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Module 3-PJ

Apellidos y nombre: ..............................................................................................................................................................

D.N.I.: .............................Grupo:............... Docente del programa:................................................................................

1. El alumnado deberá tener disponible en todo momento a requerimiento del personal docente del
programa documento acreditativo de su identidad como D.N.I., pasaporte, permiso de conducir o, en el
caso del alumnado extranjero, tarjeta de residencia en vigor o en trámite o tarjeta de estudiante emitida
por la Subdelegación de Gobierno.
2. Para la realización de la prueba sólo está permitido el uso de papel sellado proporcionado por el personal
3. Al finalizar la prueba, el alumnado deberá entregar al personal docente tanto el cuadernillo de examen
completo como los folios en blanco sellados que pudieran haberle sido entregados.
4. Este cuadernillo de examen contiene las siguientes secciones:
• Comprensión escrita o Reading Passage.
• Comprensión oral o Listening Comprehension
• Uso de la lengua o General Language:
Parts A, B, C, and Pronunciation
• Expresión escrita o Writing Composition
• Hoja de respuestas o Answer Sheet

5. En las dos últimas hojas, Writing Composition y Answer Sheet, el alumnado deberá
consignar su nombre y apellidos, así como el número de su D.N.I. Sólo se considerarán para su
evaluación las respuestas anotadas por el alumnado en la hoja de respuestas o Answer Sheet, por lo que
sólo será en esta hoja donde el alumnado deberá escribir las respuestas de las preguntas de cada
sección a excepción del ejercicio de expresión escrita que se redactará en su hoja específica.

6. Sólo se admitirán para su corrección los exámenes escritos con tinta azul o negra.

pág. 1
Reading Passage Module 3-PJ

The United Kingdom now has seven social classes

A new survey shows there are seven social classes in the
United Kingdom. This is four classes more than the traditional class
system. Last century, there were just three classes in Britain – upper,
middle, and working class. This system centred around people's wealth,
education and job. The new survey, from the BBC, shows how the times
have changed. The BBC says the old model is too simple and a new
one is needed to show someone's class. This new model includes how
rich you are, your schooling and your occupation, but adds several more points. These include savings, how many
people you know, social networking, and cultural interests.

The BBC study is called the Great British Class Survey. More than 161,000 people answered questions
about their life. The researchers looked at all the information and decided that Britain's way of measuring class
needed modernising. The top class is the "elite" – the richest people. This is followed by the "established middle
class," the "technical middle class," and the "new affluent workers". The three bottom classes are the "traditional
working class," the "emergent service workers," and the poor. Six per cent of Britons are in the elite class. They have
savings of more than £ 200,000 and went to a top university. Fifteen per cent are in the poor class. These earn less
than £12,000 a year.

1. According to the text, in the traditional class system there are…

a four classes
b three classes
c seven classes

2. Traditionally, to know the class a person belonged to, it was important to know …
a how rich that person was.
b where that person worked and what that person had studied.
c both of the above.

3. Nowadays, to know what class a person belongs to, …

a there are four other points we have to take into account.
b we should make a survey.
c we should surf the net and search for information about it.

4. The Great British Class Survey…

a is a TV programme.
b is a study made by the BBC.
c none of the above

5. According to the survey, …

a the traditional working class would be on the fourth position.
b the new affluent workers would be more important than the technical middle class.
c the first position would be occupied by the people who have more money.

6. Which sentence is CORRECT?

a Less than 10 per cent of Britons belong to the top class.
b Fifteen per cent of Britons go to a top university.
c An average British person earns twelve thousand pounds a year.

pág. 2
Listening comprehension Module 3-PJ
Bristol Girl in Canal Drama
You will listen to this recording three times, then choose the best option in each case

7. Linda Woods...

a died in a the canal in Moss Park.

b died in hospital.
c nearly died.

8. Alison went to the canal …

a to pick up some flowers for her teacher.

b to pick up some flowers for her mother.
c to swim

9. Marjorie Franks …

a is Linda’s mother.
b is Linda’s teacher.
c is the owner of a local sweet shop.

10. Alison was lying…

a under the water

b three meters from the edge of the canal.
c near the water.

11. The canal passes very close to…

a a school.
b a cinema.
c a private residential area.

12. The canal is very dangerous because…

a children usually go swimming there.

b it is deep and there are no fences.
c it is very close to a hospital.

pág. 3
General language Module 3-PJ

Part 1
Choose the best option from below to complete the dialogue

Joe: Linda, why are you going to the doctor?

Linda: I’ve got 13) … . I’ve got 14) … to see Dr Ledger.
Joe: I see. I think you should stop smoking . Smoking damages your health.
Linda: Yes, that’s what my mother says and she also says I 15) … .
Joe. I think she is right. Your job is very demanding and you’re always under stress. Why
don’t you take a holiday? I 16 ) … your health. You 17) … very hard this year.

13 a a sore throat
b a pain throat
c a hurt throat

14 a a date
b an appointment
c a meeting

15 a must to stay in the bed and rest

b have to saying in bed and relax
c must stay in bed and rest

16 a am worried about
b ‘m worrying for
c ‘m taking about

17 a ‘re worked
b ‘ve worked
c do work

pág. 4
General language Module 3-PJ

Part 2

Here are some tips you’ve got to take into account before you travel, choose the best option in each

When you fly…

- Have your passport ready before you get to 18) … .
- For short trips, take 19) … only; then you don’t have to 20) … for your baggage when you arrive to your
- Ask for 21) …; there is more space and you can move around.
When you travel by train…
- Go to the end of the 22) …; the train is usually quite empty at the end.

a passport control
b passport check-in
c passport revision department

a hand equipment
b hand luggage
c baggage claim

a spend
b waist
c wait

a a separate place
b an isolated seat
c an aisle seat

a platform
b line
c pavement

pág. 5
General language Module 3-PJ

Part 3
Choose the best option from below to complete the dialogue

Jason: 23) … last year ?

Paul: Yes, I did. I really liked it. I think Madrid is 24) … place I have ever visited.
Jason: Really? Don’t you think it is 25) … ?
Paul: Not for me. I think it is a very lively city. It is 26) … Darlington, the place where I come from.
Jason: That’s true, but in my opinion it isn’t 27) … . There is too much traffic. I prefer small cities. I feel more
comfortable in cities where I can walk everywhere and where I don’t need to get a bus or drive all the time.

a Did you go to Madrid
b Have you been to Madrid
c Did you went to Madrid


a the goodest
b the better
c the best


a noisy enough
b too noisy
c enough noisy


a more livelier that

b liveliest than
c livelier than


a enough quiet
b too quiet
c quiet enough

pág. 6
General language Module 3-PJ

Part 4

Read the situations and choose the correct answer.

28. You want to invite your best friend to go for a drink. You say:

a Would you like to come for a drink tomorrow night?

b Do you want to coming for a drink tomorrow night?
c Are you coming for a drinking tomorrow night?

29. Mike was born in London in 1999. He still lives in London.

a Mike lives in London since 1999.
b Mike has lived in London since 1999.
c Mike is living in London since 1999.

30. Paul is reading a book.. Two weeks later he is still reading the book. …
a Paul hasn’t finished reading the book yet.
b Paul has already read the book.
c Paul isn’t finished reading the book yet.


31. Pronunciation. ¿Qué palabra contiene el sonido subrayado en la palabra LOOK?

a music
b pneumonia
c could

32. Pronunciation. ¿ Qué palabra contiene el sonido subrayado en la palabra LOVE?

a cut
b do
c cat

pág. 7
Writing composition Module 3-PJ

Full name: .....................................................................................................................................................................

I.D.: ......................................................................

Writing Composition.

Write about your job: What’s your job? What tasks do you have to do? What qualifications and skills do you
need? What have been your main achievements at work? Write a composition about this topic. You should write
around 60 words.

pág. 8
Answer sheet Module 3-PJ

Full name: .....................................................................................................................................................................

I.D.: ......................................................................

Reading Passage Listening Comprehension

1. a b c 7. a b c

2. a b c 8. a b c

3. a b c 9. a b c

4. a b c 10. a b c

5. a b c 11. a b c

6. a b c 12. a b c

General Language

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

13. a b c 18. a b c 23. a b c 28. a b c

14. a b c 19. a b c 24. a b c 29. a b c

15. a b c 20. a b c 25. a b c 30. a b c

16. a b c 21. a b c 26. a b c Pronunciation

17. a b c 22. a b c 27. a b c 31. a b c

32. a b c

pág. 9

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