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Analysis and Interpretation of Data

2 Questionnaire
Demographic Profile
1. Age?
a. Less than 18 years
b. 18-30
c. 30 and above

2. Gender?
a. Male
b. Female
Consumer Perception and Celebrity Endorsements
3. According to you which of the following give more effective celebrity endorsed
a. TV advertisements
b. Magazines
c. Internet
d. Radio
e. Newspapers

4. I see celebrity endorsed advertisement (Please tick one).

a. Often
b. Occasionally
c. Rarely
d. Never

5. Personally I am more attracted towards:

a. Celebrity endorsed advertisements
b. Non celebrity advertisements

6. Does the presence of celebrities in the advertisements help you recognize and recall
product more promptly?
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree
7. According to you celebrity endorsement is: (Tick one)
a. Very effective
b. Effective
c. Somewhat effective
d. Not at all effective

8. How would you rate celebrity endorsement in its influence on people?

a. Very influential
b. Influential
c. Somewhat influential
d. Not at all influential Celebrity Attributes and Purchase Intention

9. Does ―Familiarity of the celebrity as an attribute that can influence your purchase
decision for a certain product or service?
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree
10. Does ―Likeability of the celebrity as an attribute that can influence your purchase
decision (Likeability refers to the level of celebrity’s fame in the public opinion and how
popular the celebrity is)
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree

11. Does ―Trustworthiness of the celebrity as an attribute that can influence your
purchase decision? (Trustworthiness refers to the honesty and believability of the
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree

12. As a consumer, do you consider ―Expertise of the celebrity as an attribute that can
influence your purchase decision? (Expertise refers to the level of knowledge, experience
and expertise a celebrity has in particular field)
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree
13. As a consumer, do you think the ―Match between the celebrity and the product as an
important attribute in influence your purchase decision for a certain product or service?
(Fit/Match refers to the level how well the fit between the celebrity and the product is)
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree

14. Please rate these factors according to their importance and effectiveness in order to
influence your purchase decision. (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
a. Familiarity 1 2 3 4 5
b. Likeability 1 2 3 4 5
c. Trustworthiness 1 2 3 4 5
d. Expertise 1 2 3 4 5
e. Matchup 1 2 3 4 5

15. From the following given factors tick one which influence you most in purchase
a. Familiarity of the celebrity.
b. Likeability of the celebrity
c. Trustworthiness of the celebrity.
d. Expertise of the celebrity in the given field/ product endorsed.
e. Matchup between the Product and the celebrity.
16. I am more likely to try/purchase/consider the product/brand endorsed by celebrity ?
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree

17. I actually purchase products whose advertisement I liked because of celebrity

a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree

18. I feel satisfied with my decision to purchase those products endorsed by celebrity.
a. Agree
b. Slightly agree
c. Not sure
d. Slightly disagree
e. Disagree

Hypothesis 1.
How do customers perceive celebrity endorsed advertisements as compared to non-
celebrity endorsed advertisements?
1. What attracts you more: celebrity endorsed advertisements or non-celebrity

Variable Frequency Percentage

Celebrity endorsed ad 63 84
Non celebrity endorsed ad 12 16
Total 75 100


40 84
10 16
Cel ebri ty Endors ed Ad Non-Cel ebri ty Endors ed ADD

Col umn2

Interpretation: Firstly the respondents were asked to rate what attracts them more, an
advertisement featuring a celebrity or non-celebrity advertisement. The results show that
celebrity endorsed advertisements are more effective at attracting people as compared to
no celebrity advertisements. The descriptive frequency analysis of the data shows that
84% of the respondents favored celebrity endorsed advertisements whereas non-celebrity
advertisements accounted for only 16% of sampled population. The results celebrity
endorsed advertisements attract more consumer attention.
2. Attractiveness based on Age group.

Age Celebrity Non-Celebrity Total

Endorsed Endorsed
18-25 40 6 46
26-33 15 4 19
34-41 6 2 8
42-45 2 0 2
Total 63 12 75
Att racti veness based on age group
Cel ebri ty Endors ed Col umn1




1 8 -2 5 2 6 -3 3 3 4 -4 1 4 2 -4 5

Age group

Interpretation: The respondents between the age of 18-25, categorized as (teenagers)

showed significant results. They are most attracted by celebrity endorsed advertisements.
The results show teenagers find celebrity endorsements more attractive. Comparatively,
the people under the age group of 26-33 (Youngsters) were a bit less attracted by
celebrity advertisements. Lastly, the people above the age group of 30 categorized as
mature customers also came up with similar results. The analysis of data shows that
celebrity endorsed advertisements has the potential to attract the consumers across all age
groups. However, teenagers are most attracted by celebrity endorsed advertisements.

3. Attractiveness based on Gender.

Variable Male Female
Celebrity Endorsed 30 14
Non-Celebrity Endorsed 25 6
Total 55 20
Attractiveness on Gender basis.

Cel ebri ty Endors ed Non-Cel ebri ty Endors ed

Ma l e Col umn1

Interpretation: Analysis on the basis of gender shows that Males are more likely to be
attracted by celebrity endorsed advertisements as compared to females. The results show
that male respondents find celebrity endorsed advertisements attractive closely followed
by female respondents. The result shows a mixed response in terms of gender.

2. Does the presence of celebrities in the advertisement help you recognize and recall the
product more promptly?
The observation shows that the majority of the respondent’s ―agree (65%) that
associating celebrities with the product increases the recognition and recall rate for a
certain product. Some respondents also ―slightly agree (26%) to the statement. On the
other hand only 6% of the respondents are ―Not sure about the statement and only 6% of
the respondents are either ―slightly disagree or ―disagree. Overall 87.5% of the
respondents ―agree that they can more promptly recognize and recall a product if a
celebrity is associated or endorsing it

Response Frequency Percentage

Agree 47 65
Slightly Agree 18 26
Not sure 5 6
Slightly disagree 3 4
Disagree 2 3
Total 75 100
Recognize and Recall

30 65
10 26
0 6 4 3
Agree Sl i ghtl y Agree Not Sure Sl ightl y Di s agree Di sa gree

Col umn2

Recognize and Recall rate based on Age group.

Response from Respondents

Age Agree Slightly Not Sure Slightly Disagree Total

agree Disagree
18-25 20 15 3 5 3 46

26-33 10 8 0 0 1 19

34-41 2 4 2 0 0 8

42-45 0 0 0 2 0 2

Total 32 27 5 7 4 75
Recognize and Recall based on Age




18-25 26-33 34-41 42-45
Agree Sl i ghtl y Agree Not Sure
Sl ightl y Di s agree Di s agree

3. How Influential do you perceive celebrity endorsement as compared to non-celebrity

Thirdly the respondents were asked how influential do they think celebrity endorsement
is at prompting intention to purchase for a product or service being endorsed by the
celebrity endorser as compared to non-celebrity advertisement. This is an important
question as the main aim of any advertisement whether celebrity or non-celebrity is to
influence the customer to buy a certain product or service.

Response Frequency Percentage

Very Influential 18 24

Influential 36 48

Somewhat influential 19 25

Not at all influential 2 3

Total 75 100
Influential Parameter
Percentage 30
10 24 25
0 3
Very Influential Influential Somewhat Influential Not at a l i nfluential

Col umn2

Influential based on Age.


Age Very Influential Somewhat Not at all Total

Influential influential influential

18-25 6 4 0 2 12

26-33 9 18 10 1 38

34-41 3 5 4 2 14

42-45 2 3 4 2 11

Total 20 30 18 7 75
Influential based on Age
10 9
6 5
4 4 4
4 3 3
2 2 2
2 1
18-250 26-33 33-41 42-45
Very Influentia l Influentia l Somewhat Influentia l Not at a l l i nfluential

Analysis on the basis of age states that majority of respondents between the age of 18-25
years consider celebrity endorsements either ―very influential or ―influential and only
24% of respondents either consider it as somewhat influential or not at all influential. It
shows that majority of teenagers find celebrity endorsements influential in prompting
their purchase decision. In the age group of 18-25, 14% believe it ―very influential and
majority 60% of respondents consider as influential. Only 25% of respondents consider it
to be neutral or not at all influential. The mature consumers above the age of 30 gave
neutral results where. 55% of the respondents under this age group consider it as very
influential or influential 45% of the people believe it as neutral or not at all influential.
From the above analysis it can be said that teenagers are most likely to influence by
celebrity endorsements followed by young people and then mature customers above the
age group of 30 years.

Conclusion of Hypothesis 1
As mentioned before, for testing the first hypothesis three questions were asked to the
respondents. The hypothesis was tested upon the data collected from 75 respondents.
Firstly, the respondents were asked to rate what attracts them more: celebrity endorsed
advertisement or non-celebrity advertisement. The results from the descriptive frequency
analysis of the data shows that 83.6% of respondents find celebrity endorsements more
attractive than non-celebrity endorsements. Majority of the respondents (87.5%) observed
that celebrity endorsed advertisements increase the recognition and recall rate for a
product being endorsed. And finally the respondents were asked to choose what most
influences their intention to purchase among celebrity and non-celebrity endorsements.
72.1% of the respondents state that they find celebrity endorsements more influential at
instigating their purchase intention. The analysis of data gave significant results that are
more in favor of Hypothesis1.

H1: Celebrity Endorsed advertisements are more attractive

than Non Celebrity Endorsed advertisements. Therefore
Hypothesis 1 is accepted.

Hypothesis 2: Descriptive statistical Analysis of Attributes

H2: The celebrity-product combination of attributes positively affects the purchase
intention to buy a product or service.
H2a: Familiarity among the consumers positively affects the purchase intention of the
H2b: Likeability among the consumers positively affects the purchase intention of the
H2c: Trustworthiness of the celebrity positively affects the purchase intention of the
H2d: Expertise of the celebrity positively affects the purchase intention of the consumer.
H2e: Matchup with the celebrity positively affects the purchase intention of the

As a consumer, do you consider the ―Familiarity‖ of the celebrity as an attribute

that can influence your purchase decision for a certain product or service?
Familiarity of celebrity and Purchase intention
This question aims at evaluating the impact of celebrity’s ―Familiarity on the purchase
intention of consumers. Majority of the respondents (45%) slightly agree that familiarity
of the celebrity can influence their intention to purchase. 22.66% of the respondents
strongly agree that knowness of the celebrity can influence their purchase intention.
Interestingly, 10.6% of the respondents are unsure 10.6% slightly disagree and 10.6%
completely disagree to the statement that familiarity can be an important factor to
influence their purchase intention. Based on the results it was found that it may influence
the purchase intention of the consumers to an extent.
Response Frequency Percentage
Agree 17 22.66
Slightly Agree 34 45
Not Sure 8 10.64
Slightly Disagree 8 10.64
Disagree 8 10.64
Total 75 100


20 45
10 22.66
5 10.64 10.64 10.64
Agree Sl i ghtl y Agree Not Sure Sl ightl y Di s agree Di s agree
Axis Title

Col umn2

As a consumer, do you consider the ―Likeability‖ of the celebrity as an attribute

that can influence your purchase decision for a certain product or service?
(Likeability refers to the level of celebrity’s fame in the public opinion and how
popular the celebrity is)
Likeability of celebrity and purchase intention.
Response Frequency Percentage
Agree 17 22.6
Slightly Agree 34 45.2
Not Sure 11 14.63
Slightly Disagree 6 7.98
Disagree 7 9.31
Total 75 100

10 22.6
5 7.98 9.31
Agree Sl ightl y Agree Not Sure Sl i ghtl y Di s agree Di s agree

Col umn2

Majority around half of the respondents (45.2%) slightly agree that likeability of the
celebrity is likely to influence their purchase intention. 23.1% of the respondents strongly
agree that their purchase intention is affected if their favorite celebrity is endorsing the
product or service. 14.63% of the respondents are unsure about the it while 7.98%
slightly disagree and 9.3% completely disagree to the statement. Overall, it was found
that likeability is most likely to influence the purchase intention of the consumers if their
favorite celebrity is endorsing the product or a celebrity.

As a consumer, do you consider ―Trustworthiness‖ of the celebrity as an attribute

that can influence your purchase decision? (Trustworthiness refers to the Honesty
and believability of the celebrity)

Response Frequency Percentage

Agree 21 27.93

Slightly Agree 31 41.23

Not Sure 6 7.98

Slightly Disagree 9 11.97

Disagree 8 10.64

Total 75 100


20 41.23
15 27.93
5 7.98 11.97 10.64
Agree Sl i ghtl y Agree Not Sure Sl ightl y Di s agree Di s agree

Col umn2

Majority of the respondents (41.3%) slightly agree that trustworthiness of the

celebrity can influence their purchase decision. Secondly, another 27.9% of the
respondents strongly agree to the statement that means they consider the
trustworthiness of the celebrity while making their purchase decision. However,
7.98% of the respondents are unsure about the impact of trustworthiness on their
purchase decision. Only 11.97% of the respondents slightly disagree and 10%
completely disagree to the statement. Overall, using the descriptive analysis, it
can be said that Trustworthiness can influence the purchase intention of the

As a consumer, do you consider ―Expertise‖ of the celebrity as an attribute

that can influence your purchase decision? (Expertise refers to the level of
knowledge, experience and expertise a celebrity has in particular field)

Response Frequency Percentage

Agree 30 39.9

Slightly Agree 25 33.25

Not Sure 8 10.64

Slightly Disagree 6 7.98

Disagree 6 7.98

Total 75 100


20 39.9
15 33.25
5 10.64 7.98 7.98
Agree Sl i ghtl y Agree Not Sure Sl ightl y Di s agree Di s agree

Col umn2

Majority of the respondents (39.9%) strongly agree that expertise of the celebrity
endorser can be an important factor in influencing their purchase decision.
Another 33.25% of the respondents slightly agree to the same statement that
means it may have a little impact on their purchase decision. However, 10.6% of
the respondents are unsure about the impact of expertise on their purchase
decision. Only 7.98% of the respondents slightly disagree and 7.98% completely
disagree to the statement. Overall, using the descriptive analysis, it can be said
that Expertise can influence the purchase intention of the consumers.

As a consumer, do you think the ―Match‖ between the celebrity and the
product can an important attribute in influence your purchase decision for a
certain product or service? (Fit/Match refers to the level how well the fit
between the celebrity and the product)
Response Frequency Percentage

Agree 21 27.93

Slightly Agree 34 45.22

Not Sure 12 15.96

Slightly Disagree 4 5.32

Disagree 4 5.32

Total 75 100

Match up

15 27.93
5.32 5.32
Agree Sl ightl y Agree Not Sure Sl i ghtl y Di s a gree Di s agree

Col umn2

This question aims at investigating if it is important to have something in common

between the celebrity and the product being endorsed in order to influence consumers
purchase intention. Majority, nearly half of the respondents (45.22%) slightly agree that
Product - celebrity match-up can influence their purchase intention. Another 27.93% of
the respondents strongly agree that they look for commonness between the celebrity and
the product. 15.96% of the respondents are unsure while only 5.32% slightly disagree and
5.32% completely disagree to the product-celebrity match up phenomena. Overall, it was
found that 75% of respondents consider product-celebrity match-up as a factor to
influence their purchase intention while only rest 25% are either not sure, slightly
disagree or completely disagree. Therefore it can be said that its important the attributes
of product should match with the celebrity in order to influence their purchase intention.

Conclusion of Hypothesis 2:
The hypothesis is analyzed based on the data collected from the 75 respondents. The
overall analysis proves that positive relationship between purchase intention and five
different attributes, namely familiarity, likeability, trustworthiness, expertise, match up.
The analysis of data gave significant results that are more in favor of Hypothesis2.

H2: The attributes have the positive effect on purchase intention of customers.

Therefore hypothesis 2 is accepted.

Hypothesis 3
The models used for evaluating purchase intention consists multi item constructs.
Three different questions were asked to the respondents in order to evaluate the
impact of celebrity endorsers on their purchase intention.
The three questions asked to the respondents in the questionnaire are as follows:
01 I’m likely to purchase products or services that have been endorsed by celebrities.
02 I do purchase products and services endorsed by celebrities.
03 In overall, I’m happy with purchasing products or services advertised by celebrities
The respondents were asked to rate each of these questions on the likert scale ranging 1
(Agree) to 5 (strongly disagree).

Analysis ―Purchase Intention 01‖

Response Frequency Percentage

Agree 32 42.56

Slightly Agree 18 23.94

Not Sure 12 15.96
Slightly Disagree 6 7.98

Disagree 7 9.31

Total 75 100

The results from the descriptive frequency analysis for question 1 states that majority of
the respondents (42.56%) are likely to purchase products endorsed by celebrities. 23.94%
of respondents slightly agree to the statement as well. However, 15.96% of respondents
are unsure whether they are likely to purchase products endorsed by celebrities. On the
other hand, only 7.98% of respondents slightly disagree and 9.31% disagree about the
influence of celebrities on their likeliness to buy products under celebrity influence.
Analysis ―Purchase Intention 02
Response Frequency Percentage
Agree 27 35.91
Slightly Agree 19 25.27
Not Sure 22 29.20
Slightly Disagree 4 5.32
Disagree 3 3.99
Total 75 100

The analysis results from question 2 suggests that majority of the respondents (35.91%)
do actually purchase products under the influence of celebrities. 25.27% of respondents
slightly agree that means they do sometimes buy the endorsed products as well. However,
a major number of respondents 29.20% are not sure whether they purchase the products
under the influence by celebrities or not. Relatively high degree of unsure respondents
29.20% might bias the results. On the other hand, only very less number 5.32% of
respondents disagree and 3.99% disagree about the influence of celebrities on their
purchase decision. However, overall 60.6% of respondents show positive response by
stating that they buy products and services endorsed by celebrities.

Analysis ―Purchase Intention 03

Response Frequency Percentage

Agree 29 38.57

Slightly Agree 22 29.26

Not Sure 17 22.61

Slightly Disagree 3 3.99

Disagree 4 5.32

Total 75 100

The results from analysis of question 3 represent the overall happiness or satisfaction
level of respondents after buying products or services endorsed by celebrities. The
analysis shows that majority of the respondents (38.57%) strongly agree that they are
happy after their purchases of products endorsed by celebrities. While 29.26% of
respondents are likely to be happy for their purchases as they slightly agree as well.
Again 22.61% of people are neutral about their purchase decisions for the products
endorsed by celebrities. Interestingly, only a few number of people slightly disagree
3.99%and disagree (5.32%) are not happy with their purchase decisions made under
celebrity influence.

Result of Hypothesis:
The overall results for purchase intention shows that celebrities can influence the
purchase decision of the people by appearing with a product in an advertisement. The
results show that most of the consumers are likely to buy or buy the products endorsed by
celebrities. Moreover many of the customers are happy or satisfied with the purchases
they have done under the influence of celebrity that is a positive sign. The level of after
purchase satisfaction builds the trust on the part of the celebrity and the product and
influences future purchase decisions. The results also show that there are low numbers of
people who are actually not influenced or satisfied with their purchase decisions under
celebrity influence

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