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[Las respuestas empiezan en la pagina 7]

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Tu Inglés
Examen 7

[Esta grabación es un proyecto especial de Tu Ingles!

Aprender ingles de oído.]


Welcome to Tu Ingles Exam Number Seven!

Hola y bienvenido a Tu Ingles Examen Numero Siete!

My name is Brian. Soy tu entrenador personal de ingles.

Normally, on Tu Ingles, we exercise your ear for English. Ejercitamos tu oído

para ingles.

Pero hoy, en esta sesión especial de Tu Ingles, vamos a repasar y hacer una
prueba a tus conocimientos de las sesionas 46 hasta 52 de Tu Ingles!

Today, we are going to review English adverbs, pronunciation, informal

contractions, dictated numbers, the word “it” … and, we’re going to listen to
four brainteasers!

There are six sections, with a total of 100 points. Of course, you can listen to
this exam without grading your answers. Puedes escuchar sin calificar tus
Pero te recomiendo bajar en nuestro sitio web las repuestas de los ejercicios.
Esta hoja de soluciones esta disponible, gratis, en

OK, let’s do the exam! Are you ready?

I wish you success!

Te deseo exito!


[Tu Ingles Exam Number 7. Part One. Adverbs.] 10 pts

En este parte, vamos a hacer una prueba de tus conocimientos de los

adverbios en ingles. Estudiamos esto en Tu Ingles Sesion 46.

Si tienes la hoja de soluciones, por favor escriba la traducción de las

siguientes palabras y frases. Hay 10 en total.

Nuestra amiga en Mexico, Cecilia, va a decir algo en español y quiero que lo

traduzcas al ingles. (Ganas un punto por cada traducción correcta. 10 en

Si necesitas tiempo para pensar o escribir en cualquier punto de este examen,

por puesto, puedes apretar el botón de pausa.


1. Recientemente _____________________________

2. Correctamente _____________________________

3. Aquí ________________________

4. Allí __________________________

5. Ahora _________________________

6. Ayer __________________________

7. La expresión “tarde o temprano …” Como dirías eso en ingles?


8. Nunca ___________________________

9. A veces ___________________________

10. Fui a Chile hace un año. ________________________________________


[Tu Ingles Exam Number 7. Part Two. Ear Training.] 20 pts

OK, ahora, vamos a probar tu oído para ingles, como lo hacemos en la sesión
47. Voy a decirte una palabra en ingles, y quiero que elijas en la hoja de
soluciones la palabra correcta. Tendrás que escuchar atentamente, ok?
Porque voy a decirte 10 palabras que tienen homónimos. Ganas dos puntos
por cada respuesta correcta …


[Rodear con un circulo la respuesta correcta]

1. bit beat

2. chip cheap

3. this these

4. slip sleep

5. ship sheep

6. dry try

7. see she

8. hard heart

9. women woman

10. men man


[Tu Ingles Exam Number 7. Part Three. Relaxed Pronunciation.] 20

OK, ahora, revisamos la sesión 48 de Tu Ingles. En esa sesión, estudiamos

“informal contractions” o “relaxed pronunciation.” Recuerdas?

Voy a decirte cinco cosas con pronunciación relajada. En la hoja de

soluciones, tienes que escribir la transcripción correcta, ok? Ganas cuatro
puntos por cada respuesta correcta.


1. _______________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________


[Tu Ingles Exam Number 7. Part Four. Numbers and Dictation.] 20


Very good! Ahora, vamos a ejercitar tu oído para los números en ingles.
Recuerdas la sesión 49, en que Señor Butts le dijo a Cecilia muchos ordenes
con números? Bueno, ahora es tu turno … voy a dictar diez números, y quiero
de los escribas correctamente en la hoja de soluciones, ok?

Ganas dos puntos para cada respuesta correcta.













[Tu Ingles Exam Number 7. Part Five. The Word “It.”] 10 pts

Ahora, una prueba sobre la palabra se podría mantener que es lo mas

importante en ingles. The word “it.” Hablamos de “it” en sesion 52 de Tu

Cecilia va a decirte cinco frases en español, y quiero que traduzcas las frases
al ingles, usando ¨it.¨ Ganas dos puntos para cada respuesta correcta.


1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

5. __________________


[Tu Ingles Exam Number 7. Part Six. Jokes and Brain Teasers] 20 pts

OK, casi hemos terminado este examen. Pero primero, es hora de escuchar
unos “brain teasers” … rompecabezas … como lo hicimos en la sesión 51 de
Tu Ingles.

Escucha las siguientes cuatro rompecabezas, y después elija la solución
correcta en la hoja de soluciones. Ganas 5 puntos para cada respuesta


[Rodear con un circulo la letra de la respuesta correcta]

1. [Brainteaser 1]

A. Because he doesn’t like Americans.

B. Because he makes twice as much money by giving two haircuts rather
than one.
C. Because he charges foreigners more than he charges Americans.

2. [Brainteaser 2]

A. The town is named Friday.

B. The cowboy’s horse is named Friday.
C. The cowboy forgot his calendar.

3. [Brainteaser 3]

A. The woman was clairvoyant.

B. The cup looked familiar.
C. The woman had put sugar in the first cup of coffee.

4. [Brainteaser 4]

A. The police officer looked guilty.

B. The doctor and the lawyer were both women, so the police officer had
to be Bob.
C. The doctor and the lawyer said the policeman did it.



Well, that’s it for this exam, Tu Ingles Exam Number 7.

I hope you did well! Espero que hayas tenido éxito!!

Thanks for listening! Y exito con tu ingles!

Tu Ingles Examen 7

Part 1
[10 puntos total]

1. Recientemente. Recently.
2. Correctamente. Correctly.
3. Aqui. Here.
4. Alli. There.
5. Ahora. Now.
6. Ayer. Yesterday.
7. La expression “tarde o temprano …” Como dirias eso en ingles? “Sooner or
8. Nunca. Never.
9. A veces. Sometimes.
10. Fui a Chile hace un año. I went to Chile a year ago.

Part 2
[20 puntos total]

1. beat (bit, beat)

2. cheap (chip, cheap)

3. these (this, these)

4. sleep (slip, sleep)

5. sheep (ship, sheep)

6. Dry (dry, try)

7. She (see, she)

8. Heart (hard, heart)

9. Women (women, woman)

10. Man (men, man)


Part 3
[20 puntos total]

1. I have to go.

2. What are you doing?

3. Could you help me?

4. Did you eat yet?

5. I’m going to go now.


Part 4
[20 puntos total]



Part 5
[10 puntos total]

1. It is beautiful! Es hermoso!

2. It is hot. Hace calor.

3. It is nine p.m. or It is nine at night. Son las dos de la tarde.

4. It is me! Soy yo!

5. It was a pleasure to see you. Fue un placer verte.


Part 6
[20 puntos total]

1. A barber in New York likes foreign customers to go into his barber shop.
Yesterday he announced, "I prefer to give haircuts to two foreigners than to
one person from the USA." Why would he say this?

A. Because he doesn’t like Americans.

√B. Because he makes twice as much money by giving two haircuts rather
than one.
C. Because he charges foreigners more than he charges Americans.

2. A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for two days, and
then he rode out of town on Friday. How is this possible?

A. The town is named Friday.

√B. The cowboy’s horse is named Friday.
C. The cowboy forgot his calendar.

3. A woman was having coffee at her favorite coffee shop. She noticed there
was an insect in her coffee. When she told the waiter about the insect, he
took the coffee away and then returned with a new cup of coffee. The woman
got upset and told the waiter it was the same cup of coffee as the first. How
did she know?

A. The woman was clairvoyant.

B. The cup looked familiar.
√C. The woman had put sugar in the first cup of coffee.

4. A man was returning home from work. He was about to put his key in the
door when he heard his wife scream, "No, Bob, don't do it!" The man walked
into his house to find his wife dead on the floor. Standing next to her were a
doctor, a lawyer and a police officer. All of them were strangers to the man.
But the man knew the police officer had killed his wife. How did he know?

A. The police officer looked guilty.

√B. The doctor and the lawyer were both women, so the police officer had to be
C. The doctor and the lawyer said the policeman did it.

60-69 Good. Entiendes la mayoría. Solo necesitas mas practica!
70-79 Very good. Manejas bien la materia de sesions 46 – 52.
80-89 Excellent. Tienes un buen oído y entiendes bien la gramática de
90-100 Impressive! Are you sure you aren’t a native English speaker?!


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