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sreT vfr ffifrqrqr

Time : 2 Hours] [Maximum N{arks : 40
errq:2qu)1 tTqf6:40

Note : (1) Attempt all questions.

(2) l\farks are given against each question.
frtlr : (1) rrft sr* * c.rr fttqq I

(2\ r&o' qrq * 0i-6 ush qrqi ftd 'rt "6 IHffi

I Match the follorving and write your answers in the answer book: *ro=:

(a) Keyboard, Mouse (i) Auto shapes
(b) Video card (ii) Microphorre Types
(c) Lines, Arrow. Flowcharts (iii) Blank Presentation
(d) Desktop. Hand held (ir ) Input der,'ices
(e) Operating system (v) Harduare component
(0 Start Powerpoint (vi) Microsoft Windows

ftr.a G ffi ,*r wrr erqft srr-Sko,r q ftrd :

(a) fr *€, qsq (i) sf'd qlq
(b) fiH 6r€ (ii) qEfttht{ & ron'
(c) ETrfl, Et, qttq'r[ (iii) *o tHqn
(d) +ffi dq, ts tc (iv) grgz fs-dr{tq
(e) qRferr ftrcq (v) EdaT( q,fri?
(0 Eri qffif{ (vi) tr5*€fqu tdst{
s6loslr-229-A l 3 llllllllllllilllllllllllffllilllilliliffillillllillillllllllll r Contd...
write inyour answer book, TRUE/FALSE for the following statements ,
l*e =3
(a) A[,U and CU of a computer system are jointly known as the CpU or Central
ProCessing Unit.
(b) In Windows Explorer, you cannot see a hierarchical list of f,rles.
(c) Yoi! can easily create table through Word processing.
(d) Tab key is used to create columns in word processing program.
(e) You cannot copy or move 4 or 5 files or folders at a time.
(0 It is,possible to create a presentation without using slides.
tqrr aufr + ftTq orq* sm-Sftffir t s& / rrtra pdfuq :

(a) frs.q. trc rtilR{-'r {lru q.qm.Ik .tR ft.t ffi 61 kdrr( q+ar t

(b) frS \rffidt { enq qr$ qr qi6t a1 6ffi qg Tfi tq H6+ t I

(c) t t tq( fiqR fi vqt t

onq Bilrsrft I

(d) r€;c!frQftt'r t EEnqEs r{ri fr ftq tq fr ar qqhT frr t I

0{N 4 qr s q,r{d qr qH al \'6, qrq ffi qr

W q& m Fmfr t

H ffi Rrfs aT rfrr Poq q +Hrrt srFTr qtrq t


(0 I

Define the following :

(a) Start lV{enu (b) Source Program
(c) Peripheral l)evices (d) Functions in Excel
f{q qft qftqrqr frfuq :

(a) ffi€ tq (b) rird *rnq

(c) qth,.d ffiq (d) \r+td t Q;elR
4 Write_ short notes
// on the following :
\9Y Deleting Text (b) Font Style
(c) Hig'h level language
|9r/t^Vortance of Formula
tm 'r<r.r{nqq M Fil<ql ft{fuq
(a) tqal gte mn, (b) qiz erw
(c) Er{--tTd (d) qitffi 6'r q6€
:rentiate between the following :
4--.. 2x2=4
eailer and Footer
@f Mo-ving Text and Copying Text
Frr{ * 4q sffi( tqaa of :

(a) ttr ufu U-r

(b) Lre 6 onr ,*r bc€ 6ift
"G, Effi
56/05/l*229.A1 4 l llilll llill llll l ll llll lllll ll l ll lll llll llllll il]ililil]ilil] il] r conrd...
6 Answer the following questions :
(a), Wite the steps to start Windows Explorer.
lVl ,Wrrte the importance of Word processing.
What do you understand by Font Face ? Explain.
\@ Explain the importance of Mailmerge in an office.
(e) what do you mean by Sorting in an Excer worksheet ?
t+q yri *' rmr fr&rg :

(a) l{+{ 1rfi+[q 61 ErI 6(+ * fu ffi I

(b) T€ *frfrq * qee + qrt t ffid I

(c) q,iu *H t srrq qqr u.r=rt t ? qrlq 6t ,E#

(d) qr6 srfrrs q ft{qd fir rrarr satqq I

(e) \'qtd T6etz d (ru=r trr imr or{ etcr t ?

7 Answer the following :

ftq 61 sm fitqq :

(a) document' which short-cut key or keys are pressed

:_?^Y:tl to do the following
(i) To create a new file
(ii) To select entire document
(iii) To make a paragraph of text as justified
(iv) To copy a line of text
q6 Ts Er"$z t ftrq 6r{ 6ri * ftt{ s
fuq efH6a at qr ffq
Erer{ qrft t ?
(i) \'6 T{ q.rfi fiHr
(ii) * Efd$c a1 lsde o.cqr
(iii) \ro, tre tfi'nr a} ffi ar*
(iv) L€ qt q6 fffl ft1 qtfr *rr E#
(b) write the steps to do the foilowing in ilIgir"., sentence
"Practice the skills that you learn on daily basis.,,
(i) Make the entire sentence Bold.
(ii) Increase the size of the entire sentence
by two points.
tqq .lg qre d f{'{ 6,rd 61 6(t e *( ffi :

(i) Xt erw a1 fr firq I

(ii) * qrqq irT wfq 2 qfiiz w( I

s6tostl-229-Al s llln]ffifiilill]ll|ffiillililililtffi|ilffililllllililffit rcontd...

Answer the fullowing : 2x2=4

ftr{ fir Edr frfu :

(a) The given table shows data for Mohan Bag factory's monthly production of
various items like school bags, hand bags etc. Write the steps to plot a PIE
chart on the basis of these data.

1 Name of Items Quantity produced per month (9i,)

2 School Bags 4000 (20%t)

J Travelling Bags s000 (2s%)

4 Cloth Bags 2s00 (rz.s%)

5 Hand Bags 2000 (1096)

6 Vanity Bags 1500 (7.s%)

7 Jute Bags 5000 (259',o) Hft

ftt ft,ri tqf, q +d"r +.r W t

sff, qr6'qri qrfr ARro ron b t'r
.id qu +'r, ts err oTrPq fr {i@r '*t .=rar qtdem ftqT q?tT t I Tsil
c{TtIR w xni qrt Rtz qrd * eq$ ftrg* :


I orrSa 6't qrq sft rn6 rfirf{d (@r %)

2 q.d trr 4000 (20%)

3 qr* trr s000 (2s%)

4 ?s.Tsr fu 2s00 (12.s%)

5 ts +.r 2000 (10%)

6 AfuII +'r Ts00 (7.s%)

7 Eefor s000 (2s%)

s6los/1"-229-A I 6 liillllillllllllllillllillllilllllfllllllllllililfflIlIilffffl r c'ontd...

(b) Following data show the stock
and price for diftbrent brand
of pressure
in a store' Basea *
tr,ir,-;;;; ;;rmura ,o .urJuru," ,r,,
- A B
I Name of the
Price per Stock in store
Piece (Rs') (Nos.)
2 Hawkins 6500
3 united 5800

4 Prestige 7000

5 pigeon 25
6 vinod :::"^

7 Bajaj 38oo 30
;; Effi
(i) Total price of alr prestige pressure
cookers in the store.
(ii) Total numbers of all the stock
lying in the store.
(ii, or 2 Hawkins and z unit"ea pilJ;
]xTrr:ffi:. cookers purchased by
(iv) Average price of each pressure cooker.

fr+ ftqr rqT srer \m *( d Td sftrrr

eT-rrr ms + irrc gnx
at*d frqrdr t r rsb silErR * t* o.r do *r
a1 ,rurrr *+ * ftE qftdr
ABC ftpeg ,
r qrq
ifiqfi irr sif6 fr€ d #ro (o.) sa( q ld
2 fr.qr
Etro.{ 6500
3 @ 58oo

4 +*q ;;;;

5 fuf{ s000

6 p{dm 45oo
7 qqFT j800
(i) *(
fr rd srfr ffiq trn gmr fr gm
(ii) s+( { rd mft gm (ein)
d gm {wr
(iii) qs Tr6fi am qtt
rg 2 etro._{ cfr( z qr6k gmr +t g,fi
(iv) r&o irn fttrd
91o-( fr ,*Ha +t m

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