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3/6/2018 Control chart line appearance and behavior - MATLAB

Line Properties
Control chart line appearance and behavior

Line properties control the appearance and behavior of a Line object. By changing property values, you can modify certain
aspects of the line chart.

Starting in R2014b, you can use dot notation to query and set properties.

p = plot(1:10);
c = p.Color;
p.Color = 'red';

If you are using an earlier release, use the get and set functions instead.

Line expand all

LineStyle — Line style

 '-' (default) | '--' | ':' | '-.' | 'none'

LineWidth — Line width

 0.5 (default) | positive value

Color — Line color

 [0 0 0] (default) | RGB triplet | 'r' | 'g' | 'b' | ...

LineJoin — Style of line corners

 'round' (default) | 'miter' | 'chamfer'

AlignVertexCenters — Sharp vertical and horizontal lines

 'off' (default) | 'on'

Markers expand all

Marker — Marker symbol

 'none' (default) | 'o' | '+' | '*' | '.' | ...

MarkerIndices — Indices of data points at which to display markers

 1:length(YData) (default) | vector of positive integers | scalar positive integer

MarkerSize — Marker size

 6 (default) | positive value 1/5
3/6/2018 Control chart line appearance and behavior - MATLAB

MarkerEdgeColor — Marker outline color

 'auto' (default) | RGB triplet | 'r' | 'g' | 'b' | ...

MarkerFaceColor — Marker fill color

 'none' (default) | 'auto' | RGB triplet | 'r' | 'g' | 'b' | ...

Cartesian Coordinate Data expand all

XData — x values
 vector

XDataSource — Variable linked to XData

 '' (default) | character vector | string

XDataMode — Selection mode for XData

 'auto' (default) | 'manual'

YData — y values
 vector

YDataSource — Variable linked to YData

 '' (default) | character vector | string

ZData — z values
 vector

ZDataSource — Variable linked to ZData

 '' (default) | character vector | string

Polar Coordinate Data expand all

RData — Radius values

 vector

RDataSource — Variable linked to RData

 '' (default) | character vector containing MATLAB workspace variable name

ThetaData — Angle values

 vector 2/5
3/6/2018 Control chart line appearance and behavior - MATLAB

ThetaDataSource — Variable linked to ThetaData

 '' (default) | character vector containing MATLAB workspace variable name

ThetaDataMode — Selection mode for ThetaData

 'auto' (default) | 'manual'

Visibility expand all

Visible — State of visibility

 'on' (default) | 'off'

Clipping — Clipping of object to axes limits

 'on' (default) | 'off'

EraseMode — (removed) Technique to draw and erase objects

 'normal' (default) | 'none' | 'xor' | 'background'

Identifiers expand all

Type — Type of graphics object

 'line'

Tag — User-specified tag

 '' (default) | character vector

UserData — Data to associate with the object

 [] (default) | any MATLAB data

DisplayName — Legend label

 '' (default) | character vector | string

Annotation — Control for including or excluding object from legend

 Annotation object

Parent/Child expand all

Parent — Parent
 Axes object | PolarAxes object | Group object | Transform object 3/5
3/6/2018 Control chart line appearance and behavior - MATLAB

 Children — Children
empty GraphicsPlaceholder array

HandleVisibility — Visibility of object handle

 'on' (default) | 'off' | 'callback'

Interactive Control expand all

ButtonDownFcn — Mouse-click callback

 '' (default) | function handle | cell array | character vector

UIContextMenu — Context menu

 uicontextmenu object

Selected — Selection state

 'off' (default) | 'on'

SelectionHighlight — Display of selection handles when selected

 'on' (default) | 'off'

Callback Execution Control expand all

PickableParts — Ability to capture mouse clicks

 'visible' (default) | 'all' | 'none'

HitTest — Response to captured mouse clicks

 'on' (default) | 'off'

Interruptible — Callback interruption

 'on' (default) | 'off'

BusyAction — Callback queuing

 'queue' (default) | 'cancel'

Creation and Deletion Control expand all

CreateFcn — Creation callback

 '' (default) | function handle | cell array | character vector

DeleteFcn — Deletion callback

 '' (default) | function handle | cell array | character vector 4/5
3/6/2018 Control chart line appearance and behavior - MATLAB

BeingDeleted — Deletion status

 'off' (default) | 'on'

See Also
loglog | plot | plot3 | polarplot | semilogx | semilogy

Access Property Values
Graphics Object Properties

Introduced before R2006a 5/5

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