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Session #23

Sunday, July 23, 1995 Group participants: Mary (Michael), Vicki (Lawrence), Ron
(Olivia), Jo (Joseph), Cathy (Shynla), and, arriving late, Carole (Dimin). Elias
arrives at 6:06 PM ELIAS: Good evening. (Pause) Welcome, once again, to Shynla.
CATHY: Thank you. ELIAS: We were discussing your element of your psyche, in your
religious element. Are you wishing to continue with this discussion? VICKI: Sure!
ELIAS: Then I will direct it slightly differently to begin with. You were wishing
information of disorders in our previous discussion. Now we will address to more
immediate issues of the psyche. Understand that involved with your psychological
make-up is intertwined your belief systems. You may think that you have eliminated
certain belief systems, but these belief systems appear within psychological
expressions, in your interaction with other individuals. Your psyche, being your
psychological make-up, originally interpreted your feelings and your thoughts, and
incorporated these from physical focus with your essence. Before you created
belief systems, this created no conflict. You would now view that state of
psychological make-up as compared to an animal’s psychological make-up, not quite
incorporating rationality as you see it. You believe you have evolved and become
such rational, thinking individuals in your species. In actuality, you have only
incorporated belief systems in separation from essence, and therefore have
complicated your psychological make-up. Incorporated in this are religious belief
systems. These do not necessarily align themselves with Christian belief systems,
but basically, in your country, we will stay with this religious focus, for it is
your dominating one, and most influencing. All religious belief systems affect
psychological action and reaction. You have been taught certain elements of how to
act within society, and within relationships, and within all interactions
concerning other individuals. You have been taught words such as right and wrong,
good and bad, and you have been taught words such as responsibility and
selfishness, viewing all of these words as being opposites. These form ideas
psychologically, which influence how you deal with your world. These concepts or
ideas are not truths, but you have incorporated them so deeply that you do not
even think of them anymore. You only respond to them. You respond in given
situations to what you believe to be right, or good, or responsible. You believe
in being nice, and compassionate, and helpful, and understanding. This is not to
say that in your essence you are not all of these things already, but as a result
of separation from essence, you have misinterpreted the use of these words and
actions. You have all encountered situations in your focus, in dealing with other
individuals, where you have responded and also felt confusion or conflict. This is
because you are incorporating belief systems, and psychologically responding to
different situations. Basically, the expressions I have offered you already are
quite simple. I am not expressing to you “lofty truths” that you cannot
incorporate, for if you are attentive, you may incorporate what I express to you,
and if incorporating these things, you will amaze yourselves at your connection
with yourself, and with others in essence. Conflict at this stage of your
development is unnecessary. You have only not figured out how to eliminate it. It
is not as difficult as you believe. As we expressed previously in our scenario of
the cat and the mouse, if you view this situation personally, and notice … I
believe we will make a sign that only says one word: NOTICE! If you notice, you
will feel conflict. You will also feel when conflict is not present. In your
psychological make-up, all of your experiences are registered in your memory and
with your psyche. This is not to say that all of your experiences are filed in
your physical brain. They are not. You may take a portion of your physical brain
away, and you will find that a portion of your experiences will seem to be taken
away also. At the same time, you may divide your brain actually physically in
half, and remove half of your brain, believing that you will lose your memory, and
you will not. All of your experiences will still be there. Your brain does not
contain you. Your psyche is not your physical brain. This is why your scientists
and your psychologists encounter such frustration and confusion in trying to fix
your psyche, for they do not actually know what your psyche is. It is also not
your essence, for it is individual to your focus. Your psyche is different from an
alternate you. It is that part of your consciousness which you identify with a
particular focus. It is incorporated in your essence, but it is not all. In being
separated from essence, it is left to itself to interpret and experience. Where
you incorporate problems in this area is by “playing with your mouse.” You have
experiences, you have relationships, you have friendships, you have environments
of work relationships. All of these register within your psyche as part of your
experience. When you encounter experiences that are uncomfortable, you create a
special place for them. (Smiling) You build a “shrine” to them, and you hold them,
and you almost worship them. You keep them, and hold very tightly to the key that
keeps them locked in. You do not allow them to ”fly away.” In this, you may use
your key whenever you wish, and view your experiences that you are not happy with.
You may bring them consciously to memory as often as you wish. And you, in holding
so tightly to this shrine, are very protective and not wishing for someone else to
dare to take it away! When you are faced with a situation of letting go of one of
these shrines, you very quickly create another similar situation to create another
shrine, looking almost identical to the original. This is how you repeat your
patterns, and in repeating your patterns, you disguise them and camouflage them
under the terms of goodness, and helpfulness, and compassion, and thoughtfulness.
This allows you permission … (here, Caleigh, who is a dog, walks up to Elias) We
are welcoming another individual this evening, and recognizing that her
participation will be less conflicting than anyone else’s! (Laughter) In
expressing this idea, we may use our little friend as an example. If this
consciousness (Caleigh) encounters a similar consciousness that is oppressive, or
hurtful, or in conflict with her, I will dare to say she will not continue the
relationship! (Laughter) She will remove herself, and be not hindered by belief
systems of obligation. She will not “feel upset” that she is hurting this other
consciousness’ feelings, or not “doing her part” as an individual, and she will
not be “good” or “bad” in her experience. (Vicki cracks up) She will just be. I
have said in previous sessions that you may learn a lot from your creatures, for
they do not divorce themselves so far, and they are in connection with an
uncluttered consciousness. They do not grapple with belief systems or rationality,
and you reduce them to instinctual animals, instinct being only an action which is
repeated. It does not mean “mindless.” You experience an instinct of hurtfulness
to self. Let us think on this for a while! An animal, in their uncluttered
consciousness, experiences instincts which only incorporate survival, nurturing,
not mindless, society, community, feelings, protectiveness, helpfulness. They do
not incorporate instincts of aggression, for aggression. They do not incorporate
instincts of perpetual hurtfulness. They do not incorporate instincts of
helpfulness with another consciousness which wishes not to be helped. Humans, on
the other hand, incorporate instincts of non-nurturing, of helpfulness to
individuals who do not wish to be helped, of compassion in compassionless
situations, of hurtfulness to themselves and to others, of aggression for
aggression’s sake. Now, I am not expressing this so that you will view yourselves
as “bad” or “less important” than an animal, for this is quite wrong. You are
ultimately beautiful, wonderful beings. You only separate, and do not allow
yourselves to be what you are, naturally. You incorporate belief systems which
twist your psychological make-up, and incorporate much confusion and conflict into
your life. You create physical situations of disease or pain by what you feel
psychologically. Your psyche becomes unhappy with its focus, for it has
incorporated so many shrines it cannot see anything else, and to allow an
expression in hoping that these shrines may dissipate and “fly away,” you create
physical expressions within your body. These may manifest in a disease, they may
manifest in depression, they may manifest in conditions which may not be diseases.
They may be headaches, or back-aches, or finger-aches, (smiling) or any kind of
aches and pains which create a plausible excuse for you to experience conflict.
When you cannot figure out how to connect with essence, you figure out a physical
expression to continue experiencing physical conflict. (Wow!) You think this is
all there is. You feel that you have no choice. As I expressed at our last
session, you always have choices. In viewing your choices, you always have the
choice to create conflict, or to not create conflict. When you may look to
yourself and view your actions as not right or wrong, or good or bad, then you may
make your choice to experience without conflict. It seems that with many
individuals in physical focus, the most common conflict incorporates other
individuals. This is part of your lack of understanding of separation from
essence. It is not in your nature to be separated. You have moved so far from your
home, and you have forgotten your language so well, that you do not remember that
you are not separated. You are trying to experience
your individuality and your own experiences, but feeling a pull to be involved
with other individuals, but not quite knowing how to incorporate this. Therefore,
you spend your developmental focus trying, and trying, and trying, and feeling you
are not “getting it right.” But, there is nothing to get right, for there is not
right! It is only an experience. In these experiences, your biggest complaint in
this focus is that you only wish to be happy. This you view as being your greatest
challenge and most difficult task. It is amusing, for it is not a challenge, and
it is your simplest and most effortless task. If you are truly accepting, and
connecting, and in communion with your essence, you will experience no conflict.
Therefore, you will be happy. I will also express that there is no thing in this
focus yet as being ultimately happy with everything, for your shift has not
occurred. Therefore, you must incorporate other individuals which you do not agree
with, or which conflict with you, but you may lessen this conflict by
incorporating more of yourself. It is difficult when dealing with another
individual, for you must realize that you may only incorporate you. You do not
control another essence, but you also do not have to align with another essence.
Within your essences, you are all connected. You are also physically connected in
living space. It is not necessary that you intimately connect with everyone. It is
important that you recognize and notice, when you are connected with an individual
intimately, when conflict is occurring. When conflict occurs, you may refer to our
exercise involving elimination of conflict. You may also realize that in each
situation in your daily life, your psyche has incorporated belief systems to
influence these situations, and often this creates conflict. As this little one,
(Caleigh) if incorporating puppies, if these puppies are biting on her, she will
most likely not be biting on them, but remove herself and walk away. She will not
lie there and encourage these little ones to be biting her until she is bleeding!
In this, you may see a comparison in your consciousness, and how unnecessarily you
incorporate conflict. In some individual’s psychological make-up, they want to
incorporate conflict, but they may not experience conflict completely
individually, for they are not on a planet to themselves. They are incorporated
with other individuals. There are situations of this kind where individuals have
created such a degree of separation and conflict, that they have become so
confused, that their psyche calls for help. It does not know how to help itself.
It does not understand how to reconnect. You will find, though, that in these
individuals, that (if) left to their own calling, their essence will answer, in
one way or another. In your physical terms, you express an idea in this direction
of “hitting bottom.” There are many individuals who create a reality that they
must play to its absolute psychological end, where they feel they have no other
direction to go in except death, or to focus on themselves. In these situations,
wishing for your helpfulness, you do them no service to be helpful. Their essence
will always answer. You may say to yourself, “But if I do not help, they may end
their life!” and if they may end their life, they have chosen to do this, and
their essence has chosen to answer in that expression. There are times, in all
individual’s experiences, where they are needing of other individual’s
helpfulness. In this time of your world, you will find much crying out for much
help that you may not be assisting with. It will become increasingly more obvious
that everyone around you seems to be experiencing great distress and confusion,
and you may feel that you need to be helpful. This is a symptom of the beginnings
of your shift. Individuals are divorced from their essence. They are confused, and
experiencing conflict. They do not understand how to reconnect. Do not fear for
them, for their essence is in control and will answer, and is much more capable of
helpfulness than individuals in physical focus. This is not to say that you should
be “to yourself,” and uncaring of other individuals. You will find, though, that
in connecting with your own essence, your compassion, and your tolerance, and your
acceptance, and your helpfulness, and your love will be expressed, and in correct
manner to affect helpfulness without conflict. You will know the difference. I am
aware that you have all experienced being helpful and feeling conflict
simultaneously. If you are feeling conflict, you are defeating your purpose. I
will give you the opportunity to ask questions and incorporate interaction, if you
are wishing this. But first, I will express two things for Lawrence. We are
acknowledging, yes, one “point” for being a good sport! Now you may believe you
are all even! Also, I do not prefer eggs and bacon, but Belgium waffles are nice!
(Elias is grinning widely, and Vicki is cracking up)(1) We will have much to
explore in your subject of the psyche, and I will incorporate your individual
questions, but I will not overwhelm you in sessions with dissertations of too much
information at one individual time. RON: I’d like to ask a question. Are there
situations where you would not want to turn away from conflict? ELIAS: Absolutely!
You have created this focus for your experience. There are many individuals who
create their focuses simply for experiencing conflict. (Ron says, “Oh, I forgot!”
and we all laugh) I will express to you though, in this subject of conflict, you
have been taught in certain religious focuses, and in some social situations,
terms such as, you should “love” your conflict and your negative experiences, and
this will allow them to “fly away!” This will not allow them to fly away! I will
express to you that if you are loving your conflicts, that you are having a more
difficult psychological problem than you realize! (Laughter) This is ridiculous!
You do not love conflict, you do not love hatefulness, you do not love
hurtfulness; but, you may accept them. There is a difference. JO: What about
somebody who doesn’t seem like they’re happy unless they’re in terrible, terrible
conflict? ELIAS: This would be the expression of an individual either who has
decided to experience conflict to its ultimate end, or an individual who has made
the choice to experience physical manifestation for the sake of experiencing
conflict. Much to your disbelief, there are individuals who have manifested simply
to experience conflict. JO: I believe it! I know some. VICKI: When an individual
has seemed to “hit bottom,” as you say, and this is an individual that you love,
and this individual comes to you for help after hitting bottom, how do you know
what is really helping that person? ELIAS: This is an interesting question. I will
express to you, and you are not unintelligent individuals, you have eyes, and you
have brains, and you can see if an individual is expressing sincerity in a wishing
for changing their reality. The individual will change the reality themselves. You
will not change it for them. You may help, and yourself will express to you when
your helpfulness is required, and accepted, and being incorporated, for you will
not experience conflict. This is not to say that an individual who has made a
choice to change their reality will not fall or stumble, for they have created a
different reality for such a long time, in their terms, that they have become used
to this. It is natural for them. It is unnatural to create a new reality. It is
easy to fall back on what is familiar. If the individual is not ready to create a
new reality, it will not manifest. They may attempt, briefly, for the reason of
outside influences, but they have not chosen for inside reasons. Your essence will
know the difference, for you will experience conflict in helpfulness. You may not
experience this conflict immediately. You may express helpfulness, and experience
nothing but helpfulness. You may, very soon afterwards, be thinking about this
situation. If you have expressed genuinely, and it has been received genuinely,
you will not be thinking about the situation. True expressions and true
acceptingness will “fly away” as a positive experience. As we have expressed
before, you do not hold to positive experiences. You only hold to your
fascinations, and we are quite aware of what your fascinations are, with your
“shrines” and your “mouse!” (Laughter) CATHY: So are you saying we should avoid
conflict, or should we experience it, and then maybe try to resolve it? ELIAS:
This is your choice. If you wish to experience conflict for the experience of
resolving, and experiencing the intricacies of resolution, this would be one
choice, which is your option. If you are only speaking of unnecessary conflict
which you do not wish to experience, then I would be expressing to you that you
also have the choice of avoiding. You do not need to enter into conflicting
situations. You always have choices! If you do not wish to experience conflict,
you do not have to create it. (Smiling) If you are thinking that others create it,
and you have no choice but to interact, this is also incorrect. You always have
choices! You may choose to not interact. Your creature (Caleigh) does not choose
for a Saint Bernard to come and try to bite her face, but she also does not choose
to stand and allow this creature to bite her face! She will remove herself from
the situation. You, in not wishing to experience conflict, have the same option as
your creature. CATHY: It’s just a matter of choice. So, people that are
argumentative enter conflict because they like it? ELIAS: This is quite correct,
many times. There are many individuals who enjoy experiencing this type of
conflict. They are quite aware of watching other reactions. It is interesting
to them. People, individuals, do not do things that they do not receive something
from. If you receive nothing from a situation, you will not create it or
participate in it. You only participate when you receive something. Your adage of
“you do not get something for nothing” is quite true! You do not engage in things
that you do not receive something from, whether it be what you term positive or
negative. It does not matter. Something will be received. (Pause) We are so
pensive! (Laughter) CATHY: What about people who do nothing and get a reaction?
I’m pretty good at that! JO: But doing nothing is doing something. CATHY: Well,
nothing is something? ELIAS: This is quite correct, also. Every expression,
whether it be a non-expression or an overt expression, is designed for what you
term “feedback.” If you are receiving no feedback in experimenting with different
situations, you will not repeat them. This also is why choosing to not participate
in other individual’s conflicts stops conflicts, for their purpose is for
interaction and continuation of conflict, and if they do not receive their
purpose, it is not necessary to continue. It would be fruitless. VICKI: When an
individual experiences a great separation anxiety from somebody they are very
close to and very dependent on, is this because they are more separated from their
essence than a person who would not experience this? ELIAS: This is correct. The
more you separate from your essence, the more confusion you incorporate.
Therefore, in creating this confusion you are looking all around outside of you,
believing this will be where you will find your connection. This is what you would
term, psychologically, as your insecurities. This is an expression of one
searching for this connection, but searching in the wrong direction. They are
looking outside themselves, and viewing other individuals of stronger
psychological focus, and hoping that in connecting with those individuals that
they will find their connection. If they were to turn within they would find their
connection, and their fear would dissipate. Their fear is only perpetuated by
searching “without.” VICKI: And when an individual finds themselves much more
easily connecting, say, with a dog than with other individuals of their own
consciousness, what is that indicative of? ELIAS: This, I will express, is
sometimes a disillusionment with the separation of the individuals of your
species, and a noticing of this. There are many times when an individual may
notice this extreme separation and become sorrowful of this situation, not quite
understanding in their psyche why they are feeling this expression. Animals do not
experience this separation. They are freely giving, and freely expressing, and
freely loving, and do not deceive yourselves to believe that animals are not
loving, for they are. In this recognition of these creatures you will feel a
connection, and also partially, in what you term your unconsciousness, an envy, a
wishing to be connected in this same manner in this physical focus. Many times it
is much easier to connect with an animal than it is with another individual of
your species. This is for the reason that your animals are not cluttered. They are
not carrying their shrines, for they have no shrines. You in this new time have an
expression, of individuals who are carrying their “baggage” with them. You have
all collected quite a bit of baggage, some much more than others. These shrines
become very heavy, very weighty, and they block your vision, and some individuals
perceive this and become retreating from this situation. They are not wishing to
participate in this continuance of this separation. They are not finding
individuals that they may be connecting with in like consciousness, therefore they
connect with their creatures instead. You present here may be feeling quite lucky,
if there was such a thing as luck, which there is not, (laughter) for you have
found other consciousness individuals in your own species and focus that you may
connect with. You may not all share common experiences, but you all share common
desires, and a common awareness of essence, and an awareness of more than your
physical expression, and a desire to connect with that. You also share an
awareness of the connection of essences to each other. JO: Can you tell us what
Cathy’s connection is with us? ELIAS: In this group of individuals in this … JO:
Yes, in this group. ELIAS: You will be giving us a moment. (Pause) This essence is
quite interesting! This essence being also fragmented from Paul. This would be
what you would call your largest connection. I will be expressing that this
essence has had quite a diversity of experiences in focuses in this physical
dimension. An affinity with an Australian connection, but not being a native, but
being incorporated with native individuals, being incorporated with a particular
tribe of Aborigines, and feeling great affinity for this particular focus. And
also, interestingly enough, incorporating South African connections. This essence
has been in connection with Joseph in early focus in your calendar minus years.
Also incorporating one focus of South American Indian, but not of these Incas, but
the Mayan. You have traveled much to experience different developmental focuses in
different cultures. You are also quite experienced in other dimensions. This would
be a connection also with Lawrence, and also with Dimin, in this other dimensional
focus. Incorporating also much helpfulness and compassion in similar direction of
Elizabeth, in Eastern Indian focus. Great spirituality and connection. Is this
helpful in your connecting focus in this group situation? (Pause, during which
somebody finally says, “Cathy, is this helpful?”) CATHY: (Laughing) I’m just blown
away, just listening to all this stuff. Sure! I don’t know why I’m here. I knew
there was a reason, I just didn’t know what it was. ELIAS: You are widening.
CATHY: I am what? (Somebody ways “Widening”) I’m widening, huh? ELIAS: You will
find these individuals to be quite helpful in a “non-conflicting” way (smiling,
followed by laughter) for your widening of your awareness. I sense a great
eagerness in the same direction of Michael and Ron, of flying away in exploration!
(Pause) We are welcoming to Dimin. VICKI: I have one more question regarding the
noticing of conflicts. So, you have a decision to make, and you, in your thinking
of it, you notice that in this direction you experience conflict, and in that
direction you do not, and you wish to avoid the conflict, then you would go in
that direction. Correct? ELIAS: (Grinning) Continue … (We all laugh at Elias’
refusal to commit himself until he hears the rest of the question) VICKI: My
question really comes down to this business of completely trusting your essence,
which can be difficult, because given that scenario I just presented, one must
wonder, if one’s name is Lawrence, if one is reading the experience correctly or
not! (Laughter) ELIAS: You will find that you will be reading the experience
correctly when there is no conflict. You may find that it is not a situation of
being quite so black and white all the time. You may have your situation of
conflict, but you may not instantly go to an opposite situation of no conflict.
You may have to step through variations of “less conflict” before you reach no
conflict. This does not necessarily mean that you must experience each “less
conflict,” but you may not make the leap automatically all the time, in your
noticing, to no conflict. You may, in your noticing, have to play out other
scenarios before you arrive at the one that creates no conflict, but you will
notice your “light bulb,” and you will feel confirmation within you from your
essence, and you will know when you have arrived at no conflict. I will express
that we will adjourn for a brief break, and then we will return, but I will not be
expressing myself in much time after our break, and I will express at our next
meeting why, but it is not important for your information presently. I will return
after your break for your questions and your involvement. But first, I will
express great affection for Dimin, and I will be returning shortly. BREAK: 7:42 PM
CONTINUE: 8:18 PM ELIAS: We will continue, but first, before questions, I will
address to Lawrence’s misconception. I was quite aware in speaking with you
earlier that there would be misinterpretations, but it was necessary for correct
directional thinking to be expressing of certain ideas and concepts in a specific
direction. You have incorporated this direction and have assumed
misinterpretations. First of all, in relation to helpfulness to other individuals,
I will express to you that in connecting with your own essence and in recognition
of this connection, you will understand that “conditions on helpfulness” are not
necessary. If you are expressing of helpfulness, you are expressing it for the
feedback of yourself. It is not important how it is received. If you are choosing
to be helpful to another individual for the purpose of outside feedback, you will
instantly know, as I am telling you now that you are expressing in an incorrect
direction. If your desire is to be helpful, and you may be helpful to an
individual without causing hardship or conflict within yorself, then you are
correctly expressing. If you are expressing helpfulness for the reason of
expecting to see a result in another individual, this is an incorrect expression.
Your helpfulness should be expressed and given freely. I will say to you that most
of the time you do not do this. You express helpfulness expecting a return. Just
as we have expressed earlier with Shynla, you do not do something if you do not
receive something. This does not mean that your receiving must be in a material
expression. Your receiving will be either from outside or from
inside. Receiving from inside is correct expression. Receiving from outside is
incorrect expression. If you are faced with an individual outside of your home, in
your street, who is a stranger to you and asking you of money, would you not give
this to this stranger? You might not, for you might think that they will squander
this money that you have given freely. But you have not given freely, for if you
have given freely it is not important what their expression is with the gift. It
is theirs to do with as they choose. The responsibility is not yours. Their
essence will speak to them when they are ready to listen. You, with all your
trying, will not be heard before their own essence is heard. Free giving in
expression gives back to you. In your (Vicki’s) helpfulness of your old woman, you
were not expecting anything from this individual. It was not of concern to you of
her interpretation of this act. Where she went or what she chose to do afterward
was not of concern to you, but you gave a free expression, therefore giving
yourself a positive gift, accepting from essence to yourself. In giving to any
individual, whether it be a stranger or a loved one, you may feel that you are
doing a disservice, but if you are not expecting an outside return, it will not
matter. All free expression is incorporated by essence, through psyche, into
individual physical focus. It may not be incorporated initially, or that moment,
but it will be incorporated. Therefore, as all energy, it is not a wasted
expression. The difference is determining when you are giving freely, and when you
are not. When you may look within yourself and give to an individual in need
regardless of their circumstances, or their focus, or their creation of their
manifestation, and allow the expression to “blow away” as a bubble, and not be
concerned where it alights or disappears to, then you are giving freely. When you
give, and you are dissatisfied with how the gift is received, you are not giving
freely, therefore it is an incorrect expression. It does not matter what your
perception of an individual’s creation of manifestation is. You are not creating
it, and you do not have the reasons to create it. It is their creation and their
experience, and for their reasons they have created it. It is not your
responsibility to judge. Essence does not judge. The Creating Universal One and
Whole does not judge. Only in physical manifestions do individuals judge, one
another and themselves. This is what you are learning prior to your shift. You are
learning incorporation of essence, which expresses tolerance, and acceptance, and
compassion, and love freely, expecting no thing in return. Even in this concept,
it has been expressed in all of your religious focuses in all dimensions, but in
all dimensions and all focuses you have misinterpreted. You do not understand free
expression. I express to you all freely. I do not anticipate or expect expression
in return. It is your choice. If you choose to not listen, if you choose to not
incorporate, if you choose to walk away, it is not affecting to me, and I am not
experiencing conflict, for I am not expressing to you with expectance. You also
have the capability of accomplishing this same expression even in physical
manifestation, but you have forgotten how. Therefore, you must practice, and as
you practice, it will become easier and more natural, and you will be connecting
with essence, which will be honoring of your expressions. VICKI: So, if I’m trying
to make a decision whether or not to help somebody, my goal should be to help them
expecting nothing in return, as with the old woman, and what they do with that
help really doesn’t have anything to do with it at all. ELIAS: It is not your
responsiblity. Your responsibility is to yourself and to your essence, and to be
true to your expression. If you are helping of someone … let us give an example of
not money, let us express an example of helpfulness for food or shelter with an
individual who is needing of these things, for they have created a reality where
they have not enabled themselves any longer to achieve these things of themselves.
If you are expressing a gift of these things, and you are regretful, or you are
anticipating being regretful, or you are previously anticipating a negative
feeling, or you are experiencing a negative thought pattern, then you are not
expressing freely. If you are expressing freely, you will experience no conflict.
If you are expressing of a gift but experiencing conflict, better to not give the
gift than to experience conflict, and create more conflict. VICKI: So, the issue
is not whether you are really helping the person. The issue is whether or not you
can freely give the gift. ELIAS: This is correct, for in helping, as I have
expressed, a gift given freely is an expression of energy which is never wasted,
and always accepted, and will be incorporated. A gift given begrudgingly, even
when you do not believe you are being begrudging, a gift given in conflict or
which created conflict subsequently is not helpful. It is perpetuating of a
negative creation. Is this more understood? VICKI: Yes. Thank you for clarifying.
CAROLE: I have a question along with that. Sometimes you can feel that you’re
giving something to someone unconditionally, and the urge and the need to give
something or to help this person is so strong that it feels unconditional. What if
it turns out not to be, or how can we be sure? Because this, for me, this urge of
wanting to help somebody with what I consider to be unconditional, I think puts me
in a position of not being able to tell whether it’s creating a conflict of some
sort. ELIAS: You will, in noticing, recognize conflict. In noticing, you will give
yourself all possible scenarios, and allow yourself a response. If you believe
yourself to be giving freely … (Here, Elias starts to cough, and then appears to
be choking. He takes a drink) We will be instructing Michael not to be playing
with chakras, for he is not helping! (More coughing) In giving freely, you may ask
yourself how you will feel if this individual responds to your gift in what you
would deem an inappropriate manner. (Pause) Excuse, I must have a word with
Michael! (Long pause) He will discontinue with this action presently. I am often
feeling that I am dealing with a small child! (Laughter) He is very playful, and
does not understand in his playfulness what he is affecting. To continue, and
excuse, please … (Elias starts choking again, and then says, loudly) We will say
to Michael now, clearing blue chakra does not help situation, especially when you
are not understanding of clearing chakra!(2) I am apologizing to Dimin. He is
quite playful! I will be expressing for my drink. (He takes a long drink) Thank
you. It is a wonderful thing to be loving him so much, or I would have to assume a
position of being irritated! (Laughter) Most fortunately for Michael, I do not
become irritated. (Smiling) Now, we will continue. Let us present a small
scenario. Let us say that you have decided that there is an individual in need,
and you are wishing to express helpfulness, and a gift. Take a moment previous to
this expression, and ask yourself questions. In this asking, play in your mind all
scenarios possible. If you are experiencing a twinge, it does not need to be an
overwhelming feeling, but only a twinge of any pulling, you will know that it is
not necessarily a free expression. Many times our desire is great, and we wish to
be expressing helpfulness, and we truly wish to be connected, and we truly wish to
be expressing freely, and then we are disappointed later that we have not
expressed freely. This is where I express to you that it is better to not express
than to express with reservation, for you not only do not accomplish with the
other individual what you have been meaning to accomplish, but you create conflict
within your own self also. It is difficult to know sometimes, within yourself,
when you are being genuine. You may also inquire of the receiving party as to how
they veiw your expression. You may be quite enlightened by their perception, for
if you are not expressing freely, their essence will know, and they will perceive
immediately. You may cloud yourselves with your belief systems and intentions, but
another essence, in receiving, will not be clouded and will know. You do not ask,
for then you will not be quite so “noble” in your expression, but you will more
humble in your expression if you are asking for truth. Humility is a natural
expression of your essence. It seeks nothing for itself, for it contains all,
already. It is only physical focus which needs to be fed. We will express to Ron
that in your encounters in future, confer with Paul before playing with things
that you do not understand. Do not follow Michael’s lead in this area! (Laughter)
He is overzealous sometimes. I will express, though, that he is learning, and as a
child, you may not learn if you do not play. (Pause) Are you wishing of more
questions? CATHY: I want to know if animals create their own pain like humans do.
ELIAS: Animals do not incorporate the same psychologicl focus. Animals are
connected with nature in a different expression, for they have not separated as
you have. In the area of creating pain, in the concept that you think of, no, they
do not. But, in the concept of creating pain at all, or creating a disease, or
creating a situation of becoming injured, yes. They do not do this for the reasons
that you do this, but animals are quite connected with their consciousness, and
are quite connected with their bodies and physical expression. They are also quite
connected with their awareness of their focus, and for individual reasons they may
choose to express an injury or a disease, and therefore create a situation of
nurturing, or death. They do not create situations
of pain for continued attention. They create situations in expressing their
desire to refocus, or in expressing their desire for nurturing. If they are
feeling a need for nurturing, if they are feeling a lacking of this expression,
they may choose to become injured, or they may choose to create a non-deadly
disease for a time. This is not an expression to be hurtful to themselves. You do
not understand the animal’s conscousness in expressing a condition within their
focus of something that may be debilitating. This happens in domesticated animals,
for they have learned from your species some of your “not so good” instincts, and
they may choose to copy this and express this for nurturing purposes. In the wild,
animals may create an injury or a disease, and they may continue in existence, but
they do not experience pain the way that you understand. They may choose in a herd
to create some debilitating focus, but they will not be experiencing pain in this.
They will do this for extra protection, for the herd will be protective of this.
An animal creating such a situation alone will not incorporate pain, and will
compensate for the experience that they created, or will choose to end focus. They
do not create situations psychologically as humans do. CATHY: So if they create
something, let’s say a disease, and they get the nurturing, a domesticated animal,
and they get the nurturing that they desire, then can the disease go away because
of your nurturing, because of a human’s nurturing? Or are they just going to keep
it there so they can have more nurturing? ELIAS: It is theoretically possible for
an animal to uncreate a disease. This does not generally happen. A domesticated
animal may create a disease, and allow expression of nurturing from the human
individual that it is connected with, and then it will pass on. They do not
temporarily create something. This is where they differ from you. Also, though, I
will express to you, that as I have said in previous sessions, you should be aware
of your affectingness with your domesticated animals, for they do incorporate
focuses that you have created. They do incorporate feelings. They do have a
consciousness. They do think. They also do respond to your energy. If you as an
individual are exceedingly depressed, an animal which is your pet, initially will
be trying, in expression, to feed energy to you to divert your consciousness to
not be depressed. If this is not accomplished, your animal will become depressed,
and may even carry this depression to ending its focus. They are quite sensitive
in their consciousness to those around them. They are quite sensitive to the
emotional output of the individuals who are the most closely connected with them,
and they will be in response of this. I will express an example of a dog, which is
of quite high intelligence, as you would term this. A dog may be raised within a
family. It may never experience personal cruelty. It may not be trained for
attacking. It may not be abused, and it may violently turn on a member of its
family with no reason. Some individuals may attribute this to a specific breed of
dog. This is not true. This dog does not need to be mistreated, but it may
incorporate the consciousness and the emotional expression of those individuals
around it, and incorporate their feelings as they are trying to suppress them. The
animal, not incorporating rationality, and not creating a geyser, expresses. The
animal does not view right or wrong. It only expresses. Therefore, its expression
may seem to come from nowhere, all of a sudden, but in actuality, it has been
being fed for quite some time with emotional consciousness from individuals around
it, creating its expression where the human counterparts do not feel able to
express. (Pause) CATHY: How did you know all that? (Laughter) CAROLE: I want to
address something that was really talked about earlier this evening. In seeing
that a change is probably necessary in one’s life, and dealing with the “conflict
place” to the “no conflict place,” it is sometimes very frightening to let go of
the place of conflict, because all of your security is frequently involved, in
that, what you’re used to, and your money security, things like that. If one
chooses not to make the transition, once we have stepped across this spiritual
point of no return, as I phrase it, not the average person on the street, if you
will, but like in this group. If we were to choose not to follow the promptings,
do we have any real choice, or is the rug going to be pulled out, eventually?
ELIAS: (Smiling) I will address to two parts of this question. First of all, I
will address that you here present in this group are no different from any other
essence. You are no different from your Charles Manson in your jail! (Laughter)
You are all the same. Your awareness may be wider, but your essences are the same.
I will also express, as I have expressed to Oliver, there is no “cosmic boot!”
(More laughter) You will not have a “cosmic kick in the behind,” and you will not
have the “cosmic rug” pulled from under you! You may have a stool from Elias
kicked out from under you to get your attention, but this will just be in loving
information. (Smiling) In regards to consequences, your only consequence is your
self. There is no one “looming in the cosmos” watching you, pointing fingers and
saying, “Dimin must do this!” This is incorrect. You make your choices. If your
fear prevents you from acknowledging your awareness, or if your fear prevents you
from moving in the direction of your essence, you will deal with you! Your essence
will not go away. Just as you say in physical focus, “Wherever you go, there you
are!” (Laughter) You may put coverings on your eyes and pretend not to see, but
you have already seen. Even within your religious focuses, your only true sin in
your religions is to walk away from truth. This would not be a sin, for there is
no sin, for there is no judgment, only what you inflict upon yourself. If you were
not separated, and if you were not disconnected, you would not judge yourself
either. But you are separated, and you are disconnected, and in this, in widening
and becoming aware, your essence speaks to you to bridge the connection. You may
choose not to listen. Catherine has chosen not to listen. The consequence, if your
would think of it this way, is to be unhappy. If you are feeling fear and
unhappiness now, if you have walked away from a gift, you will feel even more. You
will not make yourself feel better by feeding your fear. You will feel no
conflict, and you will feel better, when you have stepped through your fear. I am
quite understanding that this is not easily accomplished. Your most separating
element in physical focus is fear. Fear holds you and binds you more that any
other element. You may not jump over it, and you may not go around it, and you may
not push it away. You must step through. You must consciously experience through,
and allow yourself the experience. You are presently pushing. You are presently
noticing this fear and saying, “No, no, no!” You are not stepping through. You are
holding at bay. As with Lawrence, in connection with water, visualize your fear
becoming water, and swim through. As I expressed earlier, this is not an
expression of “love your fear,” just as you do not “love” negativity. We are not
being ridiculous and convoluted here! Fear is not to be loved, but it is to be
accepted. It is a reality, and if it is not accepted, it is not expreienced, and
if it is not experienced, it only comes back! This is also what you presently
experience. You have attempted, as you thought or believed, to conquer your fear,
in coming and becoming part of audience with me. There is nothing to conquer. You
are not a warrior. You are a loving essence, and you need only move through this
fear. I will express to you that in this, you will find it is no “fanged monster!”
In imagining your worst scenario, what can be so awful? You would say to me, “But
Elias, I may be a bag lady,” and if you are a bag lady, you would experience a
communion with essences who have nothing but to give, who are not encumbered with
things. You hold to your things as tightly as you hold to your shrines. They are
not important. None of this is important. What is important is you, and your
connection, and your essence, and there are always those to be helpful. You only
do not believe this, for you block and separate even more. You are so accomplished
at separation! It is one of the best things that you do! (Smiling, followed by
laughter) You not only distrust yourself, but you distrust all other essences. You
not only separate from your own essence, but you refuse to accept from other
essences. Remember our statement of humility. Just as I have expressed that prayer
is speaking, and you are not very good at listening, giving is quite easy.
Receiving is equal to listening. Would you deny another’s gift to their essence by
denying their gift to to you? You would not appreciate another individual denying
your expresion if you are giving freely. But if they are so blocked that they
cannot receive, then you will experience distress, for you will be blocked and not
allowed to experience the giving. You, in turn, do the same in not receiving. It
is difficult to swim through fear, but you have the ability, and it is not a curse
to extend out to other essences for help. Here you have your opposite situation of
individuals who will not receive help that (they) do genuinely need, and other
essences, in awareness, may extend, but you will find that in physical focus,
individuals will only extend so far, for they are not wishing to have the door
smashed in their face too many times. This is not the case yet, but I am
expressing this to prevent you from doing this. Also, other individuals in
awareness should be extending of
support. Just as we have expressed, this group is a group in political focus for
interaction! You may not be supportive without interaction. You may not give
without interaction. You may not receive without interaction. You will find,
though, that stepping through your fear will be easier if you are connecting with
other essences. It is not necessary for you to separate even farther and do
everything alone. If this were the case, I would not be speaking in political
forum. I would speak individually. We, in our focus, are not running around the
cosmos individually in capsules! We are intermingled. There are not separate
entities. There are incorporated essences. Therefore, I say to you, incorporate
and connect! VICKI: Why is it that … you know, it’s so frustrating because we
can’t even get people that say they’re going to come to a session to actually
follow through with that, let alone have a conversation or interact. Why is that
so difficult? ELIAS: (Smiling and leaning in towards Vicki) Why is that so
important? (Soft laughter) VICKI: Only because you keep talking about the
interaction, do I think that maybe it’s important. ELIAS: (Leaning in again) Do
you have no one to interact with? VICKI: No, that is not true. I have some very
wonderful individuals to interact with. ELIAS: Then why do you concern yourself
with those who do not wish to interact? VICKI: I don’t really concern myself. (The
group laughs) I’m just kind of curious why they make that choice. ELIAS: (Smiling)
For their experience! (We all laugh) We will be saying, “Why, why, why does our
child step in its puddle?” to Lawrence! (Humorously) Why does it need a reason?
Not that these individuals do not have their reasons. They do, for they are not
little children anymore, and as you grow in your developmental focus you attain
reasons, or what you think are reasons, or what may be excuses, to be creating
what you wish to create. It should not be of concern. Am I concerned? VICKI: I
doubt it. ELIAS: Do you view me inquire of you, where these individuals are each
week? VICKI: No. ELIAS: For it is not my concern. It is their choice. If they
choose to be joining, then they choose to be widening, and I am available for
helpfulness. If they choose not to join, then they choose not to widen, and they
choose to continue only in physical manifestation, and only with physical
experience. This is their choice, and we are respecting of this choce. Just as I
have said I am not preaching Elias’ words, you are not preaching Elias’ gospel.
You are only concerned with your essence; and those which are wishing for
interaction, there is where your concentration should be. VICKI: So, as long as
you have one person to interact with, that is sufficient? ELIAS: This is correct.
(Pause) I do not see only one individual present. I am seeing quite an opportunity
for connection and interaction. It is your choice to pursue, and you may express
to Michael also, that he does not need to be responsible for the whole world. I
remember expressing this before, but once again he was not listening. Although I
will express that with these individuals present, if you must choose a
“convoluted” focus, it is better to choose a responsible one than a totally
disconnected one! (Elias is laughing, and we all join in) Are you wishing of more
questions, or are you wishing for ending this session? CAROLE: I have one more
thing. A while back an indiviual’s name was brought up at a session, I was not
here, who was supposed to have an impact on the group, and this name is just at me
all the time. It was the indiviudal by the name of Dave. Is there something, or a
reason I’m so conscious of this, or is this coming closer? ELIAS: This would be in
connection with my intention, also involving Lawrence. This is not quite
accomplished yet, for Lawrence is still battling with Elias on literary matters.
I’m considering. But the time is approaching soon, and you will be meeting our
Dave. Be noticing. This Dave will have a specific function. It will be no
accident. RON: Is Dave a focus name or an essence name? ELIAS: This would be a
developmental focus name. (Long pause) Such quietness! I will be bidding you each
a good evening, and I will be looking forward to our next encounter, and I will be
congratulating all of you on your dreaming interaction, and expressing hopefulness
of continuation, and I will express to you all a glorious affection. And, be
noticing, for I am in connection. Good evening. (We end at 9:40 PM) FOOTNOTES: (1)
Earlier that day I had been at work, where I am a waitress. I saw three people sit
down at a table, so I grabbed three sets of silverware and went to the table. When
I arrived, I realized there were four people at the table. I apologized, and said
I would be right back with another set of silverware. Less than fifteen seconds
later, I arrived at the table again, set down the silerware, and realized that
there were only three people again. I looked at the people and asked where the
fourth person had gone so quickly. They were just staring at me like I was “nuts”!
At that point in time, it was obvious to me that something “unusual” had happened.
I made a joke about their imaginary friend, said I would order him some bacon and
eggs, and we all laughed. I would like to give a special thanks to Elias here for
clearing up my confusion! (2) Mary told us later that she had been “poking around”
at the blue chakra in an attempt to reduce stiffness in her shoulder area. She
said that this tension was gone after the session. She assumes that Elias must
have done something to take it away, thereby distracting her from the situation.
She was completely unaware that Elias was choking, and was quite surprised when
viewing it on the tape. He was choking quite a lot! 1995 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis,
All Rights Reserved

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