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Section A


Technology, the science body

The sciences are a big area of study. The sciences are like a web all of them are join, there
are the natural sciences, the social sciences and other. They help each other in the process
of making knowledge. The varieties of sciences mean that the sciences are necessaries for
the development of the man in the earth. Technology is helping with the skills and habits of
the men and is one example of how sciences are joined, the technology mixed with the
social science like history with the natural science like the physics. They were joined and
create knowledge in the form of technology like mechanics. Mechanics is evolving this
means that mechanics has a past; it has a story. It didn’t come from the nothing. Like in the
case of biology, it was necessary much time for creating the theory of the evolution of the

The sciences are one and not separated by each other. All sciences are beneficial for the
development of the human if they are used for the benefit of the entire world not only for
some group of people. The science has evolving our world that all around us is science. The
sciences always are in continuous progress for the benefit of the living beings. But sciences
were something different they specialize in a specific area, like biotechnology,
mechatronics, biochemistry, and others.

For that and many reasons more, I think that all sciences are unique but they can’t work
alone. They need a help; they are used to be made by a base. Sciences are evolving and we
evolve with the science and we can control new sciences we made it. We evolve the science
on the base of what was done and we have better by the passage of time.

Words: 299
Section B


All humans have feelings that are involving with us, like sadness, happiness, angry and
others. Happiness is one of the most beautiful feeling in the life, for that I say that this can
be the universal medicament. Happiness helps if we are depressed or angry or hungry or
sad or crazy this state o being is unique, it has not comparison. That’s why I say that
happiness depends only in you, not in being accepted in the society.

Happiness is not only a state of being, this could be accepted like a religion because is a
believe that all have pass that all have experiment. I don’t think that anybody hasn’t passed
this. There is information that says that many humans experiment happiness in different
levels but of them had being experiment that.

Many things can bring us happiness like remember something see a movie, do something,
and play something or other things; Happiness is not only a simple feeling that comes from
nothing. Researches said that happiness is store in our brain in form of memoirs that’s why
we fell happy by remembered someone or something.

But happiness can help you to interact with people and have many social relationships in
that case happiness ca be regret like accept by other only in that case happiness could be
that is for accept ourselves.

In conclusion, I say that happiness depends only in you not in the acceptance of other
because we can be happy without necessity of any person that’s is the benefit of get
ourselves accept by us first of all.

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