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Nombre: Nicolas Cabiativa Delgado


1) Pregunta problema: ¿Cómo apropiar los aportes de artistas trascendentales en

nuestra cultura para innovar y generar un estilo personal?
Integrando sus estilos y técnicas personales combinándolos con diferentes
factores tanto de la cultura de la actualidad como de nuestros gustos personales y
maneras de expresarnos.

2) Movimientos artísticos abordados, en qué consisten.

Expresionismo: Consiste en retratar las emociones y sentimientos más profundos
y deprimentes tales como el sufrimiento o la depresión.
Surrealismo: Refleja el subconsciente apartando todo tipo de ideas racionales
retratando cosas fuera de lo común o irreales.

3) ¿Como los evidencia en su trabajo?

En mi trabajo el surrealismo se representa en los ojos con alas de murciélago, las
manos ahogándose en lava y en la criatura que está sentada.
El expresionismo se refleja en la sensación de depresión y melancolía que siente
la criatura que se evidencia más en como este sangra y sostiene una rosa

4) Explique, ¿Cómo resolvió la pregunta problema?

Atravez del uso e implementación de los conocimientos y estilo de diferentes
artistas, analizándolos y entendiendo su técnica y adaptándolos a conceptos
Name: Nicolas Cabiativa Delgado.

1) Question Problem: ¿How to appropiate the contributions of transcendental

artists in our cultura to innovate and generate a personal style?
Integring their personal styles and techniques combining them with different factors
such the current culture and our personal pleasures and ways to express.

2) Artistic movements addressed, in what they consist of.

Expressionism: Consist in portraying the deepest and depresive feelings and
emotions like suffering or depression.
Surrealism: It relfects the subconscious leaving aside all type of racional ideas
portraying irreal oro ut of the ordinary things.

3) ¿How do you evidence them in your work?

In my work the surrealism it’s represented in the eyes with bat wings, the hands
drowning into lava and the creature.
The expressionism reflects in the melancholia and depression sensation that the
creature feels thats evindenced more in how he bleeds and holds a withered rose.

4) Explain, ¿how did you solve the problem question?

Through the use and implementation of the knowledge and styles from different
artists, analizing and understanding their techniques and adapting them to current
Name: Diego Julián Ruiz Piramanrique

1) Question Problem: ¿How to appropiate the contributions of transcendental

artists in our cultura to innovate and generate a personal style?
Integrating his transcendental style, combining several factors of this, clearly
having knowledge and views of this type of artists, such as their ideologies, ways
to express themselves in addition to their techniques and thus use it in our style.

2) Artistic movements addressed, in what they consist of.

Surrealism: Artistic and literary movement tha emerged in France after the frist
world war, leaving aside all kinds of rational control.
Expressionism: Consist in portraying the artist’s deepest feeling and emotions.

3) As evidenced in your work.

By things that leave reality aside, like the tree with a fece. In addition
expressionism is evident in the climate, background and sad áreas

4) Explain, ¿how did you solve the problema question?

Through the implementation of transcendental techniques that I use in my painting,
which I adapt to the present.

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