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Canonical Correlations

Variables in set 1:
Rabdochona sp_ 1
Rabdochona sp_ 2
Oxyuris sp
Nematoda Indet
Variables in set 2:

Number of complete cases: 27

Canonical Correlations
Canonical Wilks
Number Eigenvalue Correlation Lambda Chi-Squared D.F. P-Value
1 0,862358 0,928632 0,0098292 83,2032 56 0,0106
2 0,71854 0,847667 0,0714115 47,5073 42 0,2583
3 0,509592 0,713857 0,253718 24,6876 30 0,7401
4 0,39054 0,624932 0,517361 11,8623 20 0,9207
5 0,119324 0,345433 0,848883 2,949 12 0,9959
6 0,036081 0,18995 0,963899 0,661829 6 0,9953
7 0,0000202888 0,00450431 0,99998 0,000365202 2 0,9998

Coefficients for Canonical Variables of the First Set

Rabdochona sp_ 1 -0,0918763 -0,196062 0,405776 -0,154205 0,0469016 0,788734 -0,462149
Rabdochona sp_ 2 0,0226127 -0,831862 -0,344486 -0,138262 -0,431397 -0,113366 0,0669747
Oxyuris sp 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Anisakidae -0,0856804 -0,145939 0,716581 -0,463157 -0,172984 -0,465914 -0,177215
Nematoda Indet 0,0130726 -0,262648 0,436232 0,11867 0,103144 0,197776 0,827421
Huevos -0,0939666 0,1151 -0,170714 -0,953457 -0,11063 0,303981 0,16301
Larvas 2,65083 0,132608 0,428566 -0,326364 -0,740758 0,387819 -0,0395771
Tremátodo -2,73303 0,171215 -0,275136 0,58754 -0,169187 -0,281641 0,170877

Coefficients for Canonical Variables of the Second Set

PH 0,149534 -1,2061 -0,0709133 0,117418 -0,471586 0,110426 -0,298267
Conductividad 0,446008 -0,313798 -0,316126 -0,0650619 1,05145 0,271139 0,144999
ST -0,172695 -0,205493 0,925364 -0,299426 0,0977215 -0,327537 0,0337509
DQO 1,11466 -0,334536 0,33468 -0,0719077 -0,0661671 0,225505 -0,263172
DBO -0,621006 -0,881083 -1,06252 -1,01576 -1,89327 -3,16581 0,787371
CT -1,01274 -0,0483176 -0,11147 -2,35836 -1,16189 1,33647 -0,784141
CF 1,24563 0,635542 0,800546 3,36166 2,61535 1,42287 -1,04183

The StatAdvisor
This procedure finds the linear combinations of two sets of variables which have the highest correlation between them.
In this case, 7 sets of linear combinations have been formed. The first set of linear combinations is

-0,0918763*Rabdochona sp_ 1 + 0,0226127*Rabdochona sp_ 2 + 0,0*Oxyuris sp - 0,0856804*Anisakidae +

0,0130726*Nematoda Indet - 0,0939666*Huevos + 2,65083*Larvas - 2,73303*Tremátodo

0,149534*PH + 0,446008*Conductividad - 0,172695*ST + 1,11466*DQO - 0,621006*DBO - 1,01274*CT +

where the variables have first been standardized by subtracting their means and dividing by their standard deviations.
The table shows the estimated correlation between each set of canonical variables. Since one of the P-values is less
than 0,05, that set has a statistically significant correlation at the 95,0% confidence level.

Logistic Regression - Rabdochona sp_ 1

Dependent variable: Rabdochona sp_ 1
T° H2O

Estimated Regression Model (Maximum Likelihood)

Standard Estimated
Parameter Estimate Error Odds Ratio
CONSTANT -36,4195 27,1571
T° H2O 2,0549 1,34445 7,80604
Conductividad -0,0525568 0,0292909 0,9488
OD -1,29682 0,80951 0,2734

Analysis of Deviance
Source Deviance Df P-Value
Model 9,03478 3 0,0288
Residual 14,5475 18 0,6928
Total (corr.) 23,5822 21

Percentage of deviance explained by model = 38,3118

Adjusted percentage = 4,38795

Likelihood Ratio Tests

Factor Chi-Squared Df P-Value
T° H2O 4,09719 1 0,0430
Conductividad 6,11887 1 0,0134
OD 4,42378 1 0,0354

Residual Analysis
Estimation Validation
n 22
MSE 0,0310258
MAE 0,364592
ME 0,0129848

Stepwise factor selection

Method: backward selection
P-to-enter: 0,05
P-to-remove: 0,05

Final model selected.

The StatAdvisor
The output shows the results of fitting a logistic regression model to describe the relationship between Rabdochona sp_
1 and 7 independent variable(s). The equation of the fitted model is
Rabdochona sp_ 1 = exp(eta)/(1+exp(eta))


eta = -36,4195 + 2,0549*T° H2O - 0,0525568*Conductividad

Because the P-value for the model in the Analysis of Deviance table is less than 0,05, there is a statistically significant
relationship between the variables at the 95,0% confidence level. In addition, the P-value for the residuals is greater
than or equal to 0,05, indicating that the model is not significantly worse than the best possible model for this data at
the 95,0% or higher confidence level.

The pane also shows that the percentage of deviance in Rabdochona sp_ 1 explained by the model equals 38,3118%.
This statistic is similar to the usual R-Squared statistic. The adjusted percentage, which is more suitable for comparing
models with different numbers of independent variables, is 4,38795%.

In determining whether the model can be simplified, notice that the highest P-value for the likelihood ratio tests is
0,0430, belonging to T° H2O. Because the P-value is less than 0,05, that term is statistically significant at the 95,0%
confidence level. Consequently, you probably don't want to remove any variables from the model.

Logistic Regression - Larvas

Dependent variable: Larvas

Estimated Regression Model (Maximum Likelihood)

Standard Estimated
Parameter Estimate Error Odds Ratio
CONSTANT -4,11724 1,37436
DQO 0,026143 0,0148414 1,02649

Analysis of Deviance
Source Deviance Df P-Value
Model 3,88645 1 0,0487
Residual 10,3724 25 0,9955
Total (corr.) 14,2588 26

Percentage of deviance explained by model = 27,2565

Adjusted percentage = 0,0

Likelihood Ratio Tests

Factor Chi-Squared Df P-Value
DQO 3,88645 1 0,0487

Residual Analysis
Estimation Validation
n 27
MSE 0,00191398
MAE 0,112238
ME -0,0138726

Stepwise factor selection

Method: backward selection
P-to-enter: 0,05
P-to-remove: 0,05
Final model selected.

The StatAdvisor
The output shows the results of fitting a logistic regression model to describe the relationship between Larvas and 4
independent variable(s). The equation of the fitted model is

Larvas = exp(eta)/(1+exp(eta))


eta = -4,11724

Because the P-value for the model in the Analysis of Deviance table is less than 0,05, there is a statistically significant
relationship between the variables at the 95,0% confidence level. In addition, the P-value for the residuals is greater
than or equal to 0,05, indicating that the model is not significantly worse than the best possible model for this data at
the 95,0% or higher confidence level.

The pane also shows that the percentage of deviance in Larvas explained by the model equals 27,2565%. This statistic
is similar to the usual R-Squared statistic. The adjusted percentage, which is more suitable for comparing models with
different numbers of independent variables, is 0,0%.

In determining whether the model can be simplified, notice that the highest P-value for the likelihood ratio tests is
0,0487, belonging to DQO. Because the P-value is less than 0,05, that term is statistically significant at the 95,0%
confidence level. Consequently, you probably don't want to remove any variables from the model.

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