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PLANETARY INFLUENCES, Ruling planet: Moon ‘Third decan: Personal planets are Jupiter and Neptune VIRTUES Empathetic, just, purposeful VICES Self-sacrificing, repressed, melancholic tendencies CAREERS Politician, social campaigner, judge, musician, author, actor SKILLS & APTITUDES Intellectual clarity, organizational talents, determination to effect progress, communication skills FAMOUS BIRTHS Gerald Ford (1913) Jane Lynch (1960) ‘Matthew Fox (1966) Dan Smith (1986) COMPATIBLE WITH June 22-25 1 8 CANCER JULY 14 We ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Kok ok ok VENEMENT PROGRESSIVES Ssyay ‘hose born on this day have the enviable ability to attract the affection and admiration of others— even when, at moments of extreme passion, they may stridently attempt to communicate the humanitarian messages that are inspired by their profound empathy with the disadvantaged. Rather than being alienated by others for their vehement stance in such confrontational situations, they are often regarded with indulgence. Indulgence, however, is not usually the response that is sought, for these individuals are typically possessed of an urgent desire to bring about progress in human society, to harmonize interpersonal relationships and to right perceived wrongs, a compulsion that is the result of not only their all-encompassing sensitivity, but also their intellectual clarity and fixity of purpose. While these people will often be found in professions that are concerned with achieving humanitarian goals—as pol- iticians or social campaigners, for instance—many will devote their talents to improving the quality of life of others by becoming artistic performers. While their enormous empathy is perhaps their greatest quality, at the same time it is also one of their most pernicious attributes. For while they cannot help but offer sympathy and advice to those whom they intuitively sense are in need of assistance, they some- times have an overriding tendency to suppress their own identities and needs when acting on behalf of others. They manifest this strong orientation toward others in all of their liaisons, particularly their personal relationships: when they find time for introspection, their optimistic veneer may be replaced by feelings of unspecific, yet overwhelming, sadness.

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