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Air guitar championships

Air guitar is a form of dance and movement in which the performer pretends
to play an imaginary rock or heavy metal-style electric guitar. Playing an air
guitar usually consists of exaggerated strumming and picking motions and is
often coupled with loud singing or lip-synching. Air guitar is generally used in
the imaginary simulation of loud electric or acoustic guitar music.
Organized air guitar competitions are regularly held in many countries. The
first on-off air guitar competitions were organized in the early 1980s in Sweden
and in the United States. Since 1996 the annual Air Guitar World
Championships have been a part of the Oulu Music Video Festival in Oulu,
Finland, and the festival currently administers the Air Guitar World
Championships Network of official national championship competitions. The
idea of the contest was originally coined as a joke, meant only to be a side
attraction for the music video festival, but has since become a major draw in its
own right.
1. Each participant has to play air guitar on stage in two rounds, each
lasting for 1 minute.
2. Participant plays alone; backing bands, either with real or air
instruments are not allowed; roadies and groupies are allowed to make
up some image, but they have to leave the stage before performance.
3. Participant has to play air guitar (i.e. air drums, piano and other
instruments are not allowed). Air guitar can be acoustic, electric or both.
4. Generally, there is no dress code and participant is encouraged to use
any clothing and props that would add character and make the
performance more interesting. However, any real musical equipment or
crew (instruments, amplifiers, effect pedals, backing band members, etc.)
are strictly forbidden. Some events make an exception for a real guitar
pick, some don't.
5. Jury consists of independent judges, usually B-list musicians, music
critics, comedians, or other members of the media.
6. Judges use the same 6.0 score system as in the traditional figure skating
system: there are several varying criteria, and each judge must give the
contestant a score from 4.0 to 6.0 on each of the following:
7. Technical merit—how much the performance looks like the real playing,
including chords, solos and technical moves.
8. Mimesmanship—how convincingly the performer can mime their
performance, and create the illusion of an invisible guitar, apart from the
technical accuracy of the fretwork
9. Stage presence—a charisma of rock star, the ability to rock, lack of stage
fright and power to drive thousands of listeners; involves guitar
showmanship and other emotional demonstrations.

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