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TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................................................1



FIGURE 1 MAIN SCREEN.......................................................................................................................................3

ROCK MASS CLASSIFICATION INPUT................................................................................................................4

NGI “Q” ROCK MASS CLASSIFICATION.............................................................................................................4

Q = RQD/JN X JR/JA X JW/SRF................................................................................................................................4
JOINT NUMBER JN.......................................................................................................................................................5
FOR THE STANDARD SUPPORT ANALYSIS........................................................................................................5
JOINT ROUGHNESS JR.................................................................................................................................................5
JOINT ALTERATION JA.................................................................................................................................................5
JOINT WATER JW........................................................................................................................................................6
STRESS REDUCTION FACTOR SRF..............................................................................................................................6
GEO “RMR” ROCK MASS CLASSIFICATION.....................................................................................................6
JOINT SPACING.............................................................................................................................................................6
JOINT SEPARATION OR APERTURE...............................................................................................................................6
JOINT ROUGHNESS......................................................................................................................................................6
JOINT INFILLING, GOUGE............................................................................................................................................7
DISCONTINUITY LENGTH OR PERSISTENCE.................................................................................................................7
GROUND WATER.........................................................................................................................................................7
JOINT ORIENTATION....................................................................................................................................................8
SUPPORT ANALYSIS – STANDARD.......................................................................................................................8


FIGURE 5 DIRECT FACTOR INPUT SCREEN FOR A DRIFT OR CHAMBER.............................................9

FOR DIRECT INPUT OF VALUES..........................................................................................................................9
DATA ENTRY.............................................................................................................................................................10
SUPPORT ANALYSIS – ADVANCED.....................................................................................................................11

FIGURE 7 FIRST SCREEN IN "SUPPORT ANALYSIS - ADVANCED" OPTION.........................................11

DATA ENTRY.............................................................................................................................................................11

SUMMARY, STABILITY GRAPH, CABLE BOLT DENSITY AND LENGTH.................................................13


In the early 1990’s, Dr. Graham Swan developed the first version of this software as an in-house product
for Falconbridge’s Sudbury operations. The original code was Fortran and the program was written for
specific printer output and to provide basic rock mass classification and stope stability information for the
Geomechanics engineers. Dr. Swan allowed NEMS Inc. and CAMIRO Mining Division the rights to the
code so it could be developed into a more generic “Windows” based program.

A first version, called “Mathew’s”, was written in Visual Basic in 1995 by Mr. Graeme Fitz who was a
Master’s student at Queen’s University at the time. This first version was reviewed by Dr. John
Hadjigeorgiou and distributed to MRD (now CAMIRO Mining Division) members. Although it was a
reliable program, users disliked having to enter all the information for rock mass classification and the
stability graphs one screen at a time and there was no way to save the information for subsequent use. In
May 1998, CAMIRO Mining Division contracted NEMS Inc. to upgrade the software. Mr. Graeme Fitz,
who now works in BC, was again commissioned to re-write the code in a newer version of Visual Basic
that allows incorporation of all the newer “Windows” features. Mike Neumann of NEMS Inc., polled all
the users of the program for suggestions and recommendations then distributed a Beta version for review
by members of CAMIRO Technical Advisory Committee. The result is this new program called
“StopeSoft” that will be distributed by CAMIRO.

This program was developed to assist those in mining operations with the design of open stopes using the
Stability Graph method for determining the “Q” or “RMR” and for guidelines for ground support. Use of
this program requires some fundamental knowledge of rock mechanics as well as accurate input of data.
A paper describing the Stability Graph method was presented at the 1999 CIM Operator’s conference and
is attached as in Word file format on the CD.

Figure 1 Main screen

The program is divided into four parts as shown in Figure 1. The first two buttons lead to determination
of the rock classification and the final screen in this function allows the user to enter a job description and
print a summary. Values cannot be saved in these functions with the exception of the intact rock
properties. With the “Support Analysis – Standard” option, the user is guided with the determination of
“Q” and the input of values for the stability graph. At the summary page, labelled “Direct Factor Input”,
the file can be saved. In the “Support Analysis – Advanced”, the program bypasses all input screens
except the input of the type of opening and then skips to the “Direct Factor Input” screen where the user
can enter the known values and save the file.

This program must be used with a certain degree of caution. The results shown on the graphs rely on in-
situ and induced stresses derived from charts and empirical factors that are only rough approximations.
For actual mine design problems, particularly in sequence mining, the values for stresses must be
determined using 3D models and the UCS of the rock must be derived from initial laboratory values and
practical observations in the mine. Using the “Advanced” features in the program, the calculated values
for the “A” factor can be entered and saved.

Rock Mass Classification Input

The main screen is illustrated in Figure 1. The first two buttons labelled “NGI “Q” Rock Mass
Classification” and “GEO “RMR” Rock Mass Classification” allow the user to determine the “Q” or
“RMR” of the rock. Figure 2 is the first screen common to both systems. Several rocks are entered with
the rock descriptive name, average values of UCS, m, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio. These
values can be changed and saved with the “Data”, “Replace Data” option. One additional slot, labelled
“other”, can also be assigned to a rock type and the values entered and saved with the “Data”, “Other
Data” option. For this data to be saved, the user must proceed from the rock mass classification sections
to the “Support Analysis” screens where there is a save option in the “Direct Factor Input” screen ( Figure
2) Note: The first time the program is opened the program will create a definition file with default values.

NGI “Q” Rock Mass Classification

This system was introduced by Barton et al. in 1974 as a means to classify rock masses for tunneling
projects. Mathews used a modified version of “Q” for his stability graph that excluded the SRF factor.

Q = RQD/Jn X Jr/Ja X Jw/SRF

The values of Q range from 0.001 to 1000 that rates a rock from being exceptionally poor to exceptionally


RQD is a measure of the intactness of rock. Using diamond drill core, the RQD is calculated by adding
the length of core over 100 mm divided by the total length of core. The core should be at least NW (54.7
mm or 2.15 inches in diameter) and should be drilled with a double walled core barrel. Palstrom (1982)
devised a system to relate RQD based on Joint Volume Jv and defined it as RQD = 115 – 3.3 Jv. The
RQD value is expressed as a percent.

Joint Number Jn

When mapping is carried out and analysed using stereographic projections, the number of joint sets
becomes known as “sets” or as random. The Jn is a number assigned based on criteria developed by
Barton (1974) where the Jn ranges from 0.5 for massive rock to 20 for crushed or earth-like.

Figure 2 Common screen for rock input for both rock mass classifications and for the standard
support analysis.

Joint Roughness Jr

During mapping, the roughness characteristics of the joints are measured using a profiling method and
compared to roughness charts. The value of roughness is then determined based on charts developed by
Barton (1974) that provide a range of values from 0.5 to 4. A value of 4 corresponds to discontinuous
joints and 0.5 to slickensided, planar joints.

Joint Alteration Ja

During mapping, the characteristics of the joint infilling is determined. Ja ranges from 0.75 for tightly
healed, hard, non-softening, impermeable filling to 4 for soft in-filling, chlorite, talc, etc.

Joint Water Jw

This term is seldom used in hard rock mines because they tend to be relatively dry and its value is 1. In
civil works or tunnelling, Jw is included if water inflows are significant. The range of values for Jw is
from .05 for exceptionally high inflow to 1 for a dry excavation.

Stress Reduction Factor SRF

For stability graphs, the SRF factor is set to the value of 1 because the effect of stress is accounted for in
factor “A” and the resulting calculation of “Q” is called “Q’ ( Q prime). The SRF proposed by Barton
(1974) was to account for loosening of the tunnel excavation due to weakness zones. The range is from
2.5 to 10 and the values are determined by comparing the conditions to the classification charts. When
calculating Q for tunnelling, SRF should be included.

GEO “RMR” Rock Mass Classification

This system is known as the Geomechanics Classification system and was developed in 1976 by
Bieniawski and has been revised in 1989 and 1993. Comprised of six factors that each are assigned a
number, a final rating is found. The factors are RQD, joint spacing, joint separation, Uniaxial
Compressive Strength, joint in-filling, weathering, ground water and the orientation of joints to the
direction of the drive. The first five factors are added and the last factor related to discontinuity
orientation is subtracted.

RMR = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 + (-B)

RMR has a range of 1 to 100 that describes rock from Very Poor Rock to Very Good Rock.

Joint spacing

From mapping the rockmass, the average joint spacing is determined. This is then compared to the charts
and a value assigned for this factor. Joint spacing ranges from a value of 20, for spacing of discontinuities
over 2 meters, to 5 for spacing of less than 60 mm.

Joint Separation or Aperture

Mapping the rockmass provides average values for the separation in the joint sets. This factor forms part
of the “conditions of discontinuities” rating and has value ranges from 6 for no separation to 0 if
separation is larger than 5mm.

Joint Roughness

Mapping the rockmass provides average values for roughness of the joint sets. This factor forms part of
the “conditions of discontinuities” rating and has value ranges from 6, for very rough, to 0, if the joints
are slickensided.

Joint Infilling, Gouge

Mapping the rockmass provides average values for infilling or gouge of the joint sets. This factor forms
part of the “conditions of discontinuities” rating and has value ranges from 6, for no infilling, to 0, if the
joints have a soft in-filling of more than 5mm.


Mapping the rockmass provides average values for weathering of the joint sets. This factor forms part of
the “conditions of discontinuities” rating and has value ranges from 6, for unweathered, to 0, if the joints
are decomposed.

Discontinuity Length or Persistence

Mapping the rockmass provides average values for discontinuity length or persistence. This factor forms
part of the “conditions of discontinuities” rating and has value ranges from 6, for lengths of less than 1
meter, to 0, if the joints are longer than 20 meters.

Figure 3 Rock mass classification input screens. The Hypertext (blue text) contains comments on
the topic that can be obtained with a right mouse click.

Ground Water

Ground water can affect the integrity of the rock mass and therefore is used in this classification system.
Water inflow conditions are compared to the descriptions in the charts and a value found. The range is
from 15, for completely dry, to 0, for flowing.

Joint Orientation

For tunnelling, the direction of the excavation is compared to the dip and dip direction that affects the
stability. Descriptions of ranges of “strike perpendicular to the tunnel axis” and strike parallel to the
tunnel axis” provides a word description such as “favourable” that then is used to provide a negative
value from 0 to –50.


Under this option, the user is guided through the screens shown in Figure 4. This information determines
the value of “Q” and provides the UCS for the determination of factor “A”. As with the screens in the
Rock Mass Classification, the Hypertext can be activated with a right mouse click to bring up the
information on the selection.

Figure 4 Input screens for Standard option of Support Analysis

The next screen, after those in Figure 4, is the “Direct Factor Input” screen shown in Figures 5 & 6.
These screens are common to both “Standard” & “Advanced” options and is the only screen where
values can be saved. The screen in Figure 5 provides a support graph for tunnels graphs while Figure 6 is
for the stability and follows a selection of either longitudinal or transverse stopes. If the file is to be
saved, the default file type is “dft” for tunnels and “stp” for stability graphs. Files can either be saved
before viewing the graphs or after by returning to this screen with the return button.

Figure 5 Direct Factor input screen for a drift or chamber.

Figure 6 Direct Input screen for stability graphs. This is the only screen where values can be saved.
In the “Advanced” version this screen is provided for direct input of values.

Data Entry

The data entered for the rock type, characteristics and geomechanical properties are transferred
automatically to this screen.

For tunnel support information on the workplace description, the tunnel width and the time the span is
expected to remain open is required. The “Update” must be clicked to update the value of “Q” after all
data is entered and after any changes are made to the input values.

In the case of stability graphs, the values mentioned above for rock characteristics, are transferred but can
be changed if desired. Several key parameters must be known and entered in this screen. If any
information is lacking an error message will appear. Before viewing the graphs or summary information
with the “Forward” button, ensure that the “Update” has been activated or the values previously entered
will be used for the graphs.

Workplace This space allows a text description that appears on the graphs.

Critical Joint Dip The critical joint is normally the structure that is most parallel to the face
in question. Enter the dip of the critical feature.

Critical Joint Dip Direction Enter the dip direction of the critical joint. The dip direction is the strike
plus 90 degrees and the convention is the right hand rule.

Excavation Dip Enter the dip of the wall being examined. Remember that one wall is
being analysed at a time and this must match the wall selected under
“Sizing”, “Surface” on this same screen.

Excavation Dip Direction Enter the dip direction of the excavation. The dip direction is the strike
plus 90 degrees and the convention is the right hand rule.

Sizing - Surface The face being considered is indicated. In the case of transverse stopes
the primary or secondary wall must be considered. Remember that the
values previously entered for rock mass classification and failure
mechanism must correspond to the selection or wall or back being
considered here.

Stope Dimensions Enter the width, height and length of the stope. The pillar strike length
should be given a large number (1000) in the case where the end walls
are against abutment pillars. Where stopes are being sequenced, the
value for the “A” Factor should be determined using 3D models and
correct values for UCS of the rock.

Factors The factors for Q’, A, B, and C are automatically calculated based on
entered information when the “Update” button is clicked. These factors
can be overridden but the values will then not correspond with the values
entered in the “Input” section. If you plan on modifying these factors
manually, use the “Advanced” version.

File At the top of the screen, there is a File option that allows the user to save
the values or retrieve saved files. If support files are being used for
“Drift/Ramp/Chamber” the default file extension is “dft” and “stp” for
stability analysis information. Files can be saved and/or replaced after
viewing the graphs by returning to this screen with the “Backward”


This section is for experienced users of stability graphs who know all the rock characteristics and wish to
input the values directly without having to follow the Rock Mass Classification screens.

The first screen to appear under this option is the excavation type shown in Figure 7. The first two
options, “Longitudinal” and “Transverse”, lead to the stability graphs while the “Drift/Ramp/Chamber”
refers to the tunnel support guidelines. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the next screens to appear for direct
factor input.

Figure 7 First screen in "Support Analysis - Advanced" option.

For tunnel support information on the workplace description, the tunnel width and the time the span is
expected to remain open is required. The “Update” must be clicked to update the value of “Q” after all
data is entered and after any changes are made to the input values.

In the case of stability graphs, the values mentioned above for rock characteristics are transferred but can
be changed if desired. Several key parameters must be known and entered in this screen. If any
information is lacking an error message will appear. Before viewing the graphs or summary information
with the “Forward” button, ensure that the “Update” has been activated or the values previously entered
will be used for the graphs.

Data Entry

Workplace This space allows a text description that appears on the graphs.

Critical Joint Dip The critical joint is normally the structure that is most parallel to the face
in question. Enter the dip of the critical feature.

Critical Joint Dip Direction Enter the dip direction of the critical joint. The dip direction is the strike
plus 90 degrees and the convention is the right hand rule.

Excavation Dip Enter the dip of the wall being examined. Remember that one wall is
being analysed at a time and this must match the wall selected under
“Sizing”, “Surface” on this same screen.

Excavation Dip Direction Enter the dip direction of the excavation. The dip direction is the strike
plus 90 degrees and the convention is the right hand rule.

Sizing - Surface The face being considered is indicated. In the case of transverse stopes,
the primary or secondary wall must be considered. Remember that the
values previously entered for rock mass classification and failure
mechanism must correspond to the selection or wall or back being
considered here.

Stope Dimensions Enter the width, height and length of the stope. The pillar strike length
should be given a large number (1000) in the case where the end walls
are against abutment pillars. Where stopes are being sequenced, the
value for the “A” Factor should be determined using 3D models and
correct values for UCS of the rock.

Factors The factors for Q’, A, B, and C are automatically calculated based on
entered information when the “Update” button is clicked. These factors
can be overridden but the values will then not correspond with the values
entered in the “Input” section. If you plan on modifying these factors
manually, use the “Advanced” version.

File At the top of the screen, there is a File option that allows the user to save
the values or retrieve saved files. If support files are being used for
“Drift/Ramp/Chamber”, the default file extension is “dft” and “stp” for
stability analysis information. Files can be saved and/or replaced after
viewing the graphs by returning to this screen with the “Backward”


Figure 8 One screen with four tabs provides access to the Information Summary, Stability Graph,
Cable Bolt Density and Length.

BAWDEN, W.F., 1992
The Use of Rock Mechanics Principles in Canadian Underground Hard Rock Mines,
Queen’s University course notes.


An Update of the Stability Graph Method for Open Stope Design CIM Annual Meeting,


An Evaluation of “Mathew”: an underground support software package. Prepared for
Mining Research Directorate. Quebec City

HOEK, E., KAISER, P.K., BAWDEN, W.F., June 1993

Design of Support for Underground Hard Rock Mines.


Cablebolting in Underground Mines, p 177 – 235.

MATHEWS, K.E., HOEK, E., WYLLIE, D.C., STEWART, S.B.V., March 1980
Prediction of Stable Excavations for Mining at Depths Below 1,000 Meters in Hard
Rock, Golder Associates.

POTVIN, Y.,. 1988

Empirical open stope design in Canada. Ph.D. thesis, The University of British


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