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Reflection for Abby Martin and her senior project about Generation Z and its decline of having a

Christian Worldview: BY Kathryn Matney

Last school year, Abby Martin came across a young man and his #Howtolife movement he had
started in Arkansas back in 2015. I do believe this young man helped to give her the idea for
her senior project. Abby is a young lady that I met back in the latter part of her freshman year.
She had come to Tallwood to be a part of the Academy and decided to try out my Fellowship of
Christian Athletes. The following year, when she was a sophomore, she was instrumental in
helping our school begin a Young Life program. She and her family opened up their home for
our first meeting in October of 2016. During that year, I began to develop quite an appreciation
for Abby Martin and what she stands for.
This is an important point for me to make because I believe it sets the stage for why I wanted to
be her senior project sponsor and why her topic is so important to me. Unlike many of her
peers, Abby had to begin her research and her project in March of last year. She formed a
team of teenagers who were passionate about their Christian Faith and who were willing to help
her put on the first ever #Howtolife program on the East Coast. These teenagers were from
Princess Anne High School, Salem High School, Atlantic Shores High School, Regent
University, and, of course, Tallwood High School. They met together, planned the event, found
a place to print posters and flyers and then secured a church to host the event that would take
place in September. They met over the summer practicing their testimonies, skits, music, and
prepping for how to lead young people, who showed up to the event and wanted to live for
Christ, in starting a relationship with the God of the universe.
I have been nothing but impressed with all of the dedication and hard work that went into
making this part of her project, the Action, happen. When the time came for the event, Hampton
Roads was threatened with a massive Hurricane heading our way. It would have prevented the
event from taking place. Abby and her team did not let it get them down. They showed up at
the church to do a prayer walk (just like the one mentioned in the book of Joshua in the bible)
around the building where the event was to happen. Needless to say, the event did happen
with over 300 students showing up. I was there along with several other adults that had been
praying for it and we were amazed. The students showed up and the team showed off for their
faith in the most positive and humbling way.
Since that day in September, Abby and I have met weekly to discuss, talk about logistics, read
her paper, edit her paper, and practice her power point presentation. She has worked very hard
at making this project one of the most important things she has accomplished while in high
school. The young lady is amazing and is always ahead of schedule in her planning. Few
seniors have the gifts to begin a project like this and following through with it. However, Abby
has done it.
I am excited to hear how her power point presentation goes with her classmates as well as the
judges over the next several weeks. I plan to continue to follow the #Howtolife movement and
am so thankful that Abby introduced me to it. I was even sharing a pic from the event and about
the movement that is now worldwide with a couple that are in their 80’s just yesterday. It has
been a great experience and I am thankful to Abby for making it as easy on me as it possibly
could have been.

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