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An implementation of the Multiagent

System for Market-based Cloud
Resource Allocation
Yee Ming Chen and Hsin-Mei Yeh

Abstract— Multiagent technique offers a promising approach for distributed allocation of Cloud resources without centralized con-
trol. The application of market mechanisms for the resource allocation of Cloud computing services is a demanding task, which re-
quires bridging economic and associated software agent technical challenges. Dynamic changes in the availability of resources over
time makes the treatment more complicated. Here we employ an allocation mechanism and market mechanism as a market-based
multiagent resource allocation model to optimal allocate resources through genetic algorithm in a cloud computing environment. Buyer
and service provider agents determine their bid and ask prices using k-pricing which sets the transaction price individually for each
matched buyer-service provider pair. These mechanisms are adaptively to meet the Cloud users/ service providers requirement and
constraints set by bundled services.

Index Terms—Multiagent System、 Cloud Resource 、Optimal Allocation

——————————  ——————————


T HE last years have seen the emergence of large distri-

buted computational systems, such as the Cloud
Computing, as a new approach to solve large-scale
In this paper we consider the multiagent for market-
based Cloud resource allocation, which contain allocation
problems. One of the main challenges that these systems mechanism and market-based mechanism. The resource
face is the efficient allocation of Cloud resources. In allocation mechanism needs to satisfy the Cloud service
Clouds, resources e.g. processing power, memory, sto- providers and the users. The market-based mechanism
rage, and bandwidth, can be bundled as services, which that uses the concept of k-pricing that is iteratively ad-
are offered to other Cloud users. Cloud service providers justed to find acceptable between a set of demands and a
have to plan their resource usage carefully and be aware limited supply of Cloud resource allocation. Our goal is
of dynamic changes of the incoming requests for their to devise the market-based Cloud resource optimal allo-
services. Therefore, various resource allocation approach- cation that maximizes the utility across all Cloud users
es are an exciting area of research which have been pro- and Cloud service providers(i.e., welfare). Then the fol-
posed to address the problem[1]. Some of them are based lowing economic requirements can be stated:
on analogies between the system and real economies.
Commonly called market-based, those approaches offer a
promising solution [2,3,4]. In a market, Cloud service 1) Economic efficiency: When the allocation is eco-
providers face dynamic and unpredictable users beha- nomically efficient, it is impossible to increase a partic-
vior. The way, how prices are set in a dynamic Cloud ipant's welfare without decreasing another partici-
market environment, can influence the demand behavior pant's welfare; i.e. there is no wasted resource. Max-
of price sensitive users [5.6]. Multiagent system (MAS) imizing the total welfare is a sufficient condition for
incorporates market mechanism into system allowing the economic efficiency. The proposed allocation mechan-
software agents to have preferences over some attributes ism employs mixed integer programming to strictly
of the allocation, e.g. bundle of Cloud service and its price maximize the total welfare.
of the resources. The market-based multiagent system 2) Double-side rationality: To encourage a fair exchange
also allow for computational and geographical distribu- between resource providers (sellers) and users (buy-
tion decentralized implementation while providing me- ers), the prices should only depend on the supply
chanisms to regulate the behaviors of users. demand conditions. The proposed market mechan-
———————————————— ism is based on the k-pricing model [7,8] to give no
advantage on the seller's side or the buyer's side.
 Corresponding author:Yee Ming Chen is with the Department of Industrial
Engineering and Management, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Therefore, the MAS resource allocation in this market
environment could be optimal either for the central entity
choosing the allocation; or with respect to a suitable ag-

gregation of the preferences of the individual agents in raction protocols through CMD. The CTS (working for
the system (e.g. agents may have preferences over the the CSPs/CUs) can carry out the following steps for
bundles of service of they receive. in addition, they may Cloud resource allocation applications:
also have preferences over the bundles of services re-
ceived by other agents). The rest of the paper is organized 1). Identify Cloud service providers.
as follows. Section 2 deals with system structure related 2). Identify suitable Cloud resources and establishes their
to market-based multiagent Cloud resource allocation. In prices (by interacting with CSPs and CUs).
Section 3, we describe the proposed DPSO based algo- 3). Select bundles of service that meet its welfare of alloca-
rithm in detail. Experimental results are presented in Sec- tion mechanism (e.g. lower cost and meet deadline re-
tion 4 and some conclusions and future works are pro- quirements). It uses genetic algorithm while optimiali-
vided towards the end. zation Cloud resources and mapping requests to us-
2 MULTIAGENT FOR MARKET-BASED FOR CLOUD 4). Use market mechanism (working with K-pricing) ite-
RESOURCE ALLOCATION ratively adjusted to find acceptable between a set of
demands and a limited Cloud supply for trading and
The two key roles driving the multiagent for market- issues payments as agreed.
based Cloud resource allocation system are: Cloud Ser-
vice Providers (CSPs) providing the agents role of sellers Figure 2 shows an illustration the proposed the market-
or supply and Cloud Users (CUs) representing buyer or based multiagent resource allocation model which func-
demand. The market-based MAS environments provide tions embedded in the system as shown in the Figure 1. It
the necessary infrastructure including security, informa- mainly functions consists of two inter-dependent me-
tion, transparent access to remote resources, and cloud chanism: allocation mechanism and market mechanism.
services that enable us to bring these two entities togeth- There are two sorts of actors in a double side based market:
er. Users interact with their own brokers for managing Cloud service provider agents and Cloud user agents (who
and scheduling their computations on the Cloud. The represents the Cloud market institution). As it shows, the
CSPs make their Cloud resources enabled by running sellers and buyers submit sell orders and bid orders (buy
software systems along with Cloud Trading Services orders) to the market institution, respectively. The market
(CTS) model to enable resource trading and execution of maker of the market institution sets pairs from these in-
user requests directed through CUs. The interaction be- coming orders according to the allocation and market
tween CUs and CSPs during resource trading (service mechanisms that is applied to the market-based environ-
cost establishment) is mediated through a Cloud Market ment.
Directory (CMD) model (see Figure 1 ). They use various
welfare model, K-pricing model and interaction protocols
for deciding Cloud service access price. These models are
discussed in Section 3.

Figure 1 The multiagent for market-based Cloud resource al-

location system
Figure 2 The market-based multiagent resource allocation model
CUs can be charged for access to various resources in-
cluding CPU cycles, storage, software, and network. The
2.1 Allocation mechanism
CSPs users compose their bundles of service using inte-

We formulate the allocation mechanism into the linear 1  j  N ,1  k  G ,1  t  T

mixed integer program[9,10] (d) The seller offers some service for the latest period
of all buyers'
Object function:Both buyers/sellers' greatest total wel-
t  d i , k  jN1 y i , j , k ,t  0,
1  i  M ,1  k  G ,1  t  T
Maximize (e) The buyer acquisite bundles of service or not.
w  j1 k 1 t 1 vj z j,k,t qj,k  i1 j1 k 1 t 1 vi qi,k yi, j,k ,t
|N| G T |M| |N| |G| T

(1) u j  0,1,
Where z denotes whether the resource is allocated (10)
to the Cloud users. y denotes the proportion of quanti- 1 j  N
tu q allocated to the buyer accept vi is the minimum (f) The buyer accepts the service or not
price per timeslot ( 1  t  T ) at which the service pro- x j ,k  0,1,
vider wish to sell the bundled service. Allocation con- (11)
1  j  N ,1  k  G
straints divided into three types:
(g) The buyer accept this service in the time slot or
(I) The type service limiting: not

(a) Bundles of service needed by buyer z j ,k ,t  0,1,

1  j  N ,1  k  G ,1  t  T

|G |
x j , k  B j u j  0, 1  j  N
k 1 (2) (h) The seller offers the proportion of service
(b) Service in the time slot and limit 0  yi , j ,k ,t  1,

z j , k ,t  l j , k x j , k  0, 1  i  M ,1  j  N ,1  k  G ,1  t  T
t 1 (3)
1  j  B ,1  k  S One of the main contributions of this work concerns the
(II) The proportion of quantity of service limiting resolution approach employed. As explained earlier, we
have one objective function and thirteen constraints and
(a) Quantity of proportion of resource paid solutions should be searched considering these criteria

|N |
y i , j , k , t  1, simultaneously. To achieve this, we use a genetic algo-
j 1
(4) rithm(GA) . The evolution of the population takes place
1  i  M ,1  k  G ,1  t  T
following the general GA principles through tournament
(b) The service amount that the buyer receives is equal selection, crossover and mutation. In addition other ge-
to the service amount that all sellers offer netic operators and techniques can be used to improve

q j . k z j , k ,t  q y  0, the performance of the GA, such as Elitism, It is imple-
i 1 i ,k i , j ,k ,t (5) mented so that the best solution of every generation is
1  j  N ,1  k  G ,1  t  T copied to the next so that the possibility of its destruction
through a genetic operator is eliminated. The flow chart
(III) Serve in time slot and limiting of figure 3 describes the main steps of the GA procedure.

(a) The buyer begins to accept in the period earlier

than buyers and need to accept this service period .

a j , k 
 t z j ,k ,t  0 , (6)

(b) Time slot when the buyer accepted and can't be

later than buyers and need this service this service period

t  d j,k z j,k ,t  0, (7)

1  j  N ,1  k  G ,1  t  T
(c) The seller offers service for the earliest period of all

a j,k  t jN1 yi, j,k ,t  0,


Start GA For instance, assume an allocation of resources from a

specific service provider to a specific buyer. The buyer
Initial Solutions
values these resources at $10 while the service provider
has a reserve price of $5. Then the (local) welfare of this
▪ Random generate a population
of bundles service allocation transaction is $10- $5 = $5, and k  $5 of the surplus is
▪ Each constraints of binary code allotted to the buyer (who thus has to pay $10 - k  $5)
solution with Eq.(2)~(13)
and ( 1- k)  $5 is allotted to the service provider (who
thus receives $5+(1-k)  $5).
generation i = i + 1 k-Pricing has two main advantages. The distribution
of welfare among users and providers can be flexibly pre-
Feasible solutions check
defined by setting the factor k, thus allowing for both
For the changed time periods, fairness and revenue considerations[14].
check the constraints

Evaluate fitness function

Eq. (1)
GA operation
▪ Tournament selection
▪ Crossover
▪ Mutation We are developing a simulation environment to eva-
luate the performance of the proposed market-based mul-
Elitism tiagent resource allocation model. In this section, we will
present the experimental results and comparative the
Optimal computational performance. The platform for conducting
No Iteration finish ? Yes
Allocation the experiments in a PC with Dual Core Processor
4400+2.29 GHz CPU and 1.75GB RAM. All programs are
coded in Java programming language in Borland JBuilder
Figure 3 The GA procedure for resource allocation mechanism
2006. The simulation environment consists of buy-
er/service provider agents and a market exchange. The
individual agent has its own preferences to decide the bid
2.2 Market mechanism
according to its budget and the market trend. The prices
and payments generated by proportional critical value
As introduced above, besides the allocation mechanism
pricing and k-Pricing with k = 0.5. After we know the
in the market-based multiagent resource allocation model,
basic information, the buyer agents and the service pro-
model consists another market mechanism. While the
vider agents start to trade with each other which are illu-
allocation mechanism generally accounts for the technical strated as Figure 3.
specifics of the Cloud setting, the objective of the pricing
component is to induce the selfish participants in the
market-based environment to act towards the general
objective, in this case welfare maximization. To this end,
in this section k-Pricing scheme is presented that can be
used in conjunction with the allocation mechanism. k-
Pricing is an alternative market mechanism to propor-
tional critical value pricing. It was introduced in Schnizler
et al. (2008)[11] for double-sided combinatorial auctions.
We employ the K-pricing scheme to fix the resource. Let
0  k  1 be an arbitrary proportion. The price P is then
calculated as

Pi , j ,k ,t  K ( v j z j ,k ,t )  (1  K )( vi yi , j ,k ,t ) (14)

The basic idea is to distribute the welfare generated by

the allocation mechanism between buyers and service
providers according to a factor k  [0,1] . K-pricing
Figure 3 Trade exchange for buyer agents and the Cloud service
enables us to disentangle the risk aspect of discounting provider agents
from the time aspect and allows us to quantify exactly
how much of an asset’s current price is due to time dis-
counting and how much is due to risk discounting. From figure 4 to 7 illustrate a series of trading among

seven participants: three Cloud service provider agents

offer three bundled services. Buyer agent 1, 2, 3 and 4
get their need different bundled service simultaneously.

Figure 6 Buyer agent 3 with all service provider agents re-

source allocation after trading

Figure 4 Buyer agent 1 with all service provider agents re-

source allocation after trading

Figure 7 Buyer agent 4 with all service provider agents re-

source allocation after trading

As buyer's number increases, the degree of competition

among the buyers also increases. When the competition is
Figure 5 Buyer agent 2 with all service provider agents re- the stronger , will also be high buyer's bid. They would
source allocation after trading like to bid by higher than the lowest bid price offered at
that timing, we call that jump bidding in this behavior.
That is the ratio of jump bidding(ROJB):

JumpBidding  Cleaning Pr ice

ROJB  (15)
Cleaning Pr ice

The higher in k value, the cleaning price Inclined to buy- tions show that the model works properly. We are inter-
er's bid price. This shows that it is comparatively favora- ested in the behavior of the trading exchange, particularly
ble to the seller. therefore both buyer/sellers' greatest the interaction between Cloud user agents and Cloud
welfare will increase as shown in Table 1. service provider agents. Market –based model model
shows promise for enhancing resource allocation and
pricing. We are now working toward GA and K-pricing
Table 1 Different ROJB and k value are produced welfare (w) schemes find an interesting match between scalability
ROJB and individual behavior. By means of MAS simulations,
the effect of multiple Cloud users and providers strategic
K value behavior might be investigated. Extensions of the heuris-
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 tic allocation scheme, such as the
use of more sophisticated norms in the sorting phase, as
0.3 61.52 73.35 116.01 143.97 144.33
well as the study of their impact on the mechanisms’
0.5 65.21 82.79 120.21 135.16 146.75 strategic properties, might be further promising areas for
0.7 67.52 97.35 128.39 148.87 203.08 future research.

Different k value and ROJB value were produced wel- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

fare as the figure 8 . The buyer would like to offer it with
the higher price, then welfare(w) rising also becomes This research work was sponsored by the National
more and more obvious. Safeguard one's own interests Science Council, R.O.C., under project number NSC99-
and incline to choose higher k value. Not only can make 2221-E-155-022.
welfare value improve like this , but also make the trade

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Biography of the authors:

Yee Ming Chen is a professor in the Department

of Industrial Engineering and Management at Yu-
an Ze University, where he carries out basic and
applied research in agent-based computing. His
current research interests include soft computing,
supply chain management, and pattern recogni-

Hsin-Mei Yeh was a graduated student in the De-

partment of Industrial Engineering and Manage-
ment at Yuan Ze University, where she was study-
ing basic and applied research in Cloud computing
and heuristic methods. She now works in AU Op-
tronics Corporation as Engineering.

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