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Batch Plotting

Barrick Goldstrike
Rodeo Mine, Elko, Nevada
Barrick Goldstrike mines gold by open cut The project required a team effort, and the
and underground methods in Elko, Nevada. importance of the area maps quickly became
Barrick’s Rodeo Mine, located on the Carlin the motivation to find an efficient way of plotting
Trend in northern Nevada, uses VULCAN for multiple maps.
modelling, feasibility and scheduling.
Before the new Batch Plotting option was
The Rodeo underground project is currently added, Rodeo used the Plot All command to
in transition from the development phase into generate maps. VULCAN’s Section Plotting
production planned for later in 2001. As mining was an option, but slicing proved unsatisfac-
progresses, map plotting serves an increas- tory at Rodeo.
ingly important mine planning function.
The mine levels contain a wide range of ele-
Until recently, Rodeo produced new plots vations and different x-y ranges were used for
manually using VULCAN’s Plot All option. The the areas on each level (due to survey line to be selected from multiple dgd files from
new Batch Plotting feature has led to increased point placement). Slicing produced incomplete any folder. Triangulations can also be selected,
efficiency and reduced workload for the Mine maps with erroneous information. Furthermore, sliced, and adjusted with a variety of graphics
Planning Department. Section Plotting does not allow for user-defined options.
Although Rodeo plots maps of various sizes Although one specification file may be used
and scales, the most widely used are 11 x 17 The Save Screen option was also impractical to generate multiple maps in slice mode,
inch driving layouts known as "survey area because all users were working in individual Rodeo needed to create more than 50 spec-
maps". These were designed to replace hand- design databases, without the benefit of the ification files to generate all the survey area
drawn cut sheets which were becoming diffi- most recent revisions to the layers. Whenever maps (because of the slicing problems). Batch
cult to maintain as the mine grew. In addition, a plot was generated with Plot All, layers were Plotting also allows copying of existing spec-
production foremen wanted a tool to commu- individually selected and deselected. This was ification files to create new ones. Rodeo could
nicate big-picture issues, with sizes and scales not practical for generating survey area maps, therefore make as many specification files as
practical for survey and mining purposes. which required daily updates. necessary by changing one or two attributes
in a copy of an existing file.
Area map keys for various mine levels
The last important task was to semi-automate
batch plotting. A simple C-shell
script generated 50 plots in
minutes, a task which previously
took over an hour using the Plot
All option. Multiple Plot Preview,
which allows any number of plots
to be viewed sequentially, like a
slide show, was used to proof
the plots. With one mouse click,
Rodeo could send all of the plots
directly to the plotter.

Area maps provide Batch Plotting minimises plotting

the vital link between time for the Mine Planning
engineering and Department. Maps can be plot-
production. Much ted quickly and easily on
preparation work demand. Rodeo can also now
was necessary to generate accurate, up-to-date
provide a usable survey area maps for the miners
final product. to use on a daily basis. Most
Centrelines were importantly, the time saved has
checked to ensure freed resources to focus on
annotation accura- gearing into production.
cy; a practical map
size and scale were developed; font and draft- The versatility of batch plotting allowed Rodeo Catherine Dreesbach
ing size were optimised; and drafting layers to generate large numbers of plots in a short Mine Planning Engineer
were checked for errors. time. The long-term time savings justified the Barrick Goldstrike
time spent creating the initial specification
files. Specification file setup took several steps
including adjusting the user-defined border
in the drafting.dgd file and defining appropriate
border areas for each map. Before a specifi-
cation file was created, a key for each level
was designed to show how the areas were

In Batch Plotting Advanced mode, the plotting

area was defined using the Border Style option
and the Drag Style Rectangle. The Plot Control
option defined information needed for each
title block, including an automatic date stamp.
Gridlines and general plot annotations were
specified in the Plot Elements menu.
Presentation to North American
Rodeo uses several different design databases Users Conference 2001
to store drafting information. The most critical
Digitised drafting option showing capability to aspect of setting up specification files was the
select from multiple files Data Elements option, which allowed layers Reproduced from Forge 2, 2001
©2001, Maptek Pty Ltd MAPTEK

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