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 Situer la prestation du candidat à l’un des cinq degrés de réussite et attribuer à cette prestation le nombre de points indiqué.

Comprendre un document de type monologue ou

Le candidat n’a pas compris le document, il n’en a repéré que des éléments isolés sans parvenir à établir de liens entre eux. 1
Il n’a pas identifié le sujet ou le thème du document.

A1 Le candidat est parvenu à relever des mots isolés, et à les mettre en relation pour construire une amorce de 2–3
compréhension du document.

A2 Certaines informations ont été comprises, mais le relevé est incomplet, conduisant à une compréhension encore 3.5 – 6
lacunaire ou partielle. Des informations chiffrées ont été repérées  Le candidat a compris qu’il s’agit d’une conférence TED.

B1 Les informations principales ont été relevées, l’essentiel a été compris, compréhension 7-8
satisfaisante. L’élève a perçu la tonalité positive. Toutes les informations chiffrées ont été repérées , les
3 raisons ont été identifiées.

B2 Des détails significatifs du document ont été relevés et restitués conformément à sa logique 8.5 - 10
interne. Le contenu informatif a été compris, ainsi que l’attitude et le point de vue du locuteur .
Compréhension fine.

NOTE sur 10 : /10 NOTE de l’élève

sur 20 : /20

Appréciation :

handSCRIPT :


John McWhorter : The language I’m speaking right now is on its way to
becoming the world’s universal language , for better or for worse.
Let’s face it , it’s the language of the Internet , it’s the language of finance , it’s
the language of the air traffic control, of popular music , diplomacy – English is
everywhere. Now, Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more people, but more Chinese
people are learning English than English speakers are learning Chinese . Last, I
heard there are two dozen universities in China right now teaching all in English.
English is taking over. And, in addition to that, it’s been predicted that at the end
of the century almost all of the languages that exist now – there are about 6,000 –
will no longer be spoken. There will only be some hundreds left. The reason I’m
reciting those things to you is because I can tell that we’re getting where a
question is going to start being asked, which is : Why should we learn foreign
languages if English happens to be foreign to one? Why bother to learn another
one when it’s getting to the point where almost everybody in the world will be
able to communicate in one? I think there are a lot of reasons.
One of them is if you want to imbibe a culture , if you want to drink it in , if you
want to become part of it , then whether or not the language channels the culture
and that seems doubtful , if you want to imbibe the culture , you have to control
to some degree the language that the culture happens to be conducted in.
Second reason: it’s been shown that if you speak two languages, dementia is less
likely to set in, and that you are probably a multi-tasker .
And then, third, languages are just an awful lot of fun, much more fun that we’re
often told. So, I highly recommend that you teach yourself languages other than
the one I’m speaking , because there’s never been a better time to do it. It’s an
awful lot of fun. It won’t change your mind, but it will most certainly blow your
mind. Thank you very much.

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