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 What time are you open until? Hasta que hora está abierto?
 What time do you close today? A qué hora cierran hoy?
 What time do you open? A que horas barren?

Clerk’s / Assistant’s Questions:

 Can / May I help you? Puedo ayudarte?

 Can I help you find something? Puedo ayudarte a encontrar algo?
 What can I do for you? Que puedo hacer por usted?
 How does it fit? Cuanto cuesta?
 How about this one?
 Anything else? Algo más?

Customer’s Questions:

 Excuse me, do you work here? Disculpe, usted trabaja aca?

 Could you help me please? Podria ayudarme por favor?
 How much is this? Cuanto cuesta esto?
 How much are these? Cuanto cuestan estos?
 Does it come with a guarantee/warranty? Esto viene con garantia?
 Where is the changing/fitting room? Donde esta el

Making payment

 Are you in the queue?

 Are you being served?
 Who’s next? Quien es el siguiente?
 Next, please! Siguiente por favor
 How would you like to pay? Como le gustaria pagar?
 Will that be cash or credit?
 Do you have a loyalty card?
 Would you like a bag?
 Put your card into the machine, please. Ponga su tarjeta en la
 Enter your PIN, please. Ingrese su contraseña por favor
 That comes to ….(price), please.
 The total is ….(price). El total es …

Customer’s Questions:

 Do you take credit cards? Aceptan tarjetas de credito?

 Can I pay by cheque, please? Puedo pagar con un cheque por
 Could I have a receipt, please? Podria tener un recibo por favor?
 Could I leave my bags here, and pick them up later, please?

Puedo dejar mis maletas aquí y recogerlas más tarde, por favor?

 Do you offer a cash discount?

 Does it have a warranty / guarantee?

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