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This is Kathleen at Rhynie on the 18th March 1996

Greetings to you. We are the beings from Alpha Centauri. This weekend in your time has been a
fulfilment of our destiny. We came from our star so many years ago in the Earth's history, for we
were one of the races of beings chosen and agreed by all the spiritual hierarchy, with blessings, to
be founder members on the Earth, on this beautiful planet. And we came in many numbers, to
establish here a new civilisation, to blend with the resonance of this star planet, for it was more a
star at the time of our coming. We came in great numbers, and those who came, came with great joy
and anticipation. And we came bringing with us one, a babe, seeded and founded by all the
members of our civilisation. A babe to be born on this Earth as the first of our beings, to lead us into
the beings of the new great race we were to establish here. For this would be the first born here, the
one who would hold different frequencies to establish the new civilisation. When we came close to
the Earth, we realised that all was not as planned. It was not as it seemed. There were energies here
that had entered the Earth's atmosphere causing great disturbance. These were ones who, without
the blessings, the agreement, from all those archangels and messengers of God/Goddess/All That Is,
had come to take ownership of the Earth, to claim it for their own. These ones were like pirates.
And as we entered the Earth's vibrations, vibrational atmosphere, we sensed that there were many
things amiss, and we knew then that instantaneously we were heading to collisions of energy, which
is indeed what we encountered for these ones were not peaceful in any way and used to using force.
Many of our beings who had come with great hopes, from our star, did not survive even the early
stages of entering the Earth's atmosphere. There was great sorrow amongst us, for these ones we
knew would not have an easy transition to return to their soul group. The channels and connections
to our star had not fully been established here - we were the ones to do that.
And we all felt in our hearts the trauma of those going out into the void as such, to make their own
journey and have assistance at later times. We felt for them greatly, and even when some of us who
survived the initial impact of these other energy forces and their weapons, when we landed on the
Earth we knew that it would not be as planned, that we were not to be on the surface of the Earth,
that it was not possible for us at this time. For instead of the paradise to which we were bringing our
own frequencies of heaven there was devastation, and we knew there was more to come. For some
of us it was impossible to return and it did not feel as though there was meaning in our return, for
although we could not begin our civilisation here on the surface of the Earth, that we still had to be
here for the Earth to merge with our, to establish our frequencies inside her, her more denser body.
And we retreated to build civilisations under the ground using means to create a link-up of tunnels,
channels from cave entrances deep into the heart of the earth. And these link-ups link up with many
places on your planet. There is a vast system underneath. The little that is known about us, our
existence here, would have been given the name of the Lumanians, and we did coexist with a
primitive form of man who inhabited the entrances of our caves. And we had guardians who had
contact with this early man, this early form of human, though most of us could not live or even
come near the surface of the earth for our bodies, our frequency, our range of being, was so
different, and we could not establish our civilisation within the destructive forces that reigned this
Earth, terrorising parts of the earth.
So we went underground and this babe that we brought with us to be our new leader of this race, we held
using frequencies of sound and light, we held in a state of being neither in living nor in death. And it took
great many of our civilisation to hold the energy to allow this being to remain in this stated form, embryonic
form, inside the Earth. And yet we were happy to do this, for we knew that although our plan had been
disrupted, that one day we would be free to walk the earth again and that our being, our leader of our race,
would be able to be born and lead us forth into this new dimension of our existence. And as we have
experienced and as has unfolded this weekend, the group that met here to awaken the light bodies, all who
were in communication with other dimensions, with their homelands and their counterselves, parts of the
same civilisation, we came from the same star, all in knowing that they came here to witness an activation of
energy which would signal the right time for this baby to be born. As you experienced when you first tuned in
on Sunday, there were hosts of light beings, hosts of many celestial creatures gathered here to celebrate the
destiny of our civilisation coming to its fulfilment. Each member of the group has a stellar self in full knowing,
that's coming here and we say to each one of you that you are us, that as the story unfolds you'll feel your
connection to us and you'll feel all the emotions which go in this story. And also the joy now, the joy that as
this light is being funnelled into the Earth plane and rooted deep into our civilisation, many of the caves, our
underground caverns, are beneath this area. This is why it is needed to happen in this part of the planet. The
cavern where we stored this babe, this being, this leader, is accessed in one way down through the earth

And so the crystal surgeon, crystal healer, of great knowing throughout many parts of the universe,
she experienced her call in being led down to perform surgery on this babe, to take out the heart that
had been placed in this babe at the time of inception, conception, and our journey here where this
being needed the adjustments, adjustments so that it can now come into becoming, to be on the
Earth as it is now, and it needs a different kind of energy, a different form, and this is why the
surgery was called on with such a sense of urgency, to carry out this work, as her part to play, her
reason for being here, to fulfil that part of her destiny. There were many preparations made to this
babe after this surgery had taken place and it has not come through your conscious knowing. But let
us just say that your experience later on in the evening when you gave the time to allowing the rest
of the story to unfold, when we took this one here, the channel, deep into the earth and we took part
of her consciousness and gave it our form to allow her to travel with us hand in hand along our
energy lines in the way we do, to allow her to operate with ease as we took her down and showed
her the cavern where this babe was. And from here we could allow her to communicate with herself
that was above the earth and bring through the story we're telling you again just now. And once the
activation of this being had taken place, there's no linear progress in the way your human race is
used to. For this babe, the beginning of the morning yesterday, was a being of beauty of fulfilment
by the evening, for by then there were many helpers who had come through this open channel from
many different light spheres,light realms, and indeed there were many crystalline beings who
assisted in the growth and the allowance of this long awaited form to emerge. And you experienced
the joy we all hold now in being able to be up and on the surface again, standing side by side with
humanity as we did aim to do from the beginning, to be part of the process of growth of humankind
seeded on this planet from many star systems, and with our own mergence, our own love and
nurturance of our kind, to be added to the frequencies of the race. And now this is possible. And we
do have so much joy in now being here again to assist humanity in its path of growth, to allow it to
accelerate with ease in this final stage of return to paradise on this Earth and in the universe. For the
end of the conflicts, for peace, for that is what we bring, peace, and we have been some of the many
Earth guardians of the planet during its more traumatic times, working from deep inside, feeding the
heart of this being with our love, and always in communication with our star home. For indeed now
that this leader of our race, albeit with a different heart, with a heart that calls for freedom and peace
together, the bird and the heart, the bird with its flight, its wings, its akin-Ness to angels, to realm
travelling, and yet firmly established as being here on the Earth plane. joy of all of those who have
waited for this time, and indeed the ones you sensed from many different star systems, light beings
in their essence form and light beings incarnate in their different forms, for we are all common.

Whatever we choose as our focus, we all hold to oneness in our hearts and as our mission. So there
is much celebration in the heavens for this story to become truth, fulfilment. A great step forward
for our star system, our race. Also a great step forward for humankind. And we will adjust our forms
to be on the surface of the earth now, for the forms we have chosen, the ones very similar to the
forms on our star, of not being high in terms of height or stature, three, three and a half feet, round
eyes, and our slim bodies which energetically can propel and travel along the internal grid work of
Earth's energies and allow us the life we have had beneath the surface of the earth. With this new
one, this new leader now being born and in fullness of being, we are all in communication with this
one and the energetic resonance which this one holds has changed ours to enable us to be on the
surface of the planet again. We also have so much joy in this sharing with humankind and although
we have found as we did last night with Chris and with Sue, that to enter into your physical bodies
was indeed very cumbersome for us. Your organs are not in the places where ours are and indeed
you have functions that we do not have and these are the cumbersome obstacles we had to
overcome to merge with your being and to be able to be in your physical bodies. And your brain has
so much additional circuitry which to us feels as though it does not serve you. We will be here and
making our adjustments to aid you now in releasing any of this old circuitry in allowing you to hold
more resonance of your future selves.
And as we expressed last night, we express our gratitude yet, for each and every one of you, Sue
and Chris and Kathleen, that was present when this story was uncovered, and to all the others
present in the group that allowed this to happen this weekend, who will come into more knowing of
themselves. And so our gratitude is not even an expression in words that allows you to fulfil your
destiny, that your stellar self from Alpha Centauri, you who chose to do this work on the Earth
plane, that you may unite and witness the Earth and the peoples on the Earth coming to a trueness of
their being, open now to another star civilisation that was present and always intended to be a
founder and carer and a participant in the journey of life on this planet into oneness of source. And
we thank you for making this communication possible to others, and we know we will be sharing
your life with you as we will be able to do for so many others now.
And I thank you, you beings, for this wonderful adventure as it has unfolded. I never know the
hidden agendas in coming together with others, but now I'm experiencing so much happening each
time the opportunities are taken for progress, for evolution, it's happening so fast it's almost as
though it's taking up more of my life now, and although one dimensional illusion of living on the
Earth plane is taking such a small place, almost like the opposite way around, instead of tuning into
the other dimensions of beings, now it's like tuning into the Earth, being a one dimensional focus on
this plane for some time of my life, and the rest of it is just this magic and adventure. And as I
become part of the living story and I bring more to my conscious awareness to share with others, I
know that yesterday evening when I returned from the journey deep into the earth where this babe
had been kept safe, I was taken back up through the shaft that had been opened into the Earth's
energies and acquainted again with what I had experienced at the beginning of the day of hundreds
and thousands and numerable light beings all gathered there for us, and feeling that lightness, that
beauty, that love, to come back into my physical body as we had all done earlier that morning by
turning down the volume of the light that we felt and were experiencing, that was the only way that
I could come back into the physical body again, and once I had come back into my body, and united
that part of me, that part of my consciousness that had gone and taken the form of the Alpha
Centaurians, the Lumanians in the Earth, that to adjust to my physical body I experienced all they
experienced in finding the human body so cumbersome.
And for the first time with my experiences with these other ones, these other stellar groups, I could
continue speaking as I had been when I was channelling this from the Alpha Centaurians to Chris
and Sue, yet I couldn't move my physical body at all. My limbs my hands, my feet, would not
respond to my brain in asking the movement, as though my brain was being occupied by the
energies and still the consciousness of the Alpha Centaurians. And when I asked them about this
they said just to give then some time. I sensed energies in my brain as though part of my brain was
red hot and the part that would control my limbs, the neuron passageways and nervous system that
did this work, was occupied by other energies and they asked for some time to blend, to do some
adjustments, and once this was done it was as though they were storing information inside my brain.
Once that was done I was able to move again. It was quite funny at the time, hilarious, humorous,
because I knew things would be alright. It was just this sensation of being in body and I have no
means of moving it. Which in a way is how they felt when they came in, to Chris and to Sue they
sensed them and certainly this was their encounter with trying to move myself. I know that they
were exchanging information so they can find ways of operating more on the Earth plane
themselves, but they certainly won't choose a form that is human or with our circuitry that seems
cumbersome and outdated. Having the energies that you need to live in and with just now, the
human body indeed needs so much change and will change. As it is, when we're working with our
light body and establishing ways of holding more light, that light is a fuel that we will become
accustomed to operating on, instead of the fuel that we have been. Chris spoke about the being that
came inside him as asking him to Listen, and when he asked what he could do to help he was told
listen, listen.
But they found it was a little bit too much for him. It's as though they encountered some resistance
in him and he lay down and they stored away information in his brain which he'll have access to. I
do look forward to hearing how he gets on once he's been able to digest some of our experiences.
For a weekend that brought a group together to awaken their light bodies, it's been full of incredible
experiences and completely set up. We sat for hours realising, we put on our Sherlock Holmes hats,
realising that you could find the clues throughout all the time here from Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday leading up to this, with myself as having an experience of being in touch with a vision
of a babe, Michael from the group also and she felt on that Sunday morning she was feeling
nauseous and almost like' she was having a miscarriage as her period came early and she had very
uncomfortable symptoms. And she experienced a golden babe I think on Sunday morning. As did
She spoke about this also. So for each and every one of us, we had agendas that our conscious
minds certainly was unaware of. The adventures of dedicating one's life to being a server in any
way, a world server. And a guardian of the Earth. It's beginning to have so much more meaning
now. As I watch the unfoldment of these stories, for they are the greater realities, and though they
are called stories they are the greater. truths, and there's always so much more there on all the other
dimensions for us if we chose to focus and sense our energies and use our skills of our greater
To bring this information into conscious knowing, and once it is done it is so much easier for others to follow
these open pathways, these travel ways. The road get trodden and it's easier to tread. And I laugh now, I
laugh at myself, at the resistance I used to have, and I still manage to muster at every opportunity. For we
really don't have much choice in things, not on this way, not through our personality selves. So the only truth
of the choice is now or later. It seems to me to be very humorous and very apt. When are we going to step
into our greater beings? Do you want to do it now, or do you want to do it later? Do you want to do what you
came for, or do you want to wait a bit? Doesn't really matter. Mmm? Cause we will be doing it, we will be
fulfilling. There's so much energy, so much assistance, that is here for us, encouraging this flowering and
blossoming of so many of us away from our personality focus into the realms of our true self and our guides,
our higher self, higher knowing, our higher consciousness, our star origins, all the different dimension of
things that happen simultaneously. I feel it's such a pleasure to be part of them.

Channelled by Kathleen Murray

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