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IRCTCs e-Ticketing Service

Electronic Reservation Slip (Personal User)

1. You can travel on e- ticket sent on SMS or take a Vir tual Reservation Message (VRM) along with any one of the prescribed ID
in or iginal. Please do not print the ERS unless extr emely necessary. This Ticket will be valid with an ID pr oof in original. Pleas e
car ry original identity proof. If found tr aveling without original ID proof, passenger will b e tr eated as withou t ticket and charged as
per extent Ra ilway Rules.

2. Valid IDs to be pr esented du ring tr ain journey by one of th e passenger booked on a n e-ticket :- Vo ter Iden tity Card /
Passp ort / PAN Card / Driving Licens e / Photo ID car d issued by Central / State G ovt / Public Sector Un der takings o f State /
Centr al Gover nment ,District Administrations , Muncipal bod ies and Panchayat Administrations which are having serial number
/ Stude nt Identity Card with photogr aph issued by recognized School or College for their students / Nationalized Bank
Passbook with photograph /Credit Card s issued by Banks with laminated ph oto grap h/Uniqu e Identification Card "Aadh aar".
3. Service Accounting Code (SAC) 99 6411: Local land tr ansport services of passengers by railways for dis tance upto 1 50 KMs
Service Accounting Code (SAC) 996416: Sightseeing tr ansportation se rvices by railways for Tourist Ticket Se rvice Accou ntin g
Code (SAC) 996421: Long distance transport services of passengers through r ail n etwork by Railways for distance be yon d
150 KMs
4. In case th e ticket has been booked in adv ance before implementatio n of GST and the same is cancelled after
implementatio n of GST, Refund amount due as per r efund shall be r efunded to passenger. Howeve r total amount of ser vice
change charged at th e time of booking shall not be r efunded to passenger in cash/ shall not be tr ansferred in the accou nt in
which tr ansaction took place in case of e-Tickets etc.

5. Refund o f service tax shall be made only after Ministry of Railways gets refund from the department. The cancelled ticke t
shall be tr eated be as credit n ote for g etting r efund of serv ice tax amou nt.

6. General rules/ Information for e-ticket passenger have to be studied by the custome r for cancellation & refun d.

PNR No: 8765425341 Train No. & Name: 12 795/ SC INTERCITY Quo ta: GENERAL (GN)
Date & Time Of Booking: 15-Feb - 2018 19 :19:21 HR S
Tran sac tio n ID: 1 0 0 0 0 0876429646 Class: CHAIR CAR (CC )
Fr om: VIJAYWADA JN (BZA) Date O f Journey:16-Feb-2018 To: SECUNDERABAD JN(SC)
Boa rding At: VIJAYWADA JN (BZA) Date O f Boarding : 16-Feb-2018 Scheduled Departu re: 16-Feb-2018 1 7 :30 *
Resv. Upto: SECUNDERABAD JN(SC) Scheduled Arrival: 16-Feb-2018 22:50 * Adult:1 Ch ild :0
Passeng er Mobile No:909666 02 42 ^VIKALP O pted:No Dis tance:313 KM
Pas se ng e r Ad dre ss: Uddhoji Road, Mahal, NAGPUR, MAHARASHTRA - 440 002


Ticke t F are ** 50 0 .0 Ru p e e s F IV E Hu nd r e d O n ly
IRCTC Se r v ice Cha rge ( Incl. of GST) # 0.0 Ru p e e s Ze ro O n ly
Trav e l In su rance Pre mium ( In cl. o f G ST) 0.0 Ru p e e s Ze ro O n ly
Total Fa re (all inc lu siv e ) 50 0 .0 Ru p e e s F IV E Hu nd r e d O n ly

# Serv ice Charges per e-ticket irr espective of number of passenge rs o n the ticket.

SNo. Name Ag e Se x Bo okin g Stat u s Cur re nt St at u s
In dian Ra ilways G ST De tails :
In v o ice Nu mbe r :PS17764526253 67532 Ad d r e ss: Ind ian Railways Ne w De lh i
Su p p lie r Info r matio n Re ce ip ie nt In for matio n CG ST SG ST/UG ST IG ST
Taxab le Tot al
SAC Valu e Tax
G STIN G STIN Na me Ad dre ss Rat e Amo u nt Rate Amo u nt Rate Amo u nt
Co d e
99642 1 07 AAAG M 02 89C1ZL 476.36 5% 23.64 23.64

Th is ticke t is b o o k e d o n a p e rs o n al use r ID a nd c an n ot b e sold b y an a g e n t . If b o u g ht fro m a n a g e n t b y a ny indiv id ual, it is at his/he r o w n r is k .

Place o f Sup ply: VIJAYAWADA JN(BZA) St ate Co d e /Name o f Su p p lie r : 0/

Ticke t Pr int in g Time : 15-Jan- 2018 19 :21:51 HRS

◌◌ा आप ज◌ानत ह ि◌◌क आपक ि◌◌कर◌◌ाय क◌◌ा 43% दश क आम नाग रक वहन

करत ह?
Are you aware that 43% of your fare is borne by the common citizens of the country?


1. F or details, rules and terms & conditions of E-Ticketing services, p le ase visit .
2. *New Time Ta ble will b e e ffectiv e fr om 1-O ct-2017. Departur e time and Arrival Time printed on this ERS/VRM is liable to cha nge. Please Check correct
dep arture, ar riv al from Railwa y Station Enquiry, Dial 139 or SMS RAIL to 13 9.
3. T here a re amend ments in ce rtain provision of Refund Rules. Refer Amended Refu nd Rules w.e.f 12 -Nov -2015.(details available on .in under
hea ding Refund Rule--> Cancellation of Ticket and Refu nd Rule s 201 5.)
4. T he accommod ation b ooked is not transferable and is valid on ly if the O RIG INAL ID card prescribed is pr esented during the journ ey. T he ERS/VRM/MRM
along with valid id card of any one the passenger booked on e-ticket pro of in or iginal would be verified b y TT E with the n ame and PNR on the chart. If th e
Passen ger fail to p roduced/display ERS/VRM due to any eventu ality( loss, damaged mobile/laptop e tc.) but has the prescribed o riginal proof of identity, a
pen alty of Rs.50 /- pe r ticket as applicable to such cases will be lev ied. The ticket checkin g staff on boar d/off boar d will giv e excess fare ticket for the same .
5. E-ticket cancellations are p ermitted thr oug h b y the user.

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