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El riñon https://definicion.


se conoce como riñón a la glándula que produce la orina, los cuales
se caracterizan por tener una tonalidad oscura de color rojizo y localizarse
en los costados de la estructura vertebral.
Los riñones del hombre se encuentran cerca del abdomen; el derecho se
ubica debajo del hígado, mientras que el izquierdo sucede
al diafragma. Por encima de cada uno de ellos se puede apreciar
la glándula suprarrenal. Los riñones, además, están protegidos por las
costillas y por dos capas de grasa, conocidas
como perirrenal y pararrenal.

Estos órganos se encargan de filtrar la sangre y permitir la excreción de

los residuos metabólicos del organismo, la cual se concreta a través de la
orina. Por día, según cálculos de expertos, los riñones procesan cerca de
200 litros de sangre a fin de generar alrededor de dos litros de orina. Una
vez producida, la orina pasa a la vejiga, donde queda almacenada hasta el
momento de orinar.
Los riñones también se encargan de regular la homeostasis del cuerpo y
de segregar hormonas como la eritropoyetina, la renina y vitamina
Parte del cuerpo:

It is known as kidney to the gland that produces urine, which are characterized by having a dark reddish
color and located on the sides of the vertebral structure.
The kidneys of man are close to the abdomen; the right is located under the liver, while the left one goes
to the diaphragm. Above each of them you can see the adrenal gland. The kidneys, in addition, are
protected by the ribs and by two layers of fat, known as perirenal and pararenal.

The kidneys of man are close to the abdomen; the right is located under the liver, while the left one goes
to the diaphragm. Above each of them you can see the adrenal gland. The kidneys, in addition, are
protected by the ribs and by two layers of fat, known as perirenal and pararenal.

These organs are responsible for filtering the blood and allow the excretion of the metabolic waste of the
organism, which is made concrete through the urine. Per day, according to expert calculations, the
kidneys process about 200 liters of blood to generate about two liters of urine. Once produced, the urine
passes to the bladder, where it is stored until urination.
The kidneys are also responsible for regulating the homeostasis of the body and to secrete hormones such
as erythropoietin, renin and vitamin D.

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