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The Use and Potential of Optimal Control

Models in Agricultural Economics

David Zilberman

Scientific disciplines are constantly ex- control is a powerful tool which expands the
amining and refining the set of analytical range of issues dealt with by agricultural
tools they apply in their investigation. This economists and increases their effectiveness.
process of assessment and modification has Therefore, it should become part of the
important effects on the educations of new mainstream tools of agricultural economics.
professionals, the requirements from prac- After a sketchy description of optimal con-
titioners, the selection of research topics, the trol models, some of their main applications
"real world" applicability and relevance of and contributions to agricultural economics
research topics, and the agenda of the profes- will be summarized, and then extremely pro-
sion. mising avenues for future application will be
At the present, I believe that the minimal presented using examples and tentative re-
arsenal of a practicing agricultural economist sults.
includes diagrammatic analysis of outcomes
in competitive and monopolistic markets, Optimal Control Models and
basic macroeconomic models, linear pro- Their Use in Economics
gramming, and simple regression. Nonlinear Optimal control models describe the
programming, simultaneous equation
evolvement of a system over a time horizon
econometric models, and maybe dynamic and determine optimal levels of decision var-
programming are frequently applied tools iables over time. The state of the system at
and are part of the "mainstream" methods of any point in time is characterized by state
the profession. Optimal control analysis, variables. Time-dependent variables deter-
however, is a relatively new analytical tool; mined by the decision-maker are control var-
its usefulness is in the midst of a process of iables. The system may also be affected by
evaluation. The verdict is not out yet some unconrollable random variables.
whether it becomes a mainstay of agricultural Changes over time in the state variables are
economics analysis or whether it becomes a according to equations of motion which are
marginal tool without widespread use (like assumed to be functions of the state vari-
game theory). ables, control variables, and random vari-
This presentation will argue that control
ables at the moment of change. The decision-
theory models are here to stay; that optimal maker's objective in the general case is to
maximize the expected value of the sum over
time of temporal utility functions which are
David Zilberman is an assistant professor in the Depart- functions of time and levels of the control,
ment of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Universi-
ty of California, Berkeley.
state, and random variables at each moment
of time. Thus, the optimal control problem
Giannini Foundation Paper No. 654 (for identification determines the controls that maximize the
only.) Special thanks to Gordon C. Rausser, Margriet value of the objective function subject to the
Caswell, and Jeffery La France for their comments and equations of motion given the initial values of
suggestions. The research leading to this report was
the state variables.
supported by the University of California, Water Re-
sources Center, as part of Water Resources Center There are significant differences in meth-
Project UCAL-WRC-W-622. odology and focus of analysis between deter-
December 1982 Western Journal of Agricultural Economics

ministic optimal control models (which as- for studies of economic growth and mac-
sume that the system is not affected by ran- roeconomics.
dom variables) and optimal control models While the performance of control theory in
with stochastic elements. Deterministic con- macroeconomics has been disappointing
trol models are used frequently as analytical [Wallish] and the theory of economic growth
tools applying the maximum principle of has not fulfilled all the expectations it raised
Pontryagin et al. that, under reasonable con- [Hahn and Matthews], these applications
ditions, translates the intertemporal opti- have produced knowledge and human capital
mization problem to many temporal optimi- that have generated surprisingly high yields
zation problems of the same form and, in when used for other topics. By replacing
essence, extends the comparative static time with space as the domain of the states
analysis to a dynamic framework. It yields and control variable, optimal control models
qualitative results, suggests testable hypoth- have been used successfully in urban
eses, and derives relationships that can be economics [Mills]. Moreover, optimal con-
solved numerically (many times with dynam- trol models with human capital index as do-
ic programming). Optimal conrol models main have been essential in the evolvement
with elements of uncertainty are much more of the promising new research on optimal
complex than the deterministic ones and are income tax schemes [Cooter]. The
rarely used to derive analytical results. They evolvement of application of optimal control
are mostly applied to derive numerical solu- models in economics should teach us a lesson
tions to empirical problems and are amen- regarding its potential contribution to ag-
able to various types of sensitivy analyses. ricultural economics. It may be that, here
Significant methodological research has been too, some of the most important contribu-
conducted, however, to improve the solution tions may be in analyzing systems that do not
concepts and techniques for these models. necessarily vary along a time dimension but
Particular attention has been given to situa- along other dimensions.
tions where some of the uncertainty is the
result of lack of information about the true Applications of Optimal Control
values of the parameters of the system. Re- to Capture Dynamic Aspects of
cent solution concepts for these cases involve Agricultural Economics
constant estimation of the system's parame- The higher tendency of agricultural
ters over time as more information is re- economics, relative to other fields of econom-
vealed, and the results of the process of ics to incorporate details of physical
learning are incorporated to derive better processes in its models, may suggest that it
controls. The most advanced technique, offers relatively more opportunities to apply
namely, adaptive control, takes into account dynamic control models than other fields.
the expected gains from future learning in Indeed, there are several particular areas
determining optimal control levels. 1 where the use of dynamic optimal control can
While methodological developments and improve (or has improved) significantly the
applications of optimization models to dy- quality of results obtained by agricultural
namic economic systems occurred during the economists. One of these areas is farm and
1950s, the introduction of the "maximum production management. The use of dynamic
principle" in the 1960s elevated optimal con- control models in this area makes it possible
trol to prominence as a research tool in to present agricultural production as a
economics. It seemed especially promising process of growth, which it is. For example,
Yaron et al. used a dynamic framework to
'A good exposition of optimal control methodologies determine optimal irrigation policy for a field
under certainty and uncertainty with application to crop (wheat). In this model, yield is a func-
agriculture appears in Rausser and Hochman. tion of two state varibles -soil salinity and
Zilberman Optimal Control

moisture - over the life of the crop. Irriga- modity programs [for example, Burt, Koo,
tion is a control variable that affects the state and Dudley]. While the use of optimal con-
variables and, through them, it affects yield. trol for agricultural policy analysis is increas-
The model is applied using dynamic pro- ing, it is still a limited tool in its application
gramming, and optimal (profit maximizing) and impacts. This lackluster performance
irrigation strategy is selected from a feasible cannot be completely explained by the lack of
set. training of many of the practitioners of ag-
The usefulness of optimal control is in- ricultural policy analysis that prevent them
creasing as one moves from considering ag- from using this tool. While this is one factor,
ricultural and resource management prob- there seem to be more substantial reasons.
lems, which are totally in the private sector Because of the complexity of optimal con-
domain, to problems which involve public trol models with elements of uncertainty,
policies. they determine policies for specific
A very significant and productive research parametric values and situations that may be
has been conducted applying dynamic opti- temporary and of limited interest. The
mal control models for the management of specificity of the results shifts the emphasis of
renewable and exhaustible natural resources many of the policy-oriented control articles
[Dasgupta and Heal]. Special attention has to the technique they use. This emphasis on
been paid to optimal management of fisher- technique is a turn off to many people who
ies, forests [Clark], and pesticides [Howitt first want to learn what they will gain from a
and Rausser]. These applications of optimal new methodology before understanding its
control have drastically altered the perspec- details. It seems that current optimal control
tive and improved the quality of answers and models in agricultural policy lack a facility for
solutions suggested by resource economists qualitative sensitivity analysis over time that
that have resulted in the revamping of long- is able to generate generalized hypotheses
held policies and practices of resource man- and theories the way comparative statics does
agement. in economic modeling of static systems. Re-
While deterministic optimal control mod- cent methodologies for comparative dynam-
els have been more prominent in the ics developed by Aoki may alleviate this
economic research of natural resources man- problem somewhat.
agement policies, optimal control models Moreover, the perceived strength of opti-
with stochastic components have been pro- mal control in agricultural policy is in deter-
minent in more traditional agricultural policy mining the best policies given the objective
applications. function and constraints of the economic sys-
Stochastic and adaptive control are natural tem. The controversies in agricultural
tools of planning and management for mar- economics are mostly with regard to the ex-
keting boards, producer cooperatives (or act objectives of policymakers and the con-
cartels), and government agencies adminis- straint structure they face. Therefore, there
trating commodity programs. The first appli- is a higher premium to models that better
cation of these techniques for agricultural clarify objectives and, in particular, con-
policies was Gustafson's dynamic pro- straints of the system than to models that
gramming model for optimal management of obtain "better" numerical results for systems
public stocks. Rausser and Hochman pre- based on shaky ground. Thus, optimal con-
sented stochastic dynamic models for optimal trol models will become more prominent in
management of marketing boards, Freebairn agricultural policy analysis if and when they
and Rausser used adaptive control for opti- will be applied to improve our understanding
mal determination of beef import quotas, and of the working of the agricultural economy
several authors recently developed optimal and to overcome essential shortcomings of
control models for the management of com- standard models such as badly specified

December 1982 Western Journal of Agricultural Economics

aggregates, unsatisfactory modeling of such as fertilizer and water, depends on some

processes of technological change, etc. measures of quality of the lands in which they
are being applied. Some modern application
Use of Optimal Control When the
technologies are introduced to improve the
System's Domain is Not Time
effectiveness of these inputs on certain types
As the experience of general economics of lands, and they can be considered quality-
suggests, the introduction of optimal control augmenting technologies. For example, drip
to analyze dynamic systems may have impor- irrigation assists the soil in holding water
tant methodological and educational exter- and, therefore, improves irrigation effec-
nalities. These models train the user to ana- tiveness (compared to traditional methods of
lyze choice problems where the key variables flooding and farrows) [Caswell]. Differences
are not scalers but functions defined on an of land quality (measured for our purposes by
interval. In the dynamic control models, the water-holding capacity) affect the benefits of
array of the system is time; however, the drip irrigation and, thus, the tendency to use
same technique can be applied when the it. Thus, regional models of irrigation should
array is distance, product quality, or human explicitly consider land quality differentials.
ability. Thus, optimal control enables the
economist to analyze problems where the
The Irrigation Example
atomistic units of the system have an essen-
tial element of heterogeneity. Consider a region specializing in a crop
Agricultural and resource economists have which price is given by P. Let q=f(e) be a per
applied optimal control models to systems acre production function of a certain crop
with domains different than time. For exam- under a traditional irrigation technology
ple, optimal control models were applied to when q denotes output per acre, e is effective
design policies for management of water water per acre (water attains the crop), and
quality and allocate water quantities along a f(.) has the standard properties f'>0, f"<O,
river basin [Hochman, Pines, and Zilber- and also lim f'(e) = oo. Effective water is the
man] where distance replaced time as the e->0
array of the system. Nevertheless, it seems product of applied water per acre x and the
that the potential of this line of research has quality measure of the land e, e=Ex. The
hardly been tapped. measurement of the quality of a certain piece
Explicit consideration of dimensions of of land is the share of irrigated water it allows
hetrogeneity among key factors in agricultur- to attain the crop, thus O0s<1. Let the total
al economic systems have many advantages. land of the region be denoted by L, and the
First, it expands the range of issues and density function of the land-quality distribu-
policies addressed by agricultural econo- tion be g(s). Thus, for small Ae, the amount
mists. Second, it overcomes some of the of land with quality in the interval ( - As/2,
deficiencies and drawbacks of existing mod- e + Ae/2) is approximated by L g(8)Ae. As-
els, and, third, it expresses rigorously argu- sume that g(E)>0 for O0e<1.
ments that have been previously presented Suppose the region has one source of water
only heuristically. These points can be illus- for irrigation (no rain) and annual supply is
trated by the following very simple regional given by Z. Suppose also that the regional
model of irrigation where land quality varia- authority wants to allocate water to maximize
tions are explicitly considered. 2 aggregate profit. The regional optimization
Currently, most models of agricultural problem in this case is
production consider inputs to be homogen- 1
ous. However, the effectiveness of inputs, (1) Max P Lf f(£-x) g(g) de
x(e) 0
This model relies heavily on my joint work with Mar-
griet Caswell. subject to
Zilberman Optimal Control

1 of water. (Unlike the case of allocation of

(2) L f g() x() d = Z. resources over time, profits obtained at dif-
0 ferent land qualities are treated equally. The
This problem is reformulated to the form "discount rate" is zero.) Thus, let the shadow
of a "textbook" deterministic control problem price of irrigated water be denoted by k.
by introducing a state variable, Z() - the Using X(E)= , condition (7) suggests alloca-
amount of water available to lands that are tion of water for irrigation such that the
not more inferior than e. The equation of marginal productivity of irrigation is
motion and initial condition associated with equalized along land qualities. Since e= x- ,
Z(e) are it implies that the ratio of marginal products
of effective water of two land qualities is the
(3) Z= -g(e) x(e)L inverse of the land quality ratio,

(4) Z(O)= Z. af (X l) -
de E2
(Dotted variables denote derivative with re-
spect to the domain variable, in this case, e (x2'F 2)
land quality).
Thus, the reformulated control problem Equation (8) and the concavity of the pro-
consists of solving (1) subject to (3) and (4). duction function imply that lands of higher
Using the maximum principle, define the quality utilize more effective water than low-
Hamiltonian er quality lands and thus produce more yield.
Note, however, that actual irrigation may
H() = L g(E) [Pf(x- )-X(E) x(E)] decline with higher quality land and the ad-
vantage of better land is reflected in lower
where X(E) is the costate variable of the equa- water use as well as higher yield.
tion of motion (3). It can be interpreted as the Differentiating (7) with respect to land
shadow price of irrigated water for land of quality yields:
quality e. Assume that all the water will be
utilized, i.e., X(e)
(9)X() -[1 + 'qfe le- 1
(5) Z(1)=0.
where lf, = f' e/f' is the elasticity of the mar-
The maximum principle suggests that an ginal productivity of effective water, and it is
optimal solution consists of values of x(E), negative. Thus, higher land qualities require
X(E), and Z(E), 0<E<1 satisfying equations (3) more (less) irrigation when the elasticity of
to (5) and marginal productivity of effective irrigation
(rqfe)is greater (smaller) than -1.
(6) ~= H
OZ )= 08 <1 Assuming that farmers in the region are
az profit maximizers, the solution to the optimal
control problem in (1), (3), and (4) suggests a
and Pareto efficient water-pricing rule and, alter-
OH Of natively, a Pareto efficient rule for direct
P f allocation of water according to land quality.
(7) -
ax (E)= ae (e).E - X() = 0
Obviously, water pricing or allocation
0<E<1. schemes that are obtained ignoring land
quality may be suboptimal or infeasible in
Condition (6) suggests that differences in the long run. For example, if decision-
land quality does not affect the shadow price makers treat land as an homogenous input
December 1982 Western Journalof Agricultural Economics

with quality that equals £, the average quali- The Hamiltonian for the new optimization
ty in the region, then they impose a water problem is
price of f'(E Z/L). If this price is smaller
(greater) than the optimal price derived from (12) H=g(8)L {y[Pf(h-x)-k]
the control problem, there will be excess
demand (supply) for water. If quantities (not + (1 - y) Pf(e.x) - x+ l(1 - y)}
prices) are the allocation tool and homogenei-
ty of land is assumed, each acre will receive
where rq(e) is the shadow price of the con-
Z/L units of water, and there will be a loss of
straint (10). Applying the maximum principle
profit to the region. The cost of this error
and the Kuhn-Tucker conditions for (12)
depends on the degree of variability of land
yields necessary conditions for optimal solu-
quality with the region. An application of a
tions (assuming all the water is utilized):
similar model to evaluate alternative policies
to control waste disposal practices of dairies
found that a waste disposal rule considering (13) -)=0
_H A() =
heterogeneity among dairies can attain the OZ
regional environmental standard at a third of
Hence, X(e)= WE.
the cost of a direct regulation based on a false
homogeneity assumption [Zilberman].
The above optimal control model of irriga- (14) - O (e)= g(e) L-{yPf'(h-x)-h
tion can be expanded to incorporate adoption
of land quality augmenting technologies like
drip irrigation. Assume that the annual cost +(1 -- ) Pf'(x-e).e- -}= 0
of drip is k dollars per acre (independent of
quality) 3 . This may be the sum of annualized H g(e) L*{Pf(h x)
investment cost and annual setup cost. The (15)
use of drip irrigation improves water effec-
tiveness of lands from e to h(e) where h(O)0,
h(8)>e, h'(e)>0, h"(E)O0, and h(1)=1. Let aH
-Pf(e'x) - k - -}<0 'Y=0
y7() be the extent of adoption of drip irriga- ,y
tion for land quality £. Its range is given by
(16) aH ()=l--y0 (1 - y) = 0.
(10) 07y(e) 1. Af )
Using these definitions, the objective func- Conditions (14) to (16) suggest that drip
tion for the expanded irrigation problem is irrigation will be adopted fully for land quali-
1 ty E if the gains from adoptions will cover the
(11) Max Lf {y[Pf(xh)- k] fixed cost of drip. It will not be adopted at all
X(E),Y7() 0 if the opposite is true, i.e.,

(E)= 1
+ (1 -y) Pf(x -)} g(E)dE

(For convenience, E was omitted from some (17) O<y(e) < 1 if max {Pf(hx)- x}
variables that are functions of e.) And the
constraints are equations (3), (4), and (10).
-max {Pf(ex)-x-k} = 0
3 x <
Fixed cost, k, could have been assumed a function of
land quality. This would have complicated the analysis
without adding a lot of insights. 7() = O.

Zilberman Optimal Control

The analysis of the region's equilibrium in To illustrate this two-stage procedure, the
Caswell has proven that, given k, P, and Z, irrigation problem mentioned above is ex-
drip irrigation is adopted for a medium range tended to be a dynamic optimization prob-
of land qualities (e, e), while the gains from lem. Assume that a region has an initial stock
the new technology will not warrant adoption of water. This water stock is augmented over
on the better or worse land qualities. time by rain (in the wet season) and depleted
Moreover, increases in output price or re- by irrigation (in the dry season). Using two
duction in the fixed cost of the new technolo- irrigation technologies (drip-flood) in man-
gy increases the range of land qualities where ners described previously, the decision-
drip is adopted. In addition, an increase in maker's objective is to maximize the dis-
aggregate water supply increases (decreases) counted aggregate profit of the region over
the range of land qualities where drip is an infinite time horizon. Thus, the regional
adopted if the elasticity of the marginal pro- optimization can be formulated as
ductivity or effective water is smaller (larger) GO 1
than 1 in absolute value. (18) max f e-r t
Lf {Jy[P(t)
The effects of changes in k, P, and Z on x(e,t),y(e,t) 0 0
aggregate profits, its distribution, and aggre-
gate adoption (measured in acres) can be
f(x h) - k(t)]
computed using the solution to the regional
control problem. Since these parameters are
affected by actual policy tools (for example, + ( -y) P(t) f(x -)}g(e) dE dt
the fixed cost of drip k can be affected by a
credit subsidy, extension effort reducing set- subject to
up cost, research and development policy
improving effectiveness of drip, etc.), this
(19) ;(t) = G(t)- x(t, ) g(e) dE
type of model extends our ability to analyze 0
situations of technological change and to de-
velop policies to control adoption of new 0<s(t) s(0) =
0 < /(t, e)~ 1
where r is the discount rate, s(t) is the stock
Two-Stage Optimal Control Problems
of water at time t, and G(t) is the per period
The previous sections encourage applying contribution of rain to the water stock. Here,
optimal control to temporal decision prob- the extent of adoption of drip and water use
lems with heterogeneous activity units. per acre depend on both time and land quali-
Many real-life situations involve intertem- ty.
poral decisions for systems with heterogene- The problem in (18) can be solved in two
ous activity units. In many cases, these prob- stages. First, solving temporary optimal con-
lems can be solved using optimal control in trol problems defined by relations (11), (3),
two stages. First, temporal optimization and (4), one derives rr[Z(t), P(t), k(t)] which
problems are solved for each point in time denotes aggregate net profit as a function of
and determine the optimal behavior of activi- water consumed, prices of output, and the
ty units and the resulting temporal benefits fixed cost at time t. This aggregate relation-
as functions of variables that depend on time. ship replaces the temporary maximand in
In the second stage, the benefits functions (18), and Z(t) is introduced to (19) to generate
and the dynamics of the time-dependent var- the second-stage optimal control problem
iables are incorporated into a dynamic opti-
mal control problem that determines the op- o00

timal path of controllable time-dependent (20) max f e- r t '[Z(t), P(t), k(t)] dt

variables. Z(t) 0
December 1982 Western Journalof Agricultural Economics

subject to potential users and dynamic processes like

learning by doing, and cheapening of capital
;(t) = G(t)- Z(t) relative to labor over time. New models of
diffusion that try to overcome Mansfield's
s(O)=s. shortcomings [Feder and O'Mara; Davies]
The solution to this problem yields the are similar in essence to the two-stage opti-
optimal plan of water allocation as well as the mal control problem presented above. These
optimal pricing scheme for water over time. models obtained S-shaped diffusion curves
Solving the optimal temporary equililbrium and other patterns of diffusion processes con-
of (10), (3), and (4) for each time period given sistent with empirical observation. Moreov-
the optimal Z(t), one can derive the optimal er, by incorporating the assumption of nega-
water use pattern and the extent of adoption tively sloped demand to these new models of
of drip irrigation over land quality and over technological adoption, one can obtain a
time. These last results can project the dy- quantitative formulation of Cochrane's model
namic path of the diffusion of drip irrigation of the "technological treadmill" [Kislev and
under the optimal water-pricing policy. Shchori-Bachrach have made some progress
While the dynamic model introduced in in this direction]. This heuristic model has
relations (18) and (19) assumes water quotas been essential in depicting the distributional
(or in a competitive economy assumes water impacts of frequent technological changes in
prices) to be the only decision variables and U.S. agriculture and in motivating and jus-
k(t) and P(t) are given parameters, one can tifying government policies. Thus, two stages
expand the analysis to make the fixed cost of of optimal control have a lot of potential in
drip irrigation a function of a government modeling better processes of technological
policy, say, government research and exten- change and generating improved quantita-
sion effort, and use the model to determine tive frameworks for policy analysis.
the optimal path of these policies as well as The irrigation example illustrates the
water pricing over time. usefulness optimal control procedures have
The use of the two-stage optimal control in deriving well-defined temporary aggre-
models to first determine temporal optimal gates. One of the justified criticisms of the
behavior of an heterogeneous population and neoclassical theory of economic growth, in-
then to determine optimal dynamic behavior troduced as part of the "Cambridge Con-
can overcome two shortcomings of main- troversy" [Harcourt] is the use of an ill-
stream economic models. First, it suggests a specified aggregate production function and
new approach to model processes of techno- capital. The "putty clay" approach and vin-
logical innovation, and, second, it derives tage models are examples of how the use of
meaningful aggregates for use in dynamic optimal control for populations with
economic models. The irrigation example has hetergenous activity units can remedy this
illustrated both points somewhat. Discussing problem.
specific models of diffusion and growth can Under reasonable assumptions about the
illuminate them further. distributions of the production parameters
Up to the present, the dominant approach and properties of the micro production func-
for modeling diffusion processes of new tech- tions, Houthakker and Sato have obtained
nologies is the one suggested by Mansfield aggregate relationships of the C.E.S. and
which considers these processes to be mainly Cobb-Douglas forms; thus, suggesting a
processes of imitation. Recently, however, sound theoretical explanation to the good
Mansfield's model has been criticized for its empirical fit of these functional forms and
weak microeconomic foundations, lack of em- supplying insights regarding their use and
phasis on the role of profit maximization be- misuse. Moreover, the putty-clay vintage
havior, heterogeneity of the population of models, which extend the range of issues
Zilberman Optimal Control

dealth with by models of economic growth, The giant production linear programming
suggest new measures of technological models, such as the ones developed by
change and supply new policy insights in the Heady at Iowa State University apply (see
static [Hochman and Zilberman] and dynam- Heady and Srivastava), in essence, an ap-
ic (using two-stage optimal control) settings proach closely relaed to the one suggested
[Zilberman]. here, and the increase in detail and size of
data bases used for these models should be a
Empirical Considerations source for optimism.
and Conclusions
Nevertheless, lack of data is still the main
While one may agree in principle that deterrent to the widespread application of
optimal control has immense potential when temporal control models for heterogeneous
applied to temporary decision problems of a populations and the continued reliance on
heterogeneous population and when solu- neoclassical models assuming homogeneity of
tions of such problems are introduced to population. It seems, however, that these
dynamic optimization problems, he may con- data problems reflect constraints of the past
sider wide-scale application of this approach that will be removed in the future, as data-
impractical because of data limitations. handling technologies are improving. This
Empirical application of the temporary assessment follows the casual observation
analysis requires estimation of the rules guid- that specification of models in economics and
ing the performance of activity units and the data availability are determined more or less
capacity distribution of activity units. Exten- simultaneously, given data-processing tech-
sion to dynamic analysis require estimation nology. Most of the empirical economic mod-
or prediction of these parameters over time. els and data basis we use reflect the data-
The dynamic extension is a lot simpler when processing technology of the 1960s and
the distribution of the activity units stay con- 1970s. Namely, they reflect the availability of
stant over time. For example, application of large and fast computers with strong comput-
the temporal model of irrigation defined by ing capabilities, relatively expensive data
relations (10), (3), and (4) involves estimating collection and storage cost, and almost no
the production function of the crop as a func- intercomputer communication. The current
tion of effective water, estimation of water proliferation of microcomputers, establish-
effectiveness of drip irrigation as a function of ment of communication networks, and the
land quality, and estimation of land distribu- cheapening of storage costs suggest that the
tion according to correctly defined quality application of more data-intensive analytical
measures. methods will become easier and cheaper; and
The example indicates the enormity of the temporary optimal control models will bene-
data requirement of the approach advocated fit from this perceived reality.
here. There is evidence, however, that iden- This presentation has demonstrated that
tification of discriminating variables, the pre- optimal control has made many inroads in
diction of their effects on agents' behavior, agricultural economics. In some areas (not-
and the estimation of the distribution of ably, resource economics), it became a main-
population according to these variables is stream tool of analysis. In other areas, it is
feasible and profitable. Marketing research still peripheral in use. In the areas where
studies, public opinion polls, etc., have data optimal control has risen to prominence, its
requirements that crudely resemble the ones application has made a quantal difference by
required by the proposed framework. Obvi- allowing analysis of new topics and by drasti-
ously such studies obtain the data they need, cally altering basic theories and beliefs. It has
and the mushrooming of public opinion re- been suggested that optimal control has
search institutes is a "revealed preference" enormous potential in other areas, if it will be
proof to the profitability of their activities. applied to explicitly address the impacts of
December 1982 Western Journalof Agricultural Economics

heterogeneity of activity units. This will al- Hahn, F. H. and O. W. Mathews. "The Theory of
Economic Growth: A Survey." Economic Journal,
low better understanding (and prediction) of 84(1964):779-902.
reality, addressing issues of equity and dis-
tribution, and generate meaningful ag- Harcourt, G. C. Some Cambridge Controversies in the
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December 1982 Western Journal of Agricultural Economics


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