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Love is a power that dominates the human world and it encompasses all that is good.

Love is the fuel,

that is, the reason the human heart runs and it means putting aside the self for others. A father who
works hard day and night for his family to have three meals a day is an effect of his enduring love for his
family. A mother, who has sacrificed herself, her happiness, in so many ways and has gone over her
customs to pave way for a happy life for her children, is an effect of her love for her children. Love is an
element that is present in every human no matter how many innumerable form it takes or how many
various ways it can be seen. Essentially, love is that which rejoices in truth, never fails and remains even
after all is lost.

As a child, my family is my first love and remains my first love. My love for them has enhanced me in so
many ways as I love them, I would not want to lie to them because I know that will hurt them and so I
encouraged me to always be honest about what I do and what I say to others. As I love them, I would
not want to set aside the years of effort they’ve accomplished raising me and so love invited me to live a
good life. As I love them, I did not want to be selfish and keep their love for me all to myself and so love
empowered me to share what they have given me to others – their teachings, the knowledge from the
education they were able to afford, the meals I was able to buy because of them and all the rest of the
things I have now because of the love they gave me. The incident of my being happy or others being
happy are effects only of accidental qualities of love that, namely, love is encouraging, inviting and
empowering. What is essential is that I rejoice in the truth that the things I do are out of love, that it
does not fail me and remains after feeling exhausted for giving what I have given.

Loving a person is a religious experience because it involves something mysterious, something

tremendous and something fascinating which is what makes a religious experience in accordance to
Rudolf Otto’s “Mysterium, Tremendum et Fascinosum”. First, loving a person is mysterious because you
may not be able to understand it nor begin to understand how you have come to love a person in his or
her totality including his or her bad traits and even when things become complicated with your
relationship with that person, you continue to love that person no matter the odds – that alone is
something unexplainable. Second, loving a person is something tremendous because it does not
guaranty that you will not get hurt for as human as we are, it is in our nature to fail and it may be hard
to accept but the persons we love the most are the most capable of hurting us. It is in those times when
we are hurt that we are able to recognize our limitations, our smallness and our powerlessness, and it is
in those times that a person contacts that which is far greater than himself which in its presence makes
one almost nothing – a tremendous body that is greatly feared by most. Third and final, loving a person
is something fascinating because even after being hurt by the ones you love, you are able to overcome
the pain and that love becomes the source of power by which strengthens you to continue. This helps us
recognize that even if we are our limited self, there is a power beyond us that is the source of this power
and the source of this “great” love that it is able to refuel the love that is within our limited self, that
which must be the source of all love that since it is beyond the limited self then it must be that which is
Even if it is possible for others to not love, the people who love have proof for the existence of a God.
Loving a person involves deep caring which is something special in the life of a human for the life of a
human, for the most part, is greatly concerned about satisfying his own needs and achieving one’s own
personal wants thus when a person is able to transcend in a way that he goes beyond what is ordinary
and set aside his own needs to satisfy others’, he is living in a special way. It is exactly in this nature of
deep caring that it is a religious act for the goal of the human being is now to dedicate his or her self
towards the needs of others, living a life of dedication. A human being living a life of dedication makes
him or her dependent on a power that is beyond his or her self, that which the source of this power is
where the human being draws the strength to sustain such life. A source of inspiration that is beyond
what the limited self is capable of giving and that which must come from an infinite source, wherein one
may call the infinite as a “Super Being”, as one that is beyond man, and as one who is the power beyond
the limited self. This “Super Being” or the power beyond man or that must be what is infinite or that
which they call “God” is the source of the inspiration or power where the human living a life of
dedication draws strength from. Therefore it is evident in the former statements that loving a person, as
a religious experience, is an evidence for the existence of “God” and an evidence that love can make a
person believe in a God.

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