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Full Stack Web Development iOS Development Android Development Data Science User Experience Design Principles for

Principles for Success Java Backend Development Career Readiness Student Forms


Full Stack Web

Intensive computer science and software
engineering training. Learn computers,
software engineering and web
development top to bottom.

Intro to Web
Introduction to Web Development

Student should be able to:

start thinking like a software engineer

explain what web development is and the

roles of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in
creating web content

use HTML code to create a basic


Project: Intro to Web Development and HTML

HTML and CSS Fundamentals

Student should be able to:

understand the concepts of HTML and

be able to build a small HTML page.

understand the main concepts of CSS

(selectors and style rules), and be able to
apply them to an HTML page.


Lesson 2: HTML and CSS (1/3)

Lesson 2: HTML and CSS (2/3)
Lesson 2: HTML and CSS (3/3)

Introduction to JavaScript

Student should be able to:

understand what Javascript is and

explain its use in web development.

explain and use JavaScript primitive data

types and variables.

explain and use JavaScript functions as

properties and methods on primitive data

explain global object in JavaScript and be

able to use the Math object.

explain basic control flow and if/else


Project: Introduction to JS

JS II: Control Flow

Student should be able to:

understand and be able to use different


write control flow using if/else


write a basic for loop.

Project: JS II: Control Flow

JS III: Functions

Student should be able to:

understand JavaScript functions, why we

use them, and be able to write correct
function syntax.

write and call functions using arguments

and parameters.

explain function scope and the return


Project: JS III: Function

JS IV: Data Structures

Student should be able to:

use arrays to store and access data.

use objects to store and access data

Project: JS IV: Data Structures

JS V: Classes

Student should be able to:

understand when to use classes, as well

as write and use ES5 class syntax.

explain the prototype, how and why we

use it.

Project: JS V: Classes

JS VI: Callbacks

Student should be able to:

understand and implement callbacks.

use two basic array methods using


Project: JS VI: Callbacks

Full Stack Web

Introduction to User
Interface and Git
User Interface I

Student should be able to:

describe and use semantic HTML tags to

markup content

demonstrate the use of CSS selectors to

style markup

demonstrate CSS specificity and

inheritance to create and update styles


UI I: Project I - Sweet Eats Bakery Markup

UI I: Project 2 - Sweet Eats Bakery Style

User Interface II

Student should be able to:

identify and use all properties in the box


use CSS display properties to build user


implement a CSS reset and understand

why itʼs important for cross browser

Project: User Interface Project: Great Idea Web


User Interface III

Student should be able to:

describe and understand that flexbox is a


demonstrate understanding of flex

container properties in flex box

demonstrate understanding of flex item

properties in flexbox

Project: User Interface Project: Services Page

Git for Web Development

Student should be able to:

explain why we use the command line

interface (CLI), and demonstrate use of
basic CLI commands.

sufficiently explain what version control

and Git are, and why as software
engineers we use them.

demonstrate an ability to fork and clone a


understand branching, and be able to

create a branch locally.

explain and properly utilize the git

commands: status, add, commit, and

submit a Pull Request.

demonstrate their ability to use the

Lambda School Git Workflow to submit
an assignment to your Project Manager

Project: Git for Web Development Project

Sprint Challenge

User Interface and Responsive Web

Sprint Challenge
This challenge will cover all of the objectives
from the sprint. You will be creating a fully
responsive website from several design files.
Each design file comes with a set width. Those
widths will be used by you to compare your
work against the design.

View Project

Advanced CSS
Responsive Design I

Student should be able to:

describe the differences in fixed, fluid,

adaptive, and responsive layouts.

demonstrate knowledge of media queries

by correctly implementing them in a

build responsive layouts

Project: Responsive Web Design Project 1

Responsive Design II

Student should be able to:

describe why responsive design impacts


describe and use responsive units to

create a fully responsive website

build a percent based layout

Project: Portfolio Website

Preprocessing I

Student should be able to:

install Node, Yarn, LESS, and less-watch-


implement variables, mixins, nesting,

nested at-rules in LESS.

Project: Preprocessing I: Digital Resume

Preprocessing II

Student should be able to:

create parametric mixins, use functions,

and incorporate escaping

create a master LESS file and use

importing to create a project.

Project: Preprocessing II - Fun Bus Website

Sprint Challenge

Advanced CSS Sprint Challenge

This challenge allows you to practice the
concepts and techniques learned over the past
week and apply them in a concrete project.
This Sprint explored advanced CSS techniques
using Responsive Design and Preprocessing.
During this Sprint, you studied how to use the
viewport meta tag, media queries, setting up a
preprocessor, and advanced use of
preprocessing techniques. In your challenge
this week, you will demonstrate proficiency by
updating a website that is missing content as
well as adding mobile styling.

View Project

JavaScript I

Student should be able to:

use function declarations, expressions,

and arrow functions and describe their

use let, const, var and demonstrate their


create and use object literals as well as

describe object properties and methods

create and use arrays as well as array

properties and array methods

Project: JavaScript-I

JavaScript II

Student should be able to:

describe what closure is, how closure is

created in a program and why it is
important to understand closures in

demonstrate the proper use a of a

callback function by passing a function to
another function as a parameter

demonstrate ability to use .map .reduce

.filter and describe their use cases

Project: JavaScript-II

JavaScript III

Student should be able to:

explain the four principles of the ‘thisʼ

keyword and demonstrate each
explanation with an example of their uses

describe, and use prototypes,

constructor functions the new keyword,
and pseudo-classical inheritance to build
a small object based video game

Project: JavaScript-III

JavaScript IV

Student should be able to:

describe and demonstrate how class

syntax works.

convert a pseudo classically instantiated

program into class syntax

Project: JavaScript IV

Sprint Challenge

JavaScript Foundations Sprint

There are four short answer questions. And a
challenge including some of the problems the
students worked on throughout the week.

View Project

Applied JavaScript

Student should be able to:

Explain what the DOM is, and how it

relates to an html page

Use DOM selectors, and describe the

differences in the behavior of each.

Use different properties and methods to

manipulate a selected element.

create a new element, manipulate it, and

add it to the DOM

Project: DOM I


Student should be able to:

Explain what events are in the browser

window, and how event listeners can
listen for those events.

add event listeners and event handlers to


recognize event propagation and the

method used to prevent it.

Project: DOM-II

Components I

Student should be able to:

describe what a component is and

identify different parts of a component

build a class that creates multiple


use a component to update a styled

HTML element on the DOM

Project: Newsfeed

Components II

Student should be able to:

create custom data attributes with HTML

and utilize them in CSS and JavaScript

utilize multiple Classes to build a


Project: Components - Tab Creation

Sprint Challenge

Applied JavaScript Challenge

This challenge covers DOM I, DOM II,
Components I, Components II.

View Project

Build Week: User

Delivering a multi-page marketing

Functional Components I

Student should be able to:

describe ReactJS and the problems that

it tries to solve

use an html file set up a react

environment and mount an application to
a target DOM element using React and

use JSX to mount a DOM element and

display that element in a web browser

explain how components work, and

implement a functional component to
render a piece of UI to the screen

Project: React-UI-Components

Functional Components II

Student should be able to:

describe props and state and how data

flows in a react application

use props to dynamically pass data to a

React Component making it reusable in
different contexts

demonstrate the ability to implement

nested functional components

iterate over a list of of data and generate

an array of React Components

Class Components I

Student should be able to:

explain class components, and use a

class component to render some state
data to the DOM

share data between components using

state and props

respond to events triggered by user

interaction and handle user input via
forms in React


React Todo

Class Components II

Student should be able to:

create, read and update a componentʼs

state object

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