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COLLEZIONE DI MUSICHE PER CHITARRA DIRETTA DA ANGELO GILARDINO MARIO CASTELNUOVO - TEDESCO (1895 - 1968) PLATERO Y YO (PLATERO AND 1) para Narrador y Guitarra for Narrator and Guitar op. 190 VOL. IV 2001 = CONVALECENCIA (CONVALESCENCE! +20dI - GOLONDRINAS ‘SWALLOWS! - XXIV. - LA FLOR DEL CAMINO (WAYSIDE FLOWER) = DOMINGD (SUNDAYS + LOB GITANOS (THE GYPSIES) CARNAVAL (CARNIVAL) “OQ + A PLATERO EN EL CIELO DE MOGUER — (To PLATERO IN THE HEAVEN OF MOGUER) Epizioni musical) BEIRBEN ancona- rata AVVERTENZA, Pletero 5 yo & waa caccolta di ventoxo composition: per nat- varoge ebitarea (su resti letterasi trasti dallomonimo libro i Juan Ramén Jiménez, Premio Nobel per la ketteratura nel- Taono 1956); esse _viene qui presentats esatramente come Mario Costelnovo-Tedesco Tha composta: Sua & le suddi visione det vencorto breni in qnatteo qradern, Sua la a0. tmerstione dei brani stessi, montre 2 coordinamenta wa esto leceratio {in Lingua originale ¢ nella versione inglese sceka Ga Castelavoro-Tedesco) © esto musicale rispetta atterta mente il dettato del compesivore Si € yolotemente rinuncisto alle revisione serumentistica ed alla diteggiarars dei brani musicali, poické Fesistenza di una ceacrime quantich di version menosceire dé queste musiche (versioni prive, nella quasi toralise dei casi, i ogai fonds tnenio di auteuticid ¢ earuralmence tea di loro discord) ha ceeata, dallepocn della composizione della zaccolta fino ad ogi, un tale disordine (sfuggendo al contzollo dello stesso Autoce e dei suoi crcdi), da rendere taneo pid necessarie J pubblicezione dei tesoo origintle nella saa integrita, Una energica squalita delle ceatinaia di interpolsziaui, partroppo abusivameme circolanei in tuo il mondo, tientsa donque tra i propositi ci questa edizione che realizes, soprattutto, Ia precisa voloach dellAuroze Ogei chitartista che voglia esepuire queste musiche, dovea quindi procedere alle necessarie ed opportune modifiche a suri pacticolai, in modo da cendece materiaimente esegui- Dill le composiaionis questo Invoro sari vicorpensaca dalla sicsreata insestituibile di aver potico agire sulla base del testo originale, per !a cui compronsione, oltexuito, & int spensabile Tarcnte valutezione dei rapporsi di aderenze edi iensifecazione wa le prose e Je musiche. E doveruso aggiumgere che Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, per ‘agion’ di opporsunita paitice, ebbe pid voite a sortoscrivere favorewnlmente Fipocesi di una esecuzione del solo resto mau: sicale, spesso in € completa ed autoswfliciente: ma cid sok mo a propesizo di alcuni dei veers brani, saccoman, dando di far urascriverc, svi programai delle pubbliche ese suzioni, appropriati assunti del cest poetico, in modo da creare le condizioni per 1a coreetta comprensione delle yas sche; infari, Timpiento formale e stlistico di queste com: Posizioni & stato progettato tenendo coaiw di precise es Benze della secitaxione, ed ogni attento smidioso si tenderd conto di come Jassenza della stessa risulti spesso. incolme bile: Vesccuzione ideale di questa saccolte si realizen danque soften con presence del natsaure, e 8, raccomanda vi vamente di progeammaze, per quand i i Fedel¢ comploee Pe qune posible, caso Angelo Gilardino FOREWORD Platero y yo at a collection of sweniy-wight comporitions jor narrator and guitar ‘the liserary exeerpe hare been taken from the Bomanymnons book by Iuan Ramin Jiménes, winner of tbe Nobel Prize for the year 1956). Such a collection is Prevented bere exactly as “Mario Castelunave-Tedeico come posed it: bis is the subilivision of the twenty-eight pieces ito font quires, fis in che numbering uj she pieces theme selves, whilst sbe coordmaation beiweem the lierary text (au. Plied both in the original tongue and in an English version shoten by Caiteinseve-Tedesco) sud the musical text strictly reipecit the divocticus of she competer. 1 have deliberately forgone the insteumensal revision as swell as the fingering of tho measical pisces tnaimuch 43 the exite sence of a enormous quansity of manuscript version of these rausical compositions as engendered suck a covjusion thet H became ail the more necortary publishing the original text iis ity integrity (such version’, which have eluded be contro} of the Ausbor and oj tit beirt, are —~ in tke majority of instances — devoid of all foundations of aushenticsey, an ding at variance among themzclves, of ceurte). A determinate denosnciation of the hundreds o} inerpulasions which, wafer nately, ate circulated abusively throughout she world, it then within the aims of shic edision shas carriet out above all the exact will of he Author, Any guitarists wishing 10 pasform these compositions will ‘hem Bove of mecesnty 1 bring abou opproprie changer t0 some detail, r0 41 49 mucke sbeve scores technically fit for performance: this trouble wil be rewarded by the unique certainty oj having boon able to draw from she criganal Jest which, in order to be smdestond, roguares # carejul evaluation of the adborence and identification ecationsbip Between the musical and the literary tests ls sbowld be adided thes Mario Cattelnuovo-Tedesco — for very practicel purposes — stressed several times the pos sibility of perjcrming the masical score only, which is often complete and self-scending: bus thi only in connection with 4 few of the twentyreight pieces, askime that appropriate nrimartes of the literary. text should be sranscribed on the progromnses of all public performances, 20 as 10 eréale the conditions for the correct appreciation of the music As a matter of fact the formal and stylinic aructaring of these compositions has been comesived with a concern for the ontspoten exigencies of recitation, and every aatentive scbolze will no doubt nosice how the absence of the lester often tonstitnses a9 wnfilable gap: the ideal performance of this calleciion therefore can be ackieved only sheough the parte- pation of a narvatoy. It as strongly recoramended Wal, as long us it is feasible, only faithful and complete performances be programmer. | Angelo Gilardino er pe ALDO BRUZZICHELLI PLATERO Y YO (PLATERO AND I) para Narrador y Guitarra - for Narrator and Guitar ‘op. 199 (1960) JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ VoL. Iv MARIO CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO (1881 . 1958) (1895 - 1968) (English translation by Eloise Roach) XXIT - CONVALECENCIA - CONVALESCENCE Vago e tranquillo erin RE ay dole ep Des-de 1a débil iluminacién amarilla de mi cuarto de convaleciente, blanda de al- Lying the dim yellow Light of my convatescent’s room, comfortable with rugs aid _———— So . fc a ee. Se at SSS © | = Re & oe a e liz como —_asustada. bird is bewildered. | —S SS ap espr. SS -rece que esta vez se han equivocado_ la pobres golondrinas, como se ¢- It seems fo me that this me the poor swallows made a mis quivocaron, la semana pasada, las _gallinas, recogiéndose en su co- take, as the chickens did last week in going to roost at two 0° = = = UP —= BP. 12 -pijo cuando el sol de las dos se eclipsé, La prima - vera tuvo la coque- -clock during an eclipse. Spring had the coguctry to arrive uf, a tempo pp _p00 rit. -teria de levantarse este afio mas temprano, pero ha te - early this gear, 5 =—— —— -nido que guardar de nuevo, tiritando, su tierna desu - but she hes been obliged to fake her tender == ty = = => os 5 s _——~ dez en el fecho—nublado des marzo. iDa nakedness, ali ashiver, bach to the cloudy bed of March. np pena ver marchitarse, en capullo, las rosas virgenes del naranjal! is sad lo see the virgin — blossows of ithe orange yrove die in the bud. ‘poco rit Un poco meno — be & hs be t tp: ST ST EES ESS SS -Grinas, y apenas se las © - ye, como otros ste - ro, and yet, one can hardly hear them, as in other DP Bobet nO SS == a a = fos, cuando el_~— primer dia’ de_—ilegar_ lo sa- years, when on their Sirst day back they “would greet — a -Iudan y lo curiosean __ todo, charlan - do sin and curiously = examine it, chattering ——_tirelessiy = —>_— r — SS esE_ tregua en su rizado gorjeo. Le contaban a das. flores lo que habian in their fluty cher. They would tell the. flowers all they had’ seen in pespr. ¢ nostaigico . sO SE vi - sto en Africa, sus dos vi-ajes por el Africa, a - bout their two trips aoross the mar, e- chadas en eo} agua, con el a- la por sea, how they sometimes lay on the ~— water with ~— one. "Dp Bh Str nae ——— 4 1 vela, © en las jarcias de los bar = cosy win a a “sail, = ora the masts af ships p dolce Dd + * Ss Sr SS de otros aca - sos, de otras auro + ras, de otras: they would talk of other sunsets other * peatando > ‘ SS Sr OSS SS noches con estrellas. dawns, other starry night, = a No saben qué _ hacer. They do not know what to do. They fly a ~ (Pp «tempo, ma espe. ¢ malinconico Vuelan mudas, desorientadas, ig’ mute, bewildered, as ants = —, rE Pre OSS Oe oO cuando un oni odes pi - so - tea el ca - when some child stamps. out their trait with his —— = z E. 1706 B. 15 -mi = no. No se atreven a subir y ba - Tempo I. They dare not go up and come 8) (ERED GE By fe Pp -jar por la Calle. Nueva en insistente linea down Nueva Street in insistent straight b, recta con aguel-—adornito al fin, nia en- line with the “Uittle flourish atthe end, nor go Soe Ee OEE ‘sempre PP -trar en sus nidos de los poms, ni apo down to their neste im the cells, nor 2) (2! SSS ——— cnerse en os, alambres del telégrafo, perch, in classic post - card ‘Fashion, , A708 B. 16 qe el nor - te hace zum by the white transformer on the telegraph wires, ip doice ed espr. ~bar, en sa cuadro clisico de car - through which the wind hums. B pit espr — — -teras, junto alos aisladores blancos... iSe van a morir de frio, Pla - te - ro! They will reese to death. Plate ror mp pit intenso P espe. con malinconta Pid lento harm, PP dolcissime 2 Kile (ain, 4,80) B14 8, XXIV - LA FLOR DEL CAMINO - WAYSIDE FLOWER u Lento - quieto e semplice einRE SS Hi | | ! p dolce iQué pura, Platere, y qué How pure, Platero, and how e 3 € eee it == is a sempre p min espn. bella esta flor del camino! Pasan a su fovely, this wayside Blossom! AW the = lado todos los__tropeles —los tors, Jas bustle and confusion pass beside it: the bullts, the movendo un poco Etro pr Er? cf Se = Wwe SS O—— — — sempre pe dolce 1708 B, 18 cabras, los potros, los hombres—, y goats, the stallzons, men ~ dnd p datce ella, tan tierna y tan débil, sigue enbiesta, malva y fina, en iso delicate and so weak, remains erect, mauve and fine in its su vallado s6lo, sin contaminarse de impureza alguna. place, uncontaminated by any impurity. pit p. Spe. F r Cada dia, cuando, al empezar la Fach day when = starting” up the ‘slope Un poco pia mosso Pp dolce @ cantabite « = ~. we Le Z eh - Ip wgnale cuesta, tomamos el atajo, take the erosspath, th Ja has vio. sto en su you have seen it on hb F, 1706 B. 19 pue - : sto ver = de Ya us green sland. — ee nee ae el oo tiene a su lado un pajarillo, que se levanta Now there is a bird by its side that Shes ae ap. = 5 5 4 = zl 3 i 2 a = == = = we Z al acercarnos; ° iehen we approach: 2 = tC lena, cual una breve copa, del agua now it is full, like 2 tiny _ chalice, of the clear clara de una nube de. veranos ya consiente el water of a sauuner clowd; HOW ut consents te =” ee ee ee robo de una abeja o el voluble adorno de © una_—mariposa. the foray of @ bee or the voluble adornment of a butterfly. ‘ee PE i 1 B, 1704 8. 20 Esta flor vivirdé pocos dfas, Platero, aunque su recuerdo podra ser ¢- This flower will live brief days, Platero, although its memory may be e= Andante (quasi reeitativo) a z F ip “molto expr. -terno. — Serd su vivir como un dia de tu primavera, como una primavera de mi vidaw ~ternal. Its life ill be Tike a day of your spring, or ike a spring in my Wife... allarg. teenie Pp. z z =o OS f= op ——— 2Qué le diera yo al otofio, Platero, a cambio de esta flor di - What would 1 not give antumn, Platoro, in exchange for this divine Tempo I. (doles ¢ salinconico) a —= LF > ee = -vina, para que ella’_—fuese, —diariamente, ef _—_—ejemplo lower, that it night be, day by day, the =— —= ace sencillo — y sin término de la nuestra? simple and “endless example of our Life? a ae SS ee SS fase ya: geri. P dolce # sonore B, 1706 B, 2 XXV - DOMINGO - SUNDAY Moderato, ma deciso: 6tin RE ¢ a > > « I > La prego- Ps vit, wn poco wife tempo y a x £ -nera vocingleria de la esquicla de vuelta, cercana ya, ya distante, re - clamorous voice of the bell, now near, now = far, res - tO daly; tis =—— “Py E1704 8. ~suena en el cielo de la mafiana de fiesta como si todo el azul fuera dv cristal. Y el = sounds in the sky as if the Uwe were a crystal goblet. And the open padoice = a pé =—=—— "PI wildy ys 2 bd Se campo, un poco enfermo ya, parece que se dora de eountry already a iittle —stekly, seems fo gild itself with open eet * ee be ba 5 _ # be 7 4 las notas caidas del alegre revuelo florido. notes Salling fram _ the joyous chiming paolo e ~ —— Se qT * bol FR Todos, hasta el guarda, se han ido al pueblo para ver la proces: n. Bueryone, even the watchman, has gone to town to see the poovession, Pdoteis- religtoso rege ee a sur F if Nos hemos quedudo so- los. Platero. y yo. iQué -simo (ancora pin calm) - Plotero and £ ure alone. What nme Concore Bi - 2) 404 2g py os rfp? paz! iQué purezat iQué bienestar! Dejo a Platero en peace! What — freedom! What well-being! 1 tare Plate ~ ro Pf rf PS Po wt OF Pespr.e un poco marc. ~ ' —, ~ ~ mal ~ ~ ' ml E1704 8. 23. el prado alto, y yo me echo, bajo un pino leno de pajaros que no se loose in the meadow, aint, under a pine uiliich the birds have not deserted, Lo fling ng P pik dolce + SS =u Twe = = S aie ? TF af F Pit van, a leer. Omar Ka - yém.. wself on the ground to read Omar — Khay - yan. pp isguale = 5 a ba |~ En el silencio que queda entre dos —_repiques, The silence between two peals, the — taner — termudt of Andante calmo (J:d det preo) el hervidero interno de la mafiana de _—_—_setiembre the September mornings acquire shape and 2: Ah cobra presencia y — sonido. Las avispas orinegras sound, The gold and black wasps sempre PP ———— = 7 vuelan en torno de la parra cargada de sanos.—racimos.—smosca - Flutter round the bunches _of_—_imuscatel grapes which load ~—the vines FP) ? B. 1704 D. steles, y las mariposas, que andan confundidas con las flores, parece que the “butterflies, indistinguishable from the Stowers, seem to SSS ———————— Pr r r r r— F se renuevan en una metamorfosis de colorines, al revo renew themselves in a metamorphosis af color as they fly. —ai — r— F rm r lar. Es la soledad como un gran pensamiento de luz. ae The solitude is like a great thowght of laghb. Piit lento . ee De vez en cuando, = Pla - te - ry. deja de co- Wow and then Pla - te - ro stops eating Tempo I, (dz¢ sa yree)-Moderato Paolce =O x Se —— -mer, oy me mira... en cuando, Gnd looks ate. now and then,’ step SSS fer dolce ¢ semplice dejo de leer, y= miro. a ~——=~Pllaterow. reading aud Vook at Plotero.. J un poco vit, sd ] [= B, 1706 8, XXVI - LOS GITANOS - THE GYPSIES Tempo di Habanera (sinistro ¢ provocante) 6 in RE x x 2 S i pet pre aiff rude @ ben ritmato Mirala, Platero. Loot: at ‘her, Platero! & piacere con fete L oe _—————. B. 104 8. Ahi viene, calle abajo, en el sol de There she _comes down the street iu the conpery a Zz poco rit cobre, derecha, enbiesta, a cuerpo, sin mirar a nadie. sunshine, straight, erect, shawiless, looking at no one i hunge > = - & Zi elf r nf - iQué bien lleva su pasada belleza, gallarda todavia, como en How well she carries the memory of her beauty, gallant still, like an yf nolo vikmesto : = i Pet robie, el pafiuelo amarillo de tafle, en invierno, y la falda azul de volantes! oak, her red herchief rowud her body, over her blue ‘white doited skirt with many rupftes t. pif wi Va al Cabil - do, a pedir per - She is om her way to the town hall, to ask per - = f decisolcon fantasia) = = a o ae wehbe mi + so para acampar, como siempre, = mission to encanp, as usual, behind the & A08 B 27 tras el cementerio, Ya recuerdas los cemetery You remember the _—— S ben ritmato a7 foe ze = —— tenduchos astrosos de Jos gitanos, con sus hogueras, sus mujeres vistosas, y sus burros mo~ sordid. tents of the gypsies, their fives, their gaudy women, theirstarcing _ - ae 3 _ pir fr. -ribundos, mordisqueando ia muerte, en derredor donkeys all around, > iLos burros, Plater! Tie donkeys, Platero! uit poco agitato f-> calmundo ee yf ep sg 8 1704 2, 28 i¥a estarin temblando Jos burros de Ia Friseta, sintiendo a los gitanos The donkeys of the toun must be trembling, hearing the gypsies from & tempo, ima com sprrito P uinoristico i z desde los corrales bajos!—Yo estoy tranquilo por Platero, porque para livgar a su their stableyards, T am’ not wneasy about Platero because to yet to his bs a fat 7 Bel “ESP ers’ 7 To ple LET cuadra tendrian los gitanos que saltar medio pueblo. y, ademds, porque Ren- stable the gypsies would have to leap over half the town and, besides, Ren - nf zT z Tz zz Fe b. cgel, ef guarda, me quiere y lo quiere a él gel, the watehman, bikes him and me. ee a r mp = L Pero, por amedrentarlo en broma, Je digo, ahuecando y poniendo negra la voz: But im jest, — to frighten him, Tsay with a voice charged with implications: Pid agitato = ~ = = = —iAdentro, Platero, adentro! iVoy a cerrar la can - (ti, Plate - ry int Let me elose ~—the grating. Someone will Pit sostenuto e minacciosg oe ee of P E 1708 8. 29 cela, que te van a llevar! Platero, seguro de que no lo roba- get youl — Plate ~' 10, sure that the gypsies « tempo, Allegretto scherzando er e . - Fr feFfe. 2. 2 fee ————— (P con spirito -ran los gitanos, pasa, trotando, la cancela, que se cierra vutil_not get him, passes at a — trot through the iron door, which cluses after te tras €i con duro estrépito de hierro y cristales, y salta y Aim with =~ @ harsh sound of rox and glass. He ~—steaps fromthe Pitt mosso > Lf, Spe er brinca, del patio de mrmol al de Jas flores y de éste al corral, como una flecha, marble court into the flower garden like an arrow he speeds into, the stabteyard, eH, - pif” ; if Za Wo OF LEEresr SS ingento a to rompiendo —ibrutotel—, en su corta fuga, la enredadera. a - breaking, in his short flight, tha blue morning = glory Meno mosso (Tempo di Habanera) PAoke ee = = a TF + mul, Gain. 3, 80) SF aeciso~ E1708 3, XXVIII - CARNAVAL - CARNIVAL Vivace e saltellante (Gay and jumpy) sonore e mello vilmico 69 in RE, 5*in SOL Zz > Zz LEP CLES 2F Ler Leer 1704 8. 3 iQué gua - po estd hoy Pla - tero! How handsome Platero is to - day! p (quasi tamburoy 3 2 ~~ Es lunes de Carnaval, y los niffos, que se han Mt iw Camnivat Monday and the S vivace ¢ nitmico - z > z ss = ose PLEF CREEP CPCe?r FEE disfrazado —-vistosamente — de_—to-reros, de payasos oy de children ore wear = ing: masks and gay costumes F a puesto el aparejo moruiie, todo —_bordado, en arrayed Pluiero in @ Moorish harness, heavily em - rojo, verde, blanco. = y ~— amarillo, de_—rrecargados ara - brotdered cs red, Hue, white, and yellow > -bescos. ~ bosques SA” 2 a ee ss) B. 1708 B. 32 Agua, sol y frio, Los re - Bain, sun, and cold. Lo stesso tempo (Vivace e festoso) £2, a EP staccato ¢ tintinnante (come campanelli) ( dondos papelillos de co - lo = res van ro + Gare serpentine streams from the ~—-Balcontes’ © and its. «of con MAA Aa aA dando paralelamente por la ace - ra, al felti are tossed about - in the vin - to a - gudo de la tarde, yas sharp afternoon wind, The SF mascaras, a- te - ridas, hacen bol - revelers, stiff with cold, try to warm Vbae hands in the BP -sillos de cualquier co - sa para las manos azu - tes. folds of their, = flow = ing costumes, tip es ot B. 33 r ~~ of marcato Cuando be = mos llega - do a la plaza, unas mu - When we arrive at the Sguare, some women, dis ~ Tempo L. (Vivace e saltellante) z ae = ptt? ttt? pees ep je - res ve. sti - das de lo - cas, con largas —_camisas “Puised as in = ates of an inane asy = dame blancas, coro. - na - dos los ne - gros y — suel - tos ca- an tong white robes, their loose Black t x pe z ee 1 § CEP Beer trtrr cere bellos con guirnal - das de ho - jas ver des, have vereathed ith green leaves, Oe eee = = — z — Z Z z > > < p han co + gi-do a Pia-te + ro en medio de su fake | Pla = te = 90 ix the venter af their boisterous of, z 7 E. MotB 34 corro bullanguero ys unidas por las manos, han gi = crrete and, joining hands, end joining Zz sra-do ale-gre-men - te en tor - no de él. hands, dance gai ~ ly @ = raund hin, a Sf sele ‘ iggio een ritmato 9 SEF Pla-te - 10, inde - ci - Pla - te = v0, host + tating, yergue las 0 - rejas, alza la. ca - be - 2a, pricks up ts ears, rare - es his hend, and, ike opel como oun alacrin cercado por et fuego, intenta, scorpion surrounded by fire, fries _ es MP cresc. . ner - nervously (9 es = ; Pree fF fess “ell ~buznan para que éI—rebuzne, tating fis “broying, playfully clapping their _henuls when he answers them, of <3} « = ; ) Toda [a plaza es ya un concierto altive de metal ama - = The whole Square is now = 2 confured — concer’ — of B, 1704 8 36 still, dere = buznos de risas, de coplasy ‘de pande- bravings, laughter, songs, tambourines, brass = eee inf THe Ee]: = $ Por fin, Pia- eee Disperato st — last, Fla- = a) 2 Sa -tero, de - ci -dido igual que un = toro, in a determined fashion like a = ra tf t t ? oo hombre, wf tCrfrr FE, 1708 5. 37 rompe el corro y se viene a oo mi tro - freaks trough the eirele and comes to me alee lets Fhe "Ebe # ate f precipitande Sf te 4 i oom stan - doy lo - ran - do, ca- trotting and quivering, op: a = ido el iujoso aparejo. Como Mis rich trapping almost Lost Eithe my- pit p 7P 7 2 B97 Brg? trait. a yo, mo quiere nada con los Carnavales.. self, ke wants nothing to do with Carnivat Pii lento e un poco malinconico P a — No servimos para esas cosas. , We are not good for that sort of thins. pit p Mosso e deciso x S, min. 4.80 E1704 8, XXVIII - A PLATERO EN EL CIELO DE MOGUER TO PLATERO IN THE HEAVEN OF MOGUER Lento e meditative (quasi recitativo) animando — — Sp P espr: con malincouia blir espn uum pocn Pf et a? Tempo 1. — =. 5 — s up intansa pip » Dulce Platero trotén, burrillo mio, que lleva - ste mi alma tuatas ve - ces— Dear, trotting Platero, my beloved little don~ key, who carried my suai so many times Un poco pil mosso (irotierci!ando) molto p Parr sie sitar = Soa = = Sle ae, i a isé-lo mi al - mat— por aquellos hondos caminos de nopa - les, de only my soul — along the deep road - ways of eae - fi and + B at0s 39 malvas y de ma-dre - sel — vass a ti este libro que habla de ti, mallous and honey - for you this book that is of yor, Se —— be ly = ‘ Fag espn = ahora que pueden entenderio. Va a tu alma, que ya pace en el Paraiso, por el howe that yon can venderstand i Te goes to your soul that gruaes new tn paradise trough Tempo I. sn SS oT: PP oF Bee, i a al - ma de nuestros paisajes moguerefios, que también habra the sou of our Mogur landscape, which must also have gone to "yj mT. at 4 = fe ; = = . ot Ff * pr. = subido al cielo con la teya; le - va montada en su lomo de papel a mi heaven with yours; it cavgies on its paperback ny soxd whacky appena pill mosso Pp dolce e graztose b. = 2 £pg) b mp pinespr Poff t alma, que, caminando entre zarzas en flor a su ascensidn, se ha-ce mas traveling among the flowering driers, on its ascension becomes (as fag tds ot buena, més pacifica, ms pura cada dia. teiter,” more peaceful, purer each day. (péoice — ullurg. | a hp —$—___ PEP Foe 1708 B 40 Si. Yo sé que, a la caida de la tarde, cuando, Yes. I know that when at the clove of day, Tt come Tempo I. pS ROR ily 2) l= 7 = = pepe entre Jas oropéndolas y los azahares, Uego, slowly and thoughtfully throweh the oropéndolas and the orange Blossoms: a a a a DADA Sy ae lento yy _—_—pensativo, por el naranjal solitario, al pino que arrulla tu across the lonely orange grave tothe =~ pine trex that watches movendo un Foe go ip aa muerte, ti, Platero, feliz en tu prado de over _ your last wee you, Plater, happy in your meadow of e~ a tempo iS = holto esp: a a2 23 Se a3 3 SS oe . = rosas eternas, me verds — detenurme- ante los lirios amarillos que sternal roses, will see me slop before the yellow [> == pit 2 SS ha brotado tu descomptesto corazin, likes that have sprung from your burted.heart, & —". PP : ; SSS . niin, 340° E108 B

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