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Plan de Clases 20-01 -2013

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TIME OF Science


Alcance: éste documento es válido a partir de la fecha hasta nueva aprobación del consejo académico

Desarrollar en los estudiantes un pensamiento científico que le

PROPÓSITO DEL ÁREA permita contar con una teoría abarcadora del mundo natural
dentro del contexto de un proceso de desarrollo humano
integral, equitativo y sostenible que le proporcione una
concepción de sí mismo y de sus relaciones con la sociedad y
con la preservación de la vida en el planeta.
El estudiante comprenderá las estructuras de los seres vivos
META DE COMPRENSIÓN DEL que les permiten desarrollarse en un entorno, utilizándolas
como criterios de clasificación de los seres vivos, comprenderá
AÑO características físicas y químicas de la materia, manifestaciones,
transformaciones de la energía en el entorno
y algunas aplicaciones tecnológicas
1. Reconoce los elementos del sistema solar
GENERAL DEL PERIODO 2. Explica las transformaciones de energía
renovables y no renovables

3. Explica la potabilización del agua y proceso

físico químicos de manufactura en el paisaje

4. Reconoce el impacto de manufactura en el

Paisaje natural
¿Cómo está conformado el sistema solar?
TÓPICO GENERADOR ¿Cómo utilizamos los recursos en el medio ambiente?
1. Planetas, cometas, meteoritos y asteroides
 Los cráteres en los planetas y los satélites

 Relación de los planetas con los calendarios

2. Transformación del paisaje natural producidas por el


 Energía renovable y no renovable

 Potabilización del agua

 Adaptación
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METAS DE COMPRENSIÓN DEL Diferencia las características que componen el

PERIODO sistema solar

Explica las transformaciones de la energía renovables

y no renovables, potabilización del agua y procesos
de manufactura y su impacto en el paisaje natural



Identifico y Describo los principales Realizar tallere en el Weeks
elementos del systema solar y
tengo en cuenta establezco relacion de tamaño módulo Revision de talleres
los diversos movimiento y posicion (DBA3-
4) Preguntas orales
aspectos que
hacen parte de Comparo peso y masa de un Revisión de
objeto en diferentes puntos
los fenómenos y del Sistema Solar (S entorno 2 cuadernos
organismos que
estudio. Establezco relacion entre
mareas, corrientes marinas, Socializacion y
movimientos de placas
participacion de
tectonicas (S entorno fisico)
preguntas en clases
Analizo características
Analizar Videos y
ambientales de mi entorno y talleres hechos en 2
peligros que lo clase y debatir sobre
los temas vistos
Establezco relaciones entre el
efecto invernedadero y el 2 Quiz
debilitamiento de la capa de
ozono con la contaminacion
atmospherica DBA7

Realizar talleres Laboratorios

Identifico fenomenos de
camuflage en el entorno y adicionales
los relaciono con las 2
necesidades de los seres
vivos DBA6-7
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Diferencia las Reconoce las Identifica las Se le dificulta identificar

características que características que características que las características que
componen el sistema componen el sistema componen el componentes el sistema
solar solar. sistema solar solar


Explica las Reconoce las Identifica las Se le dificulta identificar

transformaciones de la transformaciones de transformaciones de las transformaciones de
energía renovables y no la energía renovables la energía la energía renovables y
renovables, procesos de y no renovables, renovables y no no renovables, procesos
manufactura y su procesos de renovables, de manufactura y su
impacto en el paisaje manufactura y su procesos de impacto en el paisaje
natural impacto en el paisaje manufactura y su natural
natural impacto en el
paisaje natural

Logros actitudinales:
Su esfuerzo y dedicación son ejemplo para sus compañeros de clase y son muestra de
Su comportamiento no le permite obtener mejores desempeños
Presenta pocos hábitos de estudio y de trabajo lo cual afecta su desempeño académico.
Conversa mucho en clases, lo cual distrae su atención y no le permite alcanzar los
propósitos planteados.
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The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. In addition to planets,
the Solar System also consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, and dust and

Everything in the Solar System orbits or revolves around the Sun. The Sun contains around
98% of all the material in the Solar System. The larger an object is, the more gravity it
has. Because the Sun is so large, its powerful gravity attracts all the other objects in the
Solar System towards it. At the same time, these objects, which are moving very rapidly,
try to fly away from the Sun, outward into the emptiness of outer space. The result of the
planets trying to fly away, at the same time that the Sun is trying to pull them inward is
that they become trapped half-way in between. Balanced between flying towards the Sun,
and escaping into space, they spend eternity orbiting around their parent star.

What makes up the universe?

You know your home address, but do you know your address in the universe?

The universe is all of space and everything in it. Most of the universe is empty space.

The universe has millions of galaxies. A galaxy is a system of dust, gas, and many millions
of stars held together by gravity. We live in the Milky Way galaxy. It is shaped like a flat
spiral. It is called the Milky Way because it looks like a white path in the sky. Other galaxies
have different shapes. Our sun is located near the edge of our galaxy. It is one of billions
stars in the Milky Way.

The Universe

Watching the sky is an interesting act. People have always watched objects in the sky.
Experts think that the great pyramids in ancient Egypt were built to line up with the stars.
The Egyptians were not the only ones who used Principles of astronomy. Greeks, Chinese,
Indians, Arabs, and other early civilizations used astronomy to decide when they should
plant or harvest corps.

Sailors of past century on the open sea, used the Sun and the stars to navigate.


How would you describe the Milky Way galaxy?

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Why do you think it´s called the Milky Way galaxy?

Do today´s sailors still use the Sun and the stars on the open sea? Why or Why not?


Our solar system includes the Sun and eight planets that orbit around the Sun. The inner
planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The inner planets are rocky, they called
Terrestrial planets. The outer planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The
outer planets are called Gas Giants. Pluto, which was considered the ninth planet, now it
is classified as a dwarf planet and part of the Kuiper Belt.
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1-List the inner planets of our Solar System.

, , and .

2-List the outer planets of our Solar System.

, , and .

3- Gas Giants are also called…

4- Where is the asteroid belt located? Between and

5- If Mercury and Earth switched places, what would happen to Earth?

Use the following chart to answer question.

Planet Distance from the Sun Size ( diameter )

Mercury 58,000,000 Km 4,880 Km
Venus 108,000,000 Km 12,100 Km
Earth 150,000,000 Km 12,756 Km
Mars 228,000,000 Km 6,794 Km
Jupiter 778,000,000 Km 143,200 Km
Saturn 1,125,000,000 Km 120,000 Km
Uranus 2,867,000,000 Km 51,800 Km
Neptune 4,486,000,000 Km 2,600 Km

-Planet almost the same size as Earth

-Closest planet to the Sun

-Largest planet

-The smallest planet

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-Label the name of the planet

Inner Planets Versus Outer Planets.

The inner planets are also known as the terrestrial planets and include Mercury, Venus,
Earth and Mars. Earth is actually the smallest of the inner planets. The inner planets are
known to have a solid surface and litter or no atmosphere. Their atmosphere varies greatly.
The elements that make up the inner planets are what cause them to be small and solid
as they have a greater density than the outer planets. Inner planets spin slowly, with Earth
actually being the inner planet that spins the fastest. They have few moons and no rings.
They are able to orbit the Sun quickly due to their relatively close proximity to it. The outer
planets on the other hand, are extremely large. They are essentially balls of gas with no
solid surface and for this reason are also known as Gas giants. Their atmospheres are all
similar. They spin quickly, but take a long time to orbit the Sun due to their large distance
away from it. All of the outer planets have many moons and all of them also have rings.
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The two types of planets are separated by a large asteroid belt where there are thousands
of asteroids that are orbiting the Sun. The asteroid belt is located between the planets
Mars and Jupiter.

Using the paragraph above complete the following Venn´s diagram.

Why are some stars brighter than others?

On a clear night you can see hundreds of stars. Some stars are brighter and others are dimmer.

Let´s try to find out by looking at the picture on this page.

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Christmas lights Type A Christmas lights type B

(i) Look at the Christmas lights (Type B and C) in the picture. Which Christmas light
appears the brightest?


(ii) Some stars appear brighter than other stars for the same reasons as those stated
above. What are the two reasons?



Weight and Mass are different. Mass is the amount of ‘stuff’ in something and is the
same everywhere. It is measured in grams or kilograms.

Weight is a force: the force of gravity on something, so it varies under different gravities,
Example; you weigh less on the Moon, but your mass is the same.

1 Which planet has the greatest mass? (Fill in the blanks)

a) Jupiter or Saturn =
b) Earth or Venus=
c) Neptune and mercury =

Use the following website to answer the questions above.

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Mass is the amount of matter of an object, and we use grams (g) or kilograms (Kg) to
measure it. The mass of a cat is 5 Kg.

Weight is how the force of gravity acts upon that mass, and we use newton (N) to
measure it. If we want to measure the weight of that cat we have to multiply the
mass by the gravity force on Earth that is 9.8 m/s2.

M x g =W

5 (Kg) x 9.8 (m/s2) = 49 N

Take a book or pencil, and estimate the weight on the Earth and Moon Record of the
following students.

Gravity force on Earth: 9.8 m/s2

Gravity force on Moon: 1.62 m/s2

The first one is done as an example.

Student Mass Weight on Earth Weight on Moon

Luis 15 Kg 15 x 9.8 = 147 N 15 x 1.62 = 24.3
Salvador 20 Kg
Pedro 60 Kg
Ramon 35 Kg
Carlos 40 Kg
Pam 5 Kg

What is a star?
Stars are giant spheres of superhot gases made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. Stars
get so hot by burning hydrogen into helium in a process called nuclear fusion. This is
what makes them so hot and bright. Our sun is a star.

The Sun

The Sun is an average yellow dwarf star found near the end of one of the spiral arms of
the Milky Way. It is also the star around which the Earth orbits.

The importance of the Sun

The Sun is essential for life on Earth because it provides energy. The Sun provides light,
which is used by plants for photosynthesis. Animals that eat plants and the animals that
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eat those animals depend on the Sun because they depend on plants to give them energy.
The Sun also heats up the Earth with infrared radiation. Without it, all the water on the
planet's surface would be frozen, and the Earth's atmosphere would likely dissipate. The
Sun's gravity pulls on the planets, just as Earth's gravity pulls down anything that is not
held up by some other force and keeps you and me on the ground.

Read the paragraph above to answer the following questions.

1- Why is the Sun important for living things?

2- What would happen if the Sun didn’t exist? Write at least three different explanations.

Read the paragraph above if necessary

(a) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(b) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(c) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Is the Sun the largest star?

Although the Sun appears larger to us than any other star, there are many stars which
are much larger. The Sun appears so large compared to the other stars because it is so
much closer to us than any other star. The Sun is just an average sized star. For
example, below there is a list of some of the largest stars in our galaxy and how they
compare to the Sun:

1. Mu Cephi - about 1500 times the size of our sun.

2. Betelgeuse - about 900 times the size of our sun.
3. Antares - about 530 times the size of our sun.
4. Deneb - about 145 times the size of our sun.

Color the Stars

Stars differ not only in brightness, but also in colors. As a star gets hotter, its color
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Use the chart to color the stars.

Star color
Temperature Color
20,000°C Blue
10,000°C White
5,000°C Yellow
3,000°C Red

Sirius Sun Betelgeuse
20,000 °C
10,500 °C 5,500 °C 3,000°C

The Moon
The moon is our closest neighbor, orbiting
the Earth at about 384,400 kilometers. As a
result, it is the celestial body that humans
know the most about. It is also the only
object in space that human beings have
landed upon. It is also a natural satellite.

Fact about the Moon

You may notice that the same side of the
Moon is always facing the Earth - The same
features of the Moon are always visible.
This is because the moon's rotation has the
same length as the moon's orbit of the
Earth. This means that we always see the
same side of the Moon, and it is the
amount of the Moon that is lit that change.
The far side of the Moon cannot be seen
from Earth.
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1- Explain why the same side of the Moon always faces Earth. Use the terms rotate and

What causes days and nights?

A rotation is when the planet

spins on its axis. As the Earth
spins, the part of the Earth that
faces away from the Sun has
nighttime. The length of time for
one rotation is one day or 24
Hours. Earth’s
Rotation Causes Day and
Night. Earth spins on an
imaginary line running through
its center called its axis.
How does the earth move?
Earth spins from West to East.

Earth spins from West to East


1. What causes days and nights?

2. Define rotation.

3. How long does It take for the Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis?

4. What would happen if the Earth rotation were 48 hours long?

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The Earth revolving around the Sun.

What is Revolution?
The motion of one object around another. It takes the Earth one year to travel
around the Sun.
One-year calendar is usually 365 days long. However, the Earth really rotate
365 ¼ times during every revolution. After four years, the earth has made
one extra rotation. If the calendar always has 365 days, New Year´s Day
would be one day earlier every four years. One extra day is added to the
calendar every four years. This day is February 29.
The year with an extra day is called leap year.


1-How long does it take for the Earth to revolve around the Sun?

2-How many days are added in a leap year?

3- Why do we have leap year?

4- What are two ways that the earth moves?

5-An imaginary line through a spinning object is an

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Earth’s tilted Axis and Orbit Causes the Seasons as Earth moves. There is more
direct sunlight during the summer and less direct sunlight in the winter in the
Northern Hemisphere.

When It is summer in the north, it is winter in the south.

In tropical places near the earth´s equator there are two seasons, a wet season
and a dry season.

There is more direct sunlight during the summer and less direct sunlight in the
winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

What causes seasons?

What effect would be if the earth North Pole always tilted toward the Sun?

Tides are an effect of the moon's gravitational pull on the Earth. When the Moon is directly
overhead, water on the Earth is pulled towards the Moon, this causes a 'bulge' of water
to form on that side of the planet. When this happens, the water is at high tide. As the
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Moon moves away, the bulge subsides, and the water is at low tide. The Earth's rotation
relative to the Moon causes this bulge to move across the surface of the Earth

Tides are the rise and fall of the levels of the ocean. They are caused by the
gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon as well as the rotation of the Earth.

What happens when the Moon causes a bulge of water on the Earth?
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What other objects move in the Solar System?

Asteroids are large rocks in outer space. Some, like Ceres, can be very large,
while others are as small as a grain of sand. Due to their smaller size, asteroids do
not have enough gravity to pull themselves into the shape of a ball.
Meteor is a piece of rock or dust from space burning up in the earth ‘s atmosphere.
Meteorite is a rock from space that has passed through the air and landed on the

 The Moon and impact craters

Have you ever heard someone say that the Moon is made of cheese? Even though the
craters on the surface of the moon resemble holes in Swiss cheese, we know that this
common myth is not true, but the Moon have craters similar to some cheese. Craters of
the Moon are created by meteorites

When does a meteor become a meteorite?

Why does the Moon have impact craters?

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We as humans have become dependent on luxuries such as cars, houses, and even our
cell phones. But what does our love for manufactured metallic and plastic things do to the
environment? Human activity can be directly attributed to the cause of hundreds of
extinctions in the last two centuries, versus the millions of years that extinctions naturally
occur. As we progress through the 21st century, humans have changed the world in
unprecedented ways.

Examples: Overpopulation, pollution, global warming, climate change, contamination of

the seas, deforestation, acid rain and ozone reduction.

What are natural resources?

Natural resources are resources
that exist without actions of

Natural Resources are the basis

of life on earth.
Humans and other life forms
have depended on things that
exist freely in nature to survive,
these things are natural
resources, examples;(seas and
fresh water), land, soil, rocks,
forests (vegetation), animals
(including fish), fossil fuels and

Write 5 examples of natural resources

Why is it important to care about the natural resources?

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All Natural Resources fall under two main categories: Renewable and Non-
renewable Resources.

Renewable resources
Renewable resources are those that can be reasonably replaced or recovered, like
vegetative lands. Animals are also renewable because with a bit of care, they can
reproduce offspring to replace adult animals.

Non-renewable resources are those that cannot easily be replaced once they are
Non-renewable resources can be called inorganic resources if they come from
non-living things. Examples minerals, wind, land, water, soil and rocks.


What is the difference between Renewable resources and Non-renewable resources?

Why is water considered to be a renewable resource?

How does the water get renewed?


When you go to lakes, rivers, or streams, you will notice fish and other animals living in
them. Unfortunately, you may also notice pollution such as trash in the water. All of this
makes water unsafe to drink.

Water treatment is any process that improves the quality of water to make it more
acceptable for a specific end-use. This allows you to receive safe and healthy water in your
home and other places.
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Why is Water Treatment Important?

Water treatment is important because if water is not treated properly, it may cause you to
get very sick. Water in rivers, lakes, and streams can be polluted with germs that must be
removed before you drink or use it, so your city's water treatment center cleans and
disinfects water before you use it.

Define water treatment process

Why is it important for us to receive safe and healthy water in our home and other places?

Why is it necessary to treat water?

What Are the Effects of Non-Renewable Resources on Living Organisms?

Non-renewable energy
Renewable energy
The conversion of fossil fuels to usable energy
Renewable energy sources like wind, water
can result in harmful emissions and its and sun are converted to power cleanly. They
collection can disrupt local wildlife and causes
don’t cause damage to the environment
damages to the atmosphere.

Renewable and Non-renewable

Write some 3 examples of renewable resources.
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Why is it necessary to use more renewable energy?

Why do we have to reduce the use of non-renewable energy?

Energy consumption is the amount of energy or power used. We live, travel, and work
with energy, but where all of this energy came from?

We use energy to
Households need energy. Cars require energy to work.

There are some areas of energy resources. They fall into two categories: non-
renewable and renewable.
*Non-renewable energy resources, like coal, nuclear, oil, and natural gas, are available
in limited supplies.
*Renewable resources are replenished naturally and over relatively short periods of time.
The five major renewable energy resources are solar energy, wind, and water.

Write renewable and non-renewable energy resource for the following minerals

Coal Oil

Wind Minerals

Natural gas
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Environmental risk and its transformation

What is pollution?

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes
adverse changes. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such
as noise, heat and light.

What is water pollution? It is the contamination of water bodies (Examples, lakes,

rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater), very often by human activities such as factories,
garbage in bodies of water

What is land pollution? It may occur when humans throw chemicals onto the soil in the
form of pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers during agricultural practices. Exploitation of
minerals (mining activities) has also contributed to the destruction of the earth’s surface.

What is noise Pollution?

The decibel (abbreviated dB) is the unit used to measure the intensity of a sound. Your
ears can hear everything from your fingertip brushing lightly over your skin to a loud jet
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engine. In terms of power, the sound of the jet engine is about one trillion times more
powerful than the smallest audible sound. Sound is essential to our daily lives, but noise is
not. Noise is generally used as an unwanted sound, or sound which produces unpleasant
effects and discomfort on the ears. After 85 decibels is considered dangerous for our

1- What is decibel (dB)?

2- How many decibels are produced by a car?

3- How many decibels can damage hearing?

4- Why do you think that some sounds can be


5- How would you prevent noise pollution in your

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What are the forms that pollution can take?

What would you do to take care of the environment?


The following chart represents consumption of Energy by Source, from 2000 – 2018 in
Colombia. Use the following table to complete the graph.

Use of renewable energy “wind” Year

0.4% 2000-2005

0.6% 2005-2010

0.2% 2010-2015

0.5% 2015-2018

When did the use of renewable energy increase?

What are the benefits of using Renewable Energy?

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Examples of water and Land Pollution

While proper disposal of garbage in
landfills is an important part of taking
responsibility for the environment, the sad
truth is that even these landfills are causing

Landfills, sites for burying waste

You may have seen locations offering to
recycle batteries for free, but did you ever stop
to think about why? When batteries aren’t
recycled properly, they end up in landfills,
where the chemicals and acid inside are
allowed to leach into the soil. This can actually
poison the nearby water supply and can cause
people in the area to become very sick.
When factories, agricultural centers,
construction sites and more produce toxic
materials or use them in manufacturing,
those materials are often exposed to rain
water. As it rains in these areas, the
chemicals are then washed from these
sites and into the soil or, in some instances,
nearby streams, lakes, and ponds.

A Factory causing pollution

Why do landfills pollute the environment?

What types of pollution do factories cause?

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What is air pollution?

Air pollution
Air pollution occurs when gases, dust particles, fumes and odors are introduced
into the atmosphere in a way that makes it harmful to humans, animals and

Air pollution can result from both human and natural actions.
• Natural actions
Natural events that pollute the air include: volcanic eruption, wildfires, pollen
dispersal, and evaporation of organic compounds.
• Human contamination
Fumes from car exhausts contain dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and particulates. On their own, they cause great
harm to people who breathe them.

Acid rain
Chemical reactions involving air
pollutants can create acidic
compounds which can cause
harm to vegetation and buildings.
Sometimes, when an air pollutant,
such as sulfuric acid combines with
the water droplets that make up
clouds, the water droplets become
acidic, forming acid rain. Acid rain Acid rain is a precipitation with acidic
destroys plants, animals and components, such as sulfuric acid,
people. nitrogen dioxide and carbon
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What´s air pollution?

What are some examples of air pollution?

What would you do to take care of the atmosphere?

Write the name of the acidic components that cause acid rain?

Think about how would you prevent acid rain?

What is a greenhouse?

A greenhouse is a house made of

glass. It has glass walls and a
glass roof. People grow tomatoes
and flowers and other plants in
them. A greenhouse stays warm
inside, even during winter.
Sunlight shines in and warms the
plants and air inside. But the heat
is trapped by the glass and can't
escape. So during the daylight
hours, it gets warmer and
warmer inside a greenhouse, and
stays pretty warm at night too.
A greenhouse stays warm inside.

How is Earth a greenhouse?

Earth's atmosphere does the same thing as the greenhouse. Gases in the
atmosphere such as carbon dioxide do what the roof of a greenhouse does.
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Greenhouse gases are gases that can trap heat. They get their name from
greenhouses. A greenhouse is full of windows that let in sunlight. That
sunlight creates warmth

That’s exactly how greenhouse gases act. They let sunlight passes through
the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that the sunlight brings from
leaving the atmosphere. Overall, greenhouse gases are a good thing. Without
them, our planet would be too cold, and life as we know it would not exist.

The harmful effects of the presence of greenhouse gasses in

atmosphere are global warming, climate change, ozone depletion, and sea
level rise.

What is the greenhouse effect?

How do greenhouse gases actually work?

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The effect of pollution on Earth

Due to Air Pollution humans may suffer from a number of diseases like asthma,
bronchitis, cancer and skin diseases.

Due to air pollution, humans may

suffer from a number of diseases like
asthma. Bronchitis

Cancer Skin diseases

What are the harmful effects of the presence of greenhouse gasses?

Why are the greenhouse gasses important for the Earth?

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What is the Ozone layer?

This is the Ozone layer protecting the Earth

Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes black-light posters
glow, and is responsible for sunburns, skin cancer and make it harder for plants to grow,
however, too much exposure to U.V radiation is damaging to living tissue.
The ozone layer is a layer in Earth's atmosphere which contains relatively high
concentrations of ozone that protects the Earth from Ultraviolet radiation.

Why is the ozone layer important?

Ozone molecules in the atmosphere provide us with important protection from the rays
of the Sun. Specifically, these molecules are good at absorbing certain ultraviolet rays
that can cause sunburn and skin cancer.

How is the ozone layer getting damaged?

It turns out that certain types of molecules can cause a chemical reaction when they
come in contact with ozone molecules. This causes the ozone to break up and become
unable to absorb ultraviolet light. The main molecules that are destroying the ozone layer
are called chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs.

Chlorofluorocarbons are a group of chemicals which damage the ozone layer. They
were first used as refrigerants to keep things cold. A lot of people considered CFCs
miracle chemicals. Eventually they were used in a variety of products including air
conditioners, spray cans, fire extinguishers, and in manufacturing foams.

Unfortunately, CFCs can eventually find their way into the earth's atmosphere and the
ozone layer. Once they get there they destroy ozone molecules and cause the ozone
layer to become thinner.
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What is the function of the ozone layer?

Why is the ozone layer important?

Where does CFCs come from?

How is the ozone layer getting damage?

How would you prevent depletion of the ozone layer?

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Animals and plants are adapted to the conditions of the habitats in which they live.

Animals live everywhere on Earth. Some places on Earth are very hot and some are very
cold. Some places on Earth have a lot of water and plants, and other places have very little
water and few plants. More than 99 percent of Antarctica is covered with ice but a few
plants still grow there, mostly lichens, mosses, and algae. Antarctica is very cold.

They have found that animals can adapt to polluted environments, and persist even in
environments that are inhospitable to most living things, but that those changes cause
evolutionary trade-offs. The ideal solution for one problem (like pollution) can lead to
terrible consequences in another process (like reproductive success). This means that, even
if animals are able to initially survive in pollute environments, they'll still have to contend
with long-term consequences that are difficult to predict, and could ultimately lead to their
decline. And species that are able to escape extinction, and even thrive, like urban rats,
are going to be drastically different from ancestors that evolved without human influence.

Animals can live in many different places in the world because they have special
adaptations to the area they live in.

Adaptation is a structure or behavior that helps a living thing survive and live in its

We are going to describe three forms of adaptations structural, physiological and


 Structural adaptations involve some part of an animal's body, such as the size
or shape of the teeth, the animal’s body covering, or the way the animal moves.
Teeth - since different animals eat different things, they don't all have the same
kind of teeth.Body coverings - Hair, scales, spines, and feathers grow from the
skin. All of these parts help animals survive in their environments.
 Physiological adaptations usually don't show from the outside. They consist of
things like more efficient kidneys for desert animals like kangaroo rats, compounds
that prevent blood coagulation in mosquito saliva, or the presence of toxins in plant
leaves to repel herbivores.
 Behavioral adaptations are the things organisms do to survive. For example, bird
calls and migration are behavioral adaptations. Migration: it refers to movement
from one place to another when the seasons change. Behaviors that help animals
survive are also adaptations.
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Examples of structural adaptation

The duck has webbed feet

for propelling it through
the water and strong
wings to take to flight
Webbed feet is an
example of structural
Conifers are trees that
produce cones to protect
their seeds.

Cones are examples of

structural adaptation.

Examples of behavioral adaptation

When a toad sees a snake, the toad

can fill its lung with air. It puffs
itself up so it looks larger. This behavior
sometimes stops the snake from
swallowing the toad.
The toad is an example of behavioral
adaptation, when it fills its lungs with
Some animals migrate like geese and
butterflies for better food supply and
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Complete the following graph about Adaptation

What adaptations help protect animals?

Why is adaptation important for animals and plants?

Draw an imaginary animal that has adaptations for getting food and for protecting itself
from predators and the weather. Tell your classmate about your animal´s adaptation

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