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Nome: ___________________________________________ Turma: 2304 Data: ____/___/_____

Title: __________________________________________

The purpose of technology ____________ (BE) to produce things that improve our lives,
our work and our environment. The people who design, test and ____________ (MAKE) these
things are engineers and technologists. They work in areas such as civil, mechanical, electrical,
electronic and marine engineering, and in information technology (IT). They use scientific
knowledge and technological experience in their work. They often _____________ (USE) old
technology (e.g. radio waves) to create new things (e.g. mobile phones). The people who install,
work with and maintain technological equipment are technicians. A technician _____________
(STUDY) one area of technology like electricity, electronics or mechanics, and works with
equipment in that area. Two examples _____________ (BE) an electrician and a car mechanic. But
we all use technology every day. It is all around us and affects every part of our lives. Here are
some examples:
• transport – cars, ships, air travel, space exploration
• telecommunications – mobile phones, internet, satellites
• trade – credit and debit cards, bank ATM machines, internet trade
• work efficiency – washing machines, microwave ovens, computer software
• power – heating, lighting, air conditioning equipment
• entertainment – DVDs, satellite TV receivers, digital cameras
• health – lasers in eye surgery, medicines, biotechnology
• safety and security – ABS brakes and air bags in cars, smoke detectors
• food – farming, processed food,
• information management – computers, flat-screen monitors, software
• infrastructure – roads, buildings, water supply
• manufacturing – machines and robots in factories

Because technology is so important in society, technologists and engineers have to think

about its good points and bad points. Unfortunately, some technology ____________ (HAVE) both
positive and negative effects. Oil and coal, for example, make our lives easier, but they also pollute
our environment. Cars and planes allow us to travel fast, but they also cause accidental deaths and
add to global warming. The problem for technology is how to increase the positive effects on
society and reduce the negative effects.

A) Answer the questions about the text.

1 What are ‘these things' in the first paragraph?
2. Who designs ‘these things’ according to the ‘’1st paragraph?
3 Look at the list of technology around us. Find four things that you have used today.
B) Responda em português
1. Quem faz a manutenção de equipamentos tecnológicos?
2. Que tecnologia antiga os celulares antigos ainda utilizam?
3. Quais os efeitos negativos da tecnologia?

C) Associe as palavras destacadas no texto com seus significados:

1. improve ( ) navios
2. environment ( ) melhorar
3. knowledge ( ) aquecimento
4. ships ( ) meio-ambiente
5. heating ( ) conhecimento

D) Dê um título apropriado para o texto em inglês.

E) Encontre no texto o que se pede.

1 Dois substantivos terminados em -ology:_________________ ____________________
2 Dois substantivos terminados em -ics __________________ ______________________
3 Dois empregos terminados em -ian ___________________ _______________________
4 Três palavras transparentes que você ainda não tenha mencionado _________________
5 Uma frase com um marcador de discurso que estabeleça contrate
6. Uma palavra terminada em -ing que seja um substantivo ________________________

G) Complete the chart with words from the text.

Noun Verb Adjective

work x
x technological
inform informative
pollution polluted
accident x

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