucer anci we got. SOi:ll~ verY' go,o,do pictures of ,1 t,'~~, .sa.i.d on·e Qf ·tb .. e group. The cC~'lld'er 'c,f 'th,e berets 't.b.e'n .asked 'the l.eader ot' th.'e ~'rQup 1.f he· knew' w'here he.· Wa.:9i, and the group le',ader repl l'e'Q

H no",. 'The C'cFIIulla,nder t b.e n sa i d. t m'i 'w'e sugge st Y-0u 5~ t O\l,'t ot .here right no'w~ u.. The grcu~· leader ,t he n ,a'ske,d,~, ,~i' wha.t :r j g h t dQ you bave to tel us t~ get out of bere? Is this govern.:went land?'~' '. 'of 'the berets, a capta1!L

replied..p., ~"1.nde'ed. it 1'sl~ .and if y,o'U are 'not out. of be·t"a .1.n t·en minutee" you a,re ,arre5.:t u. Wi:t.h, tha,t ~ the ber~ts re·mcve.d. t.h1e film fTom t.,he' ·c,alM:ra I a:na. the group ie·f··t, .•

B"ot O'n, 1.,. d.oe'5, th is ill Y'st.rOo te 'otte ,it'i rui of 1. n~1'!.ane.e w'b.ere liP,Os aria 'M'iI! n 1 n r'e 1.m. t 1 on,shJ" ,P t e b'a 11 co'pt e r·s ., but. 1"t alsc illustrates the fact that either the 41sks are ours or we bave a mill ta,ryl"glov1er:o.lI!:etlt 1Clnsbip 'w'i.t.b, tQQ·s'e!' WDe fly th1e,m. T'he he 1 ico'pterG .tDent.icn.e(i ab'Q'v'e - w-ere itJn1,·t1edi. States military he11eQPters~

**************** * CONFIDENTIAL·




~ r. *=f ~ _** ~~,* '* t:~~;;:; ~ CONFIDENTIAL ~ ~~ t;t: * * l~ l" ,):,*,1(:t * 1::**

Mad,e in USA

Ano~ber case_ of m11ita~y helicopters ~nd wbat are -~p&re~tly disk owned and ooersted by the United States : ~::J,es i rQ~ 't: h@ book ij UFO eras,b, a't Aztec'i'I'" by Stei.r:lrt'e.n and

.:::~:vens.., r n "the' cook' he r'e· at'es t.he 1 nc1dl,'en.t in. w.hich,

:,t! was, bac!£packin.g 'in t.:,b,'e!: mountains in t.n,e, v tc in i t y

:'! A.~e"a 51 ~ Gr.oom Lake! en t lJ:e He 1, 1 :Ls AFB ra.'nge nOr"'t h ai

~a5 Vegas. Wh.l@ backpacklngl the 1ndian beard the sound

~t approaching helicopters and hid out of s1ght. The beli:o;'I't.I(2,r"5 we,re br©adcast l.og ,~ warning over' the i, publ ic ,;j,~drs!5s syste,m,s ,fer anyone 1 n tD:S ,o!!tre:i!t 'to 'S,D.,OW t,hemse·l ves ':)~ca,u:se they :.. tl"ten,d,ed to co:ndu,c.'!:, ~ ,. tiangerOT.l'5 m.i 1. i t~ry ~est.,I'. !b"e indi,An. ma1 n'ta,ined his hidd.en ,p'csture~, and. 'l:he he,:,.icopt,er flew d, oVerhe'ad and 't,hen back QIOWn, ":o'v.l"ard t.~e Groom Lak.e' f ao.111 ty. M1nut,e,$i l,ater. two otner ,he li-

e cn::rt'ers w~.r,e, seern f l.y i, ng back u.p it be canyon wi th ~, b l,~c k :.iisk fly'1,ng bet:.we~n and 51 ,abcve 'th:€tttl,. The, trio :flew' overhead 4nd then ~he helicopters turned araund ~nd flew bac'k tow,ard5 t,.he 'bas;e II ,t 0 llowed, sno,r-e, 1 y t,her'ea fter by t. he diSK" Th .. e, lndi v14'ual's name a'nd ,i'n"io,rmat 10'1\ on b.o'w' 'to ge~

:. n t.ouch wi t.b. ,b"i,m are rela,ted 1,'Il the 'CIcek. One :may pres.ume - aa.t: 'ellis scenario may be the resul t of P'rOj ect Snowbird'i wh,E!!'re c,aptured. al Len d,isks W'er'e a'e .. d"ly 't'ested. a nd e,v,entually flown ou't: 0,1 th,1:s f,acl11ty,,,

Myst~ry H~11copters and Or1ent~ls




Situations involving the mystery belic~pters ~ppear to be ~ 1 i t. t 1 e mo,t"'E: 1 ns i d 1,0 us 't ha n t, ll,e e '~'Oe r i e n.e~ 0 f 't he .rna n


ne,o.r Gra'om Lak,e". A good. 'ei~,a,mple of this is an ,e,'vent w,b.l.eb

occurred ,;t,n M,a,d,lS,O.f:l cOUDty', }(·ontana betw,e'en J U'D€ a"nd, Octo,ioe,r' 19'16. Twenty-'two ceni 1'rmed catt;,le' lllu,t1, lat i'ons had occurred. during th,at period, and th.ey we,re! aceompa::rd,,'B'Ci by r e pOI'" t.s t brougbout the co.un't,y 'LJlt s11eu t ~ \l,n,me.,r,ke'd, l' j e ~black h,e 1. i'ccp't~rs.. ! la:s,n1ng/s'teady an,omalcl'Us. light!$; in, ' air- and ne .. ar the g:round~ e"nci unmarl£',ed .!1xed-w,1,ng' a1rcraf"t a.e;e ompan i ed. oy 'whi, teo vans _,- ,a 11. in reJIlo"t@ a nd. pres,uma b 1 Y. inaccessible areae.

Tow,a,t" ci 't, he l at tie r pa rot ,of t :c. ,15 p,e' r i oc., in e, ~ r 1 y a u t u an of 197'e~ ,a, frc,m' Montana 'was out: alone a,!,

3P.t-! one day in the ,Red MJuntain area near the little tew1. of

Korr ,i s; }r.w wa. tehed as a b 1 ,ack ne 11 wi't b.eut mar. k'i ng's f. lew' overhead a nd,appE:b,re,d be loW' eo 'small hill" The· ;ma,n climbed to tbe top of the nil1 and saw the black chopper

< at ae II Rang,er I be t.houg',ht) en t'b.e g.rQun.d. tb,'e eng':1ne' st 111 .running. Sev'en men, had &ppa,l""ent 1,. e.x1,ted from t,he cra.ft and. WE,rEi' w,al.k1,Ilg up t,b.e .hill t'bP,",'ards him. As t,Q .. e !LUnter walked. toward5 the, seven 1'll.div'lduals,!, b"e w4,v'e,d and sho'll,ted a

t **~.*~ * *** ** ***~: .t: CONFIDENTIAL *

'*' **~ * * **:f:*~*,l:*¥~



:; ;:t;: -*:..&. .J: :.t: .,t: ,~ "'j;: '.r;: ~ ~ .~ ~ ~r;: ~ k CONF! DEU'! I.A.L ,f ·~~.t;:~-*x:..t:;:« *:.f; .. t::~.~ *.~ #.:.J:

congenial gree·'t1ng. l't W,~S' then. that h,e, n.Q,t,iced. that ,a,ll seve'n la.ppehared. to be' orient,a1. 'They bad $,l.a.:D.'tad, ay'es, ,and. oli'","'!! $1£,10 <s,cu:t1ds 1,1k'e· XIS-types) a'nd 'were jabbering ,among '1;; he,ms,e 1 v'es. i D. 5 c,me·! p,c.e'r a. b 1. ,e 1. a. :c.gua;ge .. 'The,y wore Ueveryday" clc'tb·est Th'ot ull,l,forme;", ,sudden._y. t1:le,y be'ga,n to re·tu.rn to t,ne he 1. 1co:pte,r. . The· hu,tlter, st ill waving and, shc,u,ting friendly ,greet 1ngs,~ s1::L:I""te,d, ,a,fter -ell,em,. Tb.e Or-1,entals: q,u1cJ~19'D·ed 't'he1r pac'e. 'iihe'n t,b"e, hunter approaeh~d tc within five or siX teet~ they broke int,Q a dee.,d rUb., cr-owdl'ed into. the ,eb.opp-e,r aDd teok ci:f"

In. a. doeume,nt,ed .. my-stery' h,e 11copt.eru w.ave ,1 n England. accounts ,pl,ace Qr1e·n.'t,al-appe,arin,s' occupant,s. i,n an 'un~

i d,.,en,t 1"t,1 ed. ch.opp,e.r" Sl,a nt-'eyed, eli ve-s:k1.uned Or'ie'ntal occupants have b~en a staple at tbe heart 4~d at the periphery' of UFO a'~co,unts fc·r IlViny years. S1,p:1:f'1cant '!ilJ;mb@,r$; 0 f' the 1 ni: ~,mo'us n me n ~ ,1. n - b 1 ac k:~if (:K I B) boa ve a s 1 m,i 1. a r a.pp~a.r,an,c,e, but very oft,en t,b.~y ,s,e~':n ,i!lS, very pal,e ,and gaunt me:n wh'o appear 1:0 b@ '9"ery. ,Si'i!,ns.1 t 1 ve: to, 11gb:t.



So_ Conclusi,ons. " ~

in ST I GKA TA lie. 5 (Pal.l-W':1I:!:.'t~r- .191 IS ) ~ To:m Ada:ms out: 1 !. !led t he ~'~ t P ro mi. ne n t s'Peeu 1 at, 1 v€: e xp~ 1 a_'n,a t ~ 1. eros ,aeca U n,t 1 !'i..~ :: Qr

- -

tb"e, m.u.t 11a-c. io'u-hel1.c'opt;,e,r 11,:n.kj iDe uding the tollow:i:ng:

a , 'T,he he:.lio:opters, are th.emsel'ves U"P"Q,s, <i1s,g':J:is,@d to appear a6 tel""restr t,a 1 a.i.rcraf t I

b. The choppers or1gina~e from or are allied with the goverument/mi 1 i tar-y and ar-EZ n.ot 1:0'1:1'01 ved i.ll t,he ae·tua! mut 11a t 10,:o.s but are 1 n V'est 1 g~,'ta.1nS' ·the:m.

c. The cbopp,ers Qrigi:D.~:te iir'Q'm, wi t,hln "the g'ov'ernment and. ,are condu,et,i,ng Gome 0'£ tJl,e ,wut 1, la:t i.O'IlS.

d. ....l!le he 11 c,; are· gQvernme D t/m111 t.ary " and t,b"e y k:n,(:i'w So bo'ut. ~ he ide n t.1.'t Y !L.:nd.. met 1 v'e·'s of t hose who are perpetr.a.tin'!" t.b.e 'mu'ti,lations ,i!lod. by t,h,e,ir presence 4re trying to divert attentlQn to the P.~,5S i 0111 t y ©f 1,nvo 1 ve,men t, by t,b.e mil i tary .

The ansW"e'r 'f ~rS f a"r as Tam Aclams w·as·n,ed,t. COU ld. be a, G'omb111at.1on, o::f toe above, -proposals. There h.!!.s al~o be'en

. A

6peo,u14't ion, 'that t,be gove,t""n:men:t is, '1 Il'V'ol. 7ed" in part of' th,e

mut iI,a t, i ClDS as a. sa,mpi.1 n,g prc·c.ed.. ur',e: for :pr'ogra,ms '1 n "101 v:i t3"g b"tolcg1eal warfare, b1,ogeolo.,g1eal te:stiD!,' fo:r petroleum and :mi :ne r-a L de PiOS 1 t oS or Q't,h,er s 1 mil ,a t: p.r 0 gr a'mB . ,A t t .h,e· s:i 't e o:f o,ne mut::f. lat Len, for 1n's.''ta.n.c·e!:',., a ITS Army' :is.sue· sc,alpe 1 wa,:55 f'Quud. Si'llee, the d.isk's hav,s been :mcu~t 1.1 invol ved, when. it comes 'to mut .11at lons, 1 t is gen,er~11y ' tha't t,n1s \-l'aS a diversionary plant.

**************** * COliF!DE1I1'IAL *

:$: * *,j:::t. *,*'* ~ *;t::# * *- *);




~~&~~**~~~~~~*~* ;r CONFrD~lfTIAL * ~~~~¥*~*~***~***

~hese ev@nXs~ or the d1scussicb of them. is just ~he ~ r'e:- ur5;or 11:,,0 t, h~ ac.t uaI rave 1 a t.l.cns· lo·f wha t t"'@',1!:11"], m.ei-'Y be :e~:.nd ~-,b,e bulk ci the· m.u',t1·r;~l'ns,: a.lien ae.qJi$1t1on of

~ :. Q : 0 g i c a 1. ma·t ~r i a 15 ,f or the 1 f' 0 W n US'E2.. r b.e r e: is q u 1 tea .o~ ct evidence ~c support th1s~ and tbere i$ one case

~ a a t gQe sal ong 'i.ray +o i':"l U$'t·ra t.e· this c.onnec t 101111, ,and :~a: tb_s interaction involves d1rect 1nteract1oh with Ex~ra-terre5tr1al BiQlcg1cal Efitit~es (EBEs).

Individuals,S, Alien Pickup of cattle

The' case i D .mi nd is one 'i nvCl 1 vi ng Judy DfllLa ty and· :$·on" who. were dri.v1n.g on a. rura,1 :b.,1gb-way :i.n liE!:'W K'e·x:ico ::":J. _'~e0. While d,ri'71ng a.lf:;:rng t.ole· h1,g.c.way ne·a,.,r Cimarron ..

':. ae·y observed. t,wo d .. 1sks, in. the: proce:ss of ,abdu:ct ing a

:~oung -ca.l f. .As a r-esul t. bot.h. o:f them we·re abd:ucted ,and! :aken on one of the craft to an underground ins~allation :-'" Dulc'@ '.' N'~w M,exieo" They we·r,e l~t,er re l'iEI·,a·s'ed and tell toe 5tory ©! h.c'W tkley' Clbse,r,v'ed .. ars-e: va'ts Wl t,n 0. 'bl ue ~lquid with cattle body parts floating around in them. They 0.' S~ r'ec.a 1.1 one vat wh.1cfi 'con:t,a1n:e.d. the bod.y. [O[t a ,ma.l'e· ~ul'1:ia.n. 7he w'o~,n 'Wa,$ subj e:ct.ed tiC €l,n ,e,xamln;a:t tern an.d it..

wa's fur'Ch'eH~ alleged t"h,at· $D!a~' 1 me·tall1e ob.j ects were 1.m-

~ :anted into body' ". .: nd that of ber son. Mor"e than one -sau,:rc,~ has· ,;onf ,1 r:med th.a t '04 tse,ans, ht\v~ 1 Q,c.a ted. these·

~:::r.n Lan t:s;.


Otb~r individuals have witnessed the abduction of

a:-~ 1. me, 15. In a,fH:Jtb,er c.a,se ~ a 'w.o:man 'was. pi eked. up wn i l'~' l;ine.tbe,r c·o.lf. was be tog ,abducted., Sb:9 obs.erV'ed p1n,ear= 1 :ike .~.r:ns pi c k up th .. e ca 1 f. ~ app Jl ywha t appea,r'ed 't,o be a :h. igh vc 1 t age: Charge "to kill t h.e ani ma.l. , and. 1 nj ect some "5uo,5.:ta.nces· 1 nt,c tb,e a.'n.1mal. 1 ,t wa.s " hauled. aboard

:b.e ,craft. and parts ,extrae+,ed., af"te'r which 1 t; W~,5 simply ~~~pp@d onto tbe ground.

Discussion about the nature~ loc8tlon, and apparent ;"Jt"?O$Ie! of thi.s A.nd ot. he t" laoora'tor1e:s. wi.11 be d.1ac"Uss'ed. l~ length later O~.

L~ t '5· r e"t. urn to s,o:me t h:1 'n!' we· can get rror,e, of a dlir'ect

;"A nd 1 '8 on. .AS Y'o'U ,kno·w~. many t::. JDe:$ p·e;ycn 1,cs h.a v,e be.e D. used -;, ~{ ~ n vest, 18,"" t 1 ve a u.t.bor 1 t 1,es to eva 1 U~ te $:1 t U,ei t i,ons . l{IQr'e

-: -r:.'e!:n t,b.D.fl not i w·,b.,at the.s'!.:· pe:opl,e corrt r t bute ,1l4s been

.:a~ roc,at [o·! w', $clve5 tb.e ca:Q'e.

~n _980, Peter Jordan engaged several psychics to

:- ,~, ['I. de F the.1 r 1 mpre5s,1.e'ns ! rem var' i Qua photO's of mu.te cases ~ ~.d ~P'$ CI,t ar'eas 'where these e.v,~n'ts Q·ceur, 1 will now :~ta11 some of th,e~M~' find.1D.g'5 for your" informat:1ont ,and ··:-'j,'5t, tha.t tnfarmatlern, like allot the r,e:st of the

... :-~i u!""lllat ion ,1 n tb"i's .r'e:port. ~ 'w·1.11 save: you a lot. c,t time.

* ;t:~*,*~ * ;t.*:** **::,;** ;t COD .I D,ENT .1 AL ;;:

•• ***~~****~x.**



'![ -r ~,it:' -~- ':~ ':t' '.'t' -'I[ '.t" ~"~ .,t;" ".t: .,%: .,:t!:' '.j!:'

~ CON?I~~N~iAL ~ %~~X**X*~~~~~***

}if a me erf ,p's ye' b. ,1 c :

a. 1'his a:o.1~1 :na,s be,eo, dead a. t,ew d"aY5i.

b", so,~, pa.rt,:$, are de!eay1n.g fa~ter than ot.:bers

c, There is aD oyerlo~d ot ~lectrelytes 1n tae body, b 1y du'€')' t,Q 1:oj ect 1 em (Jf ,I> 'c:1 tra t e "

d. Someth1,n,g 'WT"crng wi th th.e bl'cH:lid" Picki-ng 'up ,a. h1g, pCl'rt.1.'Q'n af pla's:ma which ~.y b'@ lymp.hat 1c f'! uid ..

e, Tw'o men, working an the animal. Ve'ry' ~harp 5ur,gleal


:f. M'en dr-e.g,sed in 'b-lack. Jumps:ij,i,ts. Sh1'ny black nylon. s. Wt n'chl :ine co:m1 ng a.own, frlb]<m ha 11ccpt.e:·r,

h,. M,e!1'i are skt lled ,ex-,m.! .... ! t,ary.

i , Scnnet,hi'ng 1:6 g'c1ug to be d,ane wi t h _ th,e t:1. Sisue .

j. F:..curcmetry CO'D.'Ilect 10'0,. S'pectrop'hotom.eter's ..

k. ChoDoe'rs a:r-e br'o'W'n ~r gra y .. ,' .

'"', .... -

1. Uud,'erg!"'flund imp 1 i ca:t 1 cn:6 .

:m. Experi.tIle'ntat iO'iil 'w"1,tb. ·d1ffere'r.L:t anal yt teal te'ch'n1,qu,es"

a. Par&m111tary farces

b. ,A, se.riOus 1n.vasicrn. of Am~r1ca:tl p·ri''l'acy

c." Hcn- Am.e r i'ca n. :1 n:d..i ans ,pa,r"t of sect""t:'t proj eet . d. The 'Word ANN i D'E

e, The 'w'ord CAR.M i if! OI'" KARMlliE.,

f. The $y~bol DK.

g. A n.ew wave o.f' IElut]. 13t.i.ons. 'will st·ri,ke near S'W N'ew Mex u b.. The Ho'baT"t Company 1,5 i n.vQl v'eo:. 1 n t.bJ.'s (re fer @q U 1 p? ) 1" Three buge doughnut 9h~ped objects will be seen in

el~n:' ion wi tb the-s,@: 'new mut,i L~lt t cne , J; :BreaJfthro!ugb.s ':i'n rt!:s'earch.

1. Xusc.le re la.xant i:c.j e·ct1Qn.s.

m., Someo,n'e w'1 tb. "the name .EMF IDA.

n. Tb.,1s 1.5, a Kex1C'ao. Oper'at.i.on.

o. fiT,ame·s KiELMAN and KEL,MAI'.

'0. 1 nei t'iJti.'Ou wi. t,b, many Lln.~Ql n CO'lll,t 1nen:tals a nd Cad,i. LlaC$" q. Labcrat~~y undergrQund.

r-. L ill Y Ph"arma,ceut ,1 caie.

$. Ro'~!n 'D,'umerals I "1'1 11

t . The rJ"ame STEP HAliO .

u. The nu~ber 1714.

v . T,lle, last n.a:me A U'D'L,£&: w . T'De f 1 rs:t. na!De' M.'-8'E

x., J at roe;]:i::et· l,a bs tlLE!!,arby

y '" DO~5 a. bove t,c'e ground

z . Vehicle 1.0·# KP 1936,. Sma 11 j ee:ps a.a., 1h,e last n.a,me pi ',ESTO

::J :t;:*.* *****;t*:t:':i:',* ** *. CONF I DENT I AL * * *): =* ;j:;.::J: ,*:;:. ;( *:it ~:« x:=*:


~' ........ :., ....... 0'

t*~*~~*Z%~~~*~** it: COlfr- I DE N! 1 AL .:t


w. In t.erest t n sF·e~,dl 1. n.g tl.P t b@: grawt h. c·f ca t tIe;

x. Importance cf p~ncreas.


Oln.'e of t.he mest: o· cases ( no·t the el'I"J..l:y cas'e)

) c:rf __ ~,!,man. mut~,latio'n s·tor1e.: come·s f~c'm tbe ccrntrove:~s1al. G r u:dge· 1 ~ ~e port .1 't ,hie m1 ss :t n.g 11 n.k 1 n. t be f curt e e.n G r' ud g.e re·polr"ts. 'The~ V£!rD.c'1. ty ~f this re'pot"t 1.5· 'wha,t· t·h·e c·Qn't'I"'·~'-

. versial is·su.e is all a.'bout.. nC'J't s.o muoh lot what :19.: actua.lly

. .1 n ·t h.e report. As e f May 1988~. we· ll~ ve rece .:t.ved wor'a from

11. 1. g h 1 yo p l.aG'ed :; 0 ur-e EH~, t b"i!l t b (;) t ,b, the E t :a ,e· nhowe·,f" IfJ -·12 do,c'ument ~ the current E'xi,et'@nce of XJ ...... 12 j; Prcj ec-ts S·n.ow.bird.i A,tluar::[,u.s, a.:nd G.r"ud.g-e 13 r·e:po:rts are all t,rue a:ad. valid.. It re·ally doe·snt. :matter in the 'end, fc'r t,he '~1n issue in May 1'985 se·e·ms to, be oofU'90a t ion frf' the I""'€!a,l .;.,e;.,5ues· by loo·kl ng

for that ,~~ smok1 n,g g'urf~ 'I' steering various rese·a:L:·cn. gr'gups

i, 'n C 1 r e 1 es .a, nd ma..k: i ng th e m hA'C,.g· cnl 'W,i!" 1 t 1 ng f ~ r t. lb:e 'II roe· a, l.

't rut h Ii. We 11 f Q 1 k's ~ a 5; '1 ·sa 1 d l·t d oe,sn t r e.!!! 11, ~ t· t e r. 1. f' ycru be·11eve me Q.I"' not. .. For your ,ecnve·n.1e'nr-::e·1 I wil.l d..1"SCl1SS till e Grud.,i!·e J.:3 l:"",e p'ort 1 ate r , _ From _1 t_J. _ ___ll Qwe,.v,e:r I c:..:ome_~_tb~~ case of on.e S,gt J ona t.hAll f __!_. L,cu~t 1;'~ __ 1 n., t._b._e_ _d..~_6e,r.t__1.1L

New Me'x1oc tn. 'the 1'9'50' s.

Air Force Serge~nt Louette was in the desert with a Me, j o·r W t 111 am C un n 1 n,S'J:Li~1!. Jt, on Marc b Q f 195·6· 0 n t. he Wb.1 t,·e K1esle Range, when Maj or. eunn1ng·b3m. saw Sgt Lou'ett.e go ever a. ~5and. dun,e, and. di s~,'ppe.i!lr . A short 'wh 1.1e l,a t er the Kaj or he a.r- ci Sgt Laue t t e' s ere a.m. i. n. 'w'h~ t ca n be 0':0.1 "f d·e· s·c r 1 be d as sheer terror. Rushing ever the dune, Major Cunningham saw a sllv~ry disk hovering in tb~ air over the Sgt1 bolding .h1,m W1 th 50'me :Kin,d. of .me,.onan1Ical ·arms" As be wa"Cched. the Sgt was dr.agged iu'to tb,e .c·r-aft I which t.oQk a·! f vert 1cally,

- After fliing a report with the Air Pol1ceij a search 'W'B.s. con.'Qucted. over' a'C!!·e d.a.y perio,d,.. Ss't. Louett,e~ ba,dy ;iI<lra~, fQu.n.d nu,de ~nd. mu.t i L~!.ted a.pprorx·lrnat.ely ten miles !r·o.m wber'e b·e' was ta.l!;:·e·n by' the r.:ra!t. Tb.·e· tCD.g'ue .ha.d. be'en ta.lte'n (:I,U t f r a·m, t hie lowe.r port:1. C! n a f ·t h'e· .j.a, W , his e ye·'S b.,a d be"!!!' I'll. removed. ,as well as his @:'ntire anus. Cc:rmme'nt5, w'eT,'9' mad.e on th.e ,e.:ppar'en.t surgical skill cQincident with the rem~l'val

~f t.he·se bo·dy· parts, Tbere wai!;i no ~5:Lgn of blo,od auyw'be:r-e in. body~. despite the LACK ·cr! yasQular co l l apee I whicb they ~o'uld not, fat-h,om at the t.ime. The:r~ w·ere a D.·umber

of dead predatory birds in the V1cnlty of th~ body~ who had apparently tried to part~ke gf the cOrp$e.

This report 15 interesting, espec1a-ly when paired with the several reports whieh exist about the bodies

:t;::t~;t ~:*; **::t*.***:t * * * CONFIDllN'r E AL *





:l.~~:a:::;::t~l=:;:~):.**i:*:; ~. COliF I D.E.H T 1 AL :t *:):*::«~:l :t*~.1:**-*:t:* ~

of human :ItIa.l.e·s, :t>e.mal.e:·s, and babies t· ha,ve been 5·een 'by var 1 C!I'llS w'1 t nesse5· lov·er t·1 me 1 n 50ltle of t;·he'se und.ergr-ou:nd.-

a.11 en. 1 a os., Yho. runs t.he~se la.os? Ye j' 11 d1:scUS'!!i' t b.a t ., a·te r. jI 1 but fer ~~w let us just say it is an alien race otherwise

k'Down. .as the II G'I",eys" . ' )


~On February 2~ 1984r UP! rau a story which referred to Dr. J.e.!Des 1.iom.a:ck a.t Tsxa.s A&K un1ve:rs.1ty w.h· .he made ,and ann·C!I1,l.nced. h 16 ·tit,se.every that b.umans ebar·e II perf e ct

liJ.4 t. e. b~'1 e .nr 0 mDS 10 me s w'1, ,t h ca t t ]. e . .A ppar e tl't 1 Y :~ -e he pel r' fee t, :wa,·tch, 1$1 wi tb port i'Otls of t.h:e 21st chromosome pa.1r" a st.raD.d.kno~ to ca.rry e'haraeteristles of Mongolism QI"'" Downs Sy·n.d.r'Qm.~ associated. wi th mental ien. Dr', WO'lD2!d: k s·t D. ted t M t ~'we mus t ha ve .m.L';I r'e '1 n eo mIlleH} than

pr'€!! v 1 oU51 y be 11·e·ved:~' , .

. :iJ: A I"",e'ce D. e arr 1 val O·D. t.h'e 1·5 t.b..'e s,ubj e.c·t cf .P:r'otlc::uQ,orp·b.ogen.s.., or gl,an·d.ul, - gro.un.d \l,P gltUl,d.s 'of ca ttle., 1. f ,3 human t,ak'E!:$, th.1.5 sub.stance t= -.a y,ear, ·as ·w,a.S d.ou'e :in test subj ectst the pers,c'1l6 OWU gl,ands .$ t G'p prcJd,u e :1 :og b:c rmci :c.,e 5 ..

:iWbe:n .FBI ageo:t: R!t;)mJfIe 1 'was ·p.rovid.ed. wi th ,!50" 00',0 to inv,est1gat.e 'tn.a mu't,11~t,1,cD.5 i'D. on.e d..lstric·t in liew Mex1c,r!h all mut 11 at 10U.5 5,to'pped 1 D. that d.1str'1,et d ur'i ug tha t year. ;c. 1:0. ODe mut 1 Lat ion case~, a se'v@'n'" Qld. b .. e i!e,I'" wa.:5 founa wb.os·e unborn. cal,'! b..~.d be'en re.~ved wi. t.hou't brea.k1,c.g the placental bag~

:t Analysis ~f t.oe, f 1 u,1d i'n .mtJ"t,11~·t·ed ''bGHi1es i,e·8 pre·:sence of' crysta.llin,e 5ubst,ance's a·ct iIlorl:llally found in biood products. Elongated rectangular erystAl11ne st·.ructure:s c'f '1;:wo d1f'fer'snt e1.z@s were 'found.~

· .:{

· ' .. ".,.


. -


Then one ccnrisiders aJ.l. this""w l.t b,ecome:'s, eVlden.t that there are several things gaing C~ 4t once~ In the .f4~e. of what is .~~·wn about tb.e. Ore y.::3 'I for :lll.s'tanee:., 1 t w:111" bec:cme evident tha't;; they a:r,e th,e pr.iJre ,m:::JVer'S

.. C.iS tt 1e 'mut11,~'t1on:s~ T'her!9: is., l:u;~wev'e:r ~ an

i.odica t.1·on that tb,ere is .a. cQT-porate./m:111 t,ary cen'nee"t'ic,n wi t..n t.he· mut ila t.t O:!l:5 w ana 1 t. pr' o'ba'ibl y has :some so·r't C.! tnt~rface wi th the 1 nte.rrelati Q~ld~n1p be.t~:en 'ttl!!:: G're]"'5 and the Un1.t·ed St..ate!$ G"ov'ern..mellt. At any r.a.te,- 1 t is

ttL.€: catt le who are :~1nl:y on the e nd , 1 re:mem,ber ask.:1·o,g .!l. fr len,d who, w·a.s, p.eryc;:h1c 1f she ~Q'\J.ld g·@:·t some l.mpr'E!'5$,1ons :fl"'"'O,m. at p:tu:rt.ogra p.b. c.f a mu t 11 at 10n of wJ:l,a t th~ cow felt or thought~ and sbe was sueessful. Tbe animal i'n qU:e·5t1.on apparen.t 1.1 felt 5eusat i'one ot extreme heat ~n.·d tl-len pa1,n and ct.arkne5·5~ Cat.tle funet ten on. a. pseud.,o~@lDCJt.i~na.l le.vel that '15 apparen.tly very b.asic.

~**~*1%~**~~~*~* ::(:: CO.Hr·1 DE!T I AL ;t:

*.1:.;$: *~* ~~*.~.~:t:*~ *~


· ~-

· .. J • .6oo"l!!

.~*~***~*****x** :t con :1 DE.lfT 1 A L *


and tends tOI further' 111 ustr,a,t,E!. an analogy th.a't e,crme'crn,e po1'nted out ·to me one, time .~bout the appa,r'e'Dt relat.tan:sb.1,p betw'een. th~ Greys and t.he human cetug's on t,b 1s p t .

Ima,g1ne, if ylou w.111!, a berd. Qf ca,t,tle. being' dr1v"en d'ornn the !", by s:evera 1 hu:raans. S'OIDe' of" whtn:m may be

in, j ee'ps cr riding h,or:se,s., The eatt,le only EpOW t,b,at t,bey are go,i uS' 1 n a spec 1 f 1,e d 1re'ct 1 on ~ but t,ney' ma.y 1l,ct, know 'why ern the 1 eV1e 1 at' t h,e i,ndi v 1d:.ual c,ow. On a herd leve.l ~ they sense fear coming from tbe rear of tbe herd, and

the. t d,t" 1 ves t.b.em ff:lrward. The catt le, can't seem to ta,it,e,

t ae lea,p' c:f i.'il!leig1na,t ion requ1,red t.o r'9a11z9: ·tha·t ·tbe

.berd 19 being dr1ve:n. by an, extr-emel.Y small nUII!lber of phys';1 ca 11 y wea.ker be 1, tll.e humans.

S.'im11arl'y~ 1 t, b,as been. sa id that hUIrJan be'in,!,s p.r.,es,en t 1. yare ·t ~ t,he Gre'ys as a p.~.l,ds ,aI"'·e tiP ants. Anyon'e, for cosmio farming?

T:her'e' ·are c:erta,1111y'bo,t,h non~a11,eH'J. and. alien impl ieat1,on.s in all th1.s., w1l1'cD agi!lin 11.lu5't:r,ates: the multilevel ·t""eal1.ty invel v·ed w'1 th these type of e've·ut.s.

On t be do:meet ,1c ~ publ1 c fro,ut, act ua 1 8,'r.L.iIrJA.1 de a. ths du.e tiD old age,? disease and:. pr'ed.atcr"s :make up a s:tEIAll ,number eompare"d, wi th. the,Qs th.r01Jgh 'the·ee events.

P·ub,1.1clYt tbe events ar,e p,a,seN~!d Q'ff ,a,:$ any of ·t.b,e .abov~ ~ in ad.d.,l·t iOb t,Q 'the· "cul t 1st" c'on,o'e·pt. All these

are obV11ously :mea.nt to d.l·straGt the 'p'Ubll'C's attention. :from 'wbat i's ree..lly out there" You. will recall ·that a.t one pei'nt ~ as I pre,v'1ously men,t i.oued.i, pu.b11c au'tlery,ly forc'ed. t·n,e' FB! 'to conduct. turned cut to be

a r.1 mC:H:ku 1 n v'est 1,ga.t 10ll 1 n New' .Mexic,Q i f'um"ded by $50. 0'0'0

o:f ·taxpayers" mon.ey. Xu-'t 1, lat 1c,ns stc'pped tn t.b,at."t during the year of the investigation, COincidence? That c.ollc'e'pt doe·s.n,' t, seem to be 'va1.1d ,a'ny'more I, does :it?

As a little postscript to this sect1on~ I ~~gh~ again return td the d1scuss1~n of protamorphogens~ or glandular 5ubstances. There are just two add1t1~nal facts that I wish tOI br i n~ U'P at t,b.1s t, il'tl!l9::

co ..

1. Autopsy of several allen ent1t1e5 has revealed that', - h.'ave no ·a.l i:men'tary cana 1"5 and. BO GLANDS"

~ I -- -;!"s 11 1""- th,' s: ... ,iIio.nd'.UI·la"""s' a,re us'sd to

,€.i • '. n. '$O:~ ca:n,.;.;;e·r c '. n ' ..... 5·, _ - c loA ...-

t,ren.t can-e·er '1',1' v1,C't iJDs,I!. So are g ~ and,s from human.

fetuses. It 1s interesting that here ;n the 1980's some c11nic$, have· been, sQ1.1c1t1ng biolsp1tAls ,fot'" fetuses that bave been abor~ed in Qrder to extr~ct gl,andu.1ars.

S***%~~*******~~ l:' CONF 1 DENT I AL *



."--: '


.A.BDr:,~ON:.--·· OF'. ~~~T".T f". BV !\L'mx r'!r!.1mrT"f'rTi:'C I. _:IJi..-r..1,..c.. _- .,~'L~ .J..a: . ~~J....!...L~

nus a.spe.ct. of the terrestrial/·alien interaction .c s one t~t hils recently' been brought to the £'or-efront of public ccnsctousness , due ltlainly ·to ~'t,ley Strieber .an:1 Budd Hopkins and their ccoks

jii Cclm1.lnion 11:1 il.Miss~ 'l""io;"'li' Timan and ~~ L.'fi--:_~-~~""""~~' S·' .... .,..~, ~ '~ .• bock

. _, .oY,"'1:!I'-" _. _1t",..Ii.,~;:Jo ~ _ ~,~ ;;;I J;m;:;:w ~ .. ,

IITr,ansfomation"" ,is, due for rel~, before No~ 1988.

H1.mml abauttion firs.t ~, publically ~ as a r.esult of the, Vi,lla.s, case in Br..azil~, .Eoas was picked UP on O=tol:er 1St 1957 end '~ JlBteC with, an .a1iren feWe.. ihe case~ of BettY and . Barney Hill in 1961 \!laS anotile.r ~le.. One outstanding feature, o.f the Hill. ease is that ito ,fea:tured release of Mlat waS allegedly

C"'F '5 r 'rI ~ 'n iFEli'1i'~""i' 'nl"I' ....... ,..... rY"!o ~ ·,.."t f 0 ,~ .;#' th - i • Z .... ""

a, ~~ rnar-' 'y'b&.~"";' """"'";:1: "-Lie' poarre 0,· _''rl.,gm O~ ,,"e araens as ·e...g

Ret.iC'Ul i 1 ,and .2""e that tinie 1. 27' years ago., I "We: now ~ tf'.,a. t t~ere are. lfst.ieulafis visting our planet ~

krordiIg '00 Jenny Randle,s, t British author Who 'W'rCJit.e 'lnt~ Conspiracy'" j the littl,s' Grey beings wno perform nost. of me. abductiOns. have., on, at least one, cceasdon, ~ a ,staterren:t to the effe::.t that. ~~ a. ~ of' yeur, arE!! but a day to us ~ ~ .. ~I ..

aertain1y., that, can reflect the appar.,ent ability' of the Gr,eys to travel outside our tine tr'ack, but ,it· illuS1t:.l':a.tes the .

j '~,i.dicrus, . :n~:ture of _ the relationship t;ha,t, the Greys have estibiis.i1ed, 'with ,the bulk of the ·terrestrial beings they haw contacted ... It is an e.·:itab.li5hed. f,act that the Zeta Ret.iculans are~ 'one species of ExtraterreS!='iaJ. Biolcg',ical Entity _ (ESE,) ''Whose mind set 15 cent,ere:: .soLely on concern for their own, YIell-,teing~_

"Ihi.s concern that they have for their awn species is b.a.,sed", .~~d:ing·to what. ~ 'can d8.t.erttdne, fr-an.a 'purely survival arien,t,ed,. scenario,,. This scenario Rrovides flO,t' the ~~~seii of ~estrial h~""::£ in several way,s, and to them ,r:esolutio.n of' this, problem neclessi exploitation of ~: Thev tend, to vi,ew h1.lm1mS in the same way

..... '1.. ..... , t ' ......m.. ' . ...;;_ . • h . l.e'!L ft'r'I'h ' , .

u ~t an .. s 'V'l~ apt l~\.U:::i. It lS, .' a.M'vQ.r, not. ~rt:. y a ~.lot.l.C

_ relationship.. ,

t_3,................ ~ .iF"'o ..... £Ii~'5 .......... .;; '0' n ,.f"'i ... :.... . ......... .,....,""""'~li"I-b~ ..... f 1 lliAi' ,,,-- .. - , ZI'e"'" "·1 'i"n:::Zi' .... riin ec. ~::_ ,~iWl,Q.ljm .JJa.~i~~~·L:...4.-.:· n'~'Ulil, ~~~"Ib~ ~ ~~~~ y '.L,~-- iLM-w.. ,,~ ..... ~

not a,s ree en t;, as, :p:oc,le nti:ght ,SLJp,p0ge. OJIring' 189''7, the year t._r1a;t ,featured a virttJat H' of Zepplin .... l~.e m3Chines ~ interact,";"on '~,!.-": occupants, was apparently pJ)Sltty' pe,.;u:eful. In ~t ssn;e year, nowe''\le:", began the first string' of animal atduetions.. 1]:1i$ :might indicate '~~r-. h1...m'efi .aib'.luction:5 v.ere not f,ar behind or that ~ have: Lnsuf f i ,C i, ent

da ta riOn';;;' rr.i oj:t'li""l' tha"t seec ific tr,ac'k -pericd.

'_'''7~ ~ ~ _ s

Tr C.' '0- ,:r'; ! D·'= :i,TlT! ,~L- "

.or- . 1'1 '.' ~J .... ~ ~ ~I"'" :s:

Early AbduCtions

Abduet1cns that occurred 1~ th~ 1960~s. $ue~ as ~~a~

Ibl.:_'· ~.a.'iI"tv a nd ;;:~'1""n~v t::ill' =,~""ve;...:I ,::lI'.1"'S.;,F:i + ..... 111~~'=''!"'''!I'''~t' . .::!i, +.-r...~~,

- -~, !If.' . .' , ... WtJ ... -:::E' _, ,Ir,..jl:..._.. 'I! ,~ _ .. _ ~ SiiiII. _ . _. "!"I' '-' ' ~ 1_ ~ . .._, ""II! a a. .' ~ Iw. d!.'!'Ji!. ~

,Ii:; "',F"~::"", -: '!!";:!Ii "": '. ,~,.,. F'I"_' ,abd'~'~ t 4 ..... n. ",,':;;r, ~.5,~ -:...l!! V 1"",~~: 11 ,c",-- ~--r'';: ,,~ 1

_.'k1iiiil..ild.~~1II~t,.:. .... y.y Y..-. ,rIOOII.~. _I~ ~~~,~ .... , '~, .•. ~._ , .... ~ "I!!#' ~ ~,__.~~~,

-~P~C~.~~~ T~e ~Q~~~~ re~' ~.~~A t~- -c~··l -~·~~U··'

..... <;;i -!f ...,. _ ,.; To ,.., '-' ,..... • &..... ...I,. "'" .... "'.-", =' ,- .... _..... .....". '.... ..w 0: .;:;I'. ,C _ ~ ,a il.. .~.... ... . a e'

~~~~ ~~~uc~fcn$ d!ddt sound c~rtieu!ar17 e~e~!bl~.

. .'

1 d ,L 01 1.... ., .. .... t· -#

'n, a~,c..I. ~. '1;. on ' ... 0 t.~a·~. . c u~'re Wf15 c~n5 ide!'"a b 1. eo c,on~ us !, on

in . t:,,h,e 'p,u.'b:i"lc ml ni'! bet':j.oJe's:tI.. w'oat, ,a, "c[ontac'te,e~1 ,and wha. tao u a b~ lie t e e " :::.1 gJ:l t, 'Q.'e ,.

Dur i nR': the N '" ei 18,97 t, the soc i,a lly.·. .a,cce.ote,d,

~ ~

e~·l!ef '","a.s tbat all t~9:s"e fant·as'tic a,irc~a"ft '''(,ere tbe'

o!"'"od.uct Qt a1Wa·t,eur 1 nve'ntOf"5+ 1 'fi t!lo'5,e d.a.Y::5. th,e ,aD'Oeara.nce

.~ ~ ~ ..

of ·a Z,eppll 'Zl-l ike airc'f"i!Il,tt had. 'the saltl,e im:p,a.,ct as, -d"oes

a beaa ship tOday. Terrestrials are require~ to searcb tor a frame of re!erenc~~ and wben ~one Are to be f~u~d, mus~

"I' ...... ""'" ,... ' .... ~ -1 ' v g- ,.;;,. n - T' ~, .;.. .a. <""I' .... A .. 0 E ..... _ ..... ,g" - e !IL .. Q ..:. 0""'" ..,. ... ~ '_DO. .... +- ;!!;, 11

.~W ~!;iii... a.·4[~ -._ ._. _, . "Ei:' t;jk y ~ ~ -II'''' _ Ia...", J ... ~j4-Y= iw' _ ..... ~,~ ... ;'~ ~.' & ... ' .-4.'-. ~"'= J...J. '~"~ _

. . .

~·~-~rl··~7 T~- n~+~'~~ ~f' t~~- ~~-~~~~l·v --~~~~+ed' ~~~

""","' _' .... S"L ,'~ ..... ~ .. ~'S _.,~" ';.;1.& _' ,_,..'. . ...iIo"',;;;. ,;,.".,,. ",,~~ , ..... ,IiOI..:.:..J., Ji!;.'Cl.;!.',_'.!i: .... _'.'_" ..... ~~

• .,'l iI' _

~~~~~C·*3~ ~~~~= ~~ r~~~~~~e'Q 1~ .~~t·· 1.". ~l~~ ~~~l'~c·c ·hs

~. -~-J '''!II!''' .' ,-1:I;;;;a,r.d,:_ __ GiL_~_ ..... _ :... ~ _ ".:11. 'I;: ... ~....... ,~ '!.r;i;..lii.~" ~ ~ .~~ ~ _ .. '_ ~ '........ ~-.&. .....

s"".::a'":.g e,! ·aw,a"r~:n''2S5/CClnsc1ou,5n,e9..!!3, of 'the· pe.'cpl,e ,at t,

'to An"'" 0 t t h 'e' 'S e 1 t e In$, t2J. y. a :1 $ 0 C'@' 1, :t'!~ 1 a, n ted a s ry~ 0';::::- ;:1 .... =;;i •

~ '~:II! ....

1 n 19:64, tJl~ L'o:r:u:~~e ZdI!JQ' a case func"t.1 anea t.o al,er"':.

t'~iG .nu'l....l' l' C t:. ,i""l ,-.';... ~'~ brr c -b"~~"" -t'e'~~::"d' ~ .... h .... I'd c ~,~ '''~'-=-l idit"!t"';~

tiJa.-;ll :::: u· ,__:. ,~ - .. w~..... .~___ ,':' _._ ~ .~' t_'. ,.Ji:..'I;;: 1 !W' ~ "=' ~'l~"",· ~

9: -~-f!le a" bd UC' t ! :0 D, - s·e e' na rio ~t Q'i9'f'!":.:J ,,-a IT rea _~ a q_ b'~ ~~~:~ 1:; b a -t. _

:Za ::IIer'a" was- a 0 11ce.·:;a,:l '. and a,s such, 1 Ern t more: cr e,d1 b 11 i t Y

_" __ . -...,_ --- .

t.o toe ~c'enar:t9:

!:b.e a bCuct 10'D o,f Herb~r't, Sen 1 r:=en'" N 8" E'~ b,ra5k'~,

t:;atrolman. ern De~ember 3. 1'9,01 "...ras, one. of thc'5'~ case's t~ t

, ~--'~-'-

was. _ S, 1 ~'n 1:! i c.a n t ,1 D, t h..a" t, ,:1, t pr QV 1 c.ed. .a 1 aT s',ebcG s: Q f' _

1 n"f I"'IiF"....~, ot- ..c ..... 'O. ... 'h 21;' ~. '2 ".",& .... ~ ~~ ~ r c b.' ...... ,~ $: ~.-.-~ ~ ~.;!j ..., a _'''I~' 1. 1 ~V" .......... '

~ _' ~ :iIJ. •. ~ ~ _ ,_ . ~ .. _~ y. o.~ V ....;;;0. :11. ... 'ia~ ~, ..._. - ~ - ~"r-l.-.....;,_ ~ -.: ... '-.':a. _'_ .-.- ..... ,;, , '-f C"+. d:i

SchLt" rela't,ed d"eta115 t.CFat t,be: EE:E' 5 !:I,ad s1VErn to







2. ,!'be era,it, was, ~"'op,e:ra,tedl'~' by rev,~r51ble' elec':t"t::u::'.ag'O'e,t1c

syst'e'ms w.h.,len 1 nV'ol ved. a e.ry5t:al~ 1 ,ike roto,!" w.b1cb. 'w'as

11 n.!!t'e.d t i') t ...... "CI 1 ar ge eel UmIl3.I'"' I" e ac tors,. Rev',e t"5! ,n,:g magne,-t 1. c;. a,~ e·,l ec t r' 1 e a 1 en.-e'rgy a 11 owed t he:m to con t TO 1 ':l'Oa't. ' at ~,d overCOD~ gr,a.v.1 ty,.

~ ,:~rh'~_'~pec if .1(: m.l1_!='!l's ~,e: ~~~~.~_':lut~~!"'e_~ __ ~_~d, .l'f~__g?,es_1 ~~ sb 1.p5. 4. They ~~re an emblem showing ~ Winged Serpent.

.t;, :t *:t' 1:: :1:: * *- '* ,;;; :t :;:: ~ *. ;t :t COHFtDE!f-TEAL *




. _: .

~~ .• ~~~.~a~a~*.*~ .~ CONF I DENT I AL ~, ~~t~~~~~~*~~~*~~

5. Thet", shipS could.. dr~w l?ow'er ·fr.-om @Jl..ectrlC power 11n,e':$ and p,rb\l~'e's$ water 'to obtAin, e,n·ergy.

6. Th@ir mot..her er,i!lit \IIIer·e' c1gar-·~baped.,.

7', The'y u.sed 6-' toot. d 1,ame1:e'r d.lsks for. r e e .. on ~ nd.

eru:r 'tJ 11;:1 1. 1 a. nc'e' .

S~ ~ ~ fran a. Marby' ~~_

Gr~·nted,. a.ll t.h15 jLnfor"m.atl~n w·,e.,S :k:1p.Q 0: h~,:rd 'too' t,a.k@ tn .l9[07 ~ but;, :An l~ t'er years m, 01 tbe· 1 n,t ,1, cn , 1:f' 'n.o't a 11. of 1 t . w.O·U 1 d, pr cve to be v·,al.1da ted by other cas,e's!


Abductlon5 that occurred later~ like those detailed in many o,t the ~ook$ ·tn,at ,ha.y~' come O,1'.l,t j,'t\ 1:987 an,d 1988. 1:l.v@ .revea.l'e'd. muoh mOire :1 nf or..;~li't l[~n .!:.5 to the .1 nte'nt. Olt ib,~"t,b. "tee Z~:a ~;nd tn'eo crt·.b .. er group of G.r-e·y· spe'cie5 t.h~""; at" ly hails fr6m the ~1geliAD eY5tem.

Mol'" e. i n fOrn'lii~,:t 1 0 n "'·' red. to i nd.1 c,a t@ \1,i!.r 1 CI U 5, 'Oa:t ,t e r n.s

r'r ~l

1 n, AC·t· i v 1 t ~l Q! t be ,~, bd uc tor's, as we 11 a:s _ n,t [or:u .. t 1 en a 0. O'U it

w.h y t; be y we r'e pe.riormi,rq these· acts ~

l'hClJtIli$ B1J.ll~r,d. 1 nt rOQ,uce$ ,8, seT'les o.t ,e .1,g,bt ccmp.ofie n ts t ~ ,j! bd..uot 10n cases. Tih 1, le e,yery c,;.se ,mo.,y not i n.c.l. '!Joe ,a 11

of ,t h'e se. e oDl:pcn e '[ft. s , mas. t o:f t h@ m E"ii.a've ,0 n e o:r :mo!",e 0 f t. h,e m .1nelud.,ed. The· compon@nt.s

4 ·
5 e
e ·
j ,.
8 · 2 " EXa..IC.1. n ill t.1 on : ? e' r 5:0n i $. pr',e' pA re d, i sc,a, :n.n@'dJ, i :5p~ e 1 me· n s a r-e t a k.e n ~ r e p.r.'od. uc t 1 \"'@ 'cI"·gan.:s a r I@ e,K'!; .. J:I)1 ned.. ,and lmpl~nt,5 ar.e made'.

Con.f,'e ~ Su'bj ~(::t IS ·talk@Q 'to a,nd. told. 1nio,r-mat ion

or m! ~ 1 n,! C11l'" ma t, i [ern.

'f'ou -. ""'i"~bj e-.... of:5 ;"'0"'"'" ··,... ..... 'i~-....II t\o, ~· .. 1·-

,. . .-' r. ~";"',' ..... '.:;. _:_ S.u.· ,"~-" a.:.:.;_;, Yon..... - A'e _u. _ 10·

Journeys: Subject Is taken to ano~her location. The'oph.,an'y~ Sub,j ect h.~s experience wl tn r,e·lis·tous


Return: Subject 1s return~d to p~1nt ot origin. A:lft e·r.m.: t·o :' Sub, 'e'ct d@,~ 1 is wi t.h 're's\::Il to' n t ph YS'1ca l, Qr psycb1C e11ects of abduct_on.

'f r. ~':t;J,j.. *:a: *;f it. *~, '*,*"* t: CONI!"·: 'D E NT ! A. L ~ *,,:;r :r ~ *" :t¥~:t.;t ,:( *.:i.:t. ~ *

A.r .,-\.Q


'fI··4:r~ ~.I.,*~ 'J. J.:J. .. "'~.:J.~ :;: Cruilf:' DElfT I AL *' ~ -;: :f: ).:. ~ 4 :;; " l'. l: ~ + .~ • ~ ):

,sta.t 1:$lt. iC$

Dr"·l!:·, who 1s, p.r,@s'lu::l@d no\ol 'to hav'e be.'en -." D1@:m.b·er a.! oOr as.:$DC i a ted. ",,1 t b KJ -12' 'When be was. a 1.1 Y'e·. !;.;,I',a.~$ once aSK@,d ho!io'iI ~.fry pee·opt e a r·@· a bd uc·ted.. He u'nhes i 'ta't.1 ng 1 y

re p 1 j" ed., ~,I a bout 1 Q:u:t of 4.01 ~ •. , l'h 1:s l!. ,1:t tole phras,s ·;·e·ems. to s~y 1:t'~at ~:SS'! V'€l' numb@r's o't people h~,v@ unce·rgone e~per1@nces or abduct1Qn~ and by the respO~5e ~o lecture$. b1ook$ ,a·nd. g~rH~.r31 dts.5@'m1na,·t1.on. 01 lnfori:w&tlon a'bout the'IJlction @·:x.p@.rlenee. it might be e'$t1.:m:at,ed. .t.bat mor-e'

t ha n 40 nl1 1.11. On. ;; •. me!"·1 ca n:s. .a lo.'n,@· .bs V'E: iba~n a b(!l UC t:;,e.d .

. r n ~ pp:ro~ 1 In.!,'te·l y 661. ·Qf th,e kno"Wn ,a'bd uet l on e~5e'5.

'r, be E:BEs w@:re 11 t 't :.:. e Gr ey Huma.'no 1C5. I n ~ bo.u t 3·3'?; of the case·s.,. 'the EBEs ha·d, more· hu::man appe,af"·anC9. SomE! ,of 't!bese·

.. ~

hum.!. ns pr ove.d ·to be the T a.l.l. E 1 Ol"JQ.:$, who appare'nt 1 Y' 'R'ere

'e 1 t . .be·r G r'e 15 ~E,a,- ue.·rad.,l n,g as 'T.a 11 B 1 oDd·s < s'1 ne@ t,:be

G·re·ys· ~h.@ ab,11ity t.o J'Iliatu.pulat.e t.b.e buman mind) or genulne Tall Blonds ~bD had abduc~ed the people tor

ert.b@r pUrpo5@S, Ap,pr1o·xlmat.ely 1% of the case:s .~u.r'i?ey@d

bad. 't, he. tBEs ~.~ be 1 fig ,I) n-d.rOll.d./syn t. te clones, r,o'bots i

or o~h@r types of entities.


1 . ...J •• !i l. -

C'!E:ne r3.1. 'f:!" a bd. uc t '1ons s@e,:r,c to ,occur a. t. t1:m"@ s OOlJ'..c'l-~

• .,.;i th the sleep habits of pecp.le: in varicus- regions. . For

~ ~xample. in a rural &r~~. abduct10ns and/or ~1~ht1ng5

: occ'ur- most bet,'w'@en 10:pm .~nd when rura 1 pe"opl'e ;would be 8$1~ep. Urban ar~a s1gbt1ngs reflect a sl~1lar 'line of logic. Tber~ are of course. exceptions to th1s 'pat;, d.:i e ta t e. d pr:1 ma.r 1 1 Y 'by t be d, 1 ir'ect a n.od i Jm'l;i@di !! t.e ~eed$ of the fBEs,


M.e mory Loss


M,emCHL"'Y 1.D$$ 'is a primary ,@-!fect. o! abd.uc't1on ca~es.

a 'nd 1.6 a pparen:rt 1 n most Ca:~,e5., but not i31.ll.. On 1 'j .30~ of c~se$ lnve$ttgated require r@gression hypnosis 1ft order to extrac~ details of the event.

Tb.e'r.@ ·$,e"eItl. to be t. wo pr 1l:1:id..ry t h ou~h 't:E:i OWl t h. r~ga:--d

t 10 me· mID r y 10,5$ - Tb e ! 1 r s t. 'fol~'S a thoorY whid1 holcls _. ,_ ~~

t :b.a. tal .... e n .at 'bd 'UlC 't-1 Qlns ill. rea :rna. n ;1 1 e s to a. t 1 0':0. \0 t the

un'con5,c1rbt1u~ m1. nd , a:n.d 53.YS, . t me:EI!IQ<ry lOlss is to prot@e<t: *'.:t. +:),:; * ~*~ *****::I:t.:~

:t CONFI DE.NT I At. ~

1: * '* l::*% "":;;f:.f!f.:t 't;~**:;j:

A.._1f; .;t.~.:r. ~ *-~~;:f. ~ .:F:.f: :t. lj;.~. -" (;.a.NF I DEN''! 1 At :~ ~ +;:(.~ ~ .!F:;f: ~A:~~ ~~~.lf..;t:

~h@ consciOus ~1nd- QbV1cu51~. t~i5 ~beorv popular wl~h tbose Who ~ave ~aen abducted.

.lS noi. ~oo Man:.; 5a Y


'Ch,at. "'f...b,~s 'U'"i,IZW 1.:5 tta.e "e"a,5.y wav CIl..Jt'! f~"!'" "'.hD~~ s'te·i2'ped. in ~raditiQn~l W~5~ern o5vchOlo~v So ~hat ~bev dcn~

"!II ,I' Q;I! I

have to fac~ tbe real f~c~s.

Anoth~r ob$erva~10n 1$ ~hDt slowly pulsed mlcrowav~s wi~, 1 a.lso cr@~te g',ape· j.,D: memory. Em1$s o'ns i rom, '$o'me

eo e. r .<;, alma,,,::: b 1 ne $. 1 nc lude ,~ve fr;eauencies. but .this.

does no~ ?reclud~ d1re~t appl1ca~lC~ ~t mlerowav~ frequencies to $ubject~ or h@ura, ~lt~ratlon.

Anot,ib.@r i n"teres1t 1n" t,h@~.ry.' :1$, t.ha,'t £EI.!:is, oro{."'ram b,'!.U!l!l.'rll

__. III 0

obse r",Te'~s , i nc 1 .a bd.u.ct.ees I' w'l 't,h, ml ~,t..nI er-ma t. :'.00 :11:'. or de r t c !i .. ,~d.,e 'tbe 1 r "true I1a t ur e , _ 'presume t, na t ·t

cr-oc e 5$, wro'U 1,[0. be. ! n t. h~ b,e'$t;, :i n t er@s'ts 0 i ·tlii,[e :2:BE.s 1. t the ~nowl~d!e of ~h@ir n~ture would pr@clude the~r acquiring ~err@$trial ~ubJeet$.

AI' c'hetypal S1 t;ua.~ iOfial Tb.eorles

te 15 ma.ln.'t:a.;"ne'd. by som~ peoo,le ~bcitlc1L.l~n

e ;i..i.

even~5 contain embedded 5ymba~ogy! including religious

da. t~, per't i ne'n ~ 1:,0 @ 1 t ber the a ibduc·te,e,~s '_1:fa Dr t [he cu·tur~ in wh1ch ~h@ abduct~e lives_ In otber words, 'ChIS 1'5 pa:r't of th,e uncon,s,ciousm.a-rUfe, ion theory, 'W'lllc:b g'o'e5 t.o 'say 'the V1c'1:1m 1S, c-cn:t:rClut1ng an. aspec·t L)! t.l..tmself'. l·t ia turt.h@!f" ·r:n:a.1nLal·~.ed. that each experience i$, ncdified for each SfeCif.ic per.sen,.

My : 1 f"st a'n,s-w'er wCl1Jld be tba"t anyone'~ '::':5 ne'eded.

"","'i 11, be- .;1 ·;:.d.uctea, 31,1 though, 'so'me 'who h,ave Fe'Viewed. ~nd./or

t n,v-est 19a t~d .c.a5:ie'S ~.lntal n. t.b,at, 5!BE 1: ~r!5. ~:re !'l.o't cbance cccurances, but tOCU$ on 1nd_viduals undergblng ll:f@ o.:ri,ses oj,l" 5e-rioll§ probl@ms and 'W'.ib,[o hav~ f~cljl' beyond the f~ve senses. One oi the prcblem$ w~tb tbeories of 'IJt"~con:se:1 ou.::s, 1 t es't.a t a en 1!5 1':: ba 't v@r'Y 11 t 1: ~ e ·ev'i a erne e s~em$ ~o ex1st relating abductee li1e crise$ ·0 the case.

~o :=:''1':, <0 f 't .b: e 'to ..... ,m-e • t h@! e 'lJ'e n't, SO! t h,~ '5 e 'e n.a r lOa. r. e t ne de-.<;:l! i I::;, C'onc'entra't:~d on. a.nd. nc1t the abd:uc·T..·ee~, l_te"

f. ~. *;i :t' ;f.. :nr. *- ;r. ~ p:;:r. j. ::>f. ~ ~ CONF I DENT I ,A .. L ~ j::J.'fT ~ A;:~~ ~,:;:':-;:~ :I(.;f.!f-:t:


r' •

Fonu..·,a:tely, I .have the ~ty' to deal with s.ever·al. atdu:ction si:t:lJa. cior-,.s. , and. ,..:" ~s.aY· .t,b.e 'f b:.St t.::1.i.1"'t3i' the abduCOBe needs is to b!~ able to t...-rust. ~ - s:areone k'ho 'wi l~ listen and ee n-on- judgerren.tal ~

. For at:C1uct.ion ~,i ==« that. are ba.sically non -physical

Ll"l na ture t or p~hic .$C'e:."'W'"1OS., there are other COll;S iderations ,.

fr. nrJ$t eases, ~le are t.aken (non--'Ohy,sically). ~ they

·~e asleep, and it is later f01Jnj that. ~ they ga~ .

'DeJ:mission to t:e 'W'eriI ... 1tJe per,san .might :have said s.ccreithing

like, i~ i"'-.. anVthinn ·!I.}j""jj:l ~:F" and ~t .1.'... nl~_ ~."';' .... 'I... r.~ ~ii"i·d·. ....;.:;,""'~n

. ~ ., ~ ... --;II .s; ....... ""IttI "i,p - ~~ - I.... 'V'Vi~ "" ... U'~'.l III iii '~"Il ~l~

let .it 90·. If the p=rs:m cam reflect 00 'the situa:tion. and see: _f there is artfWhe-re ~ere 'r:hey might ha.w; ·given (or inf'erred;) pe._~S5io.~, then that. is the first. thinq to 00 'dealt with~

~ - - - (_":'..4.-0 "t"

"!h€i: second aspect of' these situa.tions a~s. to t:e 'th~ ;VV?A ';'""~ J c ,..,.

::·octlS of a.tte..rttioo or. ·the a;.tti'tuQe 01£ ·the it.tdl'Vidua.l~ If the /)c:C! ~ i~ ~.....1.-:._J .

indiviclual amain'tiilllS a negative stab! of mind or a. negative P1IJl4AJ~')IO C;s.5.AA)

a~:~~,. ~~. ~e ~.saiS ~Wl'?~::, re·~~ ill rsr PL .. Ld·l!.'i·L.4....J

tJ .. ~t. 'Way QU,A,j. .fittract. thOse V.:L. . JYV: . ccus .. · .I.J;.\tt::. E::BF.s. can. i",J.I:::t.ect n .. , ~.....-"1I#"j'h ,A ,,.-

. '1' . . L;J..-r--' 'i> ............. ,. I"~"'V }

~=~'Prozesses a, ong oel:taL.'Il !J..nes, are advan:t:ang~ jJ~w{.! (,.,. Ada (j~(

A,-V y l~/'1)~) j N ,. .. ~k:.

~za' ~lo ArA4rD r6r1. ~rz.t/l..

l-t VG~; ~/()/i... j'lN'YSf[-4t A go:d orgw.iz.a;tioo to' con,tact abo.J.t. these 'e.\1@I1ts is: SArze...·i."""( CIA ,j)t'J .''0 !( ·1/...r~ I j., M't. JJ l,

n Jl . M:""C!tk'J (.!,. € ~ I"'" !; I.N .P.~ r.. T" 111"j'C'.-. 5~~ {f:IP.

Vl4L!:... y ~~t:."!' ~u....vlj~~~ vI ?dl., /fa (JVG~.-~ v ;11 AtVd~ LI i.-~' 7.J f.-J

.Ozlfense Strategies ij ~ t1. Y J Aj IL~ .41.t!J ~

'Cne defe~ aq'.ai.nst the .ali'ens is si.Trply to ~i s;ay no I~" Al thC*iJ.9:'L Tt;.> pl.t4...v ~~ u 1.. ~ t.:Mi.s ~y 5ee!TL naiver.. ~t ~, proven to be ef·.~~ in '~~~ cpOA~) -PJ!L.I7A

'The act. of neg.a:t .. lOfl 1ll~:5 the· rrmurulatiC!"i. pro:eSa and ,,\ lJ . l-

creates, .~ ~. is $t.rOng to ~e your tody 'rt>LtC~' t

to. realize that .r you a.refl. 'I' t, in it It ~ 'too. will 00 dra~ back, to it.~. J e, rue:

~ stra~ a:R?,lies, .in ca~; involving na.str'aJ.I~ a.t:ductioo r.1fl.N~I!:,l(_/'f;:2)fl!.(

of· huIMns.. . 0[. ""

. t!. rv' fZ.l-~!: 2A_ ·S· ...

..... ;..._ .... 1"I'Ii;..""""·~lt· ~ .... ~",t·· "'~,~""""""',;;,~,""

VU~ .1.Jl~II,j .:::I~. ,


Details Reg;arding AbdUc'tions

Ji..l:Ouction ,of ,be~ings is ooi.'"lg :;erform=d by :rrany cliffeJ:ient species. Alr.O,ng ' species are three distinct ,~:s tOf me :st.=ecies loosely r,eferred. to as tJ:1e ii1Gr,ey,sll" the: ,b=ings ,ab::lu.,t ,3 ~ 50 to 4, '. 5 feet in .he,ight ~ haw big headls ant! g-:iay skin.


,t" GraY, ~ie:s 1. ,exJ_":s'ts in te'~ ..• ,' '. ~ , ·the physical W'JX" Jl.d of

, ., ~~_.",~ and. .jo.l.-...~, ~ ......... ;""'t~.jj""'!lil I't·~·~ a ---'1: e~ -F-~-t -::.~~ ..... s

1 ~ ~~ .' '-Il~ 'lJ.-n.!L ~,.lJ~.~' II! ',,-..k:~.' .::J'.~'_' _~ 64~ !1;iL;~~'~

'. to be: a"i. a ds' spiral ~ They do' ro't c.aTe. here - in

. physical. ~chines as, do the ccher i:Wo' Gr,e'y Species."

Grey Species 1 has the ability ee manipcl.a.te 'the :trum;m :r:renul field as: well as the .abili:ty to. a,avel ootside

.- ;;,,,... ........ ,1l...)" ~ ~ .", ~ 1 ~ ·"",.ear .. ' .. -. .. -5I!,ck;' .

~ ~~,e-.'-~V'_ --~:I;_"_' ~.l~ '--b.~', ~

. Pi ~I ' •.

, . ~ .. --

., ~ I........... ..



f -. " .... 1 I.... _.'"

J" ",' '

r.... ..1- i

, jJ .~.

.I'-. ~- I . __

r,...,t'( I· ..... • J

Grey Speci'e.s 1 had a. major role m prc~ramning' hurmn relig:ioos coneepes Ii fea:' this. plays at priltary r,ole .in

their. ma.irrbenancs: ,of P='sition wit.hin, ~he d.ime:nsioo .Z: ~ I..., I) I" 1'J-f."S. 'i

tfi€y' exist in ~ I't. is the energy thev extr.aet fran l- I '..j ~-'"o .. n I

hunran-~t provides them Wi tit - 'th~' ab,ili ty to remain ,in 'i X 'r fl ... ttC'J 1 S , cr L l I

close praximi ty- ~o cur densi t!y level ~ 'c. A k L z, D ".~ ,r_. C o,~ (__ f :

:, , " i' ' . " ~ i [) 0.6 Y'1 o~ j~ 6f£-

me apparen.t ?Jl..'POBe of rel~9~on ( :£o:r them ). Ls tha.t :l.t ':'. \ , () -:- r- ' \ ~ q (-."l

pr;.c;;. ~~e h~. being with mages of an afterlif:e that J r\.." rA ~<. . ..J ~. v I{_ ~,

they will hopefully retain ¥iben. ·they leave th:eir .b...~" for

the last 't.i1re at physical death ... l't places them in a

p.:>.si:tion \iiher,e U scul 11' can 'be ~rarily captured ~

It \"'""'5 ~.... !2!91l.~ d , ... ;n... ... tc ."....~""""'"" 0'£ the UFO .:o""'.eJI"'L~I""';;'O·' .... ,;00.. .... ' to·",

,~~ ~J. l~ •• U~ ~~,,~ I_ ,:- ~~l~~,' 1~1 ,,'

~ with the creauon ,of a ba.sic "questionn in the mind.s

"""f" h·"I'In'I~.'!l"!o~ "_";""f."L ~,,...,..., ............ ~ 'I...-.·th' .. , ..... a l'~~''''''' e; ... ;... . ..' ............... ..;;,:i'!:;J,.

u. . ''''''''~!!IOoI.iLIL- .... ,. 1'!il~ ....... :~, ~,=:~,~, ~. W. _~, Q~JlI;'Io.;ol~ ..... .,;;;;

t.ine tra,cX and a phy,sical ]::c;wjy J.' so that 'when people 00 'F;f~Jl 't~dliei'~ they ,finO. Grey Spec'i,es 1..,

Di,-~..:~ \.",,'l"""', ....... ~. !!!Il'~~' C'_A!.l·tl·_ .... ........:::I 40-0 '~-.Te· ... ~.-~ io;o\';'e ~nJw~;..&..!!.~ '!'.p"jII,U:U,~ ~ .... , '.' .1;,.I,l,J:U, _u~ 'l... _ ,~,_v. ~'Y!- U.i·

1 " h~ .. .,j..\..""'t 'th. i:'!\~ ~~oa;....,.,._ th·· ,A":: i'T'b"'t ~ S +,J:.. .................. :I-.,EJ, ~ ., I;,'_;".,!..a . . _ E!Y .~ Wl,:t.e,!l.~ .'. - ey ~e ~ .L!,,iQ. . :' 'ffl,~ ~ 1b,!,.,I,!~ ..

Gr~7 s:cecies have, electr"erre.,.........~·t;i~ de,vices t:: .. irlat ""'"~~, use

~.J' '.,_' - . - '_', -' . ""'~'5iJ _~fI... _'. ~.I.'_,:' - -

to ~ accreted particl,es frCfil, the Soul ... Rooan experi,enr,e

can be with~ as well.. In fact f "this is, often dons' to

~i ·_..,,_ ...... all-·II' M .-I!.-.-'" h . 'T'"", .,.; h..l. be - ........ ~ .j.. .... """~ ,~·t

a~,~y .a;_LJ~·UOO,.· J.lfraIlS,.. l.\ .. nug .'J,;;. . '.' J;~~ all.6,L,L"",I.$ pom,

... :a...... . th" '. 1 f th......... 'f' 1- - t d

Wl =t. rias mvo verte!1t 0, - r e ~ eys _ 19 a.u J,y recen·: art

l.... -e-s, S,. I'lt .. ·..... a·lt·~,'U's \.....,...-- th·· e:r~ Oth·-,· c1t'" '1-.._, ..... ~'e· h~/II ~a...... 'have

l~J, , U!J.. . ",-nQ.J" _' ~l .. _-':__ ~ M- " ,~ .IJI:,.ib1"'~~ll ,_~'ItI'~., l _ .

~-,' 1........::1· th . f +.l... '110,;,,-=- ........... ~'':I

~,~ l.ITVO·"V~ In . e progrs:ssl..OO 0 ~",i;e UUIIII,~~ i;fU~,.

r.r..; .;b b.d-a.'· 1 0" ,f'- ~""l.' ~ ..... e ~ I!!:' ~ ·C'!901 ,ay 5!1'1"i,';: ".,:;.;1.' ~ ~ ..... :-A ~~ar

l!1I'!~ l,Jt. l~ ; :~I~ '. ~ ~"~(._ ,f. ~1i".1. a.~ . ~ ~~ IIJ...l.;;.1 ~ '4r-.lL1-...n. ~ ~!I...l ~ U [.~"

.... '- ..... ,: . ·c, '~.M."- -h·' . 1,..,.;.., "_',," '- .-~ ...... lr_·= ~,.eo~lcal-,- l'Y The':

proc-es.,5eS occur 'I"If.!,,,en ~,~JJ1gs a,r'e '~.erl ~'~:J' ,51'.,J;; _'.~ ',';' ..

precess invol \tes the upqrading of the .atanic structur,e of

th ~iI" T' . t I - w .. ·- t" . -1' ... '... . . ..j!. ~ 1 lIo~_t te e· ~J msotar ,as 1, S v,·r.a 100M race Wl,,"""k· 'Ug ra .

t . th th' ~ ~ ...... -..... '" A ..... _ • tIl ~,..,. t' ~ -e rerona e·.!3, Wl. ,- . elI U-u.~·e.nSl.ona _ .Ui2J; lS1.. Y \ .eve . ,",~.a . ~on.~ ar '.

perforeed and 'then, the hl.mlan is re.b.u::necL It~' s like oo'srrtic

f"· .' -' , II ,. " .,

arrrung; 1 1.Sl1. t 1.. t ~.


; .-

"~'''''Il'I''~~ ~~11~~


m:'I'n-=- ~:7 + b.~ m~_:!:. n th J. U:J..':5· 1';.n.a 1:" '!,I-:::J j r::rU-'i';: un''i~ r,;;:-~.nc1 i;

~ha~ ~b. Ear~h was lhhabifed by p~r3phY51cal b~lngs b~tcre

terrestr1ad hum.-ans 'were impl,a,nt.,ed on the $u:r.ia,ce, The'v have b~e n. h,er~ r 'or along' 1; 1. me! a'ud hes b~ ~,n a C o·n,t 11 c t .for a lon.~ 'time w'1t.h 'the .. b~''1ng5 implan-r:ed. on "th~ surface. _

It is m.a1,nt~.1ned, 't ha t tb.,~ Fa'Cima, inciden''C tn 1'917 .b~ld the tact th~t Religion is a ta~s~ ccncept~ and ~hi$ is wriy the $ealed envelope containing the data transmltted during tha:t :tnCicien:c is hel.d by t,he Rol' Cat.nolics in order T:O, ~.U;5'ta in re 11g1cnJ9 be 11'~f syste. and maint,al n t.he lr-- powe,t' ave,I" pe'op Le u At. '1 eas't one Pope .1I:was. m:u'rd .. e re'o a f te r h,e

in t e·nd.ed. t,ru' re \Tea 1 t be. da .. ta to t b,e P'lJJOl..iC" _"---""0 __ AlL. r.j;),,:, ..... J-<'" ,-

-:flO ~_. Ii'" ._, .»

Yes Vlrg'inl,a,! 'tn,ere r'eally is no Reli,g1cn. Th.ere is; tf-f<l.-"h~,-),,/)!.f.[J-

however', unc end i t l,onal lC!'~;'e' and non- j ud,ge:ment.. ":',e ar-e 'the pr''l:me mov'ers o,f aL ~ real '1 t,y syst,ems. The un r v,erse. embodylng all re'a.l i ty sys-c,ems and d,1mens1onal LlfaSOnan't frequencies 1S a ccn5cious @nti~y. What terrestrial

hume ns can v'li:sua 1.1 y ob·s,~rve t.he·y are. no,t. a ble to p'eree,~ va as being' con.sc1ous; . t 1.=; anoth,e'r' one at th,e prcbl~.s associated with belng stuck both in a physical body and ,on a 11, n~a.r 1:;.1 me t.r,l,Ck' ..

The proces~ that is occurlng now 1$ oeeurring bec.:l,u~,e re 11g10CS concept systems a,r~ b:rea,k1ng drc·wo, e nd 1·t threate·n.s, seve~ral e5:tabllsbed 3Y'st,ems on Earth and

e 15,9; wb:ere .

Qn~ O'I" 't,he other. mo·re iIl51d,ious, process~s that can oceur- 1,S t;,h.a''t "th.e human can be dra.gged. out o,t his body ~nd ancther eoneciousne~s can be _nser~ed that will carry ou~ the physleal eXis~ence Qf th~t body.

Grey Snee1es 1 has no _ndiv1duatlon wlthin l~s rank5

~ ~

as te,rres:tr 1a1 humans dE!. the spec:: i'~s wa.s. ere'a te'd, beI:OI""e lndiv1duation ot the essence at the Universal rnte~ligent Ma. 't.r 1 ~ toole' p l aoe , Crn.l y 'tnrough i nd,1 viciuat,11on. can tn,e pr'C:l,zes.!5 'ot dl i:ter'e!l''C iat.lon be maX,lm1~ed. in ord,e.!"' ''tr,J1 cr-aa te t"n~f.f:I.3:x 1 mum number ,ot proba b l'e r'e-,a 1 i t, 1 es to itlan 1 t e$'t, the

pot,en-c tal. which :lies t.n the' Matri x.;, ~ 1 n h1J:tDa,n t~·!",:ms·

Dart of the Matrix is d1fterent1ated throu~b each person

- - ~

,~ndl '0', ,OW!5 't, h~· c'On5(: i OU5, un 1 v'e rse 't 0 e,xper i ence 1, tse 1, f

i n "th,~ ruaximurn, number c·!' wa,vs" ~'he're ia no dua 1.1 t....-r '$V"s'te:m

,~ ./ ..

of geed and eVil excep~ from a certain perception.



{""~'~1 ..

l.r {~


I /l} .o!JY7' 1J,"l/' "l'j

~# /f.'__"'_i'\!'-.!,.,

I C" t. L_ !\ "

v.:..~' ........ d-u .-


13 19:rY·ti~S· '1i~4't!L4 f!4) .r.-1t'

i " .. { '2 Cl·O i

~ C N.(' I, S· .: f!..r!, j \.,-K&I 5 n



:J: ".J:::r 'If " ;f'~"+: ~ :l:':J:.:;:r;.x~ l:~ .r:. co N,r ~ ~ENT _, AL :\i: ..f :.;;. ..r;.;t::.t:: ~)j( _':';( ¥.~.:r ;';::_.::J..l!:.;'"

Grev Spec~~~ 2 - The Re~iculans

Tn i3 s!,e'C' -e'$, 1s, the ~ne m~s,t c ommcn Ly thou.gh1:. c r a$

bel:"l~ ~he, ~IG'rey..,.'3~~ ~ and i s the' .- 1 1 ...I

~ .... ,. -. _ . id n,e P'OP'l.J a .. r ~ :::'eu. _ n re'CE: n t

bo~ks abo Ll~ 'the ~u,bj ect; ' .. T~l 5 cons1,,5t .. S of be, i fig~ that exl$t a~ 3rd~4th an~ 5~h density levels. MO$~ of them e'~-c 1 ~,t at "r:. he 4 it h d,e n5i "'i'" y .1 eo Ye.l. whi r:; h mea,ns t hat. t, b'e y a:"'e telec~th1c ~n nature. ~hcse eXlst1n~ at ~he 5tb level have

. ~

no r>hy:::; i ca I bod i €!:'$ but :mUST.. l."n.ha b'i t. w.b.a t ' y caLt ,. do 11

bodie$'~, or android bionic bod_e$. ConneC~1cn 15 susta_ned 'wi tb t, :h,e'se be,d 1 es t b.roug'h c h.akra po 1 rrc s..

Grey Species 2 is a species tbat functions in a mode t b.,a!: .is, a.p'P~ren't 1 y" mi 11 tary in na'. w1'th a li.gid:_y' det1ned 5001a1 ~tructur~ that bold~ sc_ence and conquering wot'" ld$, t.o be t:he, pr i me mov,er. \/b.a:1: appear to be off icers !n th_~ ~Oclety have a d1agonal band running across ~helr un t 1f arm. Of t ie,s t"~ are of t e'n 5t b. den~s 1 t Y . and, so:me t i m~$ reta1n wba~ appear6 to be a toy dell that they exhibit

eo oe he r.s around tne'l!l. It 1'9 t.b.o,ugb:t that t; b is func t, .l.on~ as a symbo ot autbority among ~hem.

Grey Species 2 are about tour feet high, ha~e beads 't.h.a.t;, ar'e large .and bl,ack ".YT"·ap-aro,'II.lnd eyes.. The']" al,sa h,ave de'v'tees. that, lDAgr'1fy t.:be 1r me'nt.a 1 t' 1e lds in a,rder to

.rna 1 rrt.a 1 n contra 1 eve r ~n 1Umans a bd,'ucted.. T.he y can w 1 t b.dr,a w i n,t. orma 't 1 an :t'rom t he me n t a 1 ! ie lei of' t h'e h Ulman a nd use tha.'t ,.., nfErr'mat iLln, t a form t,he basi,s, fO'T illrSntal prcj ec't ions tha.'t i nt 1 ue ace t,r. .. e human ,to behave I.n c,er'tai n 'ways.

Some of t h,ese w~'y$ inc 1 ude ·dl s5ui S 1 ng 't,n,s ms;,e' 1 ves il.-6 other humans or oth,er bel ng~, in order' to g& in contro,1.

ov ~ r t h~ b 'Uma,n 'be, 1 ng .

Mentally. these specle5 iUnctlcn in what might be termed. at Ii g'raup ml n,dJ'~" Lh,e~r do not, n3.'Ve 1 ndividua,l1::ed consc 1,o.u:snes,s. This fact 15 an ,ad1vantag~' to b.llma.ns

'lleca use "t :b.e Gr'e y. s e a nno t res,pend. a'd.e, a u.a toe 1 'Y' to a s,u.Q,a,en

~l a..

'$ h 1 t't :1. n wh.a t they pe rce';:" v~, t,o b'e b~ppen1 ng. 'The y ca. nnc'e

t a ke a .i eurv,e b.a 11 '", e it; ,her p!:::ycbo 1 og tea 11. y or othe rwi se .

Gre~ Species 2 15 a seientlflca·l~ based sQcietv that

J ~ ,J I

f''U,[lc't 1 cne t,~ s,tudv crt-h'er 1 i f~torms. Th.ey ha,v,.: 'b.a.d a part.

to play In .ttl t,erat: ion. ot human gene,'t,1cs o,ver t.b.ausand5 ot' yeal""'~. T'h,ey se-'ek ,to cro~5-breed wi·th hu~n5 to cr ea r.e a rnt.xtu.'!""e-race t ha t w"111 b,te bet,ter t,.nan ,either ..

~***.*~~**X**~*~ 1: l:ON.F.1 DENT I A.L l

~* *** *~,::f *:~('~qc~* *~

'~~JL""'I"':IJ.UE!' r~~~l

~~'Iii~~ ~~'II'~,,,,~

III t f






. pJ.." "cal

~,,__.,_ . ·lO"" '1I .... ·"'·t~iI ... _ t::"~~t·_,,~~,~..,.

~I,I;: . ._~tI. .l14,!iC. ~1Ii~.. . [I. ~ ,1i..i..I. ~~

. ..

l'.m 'lPI'Jasionoi' h~ L.-,~

-_. 0.- , .. ~~, ,""II!

'W'CWd i"L4ied. t'Ci be :JCII~ _~.b.!~ _


'liil.·_ .. !I..,:- 'I....~..:J i:'L ~

,~ ~ to. ~ ,u,M: w't

~[S« Al

'. . ......

~ _"+ .' ~

~ b, _. ,.'I..,~.,_"


.. _ .... 11..


To fli!lh thi.s.. O-.JJt~

t:aU' 'Q~my utd lDi.aeI it over' die ana you 'WI:ftt 'tOI loo'k. at.,

The above ,illustration. depiets

a · .. k ..... 'l ':' +- ~ '1 1.. -~"'::;I ~-i "-+-:ure ,Q,f:

I ~~~ 1~J.U. ;;I!~uw.'_ __ .. ._.

ali \.. __ . ..;:;; . all·~·l.

,!!!ill"ll ~Cn-I; l.1i,t:I,n& .. h 'This 'Was, .. _ _~II~.C".~ 'V.'.

~~ ~~ . .. . ~ ~

verified. by a famer CIA ,e;r1'fJ1oyee in 19178 w-h,o clairrei to have seen deceased .aliens Our ing a teOOverj

In li."r ........ ~ ~ . .; ........... - ~ .41_·!j'~....i 'I"'i ...... s ,ar,eJ

,~_:_~-~~,": .. , I'~O=:,.:] ·'~~le.s

c . .u..'-l.,.U.a,~.110;;:1 III """"'~~010."""""',,_ C~...... = . '"'



,.. .• '!:II'F.!I...:r !ff"'!Ilio ~!!!' - ~~ "'"""~ ... ~ LIi..m'il'C""P -='1""1 ~_rr t:'. 'F""~+ ~~iI~

:Ii. n!"P jj_ r j, O"I!) .iii" =' ...... ". ~i: ~'I'I..:.'" .1"";:'-:"".1'';'''- ~ ~:j."" ~

- 'l..il_' _l..

~.Wyy ~ h;).o ·:mort. but

much. ~IhQnU' t.han h~

~C~'O~~l'II"'!I .DIY .... 'r' . .t 110.11"'1" WJII.' :,". ,~,,..Iii# !f"" ~"'!I.A.

M~,Lo .... ,


Both Grev Species ~ and Grey Speci~~ 3, which we shall men"t,"ion la't~r. ar e rue.mher':s at a ,; .Ne'two::rk:';' which '1$ 3. lQos'e a 11 iance o. gr(j,u'PS t"ha;t have CCmmQ,D. 'pur'iOose~· or alms.;

.. .. .

G'rey Sp.:'c - es Z tLa, V'6 :made, _ t. 't he, L I"'" b,lUs! :neS,$· t. 0- man ,1 tor

CUF' sp'ec 1 Q::' .=r,Ld a 1. SOl 1'; o ~ro.:g'ram "t he, spec]_ es wi"t. D, da''ta i or 'the, purpos,es ,ot r-a 1s1n,g hUman ,a,wa.;r'@ness andl ena bl i ng t h~ process, of extract. io,n ot biolo,g::lLcal ,~terlal$, to p.roceed. on a more timely basis.

rhey c a I ,_ the pro,cess o,t pr-ogFamm,i ng n ,lnculca.t a on" ,

w'b,ich. is ,a proce's5 of imposed :fo:rc,e'-le~rnl ng. H.UIDatl5 taking part in this prOCe5$ are actually volunteers, but 1;h.:' L n~::·u 1 e!'k -r: 10n met.b.,od.6 hl OC k: the i I"' ~ w,ar~ne~5 'of 1:: he, t r voluntary part1clcatlon .

. " . .

So~t, i,roes a taI"'_3~,"ted b.u,man will be, pi'eked 'Up in

chi ld.hood and ta,k'~n to, a.n. eat"'th Ca,Be tor crv5t .. al 1,'mp,-1,ant-

-. ..-

a. 1: 1 on and 'wi 11 be mon 1 t or-ed t hr'CJ,ugheJillt his or :her ~

pe, r;1 ad . I n young ad'll 1 t, :b,,© o.d. t D,e h uma n is p :I. ,0 ked, up a ncr the cry-stall devic,e i'5 rem~v'~d,. The h.uman 15 then cat@gcr1zed as reserve etatus for future triggering and ,e'mplQ~tmen:t. These are somet lm,es ret,erre,d t.o as, hu'man "el;;.eDer~~', r'E:3:",...;t,v.', t~ p,,~ a.c'tl,vat'sd 'to p.:.,·ertorm

__ I ~ _;., ~ I ~ ~._ _

e,er-ta 1 n t,i¥.II,SKS a't, a la:ter t 1 IDe' •

Tbe Roswell lnc16ent was Qne at the flrgt retrieyals t"ha t t.he Un':' ted, St&rt.lEi:s. perf orme,d . Grey Spec ie,s ,8' Wi!l~ t ound en board.. There were a1,$0 human bo,d1es and body pa.rt:s. ;of ouna, on 'bo,a. rd t h,e c. r a f 't. 'w'hi, c b ·I'!f.a.s on e 0 I 't h,e pr-i Ima ry' :f act; e r 9 tbat caused the retrieval to ~e ~o highly class1f~ed.

I't 19 est ima.t:ed t b,at. the 'Il N'etwork" ttiaS 'been on Ear't,b, tar the last 50 years~ a],tbougn tbe_r abl1i~1es ic func~lon OU 1: is i a,e' our 11 near "t llt1~ 1: rack ,ma.k.a t; b.,a t uncer'ta, i.. :P".

Efforts a"t cc'ntact W'i,t,b, ·terr.'e's.tria,l hu:manl ty b,ave h,es n suppre,ss,ed, by v,ar lou5 govi@l""nme n'ts . who 601. ic it Ii!'d, 't ,ne assl~tance of Grey Species 2 1n obta1n~ng tecbnolcgy. 1~ ha. ODen,tH1. th,a.t the R'et 1culans re,fused. Grey Sp' ·e-e1es3.,

. ,

how'eg'er. d'1d not refus,~. Grey Spec'1es 3,. originating

f r cm t he R1,g'e:.l.1an ~v5tem., W'E)'re 't,ne onee that mad.,e an agree~nt. wtt:h t,ne United Stat;es t~ever-'nmen:t !ac:tlcus during t"he l,ast i10rty y'ea,!"s,. -he agreeme'nt 'waS tha,t 'th,,: unl ted St,lat.EH5 Gov'e:r"n:ment ((: I A ~ I,SA. etc) w,ou.ld ignore t.he a bd 1J,JC t 11011.5 a nci:. mu 1: 1 .1 at '1 on~ t ,:b,a t w'e r e be ,1 ng pe:r t arme, d. by Grey Species 3 ~n ~rade for tecbnology in atomic powered ~ravlty:~ technolog~y'~ (u51ng plutQn~um. re$~ocked tro~ Los

._ '~ilI. ...

Alamo,s,) ~ beam weaponry t~chnolClgy I' aruj.,gb.t b,e,am./ 1mplan't

'tec.hnL)lo'8'Y Cml nd c.orrtr-o l _) _ This agree'me'fit ev'entua.lly brok:'e down '1 n $eve L',a" 1 places \-i'he n t he g'oV'12 rnm:@n:t f. ac't 10:0.'9, t h,e t""ea, 11 z a ,t 1 ein 't ,b,a t. t rl'E:e y had I. $i,c,ld the, 1 t" 5,c'\l,,1511 eo t h·e 1.1 had, ,g'u:ysl'I', Th.~re 1.5 now an elf or't by 't h,e gC,v09 r nment " adS o,t

May 19881 to engender ~ twO-step process, The first process cons,1st5 of (1) ,A,cc11,mation at t ae pubi i c m.Cl$,S-

:J.:r. ;f..~.:r;;; :r,1. ~*~-*'*:'( * * 1 CONFIDFNi-AL z +. .;: :t·· :f . .:t .l, .r. ~ #: .f. *;j; ,l:;r. ,:t ;f.


,.1:., • '-!~.' =- .. !II") ';=- '~r -=- r ~. 'r iF'

e- = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ • 1'\~, ....

1')': ~ ~:J, ~,~",;t; '1' ~,~ ~:;j( ~ 'If.:;;:

... -~

ccn$c~ousn~~~ to ~he conc~pt~ of alien !nt~raction bV way

-, .

of, ~:-V/pr~$:::'_). Various plan$ ~"'E:r~ i;o'U"t in. ac e i cn to

- - III •

~..:...:'nm'p ~ s.n "'::'l':' s , e uca a3 roovl'!~H~ l':"~e II "'[II and 'the, rece'n''C

::llc)'v·1e. 5;:;On ;-~ b~ :3, S,F,;'r:ll,';:s. "So:meT;.h .. i ng' I 's Out Th.e,t'"e"'. ~ '1"'_ W~ g r cal i :: e d. a t c flo @: 9 e ]. n t. t batt. '1'; he V' c o u .i d n 00 't. b r in g t h (~ rna t t,e r i n 1; Q r-i, b 11 c at war,e neS~$ w1."I: ho\,J~ 'o::",'~ ng. i ng '!. he. f y 11

!. mpac. t. 0 t wh3, '1:'; rJ a"d be~ P.. d one a 1. sa ~ n ~ 0 pub l.i c a w,are!".'ess .

F~C'r;.1 on'~ oi t,b,e ,Governmen.'t are bet: we,en ,8. .,, roc~ 8,'nd

!1 ba r-d n 1 a.::,e 1'1 oeca Us,e 01 t h 1.5.

~he second ~~ep 10 the proce~~ !s to aC~1vel, $eek a defense agalnst the EBEs. and this is curr~n~ly being done. and done wl~h ~he belp of the Tall e~ond5. who c;'bJ,~ct: "to -cb.e ac'ti.'1~Hl$ at the E~Es known as Grey Specl,e~ 3. One at the &c~icns th~t bad been taken by ~b~ EEEs was to se"t un e 1 ec"trOfi!!as;rn~'t 1...-: c(lni ,1 'oe:men.'t zones .lL n order

-, ....

to ,keep T..h.e Ta ], -' Blonds he lplng 'the bumaus c orrf l.n'ed.. The

;!oV'ern,~e:n,t .b.,a:$; Q 150 set up. 'E ectt"'omagn.'t 1C 'zone'Ei to ke~p cut ~h~ EEEs, so it lffi a ~tandQtf 51tuat10D. The iBEe are now ( a$ ot May S3 ) overe~tended ln -heir efforts

1 n s d.i.rec't ion! and it ie est;,i,m,a t.ed. th.!t t a s·o 1 ut i.on to tte oroblem at how to reverse this gr1evous error will be found very shortly.

The or-1 g j, ne, 1 ~ n "t,e'n t of 'tone' C I A a:nd. 't;,he .NS'A 1 n

acqu",,$_ t .ion ot be.a,]]l we·apo,n.ry wa,s to ga in an ,a, o",rer ~hc Soviets- Th~ Grey~. however~ have ne in~erest _D having one $~de gain superlor1~y over the o~her and

de-Si-r"e to keeo, t he human iOg,pula:t'1,on dtvlded a.nd

~ ~ ~

fact: ion,a 1 iz,~d in order to have more con't,rol over' them." T!:le Grey Species 3 entities have been in ecntrcl OVer th1~ planet tor decades. The process of trad~n! technclogy fer le-t1n~ the aliens pert~rm their CDerat1cus was also done

- , .

c.'LU'''ln,g WI ·~i t;·h r;h,e; G~rrnans, S1,n'e~ ,the EBEs gain a "hlg,h II

from, d1'5play's of 'in.t,e.n:se eroot1.on" :..t. 1:3 r ap t d ly see,n that wt!.a"t t,ne Ger:til.a.r'J.$ we're doing dur 1 ng the war cone!"' 1 buteo to ,EB,c o5vc.holo~ lea1 c 1 i,l.'IBa"te. Es;oec t a 11 v w'1 t.n - h.e ~55

- .~; --...,J - v - ~ , -

mur-de r at th,e J,ew~ and the Wa,r ltrl genera,:, I' was a

con 'tr'i ve,d a t r air a.s a 11 w,ar~ are. One o rt e n rEmark:$ a.bout the pres~nce of disks 'in war zones. That!s why ~hey'r@ 1".lnP- r'e -

Befo,re study:irl<;; Grey spec:i,es ,J in 'g:tea ter· detail" let 'us return to our di,scu::;sion relatiw to Grey species 2 ~

In elect~onic space societies of pDs1~1ve orierrtaticn, sucn as, 1:.he Z,e't3 R,e'tlculans. knOt"'l.,~d.~'e and d a t a ,at'eo moss t

- _.

af~eft d155em~nated under dur~$s. Training or education

ls]'i~,hed, by' tQFc~fu ... , means, ~uch as t:he el.,e,c.t.ronir:;

i~c'.lan't - 'Th.,ere are =:,everal means !::J,! r a o.l,d 1 nc.u l c a t i.e n.

;,;, .II.

d.eoend.'i n.S( on whe,the!"" the reel b:..ent make,8 ll$e Qr a. 'II mea T.,

.... ...... ~

body" (pbys i c a l/organtc) or an. a:ndro.1d bo,d.y.




In one rret..hcd,. t.~e, ~"1di v ':'dual is to don a he.lrrE:t. oo:ve:red, 1i'rt.i. th wire,s, and. a crysta 11 ine oJbic .affair is cut .L".t.o a n ie"e in the ,top of the .helmet and a strobe light Ls made. ,to play en ~"'e indi vidual I' s optic nerve in order ·to entrain pat·te:rns onto t.,"'.eir

b.rain 'W'avr=s, '" .

Th.e: recipient I s initial rea.ction i¥ hi.s conecicusness is .aware of ,5e'l: amb led. i.mages; whioh _. after the init.ial shock wears

off .... ·are aligned sequ~l1t.ially ,ana iHpressed b'· hi~, consciousness ..

In short, t.~ oorSCTl is .gi van a oroq,r: amred zeseonse s.vste.:L ~ In tJti.s way i.ndi vidual~. are traIDoo in .s," brief' tine to· do co~lex. ta~\:5

wit:r- ~t ha'U"i,.,tT ......... ", .'f""~-"""iI'T"'I. lQ'I"'i..-rr+"hu. *'" radn .;: ~~.

, .;~u, _:__ "'1IIIIIIIILl~1 bV Wl~-"':Ir'_" '~~~:'~Ii,J:' ~,r;J.. . ...1.o.1.L~I ..

SOrretiIre's the subject Ls hypnot.i.zed OJ" rrade to slleep and at

high fr,equ@l1Cy mic,r'C1, emis·sion is, used as a c;.arriex. ~ve on Which to u.ansmit encoded. data int,o ~ .nE:I'Ve ~lex .. !hi.s ini'orrrB.tion may :be tr.igglemd into ccnscious ~,eness a.t a. later t,.irne by a preset stirrulus-r,esponse signal. in t."le envi.r.'oJ1lTel1t·.I, sueh as a ,sub-·au.diQ or visual signal~, It 'might be oot,e.d. here that oo,t only do ctifferen.t alien

e, th.i~' , i... ..... ,. \;.;, OJ _...:31':, if: . , f" . 'h .... , ..::

groups use _.~ S t·ecflJ·J_lQUe, wt IL~ . ..!:.lca.t~on.s 0 to'lls. tec~'iL~4qu,~ a:,r'e

used. by the Cen' Intelli.gence Agency.' and. the ~Jat.ional SeCUt'"ity Agency' ~ Many of the farrous political assassinations in the Unit·eO,

states ~re carri,oo out. 1...11. this fPanner' ~ 1here are inrrun"erable references

to suppxt that sta:tettent.~ . *- Efi.fT P. A. 100

the· carrier waves, are 'usually e.TtIa."la:ti.oos. ~~t wil.l ·pa1""a.llel·the .. " 1 .

.biolo:;ical f ield freu~cy of the. efl·t.ity it.self., 'or' resonate upon .i.t . {; IN"- (t.~ tJ [ l..~

lbey are ,often sound-..ood.e :symt:ols or vi.s.ual.s in ~acsinU.le form ..

!he· 'Q",e'Y Species 2 ('Fetic'lllans) have an .intere·st.inq variation

in "technique 'Whereby the recipient s.i.ts fully a~e faci.T'),g a s.creen

and cCltLUter console and l.'t"'IJ.te.racts, W"ith i.n'a~s on a holcxu-aohic disolav ~

...; III - ~ - • . ,. .' - - • • -.. '--:;11,,=,".. I .-" "'".. iii:. I [ I, ~ ~.--.. es:»; 1"'~'I::j .:.')(

It 1$ thought t.l)at the even.a dUl" the Ee.Tltwaters mCl.dent lJl ~ < .~.

. ~ ~ / ..... J ,?: .. - .'"; .... )

1980 thOJ,t took place under-around to one of the milit&.-ry rr:e.mbers was '

one o.f these precesses .. 'Th.€ subject was PUt. :bef.ore a s.imilar screen, aa1d even. th"WQ'h the.r,e ~'e others .in c..lla.irs in t.l1e ream." t1.,e screen

\'la,S· addres sing him as aLii] individual ~

'Ihere· i So another prccaas \oJh io.' coeur S 'which i...""V'O! 'Va 5 +he rec ip i~:'jt. lying on. a table. ( or being suspended in t.l1e ) facing up-~,

~e.r,e t.ljey ·can. view ,S; light. bar of ti -colo-red. fl a ming lights '. .It is here. 'tmere billion "'year:""'01d psycho ~ .cqical .irrp 1 ants lfie.y be r,e st imulatteC~ .

Sorre of th.ese. .~.lants u'e: responsable f,oI: humans not. re.a:1izi.'lg their true nature: .and also· f,or the SJ:'s~em of $€lf-~sed li.'TIi·tation t,!'.~t Ls r,ampant on earth. turing thi,$ process j' the· recipient. is :r,e-·

~ :I: ~ ,. "h ... ~ t

prograuiLeJ. to perrorm other a.ct.l vi ties wttic. ean be t.r 199eroo, a' ,a

la.ter ~t... There is, sone evi.denoe that ID3!IlY ahduttee.s· over "t_"s: pa.stseveral years have· l:ee..1'l with .instzuct ions J but we cannot deternti.r~e the exact; natur,9 of the inst...ructions _ only that they are t.o 00' carried out in t..~e next. t:~ to' five :y,ear5~

N'hile these in tel: ac:tioos serve to sl~ the e-volution of,s, 1- '~l'}ey do not brL~g an~rt.hing to a. halt. The GreY' ~~ies ~. gene:r'al To'li.l.:' . 1" 't' 'L... ...... ,.., ~"t:#: " .......... _ d

,00 Y g am a ·te!tpj.rarj' ;U:'rte:I\ac.l. ve J .. :;o~.ue r ~ r rom t..o"ies.e act.aons , an

eventua .. ly .all Gr,ey species 'will cease this t,YFe of int.eraction and will nrccrras s to other act.i,· ~

15 'P

-JH-J ' .

•• _. I

Grey Specie~, 3,- Th~ Ri'gelians:

7he t..l:l.ird speci,e s of t..~e Grey races 'Under di.scussdon is 't..~e one

o 1:.. ,;:.. .,_~ .: • .:: .... ~,," ..::J th- ~ 1i.;. ~: "_,""""';;I s...... . d'

rnat. .:J,iJ.Juw,J..[J:!r\..~ ne \'!l--bli.'~_\~te:S into a ,~ ref.~rred to as

:;.r,,e !~Grea;t. r:eoept,ionj". Al~~0'll9h t:._"'e Uni.ted States also .int,·eracts, r..,;i,ti1 other EBEs T this raC9 is a genetically ~ed. 0.00 t.!Ma. t. has,, healt.'y r .&_ yellow-greeni.sfl skjri, When they' lack suffi-cien;t glandular' substances,

,L"i tl1·e,ir sy~t.em~ t.lrey ·appear to nave a grey-.ish cast 'to skin", The ;1lltr:ient g-landular,$, ,e:xtra,cteC, fran ter'resttial biolo;ricU organisms i.s aboori:ed t.1-Lli"QU9·h. me,ir in a dual os:rotic procesa. ierrts are

'taken. in a:_i1ld wa:9,Qe rrate!rial,s ai!r',e exer'e!tOO,,.

''t'':''''''''''''_p' ng .. ,.,...,~, ..... l_ of -!- ~;; c ,~.;: =~ 1.",~ 'if¥' "",As ~';':f 'fr',' ...... ~1.,1;.,. h j" th" £:;; ~,nFIA, TEI".,'t

4 ~ ~ . ...1...:. • - '1....i;.,'r.iiJI..~. _ ~ ~l ~,_., __ ,~'..&r.~,a .:..__.I:;;I ~,L~-'I;;: ~ ,,_ "'6!.J. - "~ ,~~ ': - .'fW: ~r--~~'~ l~"

ab.ili'ty to move ootside our :~1.ysical t.irre: tr,ack ~ It .iSi- ge..t"!era.ily't bY' 't.i1.ern:)st ,adv'atl-Coo researchers t.ha,t var iation.Sj, in t.-."i,s spec Les occur because ~. are ,seedng 'tl1-e saJre ( or re1a:ted ) specie.s, ,a,'!! differe....,..d~. s.uq-e,g in. their evolution .. It is a nice thecryJ and one that .~ to - art lleast 'un,til T~ find r::or:'e data,~ Bec,auoo: o,:f thi.s, it ,coul.d. ~ll be E.M:t we:

,_, ,., 'I! 'I'~ la,e; <!"!, , ..... ~ ~ p"f"iY"'t":",, e.l'~ on '-'I~ r' ... ~ti ~ i a e ,th,,~,.., ,.~ ii:l] '~if:j-""" ~T "'..:; "-"';"Ii s l,v 4-r:,'~ ,t!!'"

lW,'¥"'G: ,-' ~~.::JI v~ ~ . ~'ir-",U~ '. :1 '~'. ~ ~~~r ~~~,--,~ .' ,~J. ~ ~~~,~~, Vii;J·I(o·.iL.,'I.J~.~· "_i f. ~, .. ~

~ I ,t roi~J<)e too :rrnuc..h of a Cif fe-r,en.ce, as far as 't..l1e total L~ct of' E1" vi s its

- - ~ ~ - - - - - ,I;., -

on ~rJ1.. It, i s es,ti.=~t,oo '~~t th,'er.,e are over' 3 I O!OO ,specie,s t."a,t 'have

'~nteract,oo with our,et ~ 'over '7 0 ~i~ s are appare..!1,tl:y ,a't t..11 i s ,ti..~ ~ with only :f'i V'e or ~ix playing a pr~"1erl't, .role a. :Let us retu;r.n, to our ion of the Greys,",

Ao Cliatleral cbaracter isti,c of all. Grey soecies f as, 'far ;::5 ~ can see' ~ Ls t.lla;t ~ th,e rna j or i ty of ~,em have telepa thi:c ca:pabi 1 iti,es· a.~d :~'ct._i,o·n ,a.s ,a_ n,gr,ou~~dn ,,. n"e mass-ccnse.iousness 'o,f' this grou~d..i""19 is not. e.5) y ,indivi~alized ,a,s are terr,estrial hl!J1rans~ ~idh· ,again gives each ~ie5

( Gr·eys, a.,nd hmrans } it.s. own ,8;w,antage ~ t:he Qt..1)ers~

,Re:p-roducti'oo, precesses o:f t.~is :$ooc,ies u'e, siIniolar' to ,oth'er' EBEs ~ ~ey use a c'iooi:n - . proc'es - \Vhich produces re..a.~ly exact dupl;' ca' Detoi""l s

arou.~ ~. ol 'th~~:~~':~i6~s~re'reri~1~.,tH'rcm, in~the~~ion ,~ .

aOOut, th,€ _gndera.roun.d lab;::.tra,t.o.,r:ie s, near Duloe t New ~'" _.-

~ording' .. , to rorre., sources j ~,er,e are clon.e,s, 0,[ huma:ns; ~.~g _ :~'r~~ced ! as ~ 11.. Genetic rna t,er .lals, re:rrovee, fran humaons are clonoo m.te androl-d. i type bodie:s, and eensc ioo5]1,ess is tr,ansf erI"'OO or .i.n.duee'84 S!! t a. la,tel:" ti.1!e ~ ~

cry'5b.l1.ine tec'hnology plays an irrportant, part .in the m::di,f'ica.tian,

,and TI'an..i,pula t.ion of me h1Jfti.aTl ~ Those: 0'£ you who are 'familiar 'wi,tl~ ~

term !~ dhaJ..-cra ~I m ~ 1 i-trl~ that these e:nergy ne~rks suscain the physical f~,tT:L and t-o-'~'" d~~ ~~t.rilill,~ -tovari~s: - psY:chologi~al predi~s.iti-ons

tha,t affect, the terre5tria:1 hman~ FOr your vie~ pleasur,ej a dia'glI"arn

of 'Q_,e human energjl :$.ystem is included in. ti,e r~port.. Ele,~~oni~ and _ ~ c:ry5tall me rranioo], at .; an of' mnren bi-oe,,~er-getic f i,e ldS is the p-rJ..Jre rret.h.:oo 'E&s- ·to1n,te:r~t ·witin. human£.~·ial1y-~en they are after

~E!!:;n.e;-'F~;:" iI"'!"::I+~""'~; ~'~;.'!', 0"'" 'U<!'"1l"V"1' 'rk)'frn5J'lFIo'i!;." £-0.-"11'" f:- .... .-.A 'F~,::j'') Yes,· ehev have bee.Tl

~"1!iiiiii.I. ,~~G _ ;;&;;,b I.,,,C: btli::i,;l;;; .dr,;;~ a ~ ~ ._~ ~ lll'~ J, J;~_,~ ,Ii~ I '. ,~ I., _~,., . _ ~, . '~;I III _ __

observed OO::hg ·~t torl. A.1 t.~g'~ :r ather rare, ~ have uncov,u'oo cases 'vm"ere hUJn3l1~' hav'e ~ -:pl~ced - ,i.n·th:~· c~,'tegoIY of II foodst;uf:f-il 'by t..~~ E2Es;o Iher~

is evidaT'1ce t.'a t ,this, \o.ras occur ing at :DJJloe Labs ,


.. ~ ~~---------~--.=

. ,.

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, .


. ;'





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.t'~ l J. of -:t 1- :t, ". 'J. ~ J. '" ;: ~;, :(

~ CONFIDENTIAL * "; :r~l 'l:~~t,*'J~l.(.*'%*

~~~= Q1- ·h·A ~~'l-~-l'~g ~c-'t',l·~n~.·

"!'I;II"II.:....... ~!YIG _ . lor-. _ __ J., '5;01-... . w.-"' , .... 6 ~ y ___

~~ 1 .. ~ 1.~ "'d' Sj l~

o C loon r.g 1: .L;~r.',,~e ~ ".'@"S :!',n o ..... a c ae r+ ._l.r::O.~ wom,bs.

10 Irrpreq.r.ation oi human !' E:~ let:-.. t lOr la.,'te.r ex t r-e c t; 1 on ot

I"et lJ,$e~.

o Cr~,:a t. i ,On o,f~ anal"" o1.,d 'hU!T0.fl,Oi d,s wi t,o 11 m: t e-di. 1 i:f e. '$'pans"".

o J..cqud si tion of 'biolcgica1 rna tar ia.J.s s soch ,as Ctt\ and

t i 's~ua f ,rc:rn, c~ .. t t 1 e and h U:JVlaTl be, 1 ng5 f or- ge ne 1. i C b~,$,~d res~§rch effort~.

The ~f!Qrt5 o£ th~$e FBEs tc save their species 1S most deter~1ned. Efforts at cross-breeding are more

d:l f f leu.l t.. :.. t n,at j,,!;;I.p05,slble., b~cau~~,e th.e g~'n,et; ic dd.f,fer'en:c'es!tet.wee:n tbe s,p~C1e.'5 are :$0. vast .. Yet~ t,ney still pers1st at tbe attempts. They have achieved some lim! ted -=. ucc'ess.

~he degree to whicb tbe EBEs have 1nterp€ntrated aur e tv tr r z e u t on 1s :ttI2iIss;!v'e., TbeYllla1ntaln, all ever tbe world. espee1ally in tbe United States. and control virtually every aspect of our society at the root level. At tbe ~upertle1al power dominat~on level, the 111umlnatl-rela~ed groups c~ntr~l ar~as tbat

1 nt.e'f~ce d.1re'et ly wi,tb 'terrestrl,,;, 1 hU:~'n.5. 'Wh~t 'b'umans view as "~CQn5piracy~· is only a e,;,u,perficial pe.r-ce,p't:i"on. ot a deeo€r~ multi-level 'p.:roblem,

. .

Inside the Federal Government in the United States

t,lLE,re i,:=; a,n 1 h,ner govern:ment" 1 ne I M:J -,12 '- whl,c,b, tca,ke£ use of the CIA~ NSA, ~~I. NASA~ the military and the Federal Reserve b~nk1ng sY5te •. Mind control af the poulace to further preserve the status-quo 1sone of the

r"'e:asons wh'y thClUght:- ,eam ,anc i mp_-ant. te,ehna logy =oee, ~n.'e, of t be' dT i· foree's to ma,ke ,a,D agre~_~ent ~_i'th t,ne. EBE:s,.

Re.ease ct various Eubstances, such as viruses and b,,~cter1,a, to i.urtn,e,r r,eciuc,e u,ndes1r,able 'elements, ot the· b.uraa.n popu l a tt on and. 'wlthdr~'wal of s~c1a.l progr,aIDS to furth~r fact1cnallze the pcpula~1cn have been and are

.~eing cericrroed ,under the guidanc~ of the EBEs to enable furtber cQntrol ot the pcpulae1cn of the earth. These iproc~dure$ are designed to benef1~ beth the EBEs and the {,act,i-ons 'tha't :m4,i,'nt,ain t.h'€- e'go~domina't1on P'OHSr- 6't:rlUct~re - that e,xi s'ts;"

At t. hi 5. poi n't l 1 fee 1 t h a. t 1 t i s r.H:~ c 'e ~S sa r y ,t Q 5; a y t bat wha t peop lie v e w as.. '~-the gov,e rnme'fi t. II {'or WlUil't Tb,b):m3 S Jeffer~Qn and Georve Wa~hln~ton had in mind)

(J -_

hg,s _long s'1 nee be'e'n. overthrcj'~ bv t hese er~.,bt: r t oree's '~ a. nd 'C,b.e,

freed,oms t ha't A m@ri cans, "' e nj oyll ~;u""e con t,!," '1 v'ed a,nd, WI~ 11

, controlled .. 11 be r t ies". The human ra.ce as· a 'Whole b~s 'b£en

:zzm7 --.. - ~


b~trayed and subverted"

T (.ON·F;: DENT 1 A-a: .J. :J...r '" 't :t .of( ~ c~. ':to :t * ~.,;f' + :*

1h~ idea. c r 'wa:s .11 !Q:rt.h~ COIWDOfl g'150d,3'1 r._.a..~ 'G~~n t:.ransi: armed from a peace!ul progre·s~n vie pro.:e,s5 ::I! eV'Ql'llt ion i nr c .a.. deva 1 U't.. i ng process ot d·eh.uman:lza·t'; ion ..

NOlw. tbe idea Q,: ;IOne \!lor ld., One Gover-nmen 1;:'" '!'~~.t. has been prOPo5~d. i~ on. 1 v a.n exr..e·n:g ton eli current. proce's'ses 1:.0

~' ,10" 1&

~·nV'~ l~p · ,ent ire 'O.lan.eT. _ I i t:b.~ s i t ua n i on ·wer·e ·0.1 t i e re nr ,

an.d. ·tb.e n.uman r aee we!""e n,'ot. being aS5,a\ trom. :',0 me nv

ei i rect 1 ens., i't :m1ght. d.-eve lop "that wa.y on i t..E; own as more huroa'ns deve 10'0' i ur tae r l n t o 4·'th del\~i.ty an.d. b'ecome' :tn.o:re'


telepa~h1c. Being a telep~thlc saCiety does nct destroy

indiv1du~_1~m~ but it does set the $~age tor a ~oc1e~y whlCh, in i~5 in~eract1on. is honest. loving and ncn-

i ud.;:t'ementa 1 in i·tz F··t!: la'E iaushi ~$ w1. th eac.h. o"ther and

- Ir -

01:. her $ pa c 1 e: $, - Howe v € r . i t. f~ _, lIon 1 y de v e' 1 up t h 1 5 w·a y

it no~ diverted bv other lnfluen~es.

If tb.e 1) l&net h.a·$ be~'n i nf 1 u,enced th,i.3 wa V' t.ben 1 t mU5t be changed it we are to advance and evo:ve 1nto a peaceiul pro5r~5Siye civilization.


;1'" \ \.


... ..,

"_,. . '. I· " ..

/; . '~-'

• .



, .

The f 011 OW'i ng se 1 ect. i on t ;! A, Ten t.a t i ve Taxono·my 0 f :E:xt r'a ...

T~· .......... a,etrl' al Humano ; d - II l' e e-' - , .. te~ f - G-ce .... -r - '\",.~ e!'" i

-.;~,;.._~:..;. z . ' ,~ll.L·, "', ,S '/.': .;;;;. xcerp. Y. 'rom. . ....,;. _ ge. t1;,nar w 5

forthcoming book, ~EXTRATERRESTRIAL FRIENDS AND FOEStl, to be publish~d in late 1988 by Llewellyn Publishing Co~

T'h~ ~'~thor ~t~~~s·~

. "Ii;;i ~y'", .L'iI... -;;:'!i;i. ,-~ ..•

1!'!Thi.s inf,orma.·tion va s 'Q'i ven to me by a werman. who has, experienced multiple abductions by both the types of entities described, and who insists upon retaining

he r a.non Lrn i, ty .. I rea I i s e 't'ha t same 0 f he.I: s t.a tement s are extremelv controversial, and that the prudent course would be to refrain from relaying such explosive material to the public, since it is based entirely on unverifiable statements made by one person~

However, I have nD~ shared this, with a considerable number of other abductees and researchers, who almost without except:on hav~ felt that the information contained herein is of such potential im~ortance t~at it deserves a pub-lc

. ~'

hearinq~ which would be the quickest and most effective way to ,ei ther conf i:rm or Lnva l Ldat;e i t., Ib


~ "The. :tit:;=I'.r'.o1tim,,~e :;~',i,r,hi oJ the: .I~iei!l h'ilNi'I,o,id::~ J,~ to ''''n ilt1!~. '~,J,L Oln~ ~,~~~t .p.'Prl)J.i~'T~~,ed 5 ~~~., The

'II!C~ .. :h~ :ii .. ,p:P't(:l~imlIC~)' .;t(I Lbl_ '

)( '. 'f''!!!;'<o ra,u:nd C!fIU 'IIo'ii~o""t 1'-'i.1'p~b;, 't;'r.4-tr. nu",,: ibrC!W ri~:i:rt. ~~t'I de~~kd: 'q::iCl<u:,.I'~ l! I:i~!ll~ ,,-It!': 1:I~r..d ·~,h:ll ~d.

eJQII'II12'Ltdi. ~I,!.n,~c::'li IC!I!' delrp ser, tat I,~,n. ,t1~lr.~Jy iii4~~,~ • .aPPUI!'";,,"I'1 "'O!"ilt'~!:ail.- .",r "~Q:"'i;:) QL'iL"

'. The h~,d, Iti,. i':I'Ll,l'TtIiIli ml:lr:b "d:s. d :Ia fl't wt!iei.'l, ;:Qo!:CI~~N 'll!!'fiUi !I.IlIe ] thm: '!.CnI 0. I,M ammbi, "Ta.kil! a. Ll)Qk iI:~. ill j '" 1'1:1.0 n. U:: li:lli ma.1I1 J ~t '1M. ,~, L ""-i t,i;J,1 d .

• N'OII' ~ 141U1~:_ T'iItO' M~, arc ,imiit:::iltlrd whb, a~r ,slip I, Fr'QiElil.k:-gce.,

" MClij,I~,b ii il:l.dic;a,[ed ~ ;I,.MId, ""Jli~" 'W;i,tIhOL,lt Up'. Cirpc:n:i:nll' ~CI:tg,;Ii :rm.tI!J c;a'rit.y. ~1Q1!,n:h i.P'~iI1 ifiiDt 11.0 f1.ilCi:U04 a:.w; ... m~!U of i:!::IlI;::!,muruc:ni.Qi:i!I.:I! ~~, u &~ onr~ ,'or ftOOd, mptio:Q,.

!iii Net:~ d~~~ ,1$ [b,d,r.lilr l~;, and: iii. UI<ltle iru:~iJ'l~ ,Clot, beitl,i vta:ibk: ~~~ of ~~~ On LIui t ~..iQ'1:I Q.C body, .

• ' MOi~ ,oOiW.:J"'fII:n d~,!1I~ ~It ibQd o€ tJ::le .b1.!!!!:MEIIOjiU Q ~ Ot:;t u,id: Ittlilt thr. pIU: st;,IiI'Yi'1Iii'l! ",s!i&fl'l:!\I.U. ,Bodie: U1t ~~~ ,~

'. Sma9l :lind' ilhift 'fiu; tbe ~m d.~ p;tiOIil 01 UtI!' 'tono., 11:1. meg!!: ~"'!:Im. '~' I)od;y wu ob<:s;~-~ .... ~:ti.n* ii mc:W.U, 'but ,n!l;~~b.Jc p..~

• Cne!t~ Oif uncb l'w; law Ir.JJilp:rs, ir!IO il:J'l,lJ;i!r.I.'l_ T'.o, rmpn, ,IP,pbJr 1.\Q~ltr 'tib,g CidI.m. Some' 'ClibM:;'YettI:iJld. ~:D !i,i':I:p~1s; O;[!Un ;riLl'lCiYI. ,~ liipc '~eb'bii'L' idl'ee: ~~ n~~.t:n ~ IllIi:ntd' :by 'UIm:'t. ,;l:utlto;.MU ~:"'I' iQbJeMi1- (SH A~t .. dmimt 3..) Othet :l'ql!I!'-N. ~tiRmc tJ'P'I!!S 'll'iitb Ioc:p or ,i:r:I.G:J1: tlt.uI J()!lo!Ir ,(iI'llIIC="-

• S~OI"l iII,od 'U::U:B- ,F~ of o~ If.YPI' ,d',eKt:i\lcid ,IS ha'l"ii:r!!, '1:110 IliQCii_ M !);S,,!: !)~ 4~M f~ as (1gYll'~, Oru: 'Q~~ ai4 !o;ot Joolil:~ JQ;c: a;n, ~r.lnf;lil;U."t.

,II $'Ib:l'1i d~,cjia'l1 ,j,s N'OT: ~ SCJ~ wim ~fI' u'1l;, b~n.. or' ti~b ;;;t P,II1'I":h vay Hd' QIIl~ Aid ,iL 'CM)licd: _01il '·bl~ ;p1i:r"IIIi~Cit dh:~ ifrft;[ii: iLipU:. li!o 'tw(!, ias~.·th,r. !!;;ildic:s 'Ii!1:nt w,rn'd l'i:l1 d.u,![ bf.o~ .. Tbc; lC~UI:n: iJ d~~ &$, Qiy Cif ft'p~~ ~ U ltmw,btt., Itb.Jtj; '01' Il:i:lo.biae on:;r gr,j,oot:.'11 1I!I!1;iI;K:!.e O;r sl:e,ltW W-~ :N';O ~ledl l:I<!Wi¢k. No. penpitl,tiOIlL, IDI) kid" Qdi;:;!,'. ill

Ii ,,~ :liiPP-il:ftl:llt rc:pit~Ii¥,".i."" ,,-,rpM. pe:r.,h,a,p:s :aJL~'p~ ~ ~hJ;tior.;;u·,! d'-~,I~!I::':JtUOL N,o l'tilCu.~, {n ~r l'liO:b-pr.'Qlf~i,g_~ jud.I~"" tI'.IlC I.~CI' oJ ,~~u:aJ, orpu, .tu~ l!:M,t .H:IIC1:1.e 0( thr::: ,:dle:!U. ;lim;[ ~I:'~~s. ,tlL. 40 "':iOt tI:~~~~n ,1!1> d,~ _U:!r. ~~mo llI'I'it.fU. ~ tli,al~ KI~' of u.c ~~~ sn.n':U~ ,I~ p't~lUlotd f.ic:r~p:: by j. ;l)':l:tCn!i 'D{ d,QIbJliiI er ;I;I~ IimhlOW1l ,~iQ.M~

" io.i 'moll, iCI~ the bl\m:lilIfilO~ .I,ppc::zI "'0 be -ro\1"!lU!d hit or Ii ilm;~Ijd." (I,t ~lilmM' :IdQ;j,;aj f~~dlI, ~n.~,tI;;I.


• Ciil!t~'l'I'~l, 'p:re"o'lJltt!~ brl, b-ody. 'wi:Ut,ow:t ~ ~i4- ~'o. ~l' b~~ No', i ~C'f 0(' Olj,l'Cl.. No, food or 'IilII,tiCf ittl!.;.t.e i:Ii ~O~fII,., ~Irr(o j'oO<!: fccund a.1)o,u,d, 'IONt ii:l ese ~iI'II~ ~tI"I!.C'¥.1L, N,o di!!I=~h'~ ~iCZ!:i 'il!r' 0 a '111~ N 0. iil'l~$ucW or .i.limmtary CII,MJ Ct' ~ .rQ dt:iC:t:i,biI-d,.


Ii M,fj" Wn OI'U' 1:1'1.:1 nuli'lil:l~d. l!:l'pi', Ufe :l!p:il:1n ~1\1:.'ilCo'Wft" ~prjvt Yjr= .. ti~ry, o(a.rali:omr m;;y be !D.(!o more di'¥I::Jl'i!! !h~nl th~'R !U'I,PWri :aomo'l'iIi: Ur.tb;:I, Homo up1it.tU. Otl':ir. mc~tjf~ ~-t:~ ~~, o.H'LLlr.IU.!IJ Q~ Cl'~htt ,Iro tt~n\ !,u: ~~Niptr:\tti~~_ 1f'C UDtlI ~WJIJ to ~t., Ot1pn ~'u;Q<w-iii,.

... ~~

_' ~ .....

*~~***~*~~.*.*** * '*



The 11'ITaxona;.rr:{ of ~~a~restrial, Hl.Jmano~,ds,'I, a channeled

'LP"II'O"'i ... , by" ~~~, .".,-~-_-~ " ~ 1 ,..::II.,. ~ ~ 'I"'It~'P"'e, , .... ~ 'nt"'!' ,~""",eoClo'''''''''~' . ,'", :'

_"'_'.I.,h ,1i,.I:_, ~ .... ~'_ ~~'t;;W;;:'j' y~,o;:;;_~, ,~IEr 4d--Io ,~ .. ~s~,~ VJ;.;I~ .... anons::

1 <I' WJrking under 'the: instructions· of the humanoids, :from Rige:l,rCIA and fomer Nazi scientists have de-veloced and deDlroed

.. ~ ,..._-~

Ftl'Bl.i~t. stra.ins o:f bacteria and,s,' ~ r ,in order to extenninate el~""i:s o,f the 'h~, race.

2 ~, the Ri,gelians are: ,aJ.m:;l$t entirely devoid of erroti'ons 1.' rut

'can a IIhigh:. by ,tele'pathi,Ca.lly tuning in me' di,ffer'en,t

t."..-: ..... ~, .... , if . .,j:. ""'- h' ti" _'Ii-. .... ~

l1\..J,J i~ I, ~: m L,,;:I;,I; lse'urran erro-on, sucn as ees '~C:Y or ,agfO'n,y ..

",:t..-..I-_,,!" ~c thil""~ ,~l~;"" the'·, " p"~'iE!!e.,~ 0', f" it,~ ~,,,,,, '~'~-""""'!31""_

.L.~~,1r.I ~~ "~ ~"'sr ~.l _,_.: _ .• ~~~ : .. u..E.;'~, ...L...:lJ. ·WQ..l..:b' ........ ;

and areas?


J. ltlrough,out reco,rded history f as ~11 as during pre-b,istoric tiItes,t there has, been constant genetic rnanip;J.lation of and ,in,terbreeding with 'hurra...~ in order to breed out, the less

e~lved $,imian strai:tg, .. the 'Nordic:IBlond races have parti.cipatea in, this fran the beginning I and ~ are as men a part, of t..hem

as the.v are of' us •

• - ...;il - -- • - -

:4. Rige1ians have the abili ty to carroflage th,emselves as tall

Blonds through rre.ntal ~"'g:y 'pre! jection,~ Blonds never pro'ject t...l;,emse.lve~s as, Greys ~ Serre :e,londs seen Wi th the Greys are physically r,eal" rot. ar-e, priSoners ,of the Greys wh:l ha'Ve either Faral yzed

.... 'L-.._ ....... - 1;.;,,,'1:_ ....::I: ..... " +~"'--...:::I .fIi,.,.""·l ..... ~ .... 'IJ.....-'. , .. \....;:1" ty to· ·"--'·~'l/te' 1 '!"'i'""irt' 'u J..~~I v'r ~ ,iII:t V'~ ~5 ~.I;J' i t:t.l.l ~:~..:..:.'~ u,:teU ~4':_:.1.. '.~ J::iIl. ......... _ u , . ' ... e~·. .

'through ti.rre and, other dimansions. by' ap.pliattion of C'e.rtain devi.ces ~ ( l' :na:y cover thi,s in detai 1. la teI' on,) ~

s ~ Eot;h, Greys and Blo,nds. have the. ability to disintegrate matter in'to, enerev and rein.tearate it back ,into rratter ~ !'hi S ability

~"'-* .~ -I. ~ ,

,a.11~ then to, pass thIou,gh walls and tr,aI'l.S'pOrt ,ai:duc-tees out

of their car's w.ith the doors still lccked,~

.( .and p.reSii.JITtabl y a calf' f et;us ,out, of a place.iFltal l:ag)<

6., '1'h-e. Original Rigelians were Blonds 'un,til t.~,ey ~r.e invaded by the, Greys, a;, :~s.i tic race I Who took Over and i.,rrt.erbred \d'th them, Th.e lorig IDa! P.ige l.~ar.tS, were the ones \oiho seeded, the 'Ea.;_rt:h.

_ t is because of thi s Will [on ,anc.est.....ry' 't;ha. t terrestr tal :nurnani 7.y ~,s of such. interest to roth the Blonds and, the: Greys.

7. 'hum;m f ema.les can be irrqrregna.t.ed ai. ther on ,beard ship or \&ihile. they sleep in. their' hates ~ Ma"h~$ need not be rranife:steO. in vis fble :foDn for 'this to C'CC"!.lr ~


- " .. - ..

S, • The blonds no.-J. inhabit t.1:e' Procyon Sj",5,t.etn.. ThE; oonflic.t be~

~e .blo~ an~ the Greys is in a state of terrr;o.rary t,.,ruoe I ,a: though th,e canfl~ct between the Rigelian ~stem Wld b~e, Sirius systmL is fought actively.

9 ,~ the ,Blonds, With speech ,abiliti,es \'lill respond violentl v if' attacked. or threatened:" ,but the telepathic ones \¥ill r-e~d ~cefully,.

( Tha:t., makes sense i. 3.rd density' .'Is 4 th densi~ )


, -'

( ~I ~

.I ..

. LIFE,lnnnL1GENCE, TIME MID SP~ Thoogn·'·t Pr.·QV!CIkers For 'tl1e .~ ~iril f'In u ... ·.,."

-' ...: '. .... • - ~ &.. • e- ~,l-"- '-"'-:J .L,"~.,~. ~ II :Ii

wall" ~' that yeu' ve reviewed a 1i tt1e, nDre channelled !Fe terial, I am sure by ~ you ,are eeginning' t-a see: s::n:e liqh,t at t.iI,e end of the tunnel ~" d.i.scuss SClfe rroredata. at::du't the TNhole' "probl,em'· of

.I!t~ II ''':'"", • ..::1 ..... ~ .... hnmre:l'l"'l, :t:'n_. T~"",=, S'+'~~ t.!Pi .... lb t,~ -. T.·i'~ ,'s ........ e: o' f .... ~"".

u.~ WIJY "-4t'; ,~"~,, _~ II ~~ ~ ~ "'--..WtL ....... ~~'I!l ~\L~. VJ!'... ~.~

,rrost irrq::crtant asceces of th,e TNhole thing' • .l't p1a,ys a. straf'lge but s:igni.f'.icant role.... In a. way I rsrt. of' the ~. to saRi o,f your questions

'!!'I'i':' 1';: e' no- t "n th' e. s- .. '-. ........ \..",~... , 'II"!. ,b:k. ....'!I......-,'L. 4.!' -:t..~........ -. Ui'""'n,1I1'" .. '~' ""'~pl" ::...-..e.

u~y z, .1. -Y.;.. 't '. ' ~~, UU'" .4w,lI.W~e ;;_,4-~ o'~~ on J:''''''''_'' .I..~'!;;;i:-. ·~'ru.

CUr. ~rld ,e:;cists in; t.~ diIrensions,. We can nove in rrany diJ:ec.tions

. ! ,j.,.~.'"- ~1b ..::1'.:_ ......... ;.-..."... . . -.t "'1 be _ .. -" . :t... ~ *'- -~,

lji.l_,yL:I.J.J, " ,n,ese u:.u.U=,U!;i~ons P' SlJ1.ce rros, .. :peep, e ere are J..OC·,j};,,'eQ. onw 1",.;1 ;u.,g

t" -.- •· ·k ~.~ .. , fc -., ...:1 ..... _. ~"" -"." . ., ......... ~-.... .. - __ t .. · ! t .' .......

. l.n'e----uac . ~ ;;;o~,ce I or ,rrany J' ~s l~"" exl.s"t e:x:oe!:-"i,? wuel"l .~ U~e .L' _ €:(~s.G, •

..."...., u·,e th·~~';: ,~"",,,,,,,i""- ~k,~.' .... a ... ,_ .... ,~1F'. r;""... Ti"Imlit .... -r' '';$' !!!!',,"'j. m"ii?'iute· t-'h~,t it

.i.,...... ..0::;1 t .'G '!...iI,,;I., .... ~.~. ~ .... I."!'~-!- . ~~.1!l:I ,.a..Ii.,!l ...... "...,. ~~~ .'~ oil. - ;;;Aj' .,LY;.I,,J,. - ~:.. ..I.

can ·only be calculated with hypothetical rreasurerrents". Yet, ':'f we lived

,.....,;.., !!!i~ aecm ..b"b. ..:I ~ ;:00.' .......... - co tho ..... ~....... '!!i..b -- ""~ ht~, ~"'IIeI.,""~ fr"- ..". I""ei'....r- ~ ~ .....

' ......... .1. ~ ... ,~,.,,. w~e ~,~~lc.e ' . ~ 'e ~~ ..... Q1~om ,1,1>1-;1;.'9 '1.' ~~~ a:....-.;::::~L~ ·~~l '0:::;0. ~""'''''' ....... ,.....,;,:.

"-. . - ,. t'· i'ji'o.... -" ,. .....::I', -.::iI~ . i- ........ ct Unl~·",- ... '1-.. ·tth·

cons::l.OllS ,;erC".€p.lon,~ ',I,.J.Ire JLS a mal,,;l,-ma~ 'c:onSI!...I.Y;·· ..'. ·~e U.le: 0 . er

...:I~ .......... - • ·,-~ ... t ..:::I~-..-.~-' f' to ""'= .

'!,..;I..,U.!l.l:;;,I,lSl.a.M r W"!'·~. atJ!Oears as a. i..J_i.u.~,I,;=..,lO:n. 0 aeceers . nave us

, II' • .... .. - ~ - I .... -. I , ..

tr,a:?fed ~ TJ..Ite beoorres, very real to the human b:lr1g' ,and. yet l. t doe 5n1;:

. 11 f "", '1 - .' th ._ - n... -

' at a.:c. or ·other bew,gs .. , f"U.' mere 2.9 1S . :'.e ~'t. 'D:;E,s thl,S ~

... '1-."" i!!!i.~~ ~'I"It ,~,~ 'i.... __ ,~ 'TH"'!' "';\-",...' __ ...:1' 'by ;j,,;·l" -, '--i nt"'!re', .

. ~, Ie ,~,:~ U.....:I:~... .4,:,;.;..LJII::: ........... ~::Jo.!, ~~, ',: ~e:r ,IIJ: ..... ~':l' ~ ~

If one, n.ust look at me IITJFQ, P.h~ I", it dces.seE!'fi to bs controlled~ It. does follow' '~t ap;;ear tD' be in:te.lli'~ren,t patterns~ If the ob j,ects them.selv:es are manifestations af higher €.Jle.t"c;ie:5, then s:m:th.i:.""lg 'has ·to;.e those ener.gies ~11C\il and r.,ecluce them to t.h"e visible,,~ Ncrt only dO they W".tter the vis.wle fr~encie:5, but tf1ey tai(e

,g - ,,_;il... Ich - .' ~. .. cal .. - d - \- .... 11 -. - . .; .jb b...... ., . ..' . t. .n' . • ~l." ro't;.. '5' .c.EI'm

,,;OJ:mS WU .. L.. _ seem. ~,' ... y$,l ... , an - r~ I' ,~,=u. bJ. ,11;/;'Y carr.:y 00. ~ ,acuons w.u ."_. ........ ......

to carote int.ell +

·rJi~. th'_ -- 'f . ,.;b. "..;:1-,.... tlh ~.-"~ fTI!b~ .' - ,-. iIo.... ,b,..... r . C!'rY!'ieL .~." ~ ore :mJS!";;; oons~~ '. I.e ~~oe ... ""';I,~ sc::ur:ce 1~:S w re ~,~

f f ,. ''II l' . th hi'...rh,· .... 'N..l --" t ........ Ih.""" orm 0'· .lJ1teJ..-l..qenrt, energy o~:atll"l9 at : e r ~'5.est p:iss.....u. e pow or ~.~

.freque.IrlCY spectzum. If such an 'energy exists at al.L, it might. perrreate· ~l.e universe and n&intain eqiJal control of eac.h ooc1l?One.nt pan. we have , therefore " the' de·~lop1·ent of t..t-le idea of the Uni versa! Irrr.ell ige.~ce M3.ttix·! ,of f~ch is a part; , Per'haps if ~ were i..1'1 a pure e.t1erq)"

state, each :particl!e' of e..r]ergy would itself' ~ as a synapse , ,and _

, nf ' " l' d 1'_. .... ~ l' h' - '''It t - ' .. ' .. At· . l l!- k~ l! .~ Q:tm3lt~an cou· " ~ stor~ by a. .$.2g.· t ci.J..: era lO,n, JJ"j, ~ '. _ bod ....

I a ~' ~ ~

.. :Ul hunan events occur simlltaneously whe...fl viewed by a greater

. intelligence .. If a \'gre:ater int'elliqence ~'aJ1ts to camunieate with. a l,~ fOnl; all kinds· of pc>te.fltial problems arise ~ 1he corr.mwll.cation

:ITUst be conducted in a. mnner \tIhic.h will l:e roeaning:ful and 'Understandable ·to t.he l~' lif·e f·o,DtL~ An acceptable frame ,o~f r"e,f,erence ftUSt be fonrd and used .•

~tPhe.~, a sscc"iatoo. ~"i th flying disks, especially the ,. SDf'~ 11'

phe~, ·are f.requently reflective: , that Ls, the OO~. ·ma.mfest2tions seem. 'tel be. del.iber ately tai Iored and ,ad j-us,ted. to t.lle indi v.iduaJ., :be lief s

d ' . ..:!- f tlh';"'II- -.: .... J.: . • .. .L.. .: 'h

an. a ttl. tuu=.s 0 . _ e ~ tneS5eS;o wntactees, are 91 veTIl .bE .Ikb..o~tio-n W.[lJ..C~:'~"

.ji'll"!. ".......,st e'a' _ '~-~s ccnfo .. ~~....... ....'I;... __ .. .:j_ 1f" ........ 1' .i!!!.T o!!I' 'P,-=- ~n.::;:r, Tf"~""'~"" ~ '!' ..... - ~n~'f"I·~·,...'·~+·i!!!.

~,II, 'Ii:~. __ . i!',. ~ ." ~:U.i.u... ~~II~ ~ utt::!.~ ~ ..... '=.-...3 .. ~~~U,l~,ra W,Ii~ ~ "_'~,JJ'-I..~1WCi

on one, :fe,rt.icular aspect; or theory find the.rnsel ves i.nunda Eed with seeming ly reliabl'E! re'PJrts '~ch tend to substantiate: tha.t. tli-eQ.ry ..

John Kee]~s. extensive ~.ienoes with. this. reflective factor led him to c:arry out ~irrents with t.his r'eflectiw aspect conf'i.rtted t.~at a. large' "part of the :r.epolrted. data is· en~rLTteered. and delibera.tely false~ '!he witnesses are not t.~ oo.._~tr'ato.r5t bo.t. Irer,e .y .. the vict.i.'T.lS~

~ ,

The apparen.t p,n-po5e of all this false ·data is nll tifold . Much of

~t 1.' s ~~,...,t to·' ........... .c.::::ri ..... """!. ~"""~fu'· sao n -I-~ di': u·Q,.,.·e; on ~_.............. of ~ -ib- h -::.."" .... .-..~.'"=A. +o

~ ... ~,~" .. ' ¥~~l~ ~J.~ .. ~.~.J •• aJN ... __:yl~,~~ " ~L~ ," ,~.~I l.t:i11..iUI ~.'iJ~~ ,'_

SLlpport certain .beliefs which ~e but. Which W'.lUld. serve as .stepping Stone:9 to the higher', rro:r,e ccrrpliex th... ~le ge."e,ra t.ioos have ro:te. and. gone· .r' happily b;1ieving ill the· false data:r' unaware that they ~re: ·me;r.el'y links in the chain of developing ccnscdousness .•

If it ware ,all 1.lI1dierst,o.:id too soon, many ~d cnmble under the -wei""";""t 0.& ~,lI..":" ~---.,:th. rn..1'1ie ~-+-,..,. l' ~ ~~'Ii--..:l' W';th·~: windr;t-~ ~ ~to· r= those

~,..L.11,. ,~IU~ 'P...I.l..Ij, .. _ t, ,il.L[U~jI;f. * ~ E ~ .._~'~~t:rW.. _. -4-- .. Y"'"-~ ...1.....11' .. . . unseen \';Or lids .r If "w1e. had the i..'I'1S.~'I'·lts to detect maTI. ,we' '\!iU.J ~ d find that these ·~s are the foeal ooints f.or surer high frequa'1CY

- --

waves ~ the; "rays" 0·£ ancient Iore , 'Ib,ese rays :mi"ght care· f'rcrn CTc.ion

or the Pleiade.s as the anc ient.s clai.ITed.t or ,the:y ruiqht be part; of the Universal Ll1telligent r'atrix t.r.-at errena tes throughout all reality syscems and dirre.TtSions ~ We· the evidence tha.t SiJ,ch .rays exist. NOH ~' are :being told why ~ ~ .• ~ r.

(']'0- . ~ i . .

-'~LI ..

3.,~, :<tpiltcn~atl¢.nl" th,o'i!l~h th~y , b;a.:I;e~ an, all .. e'l!d:o,~,al "vi d~ne~ 'Whi,ch is. 1. t.I: IrJV' op,tn,i,o'n si,nell! r.-e ,and t'rutht\.11.1,. !'h,e ,t~o t'T'P~~ I p &:~(!Iut t" de~e!'i 'Ole r'llrn"u~'e'n't ()nJ, .... ,s, A:au.ll1. :traet;i'on 01 'trHi,j many' t1P-~ I' both ~·h,o :r"~' a.nd, 1; al ':I ... nU; of' medi. U ~ - h e .len, t. wh..n, ,- &:"c' . & t -ptrei ~'ri 1';' -li,ovt:t ri rut

~1'I,r) 11 :~~ c:,x;p,_o,~f,o:n,:: ,r,rf 'o'ur nuc,l e!D,'r weapons at 'theJ ~n,d .... t Vcn;"l Ii 'Wa:r 1'1 g,er..,t c~t a" t.ha~ "brQ'~,h,t, 1 ll, ,Eli, veri t:lbl e tt.'~~fic

t hi ,:3 :!I"iR,!':ri, 0 t no we n:fDif!'r:-. we-:h a. v,e 'b .. een v~ a. i t ~d by. a, ~ d~ v:1:!",i,!!!! t Y Q:-'

""'!:iI!" 1ii!l~"4 ""t '~:I A, t.

. -

I •• _ ~_Ij _ _ •

"-4. 0.,,;1 t'" G\;"io ,~~ ~""", ·~t.li1 O~ do l~..IC:i'~~C"~ t', c... ~,~~ 'Ill e :r'i T"':eI,'t: t ne i a t h,t! ,$ho rt. " h a.tmal1,('i,t d;"s' Yl'~ h the 1 a "'!,e h e:ar.1 ~h '

'Which ri!'s.,~rlQbl,e embrI'Os, and ,a\l"_',~. ~,b,out togr ,I!i;ni:l ill halt !'e'~t ,~,n

h e'1c:'ht,. The ,J' .a T'"1It from i\, ,S('J 1:1 i- S v~t "Ilm it,h,i). t I"RvolV""I'$ ;l.:round lH ~l ~

Tit 18-\ i.s a don 'bl ,Ij; bl u t ::s,n- rwh,1 ''I; "", '-+.8. r. on t h" 1 ~!,t. :rellot ,o,t ().,.1 ""'1'4., a.:bo.ut, ,a 00 :11 ;Jtht v.ii,I3.l""s: tr'oll. R::I;. r-th.. !1'1. ('!:'v hi~ve- 'PM 'b' 8.1JI~ V1. '1; h t h,1!!! 1. 1" 6,l"Q,nrJ.a, 'p&rt1 e,tllarly ri t:n ~ne1:r. ;i1l1tb;\CeQu:o e' :a.n.~~; w:~.1 ~h J!j~'~ t 10,

~1!tJ.,.r:~ t tOT' t'he~, to d.i,CP.3t 'f~od t ~tU!'~II!' ltl;ul':;I!,uJ.a:r Pl'OQ,~'I!!!TtS 'lte r~ C il!ulsed, :f!I!-.3 TIIl:T ti, O::C;PQ m1 rc t. 0. r.:ld: oil O:il .... tao V'i t, y' du rt.ce !Oi. Il'I'l'C ht,a.:r ~ ... l

tt\,e:i r rae i! t'~itC'ht 1n th,o di ;tant pa'~t t M,:Ci'V t'h,ou:;ani:1,a: ,cot ,)'ea.r:"!: w~,I'"io+

. ,


• •

l ! t ,13 t'h 1.9 "'"P'e' 0 f h:~.unoi d, t 1:I,B,;t :1. S ',plitt':! 0' t'lIifli! .C) at. n~ th e anil!lal lI;utl1a,ti o'ne &roul ,h~n abdu:ct1oT.ll!i" vnich has Md. .. ,1I'oe f"!i!t

.. ,.~~~~.

d i!a 1 ri, 't h 0'''1: r eo V'fIt I":nment:t '

th ey d'e rt v e ,r'j.'Olll h anCle' r.l'C :r.'rQ,~ t'~ ,III elan!l1ul ~ 'II'" ~fu;rr't ions and t'n e enZ;Y!IlIt:> they eX'tr:a.ct !,':rom t,hli iln~_W,,!I t:",e':v w:t!ta,'te" vtll'=h they.

~a.rti&l1.,1 'b.'o.:LU~," Q! 1 t. e &e'Ut~ tear of the:,5'" tt-\fJ,Q.c1" a,~d. paTti,lll.y ,~'I!'e&u;!,e 1 t t~ th.e d.,el.usIon 't'h.t 'they vill &'i '!I'" 'U;~: tec'hZUQal :1n!nmat.1o.n entL.'bl.lnc ua, tr'f ,a"tt!li,n ,'ta.'l"!r su~,cU1.or.i-,t,7 'Qve't the

obt~1 nod f:rll"1is them. :HO'lOl'e.rv.eT.':II' 'O'UT j':Qvrtl"M:ent dflei't liiiC't 1!,'0P"'''-'1''' t~

"1"'$'8,,' iSiI!! that Vn,.n it ¢nme:e. tl'l thiJlll1 oi!'T"UlfiCh tn .. t''''er.ull'l;lIQ,Q 'th,iIII~ a"'. t:"a:I'!I~i!,1:ng '¥i'1 1 not 'WIilH·~ a.:;' i,t 1:1 au.P'POtlli..,.rj. to i I,i, i i"II, not 1 fi th .... ..;.,..

U:! d,Ar.:.i ::iv~ mil,i, i:&:r""" ..J..L..., r hA --...'"'"""

t:t n.o anl ,-.1,~ V'ft Nt a:va 11 Q_;l\l. e , t,h 11:""1' e. o'u.l. d "'Jib ~1 ,st 'Ill)O,n, Al"al'lll'\ 'i!lxt,~ct~ de,ri ved t'!",Q1m btu_e" ,As .. rul '" t~.]" do. not \I."" :huaafl.1!l tn, t'h i $. 'fa$th,:1 tI,n,t 'tiu:t t'h. .. '..... ¢ 0,.1 4 and. vl)ul Iii i Ill, DiJ\, 1_.!If!! rc erne1 + !h;!il1 r

a::ti tud~ to".a1"~ h1ll:.~!l 1,;:'1, t~ ,to.l e ra:'it.O Il'n, to tht; , ... 'r.t:on-t that 'We .Lr"I!!I'

us Ii! tul 1. ,Cl ......u a'll ~ t h., a tIi,1fIIa,J.!, lOtte e's~a T-"":"" f'o,r t'h .. 1 ',," ;QQIU. n 39. nt • OeO:'tplj,,1,e; ma:l.ltT attemp,t:!.. ,nOrlle of our t,.'II'Il"ll\st1"1 al *u1 !Q..\'" (~OT" thfti '" 'f ,"0:£ en ,'p. n Q"" ovum ,,1" 8mb :rYO'5) have ,!SlH'vi VI! r.1 't h e ).('nl~ j trr.: n'!,"'" 'back t Q th *1 r 'Ci,la nett' it

!'be'.Y.' vcmld not a.tt3.~,1~· '!;.Ill with fl.UC" ca'll" !!IJtI.o.''PQn,-r:(, ,a.~11 lllLlt::l,eD.I' vaT yoUil.d tr?"e'V'O~il,bl '!f 'pot.srm ~,r' 't,ota'i 1 't' 1'.ie;str,oy t,n {~ jpl,a.n,f'+' i~ errt'.:i. I"'IIII

'til Q,iS'~t.I!e':te i' :1. ~1'Ud1 ng b;n7' n""'Pfrtb,et 1 c:u h:u.u.n 01"" gt-.J. 51n"",t1 V'O!"Jt'i



- 4

, ,~

viano v'l"Iuld t :n'''~_ t.t1·it!·1v au.;t·:f!r from fl:l.&;ari'lil,l.,,:r 'p1"obl A~~ iii .• 1:.1.1.1" in to. th!o,$'. f;:h.e·V' &. ""e. a.l ,..lItaA,jt &:rnle't &d rt th,. fh"y d.C' "na:ve the

& 'b1.1! t:y tot:n l")~H'" tb.! ~ pla,tl'l~:t :91. i.a:tltt ly "",t ,:! • t~. &xi:!l >Il'

'Rle'!!!!," ian tec'hn'oloe;y i.s: MrIlTiI: a\d.VfJlT'lC:.iIi!d, i;h~n O'!J..r~,· but: is

W,(:rrn·nc u.l!ld",·T' the lnstNC't·t Oh~ ~rt t,n. ,llliitillaJl!01dlt rr~~ !, r:.U and tOT::fI!e:r Uazi .9e.:~>~rrt·i :!It.:; n·t.vi1!I· develnped i1lnd d..:~lolved

mal st':'ai.i Xl!, o:t 'b,o,Ctl~'""1,~ a.nd vi T'U.i!UIl;S\r :inel'ud.1· nI' ~IDS't ~'he'

_ "II oil _ _ _,.-; __ ,_ _ _ _ .;11 ,I _.. _, w 5 • II. _, ~ _ _ __ - • .._ ,-- _ ............. - •

r:a:ttonale. t:rn~ 't'nft :r.Q;.~(::i :Jr'f!; p!l':li nt at V1!IIII'V 1 t!i ·tfri ert.·.r:r;i:na:'!::. po. Ri,on,:!il ·0 f t h lit. "C"!I~u1 ... t: 1.0 fI: e Q.f,!.!!,i d. jIr, 1"'8 d to< be u. n<d.Ii!ll'sl rahle ~ ·rh. r-a, t:{ ~'iI ~:rQ#J, t·he- :R1,p;!I!lli,a,lII 11.'10·1 ;tit; of' vi .. ",· :i ~ to' d.'er'!! Iila.te thA hU!m&n 'D(!I''PI:!il.;".t~ n·n t.r,.

:.t i.e·tel '1 a.n!!· 4'

-rh. ~ ? i.l3'e 1,,1, ~ n.s a :f,''-i' allilQ. ct "nt 1. re 1 '!J' d c;v·oi,.t! !.) f 'I!!!m.o''t,t i"I!'n!: ;; bu. -= 0:: a.n

t'I bit.a ~ n ~. ,3 e i"'!. 0 nd;- ha,n~ I h. 'll3'h I by t. e 1. ,'pa t h 1. c~ ~y tun t ~ in t t.I do,i!f eo re.n t: lei ~d~ .. '! ~ nt ~n:l =. h ! ~m.o, t 1 e n .• ,sue ill :U. lIte:lil ~;(t:!lli'V to t" ~g·n·iI1'Y., tn i ,;3 i.l'l

ntl·t dO' C'l,1;:' to? ,t h 1ft 'PU I"'lIln,!'!!! e' ot· .~A.d,i st.'l o· C·r.a:, t. ~ 'r1 c'~ t:1 on If .8..9 :=0 st ,;'i!

t· hem a. 're o nil i'vi nll::r. t 10, t, J'iJ e d i f.t .... :re He Q b-tvelA n P'fiI':9i t·t "!it"" a nO. n~A. 1:1 "if ~ ill ~'n.t al, !!I.t,s t ~'S" l t 1.::!J ". 1O,i 10e b.·e'm +e 31 Q..:t lit ell ~s .. p oy-e hAl QC i cat

ee ·r.:;a.i:J'li t'yp C':;J: 'O'! ',s'UIQ. ~ 1!!I:!II:~'1l. p ra.c:t t;Q '1!::!Ii .. :tt,t'1II c:t th..; eo en.t 1 ;: 1 <e.!: 11 :!i{,1'!! :tl i e'~ ,t It ·W.iIII .A.l e 1 :it e1'" C':rn'wl;e y ~ s :!:I,exultl VI!l,:r=.1. t ~

r"3.'th,e.r· ~'han lu\vt;h.i.~ !!.l~iI!I; 'II.h1ch, att'!I"'::LCted: 'tbe::~I" ,·~t·i t,1.a t,c,, +"n, ~~~o.'f'i'b ·t:h. .. fl!nilt"e;!·e·.::;J. ';"10110-.,4. Crowl 'IV' va:,a .ilicrre 4I:t!ect1'Ye U ... ~,l'!td,i'1IJ1II than &!l. a. lPg'S ~1a.n.. Sn.!le .of 'hi! dt .. trt 'bes .'b~ut tru'Pl1M


,.h,fIl y,ou ve 1!". do U'!I!I' t 13 t.l lItpa:t hi e 11 .fJJtM·, vi til ~nt it 10:8 ·vht'J. .. 4"11




!Q,l,.r :!Ii1!item tb,l.t ~ rr,volve:! areunA PT"O(!·~nt. .a b1.·Mr:\f ,.dJ.Qri .. ~b.-_,nl t e a ne. :{e 110'" ot,ar ! Y::rt, G!m. t·ha t r'1 o;e3 "b At Q,r e. S i ri..1;!l.;s i.n CaM;, ,Mi 11.'0 l"i !: (in -I,:·h.,,,, ''bo.d:T of "'it·he Lei!:~"~ Dee:) t A~out , 1,,,4 11eh'1:' ,.u.·r!: '!t"OlI!I "&a,t't,h,~ ~ e:y :":1"'1 f.rom. t h. ,t\~;,u. 'r'th ;J"a.'n ct: 1 :n o'rbi t a. TQU nd t h.. Prc'c!vC'ul. d nllJ. 'b 1 e


st.a.1" Sy:st eCi ~ ~ ~ t al.l" huma nt!! 1 d!: ttc= rro,c yn,n &n~, the' sh 01 rt; ;; R 1\1

, f',~ '!p'tj fiIiIrH ,,( ~ .... r:..ii.Ii '5"A ,JlojI'no:s ,0 rf "'i tJr~A..'t

~U~1:I.O:!i.d! fr'o.m nilS'~l have be'en, renfiaie's., _,,,

'-r A L, 'I-. (S, 'L IDjiIIlb!-s '~' A. 'g 1'1, ,."

the .... ?1"ccyou7 hAve a. b,~m.6n. &tt1 tud,e 'tg'V:B.,N hUll-Tlll,t'Y..p ,exe.el:!t

'''or t·hllti r ,trQflG d.i,:Ulll!I~H·tlV'al.. ot_ QUf:. i:nhullllJanlt.l.'_ to· . earc:'liJ cth,-="r., ?hi,3; ~.t r.t"l<ne d 1 ,~.p'Pl"ova.l ~!l :tu rt.h"" f .in-t ,1iI:rUII:1':r1" 'b l' o.u ''f" ~'OV'!!~;i!'n:t 'na. vi ~ 'DlarlHiiJ' ,!Il, ~ect'r~t alli'~nc"F!i with th."Id r h"'!I"'~Y.! t,:r.'1""T' f!I'nllll:~1,.rj,lll!'~ in Q'"h~"'" -t:'o

P~OC''1o.l'!r1 o.Tt'IJ!!;, e,e the.,. "-miuld nl)t, Jl'nVi~ III· \1::1: ~i t.n "'oatllOn.'!II ~rv:l!t(t~;:'!. •. 1"";li.II",L.. a!..!iiI"'· Q

T1'H~ ...... "U i d e c-a::r'r1:. Ad tllll;;-t:: u:p e-,.1 m.e-at:!· t hs. t

i nvol·,red. 'tlrl:f'th a.1"tii tlr= ial i:tl3<!111 nil.til 'Q.:n Ionn 1 nt p.:rD"""'f!l:d1 ilg vi t,h

p:M mi t i ''11 t" hu_n!. ,t,'it I Tn. e de .. i ~d I""'!!II ~.'U.Tt Y8..:': ;t;.i!"r1 C C'l!imib t~e t h* 1.a.1"~ ill i!" ";.!;.. Eh. 0 I.lrl)~

b·rQ.:in e,&,y of the_' ' wit.h t'h'A l.ul.'.!(l caparc.l.ty &n4


res pi 'ra,t.,Q '1"',1 ·v:r1i em 0 r p rt ~t t 1 ve h:~ t Y ~ ''0 e.t t e lP !lul't· e-at ''t t.'!; 't hi ~ -platlet; t 3: .:t~Q, Thill S1i,1dd.elii f!'lI!.e·~ee.-:ce(t. ot Cr~M&gllOD mliori. Q~

't·hle re,sul, t ot th.1'1:r S nt fj.'1""11 p.'nt.i On •. A. ,1iLt'C'!! PI"QPi"Nrf'i on ot Pr'~='C!r.I;t-d: ... y

"t''l''3iCe' ~nd UM,e:r~"t,an-d! ~he b.t nl[os.:1~:oJ. a.nd ~8Y'Q'hnlQii ~~

ram:1.t:1 ca t 1 (')in:s of 't. tUIl! e C'i!liot i. Q fIi::1 to ~n ~i 1" o.'t 1 w.·t t nn ;t'<n,.. ;b':r-e,f,Hi1 ng" ·t,(i't h.

h 14i!1a·n~ ~ ~ t of) t u.n. u ~ t hi 1.'11' ! i!" p-on'itn:C.1 At: Qa:r. .I'll! p'*'C 1 !!!I,D: II' i.n (\I td .:r' ~.i"I helfP' u\!: to h'li!!Il:p' Qy.r::!!,fIo~v'!I.s ... T'h;ftii r l;""':i".lcitJ"n. 1~, '!n,'li'" th.' ¥\.al-'b.< f.i,it ~! .a.l.l t Q r.n::=:: .of' li·;t e '- not. j'u 0 t 1"IIu 17iti:ni:'t; v ; ~h e ent i rill: "b1;1 0 illfJ''h iI'r~ w"f!. 1

·cle ilII-"; rtJCrt 1 n¢ a.nd ¢. e .s·t 'rO''I!'i ~ (I,U.!" tll.m:o'et i I!!I '01 o~'pb,1i re t 1'1. th ,e. 'P'?,\Q C' !!! •

I'-e. wo:rwld '~e a ,1I:ii.!i;t~i'iI· t (.II o'oOunt on 'thil!:D:ll to. e·l e.a.a u,'t) '(:h'e' 1I~~.:S 'W'I!' 'ha:ve' Ga.<1~ e1' o.Ul" !'J'l:Illluted 'Cl.;" 0\'" 'tn- lU;-'1 DC' peee" 'by' d'1 ,~mL"'l·~11ne. our' nu~·' ea,!" vei1i<pon,~·iI' It 1" ~'f). to. us: t.tot .It.n·l VI!' th.!II!I· p~bl em:!!' tha:t. vI to\.ave ou;,r':!e'l:v'es Q "'''''at'Ql:di",. Uo iliIn,fiII' ,:1.",,,, v'lll dn. 't;,h.i.! :t.'Q!, u.s •. A1.HII,a:lljllj


,nev'~'l'" ~ ll.~ J\'i!IIl!.:i. +'1..!1C ~_ ,:;~viot" !'T'IO!lll t'~e ~ 'f;,:;:i a, 'Hille 1 'P,I!I!' for [~,i ;s,.._S''t PIli'. If if!! e·a.c·h do our vilry b'l.ut tt"i 'tilt th!llt 'bala.~.jli: tt')'Q.:r.d tha ~Q.!I'I,+'inn,ilid

~ m.pr1"llvQ'G'nt o'~ 4ur spil!lci -:1 ,::uld, 'the Quality o'! life, Q.lI. th~ ~ tJ'larat. v',e :!J'ta.ncl a. crULnr.:e, o,f' 'J"if'sn'lv~ ne t,''''e, i .• "na,. ,FI'1"O'bl " • .! ve a.:r-!I!II !alee-d..

be' C:'iQ~u,::u!l!d 'With C'h:rt st +. It is ea..=sy to !len,eel 1'i!:I: ,aWl!!.. It: 1. far mOire d.emand,i~ to. IIi"v~lr'\p. i;'h e ~:u:.ll :i!1:i'8(:+' rum nt "li.wa..reae;s.S' is Cr.n .. i:st''C Qn.!,et(l'us.n.ess. tt, :i!' U~ to \liS t,e ;J);'pe OU1" on. g;.e·~tL~T'i

. ==

,A.l't·ho~fi th,IiII' il'ro,eY'Q:ai an~ a.r'e, f1"',n= a =,~'c:i :fle ,p~y;!,tcal ~l.~c[~ '<ri,"t'ni:n our gal"u:y~. t'hf!j" c.a.n. tUsc, ·t:r~.VIi!l tl:n'·o~h t'1!:r!-8' and be'tv',~"e.n 'd~::Ii-naion:~". !hI' R~a1ia,n;:, d,o· ng,t· Jlavct ther!tt; ~J:rl1i.t"1 e:~~ f.l;ut.

p roc ~n1 ana t l' e au ;entl y U sl!! II 'C=cltil ni Ii::a.l viOh.i. e i.~ tQ! r t ~SF-J.l;I' r"t 'i 'biIJi t

a;f"e. not exc.lus'1 v·,ely 'e:pend,en:t: fin the:al! .( as t:n" Ri",eel1 a.:."l3 . ,&re L, ~i,nc e' the,,. c ani .. 1 ;;'Q' us e t: hQut!h t Pi'(')' c·It)::Ii se!:l t (lI t el ~ tII0 Tt 't h ~u,e:JL 'V iii 3. pl'~ 18,1 c. all y '.

'yen },I.-,l. e.all, l:'q,IilS.' iI"i r II!!'TC ..... m3 ''t,n!lio ,:!r,1)~ ,of 11 gh't: f but i::!YJ: ~ 'to e'l "po' '1i 1,'1:: ~ 0 rI: eM,,,,

-=:." ~,

, -_ _ - • F - - - - - ... -

- - - - -. - -

p. - __ 'I'IIl1O.&I - - • d'. • -- _ -011 _ -.. • • ~_ _ - - - __ - -

PR.a'~,1 c,'" I ""W, So _._ .... __ .!!I!lI! .. _. __ ~' , !~Ii\i' l!"I!WII,. by wh1"ch +:h!l!!!~ eaJ 1 thil!li, '!'"

~;J::II.!e pl~-t t'f':a.fti~'li:l."t,.~ i Jl"t:~ ':;:::nel.i'~fi a,,, Mt'h.-rt hnm. of t:ho~fII v.b,,",

t 'r:a.v~l th I"o.,h '1;: i ~!I!I' 'Ito ," !h,1! ",tll::tnft e l,r,c 1. 'e,a a.:nQ. !!I-aa111";h.s to ii'ii'n ~,t'1".lICt Ad, U MQ.'r.' ;,"h 'Ii '," su:;p.'1!'! rv::L ai,lri,n ~ ~ d,,, ep &at 1 "in i t Y 1ft! rei' Re'r>~ iI,ut ri r;:; aU V llirnrll

. ,~.,. ~.,-,~, ... --c,t;:1'e,!t1al.l',.· 'ali.(ned 'tlQ a.1 ve aece,~'s' t,~ t>'l,lIU!t t 1'1lv",l " tne::r.'fI\b.:v s - ~ "fr tao;! t 1:11111 :po :M,& '1 :!!l ~ It;; w.!, al. strl po 3S" '01 Ii t, 0, ~'Q: ~u i I"II!IJ ace e!:::! t rti oth~ r d1!Z.en:1inn:!l': th':i""""'" the~.

erA. 'irt;&,:g :made. v1 tho nia"I"'Il, !W,1'th¢~:t: @lJJlT" klil.o-wl' ,o,'t" eO-Men": t 'W'e :m'Ust ! 1. l";!:t 1"II!:c~a;i D 'C ~ D1'.: r'o 1 of' on'll::- eovc:r-n:.= .. TtI+" '"'

A:t t:n i 8 pQ1, lll+'; lOt y'la ;:I f ,Pl""O(: yo n, t, f:t'iIII' Mfa t,c h ,e 'I!" wh 0. t 'J";an3~ t t:t,&(]j, t ne. 1 fit.o rmat;i On C: n.~:t,!il i n.e!!l 1. n thi.1t ani c:l e p. i ll't e r'V'!::n ed ,t Q ,g,~ 'e' ,t h l1li,

! (',l,llo 1ii!'"1 riG' S"!ii& '\t;,IiIi'CII;a: nt ;

!iI'T:"f"M1n,t.s. havJIII' ''been dlllfc..·teQ un:?' 'l~';lle!!i~ ,nn DMY 't;.' an,.t,Ift,~ 1.:Ill cQunt,l i!!I'~;S "oIai:"' SV!'!IIt<!:!!I:! ,and (:!alu1e-., Hov l;tf''&.nK'" '\ t 1:1 ~h.a.t a,,. .910011 as .norvIl, t'~,nt o,t a"nv ,1Jf'~·l,IP!I'!i i,s tl\ol~,t: 1:.(:1 be ba.n11!:b .. ~ fQTIPtYJ!II<r .another uwaV$,. 'but ,a1''4Ul"<~ h,i~' Pc'lace.. '!he i de,1J.1.stlc

:r'~V(l!' ut 1 In mI. Ti, I!!'!i: 'W'h,rr. dll:r e,,, t,~d 11,~ G ft~ re-' f.l I, 1 n Am,.1'1. ~,& vefit on

to t'i:pp"'e~,~ ~l".e !ndie.n~: I.nd nla.(::,~:='1~ Wan)'" t'Jt t:hQ~'O' .0 1.'r.mJe:b~ iilQ~t eou:r-ac\eeu~l" Il{ tn,'~' Axl~ pOVf!!t.J:!\ of :t'3.i9:Q:1 All l~:t"r ''bee.a.m,.

tajc '!I,t ~ th.ega i!!Il 'il'iII;~ if ;!:.~ .:5. :~. d.lI,i)fi~tn ted 'D'1 'th,'! PI"I!',~!II! :at, til i.~ht ot· t.he, l&l.e.,~~'i Di Ions it AfehJUb.5 t en 11 ft~, and, );a ~~ADb. Y.,s t :rIO\) =u,st t" to. "8'.1,:'1 ~'o'nt: roil. ,or '?n,u'r' C"ove~~ii:i:,t, JIi '~t: i.,t sn mueh a.~ tine

1 Ml virluQJ. InvQl'Ve-d, in "t,nia p.,"o.cess fJot 'ti 'l!"5,'t B'aJ.n~ e~nt rnl n~


1i!;9 ,tiT !h.Jlllir.' ~el:!hI'l,(,',Jd. j! It 'will. ''h~ tor IJaUtl't1:t 4> On,. can ae-v'er' dfIJfe~at !':i1'"

6:::1,1, T.Ii e ont T'CI.l Q r ;Q.nvth i nt! biut one::l r::t.l t.. '!':n O,:;::l'PII di. ",'t::[ ned 1: r. Qr!.Ict 1: h 'e


, .


Ri,t:ol1,IU'15 IlU.';rt .!II!J.Wy3 X'i!:.;i!·P t ~c::k of' th- ~.t~tll:t. n,t· t:tlnl~ 1" 1J1lI1!"hn~" .Rt.'nd. 1, •• 1'TJ. :':i :-~t.~ t. ... Qfitfeat 'Wi th.1 n thill'iil:sel've:;l 'th-4io e.a::UJnee Qt tha.t vh.i ~'h i..o tyt':"Q..ny,. ~n.1"Q.~h 't:b.i 3 t~nH~ c,t ~Y.I&·~1iIli'S~, lI,:i'n.ey rill knOlii \(~, ""n t .0 ae t: .iL·nd 'lfhen, not ee ar:!+" it Th rr;ru,G'h 'l..l..Qd e :r.:J't,&rJiii1· i:og &. he :!l't!.l e·

10.:l:·!!~ ]. t~, :Jove.I" over- :rou .. , ?h rou.;;n. ·th~· ~,bi1.i tv to Yi,~elv p.'r-e·ei V'e::r. b 0 ::J:'t. i,ll3 '~iI'lt it. Y ~ yQ:~ '~'y £::l:1.n 'I: Oi'rJ, t :r"@l 0 tit it In. overe OlEn i n.e. t hi e· :ale;'e,li~n::: I' (,:Ine· am:::rt, 't,aka. 6r"IftCL·t pre--ov.:u:t i CI·n::!!; net to OIl!!le:OIl!'1i o~e~e'l!

th.4! 1!l'nemy.. C43:~ain 1,!,vl!l!,l.o .cd" ;;'f"!I'n:o,o,·{,r.I1J,:l !!Xl~te,'nce 'Will IJ.dY3 be

-'iJI,;tl';1 ~-c·t to ·'t;Y'F7:l.J'!f'i'·,~ -'""I·t" is~'t'h#!' ·na,t' -:-ot th,!!'!, jibri.toiy.~ 'ir'e..t-.,;·- :GQ,in~ - ,- ,--

Q,o.n.t.:-r·o,l of ,yo1Lu":!elf e,v C!!!I.,:!':i,',,", to. t~y '1';0. c,ont~i"i·l .. Ahyth1.M· you. try

.~ 01 con .,.u,e r , you. Q,,u l' _ke $it :r"Qng,e t· !i! le.iI'!i Te,!!' ft," O·r.!:'!. &1 t nu.:r best

puptl .. ::J, .. , Tnt!' ''iia.t'l;h.c'r~ h!Q"v'Q il.l,v~yn be~n lUl!·1"'Q;o. 'ThQ,D>! ',",no' h,e::lr or- tou.::!:h

'1;:0 lfl.rr~ing' .t:~&f.; ev·e'T""!,!"toh.i~ 'f.n.,~y g,~1:; '~~e.i 'r-' uc..nin,'e:. t() aCCIi:1l!!,. C:I\,fi b II'! do f',e 'II 1. ~ 'n 'PU f,'f.l T. hQue-~:i't: ~ 'T)t,j!rj 'Ii Q,'+';;h Po ""'::i: I1rl!!l "i1, lIlO t , ~. i"\ C O·~"I:t. tl.C ~

pa t,n 11 i I.u.n i t v is el a-et.4!li ,1,:1 n.G'trt ! 0 l" f. t,. SOi':I! ll'il ,d.n llQ,t e~a.., fIi t Q Il:x.1 ~t .' If. -:: hi s p1.a.:."1,~t i:1. r!,e·:rt: 'i"OYC,d_ r th,ey iIi.111 1$.10 en ·'to let\'~ >ol~.'I!"Ilh~'I"'.a ~

,.n.i;!:.~ 0:'1 ill I!'::iC,1l p'e t ,!';u:!i!e' !ilHI!!'r--l V ace e pt,"... '10 ',' 4; Oil! pt i15 t;;o 1:; n.~~,c end ...

~il1 en. ',,",I)U kno'!il' une ea.n i, nc·l.y thn 1".: ·itV (lin .1. n, " nu.c;: 1 eA·..... ani 'bn,th'QI'li.~., the b·o.,'t·t 1 !II' i.'tfll~l! f a.rul tb.e. pfIJ':'1Cftpt1n'f;il !pf' 't.hat 'IIlil'li,ol,,, >ev~'n~ i ~ t hilt t'J'!I'1 iP!n 1!IP.:1!II:!II' 0 t 1': :h.e T n:l!!·t:t'·8!.:b,l!!'ll i IIi ~ Id.n.oe. II! wi't. hit:l JIIhadl.¢i'v,

.. ," - ~~ .... ,~ -

ViI"J'U, 'W·:tll no l'i':l'nce'1" t!!~'fl',dl. t~ fi!xi :rt Q,t thi~ "l fiIIv!I!l .. , 'f'hll:!: j 1*1:.." cOiSmQ~

,1 ~ ·b1J.'t. t hie .u'rti, t oil ~;ta t, i QrIl (:r:tr th II! !!n,i nd a:rvt·, i 8ht li.lIld til fllf!I·PJtT ('j f 1i h Iii,


- 'wl





e e'CiII' ID.~:tt',ab,llll... 'War i ,it :1DII'1 t,h • .,. 'r1.r,-~ +.: N)'r v:r~',i!t 1jj!1. ",don. ;Q!fIi~~ 'h,. Pi.:,,~

. e'n a:a.T pa.+b.. :ijven t,D,at "mica ~""'a~ ~.riaJ.,n f;!'!i,~] '1!' 1;8 t!i,~'I' ,ii .tDl,_" ,rot"! 11 e;'nt a.nd. "~o.w + Th,e'N a·ttl! ,c:nunt:J ",P!I;[I W YJ!III, 't,t) 1 d~, It i ~ III!!1'rel,. mo're ~l~:!II: .. n't tc ,a'i'!ll~t a eUT'!'1,c'!;l1t~m that :1" ~CH!US :prtiln. t"" 'billl,tfig' ~ ~ tIIfn' 1 'If' I 'l ,o,;n, l' n,.q, ~ 'Y"'Ii dulio ~ 'i:! ::r G. Ie r.tllC'Ci: -Ii ViQ' e:nt 1 t 'Y e 1 e.O:t .I \,A ~-I!!IO.,:l"1'\

'Ii' h rOUCh IP.lJ\lU n'1"t ~ ~ l1li'(1, b!ll' .£, t II! th!""1"'rC1i ,Q,,:r""!I J: ;a.O.!O 't::'Ii'':ili'd& 1; ,1 c t n. C~.;t he r

undllli''''l!IIt:AM~ ~., T'h,., ,i't1.c,e1i,o.n=: i1nd the CU. h..~v., 'p.''It; in, ilIc.'ti'i,l"Io:D. thill' :to.,. a, ~t.'bftr' dt3::l't~ ,C ;I;IQd.-. Q! l""'-r:d.~iI, !hi:! ea:.n 'b'iIJ' al t-;d a taft')'· 't'jj mr~'11 Wh.a.t evi!'ll r 1 t 81 b ... ,i t'h fII 'Out anti. ill al.~" A-s i 1; i!~ol,;l,ldi. bl!',. ~Qyevef" t',b.i,!; d,a'!l!',! 0'0.1 m-n t~.,Q.t ve. ,!!Ih~'m1, do :itt t 'bac'k a'~d ';:!I;:k,jII:

nn ae't 1.nn .. I'll

r-' The a'lI'iiC.'e~"t;Q""'s nt t,ne. "h~rt G:~v~ v.-M .f'I.'t'ft'QtiIt t",;' :Blond, II, 'r'l'li,jIII

. '~---I"_ . Iiiii -_.. • •• __ , •• _ ~ .l I: __ m. _I!'._. _ . ,_~' I _" _ •• _ ~ _

Grea .. t ~'aT' tl'l,nl(; n\lae .'~ leh,..ld thll'll b1 ttl!ir' t'rui t Q! V'1et/\ry.. '!b.e a'~13

~:r.~ .. gll!t~ lit :i c,:l.11 '! damaeed ',Q'¢t rl!!!!i. Itt, .. :r t-e.!J·trt d, hUJII!i.~ v'. r" tn

.. u:tV'1 ve I. i;.uQ:l ~,l" vi nt ,er ~ t h"'1 mel:rt 'veU 1 o nt, 11 lee. 'tha.,t ~ a &Vle. r~l l!-n.en'tl'r.!'fl!! 1,a.1: i!r~

,B'efof"e t:be- 1.[,ar" 1licel 'W::S; a, ~3t em,'lDi:r" .. , vhi c'b h,.A.d!. be-en.

,t h .. e' ,:'3 Q1lJ:, t'c I! Oi! r.a.o ;:;t: c<U.;;LtC to i e. ;:::eed i ~ ,t All Il;iC' ~1,1~ nA! ',.,0 rt-' ta. 1 1 ,Ell n nod. ;:; + A e Ql on.;y h,a.d al ;:"Isad:.y bee n. .::t, i ~:h IIiIId '0. n Proc.,:;ro.n.. T.'b'~ G.-re.~a tWa::' 'W&s OJ. ei vil 1$1'" o! RiCIl".:l.i}\:n: "'~f':;;U~ ]1i.~~~1.!.~~~,,, and l~t"d., thft e"~u,i~l.f.I!"n,;',

Q t' t h :"e~ % rt'h 'r; i,'!'llitu:r:i e::i •

A" a. :onu.p n f R 1e; e.l i an$. w.h 0' I"!',al1:o ed t ~-t t ne Gt" ea t, W,ar 14.s

,3i.;,o, b r!!Q}c ou't t/'i;ok. c''!':! f 0 to 'the Pl"nC'V:f''I<1'1: col'o,n'" in, ,c,:ru~ It: t ,~land.,es""in~' ,:'II" built sh1 ps. J.:t t·na.t tim.e't all t:he.' a:opb.i,:tb ~ 'c~ .. t!q ,e'II;IIU! '~= -:nt, vas o'vn ed b'f th,'e :3 tat e-;o T'h'~y 'woo r.e 'til e' only R 11 ~lian! '<i;, j!'II ft:!'lll cap II' 'th,t'! ,0 a t:a.o,l ysmi II:':! d O''!J''::!J;,s 1;,:::11. t 1 iI'fI'II! .. All. th'o;t: e wo, ",,~i nil:'Q e n R1.;a::d WiI!ll'"! tra.uf.'ol'illl~ into "tbre shon· QnTa"",

After th.i! (hore4ilt 'War" Y~,en 'it'hi,I" R.i(f,al:i8n3· bA4 'beClOm~' tb,e ~o<r't. (}~'''Is,. :1 t t:-ook 'th em thcnl':i1nd,,~ ~it .1,(!Q.r3, 'to Ii;! 'r'lSC n WJ,t' rnct t,n &1..!" ~QC i !t'Y • 'Th ~1' Wfi tlllll' ,da,~'ed not trnl,y C' I',n.eti ea.lljl" ,a.oo In <tb e!:r gland. ullLl'" s.yrif!t!lS II but aJ..':,C) millin-tall::,. u.d P~!J':1c;n,gloci,(:all;:ril A:!i SOQ\n La 1::'~e' sh.ort Gra:'t~ had "o().n~ti tuted ,s pc"er 'base:, t:be1 lau:nebed an . tt;.cll:, On

tbe -tall Dlomls who 'ba4 .:O'i:!a.~ed, to tho' ,P~JO;D, ~'Q,lornJ".


.. ,Aj.,t'tHlugh, the m frllicls at !l'\i"II=~fi b,ad b,..-D. --MAd. the ~rne

oC:! h ft'!ifle'!lO." .nil ,~!li.M1lll .. U'" ~'!!'t. auri;c.,in;~ b'1 'tbQ,!I;& 'Ihd, bA4 ate '1 I,d

b ehind. rl!l'~ R1CCtl. th ey 141 Q. ,~UJ."ft'cn~' :]I'\!J e ,raQ.10"t.1 On d a "'(3".' d ttrt:n..!J. t,~ et :" vil rla.l"'iIt ';fi, ,t'~ tb 'il Gra:y~, :t wn i, c h iIiIno ~ 'lit.!, nJ() r 1. n, !~ i"'!'lIp'l:ri :! Oli • 1:to W"'V e-r' , :1" ~

1 s t ~1. ~ that, h.a:l 're;ooe.' red t;h, e(i r 'rc:,_l iltS ~ne'r~~:ol. ,t 0 .. d! s ~~. 't:tI,;o.t i~ d,ftc',luti:oG t'helr m.llII,b'eqocs ~ in@' w,t e t~.3Lep1thlc ,Sl."nds, W'nA:l' ,11,0. not h.a.Vft, "pee-c.h abil.i ti,e:~ t tpt.:!.fe'r"e'd itOI'll Q:t.te"n3iv',. rad,l!l,t.:icoh

7(5 ,.



~ \

dlLliAge ~'hA,n. t,h¢8l!' who f"1It::.1ned thei 1" .,ei"Cr. ,ahi- 1.1 t,. 4i'

!'vo .'Of" yQ.:r~ .re- still in, p~·r-e-3·~. ThO's ,Que 'b,'1i:"ee,D, niJJ'e'l


:1nd P,roc~n 13 &t p",cnt. i it #; !:'t',a-: I!' ot' t.·empo~ry t'r\l.QI!, in vh.1.e:,h

active tiaht'i~, cCl'uld 'break O'ltt at ~y 'tt,me, compa.ra'bl. t~· t'h,A

11 • ,S • -3 ov ,1 et' 0'01 d va T' 3 t tua,t:l (; n.. i'h,e n. r bet wo;en iH,gel a,nci ,t ,h'e Sir! 1,lS ,s:n:rt em is, 'tHti~ 'to.UCh t L¢t'~ veil'.

'4 ~ h w.~ oe'ed ed by t h. 0 r1.a, 1MJ. t&1l "to nd. Rlg:e'l.l "nt, ~ 0 e-:.o re th. O:r •• 't ''/&1:" t,o,ok pla.c'e·., !'b.' onGimlil, 'taJ.l 'D'J..ond ,R,1,atli.a.,ns Vtl"r-" tbi'o!' ;I':reg:en,1 tara ot Oro-r.b.gnt):n u.n.. lot i~ beca.\I,;!u! Qf t:n:i s ,common &:0,0'1'5;;':"'1' that te.n"e,str1~.l,. hlumani t,y, 1" at. 'well interest to bnth the .i31onrls ,anrl t,ne c.~YS" the a'bd.U,C·to·&e. 'Who ,ate not returned &" u.".4 !or 'brc.Hing purposea. 8fid. ~T'e_j,~ 4=n~n.l- t:re.a.t,IW' well •

. - t.iIt,"""'sti1a.:i·h~n - !~~.lI!':!1 ~an, be 1,mp"6'Mted 'cithli!'r 'C:Ii 'oQud ~,hi ~ D'P" vbile' tney .!lee,p 1;n thei. t' h,Qmea. MaJ..a' ::I!eod not 'be, .&nite.!t,ed 10, vi :li'bl .. forti ;:ot' th1~ t,C) ~·c'l,lr ...

BQth G~vs 8.nd !lo',nds hay,. the .. hi~1.'t,. ·t'o d,1~ilrteGnte :rl:4t.':~r i.n~·o ene':r.:y J 'the.n ·te'inte, ~ 'the elv~·!'C'y. '~aek int(:l _t'tel'. :nat i.5ll how they ~3S th,rou.:;n ~llo and I'O()!s, ,ilM tran!lt)(frt, a.cuiu:etees throu,g'11. 'iiall~ and !"-OOf~h

'Qray'= nave th,! a.bil.i,ty to.'u.:L"lace' themsi!l.Vi,e;- ai!i -t,all B1Qud,,, th %'1014e-1'1 me-r.LtaJ. eM ~Cv :m;rr'o j _'ct,10'n.. D1QM3: do no,t e!\j!·,,%;" pro.:; flCt

t h em~ el, "l"e~ -.s G r,aY!l,~ SQ'.II e't i.CI-:~' I1il.n ~ $ a: e 'Ph ysl c:Ul,. :r~&l to 'b'~: "'!'!I!Ii p.'T"i.;itft r;-'" 3' ('J l' t.h,'1! a: ~.,:s. Th e G ra. v.o 1ItU,i!t·pe;,'ra..'· VSf!J .!l'Ji '" iii est ro.y t hi ... ,i 1"' ,"'.bil i ~,. t·o' t,fltl c:po rt t}u'~u .:::n, t'1 ~e 3.~ O''th ,jJ'r iii m·e-M:1 OfiJill in Q rd,!!!!':"' ; ,0


taJ(1' th~ulI p.r,! SQrkte",...

J'lJ at a,. in 'to ~ '!"""'G'~tl'"1 al w. rf:!O 1"'" PI tb. 'I"-e 3.~" .:om C!'t 1=,&5 tl"n i t ¢i"':or , ~efeCto'l"':'\tt cla'iilier.t e'r':S ,.n4 prtS(Hl'C~ of \fI;:r-, ,80 the',,"", 8,.'I""e in v:Lt"'~arl! betve'!'n en:n..·terrf.!~ti,als+ A~ ju~t aft i.n t,"rre$'t:nal w.r!are t.t.uu··e are peon ods of true'. t d~~ri.~ wh1c·h. te,o,." :t~= 'o,l)polI'-ir.g e", 1Iy"V o.~o'pe 1"3.:t, ~ t espo ta.rily 0 n. Q 0" 'l""tai:o. p roo ~ eoc~ ~ t :J"" ·+:h.e r~ .& 'I!"'!, P'fII'T' ... t'lO ~ nf t M.l:efi' .in ~'I!":f'·D.1"ce bet\l'~n i!I'.rr.-:ra-t=e'r.r'='t~~1.3~

j clon~11k~ .etf'p'c+' e&u,se!l _n;'IP of the lann:ds to 1 Cl'O¥: al1.llr". !'he SU"" 1~ t'P"U. ,ot MllT (I,t ·thi! Gro.:n. S·nmlllli BlQods MY"" niCh


i. nt ell ee tua..l ant ve:-'t:>a' ab1l 1. t 1 cs. vbl! A! ,Q,'t,h er,:!!i ;. Ti"e CI~t. ,and.

t &'1 e·pD. th.i e ;, 'rhe' 'lll·r,Htci. ,. wi. tn ~ p~eGh a.'billt 1. e,1S will .reavn mi. 'Vi. 0.,1. i!lfn:tl Y it Attjlijckad Qr t,h~a.t8'I'I!,tt4, 'bu·t the' te:l.'p8.''t.hic tne 'ltilJ no'!;. !o,th

"t 'Yp C!i :a"l"'e c&:re tu 1 t,1) IoVn 1. d ~;pn~ re ,t &lIid. usual 1 v enCO\U1:'t '" r nn_n II

1 til tiln, 1 e.'t i.o 01 ~ ted p,i ;:l.eAi ~.. 'I'h eY e ofi~:\.et f eJla.l e:lll! ,imO re' t .r6'O u entJ s : ~·h.~v ~y ,ju~t ,-ta,l"e ~nt1 oO'SO'l"'\l";' hUCIon::::; then, '7'-ct r-ea.t, .. Blnnd.a: W4n',~

30m,.ti=-:lI!I lli:rt,aktl'11: tor a,TV!I!'II' 1 n ·-arli. fII'" cnntll"'1 e:'!, !'he' 1llmljd ~ d.o


rccrt: '..... -to ,&6 ~, Lri-I 'C Q, st .fitly ap~.,.. t" ~ fir t tn:lI. 21 t,n 35 PIIILn "1' ..... 11 'Q14. ill no ~"IIi.". vha t th .. 1 'I"' ""A~~ &B." ,-1 'O'~' •


H,o ... " thl"D. ~h. ·tn'.' Qt '~·r*-t,."'"at,r1;'u Vi Jli1'i:or 1,a 1:o;te:r;b1"tl!'fiid.iM

rlth h.u_l'1:P!l .. The' Iloncl$ are 'th,.' Id·,'A.J cho.1¢1 'tOl 1nt ..'· ... d rlth

h~ I MlUJ I' b ~:i1:U~:" ·t'b A'Z"a i ,s· ;:l, e'O,~'fii l.t .'net i [0 A'D,e,e·n.o 'P' , ~ III 1'; fIi pl:rr,1Ii "'1'1:1 nr. of nupns: rl t·b en-v oth.l3:r j:P4C i~'1!l =:I'tast. -0. ¢;:I;.l",ef1,l)' v c:ont'p'oll.eII4:f. ,&,1 hWl3tu.' hA V-e dJ. ft eo r-!'11,1; 1. Uutll't sye:'t en! t t,h.a.:n, .trt ~,_·t" ::"%"&.:110 :;r.i al., .. N. w byttH'l.,t;I. 'bac·t,.rial stra,iM can ¢~,:us.e. ~1 ~a,ster. ''bot:h 'V'&T~S.~ B·lnnds: ,can ltd.·c.t h.u·u.n.a~, .a.,1ld, hUQtl3 c:.;.n. 1;nj'·&e.t 131rn:na.:Rt .. , Blands, lIii'.'" be ..,1. n..l. a.nd:. ba.c.t II' r.1 a:' .IU. (!: f"O-- "'p n1 "'113 t:hA t. • '"" lila:! I!I 1:0' ttl ema el. v a,:!'j 'b 111 ~ :~~'Yl, t.o h~~,. And v1~. Ye:"'i!JIL ..

rb e' Grays th.e. DieM 5 'toO 'be :reb'.1, iLnd ~.~~~l e. "h ,. C rA:'r1!. t'l":1 to pre>vent' th'~ Bl"o,:ttdi ~ •. the;; - :b,V~· t,a..: et.ll pt1.,~ n1'!t' ,tl"om

,e'!U::&p 1 ng to. exp,l, t eT' re ~t pi al ~ 1 '\!':Y' 'U.n!N. 'P~ rv1 "e.d ~ }io,·r, "

au 'b s't,i!L,nt t al. ri.U.Ab;,tu: [0 t' aue h 'D:l. 0 ild~ hay G e ",c,s. pea a.nd a:r~ 1.~t .p ·r-m,l. ~1 i ~ W':i. t· h h um:l'fiJ'll ..

The::of' a,.re: Qver ,iL 'thousa.t!lrI hlJ.~nJIII, 1. n t 11 18' Un! t: ed St:.;, t,O'~ .~, '" ill "" (not C'¢<ut'l.ti,rlI{ th.Q!:~ in 'o[t nO"'" n:s't;;' 'Who &l"e th[e o.t!!lpr1 ~ 'ot i,~~t er'S:Ua.c:t:,c t'll'" u'tr~:l,l.o.c·t i.c' 'Q-ei,~:; .:Lllid. t'Cr"l"e:rt:"ial. hum,ng,. Q'!, these" a.b[o'ut t"W'o hU,nd;red kno'l.(. or :3u.=p~c".t: th~·.i.,:"' o:ri~in.

A·ll hn ~f!'~ b,a"ve s'omQ) c.:r:t r~ 1: e rT"a ~t -:ia.l C e:net 1 e bac kg' rou.nd. ~

It: th. ey d 1, d not" ill t ha. t 'i!lo·u.l d exi ,tt on th.i!;ll,t ,.,ow.. d 'be. fl. 0. ra. aM :fauna. thAt ine.l,u,ded bu"t dl~. ,net ,Co' 'bey,ol'lld the &'lPC'!I" The, cl.acG,. 'W'O[~~.j' star!! an If SI'H:::vrli!::e,·s and. c·t:he-t' p,ri.~,i tlve. o-:r.s.-"Ju' BiAS !'rO,~ vh.i d'1 "the 8nt1~ flo-l'& a.nd. ::CailJn& o! th.1a; plan," i!!V4"Ilve4 Vfi!r& ,d'II'~Qa;i ted

in. tbiilli fr.t~ev:BJ. o·ce3.rui as fH'H' p'rel.iDina'!I"'V ph"'i:!e of pl .. l1eta.ry

~i.,;;~d :1.l".e; J ~11l1 .;:h, :a.nould 'b e 0. 'bv1 Ou.s trl'!!11 an'v' ~;tu~'" Q f t h 8 r~¢ 0; ri 1 e:t"; 1 nth e C a:mib r .';',Q, .1:1, fila. I' !"-e-Ca~t~ r1~n rock 0; <II

Thro·U\t1nout re~ord.ed hci;totY I' aa 'v'e-ll a3 ~uri~ p'r .. ~i st·o "i. c· 'time's ~ tb,~'!',e ha.3 ·been. enn!Gt~ni· (tenot1c aaani ~l,:J.tion o;!' &~d.

i nt e ~b reftd:1 M 'vi, th h:WB3·n,:JI. 1.:1 Q rd .:r' t ,n !blr,.N out lou:r 1 eo sa ~vol v'eel :I!,i,mian t.!',aj. t·s,. SOIIlU!'t 1110,5 ita,t~rtr""'.!!'d i.r:It~ b.t\le.;f)~. h\l,;ml&l\s and, :a'pac. e

ta, a i n.;;:!. Mrs bee n. .. SUe;!:. S:ii· 'J ,~:nd. S:Orfl,C~ 1 me,s t t h,~ 'be·e.n n d;i:lma4 ta.l1 u:re ,Ii ROlli'ev It%';. t he ~pec 1 'ea UPm'R lil.plt_'m'n=: 'li'o\ll.d. Iliot ex1 st i! it h~ n(r; 'be ttl {o r t 'h.i.~ pc r~ 1.;OIt (lint C'Q:tL IIlt:i e .. n1 'pul,a t:1 ,on .'nd.

1 nt er'b rca," 1. ng ,', ..,:n,i ell 'Will en·lIlt· i tID, e ~: 1Jj,nl e~'s nu.¢:l ea 1" wu r d,'st t oy:s. cu r ;spec i .s) un t: i 1 hU&' t y :t'ul fi.l";9 it pet !"n;;t 1.,al by 1 le""l"':l\i 'ne; t.o

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1hi:s disc.Jssion lays, t.."1e ~.,e--~'k !¢r' ;!, ~..lSsicn on, one, of t..~ l1.Cre' .L~r-...ant ~~':' !..i9!".t:-ea5.ed tec~lO;Y ~

'f"'''''~ 'l9tt"'i' ~ 'c. ... ~'C, e

"!II' '.'_ __ ..... ' II;IV~ ... It'. F. ii.l\....l.p.

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~ c t;,._ , _,.' ~- '"'~"'"I;VQjI"'l '!i.~' ""'f! ~ ~ ~ - ~ L~

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c'::~,l., "_. 0 ·.U,iW~ ~~en· ,;1 -.~+i 1..'I'l ~~uerque, .I.~ lT~C:O.

,Be lives, next to the Manzano S'torano JU:ea near '~:--ma

_. . -_. -- . . - ,,," ~ '~- ." .-. . ~~ --

t=:I''"'',e;~, ~ '", lL ,·1I....'"_.._~.:..'II"'it'TI'<jtA, -P···am ............ .,:; ~ _...~:n., .. ,'-+-i 1'~ +"u ~'!!'ri''''' .... '1;;. .... ',' '.

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~I dec- ided' hiS· . . , .. d' .

~_I :", '.' 'to·, . ",t-" re' .e.."'!II, .......... e.,iI!!! *""~,;......._- ~,....: 'F·;~·!·~·+---~i'l""l-., •· ........ 't he·'

.~~ :::. ~ " .' '. ~. ,'.:. ," .~-.n~! ~ .... I!....L~ '1i.WJ.i ~&W'~ .. ~~ . .i Wi~· - "'.--:-

sa1W~ After thoUSands of feet!. of film". he ~ 'cOnvLT!Ced that s:an:rt.l1L,g

't .• l!!!I,,e h .... I~;:rr'lcr .... 'j,;,,""",_ "i"io,_.AI ~'_.; •• ::L...._..;:!I ,,",ii..._'t 'one' ~"""'-"""d ;!-'J"""ll' ..... ,..., ~",,,,..{. ..... ,::;;..;,.,""",*Iia ,",iI!:!!,t.",~- .. ";! 'I...I.,~,"= I Q.l.J,Y ~,.I.!~ UJ.i:l,~, '.', ;:;'iU~ , --;1 6Ii",I ..... _UI ....... I1..0!0;~'-~

With, whatever was, flying over the area"t ~gh a, CC'l'irpUter, using

a cxXle: '1lo._ ~"i .... _ ...... ..>:i~~ ~ T.'!!. ~\o-.;; 'I"'Ifi ~, ..... .....J;,. t.:~th,·· ~o,...,--!:r.::.. .. , 1l".~,e :Fl' v -'i T"ii:"'II' ji,,:J!.,.._.

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et:m. ct 'n,I' , ,em ..

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~; f,ollcwl..nq list of items was extract.eQ frc.m, a report called

~",~. E"":"""'""", 'l'o_.;; .... \.. n-, ......... ...",.'-,..:;t".': ~nn=l ,...,r=>ii"'IU· "V ~'!'.!I'IeI. ......... the' . !I"," ... ,~ ':'-~ S:;E. ,.. ........... e·

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~, Ll ; . _'Ilo. -. ... 11 • ~ ..... .,;; -"'h 16-b, - t""_, t. ,1 .... ., -" • , .. ,

oea~lll9' ~u,~. t u= ~~'e!\~,,. Wj.-~" ~.Le ~veI"rlIten \iw...Leacty aware: or.

th-.e &1." '!!!I!li" •. ~ ''I, ..;;:1_;; ,..;I'-~ to· 'Ii f"I'Inr""l" ',," ~ ¥"II"""",ll" - " t ~ _"..,.".i;I .. - ,.·..;...:!!!it Pa- 'W

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o:e:ta1r.ed by tH'olC>qUt: W.uUacc ~OQ'f;' fr1rJ'm u.n,d,j;se.~o.s.&dl .$(:n.fCes., !:,It:-~ 1s

il!I ro=or ~!-i14~ :!'A:'oore mad e :I.'veAl. c3nqe! On t.he- d.o~·u Cl:U::'lt .. One of t~~"'u Ii

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t ~ :t: I! l.ex '" Be low' .u. S li!I'VeR 1 ,a,br.ev.1.!l,tlon dJt Ifln.[tiClD:J:

]v'CE 1m

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AU Fere e L~t e.W (;,e:ne e!Co1.m't; Ulntilli' W; w.e!!:' h,oS ~ lnve.s u;au v,. .A!t'C,~ chm.c rn:

Threat:5 .Il1li·41n:st r:Ul.r;: le:,s,r 'W'IN. ~on..s stan 9'. "tH,:s· . .A.J.r' r Qree· tr.t,!!!·.W ;l·en.C'<! 1" te'Cl.htli.lQ 1.

S: pedal A,ct.1V!U cU nru ~,

S ~1!II.l ~ j l!:d..$ A~c'e s,s

Air f;;rr.c:e Cl!1ce S~1Al (Of :secret.) Ir,veStir;1tlO::".;!$:

:or.. .PalUi 1 F. :Sii!:ro!l'~ I!"<IIl ~·t::: ,. Pre ;$1': iI.nt oi !hW':',c'e·r S>L;~ I!:...t Ui e La ~~t en Ii!.s 1.."'11 );,.!!: 1J.~·!.J.e ~ IJ e • w r.:o f5. ;:Il.e,:+II'uor.iHI::d .In s evUl:ll ·of thl!i C!OC ~ Ii!:':'.t S C 141m ~ to M vi!' a bou.t [~,r,.·Oo re,e!

Ql a m tEl. <!Ii ndl v.:Ii,Ceo p.le.!il.l!'e, ol WO·· J. c!'pI!:ir!I t l.i;'; ,Ul, t tle M a.llI.U,ir.!:4 nue !e<!l,;r ·W"e:a~.i1:5;

st en q.e; uea. t i1 ke.~ fN)CiI! t".1~ PQt'C'h w ~c: h l:':~d, .a n 1J...":l.oc:s triJ'C: e-d 'V1 ew of ~.~,.e.! C!e'~ is .!lory' ~ :R II G.l SQ C la.1m:lJi t r ... !it 'W! S 0'1:1'1.18' Cof the tilt:!: ow.a ~ ~ e l.,,;q e !tv.e1o·~d: ~Y' l~ j(, t :-4t SOEe-one .rl!'~o'VlIKi 'Iomr10U;5 s&C"'..lO:i'U; a,! ·t,~·e ,W.c. ·; eQnt~t."\,ed 0::105.8 i.!.~ S !;-..ct.s ef

u"'FO I' s , On.. .j;:(lr..J.[C\I.l2I ,r m'OtVj, e .a1.m ~oo.k :2 CiQ ~ t.~' ~o ;roee S;:i a:::,'; W'~.S ree ei y,M!

'iii' i th :S.!II: Vex:! I :! ml:l' :I:l1'll9 a :r.d wI, 5 e'.n. a. ~f!·,er,l=::"'.t, :'lil::t;~ U Vii!' t h.!! fi U'.u C:r.Ij!;.1."lall y

;i!;I ·1 ,.... .'. i"".-;-_..~_. "". ::!I ..... ' . - i·t·

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0"'Ii Jl ~ ~,', l,~ ,~~ ~i,ifI;~~ Orn'i;~' :~~ ~ J;,pp~'~ ~,~:t"Ci1

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.r...rc ~ In .:="ff,ee':;, be~ 16:r.o··~,~5l"!n."' .~ "W~ CQn~l ~ ...p, :~$tt,a,~ ~ ~~ J,,~r".I!i,t,rw.e",

(n l::l, ~ ~I., Ci:',f',cnsc' Ni..¢j, ~~r- ,.A.9A8, 41' ~llli). it~'~ ~"I;i'~ de't;i~~ ~!I!I::C!I. by Or.' ~l )"5.::1, S.. t.~ in, .. ,gr!',!,:',~c' ~ be.i.~ :W2ii,1:; ( ~I dr!I, ,;j!t"ii:l:iI, ['~' ... :!O ~,~; or due

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ie WoUi r'ir:!li,:=. t..~,~.;·tl; t:.r,.i~i't: ~,i~ ~a,t,ory. ~d"II '-iI'ti'l i'~, ~ t .... '";$: r:~' I'"f ~,~fblle .~'" :~,f r..~r' a. .::,~fw ,~", :Ii, t iioIii"l5 1 a~ CI! ~·,r.-'mi.h:Q ~c;,~ :i. ;.,;Q',!!'"'e ~I ~·t~, ~ ~ ~~ ,1<!I""e1l" ~~t of ~iI'"'9"t' ~ i'!;':i!" ~~

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Q'r! 1) ~' se, ~ ~~y ~J.,1c;;;~ ~t~, ,. p1'ry:5'i'~il.l Id"!I;.,:OI:, 'ot ,~ :a~ ~t ,::.~ or. it1~ ~tAi~ '~iA" ;II: ~ ~ '~.ldl ~ be ~leted .at tr.a.t; A '1 oil t,C'.r" r. ~ ~~ r.a, ~;,! iilI:;I Lo d i.~ 1 ~ ~Lil:I,i~' U!oii t. 'C'(..'U] d e~: t.~ ,~":C";j"",,~ i 'rICe' "

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"f'ti.JrM. ~.p.~1' :l!tI,lfi! ~ tho!!' 1'",

ft'Il IOTC'nll'm~ i. J;t;I:r:=' 1'fiill.IOiCL 'WiT Ure." di'Gi' i!I'li:! I.UlCI"oII' ... Illg iiI.iiI·; .; t!II~, Ie ·W'U· w t t1a'T,tr.e'd. 1'1.1' ""11' nl:rtlr. Dnlb ;I!!=Iid. KJilpt'd \b'~ ·rr.m Ll n'lit~ U41'1II .~~n l rh, It ,H..I":!J i ,Os

Thr,t i!iI-ilg!i if. ..-;g m 1In~idltf,l'tiI"!t.od n~'mil rOrtii)ft't ~Ii: ~ ~n'pj I~ ~ ~ ~,tt"I.. n'n :1.1:)" ~" ~- ~~ ".U li ... t~ '{;'.$., -WL.iir_r ~1Iirr!Ii:C,t.. .tIl: ~r 1!!"'1!lI!t,., ~.t:I~ "y. 1::14' p~~ ~di ti .... ~ ~~ '1J::i"U I L.TC ... ~~:Uft,

l'lw! ~~~ Ii1l iU4.I~ ~Q die .. La iIM ,~-tod ~I ~D.l_~:a..~~~ CI::R 0(' :I+Jn:rt m. !~, 't':I 14 III ,ft"! '", ~

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1'1.'OI;. a. ij ..s. :m om if"t. :t.i Y'!i.. IJ:i, It ,O"f'o

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Wi~ ~ 1U'j·,ptli~ 11" ~~ Iibe t?!1Fr.iim-mi ~ mJ~ i ~.s. ~ J ~" itlD!l S~1'n I: ~:; a,~ Q!1Ji~ i. UI ~n tttAJ. ~C1"I WI' ~~_ •. ~ t'iYl,o;,. rnu. C;lti ~'!4'I.!tJ ~.M. ~OII"'ZM' 'WtiII-

!"'tIl. 'V'riW J ,d,~'ID.. 1ft. .:tI!id ~.

, drria:iI:', i;nI'~ ~ ~

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Th~ ;t!U1! f!ium ·thal .iiI"~ -g. 'p I'!!I. Of!:.~ .~ !,_ 'W,."I,!, ~.~(I~

fOf Him n,~,... mC\ iJII~*CiIll ~IOi'lU I '!t'().lli.~f____~ II f'IQ:~~ :ti, ::Ii..! ~ :'Io.n !'I. n."'! :>:I. F1-~.r;n... !:rile- l:v"et· 'f'I"K"QrrI;Il'i: 't~ oil! bftlilIiU... .~'Wl!!l!;E: a'il.iI"fI ~.boc' .~ ._' ~ r:n'Y Wr1.'~ ft· ~R''' iT. tto'r-i!!i ltd M tnot!llOl.'l If'ftL ii'I.atd. ~ Ufdi OAL."'i~ .~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~to'~:u!od N~ !::J.e(! ~~ .I.i ,~til1QlP. ibu~ rot:!I;P'o ~ 1!I:I+lIIiU~ a il'H'ion It 'Ira; ~,~ I": ~I'" ~ a~, 1ttilI :t~Mlt4ipcn. ~. ~.

~'f rUr,"WI~ m~ ~~d."" U::,p.· FH1·~I1"~ C"ri3lIm!li~. C:J.a;imJi ~~t ;J, Iii co ri: Q!!,~ r-1'D Q'!I f iI!I~. i i iiIt!d. t a .l.n!! U'i.t'CI, 0.; ,,~. t:ro Ultl 'l!II!:tlL~~thl". ~.~ ~1'i41l'1i't~'~ i:J:1.C~'e'd 1'1 .., (10 fI If' i2'i' e!'" I; iP\l'I'i(:rd~ 'ID!!!d! m' Q;l4. ~;'i. d. .~ !iDi~~Xil..,i1b tliil!' ~~t.tls.~

iU ;a 1"64111. l C wfl' ~ ~ttt':'rT.I:tC"1!I ~ I I'lL 'f"1"rr:nl ~I'II . .ilun'~,i!l.. _"tG.~ ~ Kiii'l \)U.FfIi"" • .IIii!~ !!'I":¢'I',U', n'l ~. ~~:t!'l', lil'IiC! Lli'!IC' 'I:'~'~ fi;lIllr ! !!!,:j (l'U~ J.n.d . ~ ~'~I '!nth ·iii at:t!itrrP.rlil "~~:..lrrt._

L·r..~ .~:tII;::-~....i.. I'L ,il~' ~5ijt" d5t'"' :::+ tl !:I'lllt' h 1121'\: M!1I1',su n'. iQ 'S,I,[! !II~lP·b. loI.i r tRi'd 6h:st,!M"ii ..rid b u~;::,:J!Ci.,. Il!'id Lffi~i tid a,~il!8@6f':'W.~ C1I'r •

._~. ~ pItrIl:ri'tilh' ~

WI ~. _,jfff !"iG__:!{!lil;r 1~liIig ~ th' ~\P'. 'III~IIt'rI~1mot!Wlol ;' OJ).

~ 'CII"!ll:nl IL~t 6 ~tlin"1. t.,':!c· '!,a't!'.

,. -_ --.·1 ~""". ,I ..... "" .

• I.n """'" ...... .-'li~, ",,",,""' '"""!- -"~'fn 1·' ,-

Pi" !.I.I f!'~'~~S tiliI,i'I' t!le :5tF~:l;1 ",:1. '~"I' !C:r.~ ~i;:i¢;Qt :bi~Q C"=H'~-

~iI1I.t ~, m~t ~..:s !:.~" 1J .,


'!'h,e r'e:~or't. tba t 'f·c·lle,ws is ca .. lle·d.. fl' Proj ·e·,e.t. Seta II" Onl Y 15 of' 1'7' pag~s w.ere. e..vatlable, .D-eB.p.1t.e'e:rrQ.I"'s :1n. gram:rna.r and pUDctuat100i it stands as au exeellent report abcut.~he a11ens that Benfiew1tz observed ~t Kauzano Weapons Storage Area near Sandia :S~s.e fn .Al buquerql"HE!~, N,e'w' K:e:x1co·, It '1.$ tne .repo,rt Benne'wl tz pr·e~en.'ted 'tQ th.e U. s. Govert.L~nt.. S·en:c.ew'1 t:z

was unaware th.i!.t the pe,op,le tc who,:m 'Q8 $·tl'bm.1 t,ted the repcrt: a.l:ready kb.e·W' of the a lieD 4"ctl vi ty. He also Wi!l5 Dot .awat"'e

of interactions with etber alien grouo§ that were tak1b~

. . ~




... ..:Il10...




S~y .s R.EP01IU· 0 F STATUS· [WITH S,UOOES7ED su ]]llEIJ ~H~:S]·1'" .- Phy!'1 c~ st ... ~atJl F :a-enne~i tl.

T~e fro 1:1 (l!l!irl :rug ~ re key ~ ~'1 >! pc S 1:30 ,es·tib 11 sh!e-d 'err' d;: s~c·ve'r!d dluri "91 ·the (.Oft! t~ r:1Iu i ~g :sc~ enti"ri,c study \C,orhcern'ing AJ ien~ i~ntene'nti O:r1J ,i!lna the ~~u:, t~ {S·tudy 1 im.i t!'t:i sOle·ly to Htw MI!!'X'j ~Ji))

1) lwgl ytar"$ ¢(l'!"i!t; n YOYI$. 'r'!'CQ r'dled e.1,eet;ron i G s-u~v'i ,e'Jl i:!"C'! ~ r:ljd t'!"'ae,ld Inig wi thO', IF "

:2~ Irr,/d~y 0'( ~ 1 ~ ~:I'!I ~,t;d: p~; ~-1-t~:i ill ,it s h:ty (610) m:1 1-e: rl!d:h,I's of' J!.llb·u-qIJ.j;e~-r'ill ue p 1'1,15 6000 ·fH·~. .r!!CI1t; O'ft! !p i ct1Ji!'"e 'Of same ~ ,dltl,. g·.ht an;d rI i 9lht,

Z)·~.on a.nd. d ·i:~·~s.$ ~ l Y !()!f ,tj 1 h~n CCrnTl.rrri c~ t .. ~ on and 'lhl,l!O lC.t"aaJ;Fu,,,] s ~a,t hi l eea t ~ 1!!1"'th I' and] !!'!!!!! r :spa!(:e.o

:3) Cons to!!!lrii't ·r."'er: e,,-tt 0 n of' '!d ,rjJe(I' f"rom ail i fUll p and. 1U'l'iIde'r'grnutlidi DIS'1ii: 'Ii ~ws-c:ree'n; T)'P i ,~.a.] III ~~~. ll~iFLQi d and, ~t, t.i ,~!!l. a.1P1Pi!r~fi t ~ S~ P 1 ~lll-,"

4) A. (,I.s,e hhtory of a:n S'f'u:;ou'["jjte:r V1ic.'tlm 1:n :rtN IWex1i cO 'wi'l-1ch: 1e~d tlO the -C;~!'Id~.i!tl~"$;

'1 i ·n.k .a nd dli·s co VI!1:"Y ttJa t I;ppa.·r-er.!:t 1 y ai11 erlco'un t!:f" v l' c·t 1:!IlS Mlave ,die 1 i be rl1 t ~ a i .~ e n; 1 ~ 1 ~lf1jts i!J o I'iI 91 wii th oibv'1 O'!J!j, a,cc.~!nyi neg 5 C~" ,. ·the· '<II' l (:~~jm ~~.·l ,UI ts '!!i! re

V1l!l11r1: 1"1 ~a by x ... it."'ay a.nd Cat Scam ~ :F"1 ve' !O'tt1~r seu" ca Si!!i, we'!'"'! '!Ie·rot if.,. ed,

5) lEs·:t,ab 1 h,M!d. eon$·tii~il'Lt d:tr"1!(:t; c:~n:1;c,l.t1.,on.s. ilftth the .Al ~en u:st"·~ ~ coq;!l.!ltte·r al'rt!1l !aJ 'f'Orm Of' Hex Oe-e i rna 1 COde 'wl U~ Girlp,h'i es and, p I"'·t '!:'it -'O' Tn 1 s. CO/VmJ:!'II ~ ~a t;~ Q'n 'llllta$ in:stt~tt:-dlip~nnl1y l!I,ft.e'r the US, b~.$e· iI!iI!~ V!l:c~:te,d~

6)- T'hrIl"CU.!igD tne 11'i en ,cormn,p1'i l C;:3lt ii·on t oop, ttl!' 'U'lie' u~d'e:!'"9~II,i!nd bil! i! l Oii;~t, t en ·wa.s. d i ¥ul'gl!d by ttl:e a'11; !!!'l, !"d iH"'!!c:i So! 1.'1 'P l :n-,P'O i nt~d '.

7 } SiUb$;eq ~e:l'ilt ,Ii eT'] -a.~ .and gnHmd P ~·109'ii"3.!p'hs i"!!'vel!!l, 1 ed <1 a nd f !"!,g p'y-l,oft$; j; s h·fI p s; O:~ ttl!· '9 rounlLii .- en tr·,Ir:l!Ce'S.~ tu!a:m w:e··iJ.po·n:s and, ,~.pp,a.-~r.rt ·1,al;lll'llc.h ip-Ort:s .. 11 ,on'gI 'wi t n Ii.'] 11~tI$ on: tiho! 9r'OU'!'IId ~ 11"11 ! ll!!c:tro·s.ta: t ~ ely ;s;U:PPCI,rt.'ed. "aIJ!M ·~·'i es i: (;~a rgi" in,g bee ·~ei!pO·n:s ll!!!i~' ,a'p'p!!J rent1 y ,~1 ~etn:J,~·t.a t 1 (. ,.

I!! •

" =-- -~~ - .. = .• ~-.~~. ~~.. --=, ~~

~~ _, _,., .......... ,iIIo __ .III~ ~


,. ~

S, Cr·o$$ ~D,M"'t8Jhf~3CH' ·,u'ad .iMtching· by ·!:::·;r1a.ngu1:atiol'lli< etc .• , to offic:h.~ ~~~A eIR (eelor 'i nf"rin:d) h'f.Ig:.h ~!.ol ut1,oD "'Hms con1' bl~" ions. and 1'"~$iliJ ud 1"n r·e\l>!! t '1 ng' US I'i!·n ttlr~t en'Y(lll~~nt y1e'] d:i:ng ~In"'t'ci se ~oot"'d11'i,ilte.'S Illd. t~1! US bas:e layout.

9) Prior a,] -aen comwr:d ~(Ilt:ion :hadl ~'nrHr;Qited mn it.ary 'I!nvol vn:tent ,U'lld ttie' fa,c:t the ilJS.AF had a $h liP b1tJt chJ~ to stud 1i!'d il 11 !r!' ps,Yd:l(l,logy thi s Wa,!, j g!r.ilcl'i"~d, at 't,M

10) :s.!lib $,!q'uen'c,' Y IJ tttt 11 i 'H' COI1mI,r,ni ~a,ted fo 1 'll Q.wi ng \Fe ii" i f i (,I,t '11 o.,n 'Ali th the tIR,., t~41,t· wa.~ '; nae.edi .ii. 's,hi iJ;JJ ~ Ictyiill '1 y IOOMl t b!lln o:ne • t~ t two "".'f'1I! wrec "ed a,nod,

to $,tvtr1! I'"ldt Iti.or; at cl ose l'''.1Jn;tf .tllid 'ttl .. ! s·tli ~ WI'S tau. 5,e!'!"! go in'g V-e:s,t ~ith

he 11 OOIP,t·~·1"1 • I n ,1,d~H'U on ~ t,ne US t;oy.e:rnme'nt win q Iii i-et 1 y p i c~ i ng LIP tM' expefl.$'i~.

1.2) Subs,e(!;ut'nt·t ItS ~:c't ; en 011 mt.'l a,n pi e:t=.!'Ji'! .Photo gr,1 phs t!l:fl'fI' dllJT.'i 1'l'9.1 the :£. tuty revet 1 eel ·the US s til p or ant 11 k~ 1 t 11}d Iii 9 ~·t th ttl@' a] i e'ns . !he';! !IIiI~ch _ ~~e ~~ R ~t1e ~~ _ twQ can be' :s:!,!n~n ttl. 9 Ii"Qlynd I,nd. l' Ili ttl_! 1 U:itif" .p.Jit01;:09!~p_hs t3;~J!'1!1 ~ 1'1l_ ttl;! g;rou1ld ·I,t't.e'i'"' the blS,1! wt$ ,abi,naO!ned ..

.54 ~ 'ril YI!r'Y br,' ef' 1'(:1;l"1li dill! pm ~ (;I gUll! to l e·,i!l.[r1'1li In 9 iJ!IIt t h i Ii'I l"\e.!~soni b le ae:c:y r'ICY what tl"i!HI~[I;r; red p:r'i Q r to t h~ 'I!J:lQ 0 t 1979 .or ·t,I'u~'r"e!! fte I" ,.

- ------- _----

r s

- __ .


I n truth they t,e nd t~ 1 \ II" howevtt" tt.1e i: r ~rro ry fo't," . Y 1 n:g .; s no t 1,png and ~th teet cO.~ r"! t hl'i! compln: elf"' j) r'~ ntollirt ana, 1 ),$, is r-e'YI!'ills th is hr; t.., The'l"'tfQ:ti!' ~ch i!"I dro,p$. U"lrOugh the c.,r!ckll $0' to :s:pe·.lt i and 'from tl1h Ccm!S tihf' ippan!'r'lt. trutt.!"

ft. ts no t. the f El'U!'J~ t (j'f tlhri s report tQ' ~,r i t i c.:i l'e 0'" PO i nt 1'i rigers •. Ob.v i Qu.S 1 y wnoe Vel" !Ill de 'the' ; iI'I H ~ 41 !l,g reeme~n;, w'lls' opera t; t n $I 'upO n 0 t.H" ba s ~ s ~f 1 'og]' e b'nd not thai e ·of' tnt I,Hi~n and in .50 dOl riuJ appa,re'r:iltly W'IlU::td 1 rlnocen't'1y" 'h, time., into, a tr,al".

The' aH!t.I i~dicated' that tne i!I'Gr"i!Ys· J .!I,ppa·r.-ent1, the, 9rouP' 1,"1 t,i,ai'111y ,e:fI¥ol 'i~d , nl ttJe a 9rft~ Mit '!Ife'I"~ S t n 1 y'pse t, abQut t.hi i n t t; ~ i 1 ca,pt IJ~ arna s ubs.eqYl!rlrt a~, th i!bf t.~ tTr-s t e'; gtl~, ,of th i r 'CiQ .. Fe 11 QW$ ,.

Anti tt:liei'r" 9n:lIIiJiP., 'c:a n i: r.q; th~ to 1 ve:s i';n ·t he Co.mpllJte r la.!rI:gu~ '§II!!;. the qO't"i11i ge II! - thed:r' b,u e i:$ ~ t~@ 'lilies ;__ S ~ 0 p.1: of Mt ~ A I"'C; ,Ile 1 e'ta ... rd h'"tei'c t 1 l' iIi'tlS t. ;01' tnCSQU1tl1 e fl'd rOof t,~ US· base' and. I'u!!~a'''' _.NIii (lrf ~.he'~a.'r.ent; _milirt land1'n'9 rU"'!,I. ttliely. ,can i if! the Wompyt,et '~,nli;trage. ~rJ'i~'_ c. i ,~IlIl)!,dr"! '" _ 'Th i s _~ ~call's !__fl"'tCm a ,_d 1 $,~,~~:,,~..!...._ i ,t 1 'oo~~ _ ~ i i:I!IfI)~4 s ha.~ 'i n the _ _Pflo t.~ .. : 9~'lpll~ , _ iIf~in _1_(j,ot1~n9r 'S'OIIIeW~.i~~ s.o~ wes't ~!5.t the observ.a~i"n _!<ower to'Jlllard tile

. ri rdige-d. pe'~.k ~~ o.f Mt r. A.T"ehe 1 e·U. ~ tn,i sri dgN j)U I( Ill.! $ ,1"110 ,name: J' I ~a 1. ~ i't Sou th Pe,1 k..

inti bl$e' !~tem:b flIOr'th ().f thh pe'!~ to the &d'9! (ilf the r:H'ff' dow:n whid1 '9',ot'$ ~ road

--,--- - -- - _--- . -- _--_ --- __ . __ ._-

"p1~; « ~ ~.~~ ,I! loy c:d~ ttl i ~t>,,-~'1' 9'.nt (38) fOQ·t ,a.Cl"!O$.~ 't~ be ttcm and w~ ttl_ a ~~~. (.2'0) fce,t Mil e in thili!! ~CI PI '.

Ba.$.e,d1 u pol!i SO-mtr! ,of the a.l!!!"'] ,11 photo gra ph:s d uri' M'Il w,n i ,~h the a 1f lI'n iIIIIa s C!,Ll.9h t 1 i'il ttl,!!, open .iud l4!.mchi:1'I9 .. 1 i'!Jnc.llle·s IIppe,illI'"" to tit! comi n.g' frcm. the ~_h·"ect.'iJon t;lt' tni! dOl'lle,.

I,rI the INASA CUt the~ is

.... .

i.s p1"'!c1 s~ 1.:r th,e. ~tte' of my j'9 L fn~I~~ n 'J'Od caW". Wl"iet:'~~ ·'t<eJlic11'S and 'IIIIt1.I.t ~I).pelr

_. .- - ... -

~o boe .S,now C~t! Or" C'attp1'1 h.'1i1i ,can be s~tr:l tniFO!lIg',hout the C1R .. 'car and] tl"1U(K '~r:!it!~,'; I

. . - - --- .- _" - --- ....... -.....-


Ji'U1'JII!II"'OI.l'S ro~d b 1 O~ KS e~U!'nd nortn.! rdl tJ'urou9'h t ~~ US :b!S~ ~~l. 0''"'9 a we t 1 ItII i olta i I'IfH~,

r.o-d tn1f"tl Siome ... odd_fleet 'Widhl!'" ap:p-are:n,tly. g"!'oIl'[.l - !!lear &11 ~eli,th!I!H" ,,", ,n,iJiiTIIII'"OUS .

- -.- --- ------ --- _ -

'tlUf"'rt a'ro~rtds, lnd whee 1 t r!cx~ into l'tu",cJ'!, pre-pa 1"1 t'll on a:f'"i!:a,!l 1li'1 t,t! t~e' :$ n l ps:; ~\i!d:s

.. .. - -- - - _._ ---_ -- -.----,. ._---- --

_Nr~ed 'w.i th ~nt1'" [5:;' x (26) foot ;':,5:, a .nd :s,end ~_f; ~ 9 fac;;'i 1 t t l' ~..!J_ ta,nk s , eic + ... ~~

dClft'edolJlg~m_ ~i'~_~Q.~tl:"e' b'ui!.dlir1~!l~ t;lr.l NJtrJ~ (I~ the....:!ft~.Lsid!e ,of o;ne 'read, !!Ii 5Q. an ilppa rent iQun(l,1 t i Orl, fo r." I no the-T" o~ ~ he 1 e P!d _- te',s~, s: tandS2 ~~fI, h!:LI!~ i ir19, wa tel"

'tank -( tilt rt.Y- ~ foo t_: a~~ 5,S .) ~ ina __ .a: t __ :oI"!'el' !l) f ~~e _~ 1 n _road .!.! 0 eks, ~ 't.w.~ . .J.,~ r-ge 'i,tfi i Ie} !S' p't~ke-d ~[Cn:l'S s t~ 'road. Aho a:t tha t ~oi nt ano't,tle r ,21 p:pa nmt b hi c,1(. 1 'i:IOOLI;S 'f. tl,e 'JIll't,h

- - _" --- - -- ._- .--- T __ '


,di,fIlI~5."hl\ni!g alr!;!;I! ~~ch mi;: lita~l. ,!etl:1.~~~$_. 1! I !!!!...~' .J:tIl mall:e .a:~ ,U<eS$ I' I _!rt'Cu;ll( t!,s;t_irna tte. tM' H ,kJe 1lh)od tfria t the i1P~~ r!~ t :b 1 act U rJIOU'S hi!S _ ~ re S.:IA~

Tl'1li~, i s I~ut. a, Hm1 t&d i ,nventOIT:Y o,t, 'W~oI t Ji!~:S t,h:e n! on S ~ 1918. .. inc,' uded (H\ 1 y a,s, t"'1d'i!:nt~·! 1 ICIltte'r for ~Uir- per"'~si,l a:nd co:rtf'im3:t"~QI'\+. the ~~a ,_ ~ttich 1 nei:~e''1t1y tJ'i1l!! 1111 t 1 ves i' the t,r'~ bl'll eM ef I' T'1!'$~rv~,t 'f 0 nl :jJtJi 1 i c:.~ atldi hi glh!w,i!I:Y PI tl'"Ol h'Ia!'1iJ kn~ ~:1'1 ~ ~.g. abQ.,l:,It_L .~Qrre~_l~_ [o'r't' p~f a tli",~, i 1 f~!lI' _ttl!, north + Start; nq .art. 't,ne 't'ra i' 1: II '11 '; rle' .0 f 51' ht

U_ '~' J.~~\g,f, "l !~~L!~tea ~.:~._ the a 1 ~Qy', dloine~~ ",ad. !t_.h'i t.M Illl ad,l" ClLrI!ow~ " OI!J.

~he J ~ e:c;a rll h ~.'es.erv,1 ti 01'1 1 ~_~!t!'i: i $ e ~' t 2 t sea_'t + , Q,ni._ arh"H n~ d 1.5 ta ne~' ~ Th!! tc'u 1 a 1i ~1!1~ lb. s i 'l1g ,I rea" .. h1 ch ,a,ppJ r.-en t'l t oem, til 1,":5, Shl!:¥itl"',i,1 ciil tu'J"'!!s (n~ ,I n ~ rl'der the d.1.s i. g;'" nil tii O~, ~uni ~~~_ J _~ t:~~ CoITf..! ut,!'r 'In " g:.e} t s, ,a~eT'ox'i ma;tli! 11 thrree ':I) Xm '.i de ~y e'1' Qh,t . ,(8 1 re lon..!: ,A oon 5,!nr,! t 'he: que U; b.i s ed u'p¢n t:h.e. iilumbe of :sJtl fa ,P~'$@~t 1,)' o",,~r" th' s

J 1', q to.,,.._: '5 X ~ ? ,~-') i<f-...: •• j"

I Ail 4:red1 the nweer 011 t,ne 9'P'"Ou,nr.i i: nJ Uili! C IR. lliid lfJ'hoto,gr~,Dhs -t the tota,l ,1,1 i 'en P01PU],a t 1i (I'n

.......... ---- -- _._--. ~. - .

a.t th'fs, :~oil\1t. ts ,~t ~ !U,t bIo. tt1!t,H.I,n~ (2000). and most 1 i kel,. OJi"e. Tht il; i[!!!n f: tldlic.ates



I WO!M,I t a,tte",t, te, s;Je:,;'ulatr; i~ t,ni$ P'"!p<ll'"t a,s to ~' 'the in'tt1'il I1S CQntact w~s Nde

,., whit trans.;rir-edL, nor tic.' ~'ny "!I!!r'iI! ab[le to e.s,Ci!iPi!. 'Trill!' ,!!Ili'@n, has, cCiI1lTF.!Jrilcated his

~'Ccou[n.t, ~ nd i 'f to[tal 11'!f '~r'Ue, i t ee rota;, III 1 y. i S rbO t, Qja til,~.a b 1 Ii! •


hi t,h:i.~. Cons tar'! t Cl~,~ ute r ·c;:,o!mtilil:rl,i ca tt Ollil - fru'n en'll lli il~ 'j'1iI f'!clIl"tlIiI ry Q:f :t,n h lli!!o! I'" '_ 'aIiI'nli.i! 1 ,p'r'~ 0 r 'to t;,M.'t - !'ailS 4 H owed a co'ns tirl,t ,iiccoy;nt 1'., 9 ,of "'_',M t U al'ld, h~ s be:!n

90 i r19 Oll'i _, ;co!:u:l" t ~ ICl!"'~ 0 f 'roo,r.!J 1 e ~nd; ,~ 't~ta J _J~$ ~ gnt ] ,~tQ' ~,l'ud rmI,i;e,$ tntf!l' a i i ~'n run". 'r~~i s '~:S, ''i'I!'r''Y ~! ~ ~~~ 1 e diS tiS '.

1 ) ~~s t i~!O I"tllt t 1 y ~ the a 1 ten ~1' ~_ !._ ~,i '! ~1!_!iIO _ on,!!! til) 9_~, .. i t~ yt _ :~n i ~, ~ nt 4:n4 3Ift~1'" k.nCiW 1 ~d gil! of' 1i t i ~ wi' p.e~ o~'~..!... I h!~y $1 mp" 'I wi 11: _~'o t I U ~ 1 t., A 11: i U1'-

~ l ~!ra a ~s ,ii,t~ t,t\a,t eO~:['J_:q_at:ii CI,n o'r' J ~~19:y~i!i,9~ C:il'n~~ __ Z"!::~ u J_ t;_ ~ i 'tho~~ the J~ l~ nt ~ _ ( __ 1 th,_, the _ ~xc~p-,t,i, Q_:nl Q!__ t hI!! B 1 "!D" ,ii,ncl: it,h~ Comp~t!r) TIll:$ ~ ~u _1~~ ii'~ i ,~~.~e _a

. :e?S's, i b,l ~J ~ i a te_ t~'P.'1i'i .. t (H' d!~ge'!'" ',or !!nyofll! ,.., m~' 11: ta.ry! A't!"'~ fQ'I"'C;~ 'I o!,_

a t,h;~Ni S i!: tI1!!'t ha s ~~ern it the bl:!i e .' lht!:y' ~i l 1 not ~~fIIb.!:r' t,n,e: imp 1 ,a,r;I'}, i n

arW;r c.! s,~: {Uu~, G-"aJlt~,t:t_e'l!: neT! 1 nc.'] uded~l.

J]~ _ f!ta :s,OIl'l for t l:Je tmp,l ~'I"iit ts !'lp]; i R ~ ~ f:~'1:'" itio'U~ , a:n9:ua9~ 0'1"" can'mUln 1 ,cat ~ on bY'

t nolll_9l1"1rt, {thl!'~ h; :r'lQ a'P&'M,~:n~_ ~ ~ rn~'y~_,g~ .. b~ f!"'1 i!!'r" w'~ ,t h th_Q!~'9J'I't), i!U'ia als,o COI'l1lD h~'tl~ lD'SIO' ut,e CIO!i1't,~ 1 by th! . .::aJ. toen, ~thro ugh___PII'"Q'gt'iJlll'I ,_ by _;t.~e i r' _F!'i!m 'O~ _jj ~iCt._£o~n,t~c.t z,

I "heed no t, I! 1 ,a,bo "IS te a s, tic ,the pes s, t ib 11 II!! CCl'fl'tseq ue:I'II~~:s ,. TtJ~ v1' ~tt,m ~ s '~'5;W, ,:t,.c:h II,

.. . --_._ --- - -- --

~ e 1 ,I :!;,:S; 1 ,t,t ed: r!rrttl of any .e:nd'fl!I,YQ'P.'" 1 n t:t'l!e: US i tJ~'_' ~ 0 1 ,II te urmd,er- tl'I,!se 'e,c~~ dJ t ]_if):r'IJ$ .,

~ _. - - - -_. - _.



Z) _A.lso. n(llte th~t. an of the· aJ~~j _-_t:u,~'IIlrr't h~I"IQ,d_IJf~:!_:-' 'l.lL:ITI'I.!~~_ ·t..'III'11! iJliJan:t!, : "1t~'L.!1; I!~ di iI"!:'ct CCU~U:!iri.f~t l~~ J s. !~J~_~·~~t.l~~:51bl~~ se (line ~an rI'Os. 'to ~!ne:-::;a.l 1 '1_ .~i'"ti; tr·lir; 1 y~ :s;:~_y 't:ha~ . .if..~ peer$IO,n ;; :~!S 1'Ii!L!, ~_. 2rrn.Jin·icated by thougtt ~t.'t.n i'n a Ii en § ne/s~e n:l$t Hk.ely h4~ bteJ·I, nmR1antflll~,. rl:!e·:r_~!._ ~ 1 $~ -'~_~ i m ~~, be Q\4'~rJ:L_' sC'~ iJ!_jndi b-t a,1;) 1 e to .' r'O've ttl.;_!_,::_,_~31i i I'i th~u!.~I_ tnl_ 1.'1 i'I i:: ~rJn_u~ 1 ,a.nt f __ he, s he i s_ gj ~.~! _t.::.1'he _ j nf[orma't i Q~_ bL~he _.lIl i f.~ a.nd do!:! :n.9_~ '~~'1_1_~~ !...._

'is Nde -. \If] n ~XWl:1 bt~_t! nd_1! ne h~~ fer' __ ~I!d_ ] e l,_c. (ba.d. b.:f _ e ~~b ~ o.:_ii~ ~Irll"; :~Ol'l.) SO:_ t~~:r.. a,Nl !'lot. i:nf~J.l'i_~l~ .:- 1 n '~oi"t of 'f~ll_ct the:t __ ~,pp.el_1'" ~ nav'l! If!I~J ~re

'f~a i ttji!'s ~rId .. !~ak:.n~:SIl!_~ tMn tlt~ __ ~~] ,tiorno·n. 1'01 the[ a1ie:liI, U'IJI'l! mi 00.

1 s k.I!Lud there; Ii 1. i es ;I 91 f'1! I, t we·s s ,_h; en wn 1 be' d i: s·c~s s~ 11 U r ~

--- -- ._ -.=-:............ ... -- _._ -' . --.. '-- ._ .. ---_-

Of Oflt' ~I"'e_tl~ ,~aH u~n tlillt 1!I'·'ri.e'!!u:t:. _in ttme of dl)~ pnY$i~a.l thlN:~tl~t;h~_ lII'fr'l ~ mt ~I .. WQ.~1 ,d1_ q'~ 1 c~ 1 'I ~ ; de.:... w i tn __ ;~_ '0 tner s '~d~_

T.'he: OO~ ~t:e P'" i ~ i ca tes il1l Coql'i i;'i S(Nl', that no knoljJ!!li U r'th. T"'O~~9n. i. st - R.u~s i i.n

-- - -----. -- ----- - .-----~

o!_~~ttl~~';$e _~.'dlibi:t ~~s.e tl!!S to ,i!U~)'~ '~Ol" 'd!i~!e ·tM'Iri:a tt.I!l'9l_t.M d~liIqJ:r.:.. ; "'vo l1i'e-dJ_ 1'1\ ma k i. ng Jllny IJd nd, Oi' ~,9~remen:t "",'i th. tt;e:s.~_a 1. J ens ':. at] i!iJ:S t of _·tttt :5. $.petcl es. ., ?

5 ) 1t1~. a' 1 iI![nl dOles ki 11 f1fi UI. t~ beam!:,!"! r" 1,1 y . 'Re:s u.l t3. ·on, a l'IU\TIOII1 w;'11 exhi bit 01 ttu'ee to 'f[ou r an: IIHlry l e c.1 rc:l II! ~ If ao[nl!' from, tf.J~· r:ea it" Lon, on,,! ~r bo.1tl '0 SbQllI~ d~n". The res:uH.:J On, eatt) c .a~ tl!ie $,ame I' !:u.el'lti I ny e:xhfMt1 fig lP·l.l'rpll!


.' -

~ ) C.a t; 1 ~ ~t ii hi t i c;.,lts. .! rll!l: t t1e c t,her s, ~ d@ 0 f ttl,!: COl ~ Wi ~ ~cd 'Ii! 1 n nQlt Ibe' de'" YI!d \ n to ~e~ tnoug;h they ,are " p~r't of' u,!!, ( l't ap,p@rin t,n,! l'i'I.JMr!o'ids an fed

:""""='--'---0- _ -- - • - --

~y 4 f.o.rm~i;a, _ madi~_~~mi ~~,n or' ,cilttl,e ~1_~rti!ll! or both ,lind th~Y_!.r_e. f!'!I,d~ fr-QItI t~e $:~m! mI 't:~'r'r, 1 ~:~'ru! sp; ~ ,~:'i :I'I'g iu~d' t.~ U:5 e ,of 'f~m;a; 1 e ,ecnc:o blli!~e r \f" ct; ~~~ ~., lh!_ MJ:ul taf.!.;_ ~~:,OS, ,il_" re'f~r'r-ed tQ! bl_. ,tl'l~ ~lie'n as ,iUII Q!g!n,._J·'h"~ of 9l1!!'st;a:t.:_tol'!l _ _;_O futl __ I,!!$e ~$ is. uti 11 ty~!f. r"!ujy_ til li!l'o-rL~~p_j!'a;l"'s ' Lb-e.:._ aJ)',:,t o.n~e:... ~~ r. ~'u"· i A ,1Jj'1 i en ti.,me " 1 dOl nct ~ I!iJOW,.

- _. - -- -- -- --.- .. -_;;;",,;;;_....;;.;.;"'--~

,5,0'1: !Jrt:Son: dou-ilt t~r! is a~ tnmedi! te. to,tid! ,lie,un,1I! Per' :s!, .. tJoweve:I"., th'll" must be

---' ---,---- - ------ Ij...:--- -

:E,i!I,cfi. 1 mp h,nted i nth1 yfdua 1 t S ,jJ,iJ!I'pa r!i!fi t'h' r'1!'adly fo1" tM Ip ul1 a,'· ~ I ' ,. W~e the r-

ia,l1 i'mp h,1iI rs a r'i! t.ota lt y e. ff ect 1 .... e I C!'l'lnolt . r-e.~f1 ct, bln~, COns.,e.rrl,t i 't! i· :' ~ol~l d

_. --- - - _...... "I _ _ __ • - ._._- ---

We,aoonl"Y and 1 !"!h"~lr·~'lf!It, ~el!l~,k n~:$ 5 e s

M!'I!!Ii!ipe,nry h: one' ,of the keys a:ndl I'll the a111!n:~ s: p,iteS,I!:In;t; s:t~te 'J!Ilt: can p'~p'4r,e' an effe~t:'f';te

,OM!! tends ,itt the Q ",~,se't 0 did) to 1. QO~ ; t the. i I\" ~ch'1 n~:sa lid $~y - theiF! i's flO d~ Ie ns e O'r." 0 1" fe nse • One h oveN,hf:l~:dl b.y th,e 111" .$?!I!!'!Q,~ a,pp,a n.nt CI,j)!D' f1 t ty ,of' l' I'IV 't s H.! n ii ty

,I nd M,C, 'o-a t i n.g,MI II' a,ndl 'ot.he'r" covert ca'pail iTt t i ! is iiot d 1i S. II: us:s.,ecd IU; tfl is, i,1m! + I:n pa r't i G'U LH

- t I'\e beam 'I!IIIt! !PO'!'I!S -I" th emso!,'l, 'Y'e:s; a d 1 rect t,t-'U"!hl't, and; Q,IlS 11 Oil'l:! tha t mu'ilit, be'

s:e'r1 lli)u;l y (,ons fd~ !'1!;~ :blu It fI!l:I t QI'VJ!'l"l Y. 5;10 ,.

Let us' fi:r~·t loot ,!!It ju.,st whit thU ''IIfI!tlpon 1 s . l't~, 1's ,I:" I!!hc,tJ"T,:J-!!;-tU;,1 e weliP~Ofl wi tn, p',h: Sml 9'fHllI!'ra t i :Flg YO 1 u ge's, ... and 4" i inte,rni1 1 s to,ra9}1 d t't1 ee - 'U, i s ~u 1 $1 pOW>! n! ,dl ~ 'r",! belllh to'U.lI11 effl!c:t i 'lie ,j!, r!: trJIl'Si j;i1l1i!l"'!, ,ca n bt! 1 Q\i!i!3f!d1 wi"tll ,hilatlllg@'n (H" ox)'ge n + Ra,ngl!?' A'vell'~ 91e ~ gf"'OU tlrl we: ago rt~ .... N,d III'UilI t~ ,2:) ):'m 1 f 1't 1's dry,.. IC.iU:it!!ilb" e. ,of s:u sta i n i 1'119 j 111:5. t S;O 1I!iI,1'!;,Y f!;!lll :power ,d! l s cnalJ""gle 5. iii' S 1 Q.llI!' l e" KI'9'i! oelf.llJl'"'~ ee I'IIt ~ n,you S 1! Y 'i


,- ..


therefOIr1!' i th~y ImJS t tie, "eha'r9~, per ii ad i c !,1 1 Y' ' ~:'f it ts t·~ i iii i ng' the 'wei POri bec:omes

t neffec:t 1 v! ,i li!d is sdq;ed tlilu,s !:H s eha.Tlg,ed • The ra,nqe i:$. nta I" to U 11 y 1.05:t at t hi t !)Q.i nt ~

On the d 1 $,k.s I~n.'d ~.allJce 1"':5 i ttl!!!, we ,I pon, t '$ 9i1!:'ner-a l 1 y on the 1 li!!ft S'~ all! a r top c ii11ite'l'"

-f" _.o;..'J!I...~ ==

,i naMS a 61xi lUll ralnlg! [011' t.Q. hu MrrefJ ("GO) me ter-s; lit ~1'l,1 ctl .~ l n1: 1 t '11i1111 p 1. Ow ~

tren,cnl 'j 'n d1e.s!!l"t se n .. When f 11'"'ed ... 1 t f1 roe',s bo ttl, tOI the fr(l,nt a nd to th! b.IJ ck eqU.il11:.Y'.

Rea ~·on '1 Beea,Ys-e OIf' tIM! 1'r' !lOde' ~;iiid1 method:!) .o'f' fi'j 'ght.,

·ita'i ned! I' th." Slu'C)I!!t wi 11' S'IJri 'j'jl CilJlt ~


Ha:nd ~.~n:s,1 Es·t·;ma:te, ~sed upon v'bfb le damage· (I.bsened, .not tOlC! 1fRI,u;::n vel[oci'ty noll'" stayi'n9 :tJIO'W'!et 'bllrt a.t SMr-t iI"~~9i! _' d~iI.dl, (l,ess, Ut~n ! . 45 G~ 1 j.lJtnmlti c) •. .At

A,'PPr1l·:poel"l't 1, t,he ~H s k:s: a,l"ld we ilpQ ns op~ I"'a:ee f'rem a $'tt0'''1!J! s.o~r-ci!; ~ ! 11 t tme" wi to 1-IJ[~t eer i od 1 e "'eti\l,I"Ig'e... Uris s t01"'i!u,e' h dep 1. @1;!!11l ~ Th.e de-$ i '9In they t,r~cted to us' wili ,en,;

l~l:s:t 'Ur1 rty yelM (1,1, d1 _ e!ItP 1 0)."1 rtg a I'1l [I toii'r:I C S.OIWl .... ee , iPo$.$·i b 1 y t~f!!'Y ~J' st n, na '8I'i!!!

s~ _. t t Ii!jiOU 1 d ~~" i!1 r :$;0 ,_ the i '1'" st.ayi ng 'PQ~ r t $ obv i ""'11$'1 Y mli'c;,1'l ] Q.tll9,!I!'r' +


An:! of Qur I. t r:e:ra ft t ne 1 t ll'::(lit!it.e:rS 'Ii ,1'111 S s H es ,(111" .Ii tay . a 1"1'" 'n hht 't!l!·h'f c:l,e C:iI:Mi be t.a.ken olOW'n

; ns: tllnt 1 y wi th 1'14 'I,mse o.f we,l.pQ'nry, T~e ,a! 1.1 [en s i1m;p 1 y :n H~ diG. n~ rr:ore t,ha,n maik,1t a ne

l"lvi 51 b'l,e IihUS i!l[n;d the·tr· bow 'iIiIIV! Orr :~tTft~ 'Oir'" bQ!t:hl wi 11' ta~~ ·tl1e a.h'" 1 ·"ft. Y!n~~l e

,FO 1'" tn.lna III CUI the 9rol.rn'l;!: 1 t.he ~ 1 i en Ciln u:s.e '1Ii'e1 po rlry (j,r' b:J'I!i!' 'W,!\'1t: ~ ih.e :Plrt i ,it'l p ~s,~ 1.11"

env"l,i:'-p can hi t w1 th tl"le' p.~r c'f' a tornadQ _ $b;:)d:: r1 se time lind G fOr1;! 'f: s t rU:.taAt:a.neou,1.

KO'Wfflfer' '- t.!'ley dliIP'e no t l'11 t t P,e Ct,~ f.t :il h.Y'S '1 C,i,i 111 b!!.sll US;! t.N!y !!!. ;,,",,1 g'H t an d .~ n " oj)ct i !lind!!! r $1 ~ "yi 1:19 ~ood ~ t ii" ns i!f i 'it h it In GU I\" atmQ·~ phe re. t ho'hll ~, '"ery ,tit nUQIlI~ Ptl'S it ion,

'iii t ho ut. powe II" I bta 1.1 ne,l!' "I'" ~ 1:.11 1 'it, rot ~" they ,. OO'S e i·t.,

, -

In brie'{ - these' are !!PlP'i.'r"IIH'rt eaJPlibi1li t~ es Clbsl!r've:d ,anid 9] !Ined 'through thfi ;::~u't.e'r

COilll!un 1 cat i Ol'! a.nd: Q:DSfl'II"''¥',iJ,t i 'till"] • Y,OiIJ: mar 'know 0 f thl! S,I! '. h~'¥e-l'"' I'' ,iiI"! Ii 11"'!ct 1.1

re] ,n,ta to ttle , as t and, fi ria 1 j)O'rt't. O't'il ~lf t,1'1 h t'"i!'PQl'"t.. \ihli\tt, can be d,o~?

- .=---~

1 ) e~!US e o;f ,~1 i e'l'\ ! s a,plpa FI!J'llt 109 i e 'system (they' a pipe 11 r to be log ~ 'c 'con tro 11 ed } >I k,e\~' dle:e+~ 1 enJ ~,amr:lQ t be mld-e w;. 't.ho.,rt r.ra gher e h!l'l~,i!,n~e'" A l l it" ul'u~e:r t~1!: c;On,trol of wha't th:ey' can III!Th~ ge-e,pe.r~~ yet it 'IIIlQyid appeal'" this is; not the

fi rn~ 1 :say 'F fhe'r!rfore,~ d~epend'~n t UijOIil ur-!1!ncy i .die 1 ays of IS 1 on; ,n 't.~e' VI!' to

1'1" f(t9·ti"l nOlur:s c,,;iJli occ.ur· to r .a de·r:; h i" on. How:!li ho.rt/1 (j'IIiI'S! th is tin! fr'I!nI!: li.m4tr bi1tt,h~' c,Q'i'ld,'ti o'n'$ may be; I do flat k.ngw~

'B·e: cau s,e o,t' tt.! i 5 ,~.pp,ll'"e'"t co nt ro 1, 1,Mii 'Ii; d i till f n s t,antaneOIJS eee 1 S 1 a'l'IJ mat i ng by

e ~ a Hen, ts HIIII~ ted.. J f t he ~'~ l a n I!I 90'~$.; I! v 'I!..n, ~] ~ ;ht ~ Y 0 IJt 0. f' icl-l 1 ;In'c:~ Or.

cOnJtex.t" tBlle'1 beoC\'iM' eOliflJse1:J. Fac:e~ 'wi tr1. this i PQS!i.i bly t the. hLmllll"!oids _ou'd ~ UU! fi r:s;t to bre,lk ,ai nd l"liin ,.

The' 5!m! ~,p~ 1 i@l'S to thei r M:1 s s. ~ on ,MIl,$ te I'" ~P11,n t if one C:I n ca 11 1 t, t hit. If':p us he-a. Ol:! e of con.text, it rMI111 eame ~!P~ rt. ~ they .11 1 be e,xll'O s ed, to' the 'ifOr 1 d so they

will po,s$. fbly run ~lI!'fQ're they fi'ght 11'1: the o;en i They de,f1.n1 tJ!:1y tg" ~ wa,nt

l:hlt, to ha p~en ~

P:S,yc.tlo.l o'g i era 1 ~ '!I J art IP r"@'!ij,ent! the l r oo:ra1 e' ~ s (j,'Dwn - fie a, 11"' .;;Ii l.5·1 11"I"tJ!'gr"a; tii Q n, There t s

'proM yt.ltf:,~d ,!j i s C!li!:!1S] on, i 11"1 t he ran (s,; e:ven \iii" t:n '~he h~n.tO i ds. , ~I"!' rCa t t O~I'\ can

e I'IiC01JIr'!.9i! t.n'i S {M! nl!(;;i!!:'S s t ty tQ 'I!:l(p.ou.nd. U:pO!'II ttr i s 0 t:hfrr than, to 5.ily bte,ca'LllSi,e· 01


tn~i'r 0W'i1 ~ nte!lil'1·~'l vul neraoi'l i t,),' rn~ ~dl'"w'h!! to ei,ch other-.; there;'n 'H es i ~H·in'iII!J ft!tM'SS ) • ]: nte:r,-e:eh~ 1 e n (j.I'"' f. nd; v 1 dua 1 !Ii tr!!lstiW apJpel!li n; to, IJ;e tCi tall ~ Y 1 ~(';k i ng .5,0'


,s~sl'-i<:ic" of ather' i~ r!mpli'nt~ Tbey I~ h~9nly SI!'91"t:91ttd ,1.$ to' It'vtls w cI

1I'10'i11l11 -def" ne it ~oril"fl i!(;t ~ i th ·1, IIlmed 1, ~II err II h 19n oil IQIr 1't 1: i t~rr'll ~ '1 1b!;lln5. d'e. t,n. ,De'~.ttr be; IiIg', to the hUlil1i!J'!'LO i ,ai., d~~rn~l"'~mrni ng' ~1'" I ; iii the e;liId, 1P~r-hIa ps tot,! 1 pi'lys; C~ 1



Tne:y ;!lj;I:~elr tiC ,tJ;t tot!! 11'.)' ,death or'lernit;,ed ind! becaus.e. Qt' t.h'h ~ ab:!'!,ol !I,i!~;I(~Y dlU.t,I'I-

f'e',ir- ,or'~ ent,~·d " Ttl t s is i P1:!i, l ogi. t,;;Ji.1 'i!I:dv,ar1 u'ge ,. The ~ClQ'ut,eT" aJ ~ $,0' 9'1 ''i''I!$

'ind;'iC,i,t'to'!i1S ,of i r1!',! 1 po,s,$;ibH ity ~rr .1jiii:!iViI!'r'se' Of' I'Ig:rounci p1""r09'i"'arrm, fl'gl'!l ,.

and. SIO' die'perndh!J1!t iJpOln s i ,z'e '_ dt!'P 1. ;(!ll:t ~ on c;;;;::n OCC'LII~ ro,r' :so.' ~t (,ni::1'Ii ii, ~!k; 'OI!'" 1 !l!!S,S a. St:! i P:S ear;, :re~p 1 i!!n l s,~ !~'c1'!, other 'but ,on,ly ~p, '~-o cnll'"'!1e ba,l a:nO!! ~ T:h; s, i s d,olne "W~ t.n an'U!:nna,~- ~ U.e: ~"xU:n:5'iions i~d the! c!1~P,"'ge i:s d'i ~:t,rnli,yt~d 'Obs,18:ry-i ng !l;on$e:fvlt,i:on of

I!ne'lrg)' 1 a~~ '. They ~~n ~p'l eni. 's h froom p~'r l ii n!li!~ - b Ilt, ,a'9;aJ~' n '!;lin,l y t~, ~ PO ~ ot "',


S'O t'~ tie 0 f fl i: ,got 'i' s l' i mi ted,. :O'!p'p,""i ¥l!d of' t,tle ~ i" :bl !'!:,i'!) i'"echa rge: c'!,pa,b ~ l 'f ty" i t 1 S' t!!lld t ea ted ttla,t a,ll :$ h 1 ps wi'11 CQme dOI;m wi ttl ~ n s ~ x !m'nt ns to' a yea; r y:n 1 es,:s tl'1e-y ,~;a ill fjC!'t, t'l'",;i,n s'po r-t;e;;J: OlJl't ,~ tha t ~ s bac Ie. ,~, Ui~ p'd me 'l,(j,Ynlii;:n 5 h i 'iJ' ~

Th~ 4;'] ~ 1$::$ a IiId :l!;,iJ,I!H:,!!:r-!l 1 n 'geNl ra: 1 CI'nno't 'f1 y i:n s pa c!! itH!eiU,I:$J!! of' t,r.u!d r mode (lIt

fl '~'9',ht + Therefo I"'e ~ d,e:p,r i \'~ ~,f nome: tHi.~e! 1: t 1:S r!-ot, "'f t:e l '1 t~he-y CI n sUr"vi; Vi!., T,~ i 'r" ,¢a pabl'i l i ty i 'n. !1XfW\!!!'" !l urvt va 1 0 utJ !:~ ts the; r cI'pa b ~ , i ty 'f Wi. f~od, 0 r fo!t"'i'ml.~, a SUN i 'Vi! 1 " It they da, nQ,t get fCH"ml;l] a./ food 'lifi ttl i iii ,! ce:rt,a l;n 5H!!:r-l'00 0 f' t ~ lin!! t,~eY' wi l1: well k.~n an-n ;tH e ,

in t,~, ~a ~,e 'of Ht ArcJ1ie'll!!t! ,iu~d SO'Llt,h, P'!hJlI;:" the'y. ,! 1'le: dB ~j"!;th!'nt upon ttl!: H,I,',_,aj-o ~ hr,ef' re r wI tl!'lI" 'S Llpply ~:lid 'liItil,te'r' 'to 't,lt'iem 1.5 to't.!!'H y , l' 'fe ~ 'Wl tJ~~ lI1i ter the:y iilay!!: ;no pO'&'Ii!!!'t, Wl 'U~,yt, PO!i!l!e r:lo no Ox'191!n 'o'r hydiT'Ogen to, :5:,!'!"''iI'l CI! th.e so h'] '1)5, lind,

S:i.'h!:'? :rtot. II"tH!'lly. Howf!'VIi!!i'r I th~1!"! 1 $. 3; liJiiIi1t~r lnt, a:nd tnel"i! 1 S, :!j, d,m urp:S;,tream tllli t. ell n be t~t,i!'] ly cu't 0 ff' 1,00 the, 'W,i!I,tl~'r rt .. ,i!'"O Irttl!:rl 'to CbaN ~ ~1eW M!x:'Ii 'co '. ShoiU l d thh OC't;:I;Jl'i""I' l't 'l~'iI:~rt 'ttl". (lit' the h"terna 1 b'ises '~d Tl 'S'll ~~ they could :POssibiy go ,atomic' p~~iQd1 ea i 1J 'but, ObVlOl!!'~~Y p1'"'o~11:~_ 'w'li t,OOl!it ,cooll1 "9"



,6 ii rbQ.n'i tnne(!:'i' a tt 1 Y '. -roops 01'1 tt:lre: 9 r'OilJrcld, ca iii 91! ; n t! rr'l f iI'1: CC;I'V!I!!". to c;u;- tie' a degn! - it is f1oil.ig:h t:tr.-i~dn+

:J ) OUr.' ne·!'d ;' s fl)r" r!j, W!I!~p-,on, ~ wc'l'"k:ab l 'f 'i!! ndi pt"!'f !!""'II.b 1 '1 'net 1 l Ice the i!I,l! 1 ~n IS" r b_l i ~'i'~

'-,!s.s the 11 ien l S ,c4ugh,t u·naw,tI,r-es (~ith tnei r- $e~n UP thei r ~~lPon:s oar"!. ~ ua 1 so the,),' a I""!: 1. "H:e s':h n d. r."i!il fl"fH 'ow bQx.l ng;) the'r!! C~ln be no re,s; u 1 t; the 'i!Ii!t,1 ee n .m:u.s.t, pelrliiiU: rat,! the i 'r'" sc reel'lii i~F1Id 'f, t. ,ltiIJIst a 1. so' pe'ne tr,t te' tne S1'1"'OUn.t. I

be 1 ; e.14C' l l'I~¥e thi t we,I,Po. ril ~ Two SIN. H 'pr"O;to t),:P!5 l'Ia've' been, f1Jnd~d ;lind: co IlS t't,i'Ucted b,Y my (0 9,),a.I'll " i es ts co'ne! ur::: t,~dl to ,d,!:tfl: 1l'id i C! tl!!' they do \Ii!01r'"1i;; ,it nd JIIQ)Iir"~ la't.her' we: t 1 c.o~s;d,~rhi'91 thei r S,,!!J 1 $,lZl!+ Be,cays!: ,of this weo!l)Qn "s ,pres,e'nt $,'~·a.tU$ .iud

p're pif"l e U ry :n,1. t bIlre (a b'i!.5 ~ c pa. tJ~nt is; 1 ,n proc:e,~ sl, the, t:t;f!!Q roy 'ill! i 1 1 no t Ib e' e;c p 1 a i Illited n!l!.'re., J-\cH!'I'@-'!,i'!'1'" i the' 'I!IIei!:,pcn ap:pl!i! I"'S to nQ tw th,1 ngs: ,itt ve'l"'y 1 ow p~e:!I". t ,) The

di: 5 k:s 'i!!I'i th,~ iI"I it d ~ l'"a,rIIg'!' ~be i711'1! ttl! d;~ :stS:ha !i"'g-e wt.le'ni e:x~o:Sl!~ to tJ'bft we,ij ~O[I'I, iblti!.ll!!" Til

c)ounte !",a,ct; 'I Oey Ill!iJs:,t a Pi' 1 y 1mT1!' powe,r ,ilnd SoO ee i ng ci;ft$,l:!R!i!!' 1tO'rt! po.@r ~ A.;g'il i 'n,

ccnse'rv'I:t'i,on of e.-11I1!'1"'g)' ~ b5, $tf'l'ct~y ,lpp1y,

Th15, ,!f1~ct ca:n, be obs,erved QtI! U'e d)!!'lQn , ns.t'r-umtnts, ,i$ they bac'k. ,tIi'illhiY in. re:s pon s,e, to ~ '1 QIiiiI d.;' senl,r;;: . Di $,~ ~~rge ~ at 1, C!iII! ~owt!~r 'f,! s,l 0. b.ut ~ h 19h, powe'l"' 'h tt1!' f'~ 1't!,s'1 S"tI h i. s t i CI ted da~>on I' the. 'ra. t. ,(;:~n ;b;e~ 'j nC:~1!"'!1 s ed by many olrder-s 0 f 11'119~l'IIftiUdle'. . 2 ) "':Sl: l:lnlxrr."ta nt 1 s ttl! i 51 we a oe n oe~an pe netii te t~e S t!'l"'et!!'11 - ~u 11

a noy i everythi:ilgi., They. e:,an:n.ot s,h~,e'ld it i rI any wa,y. Las.tly i ber.::au:s.,e, c,t t,~

"lOp lll'llts t- the ~~ pan' i s beaml 'gtto$ to tn,em men U 1:1 Y 'j t. beY' , cos.e. J ud 9.~me nt and i tid ~ ;r ,dliJ te illlDls,t, 1 .. d h it.e ~c nf'u.s, i on" Pill rti c:u 1 i! r1 Y' t tlt. nl,;l1Mno i d,s, '.

1 t 'i s b-!'1 i evedl ,I,t. tM So ea,.- 1 r s ta9',! ~ ba,se:d IiJpon pres,!'nt til!! s:tj n!gJ t,i'q't t.tle' we ill POl'! when, fun on, .. i!I,nd, fl.Jli 1 si::;z,! will kin Qr bl"'1"9 down ,dlisks It slI.Ib,st,a,nttal I"'II,n'g'e. T:n~ allen 'l!l!!!lJpon.s apl_'Jra.t.e s,ubs,tant.h11y the s,~ as tMir d:~~k:s. !,Mii~"[9 iI cn~,r"9f:'

~<OIIJ;I"c.e a,nd e hi r'ge' d i n.I"'HIlIlJ't,1: O:i'II. SilJ,~ i n the S,rI1I'.Ie. UilS II!!: U 15. ; nd l' c,U:.e'd t.h~t t,M:s

W'!:a p;o.n d:es'il.gin, wi 11 p IJ 11 t,me 11"' ~~~ I"g! wt'!IPOn:S, d:owt'ii ye'r), r'ill!) ~ d,1, y •


The I'"'lngt' Q'f my we,a,pen excHds that Q.f t,I'1,~i'i'" CH"ese:r1It 'lilielpons ,and in 1'U iMst

S 0[1'111 1 ,5: t l' e,a ted 10""'" e,1 n be '~l!l;d,;] Y C\ccnprLft@'1i" ~Or.l tro 1 " e=d tiO ,I 1 '1 trw @x,tr~me 1 '1 r;a~ " d1 trad;: i ng and 1 rOC K-on fe'spa rd 1 es ~ of s'p!H'cI ,a 11 0"'9 wi t n e' C!!l'ct'l"'on '1 e wo bb1ul, a ti o'n o'f

the bell'J'l,. U 1':5., .a be,ilm WriI!'laplDi"I, ~ndl I!"errl at this te',iI,r1y sta'S}!! pOlt mi'n'lturt ~r"'Cto .. ,

tYPI! t@!st1:ng a:rnld] d,reve'lopr;nre'nt, H '1 nai c;atl!s i!",,'en,t !l.II I,' $:IJ~e'!I"'"i,ority tD ~hej I" weiiP0inS"

4,) In H~ 1 a '1 10.19';'5 tics, wo.:y 14 i rfu;j,i ea tJ! I P 1 alii $ eq uemt 1 aJ 1 y hr'IIP ~ tmen ted as fo 1'1 rOWs: 1M 5 n,l an. doe~ fltI;t inc:l udl! a.'H reQurtreme-nt~ and :pr-epa,r,U:or'y :s.a,fre't'.l l1'j!hlS,ur!S to

IP" ~_...... '" _ .,-rf

~ ~ 1 oyerd by tnt ground f'or-t.)1!i j however,; 1 f .A. 'I r f 0 r'ce I ntt 11:1 ge'l"Ilete' des. i I!"es to pur-s!]'!!! time approaches, $,~ggt$ted. in ttJis T"e'port t eac,h S1 91"!l f1 cant ~qu'i rement .-11, ~: d ~ S eU,fj $;ed i 1\ del:rth ~

';!Q.u i d!, 1: f' f ami 1 ~ ar- wi t,t-li tne' 11 i e'n clp,a,b 1 1 i t.y ~ i nd';i 1:1 t.e tha t "ili:.tid c 1 r! '; gn,,; 'I'; 1 'on p"r'oib, w"fl- be t'nlCQi.lnte!"'e'll~ Thi:s 'is r=n"''!c,1s,ely tr~,jl!l!:~ h~i!!'vr!'r., t:n,~ rtit,~,oi', fOT th'~, is 'n(llt mysterious but i $ ba::5~ U~Oil'1 9QQ~ so.l ~d taw.s 0(''s ,and, are k,nown",

'hI pperr1 1119.1 I nd w'f11 bft d i $e~$ sed in d-!.ta 11: It, $Qme 1 iter dia,te: or A 11: ~ 1 ect,d ~a.l

anilil, t] trctra n 1 r: '~g U 1 pr!'.elrt. rmiS't be ~ Nt. rdened'il us ~ ngl tl'm s ~ spee i 'f1 e te,chn 1 il!.ues pli"1' 0 r

'tc 'i~" et'h!!ntatiof:l",

Be ea use riJ,f' the !k:n~ CI pa b 1 ; '] t,Y trf 'the a i 1 en (by U 51!! of

;.p ~

Aga,] n 't Itu''O Uigh t.he' ecnrru,Inic;a't, i VI! i nte'!"'a'c.t i Ofl .'1 th the alii Ii!: n i tle~,t i mil9 ha 5 S i mu 1 _ 'tae''''iU:~Q~:$ 1 y. been, do,ne upon thi s ta(:;~t, 1 + e ~e~ vesd rt! PP i, in:g1 a.;nd 'II!! a! rs to i,caFt t hi 50 c~Il,!b i 1'1 ty M ve' been U:$ ted ilnd P Feven '.

The P'I"'Q9J"'tunl Wilt! 1 d '~ i 'nst i ~ii,t,!,d in p t\;, ~ Tne 't rs t P,~Ui'! .. jl.l an n l ng and 109" $ t i es _, '1JiI(j1U hl1 l.ri.'e 1 ud:e cont 1 nued -Imp 1 eln!in;tat ion a:n;dl tes t 1 :ng 0 f tn,!!: fi n"l ljifl!! I,PO n Pf""'",to type

'th,r"!J the ~ I"'! - ~ reduct ; on ~tt a 9' . ~rodu,ct,~ 0(11 o.f a te,lS, t f i 'fty mi 11'1 i mum q U'a ne i"tJ


. ' .

bt. I"~qyi red to ard "'e' ,It 'ttl! pre'-pll'"1#ductio,n stage" A team ""'cIU'i d be o rg'an;; z!d by f~Ul1l1ii!!'" Sc i en,t i f l C t,o &cc:~~ 1 i:s h this '. -he 'k ey ~rt i ,5 nplM! and WO'u 1 dl be do rr!

[by ,lr!1l IS.:S oc.'1 a U!:d com:p~ ny" Benne",,;: 't.l: taes. i Ltd ~

,S,pee'i 'fi1 C .!!l tU,ct:: phi :lj,i!'Si WO'!ii 1 ,(I bi! ] 11'1:0 rpo,r,w ted.

, .. )he n :s.t p:ro.cedlllii"~ would b! to.' c:1ose ttle 'gilt!,!; of. the dtJm ~bo"Jl! the ~i!'Y2Ijo

.R~ Ye'r • rM s d'I!UIl'I 'weu 1 d be he] d e l o:s:ed, 'f.10 II'" t: he d'Lllr-,a,t 1 IOn ,. In ternl t 'tiO t I'Iit (lIne

rCl,!; i' t~e'r"1! is a. small d,a,m for wat,e:r' U:or',i!lge~ it's c,a,pa~ity +s s,ma'l. There +s ! Ise .a! di s.chal"'gl!: ou·t'l,e't down:str.!!n:! th~t cou:ld be do.s-ad ciusi ng 'li!,e' wa,ter to back-II.I~ i'n/t.o the eaves , The wati'Hi' ts V,ael,!m1l! ~tJmped an::lI"I'!"'I!:ntly by serna

e 1 ect'rol$ ta tic mean,s· frOm the r;: Vlt '. At; c.- C!IU: FIU'!g!!.. I the we~ cen w.i 1 '1 'U,):: e. C1,ut

'th i:5 caibabi 1 t 't,y~

2:) On·eft dli!pr i'Y t.eE tot a 111, iCf WI te r f O'I!"' It 1111 n 1 m:um, pe'ri: Qd 0 f fo IJ!'" wee,ks t. c.,OI'ld. t t ~ {I n:s in the 11fen-bas~~ unde~ d1$cussion will ~Iye bldly deteFiotated~ Psyc~olQ9;C!1 $Mck is e::ctl'"!ln!ly ,effe'cttve 'with ·ttl~ ~Heln:i UrU,'l Ildh;!,ultIge can be ta ern o.y

l' filS t~r1it;ae'neQiUS act t 01'1 0 ro' p 1 a:nn'l!d ob~,1I!! nalb 1 e: ,dievi" t ion 1'f"lO!n the, fiO'nI'I,., A.t' ~ as t

thr-e'! bases wi 1 1 go d~i'i.

3} 1 f t ney fo 11 ow ·the 1 r nO'rmi!I,'l 'S; t'I!"Il'U:g; ~ Plil't te m a s ~ he n pres S e. cI p i:"'1! v 1. O\lS " s, tne-y wn 1 l a uae h me u ,t f- nO'i: 11:] 1 ,s. hi ~'S •

4) p'!"'; 0 I'" to, the' 1 mp leme'nta ti 0 t.I Q f ~I te'r de:~rr-i va t ian I the wea oe ns s 1 d be' d,e~ l oyed at s tra t!9 i" ha rd,en'!d; 1 cca t tons; rlnia a~t': va ted ~ i"i .a. cl!! !"'t4. i n pre· ... p lli nne:d m,a,ntl'el"' ,diet I!nrri n~ 'by fi n,ill wee,POri (:oo~1 n! 'tt' leea t] antS ~

S. } find s _,n 1 plLJ!t ani mlli!!-d h. te lJ'owe'r' d r~ i n up-on trIO S;! i! i rot or-n!!' ~,n d the. i!.'li: ~'iiI


. -.

... ~

6) !ecl us i! fl"f. tht i nl'loere nt psycho 1 o'g fJ e~ 1 a:!t pe.ct 0 f ~ he ali tlrn 'I ilnlUC~ 'Coan be '"d(i n e 'r) t~e open, wH.h no ,i1tt~lt to pres.e'r'¥.'if' s&e~c:y'. ".u::;r. of lIlIh.l,t i s .Qo,ne. ca~n Oil!!! of a rji ve rs i Q lfIi!fry 'M tu'r-e • lI'nchu" tTIO ~ t ec nd it; 10 ns they illl'i 11 a tt~t to. h.l ras:s; but .i 1 l'iio!t oP-er;ly a,t'tlck •

'n ThJr'Ql\i'9M~t !nd, :pliior 't.Q thi 5: I the open Cl~'uter" comlun1 cat tons 1 fflx w1l t be Oper,i!lrt. lana 1 for cltllnthuH j)s,ychol o,gica.l l,nterro~iH;i on"

e) At. Silme.' point i'ln time - agail!! resti,ng IJpon battle st!'tu~~ tne dep'lo.~r .. ~ o.f

Qffe'I'bS hie fOr!~' wil 1 De'9.1l'1l ~ Ttl1 s de'p 1 t s.holiJ hl1 be dQ ne t n it ,nel r i ns:an ..

t,all!neo!J:S, mannr IJnder fir-til fill siPecil.a1 cO!'lld~ t ~o'n$ that ~iltJ"li be dlscuss .. e ,

9) The wei pon s)'s tiiml SMilil d IbI! itell)t pO'II!er-e.o Y'P tt'U"'Otlg ncuJ't ~ 1 nth 1$ mI'Mnflli! t~, d'l S ts, wfll be .d,ft to stay I, i rtmrne . Th i!Y ean not l i no i'l'll the f: iI'I ter.ra 1 't ne sys,tem 'I S PQ'IIi!!!r!d"

10) 'Mh-e1'1l tne lllfeap(lin h used ~ Ii one !!Hl!II!P:~ 'f'i'c. pow.!!'r Ill)d!l!! 'Ii tn add', t tOn 'e~ cont'hiuOI1.lS discharge on the d1 s.u that, are atr~ome and t~e 9'roU'ld bas,ftd "Weapons, ", 't.hi!: mi nod een fus i o.n Ind ,d t $0,"'1 ~nt,a. t i on wH' bu'n d ~ n those p,tr'sc~'u'lle 1 at t,tle b4 se II nd' ur)d e r-

gll"Cund • At ,t hi!! 'end 0 f f'Q,ur to 1'1've \liU!'e'ks e r 1 es:£: t a 1 1 WiI!,!pont :5 hoy l d be tota 1 y

dhcha;f"g'!~ and pgw,er iQut. ttl, 'ttll baj,I!!. ,~'5t per.soil'ule1 if 'not I. n" wit 1 ~e tl)'U 1'1 y 1 n cilpad ta tea.. Tbe fei&a'1 ng for"1l!U h. 'Wi n be dOW1l a no f't. ~ s c-ri t; cil p~~ es ,5; 1 n'9'

~ilMl!ocL A11 tllOryo~, should \be '~e,ad Ind all ny,d:r-oge:n ,Ina oX)."9.'l!n ,CIOnsUlTtabte-s

de'!)' II!t;!!,d~

u) a.sed IUlPOn data 9t1ther-ed t.m :t.n~ !!'Ii ni Iture p'nJto.type weapon:s ~ t~ ful1 TJ{)'we'r- wetpon:s; 5 nc'y' d hive ria, ,,'~b h!'111 he 1 d i"9 0 fl .. he (l hi 1:;:s • in many eas e S some wH 1 bM!,d::

'wt th11!1 t "'H M t fort,y-e 1 g"ht OOUM w'f:t tic tit be ~ n 9 d t rect ~ y t;i't 't .

12) At tthat p(l1nt. n.and-l'n:i' 'd1pt1n te-chnCl,logy 4nd lo91st1e~ carl COliii!' tn,to p.hy ~,n,i:I1 u$.~ te. tft1, '!.xte'nt tilt de u;;ruct ion d!s. oj 1"1!.a, at the r;fi r:"ect~oii ,'Of those '1r11 ChiU"9i1.\. 1 J } The ItO~fi i !:;.iI t 1 ens 'C!I!! be used t.hro Ug-!101U't to. d!@ te rm f tll' 5 ta tus .!1t(j, ,ne-a 1" tnt end to .a.t t~ t to f n 5 t i g,a, t t sn.U""r"'!!niiie iI" • 1" n~ i"1!,~pO ns e' r'!!';5,,1J 1 ts i t:hi!'n they 'SJtOIUJ d

:! 1111,)1), bot C 1 Q$;!(S ina ~ 'tiI!iJ i teo: Oil!! t .'


, $lIill·I\U·Y

a is 11l1l0ru'IiI't to no,te tha.'t the in, ti a 1 ti~l ement,l,t ten o'f the COmlPutJ!f' ocmlLlni ~ati'ons

The weapon tht!Of")' ~,~d pro totype:s we re bU'l 'l·t to ,~~p ~ till ~ le yl~~i'i Ind te s t t.he t.~ ki!!:l

and p:rorcii r\'8nt we,a: k,ne is: :!j,E!::S ~ ~ :S,c.OVifH"'eQ. Thi:$ t ·MI .. house, fl!Jl"bdied pm 91:1"'1!lI!I ha:$ been 'I!'l(ij;li!ns l VI!! !,

I ) in@ pl"'i ~ a n.d weai(i! s t ·a rei clh'CcO'VlI!rr!!d" ,pro bed an .. d! te s ted is I! Xii1I c t l<y .ha t they l'I.a"fe

use:dl t t'!i; nl( i 1l'l'9 1 t 1 s t.he i r,'" key :s,'l;,ren·9t n _. thaJ t be 1 rn 9I:to t~, 1Q.ll1l'i P 1;Jl'1, a. ti on ,of and CL';HiltT'tjI'l,

of t,M,!!: II'I'l.inO~, rtQt onl11 ,~,f .;::rtI'.nmI:lld 'but <I h,g, 'hi~i'lcli.d,. M:.amri pu'hUd ]'n re'''''l!r5'~ 'p:sy.cholo-,!}i cal 11 arid by the '1~n9uag,e (colilOut-!rl ~nd due t.o. t.he e);t'Ftemer;r rrtent"." distor-t't.orn !:n4

'1 'nt::;,11 pa.c'i'ty ca,used by' t;li@' w.oea'p·"fI,t t t has ol!'!n, "Qund, tJu.t. 'Ual: s. 'fa.ICe t ~ s fo·r it hem I ;(j,i $1 S t,'i!:1"" Ina, 4 di re:ct'1!11 vul l'Ierab,l e 1 nte9r~t~d ~'!~lless.

2'), Tn.ougt! trbei r 's tri; S ~1'"it 1T!ii91ifj'f f1 c:e nt. t 'the" a" a l $,0 '_f:ilk. iii '5.01 e.'] y be1';au:Sf!' 0 t 't he 1 r rr!etJi(hl ~rtd tan i.qlue rrcd;e: 0 f 'n t ght.. The: dic not hoi If! -I :s t.~b 1 e fi ;trt 1 ng p'lll:t f,i;;rm~ C h4'F9,!

d i:5: U·;: but 1'OIn 2!!. a l·so bii! dis c:ha rged ~ Tile wealJ;.lQn dO'its 'tn'i';5; .. ,eye n in ·f tis P r":!:se-nt

mi ~1. a l!:u'F'!. ~l"'O t~ ty~' s .. t~l.I;e.

u· i ~ not tn.'!, P~r:Po's,e 'rJf tl'i i s l"'e po·r"t to i 'lftp 1 y tt.l~ t. t:M e' CPtt!'ra i. 1 P'r'O b'l, em 'l1li i l' be. SQ 1 '01$11 wi th tn~ .e,1 pttlre of t!li!:Si! b" s e:S .' Obvi, 0 us 1 Y ,t:t 'wn 1 iiWlt t but 1 t ts ~ f i m i y 01 :s,ed,

t@ 1 mp 1 y the 11 i en 'iI!"~ '11 r.lcrt fight, ~ the')!" NY '... tho~.l'glh 'V.·j; 1''' 1 fie' 1 r:J1 t'iQIi'IJ t $; gene raj 1 y

t~e alP p'1,U i'til! - ttl 1 s b,1,S j n'9 4 rei! is. key. Wi" J'cut i t I tn! i r ;l11j SS.'l CI n ts t n Vi!:,ry dee·p


f '",


tro~blh:" It ts n.oted t1l!ilt thi!$f!· are IilCt. t,i";f, ,only bilSI!~ 011'1 elrth tttlere a-r<!· 9tMr"!~ 'MI1 t-h ~ Co,n:s.@rvat he· e~t'1;J'I!II te ·Ij$·t ng' t)'P'i e~ 1 lo.g·h t 1 C S !l~'poir-t lIu#l'Ib.e pas '. 'f't ., s, not ,1,1'111-'

I"fJ!.!1 H s,t 1 c; toO :~&y ttie ~ ~ roe 50 ~ 0100 ali ,elilS 'wi thi n ttl!!! ecosp here of !Il,rtn. iU'lQ, nea r :£,pace '"

'':!'-h4!, key to 'ovC'P'",&n $Uece.:n ~s - the.y ,totally'ct f,jjl'"'t,;,e.. And' wi'th theml1l t~ !IlO~t !'f'f!i!-ct1 Vi! 'In!!trtod h to s,t:ub~·Mll.Y cOlilt.irau,! to pick and .pull at their def,ens>t .. 'iUI 'FlO

- ---

le·'tu'p. Facedl wl't.h the t;ota', 'lQ'U of a .. b<ise that M,$ t.i!keIFli ¥'!i!M to cons,'tr'!,Ic\jo it 'h


I . As. ~rf"a.ns t

! c;a:,nllilot 1!"1!!']y Upi:I:n 'OU'!"' i nt\I!'t"'!'nt IMral pr'll'1Cl p1 '~$. to _prtlIY;d~ tne-i!'I'IIS;we.r,. ~e9c:r!t.iatit()n i!

----_-- __ _....._-

a1!1'1,d tnt·, an fr'Hly v'1olat,;'ng t~e ~r'Sonal .a~d menta'l lntegri·t.y 0·1" OUT p!o,,1e~ r~itrp!ftH"'! i h'l' 'I! 1 '~ml' iU!I ~ ~ ng t:1h is t.t'lrtlrt ~ s:t. crert,a i.n l y we ¢a MirilO t ~e Ci 1 led: t he II!! i!I ggl"1!'S so rill ,


} I n f~! 1 cgr,J,c1 uS i Q,n A) They _ ,ClflMiOt liifi'iit ~ iYil c: i ~~·t!nc.ft~ be tnl.S ted. i B· ~ Thi!t it"

~Q tal 1:1 dec~p'Uv,e And ~,e!lth,. '" I!"'f elllt" :.i.J'!d h~'We :~ mr,!,'J _ res~ect fer,.. hunan 1(IIr- numi n 1 'if e " C) !! rue'got, a.t1o~l' t91"'!,fimenit nOlI'" ,p!,iJ]cef'Yl" cOlIIDrnmi se I!!n be s·e'~t' ed upon in Iny !;f!·Y.

0) Ko iJ9'R!l~.n;t s. i gn.H by bo'lt;.!'!! pa rt.i' es .. n li e.·,;,I!!!·r be ad ~i!re.(! 'to no. r,- 're·c.o~d I!,dl al nd


:r-eslJe~ted by the. !1i"en.~ 'tJlou9"'_ 'itMy ITIl9ht ,jjrtteft1~·t to !N!Ike IJ.S De.lh:'ii'e 'otnerwis,iL !) .Ab:sol.ut~'Y !!!9u,rtel"' c.,n be. ill1o~~ llndeT" .m ,c1 reUTIS,t.ance·s., Once the o1'fe:l'Ilst is.

llnsti fated ~ U c.a-nno,t be- a,bal'ldoned. If 1 tis. I' re-~~lI"I"O'c'i11 re.f!r1!~u.' ~n 1 'inmedi.ltely P'"i!$'ul t , Th~1 ,l:I'list be !!!!iIial' tv COImt ~OWIU - d e.s truct t:hi!!mse'ly.~$ 'wl'li c hi i.s; a, S t!f1d!'~ in g e i"la' t, 11"'

--~~------~~~----- ---~~~------~~--~--~--~------~----~~--~

____..,_ -- -. -- --





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~··I -", .'

/. S·~'i'UiUlj;.t:lV 0- 10" "HO. "P!'C"S "r iI,iLi"~ ~. :, ~~~"'~ ~ " ... ;;., ·r·~~ilJ

. ~ ~'I'h~' 1Ifo.&.L". ,&.0111, t r JI..""... "+

'BY J'1J!!l MC (~.ooB!l..L OON"CF.RHINC ·TWO m.tPH'ON'E IN.n:.~-

Bl'l'mE'i'II1 TZ '.' SIC. A 0 t,e tt.:e .

Th1!, 1~ Jim 'MeCgpbe.ll ~in, I. re-cord.l,ng o,t' .Q 'refclIl,rkll,'b,l,t eplsod,! on J.uJ.y 1'., 19\~.. I't has to d,t) .. I. UFO, 'ba$e,~ e..t,tle mu,t1lat.1¢r.u5 '! .dvl..~'~.l!dJ 'II! e-ilponry i' ,(:::'0 n tae t, wi, tho ,all ens ~ et;; 'I

th,,~ 'episo,de- began about & "",,,e-ek, ,&,(.-0 \!i,h,e-on 1 re,e"e'!v'!,d :a l!.t,t.)."t 1,!'m;1 ... , M...~u~= pe-t ,iod1,ca;,1 ti'tle"d St.i~'ta. :It.105 n\.UllJ~~r 21, th,e Fl,rs't, Halt Q,t. l'9S~,. T.h1! =~1 t"t;oo;e !bull'le,tin 1$ r>repaT"ed by 'Tho'lla!i Ad,Us. at p~ 0" 'Box l09~ i Pa,r!.! ~

TX 7·5~60.. He ha:s Ii h'o'tl!ne for' ';repo·ning· po:!sl 'bole o.r· ¢.c,nc.ul"'T'in.g m.;at11,s,-

. le;,.. .. """,l)

t101n!, .t r(.21~) 7S4.~'59:2,2. . !J.

...... I

He hB3. a rather' len,g-thy arti-cl.e,.. On,! t.1.f;I,Q:s: pO,int, lOt: 1,n:t'e!u"1Lst Qn paie 9 :and I s~'P~o.s.;! th.e.' 'only 'way. to pursu.e- ·thi,s is to r~8d 'What :~e has, he'!'>! as 1 t ! s, ti!.lnd a.CIliJ!'tJ. tal to. t.he i!,n t 1 re' :s.:t,cn'7.

ou"o·t in.g iii In May 0 f 1980 ,a In'te'l"",1ng even t oc:eurre-d in n,u"'thl!!':-:i

Ne'W' Mex.i ec .•. .M e-vent sim1J. a.r in, tli'iilDy ·reap'Bet.,s tc'!. the Q)ra ty Case. A a.~d bf:l'" yc;,ung son 'w,e'r'e d.ri v'ing on ,R rur~l hlghllWl.Y nea.r e1p~n~ ·N·!'W' Mex! Go. ,1, 'I'heyo bs !!'r"Y'R two 0. r' II¢ r'e cr •. !'t and. 8,'" Jud. y :~ r.a ty dol d ~ ·t..~'e'y o·bsl!'rv·,e-d a ,calf being abducted.. E< O':b',5,ervers were th'~iIfiI.!elv!'a ,lltdu'ct'l!d


and t_ak,I!:E'Il on. S~:r;lal"'aJte: ¢f"a.ft -to y.hat ti!:ii' 1l'P;utre.-n'tly an. lm:c1'!'rground :1n5'~3_-- .

Jr~J."'I!I!i~ ·'&.;H,,!,",',htUlib ,"""'~TI!I. ,.P'.t~ l,fjiI T",""" l!JI!" .. L .... ;0,1",-"., ItWI'M,. ... '?'"Ai'W'rIrP" iIorfll",,rt r.l1jdl!"" •

.llltion, ''Where 'th'e' 'WQ1III:e·rJ. '-'1 tn!e$.sed, the- mut.l'l,rtioln 'Ot t.~e r:&.l: ~ It h~;s been

't' =."''M'

,alleged th~.t sb~ o b::se-Ned, " vat '~:Qn'ta.1ning!'1e'Q~ bo;;y par':s

Ooa"t1ng ,in a 'l:1,qu1d." Mel another v·at, C' th. body CIt Ii ~alle }l~a.~ .• fblt '_i4'~ii~ V •. S, Sy bj ee t·ed, 'to an ,eXa1aJJ~"a t 19,~ ud 1 t h.~· be'<eQ 1'iIJ.rt;;;h e.r all e !~d. that ~,~ll, 'aJetalll,c ob,jeet.;s "W'eN l.r:;:pl~,: e:d; into her body, .• ,s. well , • .1 1.rrt()

. •


:her .tu::m I s 'body .. , Mo.t'e ·than s<~ut"Ce M! ,;n:tormed us.· th.a·t eAt;Jcan,s Jl.aV~

e:~n f l·me-d. 'th'!' '~;rre!i ene e 0. f tl"iI'l!!UU! 1·i! ants ~

Paul 'ieM·" Presi,dent 'ot bi.s ow sc.,1entl!.lc 'company in Al''buq~e-r~, ..... ~


and .an, 1n.v,e$.t1~l~·t;c::i:t- ~.i th ·'th.>! A.e:f".11.1 f'henolmenQn R,e',s'I!:lJrceh Or,gan1~a't!.on, ha,!




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, ""ip!"'il 19:9] ~ Bennf!'wi tz, report" 'thlft ' ",p"e~s1.v. <bypno'.1a of th. =ot;h!e,r and ~h.114 and h.i,s, ~'Wltl t,ello'w ... \t.P ,1nv'l'$t1pt1c,n,~ (lnclYld1rtg CIO .... , myniclJ'tions t'~ct!,ive4 via hiiS compu:ter tt:r'!li1n1Ll wM,ch ost.'nl;1"'~'ly 1.; trel,= :I U1"O- nl,l.ted iSourc"e j he 'Was, .able 'to- 4et.trmlnt th,., loc.Uon, o,t the' wtd'tr:-


,gt"O'Un4 tac.11i ty', " kl.l O:rJ/tt,e.r '~d..:rgrc'w1C1 'bene. th the -Ill"eU,1.l11, Al-r,.cbli!'

lnd:1m Rt'!I:eT'V',I,'tl,on nJe',ar :tulce t N'ew :Ml!x,l~o ~ (Since 1976" O(nfl! c,t 'the. .. ~e'a! of. the: U'" s.. hil,rd:e·.$ t-,.h.l t iJ"j II!U till. t,1 Qns eo ,1n'i:ldelrt&lly 0 r ''Wha t.e·ver] '" !.e,nno!'wl tz~' s lnto'rmatio"n ,1,3 thllt tJU,$ In;$"tallartlon 15. oper:ate-d joifjUy. ~,a paM o,! an ongoing p:rOgru Qt c,oop'ent!~n 'be'tlfe,tn the U~"s .. , ,Icvenament, 1inL1. eli'tr-a,terr'!,,str.1a.l tr.FOna;ut~.. The ,s'tory co,'!',s th.'t;, It't,er 101 t.l.~ CCU1, ...

It 'Ii

~.act $ f~.r,:! .go ~ 'the ,ali -ins, iIl,gr'l! I'd to 11 v. 1.lS ,c:ena1n t,I!'c..Mo,l 0,,1 ,eiil, ad.-,

'v~Q.1 w.hile we provlde~ theil, "Vi th, tn'i!' loe. .. t10'n, .. thlJ!' N'~ ]o!'Uicro baI,:!!

,and ,at I'east thre'e ¢th.e:r:s;, Plu.s." the" ,ali ena 'll!'1':-e to 'be AllolW'ed to carry 'OiU,t, certain, o~erl,t1ofi!i j .fa'bd:u,t:tlor1$ and Dltl1a,t,1on.s ',.,..1, thout ,our ,1nt,e~i"Ii!'nti,o\n,~

-Th!e mot:t'le.r UJd son, by t..~,~ W,B.'1, 'W'cr"e re't,Ul"'fl:,.d b,a,ex, t,o the'l,r' ~,I.l"" t.~,at night .. Sin = e 'th'! 1,n,ci .. c,ll!tlt ~ tn,toy have sw!ereti t'e:,P eate.d t:r,aum,a, and: dot,ttl c'Ul,tl e'!

.,S; 'th,ey ,a1;,te.m:pt tc recover ,!'ro,fA to"r! ep,i,s;ode.. W'e , • .s:.5 W,!' -.long 'bI~;i1J.!e the a'QCOW'll! 15) e!' co, ~,:!t, ,c,t'U,t,1al it tN'to;, bolt ~'e ,a,r., Dot l.n I. pos,! tiC", ·to contI I'm 'th e ,all e IlI!'d 1: i ~~U"ng',s ~ .Ho'pe'Ml Y t m~ f"e 1rd"o'r,m.a t10n 'r"el',lrdi,ng


t.h1 $, i~¢ 1 d"en,t w 111 'be .1 red in th,~ D'e aT ti.rture. W:eel!n oal y COM '1 d: e'i" :!,'Ut:h

,:rep~,n.s wfil,le ¢ri;l'nt,i,nJiJing to ~e'ek th, ev:td:e'~cif to ,r"'i,tut.e (:I'reon.!l:rom. ft Tha t ~! -'i th!! end 0:1: th1 is I' tun able' quo tl tl on ,trolll S:t,i na ta ~

A! I haY'!!' 'be'en .=tudy1n,' the 1d,'!i 01 ba~e-s !,or ulen,s :to!" ... ome t:1.~e I' t..'Us has caught: ,=y at"te'nt1on an4 1: also ,su:spI! e:t,ed, c(i,oper.'I,'t;1,on. bc,t'Wee.n to',!!:

.. -

u,,; S,~ gcv'e'I"nmittft ,~,d; t.h.e .li'ens jo It ,.1"$0 g1 ve,s, the' 'DAllfJ: and .lc'il;,a t1ro~ of I; ~ ",.no baa lit!: own selen'tlf1,c: ,o.:pe:ratien ~ Droll Paul. Benne'w1 tz., I tr.1,td: to get, in ta~e,h, 'Wl:l.'l him. Thro't,.j,gh the t,elep.h'or,].e 1n,!;o:rmatlotn ler.'!li'C'I' I "'&.5 .ble 'to Clio. ,so; •


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