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International Psychogeriatrics, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2001,pp.

0 2001 International PsychogeriatricAssociation

Guest Editorial
Dietarv Antioxidants and Dementia

As the populations of the developed are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids,

world continue to age, the number of which are prone to lipid peroxidation
people who develop Alzheimer’s dis- (Markesbery &Carney, 1999). Recent re-
ease (AD) or other forms of dementia is search investigating oxidative stress in
set to rise. In the United States, for exam- patients with AD found that levels of
ple, the prevalence of AD is projected to two markers of lipid peroxidation (4-
quadruple over the next 50 years (Brook- hydroxynonenal and the isoprostane,
meyer & Gray, 2000). The search for fac- 8,12,-iso-iPF2alpha-V1) were higher than
tors that might help to prevent or treat those seen in controls and that the extent
these conditions has therefore assumed of lipid peroxidation in these patients
a particular relevance. correlated with measures of cognitive or
One hypothesis that has attracted con- functional impairment (McGrath et al.,
siderable interest in recent years sug- 2001; Pratico et al., 2000). Such findings
gests that oxidative stress plays an raise the possibility that increasing the
important part in the pathogenesis of body’s antioxidant defenses by dietary
AD, vascular dementia (VaD), and other means might improve the symptoms of
age-related degenerative conditions dementia or prevent it from developing.
(Beckman & Ames, 1998; Christen, 2000). An article in this issue of the journal (see
Around 2%-3% of the oxygen consumed pp. 265-275) sets out to explore the rela-
by cells ends u p as highly destructive tion between dietary intake and antioxi-
oxygen free radicals that can damage the dant status in people with dementia. Naji
cell nucleus, mitochondria1 DNA, mem- Tabet and colleagues studied 51 patients
branes, and cytoplasmic proteins, and with AD, VaD, or dementia with Lewy
are thought to play a crucial role in bodies (DLB) and 30 controls and com-
atherogenesis (Witztum, 1994). The rate pared their dietary intake of vitamin D,
at which this damage accumulates de- vitamins B,, B,, and BI2,folate, niacin, ribo-
pends on the balance between the gener- flavin, biotin, pantothenate, copper, zinc,
ation of toxic free radicals such as and selenium with blood levels of the en-
superoxide and hydrogen peroxide and dogenous antioxidants glutathione per-
the adequacy of the body’s antioxidant oxidase and superoxide dismutase, and
defenses. The brain is particularly sus- total antioxidant capacity (TAC). They
ceptible to damage by free radicals be- found that patients with severe AD had a
cause its metabolism requires large lower intake of most of the vitamins and
quantities of oxygen and its membranes trace elements than the control group, but

260 C. R. Gale

there were no differences in antioxidant on a subset of this same cohort showed

status between any of the dementia groups that people with high blood concentra-
and the controls. The men and women tions of carotenoids had fewer white-
making up the control group in this study matter lesions on magnetic resonance
were younger, on average, than those in imaging (den Heijer et al., 2001). In 4,800
the dementia groups. Whether adjusting elderly participants in the NHANES I11
for age would have made any difference to survey, higher blood concentrations of
these results is not clear. In some studies vitamin E were associated with better
where an age-matched control group has memory performance, but no significant
been used, there have been no differences relations were found with concentrations
in vitamin or mineral intake between de- of vitamin C and beta-carotene (Perkins
mented and nondemented subjects (Burns et al., 1999).In the Zutphen Elderly Study,
et al., 1989)nor has there been any differ- no associations were found between in-
ence in TAC (Foy et al., 1999), though a take of any antioxidant and cognitive
study that measured total radical-trapping function (Kalmijn et al., 1997). All these
antioxidant capacity did find that this was studies controlled for potential confound-
significantlyreduced in demented patients ing factors such as age, education, and
compared with the age-matched controls vascular risk factors, but the fact that they
(De Leo et al., 1998). Among the subjects were cross-sectional makes it impossible
studied by Tabet and colleagues, there to be certain about the direction of any
was no evidence that TAC was linked to relation found between low intake or
dietary intake of the vitamins and miner- blood concentrations of antioxidant vita-
als measured in those with AD or DLB, but mins and impaired cognition. Similar dif-
there were significant positive associations ficulties arise when interpreting the
between TAC and intake of vitamin B,, results of studies showing that demented
vitamin BI2,zinc, and selenium in subjects patients have lower blood concentrations
with VaD. of antioxidant vitamins than nondement-
Most of the studies that have examined ed controls (Foy et al., 1999; Zaman et al.,
whether there is a link between antioxi- 1992).Such associations could result from
dant status and disorders in cognitive the influence of the disease process itself
function have concentrated on intake or on dietary habits or antioxidant status,
blood concentrations of the major antiox- rather than reflecting any protective ef-
idant vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and fect of these vitamins. However, recent
beta-carotene. The evidence from these reports of studies where data on antioxi-
observational studies provides some sup- dant status were collected prior to the
port for the idea that higher antioxidant development of cognitive impairment
intakes might be protective, though it is provide rather stronger evidence. After 6
not consistent. In the Rotterdam study of years of follow-up of the Rotterdam study
over 5,000 nondemented elderly people, cohort, people who at baseline had a high-
for example, higher carotene intake was er intake of vitamin E or vitamin C or
associated, in a cross-sectional analysis, whose diet was richer in vegetables had a
with better performance on the Mini- significantly reduced incidence of AD or
Mental State Examination, but no rela- all forms of dementia (Engelhart et al.,
tion was found with intake of vitamins C 2000). Suggestions that vitamin E or C
and E (Jama et al., 1996).A recent report might be protective have also come from

International Psychogeriatrics, 13(3), September 2001

Antioxidants and Dementia 261

the longitudinal Honolulu-Asia Aging Bums, A., Marsh, A., & Bender, D. A. (1989).
Study. Here, men who had reported tak- Dietary intake and clinical, anthropomet-
ing both vitamin E and vitamin C supple- ric andbiochemicalindices of malnutrition
ments were significantly less likely to in elderly demented patients and non-
develop VaD during the follow-up peri- demented subjects. Psychological Medicine,
od (odds ratio 0.12,95% confidence inter-
Christen, Y. (2000). Oxidative stress and
val 0.02-0.88), though risk of AD was not Alzheimer disease. American Journal of
reduced (Masaki et al., 2000). Whether Clinical Nutrition, 72, 621s-629s.
the reduction in risk seen in the men De Leo, M. E., Borrello, S., Passantino, M.,
taking supplements was due to the vita- Palazzotti, B., Mordente, A., et al. (1998).
mins themselves or merely a reflection of Oxidative stress and overexpression of
the distinctive characteristics of supple- manganese superoxide dismutase in
ment users is not clear (Lyle et al., 1998). patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Neuro-
As yet there are no data from random- science Letters, 250, 173-176.
ized controlled trials on the effect of den Heijer, T., Launer, L. J., de Groot, J. C., de
antioxidant vitamins in preventing de- Leeuw, F. E., Oudkerk, M., et al. (2001).
mentia. There is some evidence from a Serum carotenoids and cerebral white
matter lesions: The Rotterdam scan study.
trial of vitamin E and selegiline in pa-
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 49,
tients with AD that vitamin E may delay 642-646.
the progression of the disease, as mea- Engelhart, M. J.,Ruitenberg, A.,Sweieten, J. C.,
sured by time to institutionalization, loss Witteman, J. C. M., Hofman, A., et al.
of ability to perform basic activities of (2000). Dietary anti-oxidants and the risk
daily life, or death, but it did not affect of dementia. The Rotterdam Study (ab-
cognitive function (Sano et al., 1997). stract). Neurobiology of Agzng, 22 (Suppl. l),
Until more data are available from ran- S203.
domized controlled trials, the uncertain- Foy,C. J.,Passmore,A. P.,Vahidassr,M.D.,Young,
ties about the usefulness of antioxidant I. S., & Lawson, J. T. (1999). Plasma chain-
vitamins in the prevention or treatment breaking antioxidantsin Alzheimer’s disease,
of dementia are unlikely to be resolved. vascular dementia and Parkinson’s disease.
Quartuly Journal@Medicine, 92,3945.
Jama, W. J., Launer, L. J., Witteman, J. C. M.,
Catharine R. Gale, PhD
den Breeijn, H., Breteler, M. M. B., et al.
MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit (1996).Dietary antioxidants and cognitive
Southampton General Hospital function in a population-based sample of
Southampton, UK older persons: The Rotterdam study. Ameri-
can Journal of Epidemiology, 244,275-280.
Kalmijn, S., Feskens, E. J. M., Launer, J. L., &
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International Psychogeriatrics, 13(3), September 2001

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