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Salvador, Feli Elsbeth C.


The Art of Work

Ove the centuries, one obvious gift of the monasticism to the world has been its artistry. Monastic
artistry has been expressed in music, in sculpture, and stained glass in soaring cathedral arches, in
wood and stone. Benedict expects that those so gifted will express their art in the monastery, and
welcomes it as part of the community life. Benedict has three specific principles for artisans, which
ca fruitfully be applied to all human work: having some vision of one’s work as one contribution
among many to the whole life of community, do not overcharge or commit fraud, and do all for the
glory of God. The work of each person is essential to life together. Benedict reminds us of a chapter
in the Acts of the Apostles, which tells of the problems that we have begun to appear in the
community of faith. We need to consecrate our work by giving it to God, by being obedient to God
in everything and offering it all to God.

St. Benedict is right about the fact that artistry is seen in many forms and can be used in many
ways. Even if it was in the kitchen, garden or any physical labor, it is all considered as art. Also,
the fact that many artist are tempted with pride because sometimes, their work is all that they have.
Some would critic their work and most would make fun of it and that would be perceive by other
artists as a foul play. Sometimes, we, ordinary or extraordinary people, would only have our pride
as the triumph of our lives. Some think highly of their work which leads some to do bad things in
order to get themselves and their work at the top.

It is true that each worker and the art that they have done have benefited the community as a whole.
The work of each artist is essential in the life of others. St Benedict is right about us overvaluing
something other than artistic work. We only have eyes on those that the media is giving us. Media
attention weights more than what the eyes can see. Nowadays, we only see the things that the
society has to offer and not the treasures that lies beneath it. Sometimes, other would commit fraud
by claiming what’s not theirs in the first place. Some would be seen as generous but most of them
fake their way to generosity.

In every art that we do, we should apply the rules of St. Benedict that has been discussed to us.
Being humble while being at the top should always be kept in mind. Some think highly of
themselves and forget that humility is needed in order to succeed in life. We must be true to
ourselves and with what we do. If we want to be generous to our community, we must be
transparent and honest. Honesty might not lead us to success but it is one of the main traits that a
person need in order to get along with his subordinates, organization or community. We must also
judge through the looking glass and not overvalue those that are only presented to us, not by what
could gain the attention of the media but those that are beyond it.

The three principles that St. Benedict: value one’s artistic work; don’t commit fraud; and do all
for the glory of God. St. Benedict is reminding us to value those that are around us. They say that
there is art in everything, right? We must always respect those that we see and we experience.
Do what is right without committing fraud and to always practice honesty in everything that we
do. We must also do everything in the name of God. As Bedans, we always end our prayer with
“That in all things, God may be glorified”, and we commit to these words. We as a community,
the world, should always offer ourselves and all those we do to and for God.

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