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©2014 Poultry Science Association, Inc.

Function of the digestive system1

Birger Svihus2

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, PO Box 5003, N-1432 Aas, Norway

Primary Audience: Academic Nutritionists, Industrial Nutritionists

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The tremendous amounts of feed handled by commercial poultry breeds require an optimally
functioning digestive tract. Functionality of the different segments of the digestive tract may
be affected by diet and feeding systems, however. Retention time, moisture content, and pH of
contents in the crop are, to a large extent, determined by feeding systems, where intermittent
feeding is necessary for a stimulation of crop use. Retention time and pH of the gizzard contents
are similarly affected by access to structural components, such as whole cereals or coarse fibers.
These materials will stimulate normal development of the gizzard, increase retention time, and
decrease pH. less is known about characteristics of an optimally functioning small intestine,
but stimulation of gizzard development will possibly improve functionality of the small in-
testine through a better feed flow regulation. Functionality of the digestive tract will possibly
have a large effect on response to dietary manipulations (e.g., enzyme and pre- or probiotics
addition), and therefore needs to be taken into consideration in experimental design and results

Key words: crop storage, gizzard function, cecum, passage rate

2014 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 23:306–314

INTRODUCTION It is logical to assume that this high produc-

tion rate, and thus high feed intake, makes the
The digestive tract of the modern chicken has digestive tract vulnerable to impaired function-
had to adapt to tremendous changes due to in- ality. The impaired functionality can be due to
tensive breeding for number of eggs for layers insufficient development of the digestive tract,
and growth rate for broiler chickens. A 30-d-old or it can be due to external factors, such as mi-
male broiler chicken, for example, consumes croflora or insufficiencies in the feed. In severe
around 10% of its live weight per day, and the cases of impaired functionality it may be easy
digestive tract will thus have to handle slightly to observe this dysfunction, for example where
over 7 g of feed per hour. To put this in perspec- Clostridium perfringens has resulted in necrosis
tive, a 75-kg person would have to eat more of the digestive tract wall, or where a total lack
than 450 g per hour during the 16 awake hours of structural component has resulted in a dilat-
to have an equal food intake relative to BW, or ed proventriculus and a nonfunctional gizzard.
equivalent to 1 loaf of bread. However, in many cases, a suboptimal function-

Presented as a part of the Informal Nutrition Symposium “From Research Measurements to Application: Bridging the Gap”
at the Poultry Science Association’s annual meeting in San Diego, California, July 22–25, 2013.
Corresponding author:

ality may take place without such conspicuous feeding, and is not involved in feed intake regu-
signs of malfunction. In nutritional sciences, a lation [2]. Ad libitum feeding will thus probably
very important task is to assess performance and discourage use of the crop. Although large vari-
digestibility when different feeds and additives ations among individual birds were observed,
are used. An impaired digestibility may be due data from our laboratory have confirmed that ad
to the nature of the diets, or it may be due to a libitum-fed broiler chickens do not use the crop
dysfunctional digestive tract. Thus, it is impor- to any significant extent [4]. Instead of storing
tant to understand what characterizes a func- feed in the crop, they eat small meals approxi-
tional digestive tract when birds shall be used mately every half an hour [5]. Even though more
for dietary assessment. Also, it is important to be data are needed, this indicates that ad libitum-

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aware that conditions of the experiment may af- fed birds will adapt a habit of letting feed bypass
fect functionality. For example, it is well known the crop. When birds are trained to intermittent
that mash diets will result in a far lower feed feeding, however, feed intake changes to meal-
intake than when pelleted diets are used, as in type feeding, which involves transient storage of
commercial practice. The lower feed intake will large quantities of feed in the crop. Boa-Ampon-
result in a lower demand on the digestive tract, sem et al. [6] also found negligible amounts of
and thus may give unrealistically high digest- feed materials in the crop of ad libitum-fed fast-
ibility values. and slow-growing broilers, whereas intermittent
In general, the digestive tract of poultry is feeding resulted in significantly increased crop
similar to other animal species. The feed mate- contents. Barash et al. [7] showed that birds
rial is ingested, moisturized, ground into small adapted to 2 meals per day were able to con-
particles, acidified, and attacked by endogenous sume approximately 40% of the daily intake of
enzymes. The macronutrients are broken down ad libitum-fed birds during each meal. It has
into monosaccharides, dipeptides and amino been shown that broiler chickens use both the
acids, free fatty acids, and monoglycerides that crop and the proventriculus or gizzard as storage
can be absorbed. However, bird-specific pecu- organs for food when adapted to long periods of
liarities exist, as described herein. food deprivation [8]. Barash et al. [9] observed a
significant increase in weight and feed-holding
CROP FUNCTION capacity of both crop and gizzard when chicks
The food is not moisturized and ground in the were fed meals 1 or 2 times per day instead of
mouth, but is rather swallowed without any con- ad libitum. Thus, Buyse et al. [8] and Svihus et
siderable processing (except in some species, al. [10] still found considerable amounts of feed
where the outer shell of some seeds is removed). in the crop of broiler chickens 5 and 4 h after last
After swallowing, the feed can either enter the feeding, respectively. In a recent unpublished
crop or pass directly to the proventriculus or giz- experiment, 33-d-old broiler chickens adapted
zard when this section of the digestive tract is to intermittent feeding in average had around 40
empty [1]. The storage capacity of the gizzard g of feed DM in their crop 1 h after commence-
is usually limited to a maximum of 5 to 10 g of ment of feeding, and the average amount was
feed, and thus storage in the crop is required if still 10 g 5 h later.
large quantities of feed are to be consumed. Al- This serves to explain the main role of the
though the extent to which feed entered the crop crop, namely as a transient store for ingested
varied greatly among individual birds, 50% of food. This is a necessity for birds, as the stom-
the diet eaten in the morning after an overnight ach region (the proventriculus and gizzard) does
fast and in the afternoon before darkness, on not have a large storage capacity. The crop is
average, entered the crop [2]. Observations of not thought to have any direct nutritional roles,
commercial broilers on ad libitum feeding have as it does not secrete enzyme and considerable
shown that they eat in a semicontinuous manner absorption has not been reported. However, a
[3], and that the crop is not used to its maximal considerable moisturization takes place there,
capacity under such conditions. In fact, the crop which may aid the grinding and enzymatic di-
is mainly thought to have a role as a storage or- gestion further down the digestive tract. Also,
gan for birds under situations of discontinuous any exogenous enzymes and other components
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that are activated by moisturization will poten- which will aid in the grinding process due to its
tially be able to exert their effect in the crop. Re- sand-paper-like surface. Grinding activity and
sults indicate that the contents of the crop are the regulation of this activity in the gizzard has
gradually moistened; reaching 50% moisture been described in detail by Duke [14], and will
within approximately 60 min [4]. As the crop only be briefly outlined herein. Also, a detailed
is the only segment of the digestive tract where overview of function of the gizzard has recently
water content may be a limiting factor for en- been published [15]. The grinding cycle begins
zyme activity, the time needed for soaking may with contraction of the thin muscles, followed
be a critical factor in determining the efficacy by opening of the pylorus and a powerful peri-
of an exogenous enzyme, provided that the crop staltic contraction in the duodenum. The pair of

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is indeed a major site of enzyme activity. In the thick muscles contracts immediately after com-
crop, large variations in pH have been observed. mencement of the duodenal contraction, which
In several experiments, pH has been found to be results in some gastric material being pushed
above 6, whereas a pH between 4.5 and 5.9 has in an aborad direction into the duodenum and
been observed in other experiments. Feeds for some material being pushed in an orad direction
monogastrics are usually reported to have a pH into the proventriculus. As the thick muscles
varying between 5.5 and 6.5 (e.g., [11]). Thus, begin to relax, the proventriculus contracts and
it is reasonable to assume that once feed enters returns content to the gizzard. This contraction
the crop, pH will be similar to that of the feed. cycle takes place up to 4 times per minute and
However, a prolonged retention time in the crop grinds material due to rubbing against the koi-
is associated with a considerable fermentation lin layer on the inside of the gizzard and against
activity, which produces organic acids and re- other particles in the gizzard during contraction
duces pH [12]. Thus, different retention times, of the large muscles, whereas the small muscles
and therefore different extents of fermentation, move material toward the grinding zones be-
may explain pH variation among experiments. tween contractions of the large muscles. This
In accordance with this, Bolton [13] observed grinding cycle is why the proventriculus and
that the pH dropped as retention time increased, gizzard must be considered as one compartment
but only for chick feed and not for layer feeds, in regards to digestive function, where material
the latter having a higher initial pH and a much flows rather rapidly through the proventriculus,
higher buffering capacity, presumably due to but will potentially be refluxed back into the
higher calcium carbonate content. Our unpub- proventriculus repeatedly during gizzard con-
lished results showed that crop contents col- tractions. Jackson and Duke [2] reported that
lected from meal-fed broiler chickens 2 h after feed material may bypass the gizzard when this
feeding had an average pH of 4.8. Thus, it is segment is empty. In an experiment where grow-
clear that functionality of the crop is to a large ing turkeys were fed a finely ground diet after a
extent dependent on feeding systems or feeding 10-h fast, the small intestine was filled with feed
behavior, which subsequently will influence di- within 25 min from commencement of feeding.
etary effects. Svihus et al. [10] also reported that considerable
amounts of feed had passed the gizzard within
PROVENTRICULUS 30 min of feeding.
AND GIZZARD FUNCTION Mean retention time in the proventriculus
and gizzard has been estimated to vary between
The proventriculus and gizzard are the true half an hour and an hour [16–18]. This seems
stomach compartments of birds, where hydro- to be in accordance with results by Svihus et
chloric acid and pepsinogen are secreted by the al. [10], where 50% of the marker in feed eaten
proventriculus and mixed with contents due to during 10 min had passed the gizzard within 2
muscular movements in the gizzard. However, h. It has been reported that the volume of the
the gizzard has an important additional function gizzard may increase substantially when struc-
in grinding feed material, as this is not done in tural components are added to the diet, some-
the mouth. Thus, the gizzard contains strongly times increasing to more than double the origi-
myolinated muscles and has a koilin layer, nal size [19, 20]. Although it has been reported

that larger particles are selectively retained in be expected to result in an elevated gizzard pH
the gizzard [21], and that passage rate of a non- unless gastric juice secretion is able to increase
structural marker, such as titanium oxide, is the in accordance with intake. This is probably the
same independent of diet structure [10], it is ob- main reason why gizzard pH is reported to be
vious that mean retention time of feed particles higher with pelleted diets when compared with
will increase substantially with increasing diet mash diets [38, 41, 42], although less structure
structure. If retention time is close to 1 h when due to the grinding effect of pelleting will also
a standard commercial diet with few structural contribute to this effect [41, 43]. As reviewed ex-
components is fed, mean retention time can be tensively by Svihus [15], the increase in the size
assumed to approach 2 h if gizzard development of the gizzard when the diet contains structural

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is stimulated by added structural components. components in the form of coarse fibers or cere-
Interestingly, Rougière and Carré [22] found als improves digestive function both through an
that retention time of chromium-mordanted sun- increased retention time, a lower pH, and better
flower hulls in the gizzard was 4 times longer grinding. This, probably combined with a better
than for titanium oxide. Also, retention time was synchronization of feed flow, has been shown to
much higher for broiler chickens genetically se- improve nutrient utilization.
lected for high digestibility. The former demon-
strates the tremendous ability of the gizzard to SMALL INTESTINAL FUNCTION
selectively retain large and tough particles while
letting small and soluble particles pass very rap- The small intestine is the site for most diges-
idly. tion and practically all absorption of nutrients.
The gastric juice secreted from the proven- The first part of this segment is the duodenal
triculus has been reported to have a pH around 2 loop. Although this segment ends at the outlet of
[23]. However, the amount, retention time, and the pancreatic and bile ducts, the acidic contents
chemical characteristics of the feed in the giz- from the gizzard are mixed with bile and pan-
zard or proventriculus area will result in a more creatic juices through gastroduodenal refluxes
variable and usually higher pH. In a recent ex- during the very short retention here [23], esti-
periment at our laboratory, for example, the pH mated by Noy and Sklan [44] to be less than 5
of gizzard contents from broiler chickens varied min. Consequently, pH quickly rises to a level
between 1.9 and 4.5, with an average value of above 6 [45] and the process of digestion starts.
3.5. As summarized by Svihus [15], most of the Sklan et al. [46] reported that 95% of the fat
recent average values recorded for broiler chick- was digested in the duodenum. Although Duke
ens are reported to be between 3 and 4 for nor- [23] claimed that no histologically distinct seg-
mal pelleted diets. Older data, however, reports ment exists posterior to the duodenum, the adja-
pH values between 2 and 3 [24–28], although a cent segment that ends at the yolk sack residue
similar low pH has been reported more recently (Meckel’s diverticulum) is usually referred to as
as well [5, 29, 30]. Due to the high calcium car- the jejunum. This segment has a key role, as all
bonate content in the diet, pH values for gizzard the major nutrients are to a large extent digested
contents are commonly between 4 and 5 for lay- and absorbed here. The prominent role is reflect-
er hens [31–33], although a pH around 3.5 has ed in the fact that the empty weight of this seg-
also been reported for laying hens [34]. ment is usually 20 to 50% higher than the ileum
It has been shown repeatedly that when struc- [47, 48]. Despite the large size, retention time in
tural components, such as whole or coarsely this segment is usually reported to be only 40 to
ground cereals, or fiber materials, such as hulls 60 min, which is approximately half the reten-
or wood shavings, are added, the pH of the giz- tion time of the ileum [22, 49]. The shorter reten-
zard content decreases by a magnitude of 0.2 to tion time despite a 25% larger holding capacity
1.2 units [5, 30, 33, 35–40]. The logical explana- [47] is a logical consequence of a larger amount
tion for this is the increased gizzard volume and of material entering this segment compared with
thus a longer retention time, which allows for the ileum. It has been demonstrated that absorp-
more hydrochloric acid secretion. As feed usual- tion of digestion products from fat [44, 46, 50],
ly has a pH close to neutral, high feed intake can starch [51], and protein [44, 52] are to a large
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extent completed by the end of the jejunum. ing out the histological assessment should not be
The ileum is the last segment of the small in- aware of the treatment), and a method to ensure
testine and ends at the ileo-ceco-colic junction. a random selection of area to measure should be
Despite the fact that the length of this segment in place. This is seldom—if ever—reported in
is approximately the same as the jejunum [50], methods description for these kinds of assess-
weight is much lower, as discussed previously. ments.
Although some digestion and absorption of fat,
protein, and starch may take place, this segment FUNCTION OF THE CECA
is mainly thought to play a role as a site for wa-
ter and mineral absorption. It has been shown, The pair of ceca found in domesticated poul-

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however, that the ileum may play a significant try species (except pigeons) is also a unique fea-
role for digestion and absorption of starch in ture of the poultry digestive tract, and ceca of
fast-growing broiler chickens. Zimonja and Svi- various sizes and forms can be observed in most
hus [53] found starch digestibility of pelleted avian species [56]. An extensive review of ceca
wheat diets to increase from 81 to 98% from il- function has recently been published [57] and
eum to excreta, and Svihus et al. [43] observed will be the basis for this short overview.
starch digestibility to increase from 91 to 99% The pair of ceca is located at the junction
from the anterior third to the posterior third of of the ileum and colon as elongated blind sacs
the ileum. Likewise, Hurwitz et al. [50] found directed along the ileum [25]. The ceca in gal-
some fat absorption to take place in the ileum. liformes are usually long and particularly well
Due to the fact that most the feed DM has been developed with a constricted proximal portion,
absorbed, the passage through this segment is measured by Clarke [58] to be 1 to 2 mm wide
much slower than through the jejunum, as dis- in 3-wk-old chickens, which join the colon just
cussed previously. distal to the muscular ring separating the ileum
Changes in functionality of the small intes- from the colon. Duke [59] and Duke et al. [60]
tine are more difficult to assess. Weight of the observed cecal emptying twice per day, on aver-
small intestine is sometimes recorded, but ef- age, in turkeys, at dawn and midafternoon. Due
fects are often not seen and interpretation of to the infrequent emptying, retention time in the
changes is often difficult. More interesting is ceca will usually be long, as indicated by the fact
to assess changes in the intestinal function by that cecal content was not significantly reduced
histological approaches, and numerous such after 24 h of food deprivation [61, 62]. Apart
studies have been carried out, not the least to from during voiding of fecal and cecal material,
study interactions between pro- and prebiotics continuous antiperistaltic movements of the co-
and intestinal function. However, as stated by lon have been observed, and these antiperistaltic
Yamauchi [54] in a review of the topic, a clear movements will transport material from the anal
understanding of the relationship between the opening or the coprodeum into the ceca in a very
morphology and function of the intestine is, to short time. It appears that the types of material
a large extent, lacking. Whereas it is often as- that enter the ceca are finely ground particles
sumed that an increased villus height is an in- or soluble, low-molecular weight, non-viscous
dication of improved function (e.g., [55]), it has molecules of ileal and renal origin. One impor-
been demonstrated that ileal villi may enlarge as tant function of the ceca is electrolyte and water
a consequence of a dysfunctional jejunum (e.g., absorption, for which the ceca have been de-
due to resection of this section) [54]; thus, an scribed as the quantitatively most important seg-
increased villi height may also be a consequence ment of the gut. Thomas [63], in his comprehen-
of an increased need for digestive capacity. Also, sive review of water and electrolyte absorption
although this is surprisingly rarely discussed, in the fowl, stated that net water absorption in
the method used for selection of the intestinal the gut does not occur until after the ileum, and
segment for measurement is not always clear. is mainly due to reabsorption of electrolytes and
To avoid systematic errors due to a conscious or water of intestinal and renal origin in the ceca. It
subconscious desire to find what is expected, the was estimated that 36% of the water and 75% of
assessment should be blinded (the person carry- the sodium of renal origin were absorbed from

the lower digestive tract, with the ceca being the ing may therefore have particularly detrimental
most important organ. Although the quantitative effects when no structural components exist in
importance is uncertain, it is also possible that the diet, resulting in a small and under-devel-
the ceca can play a role in recycling of renal ni- oped gizzard. Environmental conditions may
trogen. be important in this context, as birds will com-
The functionality of the ceca is to a very large pensate for lack of structural components in the
extent affected by diet, and the ceca enlarge as a diet, to some extent, by eating litter materials,
consequence of an increased amount of ferment- such as wood shavings, if available [31, 67]. As
able material in the diet. An extreme example pelleted diets are used commercially for broiler
is the willow ptarmigan, where the ceca is 30% chicken, this means that the use of mash diets

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longer in the winter as a consequence of a more under experimental conditions may not reflect
fiber-rich diet [64], but even in turkeys a 25% the commercial reality in terms of digestibility
longer ceca containing twice the amount of DM and digestive function.
has been observed after adaptation to a high-
fiber diet [60]. RESPONSE TO ADDITIVES
Based on this information, it is logical that AND DIGESTIVE TRACT
functionality of the digestive tract may have a
large effect on response to different dietary ma-
nipulations. Some examples of significant inter- Apart from the effect of feed intake, changes
actions between dietary responses and digestive in functionality of the digestive tract due to diet
tract functionality will be further discussed. structure and feeding system, for example, may
also affect results in numerous other ways. Two
FORM OF FEED AND DIGESTIVE prominent examples are effects of exogenous
TRACT FUNCTIONALITY enzymes and pre- or probiotics.
Exogenous enzymes added to the diet must
One important factor is the form of the feed, exert their effect during the short time from
which to a large extent will determine feed in- when the feed is moistened in the anterior di-
take. Pelleting of the diet will usually increase gestive tract to the point that feed residues have
feed intake of broiler chickens by 10 to 20% [41, passed the small intestine. In addition, the range
65], and thus will increase the demands on an of pH encountered in the digestive tract must be
already high-performing digestive system. An relevant for its activity and must not threaten its
increase in digestibility when diets were given stability. Furthermore, the enzyme must be able
as mash compared with pellets was observed to withstand the digestive processes to function,
by Svihus and Hetland [66] and indicates that not the least activity of host digestive proteases.
pelleting may cause an overload of the digestive This complicated matrix of conditions will de-
system. Engberg et al. [41] found significantly termine the scale and variation of activity of an
higher levels of digestive enzymes when diets enzyme added to the diet and, thus, its biological
were given as mash compared with pellets, and effects. Therefore, it is essential to understand
also showed that pelleted diets resulted in a much these digestive conditions and how they may
more poorly developed gizzard than when mash vary in order to predict the beneficial potential
diets were given. Thus, as the gizzard probably of added enzymes. Most exogenous enzymes
has an important role as a feed-flow regulator have an optimum pH between 4 and 6 [68, 69],
[15], it is possible that the combined effect of a but great variation may exist between different
high feed intake and a low gizzard-stimulating sources of enzymes, which results in catalytic
effect increases the risk of a too-rapid passage activity at both lower and higher pH. Ding et
of material through the digestive tract. This fits al. [70], for example, showed that the specific
with conclusions made by Rougière and Carré xylanase studied maintained more than 50% of
[22], who concluded that retention time in the its maximum activity at a pH of 3. The slightly
proventriculus or gizzard was a major limiting acidic pH optimum is one of the reasons for the
factor for digestion in broiler chickens based on assumption that the crop and the gizzard are the
passage studies. A high feed intake due to pellet- most important sites of activity for exogenous
312 JAPR: Symposium

enzymes [71, 72]. In that case, it is obvious that plication both for commercial diet for-
functionality of both the crop and the gizzard mulation and under experimental condi-
may have a large effect on responses to enzyme tions is still not fully appreciated.
supplementation. Intermittent feeding will in- 3. Intermittent feeding is necessary to en-
crease retention time and decrease pH of the sure that all birds in a flock are making
crop, and structural components will increase use of the crop as an intermediate stor-
retention time and decrease pH in the gizzard, age organ.
as discussed previously. In accordance with this, 4. Although the moisturization that takes
Svihus et al. [4] reported that supplemental phy- place during retention of material in the
tase was able to degrade 50% of the phytic acid crop may contribute to a higher digest-

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during 100 min of retention in the crop of broiler ibility, a significant effect of retention
chickens. Despite this, an experiment designed for performance and digestion still needs
to increase retention time in the crop and gizzard to be demonstrated.
failed to demonstrate any improved efficacy of 5. Despite the crucial role of the small in-
phytase [5]. testine for digestion and absorption and
Responses to prebiotics may particularly be the critical importance of maximal func-
affected by the extent to which the feed is re- tionality due to a very short retention
tained in the crop. An acidifier will, for example, time, the characteristics of an optimally
both potentially affect efficacy of exogenous en- functioning small intestine are still not
zymes and potentially affect microflora prolif- completely clear.
eration. Similarly, efficacy of probiotics may be 6. Functional importance and criteria for
strongly affected by functionality of the anterior assessing optimal functionality of the
digestive tract. An increased retention time in the ceca are lacking to a large extent.
crop may cause a proliferation of the added mi- 7. As functionality of the digestive tract
croflora and may affect pH. Similarly, but with is affected to a large extent by both diet
opposite effects, a well-functioning gizzard may characteristics and feeding management,
reduce survivability of the probiotics through an interpretation of studies designed to as-
increased retention time and a decreased pH. sess nutritional effects should always
Functionality of the posterior digestive tract take these factors into consideration.
may also be affected by functionality of the giz-
zard due to structural components, as discussed REFERENCES AND NOTES
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