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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator attempts to codify in shorthand the theory

advanced by the Swiss psychoanalyst C.G. Jung in his landmark
survey Psychological Types, published in 1923. Jung’s theory of personality
posited that the human psyche is governed by four primary cognitive functions
(thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition), each one of which manifests itself
in one of two orientations, either extra- or introverted, yielding a total of eight
“dominant” functions. Elaborating upon Jung’s work in subsequent decades,
Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Myers, refined the theory by
adding two secondary personality types, “judging” and “perception”, which
also take extra- or introverted forms. These two extra elements, in
combination with the others previously mentioned, yield a possible of 16
personality “types,” each of which is represented by a four-letter
Viewed as binaries, we can visualize the personality functions as:
Extraversion (E) < — > Introversion (I)
Intuition (N) < — > Sensation (S)
Thinking (T) < — > Feeling (F)
Judging (J) < — > Perceiving (P)
Before proceeding further, astute Tarot students may already be noting the
parallels between Jung’s four primary functions—thinking, feeling, intuition
and sensation—to the the four suits, to wit:
Wands: Intuition.
Cups: Feeling.
Swords: Thinking.
Pentacles: Sensation.
Further, the 16 total personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs method
correspond exactly to the 16 court cards of the Tarot. If we pause to reflect on
what we have already learned about the court cards’ “personality types” based
on rank, suit and astrological sign, we can begin to understand where they fit
in the MBTI taxonomy. For instance, Kings and Princes, conquerors and
rulers by nature, can generally be considered “extraverts”; Queens and
Princesses, more concerned with domestic and internal affairs, can be thought
of as “introverts.” Elder Kings and Queens are generally governed by the
“judging” function, while youthful Princes and Princesses are more likely to
fall under the sway the “perceiving” function.
So, as an example, referring to the binaries above, we can already discern that
the King of Wands, governed by fiery Aires, is an extrovert (E), intuitive (N),
thinking (T) and judging (J). Hence “ENTJ” is the King of Wands’ Myers-
Briggs personality type.
Running down the court cards, we can break down their MBTI “scores”, and
their personality types, as follows:
King of Wands: ENTJ. This personality is fiery and forceful in its leadership
style, and a creative thinker and problem-solver in the workplace. A bit of a
visionary, he prefers pursuing long-range, big-picture goals than in aiming for
short-term goals, even if the latter are more easily achieved. This type is a
voracious reader who is in constant search of fresh perspective and knowledge
of new philosophies and technologies. Ill-dignified, he can be a bit of a
perfectionist, rash in his assessment of others, and possibly prone to “burn
bridges” in his dealings with others. Likely careers: Attorney or judge,
corporate officer or executive, business administrator, university
professor. Most compatible types: INFP (Princess of Cups), INTP (Princess
of Wands).*
King of Cups: ENFJ. This personality type is highly sensitive to the needs of
other people, and sees it as its mission in life to help others achieve their
fullest potential. Rather than “leading up front,” this type prefers to work
“behind the scenes,” deflecting credit due itself onto others. As such, it
inspires intense feeling of loyalty—or, perhaps, jealousy—from those whose
lives it touches, and the type may even be viewed as a guru or a Svengali,
depending on his social setting. Ill dignified, this type can be preachy and
dogmatic, inflexible, occasionally needy, and at worst, may engage in
obsessive-compulsive behavior. Likely careers: Psychologist, social worker,
clergy, teacher, diplomat. Most compatible types: INFP (Princess of Cups),
INTP (Princess of Wands).
King of Swords: ESTJ. Practical and pragmatic, this personality type
eschews idealism for matter-of-factness in thinking and problem-solving.
Detailed analysis is for others—in a social setting, this type is a “doer,”
decisive in his actions and highly results-oriented. More interested in justice
than in fairness, this type adheres to a code of standards guided more by
efficiency more than equity, and he expects the same of others. Ill dignified,
he can be amoral, insincere and ruthless in his dealings with others, and thus
give the impression of being “two-faced” and unreliable. Likely
careers: Police, judge, military, sciences, administration, sales. Most
compatible types: ISFP (Princess of Pentacles), ISTP (Princess of Swords).
King of Pentacles: ESFJ. This personality type is sociable to a fault, seeking
the company of others in work and at leisure. This type shines in large groups,
and enjoys being the center of attention while not overlooking the
contributions of others; he believes in “strength in numbers” and is effusive in
his praise for others. A loyal friend and an understanding co-worker, this type
seeks consensus and cooperation; in return, it seeks acknowledgment for its
accomplishments as it gives in kind unto others, and ill dignified, this type can
be boorish, coarse and vulgar if it feels its generosities are beings taken for
granted or ignored. Likely careers: Medicine, counseling, child care,
teaching, cooking. Most compatible types: ISFP (Princess of Pentacles),
ISTP (Princess of Swords).
Queen of Wands: INTJ. Analytical and self-motivated, this personality type
shares many of the same characteristics as its ENTJ (King of Wands)
counterpart, though it internalizes many of the traits its counterpart projects
outward. This type holds itself to the highest ethical and professional
standards, and is dogged in determination once it has begun a project or
commenced with a relationship. LIke the ENTJ, this type can tend toward
perfectionism, and ill dignified, it can engage in self-destructive behavior if it
fails to live up to its own expectations; it can also be conniving and scheming,
and perceived to have ulterior motives in its dealings with others. Likely
careers: Medicine, engineering, computer science, attorney or judge. Most
compatible types: ENFP (Prince of Cups), ENTP (Prince of Wands).
Queen of Cups: INFJ. This personality type is extremely sensitive to the
interdependence and interconnectedness of all things—material, ethical and
spiritual. An eager student, this type is intensely curious to know the inner or
“hidden” origins if the world, and as such is likely to be an avid reader of
philosophical, religious or so-called “metaphysical” works. While this
personality type devotes itself to the improvement or enlightenment of others,
it also requires time spent alone in solitary introspection, contemplating the
mysteries of life and its own role in it. Ill dignified, this type can be withdrawn
and moody, irrational and even delusional—there’s a thin line between a
spiritual healer and someone with a “Messiah complex,” and this type may
thread the needle more than once during its life. Likely careers: Music and
arts, alternative medicine/health care, clergy/spiritualism, medicine. Most
compatible types: ENFP (Prince of Cups), ENTP (Prince of Wands).
Queen of Swords: ISTJ. Like its ESTJ counterpart (the King), this
personality type is pragmatic, practical, results-oriented, and a natural-born
organizer and “duty fulfiller”. It takes great pride in bringing about order from
chaos and harmony from disunion, and because of this, it demands loyalty
both in the workplace and at home. This type can be stubborn, but often in the
pursuit of a greater good, and because it emphasizes comity above all else, it
will go to great lengths to avoid conflict with others unless provoked. Ill
dignified, this type can seem unethical and amoral in its dealings, and can
sometimes be overbearing and even threatening unless it “gets its way” in its
relationships with others. Likely careers: Attorney/judge, military/police,
business administration, consulting/human resources. Most compatible
types: ESFP (Prince of Pentacles), ESTP (Prince of Swords).
Queen of Pentacles: ISFJ. Caring and empathetic, this personality most
closely resembles an “earth mother” type—a loving caregiver and nurturer to
all, which sees itself as a quiet catalyst to help others achieve their fullest life
potential. This type has a deep and abiding respect for traditional structures in
family, friendships and romance, and as such is slow to adapt to sudden
changes in these structures, preferring the predictable “passing of the seasons”
to which it feels itself so highly attuned. This type is very emotional, but as an
introvert it will not express emotion readily‚ unless, perhaps, it is in need of a
cathartic release. Ill dignified, this type can be moody and sullen, may be
prone to depression and even to abuses of alcohol and drugs. Likely
careers: Nursing and child care, social work/ counseling, cooking and
shopkeeping. Most compatible types: ESFP (Prince of Pentacles), ESTP
(Prince of Swords).
Prince of Wands: ENTP. A true visionary, this personality type
combines a razor-sharp intellect with acute intuitive skills, and is a
“quick study” at virtually any subject it attempts to undertake. A
dynamic personality and a skilled communicator, it is quick to
contribute its opinions in the workplace, and to spin a humorous yarn
at home. This personality type is often known as an “idea person” who
can sometimes lose sight of the “real-world” implications of its ideas in
a fog of abstraction, and who can grow bored at times if not
consistently challenged. Ill dignified, they can come across as
argumentative, self-righteous, one-dimensional and divorced from
reality. Likely careers: Attorney, entrepreneur/executive, sales and
marketing, theater/film/TV. Most compatible types: INFJ (Queen of
Cups), INTJ (Queen of Wands).
Prince of Cups: ENFP. An “inspiring” personality, this type has a knack for
winning the hearts and minds of others with its keen intuition and an intellect
with a seemingly limitless knowledge of virtually every subject under the sun.
Almost always ready to share some kernel of insight with others, this type is
adept at encouraging others to “open up” in kind, and is often looked up to as
a “role model.” This type tends to bore easily in the presence of less inquiring
minds, and it can appear restless, unpredictable and even flighty to others.
This type has a deep-seated need to be liked, and ill dignified, he can be
overly needy, narcissistic and manipulative. Likely careers: Politics,
journalism/writing, arts and music. Most compatible types:INFJ (Queen of
Cups), INTJ (Queen of Wands).
Prince of Swords: ESTP. Animated by action and a natural risk-taker, this
personality type is a “doer,” a confident and energetic challenge-seeker who
readily wins the admiration of others by its willingness to ”take the lead” in
any initiative. A gifted intellect, this type is possessed of a near-bottomless
ambition, and on the surface at least is an excellent strategist. This type sees
himself as a bit of a crusader, and his innate inclination to “action” before
“analysis,” however well-intentioned, can lead to poor decision-making, and
ill dignified he can be seen as rash, impetuous, and prone to unforced errors;
gambling debts and money problems are not unheard of with this type. Likely
careers: Athletics, police/military, sales and marketing, emergency services
(e.e., firefighting). Most compatible types: ISFJ (Queen of Pentacles), ISTJ
(Queen of Swords)
Prince of Pentacles: ESFP. An aesthete and a sensualist, this personality type
loves “the good life” and delights in sharing it with others. A natural
“entertainer” of sorts, this type is gregarious and outgoing in public, a “hale
fellow well met” who will do anything to keep his friends happy. This type,
however, is also very much in touch with the feelings of others, and being in
the presence of the unhappiness of others amidst his wealth and plenty makes
him feel insecure, insignificant and even ignored—and ill dignified, he can be
seen as impulsive, unpredictable, and prone to “Citizen Kane”-style outbursts
of anger and indignation. Likely careers: Acting and theater, creative arts and
design,arts and music. Most compatible types: ISFJ (Queen of Pentacles),
ISTJ (Queen of Swords).
Princess of Wands: INTP. A “thinker” par excellence, this personality type
is a supremely gifted intellect that tends to “look within,” engaging its powers
of analysis to gain new insights into its world and of others around it. A
natural introvert, this type can seem withdrawn and shy, but can often be
brought “out of its shell” when the subject of conversation aligns with its
interests. Ill dignified, this type can be seen as antisocial, misogynistic and
relentlessly self-centered, though in reality—as with many of civilization’s
most brilliant thinkers—some people are just naturally better suited to spend
their lives in the laboratory rather than in the public eye. Likely
careers: Physics and astronomy, mathematics and engineering, computer
science, forensic research. Most compatible types: ENFJ (King of Cups),
ENTJ (King of Wands).
Princess of Cups: INFP. Much like its “mother” INFJ (Queen of Cups),
this personality type is deeply idealistic and devoted to living life in the
pursuit of a higher, more noble cause than its own self-enrichment.
This type tends to innately see the best in others, and as a rule relies on
feeling and intuition rather than on logic when forming associations in
public or at work. At best, this personality type can a “miracle worker”
that can inspire others to great works; ill dignified, though, it can turn
into an irrational “control freak” when it discovers that its loyalty to
others was at times misplaced, and it is now in need of an emotional
compensating mechanism. Likely careers: Counseling and social work,
psychology, clergy, music and writing. Most compatible types: ENFJ
(King of Cups), ENTJ (King of Wands).
Princess of Swords: ISTP. An inquiring mind with a predilection for
observation, this personality type finds itself more interested in watching
people rather than interacting with them, and with observing how the world
works rather than jumping into it. This personality type is often referred to as
a “mechanic” because of its apparent practical, rather than emotional or
intellectual, interest in the workings of the world. On the other hand, the
“mechanic” impulse can be an emotional compensating mechanism for
someone who is (or secretly yearns to be) a daredevil or thrill-seeker in life,
and ill dignified, this type can be prone to symptoms of excessive risk-taking:
High levels of stress, nervous fits, and unpredictable mood swings. Likely
careers: Police and forensics, mechanical trades, pilots or drivers,
athletics. Most compatible types: ESFJ (King of Pentacles), ESTJ (King of
Princess of Pentacles: ISFP. Like its “brother” ESFP (Prince of Pentacles),
this personality type is an aesthete par excellence that draws its deepest
inspiration from works of art, music, poetry and from the physical stimulation
that nature can provide. Deeply emotional yet introspective by nature, they
sometimes have difficulty expressing themselves directly to others, instead
preferring to communicate via writing or composing than by engaging in
conversation. For this reason (among others), they tend to be “free spirits”
who don’t respond well to supervision but who need to be given a great deal
of “personal space” to maximize their fullest potential. Ill dignified, this type
can seem to be self-absorbed, unreliable and even rather dim-witted. Likely
careers: Arts and music, industrial design, counseling/psychology, outdoor
professions (e.g., farming, forestry). Most compatible types: ESFJ (King of
Pentacles), ESTJ (King of Swords).

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