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UNIT III - The Heart

9. Cardiac Muscle; The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
10. Rhythmical Excitation of the Heart
11. The Normal Electrocardiogram

Unit IV – The Circulation

Chapter 14 – Overview of the circulation; Biophysics of pressure, flow and resistance
Chapter 15 – Vascular distensibility and functions of the arterial and venous systems
Chapter 16 – The microcirculation and lymphatic system: capillary fluid exchange, interstitial
fluid and lymph flow
Chpater 17 – Local and humoral control of tissue blood flow
Chapter 18 – Nervous regulation of the circulation and rapid control of arterial pressure
Chapter 19 – Role of the kidneys in long-term control of arterial pressure and in hypertension:
the integrated system for arterial pressure regulation
Chapter 20 – Cardiac output, venous return and their regulation
Chapter 21 – Muscle blood flow and cardiac output during exercise; the coronary circulation and
ischemic heart disease

Unit V - The body fluids and kidney

Chapter 25 – The body fluid compartments: extracellular and intracellular fluids; edema
Chapter 26 – Urine formation by the kidneys: I. Glomerular filtration, renal blood flow and their
Chapter 27 – Urine formation by the kidney: II. Tubular reabsorption and secretion
Chapter 28 – Urine concentration and dilution; Regulation of extracellular fluid osmolarity and
sodium concentration
Chapter 29 – Renal regulation of potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium; Integration of
renal mechanisms for control of blood volume and extracellular fluid volume
Chapter 30 – Acid-base regulation
Chapter 31 – Diuretics and their mechanisms of action

Unit VI – Blood cells, Immunity and blood coagulation

Chapter 32 – Red blood cells, anemia and polycythemia
Chapter 33 – Resistance of the body to infection: I. Leukocyytes granulocytes and monocyte-
macrophage system and Inflammation
Chapter 34 – Resistance of the body to infection: II. Immunity and allergy innate immunity
Chapter 35 – Blood types: Tissue and organ transplantation
Chapter 36 – Hemostasis and blood coagulation

Unit VII- Respiration

Chapter 37 – Pulmonary ventilation
Chapter 38 – Pulmonary circulation, pulmonary edema, pleural fluids
Chapter 39 – Physical principles of gas exchange; Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through
the respiratory membrane
Chapter 40 – Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood and tissue fluids
Chapter 41- Regulation of respiration
II. Fiziologie Medicala, Walter Boron and Emile Boulpaep, coordonator editia in
limba romana, Prof. Leon Zagrean

Sectiunea II – Fiziologia celulelor si moleculelor

Cap 3 Transductia semnalului; Cap 5 Transportul apei si electrolitilor; Cap 6 Electrofiziologia
membranei celulare; Cap 7 Excitabilitatea electrica si potentialele de actiune; Cap 8 Transmiterea
sinaptica si jonctiunea neuromusculara; Cap 9 Fiziologia celulara a muschiului scheletic, cardiac
si neted.

Sectiunea III-a – Sistemul Nervos

Cap 12 Fiziologia neuronilor; Cap.13. Transmiterea sinaptică la nivelul sistemului nervos central;
Cap. 14. Sistemul nervos autonom

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