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1in 25.4 mm
1km 39370.08 in
1m^3 61023.7 in^3
1kph 0.621371 mph

DATOS 15 puntos
r1 60 mm 2.3622 in Caso Aislante 1
r2 66 mm 2.59843 in Espesor aislante 1 (in)
r3 91.4 mm 3.59843 in caso base
Aislante 1 100 us/m^3
cond. Termica 1 0.6 Btu/ft-d-°f
Aislante 2 175 us/m^3
cond. Termica 2 0.15 Btu/ft-d-°f
caudal 100 ton agua/dia
calidad cabeza 0.8
Presión operación 300 psia
Long. Tuberia =1km 39370.08 in
cond. Termica tuberia 600 Btu/ft-d-°f
Temp. Amb 20 °C
Vel. Viento 16 Km/h 9.94194 mph
poder calorifico 1000 Btu/scf
eficiencia generador 0.925 15 puntos
precio gas 3.2 us/Mmbtu Caso Aislante 2
Lv 809 Espesor aislante 2 (in)
flujo masico 220400
tiempo 1 669 dias
tiempo 2 273 dias

CARMONA 2134775
SUAREZ 2144607

15 puntos
Caso Aislante 1 A=pi*(r3^2-r2^2) V=AxL
Espesor aislante 1 (in) área de aislante (in^2) Volumen de aislante (in^3)
1 19.4679796722 766455.892605021
2 45.2191446517 1780281.28549171
3 77.2534949383 3041476.17866008

4 115.5710305321 4550040.57211011
5 160.171751433 6305974.46584182
6 211.0556576412 8309277.8598552
7 268.2227491565 10559950.7541503
8 331.673025979 13057993.148727
9 401.4064881087 15803405.0435854
10 477.4231355455 18796186.4387254
11 559.7229682896 22036337.3341472
12 648.3059863408 25523857.7298506

15 puntos
Caso Aislante 2
Espesor aislante 2 (in) área de aislante (in^2) Volumen de aislante (in^3)
1 19.4679796722 766455.892605021
2 45.2191446517 1780281.28549171
3 77.2534949383 3041476.17866008
4 115.5710305321 4550040.57211011
5 160.171751433 6305974.46584182
6 211.0556576412 8309277.8598552
7 268.2227491565 10559950.7541503
8 331.673025979 13057993.148727
9 401.4064881087 15803405.0435854
10 477.4231355455 18796186.4387254
11 559.7229682896 22036337.3341472
12 648.3059863408 25523857.7298506

¿Cuál es el máximo espesor en pulgadas de cada aislante cuya inversión se

puede recuperar antes del 30 de junio del año siguiente?

¿Cuál es la calidad del vapor requerida a la salida del generador con ese

espesor de aislante para cada caso?

¿Cuál aislante es mejor alternativa economica al final del piloto?

$=US*V re=r3+1 D=2re
Costo total del aislante (Dolares) Radio externo con aislante Diametro externo con aislante
1255.997084092 3.5984251969 7.1968503937
2917.3604443712 4.5984251969 9.1968503937
4984.0900808376 5.5984251969 11.1968503937

7456.1859934912 6.5984251969 13.1968503937

10333.6481823321 7.5984251969 15.1968503937
13616.4766473603 8.5984251969 17.1968503937
17304.6713885757 9.5984251969 19.1968503937
21398.2324059783 10.5984251969 21.1968503937
25897.1596995681 11.5984251969 23.1968503937
30801.4532693452 12.5984251969 25.1968503937
36111.1131153096 13.5984251969 27.1968503937
41826.1392374611 14.5984251969 29.1968503937

Costo total del aislante (Dolares) Radio externo con aislante Diametro externo con aislante
2197.9948971609 3.5984251969 7.1968503937
5105.3807776495 4.5984251969 9.1968503937
8722.1576414658 5.5984251969 11.1968503937
13048.3254886097 6.5984251969 13.1968503937
18083.8843190813 7.5984251969 15.1968503937
23828.8341328805 8.5984251969 17.1968503937
30283.1749300074 9.5984251969 19.1968503937
37446.906710462 10.5984251969 21.1968503937
45320.0294742442 11.5984251969 23.1968503937
53902.5432213542 12.5984251969 25.1968503937
63194.4479517917 13.5984251969 27.1968503937
73195.743665557 14.5984251969 29.1968503937

CASO AISLANTE 1 Espesor maximo de 4in

CASO AISLANTE 2 No se puede recuperar la inversión con ningun espesor.


CASO AISLANTE 2 No hay calidad, por que no hay aislante de espesor optimo.

Macro dada ≠ Macros
Perdidas de calor de cada aislante Ahorro de calor perdido BTU/d Q suministrado al generador
12593255 0 13614329.7297297
7374053 5219202 7971949.18918919
5532052 7061203 5980596.75675676

4576428 8016827 4947489.72972973

3984979 8608276 4308085.40540541
3579441 9013814 3869665.94594595
3282093 9311162 3548208.64864865
3053513 9539742 3301095.13513514
2871516 9721739 3104341.62162162
2722630 9870625 2943383.78378378
2598181 9995074 2808844.32432432
2492325 10100930 2694405.40540541

Perdidas de calor de cada aislante Ahorrodecalorperdido BTU/d Q suministrado al generador

3272857 0 3538223.78378378
1879495 1393362 2031886.48648649
1400804 1872053 1514382.7027027
1155047 2117810 1248699.45945946
1003812 2269045 1085202.16216216
900492 2372365 973504.864864865
824929 2447928 891815.135135135
766950 2505907 829135.135135135
720853 2552004 779300.54054054
683187 2589670 738580.540540541
651733 2621124 704576.216216216
624999 2647858 675674.594594595
Cantidad de gas (SCF/d) Costo de cantidad de gas ahorrado Ahorro diario de gas equivalente
13614.3297297297 43.5658551351 0
7971.9491891892 25.5102374054 18.0556177297
5980.5967567568 19.1379096216 24.4279455135

4947.4897297297 15.8319671351 27.733888

4308.0854054054 13.7858732973 29.7799818378
3869.665945946 12.382931027 31.1829241081
3548.2086486487 11.3542676757 32.2115874595
3301.0951351351 10.5635044324 33.0023507027
3104.3416216216 9.9338931892 33.6319619459
2943.3837837838 9.4188281081 34.147027027
2808.8443243243 8.9883018378 34.5775532973
2694.4054054054 8.6220972973 34.9437578378

Cantidad de gas (SCF/d) Costo de cantidad de gas ahorrado Ahorro diario de gas equivalente
3538.2237837838 11.3223161081 0
2031.8864864865 6.5020367568 4.8202793514
1514.3827027027 4.8460246486 6.4762914595
1248.6994594595 3.9958382703 7.3264778378
1085.2021621622 3.4726469189 7.8496691892
973.5048648649 3.1152155676 8.2071005405
891.8151351351 2.8538084324 8.4685076757
829.1351351351 2.6532324324 8.6690836757
779.3005405405 2.4937617297 8.8285543784
738.5805405405 2.3634577297 8.9588583784
704.5762162162 2.2546438919 9.0676722162
675.6745945946 2.1621587027 9.1601574054
Tiempo de pago de la inversión (Días) Utilidades de la inversión a 31/Julio/2021
161.5763297629 9161.8478168181
204.0323071001 11358.205467703

268.8474833926 11097.7850785088
346.9998147951 9589.1596671814
436.664521908 7244.899580964
537.2188318988 4244.8806218027
648.3850983447 680.3402141298
770.0163237931 -3397.3771577303
902.0244498874 -7957.0921882642
1044.3513109452 -12978.7299594177
1196.9559608203 -18448.7652439476

Tiempo de pago de la inversión (Días) Utilidades de la inversión a 31/Julio/2021

0 0
1059.1462455839 -1880.6138915955
1346.7827530717 -4389.5186550874
1780.982045864 -8146.9118150962
2303.7766157059 -12832.4556315137
2903.4412354489 -18338.2838712589
3575.9753772191 -24617.7432949804
4319.5922558151 -31647.289731435
5133.346585624 -39413.7265951091
6016.6754451041 -47909.066966219
6969.2029492175 -57128.1752391431
7990.6643986668 -67067.5983613408
Utilidades de la inversión a 30/Junio/2020

Utilidades de la inversión a 30/Junio/2020



diameter diameter Conductivity
(inch) (inch) (Btu/ft.D.F)
Pipe 4.7244 5.1968 600
Insulation 5.1968 7.1969 0.15
Bury Depth in Soil 36 8.9
length of pipe section, (ft) 3280


T_ambient, °F 68 hw @ T_feedwater, (Btu/lbm)

T_bulk,fluid °F 417.35 hw @ T_bulk fluid, (Btu/lbm)
v_wind_avg, mph 9.94 Lv @ T_bulk fluid, (Btu/lbm)
Qs_inj, bbl/D (turbulence calcs) 733 Average produced steam qual
Steam heat content, (Btu/lbm
Steam heat content, (Btu/bbl)


mu_inj.steam, cP (@T_bf) 0.0163

N_Re 880,268 (turbulence if > 2100)

h_f, Btu/sqft.D.F 48000 Film coeff.heat transfer (Prats p232)

h_Pi, Btu/sqft.D.F Infinite Pipe wall coeff. heat transfer (Prats 233)
h_Po, Btu/sqft.D.F 48000 Pipe wall coeff. heat transfer (Prats 233)

EVALUATE h_fc / h_rc (B.60) insulated not insul., iterate (=)

T_outer, °F 72.6 489.5 412.8
mu_air,outer, cP (@T_outer) 0.0182 0.0272
air_density, lbm/cft (@T_outer) 0.0745 0.0418
N_Re 53,256 14,437 (1,000 < N_Re < 50,000)
Thrm.cond_air, Btu.ft.D.F (@T_out 0.360 0.574

h_fc, Btu/sqft.D.F 98.8 99.6 Heat transfer forced convection (Pra

h_fc, Btu/sqft.D.F approx 115.6 131.7 Heat transfer forced convection (Pra

EVALUATE (10.2) insulated T, °F not insulated T, °F

1/h_f.ri 0.000105834 417.3 0.000106 415.5
1/h_Pi.ri 0 417.3 0.000000 415.5
ln(ro/ri)/lamb.p 0.000158837 417.3 0.000159 412.8
1/h_Po.ri 9.621305E-05 417.3
ln(rins/r0)/lamb.ins 2.170715508 72.6
1/h_fc.r_ins 0.02884929 68 0.020015 68

R_h, ft.D.F/Btu 0.350129047 0.003228

Q_ls, Btu/ft.D 998 108237
Heat loss, (Btu/D) 3,272,702 355,018,742
Heat loss, (bbl steam/D) 9.3 1007.8

h_fc radiation+natural convection, Btu/D.sqft.F, Table B.14 Lookup

r_outer, inch 3.59845 T_outer 130

T_outer, F 489.5 col 0
row 2 r_outer row
col 6 0.5 0 50.9
r_outer(row) 2 1 1 48.7
T_outer(col) 480 2 2 46.3
r_outer(row+1) 4 4 3 44.2
T_outer(col+1) 580 8 4 42.2
h_fc(row,col) 100 12 5 41.0
h_fc(row,col+1) 120 24 6 39.4
h_fc(row+1,col) 96.5
h_fc(row+1,col+1) 116
h_fc(r_outer,col) 97.2
h_fc(r_outer,col+1) 116.8
h_fc(r_outer,T_outer) 99.1 Interpolated heat transfer coefficient for radia

Material Conductivity
dry soil 8.9
earth 24

cement 12
concrete 11-19

asbestos 2.1-3.1
glass wool 0.52-0.74
fiber 0.58
CaSi 0.96
Iron 68F 1000
Iron 212F 940
Iron 1112F 550
Cast 68F 720
Steel 68F 600
Steel 212F 600
Steel 1112F 460
Stainls 68F 230
Stainls 212F 240
Stainls 1112F 3120
cases ] insulated not insulated
R_h, ft.D.F/Btu 72.6 0.003228
Q_ls, Btu/ft.D 998 108237
Heat loss, (Btu/D) 3,272,702 355,018,742
Heat loss, (bbl steam/D 9.3 1007.8

394 Hf EL 456,39 SE LEE

er (Prats p232)
ransfer (Prats 233)
ransfer (Prats 233)

Re < 50,000)

r forced convection (Prats Eq B60)

r forced convection (Prats Eq B61)

Buried T, °F
0.0001058 417.3
0 417.3
0.0001588 417.1
9.621E-05 417.0

0.3733787 68 = 1/h_tc.d_ins


180 230 280 330

### 480
1 2 3 ###
4 ###

59.5 66.2 74.4 81.8

### 107
57.1 63.6 71.5 79.0
### 104
54.5 60.5 68.4 75.4
### 100
51.8 57.8 65.3 72.2
### 96.5
49.4 55.1 62.4 69.4
### 93.1
48.2 53.8 61.0 67.7
### 91.9
46.3 51.6 58.8 65.3
### 88.8

sfer coefficient for radiation and convection (Prats Table B.14) used in cell D46
680 880 980 1080 1180 1280
8 10 11 12 13 14

149 202 234 269 307 352
146 198 230 265 304 348
141 194 225 260 299 343
137 189 221 256 294 338
134 186 217 252 290 334
132 184 215 250 289 332
129 180 212 247 286 329
WELLBORE HEAT LOSSES, take r_i = r_o = r_ins = r_ci fo
======= ======= ====== =======
FINAL: Heat Loss ### Btu/D or 74.96
Equivalent Well Bore Radius - ft 0.0632 ft or 0.7589

Inner Outer Thermal

Radius Radius Conduct
ft ft Btu/ft/D/F
Tubing R_I , R_O 0.1247 0.1476 600
Insulation R_INS ************ 0.1476 0.5
Casing R_CI , R_CO 0.2625 0.2953 *************
Cement 0.295276 0.3937 22
NO Altered Zone R_W 0.5625 *********** 22
CAMBIAR Unaltered Zone R_EA 0.5625 *********** 22
t, days 60 time
depth, ft 2400
Heat in Injected Steam, Btu/lb 966.8 Used only for converting heat loss fro

T_A, °F 68 Average ambient Temperature (overb

T_b, °F 456.39 Bulk temperature of fluid
sp_grv, (air=1) 1 specific gravity of gas in annulus
h_Po, Btu/sqft.D.°F 48000 coefficient of heat transfer at the outs
h_f, Btu/sqft.D.°F 48000 film coefficient of heat transfer (see P
h_Pi, Btu/sqft.D.°F 48000 coefficient of heat transfer at the insid
e_ins 0.9 emissivity of insulation outer surface
e_ci 0.9 emissivity of casing surface (see Prats

Iteration nr. 1 2 3

Step 1: Guess R_h

R_h, ft.D.°F/Btu R_H 0.15000 0.03915 0.03692

Step 2: Calculate f(t_D)

t_D T_D 119.2 119.2 119.2
Rh', ft.D.°F/Btu R_HP 0.15000 0.01872 0.01604
2p.Rh'lE 20.7345 2.5875 2.2166

Stehfest Algorithm - for calculating heat loss to the surrounding formation

s Vi q_bar(s) q_bar(s) q_bar(s)
5.8152E-3 -1.67E-2 7.332 32.399 34.833
1.1630E-2 1.60E+1 3.718 17.266 18.656
1.7446E-2 -1.25E+3 2.499 11.961 12.964
2.3261E-2 2.76E+4 1.885 9.222 10.019
2.9076E-2 -2.63E+5 1.514 7.539 8.206
3.4891E-2 1.32E+6 1.267 6.395 6.972
4.0706E-2 -3.89E+6 1.089 5.564 6.075
4.6522E-2 7.05E+6 0.955 4.933 5.392
5.2337E-2 -8.01E+6 0.851 4.436 4.854
5.8152E-2 5.55E+6 0.767 4.034 4.418
6.3967E-2 -2.16E+6 0.699 3.701 4.058
6.9782E-2 3.59E+5 0.642 3.422 3.755

f(t_D) F_TD 2.8248 2.8870 2.8936

1/h_f/r_i 0.00017 0.00017 0.00017

1/h_Pi/r_i 0.00017 0.00017 0.00017
ln(r_o/r_i)/lamb_p 0.00028 0.00028 0.00028
1/h_Po/r_o 0.00014 0.00014 0.00014
ln(r_ins/r_o)/lamb_ins 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
radiation 0.78383 0.08454 0.07021
@ln(r_co/r_ci)/lamb_p 0.00020 0.00020 0.00020
@ln(r_w/r_co)/lamb_cem 0.02929 0.02929 0.02929
@ln(r_Ea/r_w)/lamb_Ea 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
f(tD)/lamb_E 0.12840 0.13123 0.13153

Step 3&4: calculate T distribution (°F)

T_boiler (injected fluid) 456.39 456.39 456.39
T_film (thru liquid film) 456.3 456.1 456.1
T_i (thu scale - inside tubing) 456.3 455.9 455.8
T_o (thru tubing - outside tubing 456.1 455.4 455.4
T_scale (thru scale outside tbg) 456.1 455.2 455.1
T_ins (through tubing insulation) 456.1 455.2 455.1
T_ci (thru annulus - inside of csg 133.1 321.7 337.6
T_co (thru csg - outside casing) 133.0 321.4 337.3
T_rw (thru cement - inside fm) 120.9 275.2 288.2
T_rEa (thru altered zone) 120.9 275.2 288.2
T_Earth (away from well) 68 68 68

Step 5: Calculate h_rc,an

T_an, °F 295 388 396
T_an, °R 754 848 856
rho_an, lbm/cft 0.053 0.047 0.046
mu_an, cP 0.0236 0.0255 0.0256
lam_an, Btu/ft.D.°F 0.4776 0.5247 0.5286
C_an, Btu/lbm.°F 0.25 0.25 0.25
beta_an (assume Z=1) 0.00133 0.00118 0.00117
N_Gr N_GR 228,708 57,140 48,398
N_Prs N_PRS 0.71883941 0.705619 0.704375735
lam_a,an 1.246 0.856 0.816
F(T_ins,T_ci) 1.79E+9 2.46E+9 2.52E+9
h_rc,an, Btu/ft^2.d.F 77.5 96.1 97.9

Step 6: Calculate new R_h

R_h, ft.D.°F/Btu 0.03915 0.03692 0.03676

FINAL: Heat Loss 10,569 Btu/D/ft of pipe

t days 74.96 Bspd T/d

2 139.635661 21.01138497
5 131.278839 19.75390954
14 122.552428 18.44082109
40 114.492234 17.22798023
122 106.834015 16.07562569
365 100.129129 15.06672188
62.38 9.38650043
r_o = r_ins = r_ci for soak wells
======= ======
BS/D Range Name
E_CI C27
Heat E_INS C26
Capacity FT_D C55
Btu/ft^3/F H_F C24
LAM_P ******* 2.992126 3.5433 H_PI C25
LAM_INS***** 3.5433 H_PO C23
************* 6.299212 7.087 LAM_CEM E12
LAM_CEM **** 7.08662 LAM_E E14
LAM_EA ****** 13.500 LAM_EA E13
35 LAM_INS E10
T M_R F14
nverting heat loss from Btu/D to BS/D R_CI C11
R_CO D11
t Temperature (overburden) T_A R_EA C14
e of fluid T_B R_H C33
of gas in annulus SP_GRV R_HP C37
at transfer at the outside wall of pipe (Prats p2 H_PO R_I C9
f heat transfer (see Prats p 232) H_F R_INS D10
at transfer at the inside wall of pipe (Prats p23 H_PI R_O D9
ulation outer surface (see Prats p237) E_INS R_W C13
ing surface (see Prats p237) E_CI SP_GRV C22
T C16
T_A C20
4 5 6 T_B C21
T_D C36

0.03676 0.03675 0.03675

steam to cook off annulus
V 355.08 cft
119.2 119.2 119.2 dens 62.4 lb/cft
0.01583 0.01581 0.01581 T 212 F
2.1878 2.1856 2.1855 hw 180.3 Btu/lbm
Lv 970.7 Btu/lbm
ng formation T 68 F
q_bar(s) q_bar(s) q_bar(s) hw 63 Btu/lbm
35.037 35.053 35.054 Delta H 1088 Btu/lbm
18.773 18.782 18.782 E 2E+07 Btu
13.049 13.056 13.056 71.238 bbl stm
10.087 10.092 10.092
8.263 8.267 8.267
7.021 7.025 7.025
6.118 6.122 6.122
5.431 5.434 5.434
4.890 4.892 4.892
4.451 4.454 4.454
4.088 4.091 4.091
3.783 3.785 3.786

2.8941 2.8942 2.8942

0.00017 0.00017 0.00017

0.00017 0.00017 0.00017
0.00028 0.00028 0.00028
0.00014 0.00014 0.00014
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.06917 0.06910 0.06909
0.00020 0.00020 0.00020
0.02929 0.02929 0.02929
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.13155 0.13155 0.13155

456.39 456.39 456.39

456.1 456.1 456.1
455.8 455.8 455.8
455.4 455.4 455.4
455.1 455.1 455.1
455.1 455.1 455.1 350
338.8 338.9 338.9 167
338.5 338.6 338.6
289.2 289.3 289.3
289.2 289.3 289.3
68 68 68

Prats example
397 397 397 259
857 857 857 718
0.046 0.046 0.046 0.055
0.0256 0.0256 0.0256 0.023
0.5289 0.5289 0.5289 0.459
0.25 0.25 0.25 C_air 0.45
0.00117 0.00117 0.00117 1.39E-3
47,752 47,704 47,700 214,128
0.704279369 0.7042722 0.70427172 0.8148
0.812 0.812 0.812 1.233
2.53E+9 2.53E+9 2.53E+9 1.51E+9
98.0 98.0 98.0 h_rc,an 67.2

h_rc,an 1 52.7
0.03675 0.03675 0.03675 h_rc,an 2 14.5

Forced convection
I (Mscf/d) 1000
wg 55.25 Mlbm/d
reynolds 230,733
rey^.8 19,520
lam_g/r_i 0.0460
hf 825.7
hf / 2 412.8
WELLBORE HEAT LO WELLBORE HEAT LOSSES, take r_i = r_o = r_ins = r_c
======= ======= ======
FINAL: Heat Loss 99,815 J/s or
Equivalent Well Bore Radius - ft 0.0000 m

Inner Outer
Radius Radius
m m
Tubing R_I , R_O 0.0310 0.0365
Insulation R_INS ************ 0.0450
Casing R_CI , R_CO 0.0797 0.0889
Cement ************ ***********
Altered Zone R_W 0.1715 ***********
Unaltered Zone R_EA 0.1715 ***********

t, sec 5,184,000 time

depth, m 732
Heat in Injected Steam, J/kg 2,248,870 Used only for converting heat los

T_A, °C 20.0 Average ambient Temperature

T_b, °C 235.8 Bulk temperature of fluid
sp_grv, (air=1) 1 specific gravity of gas in annulus
h_Po, J/m^2.s.°C 11356.8 coefficient of heat transfer at the
h_f, J/m^2.s.°C 11356.8 film coefficient of heat transfer (s
h_Pi, J/m^2.s.°C 11356.8 coefficient of heat transfer at the
e_ins 0.9 emissivity of insulation outer surf
e_ci 0.9 emissivity of casing surface (see

Iteration nr. 1 2

Step 1: Guess R_h

R_h, m.s.°C/J R_H 2.08044 1.54769
off annulus
Step 2: Calculate f(t_D)
t_D T_D 119.2 119.2
Rh', m.s.°C/J R_HP 2.08044 1.26427
Btu/lbm 2p.Rh'lE 20.7345 12.6002
Stehfest Algorithm - for calculating heat loss to the surrounding formation
Btu/lbm s Vi q_bar(s) q_bar(s)
Btu/lbm 5.8163E-3 -1.67E-2 7.330 11.222
1.1633E-2 1.60E+1 3.717 5.734
1.7449E-2 -1.25E+3 2.498 3.871
2.3265E-2 2.76E+4 1.884 2.929
2.9082E-2 -2.63E+5 1.514 2.359
3.4898E-2 1.32E+6 1.266 1.977
4.0714E-2 -3.89E+6 1.089 1.702
4.6531E-2 7.05E+6 0.955 1.496
5.2347E-2 -8.01E+6 0.851 1.334
5.8163E-2 5.55E+6 0.767 1.204
6.3979E-2 -2.16E+6 0.699 1.098
6.9796E-2 3.59E+5 0.641 1.009

f(t_D) F_TD 2.8247 2.8337

1/h_f/r_i 0.00284 0.00284

1/h_Pi/r_i 0.00284 0.00284
ln(r_o/r_i)/lamb_p 0.00378 0.00378
1/h_Po/r_o 0.00241 0.00241
ln(r_ins/r_o)/lamb_ins 5.79766 5.79766
radiation 5.06490 1.71187
@ln(r_co/r_ci)/lamb_p 0.00252 0.00252
@ln(r_w/r_co)/lamb_cem 0.41406 0.41406
@ln(r_Ea/r_w)/lamb_Ea 0.00000 0.00000
f(tD)/lamb_E 1.78079 1.78646

Step 3&4: calculate T distribution (°F)

T_boiler (injected fluid) 235.8 235.8
T_film (thru liquid film) 235.7 235.7
T_i (thu scale - inside tubing) 235.7 235.6
T_o (thru tubing - outside tubing 235.6 235.6
T_scale (thru scale outside tbg) 235.6 235.5
T_ins (through tubing insulation) 139.9 106.9
T_ci (thru annulus - inside of csg 56.3 68.9
T_co (thru csg - outside casing) 56.2 68.8
T_rw (thru cement - inside fm) 49.4 59.6
T_rEa (thru altered zone) 49.4 59.6
T_Earth (away from well) 20.0 20.0

Step 5: Calculate h_rc,an

T_an, °C 98 88
T_an, °K 371 361
rho_an, kg/m3 0.948 0.975
mu_an, Pa.s 2.17E-05 2.13E-05
lam_an, J/m.s.°K 0.0312 0.0305
C_an, J/kg.°K 1058.1152 1056.7383
beta_an (assume Z=1) 0.00269 0.00277
N_Gr N_GR 176,233 90,695
N_Prs N_PRS 0.73573544 0.7362539
lam_a,an 0.075 0.059
F(T_ins,T_ci) 2.07E+8 1.89E+8
h_rc,an, J/m^2.s.K 12.9 11.4

Step 6: Calculate new R_h

R_h, m.s.°C/J 1.54769 1.58514

FINAL: Heat Loss 136 J/s/m of pipe

p kPa TC hw kJ/kg Lv kJ/kg

10 42.1
14000 336.2 1566.7 1074.5
8000 294.7 1312.3 1445.6
4000 250.5 1086.8 1712.3
S, take r_i = r_o = r_ins = r_ci for soak wells
======= ======= ======
0.04 kg steam/s 3.8348323 t/d

Thermal Heat
Conduct Capacity
W/m/C J/m^3/C
43.26 LAM_P ******* 2.441 2.875
0.03605 LAM_INS***** 3.5433
************* ************* 6.276 7.000
1.5862 LAM_CEM ****
1.5862 LAM_EA ****** 13.500
1.5862 2,347,310

ed only for converting heat loss from Btu/D to BS/D

erage ambient Temperature T_A

lk temperature of fluid T_B
ecific gravity of gas in annulus SP_GRV
efficient of heat transfer at the outside wall of pipe (Prats p2 H_PO
m coefficient of heat transfer (see Prats p 232) H_F
efficient of heat transfer at the inside wall of pipe (Prats p233H_PI
missivity of insulation outer surface (see Prats p237) E_INS
missivity of casing surface (see Prats p237) E_CI

3 4 5 6

1.58514 1.58093 1.58138 1.58133

119.2 119.2 119.2 119.2

1.30081 1.29667 1.29711 1.29706
12.9644 12.9231 12.9275 12.9271

the surrounding formation

q_bar(s) q_bar(s) q_bar(s) q_bar(s)
10.962 10.991 10.988 10.988
5.598 5.613 5.611 5.612
3.778 3.788 3.787 3.787
2.858 2.866 2.865 2.865
2.302 2.308 2.307 2.308
1.929 1.934 1.933 1.933
1.660 1.665 1.665 1.665
1.459 1.463 1.462 1.462
1.301 1.305 1.304 1.304
1.174 1.178 1.177 1.177
1.071 1.074 1.073 1.073
0.984 0.987 0.986 0.986

2.8331 2.8331 2.8331 2.8331

0.00284 0.00284 0.00284 0.00284

0.00284 0.00284 0.00284 0.00284
0.00378 0.00378 0.00378 0.00378
0.00241 0.00241 0.00241 0.00241
5.79766 5.79766 5.79766 5.79766
1.94751 1.92104 1.92388 1.92358
0.00252 0.00252 0.00252 0.00252
0.41406 0.41406 0.41406 0.41406
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
1.78607 1.78611 1.78611 1.78611

235.8 235.8 235.8 235.8

235.7 235.7 235.7 235.7
235.6 235.6 235.6 235.6
235.6 235.6 235.6 235.6
235.5 235.5 235.5 235.5
109.9 109.6 109.6 109.6
67.7 67.8 67.8 67.8
67.7 67.8 67.8 67.8
58.7 58.8 58.8 58.8
58.7 58.8 58.8 58.8
20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0

89 89 89 89
362 362 362 362
0.972 0.973 0.973 0.973
2.13E-05 2.13E-05 2.13E-05 2.13E-05
0.0306 0.0306 0.0306 0.0306
1056.865328 1056.851359 1056.8529 1056.8527
0.00276 0.00276 0.00276 0.00276
99,573 98,607 98,711 98,700
0.736213856 0.736218338 0.7362179 0.73621791
0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
1.90E+8 1.90E+8 1.90E+8 1.90E+8 #NAME?
11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 #NAME?

1.58093 1.58138 1.58133 1.58134

m of pipe

x h kJ/kg

0.750 2330.5 ex generator

0.685 2260.5 wellhead (3% heat loss surface pipes)
0.578 2034.5 reservoir (10% wellbore HL)

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