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Interesting >Owls turn their

heads almost a
Facts about complete circle but
they cannot move
Birds! their eyes.

>The first bird

domesticated by
>The chicken is the closest
humans was the
living relative to the
Tyrannosaurus Rex.
>Kiwi birds are blind,
>Many birds kept as pets,
so they hunt by
including doves, parakeets, and
lovebirds, enjoy living in pairs for companionship.
>Some breeds of chickens can lay colored eggs. The
>The smallest bird egg belongs to the hummingbird and
Ameraucana and Araucana can lay green or blue eggs.
is the size of a pea. The largest bird egg, from which
the ostrich hatches, is the size of a cantaloupe.
>The common phrase “eat like a bird” should mean
something quite different! Many birds eat twice their
>A bird’s eye takes up about 50 percent of its head; our
weight in food each day. In fact, a bird requires more
eyes take up about 5 percent of our head. To be
food in proportion to its size than a baby or a cat.
comparable to a bird’s eyes, our eyes would have to be
the size of baseballs.
>Crows have the largest cerebral hemispheres (brains),
relative to body size, which probably explains why they
>The penguin is the only bird that can swim, but not fly.
are intelligent!
It is also the only bird that walks upright.

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