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Activity 7: Focusing on Important Rizalian Traits and Virtues

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer in the space provided.
1.Listed below are some important traits and virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal:

 Love for God  Courage

 Love for parents  Initiative
 Love for country  Courtesy and politeness
 Love for fellowmen  Thrift
 Love for the environment/nature  Gratitude
 Love for Justice
 Love for education
 Idealism
 Self-sacrifice
 Self-control
 Charity
 Devotion to truth
 Honesty
 Humanity
 Creativity
Cite particular occasion or event given in the book where Rizal showed, manifest, or practiced the trait and virtues listed
2. Examine carefully Dr. Rizal’s important traits and virtues, compare them with your own traits and virtues, and decide if
you would like them to be your role model.
-knowing rizal’s traits and virtues ,I can say that he’seems to be almost perfect because most of the good traits
people like. I like him to be my role model. Because having traits like rizalis so much to be proud of.
3. Is it important for an individual to have a role model? Explain your answer.
4. What is the advantage of having Rizal as a role model? Will it increase chances of becoming an ideal Filipino citizen
and a successful professional?
5. Who is your personal hero? Does she/ he have Rizal’s traits and virtues?

I realize that:
I resolve that:
Activity 8: Serving Other’s, a Social Responsibility

Direction: Follow the instructions and write your answer in the space provided.
1. Explain the meaning of the saying “No man is an island”.
>For me ,”no man is an island” means that there is no one who can stand on its own feet. A person tend to relies
on each other in all aspect including its decision in life.A man tend to comfort each other in order to thrive.
2. Read the article “Serving others”, copies of which will be given to the class by the teachers. React on it and write
your explanations.
> It is our moral duty to help our fellow men who are in need—regardless of race or creed or nationality, and
regardless of whether or not they can pay for it. Scientific studies show that helping others boosts happiness. It
increases life satisfaction, provides a sense of meaning, increases feelings of competence, improves our mood and
reduced stress. It can help to take our minds off our own troubles too. Kindness towards others is be the glue
which conncts individual happiness with wider community and societal wellbeing. Giving to others helps us
connect with people and meets one of our basic human needs - relatedness.
3. Who are the “others” in your life?
> Those "others" mentioned above reffers to the people not related to us, it can be our country, friends, etc.
4. Should we limit our “Service for others” to our “Significant others” or the people who are close to us, either by
blood relationship or through friendship? Explain your answer fully.
> Serving others is a practice that should always be remembered by every person, it is not bad to help others in
fact it is one way of making the world and its people be united, but let us not also forget our duty to the persons
close to us, like our families, friends, relatives and etc. They are the people who will need our help most and of
course we are nothing without them, 'before anything else let us help build our home first before building others'.
5. How did Rizal do his share of “serving others”? Enumerate specific examples of how Rizal was able to do his
social responsibility.
> Jose Rizal had known this, and for him, the people are duty-bound to be involved in the task of good
government. In one of his writings, he said: “Peoples and government are correlated and complementary, an
aimless government would be an anomaly among a righteous people, just as corrupt people cannot exist under
just rulers and wise laws. Whatever social and political environments we are in are products of men’s deliberate
choice.” As Rizal emphasized: “There are no tyrants where there are no slaves.”
6. How can you do your share of “serving others”? Explain your answers fully.

I realize that:
“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a
year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” Happiness is found in helping others.
I resolve that:
The purpose of life is to serve others. However, when doing so, we should not expect something in return; our intention
should be to lessen other people’s misery. “Service to others should be sincere and done from the heart; only then it is
fruitful.” This teaches us that we human beings should not only use our mind, body and speech for ourselves, but also to
serve others.
Activity 9: Positive vs. Negative Love of Self

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer in the space provided.

1. Differentiate positive love of self and negative love of self or selfishness. Research for the answer in the library or
on the internet. Cite your source of information.
-The fear of selfishness carries the energy of shame. You feel bad to say no. And often bad saying yes.
You feel trapped – without a real choice. Retrospectively you may feel burnt-out, resentful or overloaded.
In contrast, self love makes us feel open, empathetic and eager to make a difference where we can. It
invites in joy and ease. Everyone benefits because we show up as our best self.
2. Read the article “Greediness” copies of which will be give to you by your teacher. Give your reaction to the said
-Greed is defined as an excessive desire to possess wealth or goods. The greed that exists in our world
leads people to unhappy and selfish lives. Greed is evident through individual people, corporate
companies and in our governments.
3. Identify and discuss the roadblocks to serving others?
One of the plainest expressions of love in Scripture is fellowship—sharing with others. One of the most
valuable things we can share is ourselves: our time, our talents, our energies in serving others in the Body of
Christ. Giving is a strong motif in the Bible. John’s gospel says that God loved the world so much that he gave his
only son (John 3:16). God gave the world to humanity and provides for them; in return, God calls for generosity
to others. Giving to the poor and needy is accepted as done to Christ (Matthew 25:37-40). Jesus said, “It is more
blessed to give than to receive.”
4. Is it possible for a selfish person to be truly patriotic, socially concerned, morally upright, and productive?
Support your answer.
Basic human selfishness goes beyond mere concern for one’s own person. It includes one’s family, friends,
church, favorite sports team—even patriotism. Mr. Armstrong explained, “Patriotism is expressed in the form of
loyalty to country, as opposed to other countries. It includes an automatic hostility toward other countries—either
passive or active. Because the normal, carnal attitude in man is evil, it looks on those outside its extended self as
its enemy! And when we consider the subject of national allegiance or patriotism, we see man is generally loyal
toward his “own” country or political party—because they are part of his extended self—in opposition to other
nations or parties. Actually, this is a form of hatred toward others, which is selfishness.
5. In our present society, what seems to be the root cause of the following: graft and corruption, terrorism, and
environmental destruction?
for me, what seems to be the root cause of all evil doings in the country is the peoples greediness, it is what had
caused the world unbalanced and chaotic. And also money, "the love of money is the root of all evil." “Money
can't buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer.” They can never get enough of everything,
they always seem to desire newer and better products which they think will ultimately make them happy. "Money
is the root of all evil", The love of money sits right in the middle of a lifestyle that forgets eternity, lives selfishly,
prioritizes the present, and is more focused on physical comfort than on eternal destiny. The lack of humility
that fuels discontentment is about more than being a bit full of ourselves and bragging too much; it’s about a
heart that has been captured by self-glory.
6. What is the relationship between Rizal’s positive love of self and his desire to help his fellow Filipino? Explain
your answer fully.
Rizal who have consistently demonstrated in a very public way exemplary courage and dedication to save the
lives of entire nations, communities, and complete strangers at the risk of their own lives and comfort. Rizal was a
reminder to the Spaniards that their subjects were willing to wage war not just in deadly combat in the battlefield
but also in the battle for people’s hearts and minds both in the islands and elsewhere in the world, especially in
Europe and the Americas, through his writings and travels abroad.

I realize that:
I resolve that:

Activity 10: Are You Proactive or Reactive?

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer on the space provided.
1. How does proactive behavior differ from reactive behavior?
-Reactive people are essentially like characters in a movie, playing out the script. They often resemble powerless victims,
having their lives run by external factors. They have little control over their emotions. Instead their emotions are
dictated by someone or something else; by circumstance and the outside environment. When we are told that the
situations we find ourselves in and the emotions we experience are largely from our own doing, it can be hard to accept.
It involves a huge paradigm shift, with us taking responsibility for our current circumstances.
The natural reaction is often to resist and to argue otherwise, until eventually the light bulb flicks on. The eureka
moment occurs — the realisation that we are in fact in control.

2. Give five examples of proactive language.

proactive languages
Let's look at our alternatives.”
“I can choose a different approach.”
“I control my own feelings.”
“I can create an effective presentation.”
“I will choose an appropriate response.”
3. Evaluate your language. Is it mostly proactive or reactive? Explain your answer.
Proactive language shows a clear acceptance of responsibility. People who use specific definitive statements are
considered to be using proactive language while general, non-specific statements are considered more “reactive”
than proactive. For example, someone who generalizes with statements like “I just can’t” or “There is nothing I
can do” or “I don’t have time” is not taking responsibility for the situation. More appropriate, proactive statements
would be “I will” or “I can.”
4. From what your read about Dr. Jose Rizal, evaluate if he is a proactive person. Explain your answer.
Proactive language shows a clear acceptance of responsibility. People who use specific definitive statements are
considered to be using proactive language while general, non-specific statements are considered more “reactive”
than proactive. For example, someone who generalizes with statements like “I just can’t” or “There is nothing I
can do” or “I don’t have time” is not taking responsibility for the situation. More appropriate, proactive statements
would be “I will” or “I can.”

5. If you want positive changes to happen in your environment, start by listing down positive attributes which you
possess as a positive person and compare these with Dr. Rizal’s.
6. As a change agent, what proactive choice can you make in the following situations?
a. If you are a member of a dysfunctional family
b. If you live in a community inhabited by juvenile delinquents
c. If your country is a third- world country with a leadership crisis

I realize that:
I resolve that:
Activity 11: Creativity: The key to Productivity and Progress

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer on the space provided.
1. Define the term “creativity”, “Productivity”, and “Progress”. How are the related to each other? Explain your
answers fully.
-Productivity involves working toward a goal, and this demands planning, preparation, and effort—all of
which take time. Similarly, creativity is a process. Sometimes creative expression bursts forth in an
inspirational blast, but mostly it, too, requires sustained concentration, patience, and the desire to keep
going. People don't have to be smart to be productive or creative. But they need some foundational
knowledge upon which to build capability if they want to move ahead or move in new directions.
2. If you are given the following item: Illustration board, charcoal, crayons, seeds, colored sand, tissue paper,
eggshell, how will you make use of them?
3. Was Dr. Jose Rizal a creative person? If your answer is yes, give some example of this creativity.
4. Was Dr. Jose Rizal a productive person? Explain your answer and trace hoe he became such.
5. How can a person develop creativity?
6. Explain why a person as an individual must develop creativity.
7. Explain why a person as a family member must develop creativity
8. Explain why a person as a professional must develop creativity.
9. Explain why a person as a community member must develop creativity
10. What is the relationship of the topic discussed in the Rizal course with one’s development of her or his creativity
and productivity?

I realize that:
I resolve that:
Activity 13: Developing Fairness or Justice
Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer in the space provided.
1. Define the terms ’’fair’’ or “just” and “unfair” or “unjust.”
-In short, unfairness is when we suffer some ill fate through no fault of our own; injustice is when others
deprive us of what we are owed and entitled to have.
2. Observe your surroundings and give actual examples of unfairness that you have experience or witnessed in the
family or in the community.
3. Compare the unjust practice which you have experienced or observe with the unjust practice during Dr. Rizal’s
time. Are there similarities and differences? Explain your answers.
4. Try to explain the root cause of in justice or unfairness in the Philippine society.
5. Based on what you have read and heard bout Dr. Jose Rizal, analyze his virtues about fairness ang justice. Could
he serve as a model of fairness and justice for all Filipino? Explain your answers.

I realize that:
I resolve that:
Activity 14: Self-Discipline: A Call of Our Times
Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer on the space provide.
1. Define the term “self-discipline.”
-Self-discipline appears in various forms, such as perseverance, restraint, endurance, thinking before
acting, finishing what you start doing, and as the ability to carry out one's decisions and plans, in spite of
inconvenience, hardships or obstacles.
2. What are the elements or formula of discipline? Explain your answer.
- 1. Practice delayed gratification.
2. Rely on habits, not willpower.
3. Know your “why.”
4. Set goals for incremental progress.
5. Have a system for accountability.
3. Trace and explain the root cause of lack of self-discipline among Filipinos. Explain your answer.
4. What are the results of the Filipinos’ lack of self-discipline?
5. Give example of Dr. Rizal’s self-discipline.
6. Give possible solution to the Filipinos’ lack of self-discipline.
I realize that:
I resolve that:
Activity 15: Faith in God and the Fate of Nation
Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer on the space provided.
1. Differentiate the terms “faith” and “fate.”
-In the world, many people view their destiny as their Fate- or as the saying goes , “whatever will be, will
be.” But as a believer, Faith is the word that should be part of our vocabulary, for faith is a gift given to
men after they have put their trust in God and this faith can chart a different course for your life. Are you
fate-driven or are you faith-driven ? I hope this plan will help you move from a fate to faith mindset!
2. Explain how faith in God’s will could help develop hope and optimism among Filipinos.
3. Did Rizal have faith in God? Support your answer.
4. Suggest specific activities or programs that could help restore the Filipino’s pride in themselves. Explain your
5. Suggest specific activities or programs that that could counteract feelings of hopelessness and pessimism among
young and old Filipino citizens. Explain your answer.

I realize that:
I resolve that:
Activity 16: Love of Country: A Must for Progress
Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer in the space provided.
1. Give five definition of the term “patriotism” / “nationalism.”
-Patriotism is the older of the two words, with published written evidence dating back to the
middle of the 17th century. Patriotism came from adding the suffix of -ism to the existing
word patriot, which itself came into English from the French patriote, and may be traced back
further to the Greek word patrios (“of one’s father ”). But the definition of nationalism also
includes “exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of
its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.” This
exclusionary aspect is not shared by patriotism.
2. Trace the influences that led to the development of Dr. Rizal’s nationalism.
3. Give some relationship between our being a third-world country and our seemingly lack of patriotism.
4. Give some importance of practicing nationalism, Explain your answer.
5. Enumerate means or ways by which you could develop patriotism.

I realize that:
I resolve that:

Activity 18: Win-win Attitude

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer in the space provided.
1. Differentiate win-win, lose-win, and lose-lose ending of negotiations involving two or more individuals.
-In a Win-Win scenario, both parties end up, at minimum, within their target ranges. This could simply be reaching a fair middle
ground that both parties benefit from, or it could mean finding a creative new solution that improves the position of both parties.
Frequently in a win-lose scenarios, both sides have attempted to win, without much regard for the outcome of the other party. Both
parties may have come into the the negotiation with a desired goal and a "walk away" point. In a win-lose scenario, one party falls
within this target range (or even exceeds it) and the other party falls below their target range.
Notice that win-lose outcomes occur when the losing side can be pushed below their “walk away” point. This can happen when the
losing side doesn’t know what their best alternative is to reaching an outcome in the negotiation, or where they keep negotiating
against their own interest. Many other factors, like coercion and asymmetric information can also lead to win-lose outcomes. In a
Lose-Lose scenario either both parties concede bargaining positions outside their target ranges. If the negotiators fail to reach an
agreement, both parties may end up in worse positions than when they started the negotiations, this is often included as a lose-lose

2. Did Dr. Rizal prefer a win-win situation or a lose-win situation ending of negotiations involving two or more
3. What are the positive and negative effect of the abovementioned attribute in question number1? Explain your
4. Give some examples of win-win and lose-win situation in your own life. What did you feel in those situation?
Give some creative ways of converting lose-win into win-win situation.
5. How can a win-win attribute of Filipino citizens be beneficial for the Philippines progress? Explain your answers.
I realize that:
I resolve that:
Activity 19: Leadership: A must for Nation-Building
Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer on the space provided.
1. Define the term “leadership”
-Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company. Too many
talk about a company’s leadership referring to the senior most executives in the organization. They are just that, senior
executives. Leadership doesn’t automatically happen when you reach a certain pay grade. Hopefully you find it there,
but there are no guarantees.
Leadership has nothing to do with titles. Similar to the point above, just because you have a C-level title, doesn’t
automatically make you a “leader.” In all of my talks I stress the fact that you don’t need a title to lead. In fact, you can
be a leader in your place of worship, your neighborhood, in your family, all without having a title.
Leadership has nothing to do with personal attributes . Say the word “leader” and most people think of a
domineering, take-charge charismatic individual. We often think of icons from history like General Patton or President
Lincoln. But leadership isn’t an adjective. We don’t need extroverted charismatic traits to practice leadership. And those
with charisma don’t automatically lead.

2. Enumerate the qualities of a good leader

Ability to delegate
Sense of humor
Positive attitude
Ability to inspire

3. Was Dr. Rizal a good leader? Is he worth emulating? Support your answer.
4. Review the qualities of a good leader and evaluate if you have some or all of the qualities mentioned.
5. Suggest some means by which you could develop your leadership potentials. How could you help achieve true
freedom and progress in our country?

I realize that:
I resolve that:

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