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SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020  
Ms. Santos, Room F34 
Course Description 
At BCCHS, we recognize that all students have the potential for success in and out of classrooms. 
That’s why we focus on one thing: equipping teachers with a curriculum that enables students to 
build their confidence, question the world around them, and open up a lifetime of opportunities.  
Biology is the study of life and during this course, you will participate in collaborative learning, 
design and conduct your own labs, and learn how science is interwoven into your everyday lives. 
This course will meet for 50 minutes daily and will prepare you for future science courses. 
I hope you all had a great summer and are ready to dive back into school and have fun learning 
new science material! 
Learning Goals 
By the end of this course, you will be able to: 
● Understand the importance of science in the world around us. 
● Build and reflect on prior knowledge and identify strengths and areas for improvement.  
● Apply the concepts, skills, and practices that are central to life science. 
● Develop the critical thinking and lab skills necessary for experimental design, observation, 
accurate recording, data interpretation, and analysis. 
● Recognize the central themes of biology including cells, biochemistry, photosynthesis, 
energy, cell division, genetics, ecology, plant and animal form/function, and evolution. 
Materials To Bring 
● Notebook/paper 
● Binder with dividers/tabs 
● Chromebook (fully charged) 
● No. 2 pencils, erasers, different colored pens 
● Scientific or Graphing Calculator 

Course Policies and Expectations 

● Classroom Rules 
○ RESPECT (yourself, teachers, fellow students, guests, everyone) 
○ Follow all directions given 
○ Come to class prepared (with your materials) 
○ Have the right mindset to learn each and every day 
○ Raise your hand & wait to be called on (never interrupt when someone is speaking) 
○ No eating, drinking, or grooming in class (water is ok) 
○ Use appropriate language (no profanity) 
○ Be inclusive 
○ Respect people’s pronouns 
● Attendance and Participation 
○ You will need to attend your scheduled class period every day. Attendance will be 
taken every morning before class starts. Tardies will be recorded, so do not be late. 
○ Unexcused/Consistent Absences: Missing m ​ ore than 5 classes​ a semester will 
result in a conference with the teacher. Excessive absences will result in a meeting 
with the dean and a phone call home. 
○ Participation: This is a large class that meets for a short period of time and with lots 
of group and pair work. You are expected to actively participate and engage with 
each other. Help others who are struggling and don’t be afraid to ask for help! 
● Grading Scale 
○ A = 90-100 
○ B = 80-89 
○ C = 70-79 
○ D = 60-69 
○ F = Below 60 
● Grade Breakdown 
○ Grading will be 25%/75% 
○ 25% will come from homework, labs, classwork, and quizzes 
○ 75% will come from assessments/exams 
● Late Work 
○ Work must be turned in the day it is due.  
○ If a student is absent, they must turn it in the day they return to school. All others 
will be a case-by-case basis. For extenuating circumstances, please see me 
privately and please send me an email. 
● Extra Help 
○ If a student needs extra resources, please feel free to let me know. 
○ The Library and Learning Center are available for student use. 
○ I can be available before and after school for extra guidance 
○ If needed, I can meet during lunch as well (please remind me on the day of) 

Closing Thoughts 
I want this class to be exciting and inclusive. I want students to thrive and succeed well beyond 
my classroom. This is a safe learning environment and I will not tolerate any trouble from any 

There will be “Free-for-All” Fridays, where we take the first few minutes at the start of class to 
either answer/discuss a question from the Question Box (more on this later in class) or discuss 
any recent science breakthroughs or events. 

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