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Common ‘Healthy’ Food Increases

the Risk of Breast Cancer and Brain

Health And Love Page

Nowadays, a lot of people are trying to eat a little healthier to pre-

serve and strengthen their health.

However, in the attempt to refine the eating habits, many American

health-conscious people replaced eggs and meat with tofu. No doubt
the soy industry will try to convince you that you’ve made the right
choice, but in reality, things are different.

In fact, processed soy that comprises tofu is not the healthy selection
of food at all. It’s way better if you eat grass-fed meat, raw dairy
products, and organic eggs instead of processed soy.

Western food industry divides the soybean into 2 materials: oil and
proteins, unlike the Asian one which produces whole soy products.
According to Dr. Daniel, there is nothing natural nor safe about it.

The processing methods of today’s high technology are unable to sub-

tract the toxins and anti-nutrients from soybeans.

Furthermore, they leave toxic and cancerogenic remainders due to the

petroleum solvents, high pressure and temperatures and acid and
alkali baths they endure. Fractioned products such as hydrolyzed
plant proteins or soy protein isolates are by far the worst.

Dr. Daniel explains that there are phytates and trypsin inhibitors
inside of processed soy, which obstruct absorption of minerals and
impede proper digestion. Although it’s a whole soy product, tofu still
carries all the toxins and anti-nutrients mentioned above.
Soy Associated with Health Problems

High-soy diet comes with a variety of health disorders from reproduc-

tive, thyroid, allergies, brain damage, cancer and premature puberty
being among them.

Not to mention the loss of libido, fatigue, lethargy, weight gain,

malaise, hair loss, etc. The list goes on and on. Dr. Daniel and her col-
leagues analyzed several studies, and the results are devastating.

They found out that not only it doesn’t lower cholesterol significantly,
but it increases the levels of homocysteine in the body. In fact, soy
can increase the risks of birth defects, strokes and heart diseases,
according to Dr. Daniel.

By the same token, Dr. Daniel sent a petition to the FDA requesting
them to disavow the 1999 health claim they approved, saying ‘soy
averts heart disease. Be careful, developing children and babies are
exceptionally susceptible to the mimicking hormone effects of soy.

A recent study shows that infants’ daily exposure to estrogen-like

chemicals was 6-11 times higher than adults. Furthermore, the con-
centration of the hormones in the blood was 13.000-20.000 times
higher, compared to estrogen.

5 birth control pills are the estrogenic equivalent of the amount of soy
in an infant’s daily diet. So, next time think twice before feeding your
baby with soy formulas, as an alternative to breastfeeding.

Doctors firmly recommend pregnant women to avoid consuming soy

products due to the formidable effects, for the sake of their unborn

Soy Facts:

• Soybeans are a rich source of anti-nutrients and natural

toxins, and inhibitors accountable for blocking the essential
enzymes for protein digestion. These enzyme inhibitors
aren’t completely disarmed through regular cooking.

This causes a chronic deficit of amino acids and gastric distress, lead-
ing to notorious pancreatic disorders and even cancer.

• Hemaglutinins and goitrogens are soybean elements that

induce clustering of red blood cells, which can often result
in hollow thyroid function.

These elements are only partially removed from soy during pro-
cessing, but not entirely.

• 80% of soybeans are genetically modified, more than any

other type of food. This is why they have the highest level of
pesticides contamination.
• Soybeans are a rich source of phytates, which averts the
inclusion of essential minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc,
and iron) required for optimal body biochemistry.

Safe Soy Choices:

There are several healthy types of soy. In order antinutrients and

phytates to be reduced, a long process of fermentation is required.

Moreover, the process reveals the natural probiotics availability to

the digestive system and significantly lowers the levels of notorious
isoflavones in the body.

4 Healthy Soy Foods:

If you want to enjoy a soy food without inflicting health disorders and
gain benefits from, all of the listed options below are healthy:

1. Miso (soup)

A fermented paste with a buttery, salty texture (commonly used as a

seasoning in miso soup)
2. Natto

Fermented soybeans with cheese-like flavor and sticky texture, very

rich with nattokinase and a high source of K2 vitamin

3. Soy Sauce

Traditionally made from the fermentation of salt, enzymes, and soy-

beans, but not all of them are produced naturally.

4. Tempeh

A cake made from fermented soybeans with a mushroom-like flavor

and a thick texture.

Final Summation

In order to avoid any potential damage from soy, you need to avoid all
the types of processed foods as most of them carry soy components,
including cheese, burgers, ice-cream, milk, protein powders and bars
that are made from soy.

Remember, as long as you stick to the fresh and unprocessed foods,

you’ll be just fine.

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