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You used to work very hard.

(T� sol�as trabajar muy duro)

She used to live in Japan. (Ella sol�a vivir en Jap�n)

They used to swim on weekends. (Ellos sol�an nadar los fines de semana)

She used to sit in the park. (Ella sol�a sentarse en el parque)

He used to walk to school. (�l sol�a caminar para ir a la escuela)

Mr. Green used to work with my uncle. (El Sr. Green sol�a trabajar con mi t�o)

He used to work in his garden. (El sol�a trabajar en su jard�n)

He used to study for his English class. (�l sol�a estudiar para su clase de ingl�s)

You used to watch television every night. (Usted sol�a ver televisi�n todas las

They used to talk for hours. (Ellos sol�an hablar por horas)

He used to live in Boston. (�l sol�a vivir en Boston)

We used to listen music until ten o�clock last night (Nosotros sol�amos escuchar
m�sica hasta las 10 anoche)

She used to visit London. (Ella sol�a visitar Londres)

He used to watch television until twelve o�clock last night. (�l sol�a ver
televisi�n hasta las 12 anoche)

She used to smoke a lot. (Ella sol�a fumar mucho)

You used to arrive ten minutes late. (T� sol�as llegar 10 minutos tarde)

She used to read the newspaper. (Ella sol�a leer el peri�dico)

She used to send her child to a summer camp. (Ella sol�a enviar a su hijo a un
campamento de verano)

We used to eat together. (Nosotros sol�amos comer juntos)

She used to go there twice a week. (Ella sol�a ir all� dos veces a la semana)

We used to give her a gift in her birthday. (Nosotros sol�amos darle un regalo en
su cumplea�os)

I used to drive to work. (Yo sol�a conducir al trabajo)

They used to sell books there. (Ellos sol�an vender libros all�)

They used to visit us. (Ellos sol�an visitarnos)

He used to teach French. (�l sol�a ense�ar franc�s)

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