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Group member’s Name ID NO

1. G/wahd Arefayne RET 3238/07

2. Zenawi Hayelom RET 4517 /07

3.Selam Brhane RET 4076/07

Submitted To: Industrial control Engineering Stream

Date of Submission :23/07/2011E.C

Adigrat, Tigray, Ethiopia

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

The Project ‘Automatic Room Light Controller Using microcontroller PIC16f877A and
bidirectional visitor counter’ controls a room light as well as count the number of
individuals entering and leaving a room. When an individual enters into a room then
one counter is incremented by one and one light in a room will be switched ON and
when the individuals leaves a room then the counter is decremented by one. Lights will
turn OFF when all the individuals go out of a room. The total number of individuals
present inside a room is also displayed on the LCD display. IR sensors and
microcontroller does above job. IR sensors sense the obstruction and microcontroller
receives the signals produced by the obstruction from the sensors. The received signal is
operated via program stored in ROM of Microcontroller.

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................. i
List of figures ....................................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................................ iv
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Statement of the problem ............................................................................................................................... 1
3. Objectives of the project.................................................................................................................................. 2
3.1 General Objective ...................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Specific objective ....................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Literature review .............................................................................................................................................. 2
5.Methodology ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Block diagram of the project............................................................................................................................ 5
7. Scope of the project ......................................................................................................................................... 5
8. Flow chart of the project.................................................................................................................................. 6
9. Significance of the Project ............................................................................................................................... 7
10. Material required ........................................................................................................................................... 8
11. Time plan ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
12. Budget/Cost Breakdown .............................................................................................................................. 10
Reference............................................................................................................................................................ 11

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

List of figures

FIGURE 5.1 METHODOLOGY OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................... 4

FIGURE 6.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................. 5

FIGURE 8.1 FLOW CHART OF THE PROJECT........................................................................................ 6

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

List of Tables

TABLE 1: TIME SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................ 8

TABLE 2: NAME OF MATERIAL WITH COST....................................................................................... 9

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

1. Introduction
The project title is ‘‘Automatic room light controller with bidirectional visitor countor”.Electricity
is one of the most important in this time. We should conserve the electricity. But many times we
come outside the room and forget to turn off the light.Thus the electricity is wasted. To overcome
this we are going to implement a projcet called ‘‘automatic room light controller with bidirectional
visitor countor”. This project has two modules. First module is ‘‘Bidirectional visitor countor”.
The other module is ‘‘Automatic room light controller”. Main concept behind this project is to
count and display the number of person entering in any room like seminar hall, conference room,
and cinema room. And when the number of persons inside the room is zero, power supply inside
the room can be cut using arelay interface. This will help to save electricity.LCD display is placed
outside the room displays number of person inside the room. Also if at all one wants to know the
number of people present in the room so as not to have congestion, this circuit proves to be helpful.
To avoid all such situations the researchers are motivated to design project called “Automatic
room light controller with visitor counter”. This project has two modules, first one is known as
“Digital Visitor counter” and second module is known as “Automatic room light controller”.
Main concept behind this project is known as “Visitor counter, close and open the door”
which count the number of persons entering in any room like seminar hall, conference
room, classroom.

2. Statement of the problem

In recent years the energy crisis has become one problem which the whole world must
confront. Home power consumption makes up the largest part of energy consumption in
the world. In particular, the power consumption of lamps in a typical home is a factor
which can’t be ignored. People sometimes lazy to switch OFF the light because they
think it is not a big problem especially those who are late/in hurry to go to work.
Sometimes the light still ON even it is a day because nobody at home at that time to
turn the light off. These factors cause energy waste. The other problem overcrowded of
peoples in different general houses, such as in cinema house , meeting halls, and in sport
venue. Difficulty of disability peoples who have not ability to open & close door,
miscounting of peoples who present in a particular area or room.

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

so, this project is proposed to reduce or to fix the problem. The lighting control can turn ON and
OFF the light automatically. By that way, owner/user does not have to trouble himself to switch
ON or off manually and at the same time, power consumption can be decreased. And also it
is used to count the number of entering and existing peoples automatically.

3. Objectives of the project

3.1 General Objective
To design controlling mechanism that prevents wastage of electric energy in class
rooms and meeting halls.

3.2 Specific objective

The specific objective of this study is:
A. To make a controller based model to count number of persons visiting particular
room, open & close the door and accordingly light up the room using IR sensors.
B. To increase the life time of the luminaire devices.
C. To design a switching device for switching the lighting load ON/OFF in order to
save electrical energy.
D. To integrate the hardware and software in order to simulate the function of a
basic automatic room light controller with visitor counter.
E. To simulate the system to evaluate the overall performance by using appropriate

4. Literature review

This chapter reviews some reference from previous project, journal, articles, and book and
data sheets. A brief discussion of each work has been discussed and critiques and limitation of
each work are also explained. It highlights briefly some of the light control designs that have
been made using different control modules that have been made previously. Although not same
but many related work have been done by many researchers. Some of the papers have been
studied and described below. Matta S. and Mahmud S. (2010). An intelligent light control system
for power saving, [1]. The main purpose of the project is automation, saving electricity,

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

increasing appliance life span and yet providing a desired output smartly. Subhankar Chattoraj ,
Aditya Chakraborty et al [2016] has done a “Bidirectional Visitor Counter with Automatic Room
Light Controller and Arduino as the master controller[2]. This paper gives the basic idea of how
to control the bidirectional visitor counter and room light counter using Arduino Mega and
Ardiono(IDE). The cost of this technology is very economical. Sonali K. Pawar et al [2016] has
done a “automatic room light controller using microcontroller and visitor counter ”[3].This
digital world Technology is very advanced and we prefer things to be done automatically without
any human efforts. This project also helps to reduce human efforts. Also it is very useful to
conserve resources.E.Shilpa et al[2017] has done a” Implementation of Automatic Room Light
Controller with Visitor Counter Design using 8051 Microcontroller”[4]. This project compacts
with the usage of the energy in this competitive world of electricity. This project is well-
organized enough to let someone know about the accuracy of the person. But, in our project we
will solve some problems from the above journalists by identifying the light intensity using the
LDR sensor during the day time and night time. Mean that when we see during the day time the
LDR sensor senses the light intensity, then if it is much enough it turns off automatically. So, by
this reason we reduce the power consumption.

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

The methodology employed and consideration take into account for this project. It
begins with the discussion of the project methodology, followed by system design
procedure, techniques and tools utilized in this work.

❖ Project descriptions
❖ Block diagram
❖ Design procedures
❖ Conclusion

Problem statement

Literature review

Over all study the system and design


Data collection and analysis

Testing and software design

Conclusion and recommendation


Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

6. Block diagram of the project

Power supply



IR sensor LCD
Exist Micro controller
IR sensor


sensor Light


7. Scope of the project

This project is designed for Filing office work, General office and class rooms for evening and day
time with light intensity by using single microcontroller. So the system can be used in villages,
towns and city for the costumers of electricity. In our simulation we will use PIC16f877A
Microcontroller. in our project if we get enough material from the university, we are happy to try
the hard ware to implementation part.

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

8. Flow chart of the project


No No
Is any person
Is any person inside the door

yes outside the yes

Counter decrease

Open door
Counter set to zero

Counter increase Close door

Is intensity of yes De active relay

light enough

Turn off light

Active relay

Turn on light



Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

9. Significance of the Project

The design and simulation of automatic room light controller with visitor counter is
used to develop a smart system which provide energy efficient and automatically
controlled room lighting, in addition to it help us to count the number of persons present
in the room, open and close the door without human involvement. This project up on
completion and successful implementation play a crucial role in:
Various rooms like seminar hall, conference hall where the capacity of room is limited
and should not be exceeded by displaying the actual number of persons inside the room
A. Class rooms, study rooms in colleges, to take count the accurate number of students
in the class room and control the room light accordingly.
B. Our homes because many times we come out of our bedroom or any other room and
we forgot to turn off the room light.
C. Cinema halls to count the number of person entering inside. So that these places
should not get over crowded to avoid congestion.

D. Human efforts to count the number of persons is eliminated. Since this project does the
automatic person counting with the help of two sensors installed on door frame.

E. Human efforts to open and close the door is eliminated.

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

10. Material required

In our project we need the following materials listed below.

1. Micro controller pic16f877a 10. Breadboard

2. Power full computer 11. Bulb

3. 16x2 LCD 12. IR sensor

4. Push button 13. LDR sensor

5. Servo motor 14. Capacitor 30 micro farad

6. 10 Kilo ohm resistor 15. 5BC547 transistor

7. 1 kilo ohm resistor 16. Diode

8. Connecting wire and jumper wire 17. Crystal oscillator

9. Power supply /12V Battery (option 18. Relay

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

11. Time plan


April April May May May June

NO 1st -2nd 3rd -4th 1st -2nd 3rd 4th 1st
Week Week week Week Week Week

1. Time organize and

topic selection
2. Literature serving
on project
3. Composition of
overall writing
thesis project
4. Working for
overall project in
detail body part
5. Proof a project on
proto type with
micro controller
and conclusion
6. Presentation and

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

12. Budget/Cost Breakdown

✓ Material requirement with price in our thesis project

Table 2: Name of Material with cost

NO Hard ware Quantity Cost in birr

1 Micro controller pic16f877a 1 950
2 Power full computer 1 25000
3 16x2 LCD 1 634

4 Push button 3 200

5 Servo motor 1 300

6 10 Kilo ohm resistor 3 600

7 1 kilo ohm resistor 2 200

8 Connecting wire and jumper wire 175

9 Power supply /12V Battery (option) / 1 270/108

10 Breadboard 1 300

11 Bulb 2 80

12 IR sensor 2 400

13 LDR sensor 1 250

14 Capacitor 30 micro farad 2 80

15 5BC547 transistor 1 20

16 Diode 1 40

17 Crystal oscillator 1 290

18 Relay 1 50
19 Estimated Total amount for this project 29,549

Automatic room light controller with visitor counter April 01,2019

[1] Matta S. and Mahmud S. (2010). An intelligent light control system for power saving, in the
proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 3316-3321.
Glendale. (USA)
[2] Gunturkun, R. (2003). Feedforward and Elman Feedback Harmonics Compensation
Using Artificial Neural Networks. PhD thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied
Sciences, Sakarya. Turkey
[3] Dermikol, O. (2006). Measurement and Compensation in with Harmonic and unbalanced
Network. Master thesis, Graduate school of Natural and Applied Sciences, Sakarya. Turkey
[4] Dogan, I. (2006). “Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051”: Newness. Oxford.
[5] Niu M. and Qin H. (2012). Design of LED street lamps intelligent control system based on
PIC microcontroller, Hangzou.
[6] Student Companion feature GSM, PIC
[7] Proteus 8 professional frame work help idle.


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