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1 abandon desert; leave without planning abandon oneself to

to come back; quit

1 bachelor a man who has not
married;oppo. Spinster
1 data facts; information take data

1 gallant brave; showing respect for play the gallant

1 hardship something that is hard to bear;
1 jealous afraid that the one you love be jealous of
might prefer someone else;
wanting what someone else
1 keen sharp; eager; intense;
1 oath a promise that something is on oath
true; a curse
1 qualify become fit; show that you are be qualifed for
1 tact ability to say the right thing

1 unaccustom not use to something be unaccustomed to

1 vacant empty; not filled be vacant of

2 conceal hide conceal oneself

2 corpse a dead body,usually of a

2 dismal dark and depressing be in the dismals

2 frigid very cold a frigid manner

2 inhabit live in

2 numb without the power of numb with cold

2 peril danger

2 recline lie down;stretch out;lean back recline on

2 shriek scream shriek for

2 sinister evil;wicked;dishonest;frightenin
2 tempt try to get some to do be tempted to do
2 wager bet wager on

3 annual once a year;something that

appears yearly or lasts for a
3 blend mix together thoroughly; a blend into, with
3 devise think out;plan;invent device for

3 essential necessary;very important essential to, for

3 expensive costly; high-priced

3 minimum The least posssible amount; minimum of,

the lowest amount keep/reduce sth to a
3 persuade win over to do or believe;make persuade into
3 scarce hard to get;rare make (oneself)
3 talent natural ability talent for

3 typical usual;of a kind typical of

3 visible able to be seen

3 wholesale in large quantity;less than retail

in price
4 circulate go around; go from place to
place or person to person
4 dense closely packed together; thick

4 descend go or come down from a high descend from

place to a lower level
4 eliminate get rid of; remove; omit eliminate from

4 enormous extremely large; huge

4 humid moist; damp

4 predict tell beforehand

4 theory explanation based on thought,

observation, or reasoning
4 utilize make use of

4 vanish disappear; disappear suddenly

4 vapor moisture in the air that can be

seen; fog; mist
4 villain a very wicked person

5 assemble gather together; bring together assemble into

5 burden what is carried; a load

5 campus grounds of a college,

university, or school
5 debate a discussion in which reasons debate with oneself
for and against something are
brought out
5 evade get away form by trickery or
5 explore go over carefully; look inot
closely; examine
5 majority the larger number; greater
part; more than half
5 probe search into; examine
thoroughly; investigate
5 reform make better; improve by reform oneself
removing faults
5 rural in the country

5 topic subject that people think, write,

or talk about
5 tradition belifs,oinions, and customs by tradition
handed down form one
generation to another
6 approch come near or nearer to approch sb/sth
for/about (doing) sth
6 client person for whom a lawyer client
acts; customer
6 comprehen including much; covering comprehensive
sive completely
6 deceive make someone believe as true deceive sb into doing
something that is false;mislead sth, deceive yourself
6 defraud take money, rights, etc, away defraud of
by cheatin
6 detect find out; discover

6 employee a person who works for pay

6 neglect give too little care of or neglect of

attention to
6 popular liked by most people popular with

6 thorough being all that is needed; thorough

6 undoubtedly certainly; beyond doubt undoubtedly

7 capsule a small case or covering

7 consent agree; give permission or consent to
7 denounce condermn in public; express denounce to
strong disapproval of
7 gloomy dark; dim; inlow spirits

7 massive big and heavy; large and solid;

7 molest interfere with and trouble;
7 postpone put off to a later time; delay postpone ~ing

7 preserve keep from harm or change; preserve from

keep safe; protect
7 resent feel injured and angered at resent for
7 torrent any violent, rushing stream; in torrent
7 unforeseen not known beforehand;
7 unique having no like or equal; being
the only one of its kind
8 amateur per who does something for
pleasure, not for money or as
a profession
8 bulky taking up much space;large

8 exaggerate make something greater than it exaggerate on

is; overstate
8 mediocre neither good nor
8 obvious easily seen of understood;
clear to the eye or ming:not to
be doubted;plain
8 prominent well-known;important

8 reluctant unwilling
8 security freedom from danger, care, or in security
fear;feeling or condition of
being safe
8 survive live longer than;remain alive survive one's
after usefulness
8 valid supported by facts or valid for
8 variety lack of sameness;a number of a variety of
different things
8 weird mysterious;unearthly

9 century 100 years

9 challenge call to fight rise to the challenge

9 conclude end;finish;decide (and) to conclude

9 document something handwirttem or

printed that gives information
or proof of some fact.
9 ignore pay no attention to;disregard

9 lack be entirely without for [by, from, through]

something;have not enough. lack of
9 miniature represented on a small scale

9 rage violent anger;something that

arouses intense but brief
9 resist act against;strive
9 source place from which something
comes or is obtained
9 undeniable not to be denied;cannot be
9 vicinity region near a in the vicinity of
10 compete try hard to get something compete
wanted by others; be a rival against(with)/for
10 dread look forward to with fear; fear dread to
greatly; causing great fear do/doing/that절/wh절
10 excel be better than; do better than excel in

10 feminine of women or girls

10 flexible easily bent; willing to yield

10 masculine of man; male

10 menace threat menace to/with

10 mount get up on mount on/with

10 numerous very many; several

10 tendency leaning; movement in a certain tendency to/toward

10 underestim set too low a value, amount, or
ate rate
10 victorious having won a victorious over/in
11 absurd plainly not true of sensible;
11 conflict direct opposition; in conflict with
11 decade ten years

11 evidence that which makes clear the in evidence

truth or falsehood of
11 fiction that which is inagined or made
11 frequent happening often; occurring
11 glimpse a short,quick view catch [get, have] a
glimpse of
11 hesitate fail to act quickly; be
11 minority smaller number or part;less
than half
11 recent done, made, or occurring not
long ago
11 solitary alone;single;only

11 vision power of seeing; sense of see visions

12 abolish do away with completely; put
an end to
12 adequate as much as is needed;fully
12 audible able to be heard

12 decrease make or become less be on the decrease

12 frank free in expressing one's real to be frank with you

thoughts, opinions, or feelings;
nto hiding what is in one's
12 ignite set on fire

12 pollute make dirty

12 population peple of a city of country

12 prohibit forbid by law or authority prohibited articles

12 reveal make known reveal oneself

12 urban of or having to do with cities or

12 urgent demanding immediate action
or attention;important
13 commence begin; start commence to/~ing
13 editor person who prepares a
publication; one who corrects a
manuscript and helps to
13 famine starvation; great shortage

13 gleam a flash or beam of light

13 hazy misty; smoky; unclear

13 identify recognize as being, or show to identify A with B

be, a certain person or thing;
prove to be the same
13 journalist one who writes for, edites,
manages, or produces a
newspaper or magazine
13 migrate move from one place to migrate from A to B
13 observant quick to notice; watchful be observant of

13 persist continue firmlu; refuse to stop persist in

or be changed
13 revive bring back or come back to life
or consciousness
13 vessel a ship; a hollow container; tube
containing body fluid
14 bewildered confused completely; puzzled

14 brawl a noisy quarrel or fight

14 brutal coarse and savage; like a

brute; cruel
14 duplicate an exact copy; make an exact
copy of; repeat exactly
14 opponent person who is on the other
side of a fight, game, or
discussion; person fighting,
14 rival person who wants and tries to
get the same thing as another;
one who tries to equal or do
14 thrust push with force
14 underdog person having the worst of any
struggle; one who is expected
to lose
14 unruly hard to rule or contro;lawless

14 vicious evil;wicked;savage

14 violent acting or done with strong;

rough force
14 whirling turning or

15 alter make different;change;vary alter for the better

15 casual happening by chance; not

planned or expected;not
calling attention to itself
15 expand increase in size;enlarge;swell

15 fortunate having good luck;lucky

15 innovative fresh;clever;having new ideas

15 mature ripe;fully grown or developed

15 pioneer one who goes first or prepares

a way for others
15 pledge promise take a pledge

15 pursue follow;proceed along

15 revise change; alter;bring up to date

15 sacred worthy of respect; holy hold sacred

15 unanimous in complete agreement

16 accurate exactly right as the result of

care or pains
16 capacity amount of room or space
inside; larges amount that can
be held by a container
16 cautious very careful; never taking
16 confident firmly believing; certain; sure

16 doubt not believe; not be sure of; feel doubt of

uncertain about; lack of
16 grateful feeling gratitude; thankful

16 microscope instrument with a lens for

making objects larger so that
one can see things more
16 penetrate get into or through penetrate into

16 pierce go into; go through; penetrate pierce through

16 slender long and thin; limited; slight

16 surpass do better than; be greater than; surpass in

16 vast very great; enormous

17 addict one who cannot break away

from a habit or practice;
addicted unable to break a
17 appeal attraction; interest; to urge

17 avoid away from; keep out of the way

17 aware knowing; realizing

17 harsh rough to the touch, taste, eye,

or ear; sharp
17 keg small barrel, usually holding
less than ten gallons
17 misfortune bad luck
17 nourish make or keep alive and well,
with food; feed; develop an
17 opt choose or favor; select

17 quantity amount

17 wary on one's guard against danger

or trickery; cautious
17 wretched very unsatisfactory; miserable

18 budget estimate of the amount of

money that can be spent for
different purpose in a given
18 economical not wasting money or time

18 glance to look at quickly; a quick look

18 horrid terrible; frightful

18 ingenious having great mental ability;

18 lubricate make smooth and easy to
work by putting on oil, grease,
or similar substance
18 manipulate handle or treat skillfully

18 nimble active and sure-footed; quick

miving; light and quick
18 pedestrian person who goes on foot;
18 rave talk wildly

18 reckless careless; heedless; wild

18 tragedy a very sad or terrible

happening; a sad play
19 absorb take in or suck up (liquids);
interest greatly
19 abundant more than enough; very
19 appropriate fit; set apart for some special
19 ban prohibit; forbid

19 calculate find out by adding, subtracting,

multiplying, or dividing; figure
19 estimate form a judgment or opinion
about; guess
19 harvest gathering in of grain or other
food crops
19 morsel a small bite; mouthful; tiny
19 panic unreasoning fear; fear
spreading through a group of
people so that they lose
19 quota share of a total due from or to
a particular state, district,
person, etc.
19 threat sign or cause of possible evil
or harm
19 uneasy restless; disturbed; anxious

20 ambush a trap in which soldiers or

other enemies hide to make a
surprise attack
20 captive prisoner

20 crafty skillful in deceiving others; sly;

20 defiant openly resisting; challenging

20 devour eat hungrily; absorb

completely; take in greedily
20 emerge come out; come up; come into
20 fragile easily broken, damaged, or
destroyed; delicate
20 jagged with sharp points sticking out;
unevenly cut or torn
20 linger stay on; go slowly as if
unwilling to leave
20 perish be destroyed; die

20 prosper be successful; have good

20 vigor active strength or force

21 anticipate look forward to; expect

21 baffle be too hard to understand or

21 collide come together with force

21 confirm prove to be true or correct;

make certain
21 detour a roundabout way

21 dilemma situation requiring a choice

between two evils; a difficult
21 merit goodness; worth; value

21 plea request; appeal; that which is

asked of another
21 relieve make less; makeeasier;
reduce the pain of; replace;
release; free
21 transmit send over; pass on; pass
along; let through
21 verify prove to be true; confirm

21 weary tired

22 acknowledg admit to be true

22 beneficiary person who receives benefit

22 delinquent an offender; criminal; behind

22 deprive take away from by force

22 homicide a killing of one human being by

another; murder
22 justice just conduct; fair dealing

22 penalize declare punishable by law or

rule; set a penalty for
22 reject refuse to take, use, believe,
consider, grant, etc.
22 spouse husband or wife

22 unstable not firmly fixed; easily moved

or overthrown
22 vocation occupation; business;
professioin; trade
22 warden keeper; guard; person in
charge of a prison
23 embrace hug one another; a hug

23 exhibit display; show

23 extract pull out or draw out, usually

with sone effort
23 forbid order someone not to do
something; make a rule
23 logical reasonable; reasonably
23 partial not complete; not total

23 precaution measures taken beforehand;

23 prior coming before; earlier

23 proceed go on after having stopped;

move forward
23 rarely seldom; not often

23 reptile a cold blooded animal that

creeps or crawls; snake,
lizards, furtles, alligators, and
23 valiant brave; courageous

24 authority the right to command or

enforce obedience; power
delegated to another; an
24 consider think about in order to decide

24 detest dislike very much; hate

24 encourage give courage to; increase the

confidence of
24 fierce savage; wild

24 neutral on neither side of a quarrel or

24 scowl look angry by lowering the
sysbrows; frown
24 sneer show scorn or contempt by
looks or words; a scornful look
or remark
24 symbol something that stands for or
represents something else
24 trifle a small amount; little bit;
something of little value
24 vermin small animals that are
troublesome or destructive;
fleas, bedbugs, lice, rats and
24 wail cry loud and long because of
grief or pain
25 abroad outside one's country; going
around; far and wide
25 architect a person who makes plans for
buildings and other structure; a
maker; a creator
25 baggage the trunks and suitcases a
person takes when he or she
travels; an army's equipment
25 bigamy having two wives or two
husbands at the same time
25 calamity a great misfortune; serious
25 collapse a breakdown; to fall in; break
down; fail suddenly; fold
25 envy jealousy; the object of
jealousy; to feel jealous
25 fugitive a runaway

25 matrimony married life; ceremony of

25 pauper a very poor person

25 prosecute bring before a court; follow up;

carry on
25 squander spend foolishly; waste

26 awesome causing or showing great

fear;wonder, or respect
26 awkward clumsy;not well-suited to
use;not easily
26 beckon signal by a motion of the hand
or head;attract
26 betray give away to the enemy;be
26 compel force;get by force

26 guide a person who shows the

way;to direct;to manage
26 pacify make calm;quite down;bring
peace to
26 possible able to be, be done, or happen

26 quench put an end to;drown or put out

26 respond answer;react

26 utter speak;make known;express

26 venture a daring undertaking;an

attempt to make money by
taking business risks;to dare;to
27 cease stop

27 despite in spite of

27 disrupt upset;cause to break down

27 exhaust empty completely; use up; tire

27 feeble weak

27 miserly stingy; like a miser

27 monarch king or queen; ruler

27 rapid very quick;swift

27 rash a breaking out with many small

red spots on the skin;
27 severity strictness; harshness;
plainness; violence
27 thrifty saving; careful in spending;
27 unite join together; become one

28 balt anthing,especially food,used to

attract fish or other animals so
that they may be caught;
28 censor person who tells others how
they ought to behave; one who
changes books, plays and
28 culprit offender; person guilty of a
fault or crime
28 disaster an event that causes much
suffering or loss
28 disclose uncover; make known

28 excessive too much; too greate; extreme

28 illustrate make clear or explain by

stories, examples,
comparisons, or other means;
28 insist keep firmly to some demand,
statement, or position
28 juvenile young; youthful; of or for boys
and girls
28 outlaw an exile; an outcast; a criminal;
to declare unlawful
28 promote raise in rank or importance;
help to grow and develop; help
to organize
28 undernouris not sufficiently fed
29 blunder stupid mistake; to make a
stupid mistake; stumble; say
29 commend praise; hand over for
29 comprehen understand
29 daze confuse

29 exempt make free from ; freed from

29 final coming last; deciding

29 mourn grieve; feel or show sorrow for

29 repetition act of doing or saying again

29 subside sink to a lower level; grow less

29 toil hard work; to work hard; move

with difficulty
29 vain having too much pride in one's
ability, looks, etc; of no use
30 appoint decide on; set a time or place;
choose for a position; equip or
30 attract draw to oneself; win the
attention and liking of
30 depict represent by drawing or
painting; describe
30 morality the right or wrong of an action;
virtue; a set of rules or
principles of conduct
30 mortal sure to die sometime;
pertaining to man; deadly;
pertaining to or causing death
30 novel new; strange; a long story with
characters and plot
30 occupant person in possession of a
house, office, or position
30 quarter region; section; (quarters) a
place to live; to provide a place
to live
30 quote repeat exactly the words of
another or a passage from a
book; that is, something that is
30 roam wander; go about with no
special plan or aim
30 site position or place(of anthing)

30 verse a short divisio of a chapter in

the Bible; a single line or a
group of lines of poetry
31 confine keep in; hold in

31 cummuter one who travels regulary,

especially over a considerable
distance, between home and
31 dispute disagree; oppose; try to win; a
debate or disaggrement
31 fertile bearing seeds or fruit;
producing much of anything
31 idle not doing anything; not busy;
lazy; without any good reason
or cause; to waste(time)
31 idol a thing usually an image, that
is worshiped; a person or thing
that is loved very much
31 jest joke; fun; mockery; thing to be
laughed at; to joke; poke fun
31 lunatic crazy person; insane;
extremely foolish
31 patriotic loving one's country; showing
love and loyal wupport for
one's country
31 uneventful without important or striking
31 valor bravery; courage

31 vein mood; a blood vessel that

carries blood to the heart; a
crack or seam in a rock filled
32 colleague associate; fellow worker

32 diminish make or become smaller in

size, amount or importance
32 distress great pain or sorrow;
misforturn; dangerous or
difficult situation; to cause pain
32 flee run away; go quickly

32 loyalty faithfulness to a person,

government, idea, custom, or
the like
32 maximum greatest amount; greatest
32 mythology legends or stories that usually
attempt to explaing something
in nature
32 provide to supply; to state as a
condition; to prepare for or
against some situation
32 refer hand over; send, direct or turn
for information, help, or
action;(refer to) direct attention
32 signify mean; be a sign of; make
known by signs, words, or
actions; have importance
32 torment cause very great pain to; worry
or annoy very much; cause of
very great pain; very great pain
32 vulnerable capable of being injured; open
to attack, sensitive to criticism,
influences, ect
33 abuse make bad use of; use wrongly;
treat badly; scold very
severely; bad or wrong use;
33 hinder hold back; make hard to do

33 jolly merry; full of fun

33 lecture speech or planned talk; a

scolding; to scold
33 mumble speak indistinctly

33 mute silent; unable to speak

33 prejudice an opinion formed without

taking time and care to judge
fairly; to harm or injure
33 retain keep; remember; employ by
payment of a fee
33 shrill having a high pitch; high and
sharp in sound; piercing
33 volunteer person who enters any service
of his or her own free will; to
offer one's services
33 wad small, soft mass; to roll or
crush into a small mass
33 witty cleverly amusing

34 adolescent growing up to manhood or

womanhood; youthful; a
person from about 13 to 22
34 candidate person who is proposed for
some office or honor
34 coeducation having to do with education
al both sexes in the same school
34 precede go before; come before; be
higher in rank or importance
34 radical going to the root; fundamental;
extreme; person with extreme
34 sensitive receiving impressions readily;
easily affected of influenced;
easily hurt or offended
34 skim remove from the top; move
lightly (over); glide along; read
hastily or carelessly
34 spontaneou of one's own free will; natural;
s on the spur of the moment;
without rehearsal
34 temperate not very hot and not very cold;
34 untidy not neat; not in order

34 utensil container or tool used for

practical purposes
34 vaccinate inoculate with vaccine as a
protection against smallpox
and other diseases
35 cinema moving picture

35 discard throw aside

35 elevate raise; lift up

35 event happening; important

happening; result or outcome;
one item in a program of
35 flnance money matters; to provide
money for
35 lottery a scheme for distributing
prizes by lot or chance
35 obtain get; be in use

35 relate tell; give an account of;

connect in thought or meaning
35 soar fly upward or at a great height;
35 stationary having a fixed station or place;
stading still; not moving; not
changing in size; number or
35 subsequent later; following; coming after

35 vague not definite; not clear; not

36 harmony situation of getting on well
together or going well together;
sweet or musical sound
36 hasty quick; hurried; not well thought
36 illegal not lawful; against the law

36 narcotic drug that produces

drowsiness, sleep, dullness or
an insensible condition, and
36 prompt quick; on time; done at once;
to cause (someone) to do
something;remind (someone)
36 redeem buy back; pay off; carry out;
set free;make up for
36 refrain hold back

36 resume begin again; go on; take again

36 scorch burn slightly; dry up; criticize

36 soothe quiet; calm; comfort

36 sympathetic having or showing kind

feelings toward others;
approving ; enjoying the same
36 tempest violent storm with much wind;
a violent disturbance
37 abide accept and follow out; remain
faithful to; dwell;endure
37 deliberate to consider carefully; intended;
done on purpose;slow and
careful, as though allowing
37 drought long period of dry weather;
lack of rain; lack of water;
37 dwindle become smaller and smaller;
37 heed give careful attention to; take
notice of; careful attention
37 heir person who has a right to
someone's property after that
one dies;person who inherits
37 majestic grand; noble; dignified; kingly

37 summit highest point; top

37 surplus amount over and above what

is needed; excess, extra
37 traitor person who betrays his or her
country, a friend, duty
37 unify unite; make or form into one

37 vandal person who wilfully or

ignorantly destroys or
damages beautiful things
38 biography the written story of a person's
life; the part of literature that
consists of biographies
38 charity generous giving to the poor;
institutions form helping the
sick, the poor, or the helpless;
38 dejected in low spirits; sad

38 drench wet thoroughly; soak

38 kneel go down on one's knees;

remain on the knees
38 obedient doing what one is told;willing to
38 recede go back; move back; slope
backward; withdraw
38 swarm group of insects flying of
moving about to gether;crowd
or great number; to fly or move
38 tumult noise; uproar; violent
disturbance or disorder
38 tyrant cruel or unjust ruler; cruel
master; absolute ruler
38 verdict decision of a jury; judgment

38 wobble move unsteadily from side to

39 cancel cross out; mark so that it
cannot be used; wipe out; call
39 clergy persons prepared for religious
work; cleargymen as a group
39 coincide occupy the same place in
space; occupy the same time;
correspond exactly; agree
39 contagious spreading by contract, easily
spreading from one to another
39 customary usual

39 debtor person who owes something to

39 depart go away; leave; turn away
(from); change; die
39 legible ablet to be read; easy to read;
plain and clear
39 placard a notice to be posted in a
public place; poster
39 scald pour boiling liquid over; burn
with hot liquid or steamp; heat
almost to the boiling point
39 transparent easily seen through; clear

39 unearth dig up; discover; find out

40 chiropractor a person who treats ailments

by massage and manipulation
of the vertebrase and other
40 edipemic an outbreak of a disease that
spreads rapidly, so that many
people have it at the same
40 jeopardize risk; endanger

40 magnify cause to look larger than it

really is; make too much of; go
beyond the truth in telling
40 municipal of a city or state; having
something to do in the affairs
of a city or town
40 negative saying no; minus; showing the
lights and shadows reversed
40 obesity extreme fatness

40 obstacle anything that gets in the way or

hinder; impediment;
40 oral spoken;using speech; of the
40 pension regular payment that is not
wages; to make such a
40 ventilate change the air in; purigy by
fresh air; discuss openly
40 vital having to do with life;
necessary to life; causing
death, failure or ruin; lively
41 complacent pleased with oneself; self-
41 indifference lack of interest, care, or
41 morgue place where bodies of
unknown persons found dead
are kept; the reference library
41 multitude a great numer; a crowd

41 nominate name as a candidate for office;

appoint to an office
41 parole word of honor; conditional
freedom; to free (a prisoner)
under certain conditions
41 potential possibility as opposed to
actuality; capability of coming
into being or action; possible
41 preoccupie took up all the attention
41 rehabilitate restore to good condition;
make over in a new form;
restore to former standing,
41 unhoistery coverings and cushions for
41 vertical straight up and down with
reference to the horizon, for
example, a vertical line
41 wasp an insect with a slender body
and powerful sting
42 amend change for the better; correct;
42 ballot piece of paper unsed in voting;
the whole number of votes
cast; the method of secret
42 drastic acting with force or violence

42 endure last; keep on; undergo; bear;

42 expose lay open; uncover; leave
unprotected; show openly
42 legend story coming from the past,
which many people have
believed; what is written on a
42 maintain keep; keep up; carry on;
uphold; support; declare to be
42 ponder consider carefully

42 resign give up; yield; submit

42 snub treat coldly, scornfully, or with

contempt; cold treatment
42 warth very great anger; rage

42 wharf platform built on the shore or

out from the shore beside
which ships can load or unload
10x big-time significant or important

10x dungaree a sturdy; often blue denim

10x remedy relieve or cure; something,
such as medicine or therapy
10x squeeze press hard on or together; squeeze into
11x inhabitant one of pepple who live in a
particular place
11x monster a large ugly frightening
creature, especially an
imaginary one
13x fluid liquid

13x livelihood means of support

14x elbow push or jostle with the elbow; at (one's) elbow; out
shove aside with the elbow at the elbows
14x lap receive eagerly or greedlily lap up

14x oval resembling an egg in shape;

resembling an ellipse in shape;
15x cafeteria a restaurant where you choose
your own food and carry it to
the table, often in a factory,
15x pupil student

15x salute greet;welcome at the salute

16x marvelous causing wonder or

16x pound beat pound on

1x anecdote A short account of an

interesting incident
1x bandit armed robber

1x cloak overcoat; something that cloak with

covers or conceals
1x contraband goods prohibited by law
1x desert A barren or desolate area;
1x flirt deal playfully flirt with

1x nobleman a man of noble rank

1x puddle a small pool of water

26x cliff a high, steep or overhanging

force of stock
26x fate the supposed force, principle,
or power that predetermines
26x fur the thick coat of soft hair
covering the skin of a
mammal, such as a fox or
26x realm a kingdom

28x cereal A grass such as wheat, oats,

or corn, the starchy grains of
which are used as food
28x cutout Something cut out or intended
to be cut out from something
28x decay To break down into component
2x cemetery a graveyard; a burial ground

2x laugh smile;sneer; ridicule; jeer. laugh at

2x tombstone a gravestone;a funerary slab.

30x ape Any of various large, tailless

Old World primates of the
family Pongidae, including the
30x biblical Of, relating to, or contained in
the Bible
30x camel A humped, long-necked
ruminant mammal of the
30x cub The young of certain
carnivorous animals, such as
the bear, wolf, or lion
30x peacock A male peafowl, distinguished
by its crested head, brilliant
blue or green plumage, and
30x wadding Wads considered as a group

31x fascinate To hold an intense interest or

attraction for
32x bunk A narrow bed built like a shelf do a bunk
into or against a wall, as in a
ship's cabin;Empty talk;
32x dip To plunge briefly into a liquid,
as in order to wet, coat, or
32x spot A place of relatively small and
definite limits
34x parenthood parentage

35x council An assembly of persons called

together for consultation,
deliberation, or discussion
35x dull dull Intellectually weak or obtuse;
36x honor High respect, as that shown for
special merit; esteem
37x acres A unit of area in the U.S.
Customary System, used in
land and sea floor
37x stump The part of a tree trunk left
protruding from the ground
after the tree has fallen or has
37x woodland The dense, soft, often curly
hair forming the coat of sheep
and certain other mammals,
38x invasion he act of invading, especially
the entrance of an armed force
into a territory to conquer
38x rebel To refuse allegiance to and
oppose by force an
established government or
38x savage Not domesticated or cultivated;
wild; Lacking polish or
manners; rude
38x shipwreck The destruction of a ship, as
by storm or collision; A
complete failure or ruin
38x wade To walk in or through water or
something else that similarly
impedes normal movement;
39x ladder An often portable structure
consisting of two long sides
crossed by parallel rungs,
39x mutton The flesh of fully grown sheep

39x supersition

3x flour a powder made by crushing

grain, especially wheat, and
used for making bread, cakes
3x grant give someone something that grant sb sth
they have asked for, especially
official permissiion to do
3x judicial connected with a court of law,
judges, or their decisions
3x quarrel have an argument quarrel with/about

40x absenteeis Habitual failure to appear,

m especially for work or other
regular duty; The rate of
40x sweep To clean or clear, as of dirt,
with or as if with a broom or
42x erase To remove (something written,
for example) by rubbing,
wiping, or scraping
42x flame he zone of burning gases and
fine suspended matter
associated with rapid
42x ridicule To expose to ridicule; make
fun of
4x droplet A tiny drop

4x evaporate convert or change into a vapor

5x lights-out light-off time; power failure

6x cheat behave in a dishonest way in cheat at

order to win or to get an
advantage, especially in a
6x debator a man who discusses a
subject formally
6x messy untidy and dirty
6x pilgrim someone who travels a long
way to a holy place for a
religious reason
6x ruin a situation in which you have lead to sb's ruin
lost all your money, your social
position, or the good opinion
6x steer guide by means of a device steer sb toward/to
such as a rudder, paddle, or
7x dues a charge or fee for
9x originate fromal to start to develop in a
partcular place or from a
prarticular situation
When Roy abandoned his family, the police
went looking for him.
My brother took an oath to remain a bachelor.

The data about the bank robbery were given

to the F.B.I.
The pilot swore a gallant oath to save his
The fighter had to face many hardships
before he became champion.
Although my neighbor just bought a new car, I
am not jealous of him.
My dog has keen sense of smell.

In court, the witness took an oath that he

would tell the whole truth.
You have to be taller than 5'5" to qualify as a
policeman in our town.
Your friends will admire you if you use tact
and thoughtfulness.
Unaccustomed as he was to exercise, Vic
quickly became tired.
I put my coat on that vacant seat.

Tris could not conceal his love for Cloria.

The corpse was laid to rest in the vacant

I am unaccustomed to this dismal climate.

Inside the butcher's freezer the temperature

was frigid.
Eskimos inhabit the friged part ofAlaska.

My fingers quickly became numb in the friged

There is great peril in trying to climb the
Richard likes to recline in front of the
television set.
The maid shrieked when she discovered the
The sinister plot to cheat the widow was
uncovered by the police.
A banana split can tempt me to break my diet.

I lost a small wager on the Superbowl.

The publishers of the encyclopedia put out a

book each year called an annual
When Jose blends the potatoes together,
they come out very smooth.
If we could devise a plan for using the
abandaonded building, we could save
thousands of dollars.
It is esssntial that we follow the road map.

Because the stars are visible, the sky has to

become quite dark.
Studies show that adults need a mininum of
six hours sleep.
No one could persuade the captain to leave
the sinking ship.
Because there is little moistur in the desert,
trees are scarce.
Feeling that he had the essential talent, Crlos
tried out for the school play.
The sinister character in the movie wore a
typical costume, a dark shirt, loud tie, and
tight jacket.
You need a powerful lens to make some
germs visible.
By buying my ties wholesale I save fifteem
dollar a year.
A fan may circulate the air in summer, but it
doesn't cool it.
His keen knife cut through the dense jungle.

If we let theory out of a ballon, it will have to

When figuring the cost of a car, don't
eliminate such extras as air conditioning.
Public hangings once drew enormous crowds.

Most people believe that ocean air is quite

Weathermen can predict the weather
correctly most of the time.
My uncle has a theory about the effect of
weather on baseball batters.
No one seems willing to utilize this vacant
Given him a week without a job and all his
money will vanish.
He has gathered data on the amount of vapor
rising from the swamp.
The villain concealed the corpse in the cellar.

The fioters assembled outside the White

Irma found the enormous box too much of a
The compus was designed to utilize all of the
college's buildings.
The debate between the two candidates was
Juan tried to evade the topic by changing the
Lawyer spence explored the essential
reasons for the crime.
A majority of votes was needed for the bill to
The lawyer probed the man's mind to see if
he was innocent.
after the prison riot, the council decided to
reform the correctional system.
Tomatoes are ess expensive at the rural farm
Valerie only discussed topics that she knew
All religions have different beliefs and
Ben approached the burden of getting a job
with a new spirit.
The lawyer told her client that she could
predict the outcome of his trial
The engineer gave our house a thorough,
comprehensive check-up before my father
bought it.
The villain deceived Chief White Cloud by
pretending to be his friend.
By defraud his friend, Dexter ruined a family
tradition of honesty.
My Chevrolet was sent back to the factory
because of a steering defect
My boss had to fire many employees when
meat became scarce.
The senator neglected to make his annual
report to Congress.
The Beatles wrote many popular songs.

My science teacher praised Sandy for doing a

thorough job of cleaning up the lab.
The pilgrims undoubtedly assembled to travel
to Rome together.
He explored the space capsule for special
David would not consent to our plan.

The father denounced his son for lying to the

district attorney.
Jones Beach is not so beautiful on a gloomy
The boss asked some employees to lift the
massive box.
My neighbor was molested when walking
home from the subway.
I neglected to postpone the party because I
thought everyone would be able to come.
Farmers feel that their rural homes should be
Bertha resented the way her boyfriend treated
A massive rain was coming down in torrents.

We had some unforeseen problems with the

new engine.
Albie has a unique collention of Israeli
The amateur cross-country runner wanted to
be in the Olympics.
The massive desk was quite bulky and
impossible to carry.
The bookeeper exaggerated her importance
to the company.
The movie wasn't a great one;it was only
The fact that Darcy was a popular boy was
obvious to all.
My client is a prominent businessperson.

I was relucctant to give up the security of

family life.
Pablo wanted to preserve the security of his
some people believe that only the strongest
should survive
Rita hat valid reasons for denouncing her
father's way of life.
The show featured a variety of entertainment.

bedky had a weird feeling after swallouwing

the pills.
The United States is more than two centruies
No one bothered to challenge the prominent
The gloomy day concluded with a
The gloomy day concluded with a
Little Alice realized that if she didn't behave,
her parents would ignore her.
His problem was that he lacked a variety of
We were seeking a miniature model of the
bulky chess set.

Totie could not resist eating the chocolate

The source of Buddy's trouble was boredom.

The jury concluded that the teenagers were

undeniably guilty.
The torrent of rain fell only in our vicitity.

Steffi Graf was challenged to compete for the

tennis title.
The poor student dreated going to school
each morning.
Because he was so small, Larry could not
excel in sports
When my sister wants to look feminine she
change from dungarees into a dress.
The toy was flexible, and the baby could bend
it easily.
The boy became more masculine as he got
Irv's lack of respect made him a menace to
his parents.
Congressman Gingrich mounted the platform
to make his speech.\
Critics review numerous movies every week.

My algebra teacher has a tendence to forget

the students' names.
I admit that I underestimated the power in the
bulky fighter's frame.
Playing in New Jersey, the Giants were
victorious two years in a row.
It was absurd to believe the fisherman's tall
The class mediation team was invited to settle
the conflict.
Many people moved out of this city in the last
Our teacher ignored the evidence that Simon
hat cheated on the test.
The story that the president hat died was
On frequent occasions Sam fell asleep in
The morning we caught our first glimpse o the
beautiful shoreline.
Nora hesitated to accept the challenge.

Blacks are a minority group in the United

Bessie liked the old silent movies better than
the more recent ones.
Sid's solitary manner kept him form making
new friendships.
The glasses that Irma bought corrected her
near-sighted vision.
My school has abolished final exams
Carlos was adequate at his job but he wasn't
From across the room, the theacher's voice
was barely audible.
The landlord promised to decrease our rent.

Never underestimate the value of being frank

with one another.
One math can ignite an entire forest.

The Atlantic Ocean is in danger of becoming

China has the largest population of a city or
The law prohibits the use of guns to settle a
The evidence was revealed only after hours
of questioning.
Many businessses open offices in urban
An urgent telephone call was made to the
company's treasurer.
Graduation will commence at ten o'clock.
The student was proud to be the editor of the
school newspaper.
The rumor of a famine in Europe was purely
A gleam of light shone through the prison
The vicinity of London is known to be hazy.

Numerous witnesses identified the butcher as

the thief.
There were four journalists covering the
murder story.
My grandfather migrated to New York from
Italy in 1919.
Because Cato was observant, he was able to
reveal the thief's name.
The humid weather persisted all summer.

The nurses tried to revive the heart attack

My father burst a blood vessel when he got
the bill from the garage.
The lawyer was bewildered by his client's lack
of interest in the case.
The journalist covered all the details of the
brawl in the park.
Dozens of employees quit the job because
the boss was brutal to them.
Elliott tried to deceive Mrs.Held by making a
duplicate of my paper.
The Russian chess player underestimated his
opponent and lost.
The boxer devised an attack that would help
him to be victorious over his young rival
Once the jet engine was ignited, it thrust the
rocket from the ground.
Minority groups complain about being the
underdog in this century.
Unruly behavior is prohibited at the pool

Liza was unpopular because she was vicious

to people she had just met.
Carefully, very carefully, we approached the
violent man.
The space vessel was whirling around before
it landed on earth.
I altered my typical lunch and had a steak
The bartender made a casual remark about
the brawl in the backroom.
we will expand our business as soon as we
locate a new building.
It is fortunate that the famine did not affect our
The innovative ads for the candy won many
new customers.
It is essenteal that you behave in a mature
way in the business world.
England was a pioneer in building large
vesels for tourists.
Monte was reluctant to pledge his loyalty to
his new girlfriend.
Ernie rowed up the river, pursuing it to its
Under the revised rules, Shane was
eliminated from competing.
It was revealed by the journalist that the
sacred temple had been torn down.
The class was unanimous in wanting to
eliminate study halls.
In writing on the topic, Vergil used accurate
The gasoline capsule had a capacity of 500
Be cautious when you choose your opponent.

Annette was confident she would do well as a

We don't doubt that the tradition of marriage
will continue.
The majority of pupils felt grateful for Mr.Ash's
The students used a microscope to see the
miniature insect.
The thieves penetrated the bank's security
and stolen the money.
I tried to ignore his bad violin playing, but the
sound was piercing.
There was only a slender chance that you
could conceal the truth.
Most farmers believe that rural life far
surpasses urban living.
Our campus always seems vast to new
The atom bomb is an awesome achievement
for mankind.
Slow down because this is an awkward
corner to turn.
Greg responded quickly to the question.

Nick's awkward motions betrayed his

Heavy floods compelled us to stop.

Touists often hire guides.

This toy should pacity that screaming baby.

Call me tomorrow evening if possible.

Foam will quench an oil fire.

Greg responded quickly to the question.

When Violet accidentally stipped on the nail,

she uttered a sharp cry of pain.
Medics venturd their lives to save wounded
Cease trying to do more than you can.

Despite his size, Ted put up a good fight.

Pam's clowning dis rupted the clas every daty.

To exhaust the city's water supply would be a

we heard a feeble cy from the exhauted child.

A miserly person rarely has any friends.

There are few modern nations that are

governed by monarch.
we took a rapid walk around the camp before
the report of a rash of burglaries in the
neighborhood was exagerated.
The severity of the teacher was not
appreciated y the pupils until they reached the
final examinations.
By being thrifty, iss Benson managed to ger
along on her small income.
the thirteen colonies united to form one
The secret of sucessful trout fishing is finding
the right bait.
Some governments, national and local,
censor books.
Who is the culprit who has eaten the
The hurricane's violent winds brought disaster
to the coastal town.
This letter discloses the source of his fortune.

The inhabitants of arizona are unaccustomed

to excessive rain.
These stories illustrate Mark Twain's serious
She insisted that Sal was not jealous of his
twin brother.
Paula is still young enough to wear juvenile
Congress has outlawed the sale of certain
Students who pass the test will be promoted
to the next grade.
the undernourished child was so feeble he
could hardly walk.
The exhausted boy blundered through the
Florence commended the baby to her aunt's
My parents say that they cannot comprehent
today's music.
Dazed by the flashlight, Maria blundered
down the steps.
School property is exempt from most taxes.

The final week of the term is rapidly

We need not mourn over trifles.
Any repetition of such unruly behavior will be
The waves subsided when the winds ceased
to blow.
The feeble old man toiled up the hill.

Josephine is quite vain about her beauty.

the library was apointed as the best place for

the urgent meeting.
The magnet attracted the iron particles.

The artist ant the author both tried to depict

the sunset's bearty.
The two monarchs were mortal enemies.

The two monarchs were mortal enemies.

the novel plan caused some unforeseen

The occupant of the car beckoned us to
follow him.
Ellen moved to the French Quarter of our city.

she often quotes her spouse to prove a point.

A variety of animals once roamed our land.

the agent insisted that the house had one of

the best sites in town.
Several verses of a religious nature were
contained the document.
Polio confined President Roosevelt to a
Have your commuter's ticket verified by the
Our patriotic soldies disputed every inch of
ground during the battle.
Chicks hatch form fertile eggs.

do nto deceive yorself into thinding that these

are just edle rumors.
This small metal idol illustrates the art of
ancient Rome.
do not jest about matters of morality.

Only a lunatic would willingly descent into the

onster's cave.
It is patriotic to accept our responsibilities to
your country.
Our annual class outing proved quite
The valor of the Vietnam veterans deserves
the highest commendation.
a vein of lunacy seemed to run in the family.

We must rescue our colleagues form their

wretched condition.
The excessive heat diminished as the sun
went down.
The family was in great distress over the
accident that maimed Kenny.
The fleeing outlaws were pursued by the
The monarch referred to his knights' loyalty
with pride.
We would like to exhibit this rare collection to
the maximum number of visitors.
The story of proserpina and Ceres explaining
the seasons is typical of Greek mythology.
How can we provide job opportunities form all
our graduates?
Let us refer the dispute th the dean.

"Oh!" signifies surprise.

Persistent headaches tormented him.

Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel.

Those who abuse the privileges of the honor

system will be penalized.
Deep mud hindered travel in urban centers.

When the jolly laughter subsided, the pirates

began the serious business of dividing the
Rarely have I heard a lecture with auch clear
Ricky mumbled his awkward apology.

The usually defiant chil stood mute before the

the witness's weird behavior prejudiced
Nancy's case.
Like the majority of people, I can retain the
tune but not the words of a song.
despite their small ize, crickets make very
shrill noises.
Terry did not hesitate to volunteer for the most
difficult jobs.
To decrease the effects of the pressure, the
diver put wads of cotton in his ears.
Fay is too slow to appreciate such witty
Our annual rock festival attracts thousands of
Each candidate for mayor seemed confident
he would be victorious.
There has been a masive shift to
coeductional shools.
Lyndon Johnsom preceded Richard Nixon as
The tendency to be vicious and cruel is a
radical fault.
The eye is sensitive to light.

This soup will be more mourishing if you skim

off the fat.
The vast crowd burst into spontaneous
cheering at the skillful play.
The United States is mostly in the North
Temperate Zone.
the bachelor's quarters were most untidy.

Several utensils were untidily tosed about the

There has been a radical decline in polio
since doctors began to vaccinate children with
the Salk vaccine.
Can women excel as jockeys in big-time
horse racing?
When my sister wants to look feminine, she
changes from dungarees into a dress.
A salesman of phony remedies would often
gather a crowd at a fair by juggling or other
A mouse's flexible body allows it to squeeze
through narrow openings.
It has become the famous inhabitant of the
The enormous monster is more than a vision.

The opinions of young are fluid.

Bob writes for a livelihood.

No sport can duplicate the vicious shrieking,

pushing, elbowing, and fighting, all at high
speed while the skates are whirling around
He is lapping up praise.

The game commences with two teams on

roller skates circling a banked, oval track.
Pupils may utilize the cafeteria any time.

Pupils pursue courses they choose

We Salute the innovative school.

The laser is a marvelous device.

The teacher pounded his fist on the table in

She was impressed by that anecdote.

The bandit who had stolen her bag was

The nobleman spread his cloak on the
When you find something like contraband,
turn in it to police.
There are nothing to live in desert without
I flirted with the idea of gallanting widow.

The nobleman spread his cloak on the

My friend fell into puddle over a stone.

His body increased in bulk and became cliffs.

This was the fate of anyone who looked upon

the Medusa.
She wore a small fur wrapped around her
Perseus then flew to the rdalm of King Atlas
whose chief pride was his garden.
Many childen's cereals contained mord than
50 percent sugar.
It is a life-size cardboard cutout of Margaret
The carcass was already starting to decay.

I was in a cemetery yesterdaty.

Don't make me laugh.

He is near the tombstone.

Push off you big ape.

Among the occupants of this zoo are

crocodiles, camels, apes, peacocks, deer,
foxes, and sheep.
Among the occupants of this zoo are
crocodiles, camels, apes, peacocks, deer,
foxes, and sheep.
A fox and her cubs were crossing the field.
Among the occupants of this zoo are
crocodiles, camels, apes, peacocks, deer,
foxes, and sheep.

The idea of travelling through time fascinates

What a load of bunk!

Dip your finger in the batter and taste it.

We found several good camping spots by the

We are immediate candidates for parenthood.
The cooker uses always best flour.

The Norton consortium has been granted

permission to build a shopping mall
This event is judicial.

They're forever bickering and quarrelling with

each other

Fog, timy droplets of water vapor, is the villain

of the airports.
The droplets would evaporate with clearing
the air.
The group assembled to explore the topiec of
lights-out time.
You're doing it again, you're trying to cheat!

He is the important debator for us.

I haven't had time to clear up.

pilgrims at Lourdes

Joe's rashness led ultimately to his ruin.

Jeol steered the visitors towards the backyard

We accepted the raised club dues.

ow did the idea originate?

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