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A girl aged 20 yrs complains of headache while studying. Her vision is found to be normal. All of the following can be considered while evaluation except: 
1. family history of headache 
2. menstrual history 
3. self expectations 
4. her interest in studies 

Which of the vitamin deficiency lead to lactic acidosis? 

a. Riboflavin 
b. Thiamine 
3. Niacin 
4. Panthotheic acid 

A 19 year old patient came to the out patient department with complaints of Primary Amenorrhea. She had well developed breast and pubic hair.
However there was abscence of vagina and on USG her uterus was absent. Likely diagnosis is. 
a. XYY 
b. Mullerian agenisis 
c. Gonadal dysgenesis 
d. Kleinfelter's syndrome 

Which one of the pair is not correct regarding Hepatitis B management: 

1. supportive care - acute viral hepatitis B 
2. antiviral drugs - chronic viral hepatitis B 
3. supportive care - chronic viral hepatitis B 
4. antiviral drugs - acute viral hepatitis B 

How much Pottassium is present in the Ringer Lactate solution? 

1. 1 mEq/L 
2. 4 mEq/L 
3. 2 mEq/L 
4. 6 mEq/l 

Which one of the following is not included in Jone's Major criteria? 

a. Pancarditis 
b. Chorea 
c. Subcutaneous nodule 
d. high ESR 

A man 25 yrs old presents with renal failure. His uncle died of renal failure 3 yrs ago. ON slit lamp examination, keratoconus is present. Diagnosis
c.) Alports syndrome 
d.)Denysh-Drash syndrome 

Splenomegaly is least likely associated with 

A) CML, 
B) primary thrombocytosis, 
C) polycythemia ruba vera 
D) Myelofibrosis 

Inclusions in oligodendrogliocytes is a feature of 

a.) Creutzfeld Jackobs 
b.) CIDP 
c.) HSV 
d.) progressive multiple encephalopathy 
Which is not used in the treatment of hyperkalemia without ECG 
1. Insulin + Glucose 
2. Sodium Bicarbonate 
3. Calcium Gluconate 
4. Salbutamol 

A 20 year old female complains of oligomenorrhea along with facial hair. preliminary investigations reveal raised free testosterone levels. Which of the
folllowing could be likely etiology? 
a idiopathisc hirusitsm 
c adrenal hyperplasia 
d. Testosterone secreting tumor 

Onion bulb appearence on nerve biopsy is seen in: 

a. amyloid neuropathy 
b. diabetic neuropathy.. 
c. CIDP 
d. leprosy neutitis

A patient presented with thunder clap headache. Followed by unconsciousness with progressive III cranial nerve plasy. Etiology: 
a. Extradural hemorrhage 
b. Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 
c. Basilar migraine 
d. Cluster headache 

A patient with complaints of nephrocalcinosis for the past 10 yrs. The following steps can be taken for dietary management except: 
a.) Protein restriction 
b.) Calcium restriction 
c.) Salt restricted diet 
d.) Phosphate restriction

Cyanosis in trauma is interpreted as: 

a. early sign of hypoxia 
b. late sign of Hypoxia 
c. inadequate alveolar oxygenation 
d. inadequate tissue oxygenation 

In DMD,mutation in dystrophin gene in promoter region.true is: 

a.affects inititation of transcription 
b.affects termination of transcription 
c.affects capping 

Secondary hyperparathyroidism is not seen in

a.) Rickets
b.) Osteoporosis
c.) Osteomalacia
d.) Renal disease

Antegrade amnesia is seen in

a. Post traumatic head injury

b. Spinal cord injury

Prolonged testosterone therapy will lead to

a. Increase sperm motility

b. Increase spermiogenesis
c. Azoospermia

which of the is not a chanalopathy 

a)cystic fibrosis 
b)liddles syndrome 
c)tay sac disease 
d)hypokaelemic paralysis 

Valsalva manouvre decreases intensity of murmur in all except


Which one is not reabsorbed in proximal tubule

a. Na
b. Hco3
c. H

Which of the following is the least likely cause of Neonatal mortality in India? 
a. Prematurity 
b. Infection 
c. Birth Asphyxia 
d. Congenital anomalies 

A neonate is seen crying with eyes closed and moving all his limbs. What is the Neonatal Behavioral response Scale? 
a. Scale 1 
b. Scale 3 
c. Scale 4 
d. Scale 5 

IN PDA all can occur except: 

a.co2 washout 
b. bounding pulse 
c.pulmon h’age 

A child with lft upper abdominal pain,mother c/o occasional passage of dark colored stools in last few yrs.Investiagation to cnfirm diagnosis: fluid in abdomen 

32 weeks baby develops dyspnoea few hrs after birth.RR increased.mgmnt will be: 
a.surfactant administration n mechanical ventilation 
c.Mechanical ventilation 

True about RDS : 

a.develop within 6 hrs after birth 
b.air bronchogram seen 
c.cyanosis seen

d. prenatal steroids given

Infant with vomiting on forceful feeding,abdominal distension,refusing feeds.reducing substance in urine: 


A 20 year old boy c/o faint hearing of voices, aggressive behavior since 2 days. He has fever since only 2 days. When asked his family says that he has
been muttering to self and gesticulating. Likely Diagnosis is: 
1. Dementia 
2. Acute psychosis 
3. Delirium 
4. Delusional disorder 

Late onset schizophrenia. All are true except: 

1. Onset after 45 yrs 
2. Onset btwn 25-30 yrs 
3. Prognosis is good
4. Olfactory hallucinations are seen.

A 40 year old man who met with a motor vehicle catastrophe came to the casualty hospital in an hour with severe maxillo facial trauma. His Pulse rate
was 120/ min, BP was 100/70 mm hg, spO2 - 80% with oxygen .What would be the immediate management? 
1. Intravenous access 
2. Orotracheal intubation 
3. Nasotracheal intubation 
4. Tracheostomy 

Renal stone resistant to ESWL is: 

1. cystine stone 
2. cal. oxalate 
3. uric acid 
4. ca.phosphate

Most sensitive test in Ductal carcinoma in situ diagnosis is: 

a. Mammography 
b. MRI 
c. PET 
d. ???? 

A patient undergone surgery 1 month ? back came with complaints of altered sensorium , difficulty in urination , s.Na 140 , K - 4.5 , urea 60 , Creat 1.3 ,
Ca 15.5 what should not be done ? 
a.) iv. NS 
b.) Diuretics 
c.) Hemodialysis 
d.) Bisphosphanates

A 60 yr old man with incomplete urine voiding since 10 yrs.,creat increased,urea increased,B/Lhydronephrosis with hydroureter,prostate >70
gms.residual urine post voiding:400 ml.mgmnt at the moment is: 
a.catheterise bladder 
b.B/L ureterostomies 
d. CT to check for prostate ca 

An adult male c/o pain in left side of abdomen.on further examination,a heterogenous mass is seen to arise in retroperitoneum at the level of left renal
hilum.possible diagnosis is: 
b.malignant melanoma 
c.germ cell tumour 
d.transitional ca 

In reassembling post amputation,following is done first: 

a.vein ligation 
b.artery ligation 
c.nerve ligation 
d.attach bone 

Young person with abdominal pain and bilious vomiting repeatedly.The surgeon clinches diagnosis on opening the abdomen.surgical procedure
followed:Ladd’s band divided,appendecectomy done.probable diagnosis is: 

a. small intestinal strictures

b. Recurrent sigmoid volvulus

c. Recurrent caecal volvulus
d. Recurrent appendicitis
A middle aged male ,a business executive,travels frequently c/o fresh bleeding p/r without any other symptoms since last few yrs.on p/r no abnormality investigation: 
b. refer to a surgeon for sigmoidoscopy 

c. refer to a gastroenterologist for colonoscopy

Cock’s peculiar tumor is

a. infected sebaceous cyst

b. basal cell ca

All are brilliantly transilluminant except….

a. Cystic hygroma
b. Hydrocoele
c. Lipoma

Charcot’s Triad includes all except

a. Abdominal pain
b. Fever
c. Jaundice
d. mass

Which of the following Anaesthetic agent causes adrenal suppression? 
a. etomidate 
b. thiopentone 
c. ketamine 
d. propofol 

A patient after undergoing Thoracotomy complained of severe pain. He can be managed by: 
a. intercostal cyoanalgesia 
b. oral morphine 
c. brufen 
d, I.V. Fentanyl

Patient with elevated liver enzymes posted for surgery. Which will be preferred 

a.) Halothane 
b.) Enflurane 
c.) Xenon 
d.) sevoflurane 

An athelete operated given Sch.Postoperative there is no axn of respiratory muscles and musc of limbs.this is due to: 
a.pseudocholinesterase deficiency 
b.DMD undiagnosed 
c.fade pattern 
d.undiagnosed muscular weakness 

A person is able to abduct his arm, internally rotate it, place the back of hand on the lumbosacral joint. but is not able to lift it from back. What is the
1. subscapularis tendon tear 
2. teres major tendon tear 
3. long head of biceps tendon tear 
4. acromioclavicular jt. dislocation 

A patient met with Road Traffic Accident with subsequent injury to the left knee. Dial test was positive. What could be the cause?
( courtesy @pksharma_kgmc ) 
1. Medial Collateral Ligament Injury 
2. Medial Meniscal Injury 
3. Lateral Meniscus Tear 
4. Posterolateral Corner Injury

A newborn child presents with inverted foot and the dorsum of the foot can not touch the anterior tibia. The most probable diagnosis 
1. Congenital vertical talus 
2. Arthrogryposis Multiplex 
3. CTEV 
4. ( )

A 35 yr old lady with chronic backache. On X ray she had a D12 collapse. But Intervertebral disc space is maintained. All are possible except 
a.) multiple myeloma 
b.) osteoporosis 
c.) metastasis 
d) tuberculosis 

Gallows Traction for

a. Neck of femur
b. Shaft of femur

Method to detect early osteoid formation

a. Tetracycline labeling
b. Thallium scan


Which of the following is present normally in the urine of a pregnant women in the third trimester? 
a. glucose 
b. lactose 
c. galactose 
d. fructose 

On Pelvic examination cervix is found to be soft with 50% effacement , station is -3 , pelvis adequate and cervical os is closed. Most appropriate step at
the moment would be: 
1. Antihypertensive regime and then induce labour 
2. Wait and watch for 10 days 
3. Induce labour spontaneously 
4. Do Caesarean section 

What is d appropriate mx for seizures during pregnangy?

1. diazepam 

Corpus cancer syndrome DOES NOT INCLUDE:-/ESTROGEN NOT RELATED?????? 

ca breast 
ca endometrium 

Not used in emergency contraceptions ??? 

a. LNG intra uterine device 
b. oral mifepristone 
c. oral levonorgesterol 
d. Cu T intrauterine device 

SERM used for breast ca: 


Drug used for postmenopausal osteoporosis

Patient of cervical ca stage III best t/t: 

a.wertheim’s hysterectomy 
b.intracavitatory brachytherapy 

A patient with endometrial carcinoma, spread to vagina . paraaortic nodes and inguinal nodes are not involved. The stage is

a.) II
b.) IIIA
c.) IIIB
d.) IV

Abnormality to check for if lithium is given to a pregnant female: 

a.cvs anomaly 
b.cns anomaly 
c.git anomaly 

A G2 female 9 weeks pregnant,had a previous child with down’s syndrome.she doesn’t want another child with Down’ will tell her: 

a.USG at this stage will confirm presence or absence 

b.Chorionic villous biopsy at this stage will confirm presence or absence 
c.triple test /maternal AFP at this stage will confirm presence or absence 
d.nothing can be done 

Abruptio placentae clinical staging is

a.) PAGE’s
b.) McCafe’s
c.) Johnson’s
d.) Apt

Named procedure done in the management of Abruptio placentae

A woman with moderate acne also complaining of irregular menses. Drug of choice will be? 
a. Oral isotretinoin 
b. Oral acitretin 
c. Oral minocycline 
d. Cyproterone acetate 

Chemical peeling is done by all except? 

1.trichloroacetic acid 
2.phosphoric acid 
3.carboxylic acid 
4.kojic acid 

Farmer with single warty lesion on leg. Which of the following could be the lesion? 
a. Verruca vulgaris 
b. tuberculosis verrucosa cutis 
c. mycetoma 
d. lichen planus hypertrophicus 

Spanish WINDLASS technique is a form of which type of execution? 
a. garrotting 
b. mugging 
c. bansdola 
d. hanging 

Widmark's formula is used in calculating: 

a. alcohol in blood 
b. time since death 
c. times since injury 
d. ????? 


3. ?? 

Retinitis pigmentosa is a feature of all except 
a.) Refsum's disease 
b.) Hallavardian Spatz 
c.) NARP 
d.) Abetaglobulinemia 

A 25year old male presents with painless sudden loss of vision, ocular and systemic examination is not contributory. What is probable diagnosis 
1. Retinal detachment 
2. Eale’s disease 
3. Glaucoma 
4. Cataract 

Stocker’s line is seen in

a.) Pingecula
b.) Pterygium
c.) Congenital ocular melanosis

An elderly male,having diabetes and hypertension since last 10 yrs,develops partial loss of vision in one eye,fellow eye normal while a single central small

Hemorrhagic spot is found in affected eye.diagnosis is: 

a.diabetic retinopathy 
b.hypertensive retinopathy 
c. retinal tear

Which of the following attains adult size before birth? 
a. Ear Ossicles 
b. Maxilla 
c. Mastoid 
d. Parietal bone 

Frontal Sinus can be best visualised by : 

a. Caldwell's view 
b. Water's view 
c. Towne's view 
d. Schuller's view 

What is the reason that an infant can breathe while suckling breast milk? 
a. Small wide tongue. 
b. High place larynx 
c. Small pharynx 
d. short soft palate 

Tensor tympani is supplied by 

a) facial 
b) glossopharyngeal 
c) trigeminal 
d) vagus 

Regarding Cochlear implant which of the following is true? 

1. Contraindicated in cochlear malformation 
2. Contraindicated in < 5 yrs 
3. Indicated in mild to mod. hearing loss 
4. Implanted through oval window 

Retropharyngeal abscess, false is: 

a. always on one side of midline 
b. cause diff in swallowing n speech 
c. can be palpated by finger

d.Surgical removal is the treatment

True about CSF rhinorrhoea: 

a.conservative t/t for 7-10 days with antibiotics 
b.immediate blocking of nose with paraffin gauze 
c,frequent nose blowing 


A woman has consumed several tabs of Amitryptiline. All of the following can be used as a part of her management except 
a. Sodium bicarbonate infusion 
b. Gastric lavage 
c. Use Atropine as an antidote 
d. Diazepam for seizure control 

Which of the pairs is incorrect : 

a. v1-smooth muscles 
b. v2-collecting ducts 
c. v3-anterior pituitary 
d. v4-CNS 

Respiratory centre depression is caused by all except (courtesy @Vagus ) 

a.) opium 
b.) strychnine 
c.) barbiturates 
d.) gelsenium 
All of the following can cause SLE like syndrome except: (courtesy @rng ) 
1. INH 
2. penicillin 
3. hydralazine 
4. sulphonamide 

All are true about starting of B-Blocker therapy in a case of heart disease except 
a. They should be started with optimum doses 
b. They should be graually incresed over weeks. 
c. Special precautions should be taken in cases of NYHA class III and IV 
d. Carvedilol and Metoprolol are the preferred drugs. 


4 for treatment of insomnia

A 10 yr old boy presenting with lacrimation,diarrhea,sweating,abdominal pain:diagnosis is 

a.heroin withdrawl 
b.cocaine withdrawl 
c.LSD withdrawl

Interaction b/w carbonic anhydrase and EDTA,enzyme activity decreased because: 

a.EDTA chelates ion of enzyme n reduces its activity 
b.enzyme-EDTA complex cannot be attacked by substrate 

Drug resistance to methotrexate: 

a.excess DHFRase 
b.deficiency of thymidylate kinase 
c.deficiency if thymidylate synthetase 

Aluminium phosphide poisoning, false is: 

a.strictures in oesophagus 
b.gastric lavage done 
c.phosphine gas is liberated. 
d. cause subendocardial hemorrhage

All of the following are true about Scalaneus anterior muscle EXCEPT: 
a. It is attached to the tubercle of second Rib 
b. It is anterior to the transverse cervical artery. 
c. It is pierced by the Phrenic nerve. 
d. It separates the subclavian vein from the subclavian artery. 

All are derivatives of Septum Transversum EXCEPT: 

a. Falciform ligament 
b. Ligamentum teres 
c. Coronary ligament 
d. Lesser sac

The caecum is found to be placed below the stomach and in the midline. Which of the following abnormality must have taken place while rotation of the
1. mal rotation 
2. non rotation 
3. reverse rotation 
4. mixed rotation 

lacrimation decreased in injury to: 

a.greater petrosal nv 
b.nasociliary nv. 
c.nv. to stapedius 
d.chorda tympani 

. All of the following are supplied by Superior gluteal nerve except: 

a. Gluteus maximus 
b. Gluteus minimus 
c. Gluteus medius 
d. Tensor fascia lata 
All are associated with external vaginal sphincter except: 
a.internal urethral sphincter 
b.external urethral sphincter 



Which of the following is not perrmeable through the Blood Brain Barrier? 
a. Water 
b. Lipophilic drugs 
c. Gas 
d. Proteins 

In lung True about Hyaline membrane disease..... 

a.) FRC is smaller than closing volume 
b.) FRC is larger than closing volume 
c.) FRC is equal to closing volume 
d.) FRC doesnt depend on closing volume 

Gas used to measure diffusion in lung 

a.) CO 
b.) NO 
c.) CO2 
d.) Nitrogen 

All tend to cause Hypoxia except... 

a.) pCo2 
b.) pO2 
c.) Hb 
d.) FiO2 

all true about neuropeptide Y except: 

a.appetite stimulating 
b.decreased in starvation 

appetite stimulating and produced in stomach: 


initiation of rhythmic respiration by: 

a.pre-bottzinger complex 
b.dorsal grp neurons 
c.pneumotaxic centre 

negative intra alveolar pressure is maintained by: 

a.surfactant lining 
b.lung compliance 

Assoc with lung are all except: 

a. stretch receptors 
b.J receptors 

Which of the following is a non-essential metal/mineral? 
a. sodium 
b. Manganese 
c. Iron 
d. Lead 

most dangerous for heart..... 

1. LDL 
2. HDL 
3. VLDL 

movement of ADP into & ATP out of mitochondria is caused by: 


In TCA cycle formation of alpha-keto glutarate is catalysed by: 

c.isocitrate dehydrogenase

In a certain population, there were 4050 births in the last one year. There were 50 still births. 50 infants died within 7 days where as 150 died within 28
days. What is the Neonatal mortality rate? 
a. 50 
b. 62.5 
c. 12.5 
d. 49.4 

Calculate the Pondreal index of a baby of weight 2000gm and length 50 cm at Birth. 

Bias can be eliminated by all except- 

a. matching 
b. blinding 
c. randomization 
d. multivariate analysis 

study of assocn b/w carotene intake n dev of cancer.effect of intake of fibre also affects risk of developing ca.this is known as: 
b.assocn with multiple risk factors 

research on fat levels in a country,data obtd frm health ministry.type of study is: 
b.cross sectional 
c.psy……? control 

All the following diseases are spread by Ticks except... 
a. Relapsing fever 
b. KFD 
c. Tularemia 
d. Tick paralysis 

Sputum can be disinfected by all EXCEPT: 

a. Autoclaving 
b. Boiling 
c. Cresol 
d. Chlorhexidine 

All are true regarding the disinfection protocal except.. 

a. noncritical devices decontamination is enuff, 
b. semicritical substances are those which come in contact with the mucous membrane or nonintact skin 
c. semicritical substances. low level disinfection is enough 
d. cardiac catheter is a critical device

Characteristic of Bacilus cereus food poisioning is 

a. presence of Fever 
b. presence of Pain abdomen 
c. Abscence of Vomiting 
d. abscence of Diarrhoea 

A pt has prosthetic valve replacement and he develops endocarditis 8 months later. Organism responsible is? 

a.) Stap aureus

b.) Strep. Viridians
c.) Stap.epidermidis

Vi polysaccharide true is: 

a.can be given with yellow fever n hepatitis 
b.severe local rxn 
c.severe adverse effects 

best test to monitor t/t in a pnt of syphilis: 

d.dark field microscopy 

A bacteria acquires gene for restriction endonuclease by horizontal transfer.true is: in growth 
b.infects n kills host cell 

All are methods of gene transfer except

a.) Transfection
b.) FISH
c.) Electroporation
d.) Phage conversion

All are true about Tetanus infection in india except: 

a. soil n intestines of human n animals chief reservoir 
b.spread through contaminated wounds is most common route

All are true about clostridium perfringens except

a.) common cause of gas gangrene

b.) nagler’s reaction is positive
c.) spores are resistant to heat

All are true about measles eradication except

a. subclinical cases don’t spread the disease

b. effective vaccine was available
c. cross immunity with other pox viruses
d. confers life long immunity with one infection

True about varicella are all except

a. lesions belong to single age

ETEC false is: 

a.common cause of diarrhea in children in developing countries 
b.not a cause of traveller’s diarrhea 
c.causes invasive disease 

Reassortment is seen with

a. hepadnavirus
b. Herpes
c. Rotavirus

mass chemoprophylaxis not given in: 

A.lymphatic filariasis 
d.vit A administration 

all true about H.influenzae except: 

a.requires factor v and x 
b.meningitis is the commonest invasive disease 
c.capsule is the major protective factor 
d.uncommon cause of meningitis inchildren below 2 yrs 

A child has an ulcer on leg from which beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated.Schoolteacher observed that similar organism was isolated from throats of
many other children.common b/w both bacteri is: 
a.common surface protein 
b.difference in C component 

Malignant pustule is

Out of the following bacteria one is used as an indicator for proper sterilization

a. Bacillus stearothermophilus
b. Bacillus subtilis

Amoebiasis is transmitted by all except

a. Faecooral transmission
b. Vertical transmission
c. Cockroaches , fomites

. Edema is nephrotic syndrome is predominantly due to... 

a.) Na and water restriction 

b.) increased venous pressure 
c.) hypoalbuminemia 

Mediators of inflammation are all except 

a.) TNF 
b.) IFN 
c.) Prostaglandins 
d.) myeloperoxidase 
Which of the following is associated with poor prognosis in Ewings sarcoma? 
a. B2 microglobulin 
b. fever 
c. thrombocytosis 
d. young age 

True about subendocardial hemorrhage are all except: 

a.) may be seen after head injury 
b.) involves RV WALL 
c.) continuous pattern 
d.) Flame shaped hemorrhages 

A Bone marrow transplant receipient patient developed chest infection. ON chest Xray Tree on Bud appearance . The cause of this is (courtesy @Vagus ) 
a.) klebsiella 
b.) pneumocystis 
c.) TB 
d.) RSV 

Which is Vitamin K dependent clotting factor? 

1. Factor VII 
2. Factor I 
3. Factor XI 
4. Factor XII 

. A 9 year old boy with elevated both PT and ApTT. What is the 
1. Defect in extrinsic pathway 
2. Defect in Intrinsic pathway 
3. Platelet function defect 
4. Defect in common pathway

All of the following are minor criteria for mutiple myeloma except.?

1.plasmacytosis 20% 
2. multiple lyric lesion 
3. 4.IgA<2.5 & IgG <3.5 
4. plasmacytoma of tissue 

All are true except 

a.) LKM1 - Autoimmune hepatitis 
b.) LKM2 - Drug induced 
c.) LKM1 - chronic hepatitis B 
d.) LKM2 - chronic hepatitis D 

A 35 yr old lady with Normal PT (value ws given ) and increased aPTT (value nd reference value ws given), No Bleeding episode during cholecystectomy.
Next investigation is 
a.) Fr.V111 assay 
b.) Anti viper venom assay 
c.) VWF 
d.) Ristocetin CoFactor assay 

Tumour with perineural invasion 

a.) Adenocarcinoma
b.) Adenoid cystic ca
c.) BCC
d.) Sq.CC

Caisson's disease due to 

1.Fat embolism 
2.air embolism 

Her-2 neu in breast ca is assoc with: 

a. therapeutic response 
c. Follow up

Important peripheral blood smear finding of ABO incompatibility: 

a.fragmented RBCs 
b. microspherocytes

endotoxic shock initiated by: 

a.endothelial injury 
b.peripheral vasodilatation 

GIST :all true except: 

a.most lesions in duodenum 
b.well circumscribed 
c.necrosis n ulceration common 

wegener’s granulomatosis:seen on h/p: 

a.granulomas in bld vessels 
b.granulomas in gbm 
d.Focal GN 

Hypercalcemia in secondary granulomatous diseases is due to….

a. Extrarenal conversion of 25 DHCC

b. Dystrophic calcification

All are true about Fibronectin nephropathy except

Radiation exposure is the least in the following procedure: 
a. micturating cystourethrogram 
b. IVP 
c. bilateral  renostonogram
d. Spiral CT for stones 

Drug which should not be used while doing renal contrast

a. Felbamate

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