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Name of the Group’s Members:

1. Wahyu Ella Anggraini

2. Yuliana Putri
3. Anggita Sarah Sembiring
4. Muetya Permata Dara

Class : DIK E 17

Subject : Contextual Written Language Skills (ENGINEERING IDEA & PROJECT


Lecturer : Ade Aini Nuran S.Pd., M.Hum.



Wahyu Ella Anggraini

Yuliana Putri

Anggita Sarah Sembiring

Muetya Permata Dara

Faculty of Languages and Arts

State University of Medan


Writing skills are important for every human being to have as the basic capital for success in
his life. A person skilled in writing needs to practice repeatedly. This is because writing skills are a
process of growth through lots of practice. Writing is not just handwriting or writing techniques, but
writing can mean telling what is already known and more than that, writing skills can increase self-
confidence and help bring creativity.Therefore, writing by applying journal writing activities which is
one component of the whole language approach is very suitable to be applied as a method in improving
students' creative writing skills.
Keywords: writing skills, creative writing, writing instruction


One of the language skills that is very important for students is writing ability.
According to Sujanto (1988: 60), writing activity is a process. Writing is not only related to the
use of grammar and punctuation but is a process that can develop the ability to think about fish.
Writing skills are important for every human being to have as the basic capital for success in
his life. A person skilled in writing needs to practice repeatedly. This is because writing skills
are a process of growth through lots of practice. Writing is not just handwriting or writing
techniques, but writing can mean telling what is already known and more than that writing can
help understand what is known. The ability to write can increase self-confidence and help bring
creativity. However, in reality the language skills of elementary students are not as expected.
It is known that there are still many student errors in language especially in terms of writing
essays. These errors can be seen in the use of spelling, diction, effective sentences, and
paragraph development. On the other hand, the low value of writing is influenced by various
factors, such as students, teachers, learning media, teaching methods and learning approaches,
which are selected by the teacher.

Another factor that influences the value of composing is the learning media used by the
teacher, as the media image turns out to be less attractive and outdated. Media like this make
students not interested in composing learning. In addition, teachers are often reluctant to use
the environment as a source of inspiration for students in choosing topics or themes to compose.
Teachers rarely take their students out of class to observe an object as a theme of writing.
Therefore, student creativity does not develop, students feel bored when learning is fabricated
because it is only done in the classroom without any variation in teaching and learning

The situation above if not addressed immediately will cause writing essays to become
a scourge for students. Learning carried out has not optimized students actively in writing and
often doing writing activities. This means how writing activities become a culture for students.
However, learning still prioritizes the mastery of the rules of writing theoretically. Writing
learning which emphasizes more on this theory causes students to get bored and not interested
in writing. In addition, writing activities do not really emphasize the truth, namely training
students to express or express ideas creatively through writing. Writing activities are
emphasized neatly or not by student writing. Plus topics that will be written by students are not
based on what students experience but are limited by the topic or theme given by the teacher.
This results in students having difficulty pouring out their ideas or being less challenged with
the topic given.


1. Definition of Writing and the benefits of Writing

In essence, writing is the expression of something by using language in writing

(Karsana, 2002: 5). By expressing something it is intended to convey, preach, tell, describe,
explain, convince, manifest, and so on to the reader in order to understand what happened to
the event or activity Cere (1985: 4) states writing is communication. Furthermore, it is said that
in communication there are four elements, namely writing is (1) a form of self-expression; (2)
something that is commonly conveyed to the reader; (3) rules and behavior; and (4) writing is
a way of learning. As a form of self-expression, writing aims to communicate, convey an idea
beyond time and space. That is, writing can be done anytime, and anywhere in accordance with
the conditions contained in the author.

Avelrod and Cooper (1988: 3) state that writing is a complex process of discovery and
allows one to learn to manage time. Writing is a reflection in someone who grows through a
process. Someone who can write well, of course, has gone through various continuous
exercises. With continuous practice coupled with a person's fondness for writing will have
implications for the results of writing.

Tarigan (1985: 21) which suggests Lado's opinion suggests that writing is writing
graphs that describe a language understood by someone so that other people can read the
symbols of the graph if they understand the language and graphics.

Furthermore, the opinions of some experts can be described that the ability to write
creatively is the ability or strength possessed by individuals to create, create, organize ideas or
messages in writing so that others can understand their contents.

There are several principles that need to be considered in writing learning proposed by
Santosa (2004: 12), namely First, practice first and later theory, meaning that writing activities
do not have to begin with understanding writing rules. However, students should be given the
opportunity to write and rules can be delivered in the process. Second, writing while "joking",
meaning writing must be carried out in an atmosphere that is pleasant and does not make
students depressed. Third, writing activities require feedback, meaning that students' writing
skills increase.

2. Whole Language Approach

Whole Language is an approach that presents language learning as a whole, not

separated. Weaver in Santoso (2004: 35) states that basically the whole language is a function
that teaches students naturally. Language learning with a whole language approach immerses
students into an environment filled with language stimuli. With the whole language, students
learn languages with the use of actual literature and meaningful writing experience. The whole
language approach is based on the understanding of constructivism which states that students
form their own knowledge through their active role in learning as a whole and integrated.
Students will be motivated to learn if they see that what they are learning is needed. Therefore,
educators (lecturers / teachers) are obliged to provide a supportive environment so that students
can learn well.

In whole language learning, the teacher emphasizes how to think about how students
learn languages, both oral and written. Students have the strength, ability, and desire to learn.
Students are creative individuals, able to formulate, create, and find solutions to various
problems actively if given the opportunity to carry out activities that match their abilities. In
the activity of writing a journal, students are given the authority to be responsible for what they
describe and get full support in developing and fulfilling learning objectives. Thus, students'
creative writing skills are increasing.


Learning to write with a whole language approach trains students in writing naturally
and integratedly. In the implementation of emphasized writing learning not only the
development of writing, but also four language skills developed in an integrated manner. By
developing other language skills, it will have an impact on students' writing skills. When
developing writing as a focus, students are not only trained to write but can begin with reading,
listening or observing certain objects. In addition, the development of writing skills is done
naturally and centered on students. To stimulate writing skills, students are truly immersed in
a natural and real culture of reading and writing just like writing a journal. Classes that
implement a whole language rich in writing and reading material. Students trained to write are
more emphasized in growing students happy to write. So, in learning to write with a whole
language approach it is not directly emphasized on students mastering the correct writing rules,
but creates an atmosphere of how students like to write. The emphasis on writing rules was
emphasized later.

Teachers must pay attention to the classroom environment so that language learning
through a whole language approach can succeed optimally, among others: the atmosphere of
learning in schools such as the atmosphere of learning at home, the environment is filled with
languages written by teachers and students, focusing on topics and themes, groupings flexible
and often formed based on student interest, the class encourages the creation of cooperation
and collaboration, the teacher as a facilitator, the teacher gives opportunities to students to
make choices, the teacher emphasizes the importance of trying and taking things that are

In addition, students are also prepared to often plan their own learning activities,
students choose topics according to their tastes, students often help other students both in
reading and writing activities. Students use language to learn about their language, and students
are encouraged to participate more in discussion activities.


A person skilled in writing essays requires repeated practice. Because writing skills are
a process through a lot of practice. Writing learning is given to students by introducing a rich
environment through language activities. By creating such learning, the teacher can use the
environment that allows students to develop language skills, in this case written language,
namely writing.

So from that approach with a whole language is very suitable to be done in an effort to
improve writing skills. Writing activities are also fun activities and are not difficult activities
for students. This is due to the whole language approach to writing writing done contextually
and naturally. What students will write comes from students and according to what students
know and understand.

Based on the results and conclusions of the above research can be suggested as follows:
(1) to improve the creative writing skills of students, teachers can apply the whole language
approach, and (2) in learning to write the teacher must train students to write more through
writing practice contextually and continuously.


Akhadiah dkk., (1992). Pembinaan kemampuan menulis bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Grasindo.

Avelrod, R.B. and Charles R. Cooper., (1998). Guide to writing.New York: Saint Martin’s

Cere, Anne Roggles, (1995). Writing and learning. New York: McMillan Publishing

Sujanto. (1988). Keterampilan berbahasa membaca – menulis– berbicara untuk kuliah dasar
umum. Jakarta: Depdikbud.

Tarigan. (1985). Menulis sebagai salah satu keterampilan berbahasa. Bandung: Rosda Kar

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