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=f Sait On) Se a3, {zuT7— CLG KYLESTARKS BENJAMIN DEWEY MARC ELLERBY CRANK! ARI YARWOOD HILARY THOMPSON JOE NOZEMACK, FOUNDER & CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER JANES LUGAS JONES, PUBLISHER RACHEL REED, MARKETING MANAGER MELISSA MESZAROS MACFADYEN, PUBLICITY MANAGER TROT LOOK, DIRECTOR OF DESIGN & PRODUCTION HILARY THOMPSON, GRAPHIC DESIGNER, tmipness.comt KATE Z. STONE, JUNIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER rapeeoni.canonirness ANGIE KNOWLES, DIGITAL PREPRESS TECHNICIAN, pari ae aaa ARI YARWO0D, EXECUTIVE EDITOR InstacnaseCOM/ONIPRESS ROBIN HERRERA, SENIOR EDITOR, DESINEE WILSON, ASSOCWATE EDITOR THTTTER.COMRICKANOWORTY UME LEE, LOGISTICS ASROCIATE eo [adult swim]_ acer eee ey ae Ue eed cu Me ee ee ao l Ss = Ai =a => al aS 1 CANT Go ovr THERE. sveee, wiry 5 = je Dow's Have any J 1 DONT WAVE ANY CLEAN . betercen 2 = HES. WNDRY THEN, a rr ee ve c iy Z / | AND YOURE relinowe THis eM NOWP If YOURE GONG By THE STORE, COULD YOU GET A NEW FIRE EXTINGUISHER? a SR EOS Ming 18 SS fs es eas ee pa ot AS YOU At. YG Be ‘i 6 HORSENGN RAS ST POUNIG AS A : BELOvel SOD He, = OF ANPALUSIAN RORSES, oF course, ON TO in8. } oe Ye HAS BEEN AN INSTITUTION 72 FOR HORSE CARE IN THE = < AREA AND A PROUD PART - - See OF My LIFE. a “i : PM $0 PROUD DONE HERE. AND DLL BE ae ay, ZZ Sy A ey, SN / RICK AND MORTY IN: a has SLs oO fete) oe ie My PARENTS AND B-THNE MAYBE QIE'RE ALL DESTINED TO EITHER DIE ALONE (08 SPEND A LIFE TRYING TO Pet EMOTIONAL, SES IT FEELS: LIKE ALL A CRUEL Trick WE Play OW THEY WERE TALKING ABQ ALBERT Ps NEXT ISS HITHERE, COMIC BOOK LOVERS! My name's Melissa, and I's the marketing assistant ‘at Onl Press. Please forgive my blasé Introduction, as [am currently writing you ttam a post-IT Crowd binge while drowning, myself in = sea of coffee, waiting for an airplane that has a two-hour delay. But let's skip the travel, single-origin brew, and TV talk, and bring, up comics {thovgh Isn't it glorious that certain panels we lave are making their way to bur screens... ahem, Atomic Blonde, have you seen ityet?). What make comles 50 amazing are writers tke Paul odin. Not anly has he majesueally cultivated an audience af all calibers and earned iconic Elsner notoriety, his writing reflects his passion so well Wihat | personally love abaut Paul is his knack for intricately characterizing female protagonists! You loved Bandette just as much as | did, right? Well, In exciting Oni news, he nas @ new series coming out Unis month: Made Men! Imagine a female Frankenstein, fighting underworld crime with vigilante justice, t'm always a heel for a strang female lead with a twist, ‘and who doesn't love the Idea of a living dead crime posse? And it's only the beginning. $a Lear’ t wait to see where Paul's skilful erime arc goes! » WHAT'S NEW THIS MONTH ae oe ‘OM>RESS [OGD ND CN™ RS D0 OM FEES, ME, AL HGH ESCH, STAFF IOOMEY SAGAN GBALEN Jam also uber-stoked about Arjuna Susini's art In {his series, It has this elassic nostalgic feel, with fine lines and hatching s reminiscent of the horror vomies of yore, And have you sen tha Juan Ferveyra varlant floating around the interweb social channels, too? H-you have, then you know i's too flerce to be forgotten. Tinee words: Dvipping With Blaod. And, | must mention, Made Men #1 has 2 release date (September 6, 2017) the same week of Rase City Comie Con! So, if you knawr your vomics geography, {that’s also both our and Paul's hometown of Portland, Oregon. We Know that schoo! will surely be back in session, with the iragrant smell of freshly sharpened pencils and the swisit of nylon backpacks slinging cover shoulders, but we hope Lo see you there! One more thing before | let you go, frends: please take a gander at all the amazing Oni releases out {this month! Best, Melissa Maszaros MacFadyon Marketing Assistant Aes a eT eE rire BO Mt rT Lh Ta LTS heel SPECIAL 1 ees mae ef lf fH rH D'ARGH-EMPIRE = SS

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