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Gordon’s Functional Pattern

Patterns of health Prior to Hospitalization During Analysis and

hospitalization Interpretation

1. Health Perception- Patient JMM is aware Patient JMM cannot A good Perception is
very important to
Health Management that she is asthmatic. She function normally understand others.
Conflicts occur
maintains a healthy body like before because of
because we fail to
by exercising and doing her confinement and perceive others
correctly. Like the
household chores. She is her hospital importance of having
medical check-ups at
smoking. She is allergic condition. Her body least twice a year
sometimes is
to amoxicillin. Her image changed due to
misinterpret or
family has a history of surgical procedure unappreciated by
bronchial asthma on done. Now, she is
father side and breast aware that monitoring
cancer on mother side. of health condition is
very important and
needs to have a

consultation at least

twice a year.

2.Nutritional- Patient JMM’s life before During • An

Metabolic her pre confinement hospitalization, the individual’s

Management stage was normal, she patient is in health status

can eat whatever she parenteral nutrition greatly affects

wants. which is nutriflex. eating habits and

nutritional status

(Fundamentals of

Nursing by

Oozier p. 1178).

The patient was

brought to the

hospital because

of difficulty of


3.Elimination Pattern Bowel Bowel Change in

elimination is
Patient JMM defecates Patient defecates two due to food
two times a day without times a day but not

experiencing every day.

(Kozier and Erb’s
discomforts, usually
Fundamentals of
morning and afternoon.
Nursing, 8th
Stool is brown in color
edition, volume
and is well-formed.
2, page

Bladder Bladder 1288)amount

Patient JMM voids Patient voids 3-4

usually 6-8 times a day. times a day without

Urine is yellow in color. pain and discomfort.

No pain when voiding.

4. Activity, Leisure In the morning, Patient Patient JMM's The physically

and Recreation Pattern JMM’s daily activities. activities in the active person

Her leisure activities hospitals are deep has positive self-

include watching breathing exercise concept, more

television programs and and personal hygiene self-esteem and

listening to music. She is but needs assistance more positive

independent in her as well as in her "moods" and

personal hygiene, ability to take "affects”.

toileting, eating, medications, toileting (http://www.ame

communication, and and eating.

ability to take medicines esenter.jhtml?


5. Sleep and Rest Patient JMM puts herself Patient JMM has a “Illness that causes

Pattern to sleep by watching disturbance in her pain or physical

primetime television sleep pattern due to distress can result

programs. She usually the pain she felt in in sleep problems.

sleeps by 10 pm and her Chest Tube People who are ill

rarely completes the 8 Thoracostomy site require more sleep

hours of sleep. She thinks than normal and the

that her energy is normal rhythm and

sufficient for her wakefulness is

activities. often disturbed.”

(Fundamentals of
Nursing, 7th ed by

Barbara Kozier, et

al, p. 1117). There

is disruption of the

sleep-wake cycle

because of the

patient’s disease.

6. Cognitive- Patient can read and Because of Patient Cognitive-

Perceptual Pattern write. JMM’s present factors are the
She can speak and motivating
mechanisms for
understood by others. she is unable to write acquisition and
maintenance of
and has difficulty of
health promoting
speaking. behaviors”




7. Self-Perception- Patient JMM is a friendly She doesn’t consider “Events or

Self-Concept Pattern person; She loves to herself as a holistic situations may

socialize with her friends person. She thinks change the level of

in their neighborhood. that she can't function self concept over

She considered herself as well than before. time. Illness and

a holistic human being as trauma can also

long as she complete, affect the self-

healthy and her family is concept.”

always there for her. She (Fundamentals of

wants to have good Nursing 7th ed by

health and live her life to Barbara Kozier

the fullest. p.959 & 962)

8. Role Relationship Patient can clearly Patient JMM's family An individual’s

ability to function
express herself. She has supports her and did normally in the
routines of daily
one daughter. She lived not leave her alone as
living, experience
with her family. Patient well as her friend symptom relief, and
fulfill usual roles in
is active and usually visits her. personal
relationships and in
socializes with her family, work, civic,
and social
interactions is use to
measure quality of

9. Sexuality- Patient JMM is married, The patient doesn’t Patterns of

satisfaction or
Reproductive Pattern after having one child, perform sexual dissatisfaction with
sexuality; describes
she’s not sexually active activity.
reproductive pattern
anymore, still don’t have
plans of bearing child.






10. Coping and Stress When patient JMM is The recent According to

Tolerance stressed, she prefers to hospitalization was a Folkman and

sleep. When it comes to traumatic experience Lazaruz, coping

problem, she let herself for patient JMM, is “the cognitive

think immediately for a there have been many and behavioral

solution. changes occurred that effort to manage

made it difficult for specific external

her to adjust. and/or internal

demands that are

appraised as

taxing or

exceeding the

resources of the


entals Of Nursing

by Kozier P.


11. Values-Belief Patient JMM is a Roman According to the Cultural values affect
Pattern Catholic. But does not patient, there are no behavior, attitudes,
and beliefs about
regularly attending a practices that affect health care and
treatment, as well as
Sunday mass. her hospitalization.
expectations of
She follow health care providers.

therapeutic regimen (http://www.stanfo

and a strong faith to

God accounts for her oger/americanindi

fast progress. an.html)

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