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Scientists have worked on developing the Ideal Gas Equation to add terms that represent

the effect of factors like intermolecular forces and volume, to describe the behavior of particles

more accurately. This addition of terms in the simple Ideal Gas Equation resulted in multiple longer

equations that can describe the behavior more accurately but also require going through longer

calculations. Softwares like Microsoft Excel can be set up to carry the calculations effectively.

Some calculations require starting from a relatively accurate guess for a variable and

plugging it into the function to yield a more accurate estimation of the variable, the repetition of

such calculations until the value converges to an end point is called “iteration” and software can

also be set up to carry iterative calculations [1]. This project focuses on carrying calculations of

multiple equations of state to find accurate descriptions of the state variables while using iterative

calculations, where needed. Consequently, this report serves as a walkthrough to the methods we

followed and the calculations we did.


[1] P. Christensson, Tran., “Iteration,” Software Terms, 11-Apr-2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06-Aug-2019].

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