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Photochemical Smog

The environmental pollution has been one of the most important problem for the human in
recent years, even has filmed a lot of documentary or movies about this and how will earth be
in the future. In this moment I bet several drivers are wasting fuels while they are parked. In
this opportunity I’m going to talk about a type of pollution, this is photochemical smog.

The word smog comes from the mixture of smoke and fog. But What is it really?

This is a type of air pollution caused by the formation of ozone through photochemical
reactions in the troposphere, it’s can be color reddish brown and we usually found it in
urban cities. You will ask “Why urban cities?”

Because the main cause of photochemical smog is the emission of gases by high industrial
activity and big number of vehicles.

Let’s see how ozone is produced:

The ozone is produced by nitrogen oxides:

FIRST: The combustion of nitrogen is going to form nitrogen monoxide. That happens inside
the motors of vehicles or industries or even in the atmosphere but at the high temperature.

𝑁2+𝑁2𝑁2 + 𝑂2 → 2𝑁𝑂

SECOND: this is very unstable so reactions with the oxygen very fast and is going to produce
nitrogen dioxide.

𝑁𝑂 + 𝑂2 → 2𝑁𝑂2
THEN: this last by the UV rays is separated in nitrogen monoxide and oxygen radicals
𝑁𝑂2 → 𝑁𝑂 + 𝑂 ∙
FINALLY, these oxygen radicals are going to oxidize in the OZONE.

𝑂 ∙ +𝑂2 → 𝑂3
Everybody know the ozone layer, this is in the stratosphere and there is good for us, because
the ozone layer protects us of UV rays.

But if ozone is in the troposphere, will be very dangerous for people.

Now, I’m going to talk about a real case and the consequences of photochemical smog:

While the great powers were fighting the second world war, Los Angeles suffered the first
photochemical smog in the 40s exactly on July 26, 1943. They believed this fog that caused
eyes and respiratory problems was a Japanese attack but the scientist proved their dear cars
and factory produced nitrogen oxides that by the action the sun in the hot days formed ozone.


1. We have to get the bus or another public transport to reduce the number of vehicles.
2. We must not burn garbage or waste.
3. We should improve the transport system with electric vehicles.
4. The future industries have to been less pollutant and more ecology.

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